Huyton Pastoral Area St. Brigid Aloysius Dominic 1934 477 0250 A registered charity No. 232709 8th March 2015 3rd Sunday in Lent (B) MASS TIMES & INTENTIONS FOR THE COMING WEEK: THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT (B) SATURDAY 7th March St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm Peter Lynch (anniversary) St. Aloysius 6:00 pm The Parishioners SUNDAY 8th March St. Aloysius 9:00 am Holy Souls St. Dominic’s 10:45 am Mary Chadwick (anniversary) MONDAY 9th March St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am TUESDAY 10th March St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am WEDNESDAY 11th March St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am Father J. Ealey Jennifer Webster (Sp. Int/Sick) Thomas Wood & Family Catherine O’Neill & Teresa Cragg Ted Robinson Elizabeth Eaton (nee: Burke) (B/day. Rem) THURSDAY 12th March St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am FRIDAY 13th March St. Dominic’s 8:15 am St. Aloysius 9:15 am SATURDAY 14th March St. Aloysius 9:15 am Michael Gavin Jean Eborall (sick/succ.op) David Horn (Sp.Int) Kurian Joseph Rosemary Coulthard FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT (Laetáre Sunday) (B) SATURDAY 14th March St. Dominic’s 4:00 pm William Shaw St. Aloysius 6:00 pm Tommy Rooney (B/day. Rem) SUNDAY 15th March St. Aloysius 9:00 am Molly Flynn St. Dominic’s 10:45 am The Parishioners PARISH DIGEST CONFESSIONS WILL BE HEARD ON SATURDAY NEXT St. Dominic: 3.30 pm St. Aloysius 5:30 pm until there is nobody waiting BAPTISM The next preparation meetings at St. Aloysius will be held on WEDNESDAY 26th March 2015 at 7:30 pm COLLECTIONS ST. DOMINIC £281.03 ST. ALOYSIUS £561.92 Thank You “The Lord who sees all that is done in secret will reward you” Matt 6:4 Fr. Ealey Email Fr. Ealey: [email protected] Parish Internet Site Address is: St. Aloysius Facebook Page/Groups: St Aloysius Church Roby St. Dominic’s Church Huyton Primary Schools Internet Site Address is: Phone numbers: Fr. Ealey: Parish No. 0151 477 0250 Fax: 0151 477 0254 Primary Schools: Hope 0151 477 8300 St. Aloysius 0151 477 8110 Sister Jo: 0151 228 8064 If you would like your child to be baptised, then please collect a pre-Baptismal form from either the Presbytery or the Sacristy. The Tumble Trust Edition 29 A Free newsletter advertising retreats and much, much more. Please take your Free copy from the porch area at the back of church as you leave Mass today. CATHOLIC PIC MAGAZINE The March 2015 issue available for you to collect as you leave church today. Inside this months issue: Living Joyfully: a wonderful celebration. We find God in family life, and much, much more…. Pick up your FREE copy as you leave church today Archdiocese of Liverpool ORDER OF DEACONS Director of Formation: Fr. Chris Fallon Mobile: 07932 648 221 E-Mail: [email protected] ‘Why we need more deacons’ Archbishop Malcom McMahon will host an evening for men who may have be wondering if they are called to serve as deacons and what the formation involves. Wives and priests are also welcome. 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Tuesday 31st March 2015 (Refreshments available from 7:00 pm) St. Teresa’s Social Club, College Road, Upholland, WN8 0PY St. Teresa’s is about 2 miles from the Orrell junction where the M58 meets the M6. “Now is the acceptable time; see, now is the day of salvation!” 2 Corinthians6:2 Family Renewal Retreat at Norris Green, Liverpool (in English) Led by: Fr. Soji Oukkal and Sehion Team on 19th and 20th March 6pm to 9pm St. Teresa’s Catholic Church, Sedgemoor Road, Norris Green, Liverpool, L11 3BW Prayerful wishes by: Fr. Chris Fallon, Parish Priest PRAYER REQUESTS Your valuable prayers are asked for: Margaret Anderson, Baby Alice, James Barton, Paul Barton, Alex Basnett, Alison Bentley, Agnes Bird, Bob Bleasdale, Joan Boyce, Anne Brophy, Rebecca Brown, Ronnie Brown, Danny Bruns, Patrick Anthony Byrne, John Callon, Lallan Campbell, Sarah Campbell, Shirley Campbell, Stephen Philip Campbell, Nora Capper, Eileen Carson, Flo Carter, Ann Jane Clark, Ann Coombes, Lu Corbett, Maisie Corcoran, John Day, Peggy D'Cruze, Vera Dealing, Fr. Peter Dooley SDB, Colette Duncan-Ventre, Victoria Hill Edmondson, Alan Edwards, Michael Edwards, Mark Fairclough, Ann Finegan, James Finegan, Ursula Mary Erfani, Sheila Evans, Barbara Farley, Paul Fillis, Ann Fulton, Peter Furlong, Anne Gavin, Anne & Billy Gerrity, Marie Gibbons, Gerrard Gibbons, Winnie Gray, David Graham, Eddie Grayley, Margaret Hannah, Florence Harris, Mrs Haydn, Jimmy Healey, Tom Heeley, Michael Houghton, Barbara Jones, Leeanne Jones, Joanne Jongeneelen, Kathy Keegan, Marie Keelan, James Keelan, John Kelly, Robert Kelly, Fr. Michael Lee, Jean & Bob Levy, Alan Lewis, Daniel Lowe (age 6), Pat Mahoney, Peggy Maitland, Carol Marshall, Beryl McCall, Joan McCardle, Frances McShane, Gary McClure, Ann McCoy, Joan McGuire, Jennifer McKeown, Geraldine, James Miller, Billy Moran, Kenny Moran, Eddie Monroe, Julie Morgan, Saul Morley, Betty Morris, Joyce Morris, Joe Murphy, Mary Murphy, Tommy Murphy, Margaret Murray Kathy Nolan, Jimmy O'Donnell, Alfie O'Sullivan, Michael Owen, Barbara Owens, Jonathan Owens, Mary Patton, Claire Pendleton, Stevie Perry, Helena Pike, Denis Ratcliffe, Dave Renshaw, Jean Riley, Winifred Robinson, Pauline Ryder, Rose Saunders, Maureen Scanlon, Keith Stanyer, The Sweeney family, Betty Taylor, Mr Billy Taylor, Gary Taylor, Ruth Terry, Terry Thompson, Nell Till, Josie Trundle, Dave Tully Collette Ventre, Lynn Walker, Harry Weetly, Katie Westwell, James Whittaker, Fiona Wilson, Lee Woods, Pauline Wright and residents of Crawshaw Court, Edenhurst Court, Finch Manor, Paisley Court, St. Bartholomew's Court and Whitestone Lodge Care Homes. who are sick. HEAL THY SERVANTS, O LORD, WHO ARE SICK AND PUT THEIR TRUST IN THEE.SEND THEM HELP,O LORD, AND COMFORT, FROM THY HOLY PLACE. Last Friday, class ‘Rome’ along with their teacher and classroom assistant joined Fr. Ealey, Peter and the parishioners for 9:15 am mass. Children from the class helped by doing the readings and bidding prayers. OF YOUR CHARITY PLEASE PRAY FOR THE REPOSE OF THE SOULS OF William Henry Bramwell, Bernard Foley, Thomas Wood & Family, Catherine O’Neill, Teresa Cragg, Ted Robinson, Elizabeth Eaton, Michael Gavin, Rosemary Coulthard, Tommy Rooney and Molly Flynn who have died and Peter Lynch, Mary Chadwick, William Shaw Wednesday’s in Lent 7;30 - 8:30 pm in St. Dominic’s Church Starting on Wednesday 25th February SCRIPTURAL REFLECTIONS & PRAYER (See Sister Jo for any further details) STATIONS OF THE CROSS During Lent these popular devotions will be held on each Friday afternoon at 3 pm at St. Dominic’s and Friday evenings: St. Aloysius at 7.30 pm. Except for those Fridays that fall on the First Friday, Sacred Heart Mass will be celebrated. Father Patrick Ryan (1995), Father Joseph Dunn (2001), Mgr. Anthony Stringfellow (2013), Mgr. Vincent Hughes (2000) and Father Thomas Cheetham (2001) whose anniversaries occur around this time. Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace. Amen. FATIMA PILGRIMAGE 11th—17th May 2015 Spiritual Director Fr Chris Annandappa SSS A week with Mary £620 single supplement £125 Blessed Sacrament Shrine Contact phone number 0161 883 1515 Tour Code F615 SYMPATHY We offer our deepest sympathy to the family of: WILLIAM HENRY BRAMWELL who died on 28th February, age 75. formerly of: Liverpool Road, Huyton. There will be a Funeral Service for William, at St. Dominic’s Church on Friday 13th March 2015 at 1:00 pm. This will be followed by a short committal service at: Springwood Crematorium, Springwood Ave, Liverpool. L25 7UN. . In Paradisum deducant te angeli (May the angels lead you into paradise) Marian Pilgrimages MEDJUGORJE 2015 26th May - 2nd June Departing from Manchester £544 Price includes: 7 nights on halfboard basis near St. James’ Church, luxury coach transfers accompanied by local guide, Full religious programme operated by Marian Pilgrimages. 24 hour emergency assistance, all airport & local taxes *£130 single room supplement, £30 insurance extra contact Josie on 0151 486 5205 Also 12th - 19th September 2015. ST. DOMINIC’S Winning ticket from the Bingo Board was: 529 The lucky winner was: MARGARET JONES Congratulations Margaret CAFOD Lent Fast Day: Friday 27 February The 2nd collection taken up last week amounted to:St. Aloysius £437.78 thank you for your generosity LOURDES I am looking to organise a trip to Lourdes leaving Manchester on Monday 18th May 2105 and arriving back on Friday 22nd May 2015. Provided ten people are interested then the price will be £510, We would be staying in a 4* hotel very close to the Grotto. There are only 20 places available on a first come first served basis. Please contact Eileen on the number below before Friday 13th March to secure your place. Please ring Eileen on 07999 577 778 or contact Eileen Kearney at St. Dominic’s if you would like to join this pilgrimage group. Thank you My Day by Day A Daily Scripture and Prayer Handbook. Published by Arch Publishing Limited. The LENT 2015 Issue of My Day By Day is now available. They are priced at £1 each. If you would like to have a copy please see Peter in the sacristy at St. Aloysius. Feasts and Memorials Other Saints this week: Monday 9th March 2015 St. Frances of Rome, Religious Born in 1384 she is an Italian saint who was a wife, mother, mystic, organizer of charitable services and a Benedictine oblate who founded a religious community of oblates, who shared a common life without religious vows. She died on March 9, 1440 in Rome. Sunday 15th March 2015 FOURTH SUNDAY OF LENT Laetáre Sunday (year B) Order of Divine Office and Mass Compiled, edited and © 2014 by Rev. John Ealey. GIFT AID 2015/2016 This current Tax year is nearly at an end, if you wish to join this worth while scheme or you wish to make any changes to your existing Gift Aid please contact Peter Thomas (St. Aloysius), Eileen or Vera (St. Dominic’s)the Gift Aid Coordinators at your earliest convenience. Peter, Eileen and Vera have the new envelopes and hope to issue the new boxed sets very soon Thank you for your continued support and generosity. General Election 2015 The Bishops have written a joint Letter to all Catholics in England and Wales encouraging us to participate and vote in the election and offering some key issues and questions for reflection on where candidates stand. Copies are available in the porch and can be obtained with other information, at that time, from the Bishops' Conference website . Please read the Letter and encourage others to do the same. LENTEN ALMS Is Not a Second Collection! It is an Obligatory collection which runs throughout the whole of Lent until Easter. Please either put your envelope in the box at the back of the church or in the collection bag. Your loose donations may be put in the box marked Lenten Alms. THANK YOU Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus Seat of Divine and Eternal Wisdom St. Richard & St. Alexander R.C. Church, Miranda Road, Bootle, Liverpool, L20 2DF. Jesus spoke to Teresa Higginson Servant of God “My Soul is not Loved”. The Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is held in the last Friday of each month at St. Richard & St. Alexander church. The Devotions begin at 7 pm with the Holy Rosary followed by Holy Mass and concludes with prayers with a relic of the Servant of God Teresa Higginson. DIVINE MERCY Taken from Saint Faustina’s Diary Today I was in heaven, in spirit, and I saw its inconceivable beauties and the happiness that awaits us after death. I saw how all creatures give ceaseless praise and glory to God. I saw how great happiness in God, which spreads to all creatures, making them happy; and then all the glory and praise which springs from this happiness returns to its source; and they enter into the depths of God, contemplating the inner life of God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, whom they will never comprehend or fathom. This source of happiness is unchanging in its essence, but it is always new, gushing forth happiness for all creatures. Now I understand Saint Paul, who said, "Eye has not seen, nor has ear heard, nor has it entered into the heart of man what God has prepared for those who love Him." NOVENA TO OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL SUCCOUR This Novena will be celebrated this WEDNESDAY morning immediately after the 9:15 am morning mass at St. Aloysius. Many who follow this novena receive many graces and blessings. All are Welcome. EASTER 2015 Easter will soon be upon us! Readers We need extra readers for Palm Sunday, and through the Triduum If you want to volunteer for extra reading please see Peter Thomas (St. Aloysius), Dianne (St. Dominic’s) as soon as possible . WASHING OF FEET DIVINE MERCY DEVOTIONS These will be recited for about 15 mins before the 6:00pm Mass at St. Aloysius each Saturday (at around 5:45pm). Please! we need 12 MEN TO VOLUNTEER for this great act which happens during the Mass of the Lord’s Supper. If you want to volunteer for the Washing of Feet please see Peter Thomas (St. Aloysius), Fr. Ealey (St. Dominic’s) as soon as possible . This Novena is celebrated this and every Tuesday at 7:30 pm at St. Aloysius Church, in the Main Church, entrance via the side door of Church. Many who follow this Novena receive many blessings through the powerful intercession of St. Anthony. Prayer Week 4 All Are Very Welcome NATIONAL WEEK OF PRAYER & AWARENESS OF DEMENTIA Cardinal Heenan House, Roby Mill, Up Holland, Skelmersdale, WN8 0QR Thursday 12th March 2015 10 am - 12:30 pm & 2pm - 4:30 pm (prayer/activities) Cardinal House, 6pm Mass at Cardinal House; Celebrant: Bishop V. Malone. Prayer and awareness of Dementia Prayer, scripture and non-scripture readings led by Catholic and non-Catholic clergy and parishioners from local Churches. Activities shared with Cardinal House residents. For more information please see the poster in the porch or contact: Fr. Stephen Beale 01695 622885 BUILDING FUND ST ALOYSIUS Last week we received: £164.52 from the box in Church and £53.00 from the Clothes for Cash scheme, giving us a total last week of £217.52 Giving us a grand total of £23,733.91 ST DOMINIC Last week we received from the box in Church : £98.95 Giving us a grand total of £4,502.87 Thank you to you all for your continued support. WHITE RABBIT RISE Theatre UK Tour 2015 St Mary’s Lowe House are delighted to welcome the professional Christian theatre company RISE Theatre, who will be performing their brand new original play ‘White Rabbit’ at: Lowe House Church on Thursday 19th March at 7:30pm ‘White Rabbit’ is a powerful story about two people and their journey to faith – an imaginative and moving tale of love, loss and self-discovery. The play is about the central themes of Lent and Easter and might be an appropriate way for parishioners to ‘do something extra’ and reflect on this most special of seasons. The play also provokes questions that might fruitfully be used as discussion points for a follow up meeting or to anchor a discussion in an already existing parish group. For booking information and tickets please contact Fr Simon Gore on 01744 740460/467 or [email protected] Tickets are £3 for ages 18 and under, and £5 for ages 18+
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