ANTH/SOCI 270 Minority Cultures and Relations August Session 14-51

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Minority Cultures and Relations
August Session 14-51
August 18, 2014 – October 11, 2014
Course Description
Survey of historical and contemporary minority-majority relations among various racial, ethnic and
gender groups. Focus on the social construction of race and ethnicity. Cross listed as ANTH 270 and
SOCI 270. Course meets multicultural graduation requirement.
Prerequisite: None
Proctored Exams: Midterm and Final
Instructor Information
Travis Satterlund, Ph.D., Sociology, North Carolina State University
J. D., New College of California School of Law
[email protected]
Farley, John. E. 2012. Majority-Minority Relations, 6th edition. Prentice Hall, Inc. ISBN: 978-0-20500657-1
Fox, Helen. 2009. When Race Breaks Out: Conversations about Race and Racism in College
Classrooms. Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-4331-0592-0 (Revised Edition)
Rothenberg, Paula S. 2012. White Privilege: Essential Readings on the Other Side of Racism. 4th ed.
Worth Publishers. ISBN: 978-1-4292-3344-6
Textbooks for the course may be ordered from MBS Direct. You can order
 online at (be sure to select Online Education
rather than your home campus before selecting your class)
 by phone at 800-325-3252
For additional information about the bookstore, visit
Please note that the use of an eBook carries certain risks: information may be missing due to
copyright restrictions, the book cannot be resold to MBS Direct, and an eBook purchase cannot be
Course Overview
This course is designed to develop an understanding of racial and ethnic diversity as well as an
understanding of the history of and current arenas of racial and ethnic inequality. We will work to
understand our roles in the system as oppressors as well as oppressed. In this course we are going to
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do a number of things. We will analyze the history of race and ethnic relations in the United States,
which is a history of dominant group (white) oppression of various subordinate groups (African
Americans, Latinos, Native Americans and Asian Americans). We will interrogate these unequal
power relations through an in-depth analysis of prejudice and discrimination and the various
sociological and social-psychological perspectives on majority-minority relations. We will then delve
into institutional discrimination along racial and ethnic lines in the economic sphere, in educational
institutions, as well as in the American political and legal system. We will generate an understanding
of minority group movements for social change and evaluate the current state of American race and
ethnic relations through an analysis of policies such as affirmative action and practices such as hate
group activity and hate crimes.
Technology Requirements
Participation in this course will require the basic technology for all online classes at Columbia
A computer with reliable Internet access,
a web browser,
Acrobat Reader,
Microsoft Office or another word processor such as Open Office.
You can find more details about standard technical requirements for our courses on our site.
Course Objectives
To understand majority/minority relations from a sociological perspective and to
understand race and ethnicity as socially constructed concepts.
To interrogate our own role in race relations, as oppressor or oppressed, and to generate an
understanding of white privilege.
To understand the role of power and the way dominant group status is created in
To apply this sociological understanding of majority/minority relations to arenas beyond
race and ethnicity: gender, sexuality, disability.
To generate an understanding of majority/minority group relations across the globe,
historically and currently.
Measurable Learning Outcomes
Differentiate between race and ethnicity; sexuality and gender; minority and majority
groups. Be able to generate a sociological understanding of these concepts - which includes
the idea that these are socially constructed notions.
Describe the origin of minority group status, the significance of the origins of interracial and
interethnic contact.
Evaluate the major forms of minority/majority relations including discrimination,
segregation, assimilation, pluralism, and separatism.
Interrogate the concept of whiteness and white privilege.
Describe the current majority/minority relations in the US, along racial/ethnic lines, as well
as gender and sexuality, with a primary emphasis on the role of power in constructing and
maintaining such dominant/subordinate relations.
Demonstrate self-reflexivity and be able to critically interrogate one’s own feelings
concerning these issues. Get in touch with the racism (or sexism, or homophobia) inside
Describe institutional discrimination in all major society institutions: political and legal,
economic, and educational.
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Explain changing demographics in the United Sates and the effect that will have on all
aspects of society (the demographic breakdown of our classrooms, neighborhoods,
Grading Scale
Grade Weights
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Schedule of Due Dates
Discussion 1
Dropbox Assignment-Paper 1
Discussion 2
Discussion 3
Discussion 4
Discussion 5
Proctor Information
Discussion 6
Discussion 7
Discussion 8
Discussion 9
Discussion 10
Discussion 11
Discussion 12
Dropbox Assignment-Paper 2
Discussion 13
Discussion 14
Discussion 15
Discussion 16
Discussion 17
Discussion 18
Dropbox Assignment-Paper 3
Final Exam
Midterm Exam
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Assignment Overview
Discussion postings should be complete by their respective deadlines (most are Wednesday and
Sunday at midnight, however some weeks ask for three postings) of each assigned week. Discussion
postings will be graded according to the rubric below.
You are expected to read and respond to colleagues’ and instructor’s posts. Your initial post for
each discussion question must be a minimum of 200 words in length. To participate in
discussions means more than simply posting your answer to the discussion question and moving on.
It means reading what others think about the question, and responding to them. “Good post” is not
considered participation. Students are required to post a minimum of two responses on each
discussion in order to be eligible for full credit. Thus, for each discussion question, it is
expected that you will post at least three times. The more you post, the more you will be
rewarded. Responses to classmates are due each Saturday by midnight.
As you might expect, we will have many discussions on varying perspectives of race as well as other
issues in the next eight weeks. Please remember that this is an academic setting, and that all
responses must be premised on sociological facts and theories. Please remember that our
discussions are to learn how to deconstruct many of these issues on race in this academic setting;
therefore, all perspectives are welcome. This is how we will educate ourselves and pass along this
information to others.
Dropbox Assignments: Three writing assignments will be assessed based on the analytical and
critical thinking skills, completeness, correct spelling, correct formatting and citations, and neatness.
These writing assignments will be graded according to the rubric below.
Exams: There will be a midterm and a final exam. Each exam will consist of multiple-choice,
true/false, and short answer questions. Both exams will be proctored and may be found under
Course Schedule
Week 1: Introduction of terms and concepts: telling our stories about race
Fox: Introduction, Chapters 1-2
Rothenberg: Introduction; Chapters 1 -2
Farley: Chapter 1.
Read the Plagiarism Tutorial found in our Content section. This will give you information on how
to write for our college class and avoid getting a "0" on a paper that you have diligently written.
After reading the Plagiarism Tutorial, please take the Plagiarism Quiz found in our Quizzes
section. You may take this Quiz as often as you would like. Please note that you will not have
access to the Dropbox to submit your first paper, “Your Story of Race,” until you have
viewed the Tutorial and taken the Plagiarism Quiz. You must take the Quiz through our
course to allow you to submit your first writing assignment.
Discussion Assignments
Introduce yourself in the "Introductions" topic. Please give us more than your name. Include
your profession; hobbies, your interest in sociology, and any other pertinent information that
will help us get to know one another. Comment on what you would like to discover in the next 8
weeks. Please post your response in the appropriate thread by midnight Wednesday.
Understanding Prejudice: Take the Understanding Prejudice survey. (The link may be found in
the Content section.) This is a baseline survey that will explore your perspectives on prejudice,
stereotyping, and discrimination and is not graded. Reflect on some concept presented in one of
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our introductory readings or the baseline survey that surprised you (meaning, this was
something you had never thought about). Please post your response by midnight Saturday.
What does it mean to say that race is an idea, not a fact? What does it mean to say that race has
been socially and politically constructed? Provide an example of the social construction of race.
Do some social and natural scientists question whether the term race is a meaningful concept?
This is a key idea of the class, so be sure to understand this! Please make sure to post your
response by midnight Saturday.
Dropbox Assignment 1
In this first week, we are seeking to "tell our story of race."
1. Reflect on where you come from in racial/ethnic terms. This is NOT a genealogy paper.
2. Think about and write about what life experiences have informed your racial attitudes
and beliefs.
3. Continue by reflecting on your level of interaction with members of other racial/ethnic
groups (or lack thereof).
4. What about your life enabled you to interact with members of different racial/ethnic
5. Finally, what aspects of your life held back such interactions with members of different
racial/ethnic groups?
This paper is expected to be 2-3 pages in length (preferably, 3 pages), double-spaced. It is
important that you think about “your story” in a sociological manner.
You will not have access to the Dropbox to submit your first paper, “Your Story of
Race,” until you have viewed the Tutorial and taken the Plagiarism Quiz. This paper is
due by midnight Saturday, so please plan accordingly.
Week 2: Complexity and contradictions surrounding race
Fox: Chapters 3-7
Rothenberg: Chapters 3-6 of Part Two (“Whiteness: the power of the past”)
Discussion Assignments
How does Karen Brodkin (Chapter 4 of the Rothenberg text) support her claim that educational
and occupational GI benefits provided after World War II really constituted an affirmative action
program for white males? Would George Lipsitz (Chapter 6 of the Rothenberg text) agree or
disagree with this claim? Then construct an argument that you can in support of the claim that
white privilege has become institutionalized and protected by US government policy over the
Think about where you fit in terms of Helms’ stages of racial identity development (Chapters 6
and 7 of the Fox text). Why do you find yourself in that particular stage (what life experience has
contributed or not contributed to your racial identity development)? Please post by midnight
on Saturday.
Proctor Information
You must submit the “Student Proctor Information Submission Form” to the Proctor
Information Dropbox within the course by the end of Week 2. This form and additional
information about Proctoring is located in the Content area of the course. Please note: you will
not be able to post Discussion 6 until your Proctor Form has been submitted. Due Sunday
by midnight.
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Week 3: Social Psychology and Social Structure as Ways of Understanding
Majority/Minority Relations
Readings: Farley: Chapters 2- 4
Discussion Assignments
Go to the Project Implicit Website and take one of the online tests (under the Demonstration or
Research page—you are not graded for this test). (The link may be found in the Content section.)
Which online test did you take? What did you learn about yourself? Do you think that this test is
a valid indicator of subtle prejudices? Why or why not? Then identify and explain one of the five
approaches to reducing prejudice in the Farley text that could be effective in reducing these
subtle prejudices. Please post by Wednesday at midnight.
Reflect on the sociological perspectives on majority-minority relations (the functionalist or order
perspective and the conflict perspective). Which perspective resonates more true to you? Why?
What life experiences do you have that support either of these theoretical perspectives on
majority-minority relations? Please describe the theoretical perspective you are reflecting on
because this will help you and your classmates to learn them (in other words, do not simply
respond to the order or conflict perspective without defining it first). Please post by Thursday
at midnight.
Many factors contribute to a life of poverty. Visit the interview with William Justice Wilson
provided in the course Content. Using Wilson and Farley, identify three reasons why family
structure or family type may be an important cause of high rates of poverty among minorities.
Then, identify three reasons why family structure or family type may not be an important cause
of high rates of poverty among minorities. Finally, what are your thoughts on how these factors
may (or may not) lead to poverty that cycle into the next generation? Post this answer by
Saturday at midnight.
Week 4: The Historical Roots of Today’s Intergroup Inequality and
Majority/Minority Relations
Readings: Farley: Chapters 5-8
Discussion Assignments
Visit the U.S. History website and read The Peculiar Institution. (The link may be found in the
Content section.) Choose three narratives from the Slave Clips to read and read the commentary
on the Native American Trail of Tears. (The link may be found in the Content section.) Compare
the Indian reservations and slave plantations and post your comment. How does this help you
understand the exploitation of minorities? Please post by Wednesday at midnight.
10. Identify and describe one of the conditions for the formation of minority social movements in the
United States after World War II, discussed in the Farley text. Why does this condition
contribute to minority group protest movements? Please post your response by Saturday at
Midterm Exam
You must take your midterm exam (with an approved proctor) between Tuesday and Saturday
of this week. This exam will employ multiple-choice, true/false, and short answer/essay
questions. Each Columbia College site has its own hours and methods for handling proctoring.
Please be informed of their hours so that you can get your exam completed between Tuesday
and Saturday of this week.
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Week 5: Understanding current inequalities and the ‘other side of racism:
white privilege’
Farley: Chapters 9 – 10
Rothenberg: Chapters 1-6 of Part three (“Whiteness: the power of privilege”)
Discussion Assignments
11. How do comparisons of race and ethnic relations among different countries around the world
support the view that colonization is a major cause of inequality and conflict along the lines of
race or ethnicity? Provide specific examples to support your argument from the Farley text.
Please post by Wednesday at midnight.
12. View the video “Tim Wise and the Pathology of White Privilege.” (The link may be found in the
Content section.) According to Wise, what are the race-related issues? How does white privilege
affect both those who have it and those who do not? Please post your response by Saturday at
Dropbox Assignment 2: “Whiteness: The Power of Privilege”
After reading Part 3, Chapters 1-6 of the Rothenberg text, write a paper that discusses the phrase
‘white privilege’ as it relates to societies and to you. This paper must use support from all six
essays (Wildman and Davis, Johnson, McIntosh, Jensen, Wise, and Podur) to identify and evaluate
the objectives noted below.
Define privilege. According to the authors, what practice(s) create white privilege? What
does it mean to claim that whiteness is privileged and normalized in contemporary U.S.
Explore the meaning of the invisibility of privilege. Is this invisibility sustained in modern
societies? If so, how is it sustained and by whom?
In addressing white privilege and working against it, who should shoulder the burden?
Do you believe the economic system of capitalism encourages American citizens to take
advantage of these privileges? Why, or why not? How might these privileges have played a
role in how you were raised? Provide examples in your life that suggests or dispels this
privilege of whiteness.
This paper is worth 50 points and must be 3-4 pages in length, double-spaced. You do not need
to provide an abstract for this paper; however, you must include citations from each of the
essays and provide a Reference List correctly formatted in APA style. Please refer to the Stafford
Library Resources if you are unfamiliar with this format. Due date: Saturday at midnight.
Week 6: Institutional discrimination: The economic and health care systems
and housing segregation in America
Farley: Chapters 11 - 12
Betancourt, J, and Dogra, N. (2006). Racial and Ethnic Disparities in Health Care. Alliance for
Health Reform. Web. (In course Content).
Discussion Assignments
13. Compare the Farley text to the article from the Alliance for Health Reform. (The link may be
found in the Content section.) Were you aware of racial and/or ethnic discrimination in this
sphere prior to this week’s readings? If so, how were you made aware? If not, why do you think
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you were unaware? To what extent do you think racial and ethnic discrimination within the
economic and health care systems is intentional? If you see it as intentional, why would it be so?
If you view it as unintentional, why do you think it is ongoing? Please post your answer by
Wednesday at midnight.
14. Comment on the theories attempting to explain economic inequality that you read in the Farley
text. Pick one of the three theoretical explanations for racial inequality in the economic sphere.
Explain it thoroughly. What are the strengths and weaknesses of this explanation (not your
opinion; this is found in the text). Please post your response by Saturday at midnight.
Week 7: Institutional discrimination: The American Political and Legal
System; Education and American Minority Groups
Readings: Farley: Chapters 13 -14
Discussion Assignments
15. Which of the approaches in the Farley text do you think is the best for resolving problems of
majority-minority inequality in education? Why do you think it is the best approach? Provide
details to demonstrate that you have read the Farley chapters thoroughly and understand them.
Please post by Wednesday at midnight.
16. Explore and describe the ways that the legal system might do a better job of protecting the
rights of minorities and preventing them from becoming victims of unscrupulous business
practices. Please post by Saturday at midnight.
Course Evaluation
You can find the course evaluation link under the Academics heading on your CougarTrack page.
Please note that these evaluations are provided so that instructors can improve the course, find
out what students perceive to be its strengths and weaknesses, and in general assess the success
of the course. Please do take the time to fill this out. Thank you.
Week 8: Current trends in majority-minority relations
Readings: Farley: Chapter 15-16
Discussion Assignments
17. View LZ Granderson’s presentation, The Myth of the Gay Agenda. (The link may be found in the
Content section.) Next, visit the Human Rights Campaign website (This link is also found in the
course Content.) and choose one of the resources from the website to explore in more depth. Is
the information in the Granderson’s webcast and the Human Rights Campaign new to you? If so,
what is new to you? How do you weave the information in the LZ Granderson’s webcast and the
reading into an understanding of LGBT issues? Does this information dispel some of the
inconsistencies and stereotypes that seem to exist for LGBTs? Identify these issues and
summarize those that you consider to be the most important. Please post your answer by
Wednesday at midnight.
18. Define affirmative action and describe the two views: reverse discrimination/racism and
undoing discrimination/racism. How effective have affirmative action policies been for African
Americans? For women? (Use evidence from your text to answer this question). Based upon the
information presented in the text, should affirmative action policies be abolished or continued?
Why? Are there other alternatives to equal opportunity? Support your answer. I don't want
biases, personal anecdotes, or simplistic thinking here. In order to earn full credit in this post,
you will need to show thorough knowledge of the arguments made in the Farley text. Please post
your answer by Saturday at midnight.
Dropbox Assignment 3 - Evaluating Educational Inequality along Racial Lines
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Discuss the two differing theories on the role of education (discussed in the Farley text).
Analyze the role funding plays in educational inequality along racial lines and the ways
cultural and behavioral factors influence the education of minorities (this includes a
discussion of the cultural deprivation theory and the cultural bias theory).
Reflect on what you have learned in this chapter. How should these inequities be addressed?
Assume you are going to be a teacher (many of you are). How do you inspire children who
do not have the necessary resources in their homes, who go to under-funded schools, or who
attend schools that do not celebrate their heritage? We should not simply "write off" such
children. We have an obligation to reach them. How would you do it?
Using the resources in the back of the Fox book, describe one anti-racist tool that you would
implement in this future (or fictional) classroom.
This final paper of the semester is worth 100 points and constitutes the course research
requirement; thus, it carries more weight than the previous two dropbox assignments. This
paper is to be 5-7 pages in length, with proper citations, and needs to be well written. You do not
have to include an abstract or running heads. Be sure you properly cite sources within the body
of your text and correctly format the reference page. These things are essential to college level
writing. Please remember that your submitted papers are run through a plagiarism detection
software program. This paper is due Saturday at midnight.
Course Evaluations
Course evaluations are available and will remain open until 5 pm Wednesday. You will be able to
access the link from your CougarTrack page.
Final Exam
You must take a proctored final exam. The proctor must have been approved by the instructor by
week 2 of the course; unless you inform me otherwise, I will assume you will be using the same
proctor as you did for your midterm. The final exam will be multiple-choice, true/false and short
answer/essay questions. Exams need to be taken between Tuesday and Saturday of this week.
Course Policies
Student Conduct
All Columbia College students, whether enrolled in a land-based or online course, are responsible for
behaving in a manner consistent with Columbia College's Student Conduct Code and Acceptable Use
Policy. Students violating these policies will be referred to the office of Student Affairs and/or the
office of Academic Affairs for possible disciplinary action. The Student Code of Conduct and the
Computer Use Policy for students can be found in the Columbia College Student Handbook. The
Handbook is available online; you can also obtain a copy by calling the Student Affairs office (Campus
Life) at 573-875-7400. The teacher maintains the right to manage a positive learning environment,
and all students must adhere to the conventions of online etiquette.
Your grade will be based in large part on the originality of your ideas and your written presentation
of these ideas. Presenting the words, ideas, or expression of another in any form as your own is
plagiarism. Students who fail to properly give credit for information contained in their written work
(papers, journals, exams, etc.) are violating the intellectual property rights of the original author. For
proper citation of the original authors, you should reference the appropriate publication manual for
your degree program or course (APA, MLA, etc.). Violations are taken seriously in higher education
and may result in a failing grade on the assignment, a grade of "F" for the course, or dismissal from
the College.
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Collaboration conducted between students without prior permission from the instructor is
considered plagiarism and will be treated as such. Spouses and roommates taking the same course
should be particularly careful.
All required papers may be submitted for textual similarity review to for the
detection of plagiarism. All submitted papers may be included in the reference
database for the purpose of detecting plagiarism. This service is subject to the Terms and Conditions
of Use posted on the site.
Please also note that work done in a previous course, in whole or in part, will not be accepted
for a grade. There is an excellent plagiarism tutorial that can be found in your course content area in
D2L. Please take advantage of this tutorial and available quiz.
There will be no discrimination on the basis of sex, race, color, national origin, sexual orientation,
religion, ideology, political affiliation, veteran status, age, physical handicap, or marital status.
Disability Services
Students with documented disabilities who may need academic services for this course are required
to register with the Coordinator for Disability Services at (573) 875-7626. Until the student has been
cleared through the disability services office, accommodations do not have to be granted. If you are a
student who has a documented disability, it is important for you to read the entire syllabus before
enrolling in the course. The structure or the content of the course may make an accommodation not
Online Participation
You are expected to read the assigned texts and participate in the discussions and other course
activities each week. Assignments should be posted by the due dates stated on the grading schedule
in your syllabus. If an emergency arises that prevents you from participating in class, please let your
instructor know as soon as possible.
Attendance Policy
Attendance will be counted as having posted an assignment during that week of the session. A class
week is defined as the period of time between Monday and Sunday (except for Week 8, when the
week and the course will end on Saturday at midnight). The course and system deadlines are all
based on the Central Time Zone.
Cougar E-mail
All students are provided a CougarMail account when they enroll in classes at Columbia College. You
are responsible for monitoring e-mail from that account for important messages from the College and
from your instructor. You may forward your Cougar e-mail account to another account; however, the
College cannot be held responsible for breaches in security or service interruptions with other e-mail
Students should use e-mail for private messages to the instructor and other students. The class
discussions are for public messages so the class members can each see what others have to say about
any given topic and respond.
Late Assignment Policy
An online class requires regular participation and a commitment to your instructor and your
classmates to regularly engage in the reading, discussion and writing assignments. Although most of
the online communication for this course is asynchronous, you must be able to commit to the
schedule of work for the class for the next eight weeks. You must keep up with the schedule of
reading and writing to successfully complete the class.
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Because assignments are organized on a weekly basis, and an eight-week online course is very
fast paced, no late assignments are accepted. If there are extenuating circumstances beyond the
control of the student, notification must be given to the instructor prior to the due date and
arrangements may be made (Columbia College Catalog).
Course Evaluation
You will have an opportunity to evaluate the course near the end of the session. Course evaluations
will open on Monday of Week 7 and remain open until 5 pm Wednesday of Week 8. You will be able
to access the link from your CougarTrack page. Be assured that the evaluations are anonymous and
that your instructor will not be able to see them until after final grades are submitted.
You must arrange an acceptable proctor. Columbia College campuses are the best option for
proctoring and are automatically approved; if you are affiliated with a Columbia College campus, it is
preferred you use that site. For information about proctoring and to schedule your exam with a
Columbia College campus, visit the Proctor Information page.
If you are unable to travel to a Columbia College campus, you must locate an acceptable private
proctor. “Acceptable proctors include Columbia College campus staff, ministers, public librarians,
high school or college instructor, high school or college counseling services, commanding officers,
education service officers and corporate executive officers. Personal friends, family members or
direct supervisors are not acceptable” (AHE Undergraduate Catalog, page 56). Approval of any
private proctor is solely at the discretion of the instructor.
You must submit the “Student Proctor Information Submission Form” to the Proctor Information
Dropbox within your course by the end of Week 2. This form and additional information about
Proctoring is located in the Content area of the course.
Additional Resources
Orientation for New Students
This course is offered online, using course management software provided by Desire2Learn and
Columbia College. The Student Manual provides details about taking an online course at Columbia
College. You may also want to visit the course demonstration to view a sample course before this one
Technical Support
If you have problems accessing the course or posting your assignments, contact your instructor, the
Columbia College Helpdesk, or the D2L Helpdesk for assistance. Contact information is also available
within the online course environment.
[email protected]
[email protected]
800-231-2391 ex. 4357