October, 2014 FRANKLIN SENIOR CENTER 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038 Phone: 508-520-4945 Fax: 508 520-4917 Open Monday thru Friday 8:30 am - 4:00 pm FREE WIFI COMMON GROUNDS CAFÉ My Life My Health Wellness Program: A Life - Changing Experience Do you have high blood pressure, diabetes, arthri*s, vision or hearing problems, COPD or another chronic illness? Do you want to manage your illness instead of le7ng it define you? My Life, My Health is an evidence-based program that was developed by Stanford University, and research has shown that par*cipants have a long-term improvement in their outlook and a reduc*on of symptoms. This free workshop will be offered by our Wellness Nurse, Linda Has3ngs, and will run for 6, 2 and 1/2 hour sessions star*ng Wednesday, Oct. 15, at 10:30 a.m. The program is guaranteed to be interac*ve, fun and mo*va*ng, and covers everything from se7ng goals to diet advice to *ps on communica*ng with your doctors. For a life-changing experience that will leave you with more energy, confidence and an overall sense of empowerment, sign up today! Breakfast 8:30-10:00 am Lunch 11:30-1:00 pm C L O S E D for lunch on OCT. 10 & all day on OCT. 31 BEN’S BOUNTY GIFT SHOP Mon thru Fri; 10 am - 2 pm Hand knitted baby clothes and lots of great bargains! EVENING HOURS TIL 7:30 PM! We are open un*l 7:30 p.m. on two Thursdays this month! Access to the Pool Table, Library, Computer Lab and Game rooms is available during our evening hours as well as the following ac*vi*es: Thursday, Oct. 9: Yoga ($3) and Open Art Studio (free) at 6:00 p.m. Thursday, Oct.23: Yoga ($3) and Open Art Studio (free) at 6:00 p.m. “Choosing Medicare & Medigap Plans” will be presented at 6:00 p.m. on Oct. 23 by Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA. This is an overview of how Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans work with Medicare. All are welcome regardless of insurance coverage. Join us! VETERANS BREAKFAST SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 7 Join us at the Franklin Senior Center on Friday, November 7, at 9:00 a.m. to honor Franklin’s veterans and their families. Veteran’s Agent, Bob Fahey has put together a program to recognize our veterans’ commitment to protect our freedom and security. The featured speaker is a World War II veteran who served on Iwo Jima during the war. A complimentary breakfast will be served so please sign up promptly as sea*ng is limited. Many thanks to the Friends of Franklin Elders for generously funding this event. Daily Activities… MONDAY 9am-2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 9am&1pm Pain*ng with Aivars Zandbergs 9:30am Italian Conversa*on Group 10am Mexican Train Dominoes 10am Asian Mah Jong 11am Book Discussion Group reviews The Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohjalian; 10/6 WEDNESDAY 8:45-10am Blood Sugar Tests (2nd/4th Wed.) 9am 9am 9am 10am 10am Trailblazer Walking Club SHINE Counselor (by appt.) Reiki & Reflexology; 10/15 Quil*ng/Kni7ng Instruc*on Scrabble 10am Chair&Mat Yoga; Susan Winters/$3 10:30am Line Dancing w/Mary Lennon/$2 12pm Zumba Aerobics/$3, free for Y mbrs 11:15am Medita*on with Susan Winters/$2 1pm Chair Volleyball 12 - 2pm Barber $8 / Hairdresser $10 1pm American Mah Jong 1 - 3 pm Senior Scribblers (Wri*ng Group) 1:15pm Monday Movies: see page 5. 1pm Line Dancing with Clare Shea/$2 6pm Cribbage 2pm Chess Club; 3rd Wed; 10/15 TUESDAY 4pm Caregivers Support Group; see pg. 5 9am Cribbage THURSDAY 9:30am Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 9am-1pm Free Blood Pressure Tes*ng 9:30am Busy Bee CraMs Cribbage & Bridge 10am Manicures with Rona /$8, by appt. 9am 9:30 Busy Bee CraMs 10am Quil*ng for Beginners Chair Exercise w/Shirley Areano/$2 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 9:30 10am Current Events Discussion Group 12:30pm 10/21 - Legal Clinic w/Fran Small (2nd & 4th Thursday of month) by appointment. 10:45am Cardio, Tone & Sculpt/$3;free for Y 1pm Bingo! Tai Chi /$5, free for ‘Y’ members 1pm Eye Health Support Group; Oct. 14 12pm 1pm Bingo! * The Page Turners discuss “T 1pm Beginners Cribbage Lessons *1pm Walking ClubOpen meets at Town Common; weather permitting. Art Studio with Diana V. FRIDAY 10am Whist & Woodcarving 11am Zumba Aerobics/$3; free The Senior Center’s Cafe will be closed for lunch on for Y members October 10 & closed all day on 1pm TOPS Weight Loss Support Group October 31.. 1-3:45pm Podiatry Clinic (by appointment) 1pm Pokeno 2pm The Silvertones, Senior Chorus Upcoming Events... Thurs., Oct. 9 & 23: EVENING HOURS un*l 7:30 p.m., offering Yoga ($3) and Open Art Studio. Fri, Oct. 10: FREE STROKE AWARENESS LUNCHEON: Dr. Mary Burke of the Milford Regional Medical Center will review preven*on, iden*fica*on and treatments for stroke at 11:00 a.m. A free box lunch is provided so call to reserve your spot by Tuesday, October 7. Tues., Oct. 14: THE EYE HEALTH SUPPORT GROUP meets at 1:00 p.m. All are welcome. Wed., Oct. 15: MY LIFE, MY HEALTH, evidence-based health programs at 10:30 a.m.; see page 1 for details. Tues., Oct. 21: FLU VACCINE CLINIC from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. All Franklin residents are invited to get their Flu vaccine at the Senior Center. Please call to sign up. Wed., Oct. 22: MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT MEETING at 1:30 p.m. Ed Roth of the SHINE program will review changes to Medicare Health Plans, Medicare Part D, and programs that may be available to assist you with some or all of your Medicare costs. Please call to sign up. Thurs., Oct. 23: TRIAD PRESENTS JOHN J. O’CONNOR, RETIRED U.S. SECRET SERVICE AGENT who provided protec*ve services and inves*gated crimes, including counterfei*ng, securi*es fraud, bank fraud and commercial real estate fraud, will offer expert advice on various aspects of iden*ty theM scams at 11:00 a.m. Please call to sign up. Thurs., Oct. 23: “CHOOSING MEDICARE & MEDIGAP PLANS” will be presented at 6:00 p.m. A good program for those thinking of re*rement! See page 1. Thurs., Oct. 30: SHIFTING GEARS is presented by the Michelle Ellicks of the Registry of Motor Vehicles at 10:00 a.m. Refresh your driving skills with safe driving *ps, defensive driving ideas and a review of the rules of the road. Call to sign up. Friday, Oct. 31: BUSY BEES HOLIDAY BAZAAR, 9:00 a.m. to noon; offering hand craMed and gently used items for bargain prices. Check it out! Fri., Oct 31: HALLOWEEN PARTY with award-winning Accordionist, Jeff Moore at 10:30 a.m. Lunch is Meatloaf & Mashed Potatoes and there will be a Costume contest of course! Tickets are $6; must be purchased by 10/24. And there’s more... • CHESS CLUB meets on the 3rd Wednesday at 2:00 p.m. • FREE LESSONS FOR TABLETS & SMARTPHONES are offered; call for info. CHARLES F. OTERI & SON Franklin Funeral Home 33 Cottage St., Franklin, MA 02038 (508) 528-0011 Charles F. Oteri/Sean A. Oteri, Licensed Directors www.oterifuneralhome.com ATTENTION CAREGIVERS! The Franklin Senior Center now offers a trained Companion to stay with your loved one so you can have some *me off. Our Companion Caregiver Program can help and the first visit is free! Please call Elaine at (508) 520-4945. Visiting Practitioners, LLC. Lyn O’Brien, PhD RN/NP Comprehensive Medical Care at Home (508) 530530-3140 Website: visitingpractitioners.com KEEFE INSURANCE AGENCY, INC. “Personal and Professional Service since 1913” Auto · Home· Business · Life· Financial Planning Bob Keras/Peter Brunelli 51 West Central Street, Franklin, MA 02038 508 528-3310/www.keefeinsurance.com Information & Referral... • • • • • • • MEDICARE OPEN ENROLLMENT: It’s that *me of year again! If you have a Medicare Prescrip3on Drug Plan or a Medicare Advantage Plan (HMO, PPO), you should have received informa*on from your plan by the end of September. It is important to understand and save this informa*on because it explains any changes in your plan for 2015. During the annual Medicare Open Enrollment (October 15 - December 7), you will have a chance to CHANGE your plan for next year. SHINE Counselors can help you understand your plan changes, as well as other op3ons you may have. You can call the Center to make an appointment with our SHINE Counselor or aRend the mee*ng noted below: MEDICARE INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS: “Medicare Open Enrollment” is offered on Wed., Oct. 22, at 1:30 p.m. Ed Roth of the SHINE program will review changes to Medicare Health Plans, Medicare Part D, and programs that may assist you with some or all of your Medicare costs. Please call to sign up “Choosing Medicare & Medigap Plans” will be presented at on Oct. 23 at 6:00 p.m. by Blue Cross Blue Shield of MA. This is an overview of how Medigap and Medicare Advantage plans work with Medicare. All are welcome regardless of insurance coverage. Please call to sign up. FUEL ASSISTANCE APPLICATIONS will be available on November 1. If you are already on the program, you will be receiving a re-applica*on, which can be returned directly to Self Help, Inc. with your income verifica*on for this year. If you would like to apply for the program, please contact Erin Rogers. FREE SAFELINK WIRELESS MOBILE PHONE IS YOUR LIFELINE IN A WEATHER EMERGENCY! In addi*on to a free phone, eligible applicants receive 80 minutes of free monthly air*me, including long distance and unlimited access to 911 calling. You are eligible if you are enrolled in any of the following programs: Fuel Assistance, MA Health, SNAP Food Stamps, SSI, or Federal Housing (Sec*on 8). You are also eligible if you conform to financial guidelines, which means that your total annual household income is no greater than $15,512 for a one-person household; $20,939 for a two-person household; and $26,366 for a three person household. Call 1-800-723-3546 or visit: safelinkwireless.com or contact Erin Rogers at the Center. MOBILE FOOD PANTRY - You can get fresh healthy food here at the Senior Center through the Franklin Food Pantry’s new Mobile Food Pantry! To sign up for the program, call Erin Rogers. ATTENTION VETERAN’S WIDOWS! If you have savings of less than $1,600, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the MA Department of Veterans Services. Call Bob Fahey, at 508 520-4973. DO YOU NEED GRAB BARS or other adap3ve assistance? The SAFE & SECURE AT HOME PROGRAM provides an in-depth assessment of your home environment to iden*fy risks for dangerous, life-threatening falls. If fall risks are iden*fied, free grab bars or other adap*ve assistance can be provided. -For more informaon about any of the above, call Erin Rogers at 508-520-4945Reasonable Eating Decisions REGISTERED DIETITIAN SERVICES 1 ON 1 DIET EDUCATION Learn how to make Reasonable Eating Decisions HEALTH INSURANCE ACCEPTED – often fully covered 38 POND ST., #208, FRANKLIN MA / TEL 508-541-4520 WWW.REASONABLERD.COM [email protected] Supportive Day Program... Monday Matinee... The Sunshine Club at the Franklin Senior Center offers frail elders individual aRen*on and the company of others. Fun ac*vi*es, lively discussions and gentle exercise make for a s*mula*ng day. If you care for a loved one who is frail, socially isolated, has low vision or demen*a, come visit! To learn more, call Carol AdileRo or Donna Haynes at (508) 520-4945. Movies are shown on Mondays at 1:15 p.m. Oct 6: They Came Together (R) A hilarious and irreverent version of the roman*c comedy. When Joel and Molly meet, it's hate at first sight: his big Corporate threatens to shut down her liRle shop. Complica*ons ensue; with Amy Poehler & Paul Rudd. A CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP is offered on the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of the month at 4:00 p.m. Par*cipa*on in the Suppor*ve Day Program is not required for the Support Group. Please call to sign up for the Support Group; you can make a reserva*on for respite care during the mee*ng. This program is supported, in part, through a grant from the Execu*ve Office of Elder Affairs. Oct. 20: Belle (PG) Inspired by a true story, the mixedrace daughter of a Bri*sh Admiral is raised by her greatuncle, Lord Mansfield. Her lineage gives her some privileges but prevents her from social standing. She meets an idealis*c young man with whom she and Lord Mansfield as Lord Jus*ce work to end slavery in England. Oct. 27: Chef (R) A chef quits his job at a prominent restaurant aMer refusing to compromise his crea*ve integrity. He then teams up with his ex-wife and a friend to launch a food truck and reignites his passion for the kitchen and zest for life; with Jon Favreau, Robert Downey, Jr., Dus*n Hoffman & Sofia Vergara. FOR HOME DELIVERED MEALS, call Tri-Valley Elder Services at 1-800-286-6640 FOR TRANSPORTATION, call Kiessling Transit at 1-800-698-7676, Option 1 With Sincere Appreciation... Expo Sponsors: WMRC, 1490 AM Radio, T.J. Maxx, Charles River Bank, The Big Y, Whistons’ Culinary Group, Steve Sardinha’s Dunkin Donuts, East Coast KeJle Corn & Whole Foods Market. The Expo CommiJee; Tom McAuliffe, Ken Norman, Paul O’Connell, Mary Hick, Anne Woodring, and Barbara Deely. Expo Models; Pearce & Maureen Murphy, Pat Llewellyn, Valerie Stybe, Tom McAuliffe, Dick Ferucci, Linda Trudeau, Ruth Cerel, and Midge Collins. The Friends of Franklin Elders for funding the entertainment at our September party. Sue Gurrie, Mr. & Mrs. Cadillac, Ann HewiJ, Carol Ellsworth, Emily Picillo, Peggy Callahan, BeJy Cirotski, Barbara Creamer, Debra VonRuedon, Marjorie Amato, Ann Lavoie, Sue LaPierre, Virginia MaJo, Diane Rappa, Elizabeth Batu, Nancy Murdock, Janet WhiJen, and Beverly Campbell for dona*ng items to our GiM Shop. Got Photos! CAPTURED PICTURES tells your stories! We digitalize your photos into Photobooks & more! Gather your photos in the attic, closets, cell phones, old albums & boxes. We scan photos, slides & negatives to digital then organize onto a DVD. Seniors get 10% off! Call Phil or Patty (617) 872-7954 PLACE YOUR AD HERE! Call (508) 553-9557 Terrific Trips... Date Wed., Oct. 1 Wed., Oct. 15 Wed., Oct. 22 Wed., Oct. 29 Oct. 30 Nov. 2 Wed., Nov.5 Wed. Nov.12 Wed., Nov. 19 Wed., Dec. 3 Destination Newport Grande Slots Casino Details Cost Over 1,000 of the latest Video Slots, poker, keno, $5 per person; transportation only. Virtual blackjack & roulette tables. Bolton Orchards & Enjoy the foliage starting with a tour of Smith’s Coun- $5 per person; transportation Smith’s Country Cheese try Cheese, lunch at the Gardner Ale House pub and only. in Winchendon a visit to Bolton Orchards on the way home. Comedian Singer, Joey Vincent at Lantana’s, Randolph Joey’s fast-paced blend of musical impressions, $64 per person, includes transportation, lunch & show. stand-up comedy, singing, dancing & trumpet virtuosity is astounding! Luncheon is Roast Turkey. Battleship Cove, Located in Fall River, Battleship Cove has Battle- $20 per person; includes World’s Largest ships, PT boats, Destroyers, submarines and all the admission and transportaCollection of Naval Ships history that goes along with them! Exhibits on Pearl tion. Harbor, D-Day, Women in War, and more. Washington D.C. Worcester Art Museum (Includes an exhibition of armor from the Higgins Armory) WWII & Vietnam Memorials, Lincoln, Jefferson, & $519, ppdo MLK Memorial, Air & Space Museum & Arlington $499 ppto $679ppso Cemetery & lots more!!! Enjoy the many collections of this museum, including $17 per person includes adthe newly acquired collection of armor from the Hig- mission and transportation. gins Armory. Lunch at Peppercorn’s Grille. The Lettermen in Concert This popular group from the 60’s performs their hits at Garde Arts Theater including, Goin Out of My Head/Can’t Take My Eyes & Mohegan Sun Off of You, Put Your Head on My Shoulder, and more! w/ $20 gaming package and $10 meal voucher Tour of the State House $64 per person, includes transportation, show & gaming package. Ticketed event – no refunds after 10/10/14. Enjoy this guided tour of this beautiful, historic build- $5 per person; transportation ing with Rep. Jeff Roy and learn about how our state only. government works! Lunch at Faneuil Hall. A Very Merry Christmas These incredibly talented tenors will bring you to $64 per person; all inclusive. with The Sicilian Tenors, tears with their soaring voices. Luncheon is Stuffed Demetri’s, Foxborough Chicken or Baked Schrod. Wed., Dec. 10 Milford Shopping & Lunch at Lovell’s Wed., Dec. 17 Twin River COMING SOON! WINTER DINNERS Shop at Kohl’s, Target, TJ Maxx & Home Goods. $5 per person, transportation only. Then luncheon at Lovell’s in Mendon. Enjoy simulcast races and slots! $5 per person, transportation only. During the months of January & February we will try to beat Old Man Winter by travelling to local restaurants for a leisurely meal and hopefully get back home before the snow flies. We welcome your suggestions for restaurants to visit in Franklin and the surrounding area. TRIP POLICY: Recreational trips are available for seniors, 50 years of age and over, and disabled residents. Franklin residents are given preference for sign up for two weeks after the trip is published in The Franklin Connection. Payment for day trips is due upon sign up at the Senior Center. Disabled, non-senior riders are required to provide documentation verifying their disability. Seventy-two hours notice (3 business days) is required to receive a full refund for day trips. Conditions vary for overnight trips. For more information, please call (508) 520-4945. Friends of Franklin Elders... IT’S EASY & FREE TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE FRANKLIN CONNECTION BY MAIL OR E-MAIL THE FRIENDS OF FRANKLIN ELDERS, INC. The Friends of Franklin Elders is a private, non-profit organiza*on whose purpose is to supplement local and state government funding of the Franklin Senior Center by providing funds for programs, services, and equipment. The Friends also publish The Franklin Connec-on. Thanks for your generous dona*ons! The next mee*ng of the Friends of Franklin Elders is our annual mee*ng, scheduled for Friday, November 21, at 9:30 a.m. The public is welcome to aRend! E-mail Subscrip3on: To sign up for an email subscrip*on to The Franklin Connec*on, go to : www.franklin.ma.us and click on ‘Subscribe to News’, enter your email address, check off The Franklin Connecon, and click on ’Send My Request’. You will receive an email asking you to confirm your subscrip*on. YOU MUST REPLY to this email to ac*vate your subscrip*on! Then you will receive the newsleRer monthly, usually two weeks prior to the hard copy being mailed out. Mail Subscrip3on: If you would like to receive each monthly issue of The Franklin Connecon through the mail (and you reside in Franklin), please complete the form below and send it or drop it by the Senior Center at 10 Daniel McCahill Street, Franklin, MA 02038. Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Ron Higginbo0om, Chairman Marge Capezza, Secretary Julie Garilli, Treasurer Natalie Caldwell Mary Ginivan Jackie Higgins Paula Lombardi Judy Pfeffer Helen Power Nan Ra9er Por-a Tang I would like to receive The Franklin Connecon in the mail. Please send it to me at the following address: NAME:___________________________________ ADDRESS:_________________________________ “When will our consciences grow so tender that we will act to prevent human misery rather than avenge it?” - Eleanor Roosevelt FRANKLIN COUNCIL ON AGING Officers: Chairman……..……………… Ken Norman Vice-Chairman…...…...……....Paul O’Connell Secretary………….…………..Barbara Deely Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Pre-Sorted c/o Franklin Council on Aging 10 Daniel McCahill Street Franklin, MA 02038 Standard Franklin, MA Permit No. 13 Members: Bob Crowley, Bob Gagnon, Mary Hick, Lyn O’Brien, Suzanne Wade & Lester Quan Staff: Director ………………..……….……...Karen Alves Program Coordinator…….…….…….Sue Barbour Vet’s Agent……………………....……..Bob Fahey Outreach Worker……………………...Erin Rogers Supportive Day Coordinators……...Carol Adiletto & Donna Haynes Supportive Day Program Aide…...Donna Brunelli Health & Wellness Nurse…………Linda Hastings Receptionists………..……….…..…...Claire Lewis Gloria Gelineau Respite Supervisor………………...Elaine Owens Respite Companions………....Karen Calabrese & Lisa Noon Driver…………………….....………..Phyllis Molloy Grill Cook.………………………….....Paul Ledwith The Franklin Connection is distributed with funds provided by the Executive Office of Elder Affairs, and the Friends of Franklin Elders, Inc. Franklin Senior Center “Independence, Information, & Connection!” The Franklin Council on Aging meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 9:00 a.m. This is an open mee-ng; the public is invited to a0end. The mission of the Franklin Council on Aging is to enhance the independence and quality of life for Franklin older adults by: ♦ Iden-fying the needs of this popula-on and crea-ng programs that meet those needs. ♦ Offering the knowledge, tools and opportuni-es to promote mental, social and physical well-being. ♦ Advoca-ng for relevant programs and services in our community. ♦ Serving as a community focal point for aging issues and as liaison to local, state and Federal resources for older adults and their families. And On The Lighter Side... SKEWED VIEWS • The cobwebs in my house just became decora*ons! Thanks Halloween! • Dear Alcohol, we had a deal where you would make me funnier, smarter and a beRer dancer… I saw the video… We need to talk. • Mom always told me if you can’t say anything nice, then don’t say anything at all, yet some people wonder why I’m so quiet around them. • My therapist set half a glass of water in front of me and asked me if I was an op*mist or pessimist, so I drank the water and told him I was a problem solver. • How much beRer would life be if a liar’s pants really did catch fire? • The best things in life either make you fat, drunk or pregnant. • I could give up chocolate, but I’m not a quiRer! • It’s beRer to be late, than to arrive ugly. • Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it. • Why can’t mosquitoes suck fat instead of blood? • I went to rehab in wine country, just to keep my op*ons open.
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