Gala Sponsorship Opportunities 2015 KRA Restaurateur’s Gala January 19, 2015

Gala Sponsorship Opportunities
2015 KRA Restaurateur’s Gala
January 19, 2015
Diamond Sponsor
Inclusion as the Diamond Sponsor on all printed materials at the Gala
One table of 8 at the Gala
A full-page advertisement in Gala Program
Logo recognition on the Kentucky Restaurant Association website
Logo recognition in the Kentucky Restaurant Journal
Opportunity to present the “Restaurateur of the Year” award
Opportunity to address audience during awards ceremony
Public recognition at event
Platinum Sponsor
Inclusion as a Platinum Sponsor on all printed materials at the Gala
Four tickets for the gala
A half-page advertisement in Gala Program
Sponsor recognition on the Kentucky Restaurant Association website
Sponsor recognition in the Kentucky Restaurant Journal
Opportunity to present an award
Opportunity to address audience during awards ceremony
Public recognition at event
Music Sponsor
Recognition at Gala as sponsor of the music
Opportunity to introduce the entertainment
Four tickets for the Gala
Sponsor recognition on the Kentucky Restaurant Association website
Sponsor recognition in the Kentucky Restaurant Journal
Gold Sponsor
Inclusion as a Gold Sponsor on all printed materials at the Gala
Two tickets for the Gala
Sponsor recognition on the Kentucky Restaurant Association website
Sponsor recognition in the Kentucky Restaurant Journal
Public recognition at event
2015 KRA Restaurateur’s Gala
Sponsorship Agreement
In order to secure a sponsorship package, please complete & return this agreement to KRA
office with full payment. Please choose one of the following sponsorship levels:
 Diamond - $5,000
 Platinum - $2,500
 Music – $2,000
 Gold - $1,000
Contact Information:
Company: ________________________________________________________________________
Contact: _________________________________________ Title: ___________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ____________________ Fax: _____________________ Email: _______________________
If you would like your company logo on signage and program,
please send a logo (jpeg format or pdf) to [email protected]
Total Amount $ _____________
Please circle one
Check enclosed or charge my credit card:
American Express
Name on Card: _______________________________________________________________
Card Number: _________________________________________ Exp. Date: ______________
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: _________________
Official Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: _________________
Mail Agreement & Payment to: Kentucky Restaurant Association
133 Evergreen Road, Suite 201
Louisville, KY 40243
502/896-0465 fax