Eight Annual Gala and Awards of Excellence Brookstreet Hotel, 525 Leggett Dr, Ottawa ON K2K 2W2 November 1st , 2014 5.30 pm Onwards Annual Gala and Awards of Excellence Night has been held since its inception in 2006. The Gala has become an important social and celebratory event for the Indo Canadian community, businesses and politicians for their contributions and achievements. ICOBC presents Awards of Excellence to IndoCanadians for their success and contribution in their professional fields and to the society at large and One Outstanding Individual for his/her contribution to the Indo- Canada Socio-Economic and Political relations. Some of our past recipients included Deepak Chopra, Dr. Shailendra Varma, Venkatesh Mannar, Dr. Kanta Marwah, Malti Kesarwani, Sreedhar Natrajan, Nadir Patel, Subhas and Uttra Bhargava, David Malone, Anil Arora, Bill Malhotra, Anand Agarwal, Dr.Vijay Jog, Dr. Ashok Koul, Goldy Hyder; to name a few. ICOBC invites your support by way of sponsorship. Part of the proceeds from the Gala will be donated to ICOBC charity of the year & Community Support activities. ICOBC is the premier organization of Indo-Canadian community in Ottawa with over 650 members comprising professionals and businesspersons. ICOBC is actively involved in enhancing the profile of its members at the city and national level. It is also working on improving economic, political, trade and investment relations between Canada and India. ICOBC organizes 12 to 15 events a year – from networking dinner events and business seminars to prestigious annual awards gala. In partnership with other organizations, it organizes events like annual Telfer India Forum and India Expo. It also hosts visiting political and trade delegations. Gold Package: $ 5000: Includes Award Sponsorship, Corporate Table for 8, Signage and Stagemention Silver Package: $ 2000: Includes Corporate Table for 8, Signage and Stage mention. Award Sponsorship: $ 3000. Includes Sponsorship of one Award of Excellence; to be presented by the Sponsor with a corporate introduction by the MC. Corporate Table: $ 1500 Includes One Corporate Table for 8. Early Bird Price. Expires Oct 1st, 2014. Liquor Sponsorship: $ 2500 includes banner placements in the reception area. Keynote Speakers - Sumputous Indian Cuisine - Open Bar - Entertainment FOOD SPONSOR: For all sponsorship enquiries, please contact: Karunakar Papala, Chair, ICOBC (613) 291-2696 Email: [email protected] www.icobc.org Sponsorship Level (please select one) Gold Sponsor: $ 5000 Silver Sponsor: $ 2000 Award Sponsor: $ 3000 Liquor Sponsor: $ 2500 Corporate Table Sponsor: $ 1500 Add 13 % HST SPONSORSHIP CONFIRMATION FORM – PLEASE PRINT Contact Name Title Company Address Telephone # E-mail Signature Credit Card #______________________________________________ Expiry Date: _______________ Security Code at the Back: _________ Visa / Mastercard / Amex Please e-mail form to: Indo Canada Ottawa Business Chamber Email : [email protected] Please mail Cheque to: Indo Canada Ottawa Business Chamber 303 Moodie Dr, Suite 400 Ottawa, ON K2H 9R4 www. ICOBC - History “... actively involved in promoting the economic relations between Canada and India ...” Formation of the Indo-Canada Ottawa Business Chamber (ICOBC) was first publicly announced at an event held in Ottawa on October 26, 2006 with Mr. Arvind Chhatbar as the Chair. The first official meeting of its key members was held on February 05, 2007 which ratified the appointment of the Chair, developed plans and set ambitious targets. IPA became the Ottawa council/chapter of the Toronto-based Indo-Canadian Chamber of Commerce. After several years, several key The net- result the organization from just a few people grew its membership running into hundreds. From almost nothing, the organization gained considerable financial strength in just about two years. Ottawa based members started to experience the need for an autonomous organization to function effectively. It was felt that an independent local organization would provide better focus on its members’ requirements. It was also recognized that an Ottawa-based business chamber, due to its presence in the national capital, could play proactive and prominent role at all levels - from local to national. Significantly, ICOBC has become the major entity for Indo-Canadians in Ottawa today. And its membership today has spread beyond the Indo-Canadian community. ICOBC not only raised its own status and of its members but has considerably raised the profile of Indo-Canadians at the city and national level. Also today, ICOBC is actively involved in promoting the economic relations between Canada and India. During the years 2005 and 2006, the then Chair of the local council, Mr. Arvind Chhatbar, formally initiated the idea to form an independent Ottawafocused business chamber for Indo-Canadians business persons and professionals. A small team understood the strong need for such a body and had a long-term vision and commitment. They decided to go ahead with the formation of the Indo-Canada Ottawa Business Chamber (ICOBC). The First organization for Indo-Canadian business persons and professionals. in Ottawa was formedin 1994 as the Indian Professionals Association (IPA). In 1998, with a view to be part of a bigger entity, The current Chair, Mr. Karunakar Papala is very active member of the community and volunteered with many organisations. He is founding director of the Festival of India. The rest, as they say, is history. “... play proactive and prominent role at all levels ...”
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