SUNDAY 12th OCTOBER 2014 BENEFACTORS’ SUNDAY TRINITY 17 8.00am 9.45am Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Preacher: Dame Canon Sarah Mullally 11.15am 12 noon 12.30pm 6.30pm Matins Holy Communion Baptism of Sam Newman Evensong We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the Parish Eucharist in term time.. Parents and their babies are welcome to use the vestry during the service as a withdrawal area. Morning Prayer is generally said Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s door) and Evening Prayer each evening at 5pm. THIS WEEK Monday 7.30pm Tuesday 8.00am 10 – 10.30am 5.30pm 7.30pm 7.30pm 7.45pm - 8.15pm 9.30am 9.30-11.00am 2.15pm 11.00am 12 noon -1.30pm 9.15am All day 7.30pm Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Reflection/discussion on music for Passiontide in the Minster (See special notice) Holy Communion MU Prayer Group in the Crypt Vanessa’s Installation in Salisbury cathedral The Queen Elizabeth School Michael James Bursary Concert Mums Today meet at 62 East Borough Prayer Meeting in Church House Lounge Holy Communion Two by Two meets in Church House Hall Mothers’ Union meets in Church House Lounge Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Chapel (Harvest) Lunch and Chat in Church House Lounge New Horizon Prayers Sing for Leaf events in Church House Sing for Leaf concert in the Minster NEXT SUNDAY: 19th OCTOBER TRINITY 18 8.00am 9.45am 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist which will focus on climate change No Informal Service at the Minster today Evensong Contacts: Rector: The Revd Vanessa Herrick: 01202 882340 Parish Office: 01202 884753 Vergers: 01202 886667 MINSTER MATTERS THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: John Elgar, Katie Lowden, Justin, Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Brenda Gibson, Roy Wellbeloved, Rachel, William Bolton, Tony Skidmore, David Mould, Isabel Marks, Melanie Fawcett, Janet Muchmore, Pat Collier, Peter Tame, Di Sibley, Karen Manneh, Felicia Heath, Lisa Sims, Sadie. Also recently departed: Peter Williams, Dorothy Mear, Sidney Wallace. We welcome as our preacher today Dame Canon Sarah Mullally, Canon Treasurer, Salisbury Cathedral. Flowers at the altar today are sponsored by an anonymous donor. Tomorrow, Monday, 13th October, at 7.30pm - A Reflective Discussion Evening in the Minster with Richard McLester, Director of Music at St. Peter’s Parkstone. The evening will give the opportunity for live music and faith-focused discussions exploring the theme of a new work, The Road to Golgotha – The Passion of Christ. The evening will also feature some unusual instruments used in the music and the original Aramaic language from the time of Christ. This is a ‘taster’ for a Passiontide course which Richard is developing and is being offered to us free of charge. Do please come and support this event and enjoy a fascinating and stimulating evening. The Rector. How green is the Minster? MEG (Minster Eden Group) invites you to look at the display in St. George’s Chapel in connection with the Climate Change service next Sunday, 19thOctober. It will be in place for two weeks, and shows some of the ways in which the Minster tries to reduce its carbon footprint and how we encourage each other to care about our world. We are bringing it into the open for all to see! We are also open to suggestions as to what more can be done. The next meeting of the ‘Getting to know St. Francis’ group will be at 2.30pm on Tuesday 14th October at St. Margaret’s Chapel. The theme for the meeting will be ‘Francis forms his first Franciscans’. All welcome. Vanessa’s Installation to the Canonry and Prebendal Stall of Alton Borealis will take place during Evensong in Salisbury Cathedral this coming Wednesday, 15th October, at 5.30pm. The Michael James Music Trust, Wednesday 15thOctober at 7.30pm in the Minster, the Queen Elizabeth School Bursary Concert of classical music! Come and support these talented young musicians including the winners of this year’s bursaries. Admission free – retiring donations for the Music Trust. Mums Today invite all Mums with children under 18 to come and relax and chat about ‘Food for Thought’ over a cup of coffee this Wednesday, 15th October, from 7.30pm at 62, East Borough. Mothers’ Union are looking forward to Mary Weekes-Millard, a children’s author and MU member, coming to talk about her books. She will bring some with her – some are about evacuees, others about children in the First World War. They may make good Christmas presents! All are welcome on Thursday 16th October at 2.15pm in Church House Lounge. The deadline for applications for the Associate Priest Post for Wimborne Minster and the Villages is due this coming week. Please pray for a good appointment. Next Sunday, 19th October the 9.45am Parish Eucharist will focus on the Christian Aid Hunger for Justice campaign on climate change. The Christian Aid and Minster Eden Groups have worked together on preparing this service and the preacher will be Robert Pearce. We look forward to welcoming our MP, Annette Brooke, on this occasion and there will be an opportunity to present her with our Christian Aid campaign cards or personal letters supporting action on climate change. For more details see the article in this month’s Print. Tra la! Tra la! Why not have a go? Everyone is eligible! On Monday 20th October and Tuesday 4th November at 5.15pm in Church House - whoever turns up should have a good sing and some fun. A small collection of varied music will be tried and tested in the hope that items for the in-house event on 22nd November can be identified. Please give it a try – nothing ventured, nothing gained! An idea of numbers would be helpful too. Please contact Jane Caley on 01202 639248 or [email protected] Alternative Choir - some dates: The Alternative Choir has been asked to lead the singing at the 9.45am service on Sunday 26th October. Please meet as usual to practise on the day. There will also be a rehearsal the previous Friday, 24th October, from 7.30 – 8.30pm in the Choir Vestry, to practise a new anthem. On Sunday 2nd November, at 3.00pm, there will be a Bereavement Service in the Minster. If you are able to sing, please meet at 2.30pm on the day to practice. New members and visitors are always welcome. Many thanks for your support. Liz Watson [email protected] Minster Strollers: The next afternoon stroll will be on Sunday 26th October in the peaceful areas of Pentridge and Martin Down with panoramic views (OS Explorer 118). There is one steady climb up Pentridge Hill, but only three stiles to cross. The walk is just under 4 miles long and will take around 2 hours to complete. Meet at 2pm at the church in Pentridge. Directions: Turn right at the T junction in Pentridge. When you see the village notice boards fixed to a stone wall on your left turn immediately right up a narrow lane to the church. There is parking for several cars. This could be the last opportunity this year for a cream tea at Wimborne St. Giles! For more details, contact the walk leaders, Pam and Bob Grant-Kensley on 01202 600495 or mobile 07887 746700. On Tuesday 28th October at 2.30pm in St. Margaret’s Chapel, there will be a further meeting of the Devotional group. All welcome. Bereavement Service – Sunday 2nd November at 3pm. Our annual service for those recently bereaved will be held on 2nd November, and personal invitations have been sent to those who have lost a loved one within the last year. If you would like someone who has died to be remembered at this service, please add their name to the list at the back of the church, and think about coming to the service yourself. A number of regular members of the Minster congregation have died during the past year and it would be good to honour them with our presence and support for their families. Tickets for our ‘Aspects of Spirituality’ series, on the Wednesday evenings of November are now available from the Parish Office. A diocesan newsletter on social justice events is available at the back of the Minster. Due to illness and other factors we are short of people willing to cover the vergers’ lunchtimes. If anyone can help for just one hour, particularly on a Friday or Saturday, please let the vergers know. Minster diaries are now available from the shop – two designs - £1 each. Peter and Ann Tame wish to thank everyone who prayed for them and sent messages and cards for Peter’s recovery. He’s now making good progress, and hopes to be home soon. Minster Car Park: If you already have a pass to park in the Minster Car Park whilst on church business, please ask the churchwardens for a letter which will explain changes to be made over the coming months. Food Bank: We are low on fruit juice (not the fresh sort that has to go in the fridge), bottles of squash, jam, instant coffee, drinking chocolate, packets of rice, canned fruit, porridge oats, tinned or tetrapak custard and we are once again accepting pasta and UHT milk – a mixture of 1 litre and 500ml packs, please. For toiletries, we are low on shampoo, shower gel, washing powder/liquid and washing up liquid. We are also grateful for Waitrose gift cards if you find it difficult to buy and transport food items. These are especially helpful if we run out of specific items. Please do not leave them with the food box in Children’s Corner, but hand them to one of the vergers. Thank you. Sue Slydel 01202 889264. The Link to Hope Shoebox Appeal: Leaflets are now available from the Minster and the Parish Office. Filled shoeboxes to be returned by 5th November, please. St. Cecilia’s Day, 22nd November 2014, is the date for this year’s fundraiser concert. See September’s Print for details. Offers of musical items and readings are eagerly awaited. Please pick up a Performer’s Profile from one of the planners or the Parish Office. Thank you. Norma Aitchison, Jane Caley, Rosemary Protheroe, De Ashton. WIMBORNE AND AROUND THE AREA. Christian Aid: On Tuesday, 14th October, at 7.30pm at St. Catherine’s Church Hall, there will be a talk on ‘Responding to a Warming World’. This will be an opportunity to find out about the Christian Aid Climate Justice Campaign, and to learn how Christian Aid’s partners in Ethiopia are countering the effects of climate change. All most welcome to what will be an interesting and inspiring evening. The series of talks entitled ‘Faith in the Community’ continues each Wednesday in October at St. Michael’s Colehill at 7.30pm, preceded by a glass of wine at 7pm. Details of subjects and speakers on posters in the Minster and Parish Office, and in Print. Wimborne Drama is producing ‘A Man for All Seasons’ at the Tivoli from 16th to 18th October at 7.30pm each evening, with a 2.30pm Saturday matinee.. Tickets £10 each (£8 matinee) from the Tivoli Box Office. Wimborne in Bloom’s Charities Fair takes place this year on Saturday 8th November from 10.00am to 3.00pm in the Allendale Centre. There will be about 40 stalls representing different charities – ideal for Christmas shopping! Please do come and support the different causes.
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