Weekly News - Wimborne Minster

Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Informal Holy Communion
Baptism of Max Mole
We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use
of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a
Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the
Parish Eucharist in term time. Morning Prayer is generally said
Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s
door). Evening prayer is said each day at 5.30pm.
9.30 – 11.00am
12 noon-1.30pm
Lent Sermon discussion in Church House Lounge
Holy Communion
Lent Series on the Lord’s Prayer and Compline
Lent Group at 1 Melverley Gardens
Prayer and Reflection in the Crypt
MU Corporate Communion in St. George’s Chapel
Two by Two meet in Church House Hall
Lent Group at 29 Venator Place
Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Chapel
Lunch and Chat in Church House Lounge
Quiet Morning in Church House Lounge
12.00 noon
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Holy Communion
Contacts: The Rector : The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick:
01202 882340
Parish Office:
01202 884753
01202 886667
THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: Katie Lowden,
Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Tony Skidmore, David
Mould, Melanie Fawcett, Pat Collier, Betty Illing, John Carpenter, Jean Harvey, Janie
MacFarlane, Anne Richards, Brother Vincent SSF, Laurie Laird, Jean Hyde, Josie Vickers,
Christine Potts, Heather Lowe. Also recently deceased: The Revd Judith Henderson.
An urgent message from Trudy Davies! The deadline for reports to be in for
inclusion in the Annual Meeting booklet is today. Please act swiftly!
Rotas for chalice administrators, readers at both the Eucharist and
Evensong and intercessors are available for collection today.
Greenbelt Group – today - 7.30 for 7.45pm – 9.00pm - downstairs in
Church House. This evening meeting, led by Liz Watson, will focus on loneliness,
at a time when increasing numbers of people live alone. We will listen to a Radio 4
‘Call You and Yours’ programme, which explores causes of loneliness, possible ways
of addressing it, and the difference between loneliness and solitude. With
refreshments at 7.30pm before the session, all are most welcome. 01202 889487
This Mothering Sunday why not give your mother an ethical gift which also
helps another mum create a better life for herself and her family? There is
also the opportunity to give a gift in memory of your mother. Have a look at the
‘Make a Mother’s Day’ catalogues near the Children’s Corner in the Minster
for details. But hurry – your order needs to be in by tomorrow, 2nd March! By
buying an ethical gift you will be supporting the work of the Mothers’ Union around
the world. Every gift enables us to change the lives of countless families. Thank you.
NB: Monday sermon discussions in Church House Lounge at 12.30pm.
Please bring a packed lunch. Coffee and tea provided.3
From Monday 16th to Thursday 19th March, The Minster, together with St. John’s
Church, will be hosting the ‘Easter Experience’. Over the four days, children
from years 2 and 4 from St. Michael’s, St. John’s and Wimborne First Schools will
hear the Easter story and take part in activities. We will need at least ten
volunteers for each session over the four days – six story-tellers (scripts are
provided) and four people to marshal the children and be available in the event of an
emergency. If you feel you can help, please see Belinda or write your name on the
sign-up sheet at the back of the Minster. There will be a volunteers’ meeting on
Monday 9th March at 7.30pm, which will last no longer than an hour and a half.
Mothering Sunday posies: Members of the Mothers’ Union will be making
Mothering Sunday posies in the Minster on Saturday 14th March from 10.00am.
Additional volunteers would be welcome - the more the merrier! Tea and coffee
provided. Donations of flowers and garden greenery also very welcome from Friday
afternoon onwards. Belinda and Di Hiscock
The Friends of Wimborne Minster wish to thank everyone who supported the
‘Valentine’s Coffee Morning’ on Saturday 14th February. Over £270 was
raised. Thanks to all concerned, especially the members of the Events Committee.
Christian Aid is holding Lent Lunches on Thursdays in Lent. All are invited
to attend at Wimborne Methodist Church any time between 12.15pm and
1.30pm for bread, cheese and fruit, and a brief ‘Thought for the Day’ given at
around 12.45pm. No charge, but donations welcome to a Christian Aid fund for
the relief of hunger.
Wildlife Talk and Slides Thursday 5th March. Brian Pettit, an expert local
professional wildlife photographer is coming to the Oasis meeting on Thursday 5th
March with a presentation called “Wildlife on your Doorstep”, in Church House
Hall at 1.30pm and anyone interested is welcome to join us for a cost of £3.00.
A reminder that there will be a Quiet Morning in Church House Lounge on
Saturday 7th March from 9.30am to 12.30pm. If you would like to bring your
lunch and stay on afterwards, please do. All welcome.
Fair Trade Fortnight is half way through! On Saturday 7th March there is a
Fair Trade coffee morning (Fairly-traded coffee/tea and cake, of course) at the home
of Cllr Pat Hymers, 14 Westfield Close, Wimborne 10.00am – 12.30pm. See you
Barry Glazier, Minster Fair Trade representative.
The ‘Getting to Know St. Francis’ Group will meet on Tuesday 10th March at
St. Margaret’s Chapel at 2.30pm. The theme for the meeting will be ‘St.
Francis’ love for God’s creation’. All welcome.
Lent is a good time to cut down on our carbon as well as chocolate! The ‘Carbon
Fast’ reminds us each day of actions we can take to reduce our carbon footprint.
There is a particular focus on water this year. Daily e-mails at
http://ecochurchsouthwest.org.uk/carbonfast, or details with the weekly sheets.
Noon Prayers during Lent: We are asked to include reference to the 40-day
Carbon Fast each day in Lent. Before your duty please look at the details left in
the pulpit, which include suggested words. Information also on the website.
Food Bank This week we are low on tetrapak Fruit Juice (from concentrate); toilet
paper, tinned and powdered potato, tinned spaghetti/macaroni. Thank you, as always
for your generous donations. Sue Slydel.
Donna needs help in the shop Mondays 2 – 4pm and Tuesdays 10am 12.30pm. Please let her know if you can help.
Charity Publications available in the Minster: US (USPG) Prayer Diary for Lent;
Mission to Seafarers; F.A.N quarterly magazine; Church Amy Prayer Diary 2015.
E-prayer circle: Our warmest thanks to Peter and Ann Tame for their
oversight of the e-prayer circle for the past 7 years. Peter feels the time has come
to relinquish that responsibility and the circle will go into abeyance for the time
being. Prayer requests can be made via the box near the votive candle stand. The
On Saturday 14th March, there will be a Come and Sing event for boys and
girls aged 6 to 9 years with the Junior Choir in Church House from 10am to 12
noon for a fun morning of singing and to learn a lovely song for Mothering Sunday.
Choral singers – Forms are now available in the Minster and Parish Office for the
Come and Sing Stainer’s ‘Crucifixion’ to be held on Palm Sunday, 29th March,
3.15pm rehearsal for a performance at 6.30pm. Cost £10. Peter Cook.
Sheila Soper would like to thank the many people who supported her recent visit
to Yambio and Nzara with prayer, money and gifts, so gratefully received by the
people there. She will be showing pictures of her visit shortly – details to follow.
There is to be a three course Sunday lunch in aid of Minster funds on Sunday
22nd March at 12.30pm in Church House. Please sign the list at the back for the
Minster if you would like to attend. There will be a raffle, and you may bring your
own alcoholic drinks. Please contact Sheila Soper with queries. 01202 940285.
The celebrated Kenfig Hill and District Male Voice Choir will be giving a major
concert in the Minster on Saturday 11th April, in aid of Minster funds. Tickets £10
will be available after Easter. Concert Group.
The Reef Youth and Community Centre: We are looking for a Minute
Secretary to take minutes at meetings – currently monthly, but normally bi-monthly
– on Mondays at 10am at the Town Hall. Please have a word with Norma Aitchison.
Website: www.wimborneminster.org.uk
Parish Office e-mail: [email protected]