SUNDAY 25th JANUARY 2015 CONVERSION OF PAUL THIRD SUNDAY OF THE EPIPHANY 8.00am 9.45am 6.30pm Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Service for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity We welcome everyone at our services. Families, please make use of children’s corner at the back of church. We usually have a Sunday School for children aged 4-11 in Church House during the Parish Eucharist in term time. Morning Prayer is generally said Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 8.30am (entry by St. George’s door). N.B. Evening Prayer is not said during January and February. THIS WEEK Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1.00pm 8.00am 7.45pm 9.30am 9.30 – 11.00am 7.30pm 11.00am 9.30am 10.00am – 1.00pm 7.30pm Isabel Marks’ funeral at Poole Crematorium Holy Communion Prayer Group in Church House Lounge Holy Communion Two by Two meet in Church House Hall Worship Committee meets in Church House Lounge Holy Communion at St Margaret’s Chapel New Horizons Prayers PRAMA weekend events in Church House (see flyer) Concert by Clare Howick, Violin: David Gostick, Piano NEXT SUNDAY: 1st FEBRUARY 2015 CANDLEMAS FOURTH AFTER EPIPHANY 8.00am 9.45am Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Preacher: Jeff Russell from PRAMA care 11.15am 6.30pm Informal Holy Communion Candlemas Procession Contacts: The Rector : The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick: 01202 882340 Parish Office: 01202 884753 Vergers: 01202 886667 MINSTER MATTERS THE SICK: We pray for those known to us who are sick and suffering: Katie Lowden, Justin Edwards, Philip Shea, Samuel, Euan Bassett, Joan Roopanarine, Eileen Thorpe, Tony Skidmore, David Mould, Melanie Fawcett, Pat Collier, Lisa Sims, Betty Illing, John Carpenter, Jean Harvey, Janie MacFarlane, Anne Richards, Brother Vincent SSF, The Revd. Robert Mighall. Also recently departed: Ken Mills, Isabel Marks. Flowers at the altar today are from an anonymous donor for ‘The dedicated bell ringers who bring such a joyous sound to the parish’. Alternative Choir – today - Sunday 25th January: If you are able to help lead the singing at the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity service at 6.30pm in the Minster, please meet at 5.45pm to practise. New members always welcome! William Freeman Gibbs 1896-1915: Six Wimborne Minster Bell Ringers served in the army during the First World War, three of whom died in action and are listed on the memorial in the Minster. William Freeman Gibbs was born in 1896 and lived at 3 Avenue Road. He was a Private in the 4th Battalion, Dorsetshire Regiment. He died in India on 25th January 1915 aged 19, and is buried in the Mhow New Cemetery in India. He is also commemorated on the Kirklee 1914-1918 memorial near Poona, close to Bombay. This memorial commemorates 1800 servicemen who died in India and Pakistan in the First World War and are interred in cemeteries where their graves cannot be properly maintained. The Minster Bell ringers will remember William Gibbs with a half-muffled quarter peal before Evensong today starting at 5.15pm. The Christian Aid Annual Quiz will be held today at Wimborne Methodist Church at 7.30pm. Teams of four can be made up on the night. Prizes to be won - free entry – donations welcome. Do come and join in the fun! This is the last chance to donate to Christian Aid under the December 2014/ January 2015 scheme whereby the Government will double your donation. Further details: Robert Pearce 01202 886651 Saturday’s Concert in the Minster will be given by Clare Howick, Violin and David Gostick, Piano. Admission £12 with concessions. A programme of Mozart, Poulenc, Elgar and some lighter pieces. All most welcome – interval refreshments. Extraordinary meeting of the PCC at 11.15am in Church House Hall next Sunday 1st February. Next Sunday, 1st February, we will be keeping Candlemas. As usual we will mark this with a Procession in the evening, for which we will need some volunteers to read lessons. Please look at the blue folder on the vergers’ desk, choose which one you would like to read (be aware that some need you to climb stairs in limited light), put your name on the list, and take away the copy of the reading from the folder. Thank you. Brenda Greenbelt Group – Sunday 1st February – 4.15 – 6.00pm. Downstairs in Church House. With ‘forgiving’ as our theme, Alison Francis will share some reflections on the aftermath of the Rwandan massacres, and insights from Desmond and Mpho Tutu’s book, ‘The Book of Forgiving’. These will inform our discussion on practical and emotional aspects of forgiving individuals or groups of people. Is granting forgiveness the greatest gift we can give to ourselves? Do come and join in these explorations. Mike and Rosemary Lunt. Grateful thanks: ‘I would like to thank Vanessa, the Churchwardens, and all my good friends at Wimborne Minster for the very special 80 th birthday celebration you gave me last Sunday. Thank you for the many cards, gifts and good wishes and the lovely birthday cake made especially for the occasion. As I tried to say at the time, Wimborne Minster is a very special place for all of us, and it is a great privilege to have been able to worship and serve in this ancient house of God ever since my retirement from full-time ministry in the year 2000. I hope that God will enable me to continue the work He has given me to do.’ Alan Davies Lunch and Chat – 2nd and 16th January. £300 has been raised for Sheila Soper to help towards her visit to Yambio and Nzara in South Sudan. Thank you to all those who gave and supported these events. Outreach Committee. Sheila asks for your prayers as her plans to enter South Sudan have been changed and travel will be a little more challenging…. The Friends of Wimborne Minster invite everyone to join them for their 70th Anniversary ‘Valentine’s Coffee Morning’ in the Lounge on Saturday 14th February from 10.00am to 12 noon. Raffle and Bric-a-Brac stall. Information on the Minster projects supported by the Friends since 1945 will also be available. The annual Pancake Race around the Minster will take place on Tuesday 17th February at 11.00am. Do we have some challengers for the title of Minster Pancake Champion 2015? All ages welcome to take part. Competitors need to report to the North Porch entrance by 10.30am. Entry forms from the Minster and Parish Office. Volunteers for stewarding would be much appreciated – names to Anthony Oliver please on 01202 888703. Lent 2015. If you’ve had a look at the Course Programme for 2015 (which was distributed in December, and further copies of which are available at the back of the Minster) you will have noticed that we plan to follow a study course on the Lord’s Prayer. There will be two ways to do this - either by coming to the Minster on a Tuesday evening at 7pm when the Rector and Brenda Gibson will ‘teach’ the course in lecture form; or in home groups/study groups. In order to plan ahead, we hope to put in a bulk order for the Pilgrim Course Module 2 booklets and we will need to do so in good time for Lent, which begins on 18th February. To that end: a) If you are part of a home group and your group wishes to follow the course, please let the Rector know how many booklets you require (one per person, plus a leader’s booklet) b) If you would like to be part of a study group for Lent, please sign the list at the back of the Minster before the end of January Rector If anyone is free to help out on the Saturday morning shift in the shop – that’s 10am to 1pm – to the end of February, please have an urgent word with Donna. WIMBORNE AND AROUND THE AREA. Wimborne in Bloom Annual Meeting takes place in the Town Hall, 37 West Borough, tomorrow, Monday 26th January at 7.30pm with a report on 2014 and plans for 2015, when the Town has been nominated to enter the National Britain in Bloom Competition following its win in the 2014 Regional Competition. Everyone most welcome to attend. On Wednesday 28th January, from 7.15-9.15pm at Wimborne Elim Church, there will be a training session for anyone interested in working with the MARS Trust at QE, which is involved with discussing and underlining with teenagers the fundamentals of Christian relationships. All welcome to come along to find out more. Emma Heylen . 01202 951003. [email protected] The William Temple Association is on Monday 2nd February at the Days Hotel Bournemouth at 8.10pm. when Councillor Stephen Chappell will speak on ‘The role of the local authority in the teaching of religious education in schools’. Details from 01202 761749 or [email protected] ‘Ride and Stride’ raised £80,000 for Dorset Historic Churches’ Trust in 2014! Monday 16th March - 7pm - Canford Parish Centre - Dramatised Recital of St. Mark’s Gospel – Canon Gerald Osborne – retiring collection - information – 01202 882270. CONTACTS Rector: The Revd Canon Vanessa Herrick 01202 882340 [email protected] Curate: The Revd Belinda Marflitt 01202 886694 Associate Priests: The Revd Dr Brenda Gibson 01202 881472 01202 888703 The Revd Dr Lorelie Farmer The Revd Elise Harding Churchwardens: Mr Anthony Oliver [email protected] Acting Churchwarden: Mrs. Deirdre Ashton 01202 889385 [email protected] Website: e-prayer circle: [email protected] 01202 881102 Friends’ Secretary: Mr Peter Cook 01202 885470 Finance: Mrs Karen Manneh 01202 884753 01202 884753 01202 884753 01202 886667 01202 886667 [email protected] Parish Secretary: Mrs Penny Baxter [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Mrs. Donna Gosney [email protected] Vergers: Mr John Hughes [email protected] Mr Ashley Coombs [email protected]
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