1 | P Page Welco ome OurM O Misssion n TheCentterforCa areerDisccoveryan ndDevelop pmentem mpowersa diverseGeor d rgiaTechstu udentpopullationtoacttivelyprepa areforandssuccessfully y managethe eircareerch hoicesintheeglobalmarrketplace. Through hpartnershiipwithemp ployers,pareents,alumnii,faculty,sta aff,and commun nity,wecounselandadv vise,promo oteandsupp portquality ycareer developme ent,anddeve elopexperie entiallearn ingopportu unitiesforsttudentsto enhancceandexten ndtheacadeemicexperiience. GeorgiaTe ech Vision GeorgiaTech hwilldefinethetechnollogicalresea archUniverrsityoftheT Twenty‐firstt Century.Asa C aresult,wewillbelead dersininflueencingmajo ortechnolog gical,social, andpolicyd a decisionstha ataddressccriticalgloba alchallenge es.“Whatdo oesGeorgia Techthink?”willbeaccommonqu uestioninreesearch,bussiness,them media,and go overnment.. Mission Te echnologica alchangeisffundamenta altotheadvvancemento ofthehuma ancondition n. Th heGeorgiaT Techcommu unity–stude ents,staff,fa aculty,anda alumni–willlrealizeou ur mottoof“Pro m ogressandS Service”thro ougheffectiivenessandinnovation ninteaching g andlearning,ourresearcchadvances,,andentrep preneurship pinallsecto orsofsociety y. Wewillbelea W adersinimp provingtheh humancond ditioninGeorgia,theU UnitedStatess, andarroundthegllobe. 2 | P Page IIndusstry Categ C goriess INDUSTRYCATEGORIES S B Banking, acccounting and a financiaal services,, eeconomics, business b and d managemeent, logistics,, m marketing,sttart‐upsandentrepreneu urship Busin nessAdministration,Digittaland Comp putationalMeedia,Econom mics, History,TechnologyandScien nce, IndusstrialEngineeering,International Affairrs,Literaturee,Mediaand Comm munication,M ModernLangguages, PubliccPolicy,Psycchology,QCF F,Statistics G Government and non‐prrofit, public policy, law,, eeducation, in nternational affairs, communicationss aandmedia B Biotechnologgy, pharmaaceutical, research, cchemical,phyysicalsciencees,actuarialscience A Aerospacean ndaviation,aautomotive, militaryand d d defense,manufacturing,eenergy,engin neering AerosspaceEngineeering,Business Administration,Biochemistry,,Biology, mical BiomedicalEngineering,Chem neering,ComputerEngineeering, Engin Comp putationalMeedia,Electriccal Engin neering,Hum manComputeer Interaaction,IndusstrialDesign,Industrial Engin neering,MateerialScience Engin neering,Math h,Mechanicaal Engin neering,NuclearandRadiiological Engin neering,Physsics AppliedPhysiologgy,Biochemistry, matics,Chem mistry, Biologgy,Bioinform Earth handAtmosp phericSciencces, HumaanComputerrInteraction,, MaterrialsScience,,Math,Physiics, Psych hology,Statisstics A Architecture andconstru uction,urban nplanning aand develo opment, eenvironmenttal and cconservation, natural rresources an nd green t echnologyan ndsustainab bility Busin nessAdministration,Econ nomics, DigitaalandCompu utationalMedia,History, Techn nologyandScience,Indusstrial Engin neering,InterrnationalAfffairs,Media andC Communication,ModernL Languages, PubliccPolicyPsycchology,Statiistics Archiitecture,BuilldingConstru uction, CityaandRegionalPlanning,Ciivil Engin neering,Earth handAtmosspheric Science,Environm mentalEngin neering, mationScien nce, GeogrraphicInform MaterrialsScience,,Mechanical Engin neering,PubllicPolicy nformation security and d technologyy, internet In aand web deevelopment, telecommunications, eelectricaland delectronics,,graphicdessign BigData,ComputeerEngineering, putationalan ndDigitalMeedia, Comp Comp puterSciencee,Electrical Engin neering,Hum manComputeer Interaaction 3 | P Page Corporate Executive Partnership Program Executive Level AT&T AvanadeInc. BechtelCorporation Cintas CiscoSystems EfacecU.S.A. Fluor InternationalPaper IBM KLA‐Tencor Lafarge Michelin NavyRecruitingCommand PraxairInc. RobertBoschLLC Shell Siemens W.L.Gore&Associates Partner Level AirProductsand Chemicals Asurion BASFCorporation Bloomberg BP BridgelineDigital CapitalOne Cardlytics Caterpillar CitadelLLC DeloitteServicesLP EatonCorporation EricssonTelevisionInc. ExxonMobil FreudenbergNorthAmerica GeneralElectric GeorgiaPower HewlettPackard HomeDepot L‐3DisplaySystems McKesson NorfolkSouthern PricewaterhouseCoopers SAIC Schlumberger SunTrust Viasat VWR ZFGroup 4 | P a g e C Corpo orate e Execcutive e Par rtner rship Prog gram The GeorgiaTech Center for Career Diiscoveryand Development Corporate Exxecutive Partn nership Progrram provides theperfectw waytoraiseyourvisibility amongsome ofthemostacccomplishedsstudentsinth hecountry.GeeorgiaTech’s studentsare ekeenlysough htoutbyemplloyersbecausseofournatioonalcollegiateeranking,andoursponsorsshipprogram isdesignedt toallowyouexpeditedacceesstoafutureemployment poolofengaggedindividuals.Partnership psarelimited innumber,p particularlyatttheExecutiveeLevel,andprrovideanewaandproductivvevehicleforreachingyourrkeystudent audience. Each year thousands of Georgia Tech h students paarticipate in tthe Center fo or Career Disscovery and D Development PHOT programsan ndsponsored events.Theseeprogramsarredesignedtoohelpstudenttsbetterprep pareforthew worldofwork and be moree productive employees. e Without W funds from our parrtners most o of our program ms would nott be possible. Employers often o ask how w to increase their visibilitty with studen nts while aidiing our outreeach. Here aree some ways we’vedesign nedtoachieveethesegoals. 5 | P a g e Partneers Beneffit from heightene ed websitte presen nce, increased recrruiting beenefits, and mum visib bility with h the stud dent‐emp ployee baase maxim EXECUTIVE PAR RTNERS ($6,00 00) •Employer lo ogo on Center ffor Career Disccovery and Development Website Discovery and •Early Reservvation for Centter for Career D Development Event Registrration (Resume e Blitz, Mock eek, etc.) Interview We Request Early) •Preferred on‐campus recrruiting dates (R based upon aavailability Career Fair •Covers Costt of Full Registrration for Fall C and Spring In nternship Fair ((1 Table/3 Reps.) •Skybox Interview Rooms ok (Unlimited U Usage) •Resume Boo •One Free Information Session a year* Campus Visits w with Faculty/Sttaff •Organized C uncheon Meetiing with Facultty/Staff •Facilitate Lu e meeting with h Employer Rellations Team •Consultative •Assigned acccount manage er •Year‐round visibility on waall display in Caareer Center er for Career •Guest Speakker opportunitties with Cente Discovery and Developmen nt (Panels, Worrkshops) op on Career Related Topics •Onsite Employer Worksho CO ORPORATE PAR RTNERS ($3,00 00) •Employer lo ogo on Center ffor Career Disccovery and Developmentt Website Discovery •Early Reservvation for Centter for Career D and Developm ment Event Reegistration (Ressume Blitz, Mock Intervieew Week, etc.)) •Preferred on n‐campus recruiting dates (R Request Early) based u upon availabiliity •Covers Cost of Full Registrration for Internship Fair held in Springg semester (1 TTable/2 Reps) •Skybox Interrview Rooms ok (One per year) •Resume Boo Campus Visit th he Faculty/Stafff •Organized C •Consultativee Meeting with h Employer Rellations Team •Year‐round visibility on waall display in Caareer Center Career Discovery and Develop pment •Center for C Student Handout Promotio on m giveaways aat “Center •Company prromotional item for Career Disscovery and Deevelopment Open House” •Signage recognition at Maajor Events Career Discovery and Develop pment •Center for C Student Hand dout promotio on •Spotlight arrticle in the Cen nter for Careerr Discovery and Development Student Snapshot •Logo and info display on SStudent Log‐In dashboard in CareerBuzz •Company promotional item giveaways aat “Center for n House” Career Discovvery and Development Open 6 | P a g e Resu ume Book k Asanemp ployeryoucan npurchaseonllineaccesstotheresumesoof currentGeeorgiaTechsttudentsandallumniwhohav vegraduated duringtheepasttwoyeaars,andareactiveinourCen nterforCareeer Discovery yandDevelopm mentdatabasee. PLEASE NOTE: N If you u are new to o our online recruiting ssystem (CareerBu uzz), you mu ust first regisster your acccount to receeive a personalp passwordtoenableyoutoaaccesstheresu umebook. Bookfor$300 Youmayp purchaseacceesstotheGeo orgiaTechOnlineResumeB 0,whichinclu udesallmajorrsand showcasessmostrecentresumes. YouwillreceiveResum meBookaccessinCareerBu uzzuponpaym mentoffees,aandthataccessswillonlybeevalid ut the semester in which you y made the purchase. Pleease note thaat processing your Resumee Book throughou paymentaandthenprov vidingaccessccantakeupto48hours.Th hecurrentElecctronicResum meBookisavaailable forpurchaase. ResumeBookAccessincludesthefolllowingfeaturees: Fiilterstudentrresumesusinggkeywords,accademicmajorr,year in nschoolandd degreetype UsetheAdvanccedSearchtab btodoamoreedetailedsearrch th hroughtheressumesusingggraduationdatte,degreeleveeland workauthoriza w ation Em mailStudentss Crreateasubsettoftheresumebookthatcaanbeforward edto otthersforrevieew bepaidbycred ditcardatEPA AY ResumeBookFeecanb uestionsoraltternativespay ymentsmethodsonResumeeBooks,pleassecontactRich hardSouthat Foranyqu r.south@g gatech.edu 7 | P a g e D Degree es Offfered d Bach helor’s Master’s Bachelo or’sdegreesareawar rdedinthefollowingm majors: Master’sdegreesareawarded dinthefollowingmajo ors: Architecture Build dingConstruction n Indus strialDesign Archite ecture Buildin ngConstruction& &FacilityManage ement CityandRegionalPlann ning Geogra aphicInformation nScienceandTec chnology Human n‐ComputerInter raction Industr rialDesign MusicT Technology UrbanD Design Comp putationalMedia Comp puterScience Colle egeofArch hitecture Busin nessAdministratiion AppliiedLanguagesan ndInterculturalS Studies Comp putationalMedia Econo omics Econo omics&InternattionalAffairs Globa alEconomics&M ModernLanguage es History,Technology,& &Society Intern nationalAffairs Intern nationalAffairs& &ModernLangua age PublicPolicy Science,Technology,a andCulture Archiitecture Build dingConstruction n Citya andRegionalPlan nning Music cTechnology Colle egeofCom mputing Bioeng gineering Compu utationalScience&Engineering Compu uterScience Human n‐ComputerInter raction Inform mationSecurity Aeros spaceEngineerin ng BiomedicalEngineerin ng Chem mical&Biomolecu ularEngineering CivilE Engineering Comp puterEngineerin ng Electr ricalEngineering g Envir ronmentalEngineering Indus strialEngineering g Mater rialsScience&En ngineering Mech hanicalEngineerin ng Nucle ear&Radiologica alEngineering Ph h.D. Thedo ctoraldegreeisawar rdedwithmajorsinth hefollowing: Algor rithms,Combinattorics,andOptim mization Bioen ngineering Bioin nformatics Comp putationalScienc ce&Engineering Comp puterScience Huma an‐CenteredCom mputing Robotics Colle egeofEng gineering Aerosp paceEngineering Bioeng gineering Biomed dicalEngineering g Biomed dicalInnovation&Development Chemic calEngineering CivilEn ngineering Compu utationalScience&Engineering Electric cal&ComputerE Engineering EngineeringScience&M Mechanics Enterp riseTransformattion EnvironmentalEnginee ering HealthSystems Industr rialEngineering Interna ationalLogistics Materia alsScience&Eng gineering Mechan nicalEngineering g Medica alPhysics NuclearEngineering OperattionsResearch PaperS Science&Engine eering Polyme ers Profess sionalAppliedSy ystemsEngineeriing Quantittative&Computa ationalFinance Statistic cs Supply yChainEngineeriing Aeros spaceEngineerin ng Algor rithms,Combinattorics,&Optimiza ation Bioen ngineering Bioin nformatics Biom medicalEngineering Chem micalEngineering g CivilE Engineering Comp putationalScienc ce&Engineering Electr rical&Computer rEngineering Engin neeringScience& &Mechanics Envir ronmentalEngin eering Indus strialEngineering Mater rialScience&Engineering Mech hanicalEngineering Nucle ear&Radiologica alEngineering Opera ationsResearch Paper rScience&Engin neering Robotics Sche ellerColleg geofBusin ness BusinessAdministratio on Manage ement GlobalBusiness Manage ementofTechno ology QuantittativeandCompu utationalFinance e Mana agement Ivan nAllenColllege DigitalMedia Econom mics History y&SociologyofT Technology&Scie ence Human n‐ComputerInter raction Interna ationalAffairs PublicP Policy Digita alMedia Econo omics History&SociologyoffTechnology&Science Intern nationalAffairs,Science&Techno ology PubliicPolicy AppliiedMathematics AppliiedPhysics Bioch hemistry Biology Chem mistry DiscreteMathematics Earth h&AtmosphericS Sciences Physiics Psych hology Colle egeofScie ences Bioinfo ormatics Biology y Chemis stry Compu utationalScience&Engineering Earth& &AtmosphericSc ciences Human n‐ComputerInter raction Mathem matics PaperS Science&Engine eering Physics s Prosthe etics&Orthotics Psycho ology Quantittative&Computa ationalFinance Statistic cs Algor rithms,Combinattorics,&Optimiza ation AppliiedPhysiology Bioin nformatics Biology Chem mistry Comp putationalScienc ce&Engineering Earth handAtmosphericSciences Mathematics Paper rScience&Engin neering Physiics Psych hology 8 | P a g e R Recru uiting g Cale endar r FALL2014 ReservatiionsforFall2014On‐Cam mpusRecruiting areavailaableonlineth hroughCareeerBuzzForm more informatiiongoto: Mayy1(Thursdaay) http://caareer.gatech.eedu/careerb buzz/employer.php GTAlumn niCareerFaiir Mayy13(Tuesdaay) Forinform mationgoto o: www.gtalumni.org/caareerfair ClassesB Begin Auggust18(Mon nday) LaborDaay–CampusC Closed Sep ptember1(M Monday) ResumeB Blitz Sep ptember2(Tuesday)– Sep ptember5(Frriday) Forregisttrationandinformationggoto: www.carreer.gatech.ed du Fall2014 4On‐Campu usRecruitin ng Sep ptember9(T Tuesday)– Novvember21((Friday) Company yInformation nSessions–iinformation sessionreeservationsaareavailableeonlinethrou ugh theStudeentSuccessC Center Sep ptember3–N November30 0 Wh enschedulinggpleasetakeenoteof officcialholidaysandschoolb breaks Goto:htttp://www.sssc.gatech.edu u CareerFaair–Formorreinformatio ongoto: www.cfaiir.gatech.edu u Sep ptember8&9 9(Monday& & Tueesday) FirstDay yforOn‐camp pusInterview ws Sep ptember9(Tuesday) FallBreak k***NoRecrruiting*** Octtober13(Mo onday)‐Octo ober14 (Tu uesday) Thanksgiiving–Camp pusClosed Novvember27(T Thursday)– Novvember28(F Friday) RecommeendedLastD DayforComp panyInformaation Sessions Novvember30(SSunday) LastDayforOn‐camp pusInterview ws Novvember21(F Friday) ClassesEnd Deccember5(Frriday) 9 | P a g e R Recru uiting g Cale endar r (contin nuation) FinalExaams Deccember 8(Mo onday)–Deccember 12((Friday) WinterBreak–Camp pusClosed Deccember22(M Monday)– Deccember26(F Friday) SPRING2 2015 ReservatiionsforFall2014On‐Cam mpusRecruiting Monday) Deccember15(M areavailaableonlineth hroughCareeerBuzzForm more informatiiongoto: http://caareer.gatech.eedu/careerb buzz/employer.php ClassesB Begin Janu uary5(Monday) Company yInformation nSessions–iinformation sessionreeservationsaareavailableeonlinethrou ugh theStudeentSuccessC Center Janu uary5(Monday)–April17 (Friiday) Goto:ww ww.ssc.gatech h.edu Wh enschedulinggpleasetakeenoteof officcialholidaysandschoolb breaks MartinLu utherKingDay–CampussClosed Janu uary19(Monday) FirstDay yofOn‐camp pusIntervie ews Jan nuary20(Tu uesday) Co‐op/InternshipFair TBD D MockInteerviewWeek k‐**Norecru uiting** TBD D SpringBrreak Marrch16(Mond day)–March h20 (Friiday) RecommeendedlastDayforCompaanyInformattion Sessions Aprril3(Friday) LastDayforOn‐camp pusInterview ws Aprril24(Fridayy) ClassesEnd Aprril24(Fridayy) FinalExaams Aprril27(Mondaay)– May1 (Friiday) Exams Mayy2(Friday)–– May10 (Satturday) 10 | P a g e N New Emplo E oyer Profiile & Job Postting Settingupan naccountand dpostingapo ositionin CareerB Buzz In nstructions: To o ensure all students an nd recent allumni have vissibility and access to alll job postings we ask em mployers to post p their job b openings via v our free on nline job po osting and management system ‐ Ca areerBuzz. Tw wo steps comprise the posting proccess. First, request an acccount passwo ord and then n post your ositiondescrip ptionandqualificationsforstudentsto po co onsiderandap pply. ow these steps to initiate Firrst time userss, please follo theprocessand dpostyourjob bopening: CenterforCareeerDiscoveryand 1. AccessourC Developmen ntwebsiteww ww.career.gateech.edu. ployersandth henPostaJob b, 2. ClickonEmp Internship/ /Co‐Op. 3. ClickonCareerBuzz(7th wordinparagraph),and wEmployerR Registration. clickonNew mail within 24 hours of 4. Expect to receive an em ur Personal registration requesting crreation of you Password. ouwillbeableetologinto 5. Setyourpassword,andyo CareerBuzz at any time. Select the link labeled on‐OCR(OnC CampusRecrruiting)Job "CreateaNo Posting." Th hen submit your y position details for studentstocconsider. Arre you look king for GT T Alumni w with work exxperience? If your compan ny wants to aadvertise possitions that mniCareer reequireexperieence,pleaseaccesstheAlum Seervicesofficew websiteat w www.gtalumn ni.org or conttact them att 404‐894‐ 23 394. hird‐partyRe ecruitingAge encyJobPosttingPolicy Th If youareathiird‐partyrecrruiterposting ajobfora cliient,youmusstdisclosetheeclient’snameeinthejob deescription bo ox on CareerrBuzz. All jo ob posting reequests from third‐party recruiters w without the cliient name w will receive an n email requeesting that in nformation. If an update to o the job possting is not m madewithin48 8hoursofrecceivingtheem mailrequest th hen the job positing willl be deleted from the syystem. T Third‐party reecruiters are eeligible to parrticipate in th he Career Fairr only if theyy are recruitin ng for their ow wnrespectiveeorganization n,ortheyexpllicitlystate th hecompanynaametheyare representingatthetime off registration,, and during the fair. The recruiting coomplexitiesth hatexistfora third‐partyreecruiterfar su urpass those of a typical eemployer. Theerefore, GT Ceenter for Caareer Discovvery and Deevelopment reeserves the riight to deny aaccess and paarticipation tooanythird‐parrtyemployer. TeemporaryAggenciesorSta affingService e Teemporary aggencies or staffing serrvices are em mployers, nott third‐party recruiters, and will be exxpected to co omply with th he profession nal conduct prrinciplessetfo orthforemplo oyerprofessio onals. 11 | P a g e R Recru uiting g Pollicies Th heCenterfor rCareerDisccoveryandDe evelopmentiis co ommitted to working in the best intterests of ou ur and em stu udents mployers. Wee have establisshed employeer gu uidelinestoasssistyouinm makingon‐cam mpusrecruitin ng ap professional,ffairandethicaalexperience.Weencouragge orrganizations and a their recrruiters to help p us create an a eq quitableandsuccessfulrecrruitingprograambyactingiin aggreementwith hthefollowing gguidelines. Em mployerswho orecruit,posttjobs,attend careerfairs,o or ho ost informatio on sessions or o presentatio ons at Georgiia Teechmust adh here to Equal Employmen nt Opportunitty (E EEO) guidelines, the National Associatio on of Collegees an nd Employers (NACE) Principles P forr Employmen nt Prrofessionals,aandtheGTGuiidelinesoutlin nedhere. Ex xtendingOffe ers:CampusR RecruitingOffferPolicy Th he intention of o the Campu us Recruiting Offer Policy at a entsampletim GeeorgiaTechis toallowstud me tocarefullycon nsideralloftheiremploymeentoptionsan nd to make inform med decision ns about thei r employmen nt aft fter graduation. We provid de career‐related counselin ng an ndworkshops toourstuden ntstoassistth hemintheirjo ob seearch process, and help th hem evaluate and negotiatte th heir job offeers. We disccourage them m from hastty deecisionsthatm mayleadtoreenegingonajo oboffer,whicch weestronglydis courage. “E Exploding”offeersandbonussesputsenorm mouspressurre on n our student ts to make a decision bef fore they hav ve co ompleted the interviewing process. Mosst students arre no ot ready, nor should they be, b to make a a final decisio on beefore completting all their interviews. Often, O studentts wiith“exploding g”offersarecallingotherem mployersinaan atttempt to arrrange early interviews, thus greatlly inconveniencin g those firm ms as well. Pressuring a stu udent to acccept quickly makes m it harrder for us to t en nforceourpol icyagainstren negingoffers. If a full‐time job offer is made at the end d of summer to t interns returnin ng for their senior year, we w ask that yo ou givve them untiil the end of our Fall reccruiting seaso on (reviewRecruit tingCalendarforspecificdaates)tomakea deecision, so thaat they may fully participate in our on n‐ caampus t this policcy recruitting process. Please note that peertains to other studentts whom yo ou may hav ve interviewedoveerthesummeraswell. If you extend d full time job b offers to stu udents during g Fallrecruitinggforsummerstartdatesin nthefollowing g yyear, we ask that you givee these studeents at least 3 3 weeksoruntiilthefirstweeekofDecember(whicheverr w comes later) to decide. Any offers mad de on or afterr the first weeek of Januaryy for summeer start datess shouldbehelldopenforat least2weekss.Ideally,full‐‐ time job offerrs made during Spring sem mester should d allowstudenttsuntilApril1 1sttomakead decision. If you are interviewingg students for summerr internships,p pleasegivethemuntilMarcch1todecide e on your offerr. Internship o offers extended during the e Fallsemesterrtostudentssstudyingabro oadduringthe e Spring semesster should allso be held open until thiss date, as shou uld offers to students wh ho previously y w workedwithyyourorganizaationasintern ns. In some casses, students may ask fo or extensionss beyond thesee recommendeed deadlines; we hope you u w willbeableto oaccommodattetheirrequests. W Westronglyd discourageem mployerswho oputpressure e onstudentsttoacceptofferrswithinaveeryshorttime e period orattaach bonusestthat “explode”” if an offer iss not immediattely accepted.. This method d of recruiting g students do oes not ben nefit the em mployer and d contributesto oanineffectivveandstressffulexperience e for our studeents. We ask that if theree is a sign‐on n bonus, it be honored wheenever the stu udent acceptss theoffer. Pleaserespe ectthecomm mitmentstude entshavefor r their academics, as we ell as otherr previously y scheduled in nterviews, an nd refrain ffrom forcefull recruiting tactics. We e’ve apprecciated your r cooperation in the pa ast, and assk for your r flexibilityinthefuture. 12 | P a g e R Recru uiting g Poliicies (continuatiion) No ondiscrimina ationPolicy Th he Georgia Insstitute of Tecchnology is co ommitted to afffirmative implementation of equal employment e op pportunity in n education and employ yment. The Insstitute does not n discriminaate against ind dividuals on the basis of racce, color, relig gion, sex, natiional origin, agge,disability,ssexualorientaation,orveterranstatusin theadministrattionofadmisssionspolicies, educational po olicies, employ yment policiees, or any oth her Institute go overnedprogrramsandactiv vities.TheInstitute’snon‐ disscrimination policy p appliess to every meember of the insstitutecommu unity.Therefo ore,TheCenteerforCareer Discovery and Developmen nt Center will make its faccilities availaable only to recruiting orrganizations wh hosepracticessareconsisten ntwiththispo olicy. Co onfidentiality y Em mployment professionalss will maintain the confidentiality of student in nformation, reegardless of the source, inccluding perso onal knowled dge, written records/reportss, and com mputer dataabases. No dissclosure of sttudent inform mation should be given to an nother organ nization with hout the priior written consent of the student, unlesss necessitateed by health an nd/orsafetyco onsiderations. Individuals engaged in administering, a , evaluating, an nd interpretiing assessm ment tools, tests, and tecchnology used in selection n should be trained, t and qu ualified to do o so. Employm ment professionals must ad dvisestudents/alumniinattimelyfashion nofthetype an nd purpose of f any test thatt students/alu umni will be required to tak ke as part of the recruitm ment process an ndtowhomth hetestresultswillbedisclossed.Alltests sh houldbereview wedbytheem mployingorgaanizationfor im mpactandjobrrelevance. Can ncellation/N NoShowPoliccy w reservation, Iff it is necessaary to cancel an interview p lease do so aas far in advance as possib ble. Interview rooomsareinh highdemandaandyourearlyycancellation w willgiveother employersan nopportunity tomeetwith G GT students. IIn the event of cancelation n, employers m mustcontactaallstudentsinvvitedtointervviewpriorto th hedaytheintterviewwassccheduled. Iff you honor yyour campus interview resservation the u se of The Center for Career Disscovery and D Development private interrview rooms during your caampusvisitisscomplimentaary.Cancellattionmustbe m made at leasst two busin ness days p prior to the in nterviewdate e,oracancelllationfeeof$100willbe a ssessed. A Any changes you wish to make to yo our schedule ordinated through Centerr for Career sh hould be coo D DiscoveryandDevelopmentt.Pleasecontaact: P atriciaBazrod d D DirectorEmplo oyerRelationss C enterforCareeerDiscoveryandDevelopm ment G GeorgiaInstitu uteofTechnolo ogy E mail:[email protected] 13 | P a g e Sch hoolss Con ntact CollegeofEn ngineering nvironmentalEngineering g CivilandEn ShantaHutch hins‐ shanta.hutch [email protected] h.edu MechanicalEngineering KristiMehafffey‐ [email protected] ering MaterialSciienceEnginee SusanBowm man‐ [email protected] ShirleyMancchester– [email protected] BiomedicalEngineering h‐sally.gerrish [email protected] h.edu SallyGerrish Engineering AerospaceE LakshmiSan nkar‐ lakshmi.sank [email protected] ndComputerEngineering g Electricalan ClaudiaFord d‐claudia.ford [email protected] AnnaM.Walker‐ [email protected] EttaPittman‐etta.pittman [email protected] IndustrialandSystemsE Engineering ValerieDurant–modeste‐valarie.durant‐ ye.gatech.edu modeste@isy ndBiomolecu ularEngineerring Chemicalan SusanMcCoy y‐susan.mcco [email protected] CollegeofBusiness ow– LaurenMcDo [email protected] StanBroomee– [email protected] omputing CollegeofCo MarielleThomas‐mcthom [email protected] h.edu CollegeofArchitecture MichelleRineehart‐ [email protected] BrendaMorrris– [email protected] h.edu IvanAllenC College StephanieJackson‐ [email protected] ElizabethMiller‐emiller@ @gatech.edu AnthonyGalllego‐[email protected] du CollegeofScciences Biology LauraCook‐laura.cook@ @biology.gatecch.edu MirjanaBroccket‐ [email protected] Chemistry& &Biochemisttry DenishaTho omas‐ denisha.thom [email protected] CarrieShepleer‐ [email protected] Mathematiccs SharonMcDo owell‐ sharon.mcdo [email protected] EnidSteinbaart‐ [email protected] Physics KevinCarterr‐[email protected] Psychology JanWestbroo ok‐ [email protected] EAS DanaHartleyy‐[email protected] CurrentGra aduateStuden nts RobbieBOuzts [email protected] [email protected] KenLittle‐k ociation AlumniAsso mni.org www.gtalum 14 | P a g e E Emplloyer Even nts Ch heckllist Increasseyourvisiibilitybypa articipatio ninanyof ftheseprog grams MocckInterviews:Studentsccanscheduleeanappointm mentforaprracticeintervviewwithan n emp ployertoreceiveindividu ualcoachingontheirinteerviewingsk kills.Wehostta“Mock InteerviewWeek k”everysprin ngsemesterduringtheth hirdweekoff January. ResumeBlitz:A AnnualeventheldinSepttemberwherrestudentsreeceivefeedbackontheir umesfromem mployers. resu Inteernship/Co‐O OpFair:Afair,solelyforstudentsseeekinginternsshipsandco‐‐opopportun nities with hemployers.TheInternsship/Co‐opF Fairisheldan nnuallyinJan nuary. dentOrganizzationInvolv vement:Obtaainguidanceinhowyoucanpartnerwithvariouss Stud stud dentorganizationsoncam mpus. nnuallyincarreerrelatedm miniworkshopsfacilitateedbyemployyers. CareerFocus:Paarticipatean Info ormationSesssions:Prom moteyourcom mpanyande ducatestudeentsaboutyo ourbusinessand jobopportunitieesbyschedulinganinform mationsessiion. On‐CampusRecruiting:Colllectresumesandintervieewstudentso on‐campusu usingouronlline uzz scheedulingsysteem,CareerBu m:Increaseyourvisibilittyamongstu udentsandreeceiverecruiitingbenefitss(e.g. ParrtnerProgram resumebook,caareerfairs,in nfosessions,etc.)bybecoomingaCentterforCareeerDiscoveryand Dev velopment Partner. Gu uestSpeakerOpportunitiees:Volunteerrtobeaguesstspeakeron ncareer‐relaated panels/worksh hopsfacilitatedbyCenterrforCareerD Discoveryan ndDevelopment. Em mployerFaciliitatedWorksshops:Condu uctcareerrellatedworksh hopstoshareeindustryreelated exp perienceswitthstudentssseekinginternships/jobssearchadvicee. ResumeBook:C Conductcusto omizedcand didatesearch hesandcontaactstudentsdirectlyby purchasingdigittalaccesstoourResumeBook. 15 | P a g e E Eventts INFORMA ATIONSESSION N: http://w www.ssc.gatech.edu/ InformationSessionreeservations/co onfirmationarremade through the Success Center Build ding Managerr. The Center for f Career Discovery and Develo opment Officeis notresponssibleforsettiinguporcan nceling y cancel your y on your infformation session. If you campusin nterviews,YO OUMUSTcan ncelyourinforrmation session via email to the building manager: m [email protected] atech.edu. Center C for Career successce Discovery y and Development will ensure that yo our info sessionisspublicizedo onourwebsiteandinCareeerBuzz. FAIR: CAREERF TheFallC CareerFairissheldduring thesecondw week ofSeptem mber.Reservaationsbeginin nJune.Check kour website for f details on n how to participate and d for informatiion on addittional Career Fairs held d by student organizatio ons or /and / Acadeemic Departmeents. 16 | P a g e O On-Ca ampuss Reccruitiing (O OCR) Prog gram m Eacchyear,emplo oyersfromav varietyofindu ustrieshostin nterviewsinttheCenterfor CareerDiscoveryandDevvelopmentto recrruitcurrentG GeorgiaTechsstudentsforfu ull‐time,co‐op pandinternsh hippositionsthroughparticcipationintheeOn‐campus Reccruiting(OCR))program.WeinviteyoutoconsiderpaarticipationinourOCRprogramduringtthe2014‐201 15recruiting season. The eCenterforC CareerDiscov veryandDeve elopment offe ers 5 51 interview rooms located in the Bill B Moore SStudentSuccessCenter(freeofcharge) C Conferenceroommeetingspace R Recruiterloun ngewithsnack ks,coffee,teaaandsoda W Wirelessinternetaccess C Copy,scanand dfaxservices SSkypeIntervieews erviews Inte Loca ation: Bill Moore Student Success Center ‐ Baseement level. The T Success Center C is locaated at 219 UncleHeinieWay y,neartheTecchTowerandnexttothe bbyDoddFoottballStadium. Bob n‐in: Located d on the Reccruiters elecctronic sign baseementlevelattthecheckin counter.Yourinterview room mwillbeassig gnedatthattiime. erview packe ets: Interview w packages th hat include Inte yourr schedule an nd the resumes for studen nts you are interviewing sho ould be printted from CareerBuzz in advaanceofyourinterviewdatee.However,iffnecessary, aCeenterforCareeerDiscoveryaandDevelopm mentCareer ServvicesRepcanprintyourpacketforyouiffrequested wheenyoucheck‐iin. ystoFillYou urCompanyIn nterviewSch hedule: Way Inteerview sign‐u ups end 2 day ys before yourr interview datee. To fill any openings on your schedule, you are welccome to identtify possible candidates c by y reviewing additional resum mes from caareer fairs, GT G resume orpersonalco ontacts. dataabase,informaationsessiono Reserveaninterrviewroom erviewdaylo ogistics Inte We openat8:00 a.m.,andthe normalinterv viewdayis m9:00a.m.to o5:00p.m.Pleeasedonotsccheduleany from interviewsbeforee8:30am. uleoffersanh hourbreak Our standardinteerviewschedu wo 15‐minute breaks durin ng the day. for lunch and tw welve 30‐min nute, eight 45‐minute or You can select tw 60‐minuteinteerviewsperscchedule. six6 Assuggestedlisttingofareareestaurants’meenuscanbe fou undpostedininterviewroo oms. ForOn‐Cam mpusdiningop ptionsvisit: h https://www..gatechdining..com/dining‐ cchoices/indexx.html For Caterin ng or Speciaal events Geeorgia Tech aapprovalvend dorlist,pleaseevisit: h http://www.sssc.gatech.edu u/catering_pollicy.php mcancellation nfee Intterviewroom Noo cost is asso ociated with tthe use of ou ur interview roooms. Howeveer, if you can ncel your interview room resservation lesss than 2 bussiness days p prior to the intterview date a cancelatio on fee of $1 100 will be asssessed. ampusinterv view(OCI)schedule: Seccureanon‐ca 1. AccessCareeerBuzz:https:///gatech‐ csm.sympliciity.com/emplo oyers/ 2. Click“CreateNewSchedulleRequest”un nder Shortcuts 3. CompletetheeScheduleReq questForm 4. Onceyourreequesthasbeeenapproved,aattachyour positions 5. Confirmdateesassociatedw withyourresu ume submissiond deadline,cand didateselectiontimeline andcompletiionofthefinalinterviewschedule. Pleaseallow7 72hoursforyo ourrequestto obe **P app provedatwhiichtimeyouw willreceivea con nfirmationem mailwithjobp posting/procedural insstructions** Ifyyouareintereestedinpostin ngajoband/or intternship,butaareNOTintereestedincomin ngto cam mpustocondu uctyourinterrviews,pleasecreatea CarreerBuzzacco ountandonceeloggedin,onthe ho mepage,clickkon“CreateaN Non‐OCRJobP Posting”. 17 | P a g e O On-Campu us Re ecruitting (OCR R) Pro ogram m (cont.) If you would like to sh hip materials prior to your on‐campus interviewsoremployerrinformationsession,pleasseshipthem tousatth hefollowingad ddress: USPSShip ppingAddress GeorgiaTechCenterforrCareerDisco overyandDev velopment 219UncleeHeinieWay Atlanta,GA.30332 FedEx&U UPSShippingA Address GeorgiaT TechCenterforCareerDisco overyandDev velopment StudentS SuccessCenterr 225North hAvenueNW Atlanta,GA.30332‐0105 Are you looking for GT Alumni with work experience? ompany wantts to advertisse positions that t require If your co experiencce, please acceess the Alumni Career Serrvices office websiteatt: www.gtaalumni.orgorccontactthemat404‐894‐23 394. 18 | P a g e S Student Pr rofile e G Graduate En nrollment by b College, Ethnicity, E & Gender AmericanInndian NativeHawaiian TwoorMore Unknown Whhite Grand orAlaskaan OtherPacific Internationaal Institute Races Islander 395 175 1191 108 193 68 2 1 2 1 76 33 1 16 2 2,104 679 2,142 7225 5,121 1,792 6,913 Male Female Male male Male Female Male Female Malee Female Male Female Male Femaale Male Female TTotal Female Male Female Male Fem Blackor AfrricanAmerican Asian TotalInstitute CollegeofArchiteecture CollegeofCompuuting CollegeofEngineeering IvanAllenCollege CollegeofSciences CollegeofRegistrrar SchellerCollegeoofBusiness Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 9 25 252 6 22 16 10 84 14 24 81 27 30 11 68 10 10 1 61 13 8 34 10 18 1 24 Hispanicor Laatino 111 133 1122 4 211 1 311 10 34 5 10 1 2 1 2 2 6 54 2 7 4 2 14 1 9 5 3 9 1 3 9 1 2 2 123 156 1,201 67 251 6 300 90 23 260 62 152 2 90 85 327 1,377 30 226 3 94 55 87 398 43 93 3 46 261 541 3,077 120 539 11 572 189 130 827 135 306 6 199 450 671 3,904 255 845 17 771 U Undergradu uate Enrollm ment by Colllege, Ethniccity, & Gen nder Asian TotalInstitute CollegeofArchiteecture CollegeofCompuuting CollegeofEngineeering IvanAllenCollegee CollegeofSciencees CollegeofRegistrrar SchellerCollegeoofBusiness Total Total Total Total Total Total Total 1,705 M F 18 221 1,173 24 94 95 80 Blackor HispanicorLatinoAmericanIndian NativeHawaiian TwoorMoreRaceUnkknown White International Institute G Grand AffricanAmerican orAlaskanNNative orOther PacificIslander 898 298 9 303 173 5 53 20 5,348 2,628 1,082 4662 9,725 4,833 14,558 578 340 639 9 8 5 M F M F M F T Total M F M F F M M F F M M F 1 14 21 15 152 199 7 7 116 10 351 26 1 90 12 14 54 20 6 63 11 30 1,049 254 1,303 34 7 115 107 70 4 1 565 1 377 179 4558 169 7 1 185 107 327 6,691 2,587 9,278 863 440 34 8 3,589 1,352 4 5 34 31 1 14 19 3 2 7 10 8 256 366 238 6 622 52 4 3 167 20 43 2 27 37 1 1 24 16 38 486 634 1,120 354 25 139 3 5 293 20 20 2 20 8 17 7 27 382 201 75 53 583 63 4 1 173 61 33 4 43 33 2 1 2 1 29 19 17 709 592 1,301 378 18 108 3 2 471 Geeographicall Distributio on of Alumn ni by State State Alabamaa Alaska Arizona Arkansass Californiia Colorado o Connectiicut Delawarre Districto ofColumbia Florida Georgia Guam Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky y Louisian na Maine Maryland Massach husetts Michigan n Military Minnesota Mississip ppi Missourii Montanaa Alumni A 2,829 96 924 278 6,394 1,337 698 223 433 8,399 57,184 11 149 103 1,349 554 148 257 687 755 96 2,265 1,461 877 127 390 422 588 78 Neebraska Neevada NeewHampshire NeewJersey NeewMexico NeewYork No orthCarolina No orthDakota Oh hio Ok klahoma Orregon Peennsylvania Pu uertoRico Rh hodeIsland So outhCarolina So outhDakota Teennessee Teexas Uttah Veermont VirginIslands Virginia W Washington W WestVirginia W Wisconsin W Wyoming GrandTotal 98 228 263 1,445 379 2,051 4,498 17 1,428 232 569 1,565 346 129 3,434 27 3,006 5,752 213 86 22 4,191 1,430 132 349 35 121,037 7 For more inform mation visitt: http p://factbook k.gatech.edu u/ 19 | P a g e A Area & Diirectiions ParkingProcedures: The Visitor Parking Areaa has an auttomated park king ouwillbeissu uedanautomaatedticketwh hen attendant.Yo you enter th he parking areea. The parkiing rate is $1.50 per hour (m maximum of $20/day). $ Wh hen you exit the parking area you will insert your ticket into the automated attendant a an nd then inserrt the payment amount indicated. The paarking attendaant accepts caash debit cards ass payment and will provide a and credit/d receipt. AvenueVisito orParkingareaisfull,then next IftheNorthA most conven nient lot will be adjacent to the Student Center/Studeent Services Buildings. That lot is locatted onFerstDriv ve.Togetthereturnleftou utofthepark king area onto North N Avenuee. Take the first right on nto CherryStreeet,andfollowiitaroundthecurveontoFeerst Drive.ProceeedonFerstDriveuntilyou useetheStudent Center Parkiing banner (P Parking Area 2) on the right sideofthesttreet. Ticketing an nd/or "booting g" of illegally parked vehiccles is enforced. Ticket/towin ng fees must be b borne by the neofthesevissitorlots. recipient.Pleeaseparkinon Centerfo orCareerDiscoveryandD Development ngLocation Buildin Our offices are located in the Bill Moore Student mployerCheck k‐in SuccessCentter(2ndFloorr)andtheEm area for on n campus in nterviews is located in the Basement arrea of the sam me building. The buildingg is located acro oss the street from the North Aven nue ParkingAreaa. To get to our building g you can cross the strreet k above the sttreet or you can c underneath the crosswalk nce usethecrossswalkatthettopoftheparrkingdeck.On you walk across North Avenue from the t parking area wthesidewalk ktotherightn nearthefootb ball pleasefollow stadiumtoth hefirstbuildin ngontheright(Building#3 31‐ Bill Moore Student Successs Center). Affter entering the mentlevelify you buildingtakeetheelevatorrstothebasem areconductinginterviewssortothe2nd dfloorifyou are 20 | P a g e A Area & Dir rectio ons (Co ontinuation)) D DrivingsouthonI‐75/85in ntoAtlanta: Taake Exit #249 9D (North Av venue). At thee top of the exxitramp,turn nrightontoNo orthAvenue.A Atthetopof th he exit ramp p, turn rightt onto North h Ave. and co ontinue on North N Ave. ap pproximately 1.5 blocks th hrough the traffic light at Techwood Drrive. On the leeft you will seee a large parrking lot. Park king will be avvailableintheeVisitor1lot.Simplypullto otheVisitor 1 gate (on thee left once inside the lot) and take a ticket. Parking is at your ow wn expense and typically co osts $1.50 peer hour. See the GT Camp pus Parking M Map. D DrivingnorthonI‐75/85in ntoAtlanta: Taake Exit #24 49D (Spring Street, Westt Peachtree Sttreet). At the top of the exxit ramp, go through t the firrst intersecttion (Spring Street). Att the next in ntersection (W West Peachtree), turn left. Continue C on W WestPeachtreeeforapproxim matelyoneblo ockandturn leeftontoNorth hAvenue.Crosssovertheintterstateand Teechwood Driv ve. On the leeft you will see a large paarkinglot.Parkingwillbe availableinttheVisitor1 lo ot.SimplypullltotheVisitor1gate(onttheleftonce in nside the lot) and take a ticket. t Parkingg is at your ow wn expenseaandtypically costs c $1.50 peer hour. See th heGTCampussParkingMap. . M MARTA (Mettropolitan A Atlanta Rapiid Transit Au uthority): If you are goin ng to the Billl Moore Student Success Ceenter, trains ttake you from m the Hartsfiield‐Jackson Attlanta Internaational Airport baggage claim to the Noorth Avenue station. It is a 20‐minutee ride. Walk th hreeblocksweestonNorthA Avenuetocam mpus.Fareis $2 2.50oneway,,andexactch hangeisrequirred(change m machines are aavailable at M MARTA statio ons). At the in ntersectionof NorthAvenueeandFowler Street,(just paast our footbaall stadium) asscend the stairrs under the arrchway and take an immediate right. Follo ow the path too the Success C Center which w will be on your right. Foor more inform mation visit: htttp://www.itsm marta.com ortation: Geeorgia Tech Caampus Transpo htttp://pts.gatech.edu/ride/rou utes_schedules/Pages/rou tees_schedules.aspx ArrivingatHa artsfield‐Jack kson AtlantaIntern nationalAirpo ort: ArrivingattheBillMooreSttudentSuccesssCenterby Caab: Take a caab to the corn ner of North Avenue A and Fo owler Street 190 North Av ve. NW (just west of the in ntersection of f North Avenu ue and Techw wood Drive). Caab fare is app proximately $30. $ Cross No orth Avenue ussing the crosswalk at the street level. Ascend the sttairs under the t archway and take an immediate riight Follow th he path to the Student Succeess Center 21 | P a g e L Lodgiing Option O ns LODGINGOPTIONS hehotelthatisthemostacccessibletoourrofficeisthe Th Ha 4North amptonInnllocatedat244 AvvenueNW,Atllanta,GA3031 13.Itiswithin neasywalkingg diistance(lessth han1/8mile)andcanbeco ontactedat 40 048810881 notheron‐ An caampusoptionisourGeorgiaaTechHotela andConferen nc eCenter w www.gatechhottel.comlocateedinTechnolo ogySquare, atthreeblockarreainMidtownAtlantaonttheeast sideofcampus. hisislocatedw withinonemileofourofficeeandcanbe Th co ontactedat40 043479440. naddition,yo oumayconsid derthefollow wing(when In co ontactinghottels,pleasein nquireabout Ge eorgiaTechd discounts): ottSuitesMid dtown AttlantaMarrio (1 1.57milesfrom mStudentSucccessCenter)3 3514thStreett Attlanta,GA303 309 40 048768888 estWesternG GranadaSuitteHotelDow wntown Be (1 1.71milesfrom mStudentSucccessCenter) 13 302WestPeacchtreeStreetA Atlanta,GA30 0309 40 04.876.6100/ /800.548.5631 estWesternIInnatthePea achtree(.92m milesfrom Be SttudentSuccesssCenter) 33 30WestPeach htreeStreetAttlanta,GA303 308 40 045776970 ourtyardAtla antaMidtown n Co (1 1.74milesfrom mStudentSucccessCenter) 11 132Techwood dDriveAtlantta,GA30318 40 046071112 mbassySuite esCentenniallOlympicParrk Em (.9 92milesfromStudentSuccessCenter) 26 67MariettaSttreetAtlanta,G GA30313 40 042232300 22 | P a g e
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