EBJC RECORDER TISHREI/CHESHVAN 5775 October, 2014, Vol 45, No. 2 Learn how EBJC Bar Mitzvahs Matan Omansky and Sam Platzman Improve our world! Page 8 Kita Bet/2nd grade Hebrew School made honey holders for Rosh Hashanah! Yom Kippur Friday, October 3rd Kol Nidre—6:00 PM Candellighting—6:18 PM Saturday, October 4 Shaharit — 9:00 AM Mincha — 4:30 PM Neila — 6:00 PM Sounding of the Shofar—7:16 PM 511 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Tel: (732) 257-7070 Fas: (732) 257-9630 www.ebjc.org Shabbat Services Oct 10—2nd Day Sukkot Oct 11—Shabbat Chol Hamoed 9:30 am & 6:05 pm Bar Mitzvah of Samuel Platzman Oct 17-Simchat Torah Oct 18-BERESHIT 9:30 am & 5:55pm Bar Mitzvah of Matan Omansky Saturday, Oct 25-9:30 am & 5:45 pm, Egalitarian Mincha Minyan LECH LECHA Friday, Oct 31—5:35 pm Saturday, November 1—9:30 am & 5:35 pm NOAH Friday, Oct 24—5:45 pm Upcoming Holidays Oct 3 Kol Nidre—Erev Yom Kippur Oct 4 Yom Kippur Oct 8 Erev Sukkot Oct 9 1st Day Sukkot Oct 10 2nd Day Sukkot Oct 15 Hoshanah Rabbah Oct 16 Shemini Atzeret Oct 17 Simchat Torah Friday Shabbat Times Oct 3—6:21 PM Oct 10 6:09 PM Oct 17 5:59 PM Oct 24 5:48 PM Oct 31 5:39 PM Your Help is Needed East Brunswick Jewish Center is more than just the home to the oldest and largest Jewish Center in East Brunswick. Although our roots are Conservative we promote and encourage the religious, educational and social values of all Jewish organizations in our community and work closely with the Jewish Federation of Middlesex County. In order for us to accomplish so much, with so little resources, we rely upon volunteers to help us. We need you to volunteer for these positions and 2 any other areas where you can help us. Our community relies upon your energy, expertise and hard work. Editor and/or Writer for the Recorder—Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Create a Social Community to interact and promote our vendors, sponsors and donors. Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Bikur Cholim contact Madeline Frances 732254-2783 Deena Oren 732-432-9130, Jordan Feldman 732-613-1925 Shiva Minyan contact- EBJC Office 732-2577070 Meals on Wheels delivery Bunny Kaplan 732254-4528 Social Marketing /PR person to help market EBJC (perfect position for a graduate trying to visibly impress future employers) Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Volunteers to help run major events. Call Gale (732) 257-7070 Membership Chairman—Help attract and develop a great environment for our members. Contact Jay (732) 784-3244 RABBINIC REFLECTIONS Parallel But Different As we have just concluded the celebration of Rosh Hashanah and begin a New Year, it is interesting to note that according to the Mishna, there are four New Year’s days that are celebrated. For us, the most prominent is the first of Tishrei which begins the calendar year as we know it. The second best known New Year ’s Day is the first of Nisan. According to the biblical calendar, Nisan is the first month of the year and all biblical dates are counted from the month of Nisan, hence Passover in the Book of Exodus is observed on the 15th month. Interestingly, the day we know as Rosh Hashanah, in our Torah is called the first day of the seventh month. when we are told that this month of Nisan is the first month of the year, we have an association with the redemption of the Jewish people, our ancestors from Egypt. Tishrei is different. The first of Tishrei marks, according to our tradition, the birth of the world. It’s not a uniquely Jewish celebration, but one that bonds all humanity. Our traditions teach us that in this season the entire world and all humanity is judged, not just the Jewish people. This universal spirit continues through the holiday of Sukkot. As much as we celebrate God’s care for the people of Israel in the desert on Sukkot, we also celebrate God who cares for the entire world. It is on Sukkot according to the Prophet Zechariah that the final redemption will occur and all nations will come to Jerusalem to celebrate the holiday of Sukkot. At this time of year many are keenly aware of their Jewishness, and the holidays help us feel a deeper connection to our Jewish roots. We also make a greater attempt to return to Synagogue and in many ways our prayers are offered with greater fervor. All that is good, but our tradition also reminds us that we are not in this alone. As we ready ourselves for the holiday of Sukkot, we should be mindful that when we pray for rain, it’s not just rain for the Jewish people but for the entire world, and when we ask for salvation, it’s not a particular salvation but a universal one. Though Sukkot is still solely a Jewish holiday, it is a poignant time for us to remember the needs of the entire community and our place as a part of the larger world. All this can lead to a bit of confusion, when we talk about a new year. When we count the months, we are counting according to our current calendar year which begins on the first day of the month of Tishrei. Still this parallel calendar offers us a unique insight into the nature of our Jewish holidays and the Jewish year. Both the first of Tishrei and the first of Nisan are known as New Year’s days. On the tenth of each month is a significant day, the tenth of Tishrei is Yom Kippur and the tenth of Nisan was the first day the Passover lamb could be set aside for the Passover sacrifice. The 15th of Sukkot and the 15th to parallel each other, there is a unique difference in the nature of the holidays and the Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein character of each calendar. Passover marks our redemption from Egypt. It is a particular Jewish holiday, which is nearly universally observed in some form by every Jewish household. Beginning with Chapter 12 in the Book of Exodus 3 4 President’s Report “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” Albert Einstein We held our Congregational Meeting on Saturday, September 20th at 8:30 PM. Over 120 members attended to ratify our new slate of officers, approve our 2014/2015 budget, choose the nominating committee as required by our constitution, and to hear about the current state of our finances. I’d like to speak with you today about some of the points that I covered in my financial presentation and to talk a little about some changes we are making to this year’s Yom Kippur appeal lead by Anne and Adrian Kroll. Long term we will need to make some tough decisions, with the help of congregational focus groups and the Board of Directors we need to consider sweeping strategies to ensure our viability. Everything needs to be on the table to be discussed, debated, and to be decided upon. Choices we will consider among others, include selling a portion of the campus, including our houses on Ryders Lane, enough to manage a smaller debt, develop our land, merge with another Shul in the area, share our Shul with another Shul, or open our building up to the full spectrum of conservative Judaism to grow our membership. I know that some of these options are daunting, but all of these options need to be considered to keep up with a long term viable plan; however, I promise you that no radical decision will be made without the input of our members with the only goal being that EBJC is around for generations to come. We expect to have closed on EBJC’s house that was occupied by Rabbi Rogoff by the time you read this article. The final sale price is $454,000 and we exWe are counting on a great Yom Kippur appeal to pect a profit of between $77,000 and $85,000 to help us with our short term financial needs. After a be used for capital improvements, including a much heart-felt appeal by Anne Kroll at the Congregationneeded technology upgrade for our building. al meeting, members donated over $15,000 to be Your leadership is committed to dealing with our added to the $15,000 we already collected. Anne financial issues with transparency and head-on, fo- will be speaking to the congregation on Yom Kippur. cusing now on our short term requirements, to give I’d like you to listen to Anne and me and to give our long term strategy the opportunity to develop what your heart tells you. This year we will not be and to take effect. Our membership is declining, making our appeal calls before the holiday but after our annual debt service remains at approximately and not before you have the opportunity to hear $260,000, and at the end of the second quarter of what Anne, the Rabbi, and I have to say. 2015 we will have a cash deficit of $280,000 if we Cindy and I wish you and yours a happy and healthy do nothing. Our short term strategy includes New Year. La Shana Tova! working with our banks to restructure our loans and other tactics including property rentals, re- Sincerely, opening our camp in partnership with Netivot, child care for our pre-school program, Honorariums, a Eric Rabinowitz December 20th Fall Event (Dueling Pianos), collecting on our aged receivables, and a strong Yom Kip- President pur appeal. 5 PreSchool Press School is fantastic! Our children have adjusted well to their new surroundings and all come in with smiling faces. For Rosh Hashanah, our 3 year olds were busy baking delicious honey cake, making New Year’s cards and a shofar. Our 4 year olds will be getting honey from a honeycomb Director to put in their apple and honey plates they made. Here is a picture of our 2 ½ year olds enjoying some apples and honey! Yum. October is Fire Prevention Month. The East Brunswick Fire Department will be coming in with Sparky the Fire Dog to go over important fire safety rules. This is a good time of year to check your batteries in your smoke detectors. Fall is upon us and our preschoolers will be taking their annual fall walk. We will have them collect leaves and pinecones and they will make beautiful decorations to put in our EBJC sukkah. 6 Each week our energetic preschoolers will be doing one of the following activities Yoga, Israeli Dance, Zumba, or Boot Camp to keep them fit and to develop their gross motor skills. Lynda Perel, Early Childhood DIRECTOR’S DRASH (Excerpts from Back to School) Shana tova, and welcome to the year 5775. For those of you non-math people, the number 5775 is a palindrome - it is the same forward and backward, the same coming and going. During my two months of getting to know the community, I have been reflecting on the meaning of this journey we embark on together. It struck me that one goal is for the experience of Hebrew School to NOT be a palindrome. You should NOT be the same coming and going. What happens here should be transformative, in some way. reviewing their Hebrew reading and tefillot. We welcome several families new to the shul and school! Each class is looking forward to creating decorations for and spending time in the EBJC sukkah. The new Young Adult Program is underway, with 19 teens in attendance for the opening class. This course will explore several Mitzvah Modules throughout the year with a focus on hands-on social action activities. L'hitraot, Julie Schwarzwald, Education and Youth Director Youth News Star Basketball returns! The season runs from OctoFor those of you who remember the Oldsmobile commercials, my intention is that this is “NOT your ber 21 through December 16, in two sessions. Grades 1 through 3 will meet on Tuesdays from father’s Hebrew school.” In fact, it’s not really HEBREW school at all; we teach far more than Hebrew. 6:30 to 7:30, and grades 4 through 6 will meet on Nor is it RELIGIOUS school, for that is not our main Wednesdays from 6:00 to 7:00. For more inforpurpose. It really is JEW SCHOOL. What do we want mation, see the flyer. our children to learn? To read Hebrew, to be sure. Chaverim, the youth group for 4th and 5th grades, To feel comfortable with tefillah so that they are had a successful - and delicious - evening of Ice comfortable when they walk into any kehilla, any Cream and Icebreakers on September 23. Next is a synagogue, anywhere in the world. To be familiar special post-Simchat Torah evening with Kadima on with the rituals associated with each holiday. To feel October 21. connected to Israel, and to know, viscerally, in their Kadima, the youth group for 6th through 8th kishkes, that it is their second home. To view the Torah as a guideline for living an ethical and mean- grades, is kicking off its year with a Games Galore Pizza Party on October 7, from 6:15 to 7:45 pm. ingful life. Then they will join Chaverim for a special postTruthfully, few of our children will be lifelong soccer Simchat Torah celebration on October 21. The or football athletes, professional dancers or musiopening Regional event will take place on Sunday, cians. They WILL be lifelong Jews. Therefore, I ask October 19 in Cranford. that you make Hebrew School a priority for your USY, the youth group for 9th through 12th grades, family. We at EBJC have relatively few hours each week to develop the knowledge and skills we hope enjoyed an opening picnic on September 7. Next is an exciting evening in the sukkah on Tuesday, Octoyour children will use for their lifetimes. I look forber 14, followed by the opening Regional dance in ward to collaborating with you in this endeavor. Millburn on Saturday night, October 18. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------For more information and to join in, contact Julie Hebrew School has begun and the classrooms are Schwarzwald, Education and Youth Director. filled with students learning about the holidays and 7 Bar/Bat Mitzvah Sam Platzman October 11, 2014 East Brunswick Jewish Center Matan Omansky October 18, 2014 511 Ryders Lane, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 Tel: 732-257-7070 Fax: 732-257-9630 www.ebjc.org Primary Contacts My name is Sam Platzman and I am an 8th grader at Churchill Junior High School. For my Mitzvah Project, I chose to raise money to support the Make a Wish Foundation, which helps to grant terminally ill children a special wish, whether it is to go to a theme park or to meet a celebrity. In order to raise this money, I asked my friends, family, and teachers to help support this cause. I was inspired by the children’s wishes they were granted, and the smiles it brought on their faces. There is no doubt that I will continue to support this cause. 8 Matan Omansky is a student at Solomon Schechter Day School in Marlboro. Matan loves reading and for his Bar Mitzvah he is donating English books to schools in Israel through The Jade Bar Shalom Books for Israel Project. This is an international grassroots effort to bring gently used good quality English books to school libraries in Israel. The "Books for Israel" project connects donors directly to schools, teachers and the students so that both the donor and recipient communities can develop close, friendly relations. Matan expects to donate about 500 of his own books and from the community. Matan looks forward to traveling to Israel soon with his family and visiting the school in Rishon LeZion where he is donating the books. Joshua Finkelstein, Rabbi 732-257-7070 Raymond Sasson, Financial Admin. 732-257-7070 Eric Rabinowitz, President 732-390-9781 David Blivaiss, Treasurer 732-238-6780 Cindy Rabinowitz, Sisterhood President 732-390-9781 Mark Foladare, Men’s Club President 732-238-4656 Mark Benson, Youth Commission 732432-7693 Joannie Weinfeld, Youth Commission 732-390-7794 Steven Albert Religious Chair 732-2387126 Julie Schwarzwald, Education & Youth Director 732-257-7070 Lynda Perel, Nursery School Director 732-257-7070 RECORDER STAFF Don Bloom, Staff Artist Gale Dillman, Administration Jay Lopatin, Editor YAHRZEITS Renee and Paul Weissman for yahrzeit in memory of her Aunt, Sara Roditti Janis Cohen for yahrzeit Bea Hess for yahrzeit in memory of her father, Jacob Kulback Bea Hess for yahrzeit in memory of her husband, Harvey J. Hess Rucko GENERAL Beverly Appelbaum in memory of Gail Appelbaum’s mother, Velma Smith Anita and Herman Price Lynn and Bob Levine for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Joseph Levine Estelle Dellaira for yahrzeit Phyllis and Al Schneider for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Sam Schneider Edythe and Pete Dloss for yahrzeit Ida and Murray Turner for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Nathan Turner Alexandra and Henry Lurman in memory of her mother, Nina Markiewicz Andrew Sesser for yahrzeit Arlene and Nelson Silver for yahrzeit in memory of her mother, Jeanette Schenker Sheila and Joe Behrman for yahrzeit Irina Shaposhnikov for yahrzeit in memory of her daughter, Faina Fishman Gail and Neil Kosher for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Morris Kosher Irina Shaposhnikov for yahrzeit in memory of her husband, Joseph Shaposhnikov Judy and Sol Brodman for yahrzeit in memory of their son, Steven Brodman Ellen Brumberg for yahrzeit in memory of her mother, Anne Katz Doris and Steve Entin for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Morris Entin Roslyn and Gary Frank for yahrzeit in memory of his father, Meyer Frank Bobby Feuerlicht for yahrzeit in memory of her mother, Rose Eskin Mindy and David Himelman for yahrzeit in memory of her mother, Rita Jacowotiz Mindy and David Himelman for yahrzeit in memory of her sister, Roberta 9 Art Schuldiner on the loss of his brother, Albert Schuldiner Roberta Solomon on the loss of her mother, Erna Einhorn Gail Appelbaum on the loss of her mother, Velma Smith Dian and Larry Perkel in honor of Sean Dekhayser’s Bar Mitzvah Ethel Spitzer Karen and Doug Slater in honor of Adela and Raymond Sasson’s grandson, Abie Teicher’s Bar Mitzvah Karen and Doug Slater in honor of Norma and Fred Teicher’s grandson, Abie Teicher’s Bar Mitzvah Sydney and Larry Kramer Lisa and Don Cohen on the birth of a grandson, Evan Scott Cohen Sara and Scott Alter on the marriage of their daughter, Aliza Alter to Eric Carniol Cathy and Erwin Mermelstein on the marriage of their son, Joe Mermelstein to Alanna Chait Brenda and Steven Albert on the engagement of their son, Matthew Albert to Batya Nadler Sydney and Larry Kramer on the birth of a granddaughter, Sarina Blake Ellen and Ed Seckler on the birth of a grandson, Nathaniel Scott Sally Godfrey on the Bar Mitzvah of Leslie and Mark Foladare in honor of the marriage of Michael Jaslow and Arielle Goldman Sydney and Larry Kramer in memory of Roberta Solomon’s mother, Erna Einhorn Gail and Stanley Rubin in memory of Roberta Solomon’s mother, Erna Einhorn Gail and Stanley Rubin in honor of Marissa Hoffman’s engagement to Bradley Feather Gail and Stanley Rubin in honor of Aliza Gases marriage to Saul Maslansky Gail and Stanley Rubin in honor of the birth of Roni Rosenberg’s granddaughter, Ainsley Isobel Amy and Will Schafer in memory of Roberta Solomon’s mother, Erna Einhorn Ethel Spitzer Marsha and Phil Schiffman Thelma and Harry Zalewitz Sylvia and Ed Cohen in honor of Zeena Kelberg’s special birthday Sydney and Larry Kramer in honor of her three granddaughters, Maddie, Juliet and Sarina Sarina and Gerald Feldman Joe Goldman GENERAL Adele and Raymond Sasson in honor of THE CONGREGATION EXTENDS MAZEL TOV TO: THE CONGREGATION EXTENDS CONDOLENCES TO: Yvette Schlussel and Asher Yama in memory of Dov Pollak’s father, Efraim Pollak ALIYAH Brenda and Steven Albert for yahrzeits Eleanor Wildstein in memory of Dov Pollak’s father, Efraim Pollak Fran and Paul Katz the birth of Lisa and Fred Morgan’s grandson her grandson, Jordan Lee Godfrey Elise and Ira Merkel for yahrzeit in memory of her father, Julius Toubine Caroline and Fred Steinberg in memory of Roberta Solomon’s mother, Erna Einhorn Phyllis Stern in honor of the birth of her great grandchild, Sarain Blake Brothers Hildy and Jeff Zonis in honor of Jeremy Turner’s Bar Mitzvah October 2014 Calendar Board of Directors Oct 29, 8 PM (???) Mazel Tosses - Delicious wrapped Sunkist Fruit Gems to be gently tossed at a Bar/Bat Mitvah. $36/50 tosses contact Lory Pelofsky (732) 254-7851 Board of Ed - Oct 1 8:30 PM Candle Lighting Oct 24 5:45 PM & Services, Oct 31 5:36 PM and Services Genesis Science Oct 6,13,20,27 8:30 PM Library Buy Script for Shop Rite, Acme & Lock Stock & Deli, Sisterhood keeps 4-5%. It costs you nothing. contact Carol Weisfelner at (732) 257 6752 Gimmel Class Dinner & Service Oct 24 6 PM Hebrew Class Oct 2,23,30 7-8 PM Hebrew School in the Sukkah Oct 12 9-11:30 AM, Oct 14 4:15-6:15 Israeli Dancing Oct 6,13,20,27 7:15 PM Kroll Ball room Lunch & Learn Wed Oct 22, 29 12-2 PM Rabbi Joshua S. Finkelstein Mah Jongg Oct 6,13,20,27 7:30 PM Rm 11 Rabbi Class Oct 12, 19, 26 8:15 Scotch & Steak in the Sukkah Oct 13 6 PM Sisterhood Paid Up Dinner Oct 22 Join Men's Club for only $36 contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 JNF Tree Certificates - $15.00 contact Diana Horowitz at (732) 390-9058 Dedication of the second pair of Amir Stained Glass Panels reaching for the Heavans. $1800 $10,000. contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 Show your appreciation, honor or comments about someone in this Recorder for ony $18. contact Gale at(732) 257-7070 Social Action Breakfast, Men’s Club and Sisterhood, Sponsor or Co-Sponsor a Shabbat Morning KidFlu Shot Clinic Oct 19, dish. (We all love to eat!) Contact Sylvia Halpern at (732) 9233 or Inge Gross at (732) Talmud Class Oct 1, 22, 29 8:30 PM 238-0664 Ulpan Class Oct 7,14, 21, 28 7-8 PM Youth Group Oct 7,14,21,28 6-8 PM EBJC has a wonderful Gift shop. Please visit us. ———————————————————————————————————-- EBJC Offerings and Fundraisings Beautiful basket of Food Items, matched to your Simcha with a letter and placement on the Bimah $150. contact Gale at (732) 257-7070 10 Advertisers and Sponsors are needed for the Recorder. Please contact Gale at (732) 2577070 College Students—Receive Chanukah and Purim baskets from EBJC. Free—Undergraduates—$36 Post Graduates. Please contact Trudi Teicher at 732) 257-7070. 11 Hope everyone had a wonderful New Year and are enjoying Sukkot and Simchat Torah. I want to thank everyone who helped us with the books, ushering, and delivering Rosh Hashanah greetings. Thank you to all those who contributed to the New Years Greetings and joined Men's Club this year. We hope to have an exciting and successful year. I particularly want to thank Harvey Goldschmidt, Joel Greengarten,Dave Mandell and Gerry Silver on running the La Shana Tova program and Ken Gerson, Alan Ferrer, and Sheldon Horowitz for coordinating the Ushers and Men's Club board members on the Bima. Please join us Monday evening October 13th for our annual Scotch and Steak in the Sukkah. Also join us for our first breakfast of the year, in partnership with Sisterhood and Social Action Committee along with the annual Flu shot clinic on October 19th. Subject matter will be personal health with specific topic to be announced. From Yahoo images ————————————————————————————————- Jews Please Leave Avram went into Church, took out his tallis, yarmulke, and proceeded to pray. The clergyman entered to start services: "Will all non-Christians please leave." This year's Men's Club Man of the Year is Harvey Goldschmidt. I've been told by our committee that a Avram continued davening." Youth of the Year has been selected but as of this Again the clergyman said, "Will all non-Christians please writing, have not received the name officially. leave." And again, Avram prayed. Finally I want to once again thank Joel Greengarten and Lou Friedman for the great work providing food Finally, the distraught clergyman moved to Avram. "Will to the Social Action Committee from the EBJC Mens ALL JEWS please leave." Club Community Garden. Happy New Year to all! At this, Avram removed his yarmulke, packed up his tallis, then went to the altar, picked up a statue of Jesus and said, "Come bubbela they don't want us here any- Mark Foladare more." EBJC Mens Club President Source: http://www.aish.com/j/fs/The-FunniestJewish-Jokes-Part-2.html?s=mpw 12 Join Today’s Sisterhood!!! It’s a totally no brainer fundraiser!!.......... SISTERHOOD- IT’S WHAT YOU PUT INTO IT! EVERY WOMAN IN OUR SYNAGOGUE Our Judaica Shop is here for YOU!!! Come in and SHOULD BE A SISTERHOOD MEMBER On Wednesday, September 10th we hosted Sisterhoods throughout the State at our annual Ice Cream Social. We did not play “getting to know you Bingo.” This time we welcomed the new Women’s League for Conservative Judaism International President, Carol Simon. She was one dynamic and enthusiastic lady. She spoke on how to get otherwise uninvolved women engaged in Sisterhood. There were over 80 ladies in the ball room that night! I want to thank Dori Saypol for the wonderful centerpieces and Lory Pelofsky for purchasing the tableware. I also want to thank the set up committee for a fabulous job. see what’s NEW!!! There are beautiful gift items for every occasion! Our Mitzvah Baskets are beautiful and our Mazel Tosses are fun and delicious! Get them for your next Simcha! Your Sisterhood is a warm and nurturing organization. We’ve had and will continue to have various functions and programming that will be of interest to ladies of ALL ages. It is my hope that more women will get involved. A strong Sisterhood is the backbone of a strong Shul. Be connected, take a friend and come to the proOn Sunday, October 19th Sisterhood will join Men’s grams. Volunteer to assist in the functions. Be a part of this extraordinary organization. Club and the Social Action Committee for a breakfast and then Walgreens will be offering flu shots. There will also be a program I wish everyone a Healthy and Happy New Year! following the breakfast. Our paid up membership dinner is on Wednesday, Cindy Rabinowitz October 22nd at 6:30. It will be a fun-filled evening [email protected] with a belly dancer, Moroccan inspired food, and great prizes! As always, Gift Cards are a win/win for everyone!!!....Contact Carol 732-257-6752 or email her at [email protected]. Gift cards are from ACME, SHOPRITE, and LOX, STOCK, & DELI. I do have a dream!........I know people get incentives for using their credit cards,(cash back, points, etc….) so how about ½ of your purchases go on your credit card and the other ½ go to the Gift Cards! That is what I do!......................Just do it! Call Carol today! She’ll come to you! 13 EBJC and the Arts Steven M. Schonfeld, M.D. Our next exhibit will be photographs on display by Dr. Steve Schonfeld, a work on the essence of humans and space, opening for the High Holy Days and running through the end of November. Steve Schonfeld became interested in photography at the age of 13 after seeing the movie “Blow-Up”. After setting up a dark room at home in a large basement closet, he started photographing his neighborhood of Sheepshead Bay and Manhattan Beach. He was particularly interested in street photography. Most people were very receptive to having a young teenager take their picture. He concentrates on travel and fine art photography, The East Brunswick Jewish Center (EBJC) proudly especially out West and in the Lake Tahoe region. announced the opening of our art gallery this sum- He likes trying to capture the subtle things that remer. The first exhibit by Carl Geisler, President of the flect the essence of a person or place and believes Princeton Photography Club has adorned the art gal- he was drawn to a career in radiology from his love lery walls for the past several months. of photography as both have visual similarities. Our gallery in the future will be bringing original pho- After investing in high-quality film cameras and tography and art created by our talented member- building a darkroom to develop the film (like many ship. other photographers, he didn’t anticipate the digital revolution), he switched over to digital imaging in 2006. Many images in the show were taken with The East Brunswick Jewish Center is looking for an film, but all the more recent images were taken with appropriate name for our new art gallery along with digital equipment, which allows a wide exposure the sponsorship and direction from our membership. gamut and avoids the darkroom smells. We look forward to providing the opportunity for emerging artists within our EBJC community to display their talents at no charge. Our committee already has some wonderful ideas and options for future presentations. The gallery can only continue if we have your help to create future shows and events. We are soliciting artists as we move toward a 2015 calendar year for our new as yet unnamed gallery. Please contact our new curator, Sarina Feldman, [email protected]. 14 Steven Schonfeld is a neuroradiologist with University Radiology and a Clinical Professor of Radiology at Rutgers-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He lives in East Brunswick and has been an EBJC temple member for over 25 years. Let’s all thank Steve. Please Support Our Sponsors—They Support Us 15 Office Spaces For Rent Drs. Rollman and Shapiro Multiple sizes, flexible terms, Special program for Professionals who want to “expand” their local territory to include Old Bridge area. Call Jay Lopatin (732) 784-3244 Richard H. Rollman, DDS Joseph R. Shapiro, DDS Preventive, Cosmetic, Implant and The Perfect Small Business Marketing Site Rehabilitative Dentistry www.b-yy.com (it’s free) for the Entire Family Email blasts Lead Generation Coupons User Reviews Mailing Lists Newsletters Legal opt-in mgt Free Advertising Customer Forums Much, much more Social Postings 511 Ryders Lane East Brunswick, New Jersey 08816-2769 16 Medical Arts Center B–5 Cornwall Drive East Brunswick, NJ 08816 (732) 390-1911 Visit our new website at: www.RollmanAndShapiroDDS.com NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEW BRUNSWICK, NJ PERMIT NO. 16020
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