HIS WORD TODAY by Rev. William J. Reilly Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 “I know how to live in humble circumstances; I know how to live with abundance. In every circumstance and in all things I have learned the secret of being well fed and of going hungry… I can do all things in him who strengthens me. My God will fully supply whatever you need.”… “The servants went out into the streets and gathered all they found, bad and good alike, and the hall was filled with guests.” The church lives with a new phenomenon called the ‘Francis effect.’ Since the election of our Holy Father, we have learned to imitate the spirit of Saint Francis and respond to the call for humility, simplicity and kindness. Pope Francis has asked us to go out into the streets, invite others to share in our table and join in our banquet. These are not just empty words from the person we admire, but are an urgent summons for all believers. Saint Paul wrote to his disciples in Philippi, and like Francis, used his own experience as an example for that Christian community. He learned the secret, which basically is expressed on his dependence on Christ. Is this not the first of the beatitudes to be ‘poor in spirit?’ Perhaps we think that this mission is for clergy and religious. No, it is the task of all Christians as Francis calls us ‘missionary disciples.’ When shall I begin? Now! Where do I get the help I need? ‘I can do all things in him who strengthens me.’ He will supply whatever you need. My response is based upon my conviction that what Paul and Pope Francis said is true. I am ready to hit the streets. CHURCH OF ST. DENIS MANASQUAN, NEW JERSEY STAFF Very Reverend Edward H. Blanchett, VF, Pastor Sr. Josephine Wade, S.S.J. Pastoral Associate Rev. Michael J. Lynch, Parochial Vicar Mrs. Trudy Bonavita, School Principal Rev. Joseph Miele, Weekend Assistant Ms. Barbara Evans, Director of Rel. Ed. Rev. Msgr. Frederick Valentino, Weekend Assisitant Mrs. Betsy Rice, Administrative Assistant Rev. Msgr. Casimir Ladzinski, Weekend Assisitant Miss. Jill Ramme, Director of Music Ministry Mr. George R. Kelder. Jr., Deacon Mr. Denis Campbell, Trustee Mr. Gary J. Pstrak, Deacon Mr. Gregory W. Boyle, Trustee BEACH CHAPEL ........... 554 East Main Street RECTORY ........................ 90 Union Avenue ......... 732-223-0287 ...... FAX ...................... 732-528-1901 CONVENT ........................ 117 Virginia Avenue ... 732-292-0772 SCHOOL ............................ 119 Virginia Avenue ... 732-223-4928 ..... CCD OFFICE ... 732-223-1161 ST. DENIS CONFERENCE OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY .......................... 732-223-1383 E-MAIL ADDRESS .............................................................................. [email protected] WEB PAGE ADDRESS ..........................................................http://www.churchofstdenis.org MASS SCHEDULE: Weekday Masses: 7:30 AM– St. Denis Church Saturday: 8:30 AM – St. Denis Church Saturday Evening: 4:30 PM (fulfills Sunday obligation)- St. Denis Church Sunday: 8:00 AM, 9:30 AM & 11:00 AM- St. Denis Church Sunday: 10:00 AM - Our Lady Star of the Sea Chapel Holy Days: Evening before: 7:00 PM & day of: 7:30 AM & 9:00 AM-St. Denis Church SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Every Saturday from 3:15 until 4:00 PM - St. Denis Church. Also by appointment. MIRACULOUS MEDAL DEVOTIONS: Tuesday morning after the 7:30 AM Mass-St. Denis Church BAPTISM: The sacrament of Baptism is celebrated on the second and fourth Sundays of the month at 12:15 pm at St. Denis Church. Parents must complete the required preparation with the priest or deacon and obtain godparent eligibility letters before a date for Baptism will be given. Please call the rectory for further details. MARRIAGE: All couples contemplating marriage are asked to give the priests one year prior notice in order that all the requirements for marriage can be satisfied. Either the bride or groom must be a registered and active member of St. Denis prior to setting a wedding date. There are no weddings permitted on Sundays. Do not reserve the reception hall before contacting the church; your requested date may not be available. There are no weddings at Our Lady Star of the Sea Beach Chapel. CARE OF THE SICK AND HOMEBOUND: We will gladly bring Holy Communion to anyone who is ill or otherwise unable to get to Mass. Please call the rectory to make arrangements. The priests and deacon make regular visits to the local hospitals. Please call the rectory if any loved one is hospitalized. RITE OF CHRISTIAN BURIAL: At such times of deep pain and loss, we seek to offer our bereaved families comfort and hope as they commend their loved ones to God. Please note that, in accordance with Church regulations, eulogies are not permitted during Funeral Masses. RECTORY OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM and 1:00 PM to 4:30 PM. There are no office hours on Saturday & Sunday. Evenings are by appointment only. NEW PARISHIONERS: Welcome! We encourage new families moving into the area to stop in or call the rectory to arrange for registration. CELIAC SPRUE PARISHIONERS – Saint Denis provides a low gluten (<0.01% gluten content) host. Parishioners who are gluten-intolerant should see a deacon or priest prior to the start of Mass in order to be included in the reception of the Eucharist. VISIT US ON FACEBOOK- Saint Denis Parish Facebook page: www.facebook.com/churchofstdenis. You don't need to have a Facebook account to read parish news and updates, but would need one to leave comments and feedback. St. Denis Church Saturday, October 11, 2014 4:30 pm For the People of the Parish Sunday, October 12, 2014 8:00 am Kathy Zipf r/b Jim Tighe 8:00 am Jeanne O’Donnell r/b Jim & Kate Geiger 9:30 am Intentions of Felella & Maddalone Families 9:30 am Lucille Thomas r/b Margie Venuto 10:00 am Deceased Men of the Hrankowski Family r/b MCW 10:00 am Kim Mahon r/b Ellen & Tom Reilly 11:00 am Marge Ciotti r/b Estelle Spillane 11:00 am Thomas Reilly r/b Smith Family Monday, October 13, 2014 7:30 am Catherine Kerwick r/b Thomas & Margaret Nolan 7:30 am Michael Morley r/b Joan & Mark Clarkin Tuesday, October 14, 2014 7:30 am Rosemary Cook r/b The Book Club Ladies 7:30 am Victor DiLeo r/b Helen & Bill Walsh Wednesday, October 15, 2014 7:30 am Louis & Bessie Fattell r/b Bernadette Pastore 7:30 am Richard A. Hatem r/b M. Crowe Thursday, October 16, 2014 7:30 am George Duritza r/b Hank & Kathleen Konopka & Family 7:30 am Method Golden r/b MCW Friday, October 17, 2014 7:30 am James J. Furlong, Jr. r/b Family 7:30 am Oscar Gibbs r/b Olga Gibbs Saturday, October 18, 2014 8:30 am Marie & Anthony Pinto r/b Daughter 8:30 am Matthew J. DiGiaimo, Jr. r/b Michael Budalich 732-223-0287 October 12, 2014 especially Mary Moran, Steve Ford, Elizabeth Ann Linden, Peggy Andriach, Mary Damico, Eileen Byrne, Amanda Castro, Dolores Palmisano, Holly Boyd, Mary Conlon, Jillian Zito, Jennifer Zito, Albert Wood, Josephine Triggiano, Maiya Andrews, Velma Andrews, Marie Gallagher, Stella Thompson, Katie Holbrook, Claire Meachum, Mike Pierce, Thomas Hayes, Jr., Kenneth Mount, William Zielenbach, Baby Kevin Farmer, Jr., Thomas Evans, Catherine O’Connor, Edith Bean, Phyllis Van Salders, Joanne Panzarella, Baby Audrey Esquieres, Al Essner, Jr., Taryn Rotondi, Joseph Sipley, Kathy Wicks, Michael McNulty, Brendan Malley, Mary Grace Martone, Colleen Grady, Rich Koch, John Koch, Dr. Henry Sprance, Mary Jane Schaaf, Edna Moore, Pat Monahan, Lisa Pirrello, Diane Werfel, Fred Gearing, Joseph Bick, Catherine Rotonda, Mary Collins, Ken Kleinlein, Robert Kelleher, Lisa Olivera, Toni Kovak, Pastor Gerald Schenck, Sonya Stevenson, Stephen Byrne, Denise Frank, Thomas Meli, Lucy Falco, Marie Tashjian, Mary Knox, Peggy Moore, Elaine Smith, Allaire Papac, Angeline Hart, Joan Tumbas, Joan Ciser, Bobbie Banks-Grove, Cathleen Brenner, Baby Cayden, Sondra Thompson, Mary Cramer, Florence McManus, Rosaline Kaminski, Dominic Desaro, Daniel Mount, Matthew Dietz, Nora McCaffrey, Patricia Mayer, Joe Borio, the Nesbitts, the Pilots, and the Campbells. PLEASE PRAY FOR THE DECEASED especially Lillian Cavallaro, Larry Fitzgerald, Stephen Harry Pindar, and Marguerite Poe Poe. SAINT DENIS PRAYER GROUP– The Prayer Group meets at 12:00 noon each Monday in St. Denis Church. There are no meetings on holidays. All are welcome MASS WITH FATHER PIO MANDATO– On Monday, October 20, 2014, Fr. Pio Mandato will celebrate a Healing Mass at 7:00 pm at St. Dominic’s Church, 250 Old Squan Road in Brick. A special blessing with the glove of St. Padre Pio will be offered to everyone attending. All are welcome. SAVE THE DATE– 10/16/2014, 10:00 am– 3:00 pm, a community supporting seniors’ activities. Homemade crafts will be sold at the Spring Lake Community Center, 900 Ocean Road in Spring Lake Heights. If you are interested in a table to display your crafts please call 732-449-9123. especially Marine Lance Corporal Matthew Ward Simpson, Army Second Lieutenant Christopher Cauda, Army Captain Matthew Cauda, Navy LL. Edward P. Windas, Marine Lance Corporal Laura Licata, Contractor Benjamin Ostrow, Air Force First Lieutenant David Smith, Army PV2 Bernard Gowen, Senior Airman John J. Kosequat, Navy HM3 Kevin John Kircher, Army Captain Sean Fessenden, Navy Captain Colin S. Walsh, Army Captain Dr. Justin Eisenman, Cadet Brian Quinn at West Point, Air Force Captain Gregory Cappuzzo, Navy E4 Patrick Moynihan, Private David J. Dunfee, and Cadet Dominic Celiano at the U.S. Air Force Academy. ST. DENIS RECTORY WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2014. THE OFFICE WILL REOPEN TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 2014 AT 8:30 AM. HAVE A HAPPY HOLIDAY... WORLD MISSION SUNDAY—October 19, 2014-Next weekend our parish will celebrate World Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas across our world. Through the work of these churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor receive practical help and experience God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers. Please come prepared next weekend to give generously in our 2nd collection which will be for the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. For more information, please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION TEACHER’S AIDE NEEDEDChanging the world, one heart at a time… We are still in need of a few more of your “hearts” to start! We are looking to fill the following position: Aide - Grade 3 on Mondays. Please prayerfully consider instilling our Catholic Faith into the youth of our parish! They are God’s future… Please call Barbara Evans at 732-223-1161. Thank you & God Bless! RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS (RCIA) If you know of someone who has a desire to become a Catholic or who has shown interest in knowing more about the Catholic faith please call Sister Josephine at 732-223-0287. Too, if you have not received all the Sacraments of Initiation, namely Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Communion, know that you also may come on Tuesday evenings to begin the process of receiving each sacrament. If perchance you have any questions about the process, call Sister at the above number. October 5, 2014 1st collection $16,469.00 Average envelope donation Electronic giving 2nd collection (Diocesan Assessments) $27.10 $947.00 $4,779.00 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Bills paid this week: Payment for Special Traffic Officers $1,500.00 Rosetta Stone Program for SDS $6,595.00 A Word From Father EdLast week the Extraordinary Synod of Bishops on the Family was held in Rome. Pope Francis’ homily for the start of the Synod on Sunday was brief but captured well the spirit that the bishops were to have when approaching the challenges of the family in today’s world. In case you missed it, here it is: Today the prophet Isaiah and the Gospel employ the image of the Lord’s vineyard. The Lord’s vineyard is his "dream", the plan which he nurtures with all his love, like a farmer who cares for his vineyard. Vines are plants which need much care! God’s "dream" is his people. He planted it and nurtured it with patient and faithful love, so that it can become a holy people, a people which brings forth abundant fruits of justice. But in both the ancient prophecy and in Jesus’ parable, God’s dream is thwarted. Isaiah says that the vine which he so loved and nurtured has yielded "wild grapes"; God "expected justice but saw bloodshed, righteousness, but only a cry of distress". In the Gospel, it is the farmers themselves who ruin the Lord’s plan: they fail to do their job but think only of their own interests. In Jesus’ parable, he is addressing the chief priests and the elders of the people, in other words the "experts", the managers. To them in a particular way God entrusted his "dream", his people, for them to nurture, tend and protect from the animals of the field. This is the job of leaders: to nurture the vineyard with freedom, creativity and hard work. But Jesus tells us that those farmers took over the vineyard. Out of greed and pride they want to do with it as they will, and so they prevent God from realizing his dream for the people he has chosen. The temptation to greed is ever present. We encounter it also in the great prophecy of Ezekiel on the shepherds, which St. Augustine commented upon in one his celebrated sermons: Greed for money and power. And to satisfy this greed, evil pastors lay intolerable burdens on the shoulders of others, which they themselves do not lift a finger to move. We too, in the Synod of Bishops, are called to work for the Lord’s vineyard. Synod Assemblies are not meant to discuss beautiful and clever ideas, or to see who is more intelligent… They are meant to better nurture and tend the Lord’s vineyard, to help realize his dream, his loving plan for his people. In this case the Lord is asking us to care for the family, which has been from the beginning an integral part of his loving plan for humanity. We too can be tempted to "take over" the vineyard, because of that greed which is always present in us human beings. God’s dream always clashes with the hypocrisy of some of his servants. We can "thwart" God’s dream if we fail to let ourselves be guided by the Holy Spirit. The Spirit gives us that wisdom which surpasses knowledge, and enables us to work generously with authentic freedom and humble creativity. My brothers and sisters, to do a good job of nurturing and tending the vineyard, our hearts and our minds must be kept in Jesus Christ, as St. Paul says, by "the peace of God which passes all understanding". In this way our thoughts and plans will correspond to God’s dream: to form a holy people who are his own and produce the fruits of the kingdom of God. ST. DENIS SUPER BINGO– Join us in St. Denis School on October 18th at 7:00 pm. Up to $3000 in cash prizes! Doors open at 6:00 pm. $40 includes multiple boards for all regular and jackpot games. There will be door prizes, 50/50 and food available. Purchase tickets by October 17th for a Bonus Quickie Book. Tickets can be purchased at the rectory office during regular business hours- 732-223-0287 or St. Denis School office- 732-223-4928 or by calling Nicole at 732-233-7451. ST. DENIS SCHOOL 2014-2015 REGISTRATION for Pr e-K through 8th grade is taking place at the school. St. Denis School offers full-day kindergarten, full-day and half-day options for Pre-K, aftercare until 6:00 pm, as well as busing to Wall, Brick, and Point Pleasant. Known for its academic excellence, individualized attention, faith formation, and family atmosphere, St. Denis School also offers an allergy-friendly lunch program, a varied curriculum that includes music, art, computers, and languages, a strong athletics program, and technologically-advanced classrooms. An Open House is conducted every Wednesday from 9:00 am–12:00 noon. For information call 732-223-4928 or visit www.stdenisonline.org. 2ND ANNUAL TRUNK OR TREAT AT ST. DENIS SCHOOL– On Friday, October 24th, parents and children will gather in the St. Denis School parking lot, open the trunks of their cars or backs of their vans and decorate them. Then the real fun begins–trunk or treating! It’s safe, fun, and enjoyed by all. Prizes will be awarded to the best decorated cars and vans! All proceeds from the event will be used towards the students’ field trips. Is life too batty to decorate your trunk? Bring your ghouls, goblins, vampires, and witches to just trunk or treat. Broom entrance is $2 per person or for a family of 5 or more: $10 plus a bag of candy. Mark your calendar for this ghostly good time-Friday, October 24th. Car decorating begins at 5:30 pm; trunk or treating will be from 6:30-8:00 pm. If interested contact Connie Bruce at 732-581-1310 or the school office at 732-223-4928. AN INVITATION FOR STUDENTS IN NON-CATHOLIC SCHOOLS-Transfer Grant Program—Saint Denis School Year 2014-2015- In this “Year of the Faith” Saint Denis School brings an opportunity to educate more families in the faith-filled environment. The SDS Transfer Grant Program is available to students enrolled in a non-Catholic school who wish to receive a faith-based education and transfer to Saint Denis School. Families with students currently entering Grades 1-7 in a Non-Catholic School, can receive a $1500 tuition grant per family for their first year, when they transfer to Saint Denis School. Please call 732-223-4928 for an appointment. LITTLE LAMBS PRAY & PLAY GROUP- Begin your child's faith journey in the fellowship of other Catholic parents. Join us every 1st & 3rd Friday of the month from 10:00 - 11:00 am to listen to a story, sing songs and do a craft associated with a simple child friendly Catholic theme. The group is open to all children under 5 and their parents, grandparents or caregivers. A priest will be available at every meeting to answer parent questions, also! There is no charge, but, a nominal donation is appreciated. The group meets at St. Denis School. Please contact Linda Wynd at [email protected] with any questions. THE SCRIP PROGRAM- Purchase gift cards and earn profits for our school. Here’s an example – buy a ShopRite $100 gift card from St. Denis School. You still get $100 worth of groceries (just use the card like cash), and the school will receive an additional check for $4. We currently keep Scrip cards for several stores in stock at the school and rectory offices. Many others can be ordered by going online at www.shopwithscrip.com and registering with St. Denis (code #3LC2EEEE17511). Many online orders can be printed on the spot, and the rest can picked up at the school office in about a week. SPIRITUAL ADOPTION Last week we invited our community to spiritually adopt a newly conceived baby who is in danger because his/her existence is considered to be unwanted or unintended. We will pray for these babies and their parents every day at home for nine months. If you would like to join us in prayer, contact Rachel Hendricks at 732-223-1658 to receive a special little “baby blanket” and prayer card to be kept at home as a reminder of the baby and of your pledge to pray each day. The power of prayer is great! OPEN GYM for your little angels is back! Every Friday, 11:00 am – 12:00 pm, children 5 and under, are welcome to join us for parent supervised, unstructured play in St. Denis School’s large gym or out on the wonderful fenced playground (weather permitting). A parachute, balls and toys are provided. Feel free to bring your own as well. Enjoy adult conversation, free coffee and an opportunity to let you little ones run. This is a free event, but, a nominal donation is appreciated. Open Gym has become very popular! Come and enjoy the fellowship and the fun! Contact Linda Wynd at [email protected] with questions. HELP WANTED 2 Weeks Old I may be tiny, but I am growing and changing so quickly… and I’m already communicating with my mother! I release special signals telling my mom’s body that I’m here and that I need her help. Her body knows just how to respond by preparing a perfect place to protect and nourish me in her womb… How amazing! Although I am a completely, genetically different being inside of her, my mom’s body is designed to welcome me even before she knows I’m here. Thank you for praying for me. 2015 CALENDAR CONTEST COMMITTEE Collect and hang children’s beautiful artwork Assist parishioners in filling out ballots Counting votes Participate in award ceremony If you would like to be a part of this wonderful community event, please contact Linda Wynd at [email protected]. Service hours are available. OCTOBER 11-OCTOBER 17, 2014 WEEK OF OCTOBER 12, 2014 IN HONOR OF IN LOVING MEMORY OF TED & CAROLYN WOJTECH ALFRED DELL’ISOLA REQUESTED BY JOHN, DEBBIE & GIANNA GALL0 YOUTH MASS- A Youth Mass will be celebrated in our parish every third Sunday of the month at 11:00 am, beginning next Sunday. SUPERSTORM SANDY RECOVERY SURVEY– Monmouth University Polling Institute is offering a survey to help decision makers better understand the ongoing recovery issues faced by the people who were hit hardest and make sure the voices of those impacted most by Sandy continue to be heard. The survey will take about 15 minutes, is voluntary and you do not have to answer any question you do not want to. Your participation in this survey will not affect your eligibility for any Sandy-related services or assistance. The survey is available online at http://www.monmouthpoll.org/sandy. All responses are confidential and more information is available by calling Monmouth University Polling Institute at 732-263-5672. THE SPIRIT OF BASEBALL: OUR SEARCH FOR HOME will be pr esented at Stella Maris Retreat Center, 981 Ocean Ave. in Long Branch on Oct. 21st, 7:00-9:00 pm. What better way to get ready for the World Series than to take a look at this all-American pastime through the lens of faith? Join us for a stadium-style supper at 6:00 pm and a presentation about the spirituality of baseball- an evening sure to deliver a home run! All sports enthusiasts are welcome along with coaches, players and those who just love the game. Presenter: Rev. Frank Berna Visit www.stellamarisretreatcenter.com for a full program description. To register call 732-229-0602. SUPER 50/50 CASH RAFFLE EVENT!!! ONLY 3,500 TICKETS WILL BE SOLD! All proceeds to benefit the students of St. Denis School First Prize…………30% Second Prize…………..15% Third Prize……………5% Buy your tickets today!!! Drawing: October 24, 2014 at 7:00pm at St. Denis School www.stdenisonline.org Winner need not be present. Donation: $20.00 Tickets can be purchased in the school office and St. Denis Rectory during business hours. For more information, please call Maria at (732)-840-3824. ST. DENIS EMERGENCY FOOD PANTRY - Thr ough our St. Denis, St. Vincent de Paul Conference, we have started an emergency food pantry here at St. Denis Church. Besides operating at random hours to assist a neighbor in need, the food pantry will operate every Tuesday afternoon from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm and the 4th Saturday of every month from 10:00 am to 12 noon in Msgr. O'Connor Hall. Entry to the Food Pantry will be the down staircase on the side of the Church. Our neighbors that stop in for food assistance will be required to show ID and fill out a family information form. If you need assistance please call our hotline: 732-223-1383. Parishioners are asked to place their donations (non-perishable food and travel size toiletries only please) into the shopping cart that is now located in the gathering space at the stairwell to Msgr. O'Connor Hall. Donations should no longer be left on the floor near the rest rooms. Please do not leave food at the Chapel. Please check the expiration dates of your donations, as we cannot use expired items. Thank you! FOOD PANTRY HOURS: EVERY TUESDAY: 1:00 – 3:00 PM & EVERY 4TH SATURDAY: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM ST. DENIS CHURCH THE SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? The St. Denis Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul serves everyone living in the parish neighborhood, whether they are parishioners or not, since all are joined together through the realities of creation and redemption. Our Conference recognizes our responsibility toward all our neighbors as brothers and sisters in Christ. If you need assistance please call our hotline: 732-223-1383. Our next general meeting will be Tuesday, October 21, 2014 at 7:00 pm in Msgr. O'Connor Hall. The St. Denis Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul has its general meetings at 7:00 pm the first and third Tuesdays of every month. All are welcome to attend. 25th ANNUAL “CHAMPION FOR LIFE” AWARD DINNER The Monmouth Coastal Respect Life Committee (Representing the parishes of St. Catharine-St. Margaret, St. Denis, St. Elizabeth, Holy Innocents, St. Mark’s and St. Rose) would like to invite you to join us in honoring our CHAMPION FOR LIFE – 2014 Mary Reilly (Daughter of Walter and Margaret Mac Gowan) Sunday, October 19th Doolan’s Shore Club 700 Highway 71, Spring Lake Heights, New Jersey Buffet Dinner – 6:00 pm Reception - 5-6:00 pm (Cash Bar) Adult Dinner - $45 Buffet Dinner Student Dinner - $35 Children’s meal- $20 Reservations are necessary by October 13 Please make check payable and mail to Monmouth Coastal Respect Life Committee c/o St. Catharine Parish, 215 Essex Ave., Spring Lake, N.J. 07762 For further information please Rachel Hendricks 732-223-1658 ***********************************************Cut Here*********************************************** (Tables of ten are available. Please attach list of dinner guests at your table.) Names: ____________________________________________ Phone number: ________________________ Number of dinners:______________________Email:_____________________________________ **Whether you attend the dinner or not, please consider sponsoring one or more of the Youth Group. I wish to sponsor_______member(s) of the Youth Group at $35.00 each. Place an ad in our Program Book to enable us to donate to organizations that help women and children in desperate need! Full Page Ad - $500 Half Page Ad - $250 Quarter Page - $125 Platinum Level - $100 Gold Level - $50 Silver Level - $25 *Greeting/graphics for ads can be emailed to [email protected] or attached to this form. Mail payments to St. Catharine’s address given above. NEARY-QUINN FUNERAL HOME ~ Serving Saint Denis Parish ~ 732-223-0003 John H. Hassler Manager, NJ Lic. No. 3813 Denis Campbell KEITH P. WALSH Plumbing & Heating 732-223-5490 phone 732-974-2929 Flowers & Gifts Joanne Botwinick, GRI Sales Associate [email protected] Office: 732-292-1400 · Cell: 732-236-3350 Call for Complimentary Market Analysis DIETRICH OPTICIANS 732-223-5565 Peter A. Goetz TD1852 Air • Cruise • Caribbean • Exotics •Europe Disney Authorized Specialist 134-136 Main St., Manasquan Eye Exams By Independent Doctor of Optometry Eyeglasses - Eye Exams - Accessories Voted Best Travel Agency 2008-2012 2175 Hwy. 35 Sea Girt, NJ 08750 Lic #. 6916 TRIPS & TOURS TRAVEL 304 Union Ave. · Brielle Pharmacist Residential ~ Commercial 24 Hour Emergency 39 SOUTH STREET MANASQUAN Wedding & Sympathy Flowers Mariposa • Peggy Karr Jim Shore 123 Main Street Family Eyecare 732-223-2020 LYNNETTE E. BRENNAN, ESQ. SUSAN M. MARKENSTEIN, ESQ. Elder Law/Medicaid Applications · Estate Administration/Probate Wills/Powers of Attorney/ Living Wills/Trusts POINT PLEASANT - WHITING AREAS Home, Weekend & Evening Appointments Available [email protected] · 732-350-7800 732-528-0300 www.bouquetstoremember.com Family Owned Now Hiring RNs, LPNs, CNAs All Shifts NURSING, REHABILITATION & ASSISTED LIVING 175 Bartley Road • Jackson, New Jersey 08527 Dawn Gural 732-370-4700 x315 [email protected] Over 20 Years Serving The Community HEATING • AIR CONDITIONING $150.00 DONATION TO ST. DENIS FOR EVERY NEW HEATING OR A/C UNIT PURCHASED. JUST SHOW THIS AD AT TIME OR PURCHASE. $49 EMERALD EYES 95 THE OPTICAL BOUTIQUE 732-223-8221 • WWW.TOMROSTRON.COM A $250 VALUE! HARDIE WINDOWS & SIDING Insulated Vinyl Siding & Vinyl Replacement Windows Serving The Shore Area Since 1970 SENIOR CITIZEN A Family Business All Work Owner Supervised From Start To Finish SPECIAL A Complete Client List Furnished With Estimates INSULATING No Subcontracting WINDOWS No Salesman PERSONAL TAX PREPARATION Will Vouch For Our Integrity & Reliabilty 813 MAIN STREET · AVON · 732-988-2522 FULLY INSURED Dr. Sean Patrick Phibbs, O.D. Rt. 71 & Sea Girt Ave. · Sea Girt 974-EYES ONE LOW PRICE EVERY YEAR Kerrigan Electric William Skillender Tax Advisory (732) 615-0005 Federal & State Tax Returns, Includes All Schedules & E-Filing FREE ESTIMATES! 732-722-7888 Specials on Generators License & Permit No. 10837 www.kerriganelectric.com 718 UNION AVENUE · BRIELLE, NJ 08730 Our Goal is to serve our Valued Customers the highest quality products at family prices in a clean, casual atmosphere. OPEN 7 DAYS 11AM-10PM • FREE DELIVERY Catering & Private Party Room ~ 20-50 • BYOB 732-528-5566 www.jimmyspizzasubs.com 301 Union Ave., Rt. 71, Brielle, NJ A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING Home & Office Organization FREE 1 Hour Consult ($75.00 Value!) DONNA BALKOVIC - PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZER 630-212-1048 w w w. a p l a c e f o r e v e r y t h i n g n j . c o m H84846 (JR) - St. Denis, Manasquan, NJ TM FITNESS IN THERAPY Free Transportation Tim McElduff, PT POOL THERAPY 2164 Hwy. 35, Bldg. C · Sea Girt 732.974.1313 www.fitnessintherapy.com NOW AVAILABLE AT 216 MAIN STREET | AVON, NJ | 732.774.9400 SUNNYSIDE MANOR A Small Private Nursing & Residential Facility Located in a Residential Area Lakewood Rd. & Ramshorn Dr. • Manasquan • 528-9311 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Inside ORENDER FAMILY HOME F O R F U N E R A L S Family Owned & Operated · We Care for Every Family as Our Own 100% Handicapped Accessible · Parking for 90 Cars Home-Like Atmosphere · Children's Activities Room Parishioner of St. Denis Church "As owner, I personally involve myself with every family" (732) 528-5500 Kevin P. Orender, Mgr. NJ Lic.# 4390 www.OrenderFamilyHome.com • 2643 Old Bridge Road, Manasquan Martin Interiors Hunter Douglas Window Fashions Pleated Shades · Blinds · Verticals Martin J. Roddy 65% - 75% Off · 280-2565 Kathy and Lou's Kitchen F S gifts & dessert catering 140 main street on parker ave 732.292.4500 JOHN R. KUKUCKA, D.M.D. Candlelight Cabinetry Dealer, Hardware, Sinks, Tile Periodontics including Dental Implants Custom Hoods & Ventilation, Custom Wood Countertops and Periodontal Plastic Surgery (N.J. Specialty Lic. #3253) 2605 Hwy. 35 · Manasquan RESH EAFOOD HOMEMADE SOUP CATERING DELIVERY SERVICE 732-223-6000 Michelle Schneider 732-223-7100 Parishioner/Realtor® 209 FIRST AVENUE · MANASQUAN Zach Shore Properties ~ OPEN ALL YEAR - 7 DAYS ~ MON-WED. 8-2 · THURS. 8-10 · FRI. & SAT. 8-11 · SUN. 8-6 chocolate bar chocolate, coffee, brownies, “Number one in getting it done!” 520 WASHINGTON BLVD., SEA GIRT O: 732-449-0707 C: 732-673-6120 Dr. Adam Glantzman FAMILY CHIROPRACTOR Come to us for your pain Stay with us for your health 28 Union Ave., Manasquan 223-0677 Complete Kitchen & Bath Remodeling NEW LOCATION: 117 Taylor Ave., Manasquan · 732-528-0110 MUSIC MUELLER'S GARAGE LOURO Private Music Lessons A Full Service Collision & Mechanical Repair Shop Piano · Voice · Violin ~ Cynthia Louro ~ 732-223-3750 732-829-0597 1915 ATLANTIC AVENUE Dr. John P. Little Dr. John L. Little Dr. Mary Russo Dr. Timothy Moriarty Family Dentistry ~ Children and Adults Open Three Nights until 9:00 PM Insurance Plans Welcome Sea Girt 732-449-6564 johnlittledds.com Angerico's · ITALIAN SPECIALTIES · BREADS • SANDWICHES SALADS • HOT FOOD HOMEMADE SAUCES • PASTA • SOUPS Fresh Baked Bread - Build Your Own Salad BRAND COLD CUTS CATERING • 732-528-0007 "Serving All of Your Lighting Needs" Specializing in Repairs Brass Polishing • Refurbishing 126 MAIN ST. · MANASQUAN 732-223-6114 2028 Hwy 35 Wall, NJ 07719 732.449.6900 H84846 (JR) - St. Denis, Manasquan, NJ Available For Confirmations, Communions, Baptisms, Repasts & Special Occasions 142 Main St. • Manasquan (732) 292-1300 Visit Us At RemingtonsNJ.com 505 Burnt Tavern Rd Brick, NJ 08724 732.899.8600 FOR ADVERTISING INFORMATION CALL: (800) 883-4343 • BON VENTURE SERVICES, LLC • P.O. Box 850, Flanders, N.J. 07836 Outside
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