Fall 2014: MATH-GA: 2111.001 Linear Algebra (one term) Assignment 3 (due Oct. 23, 2014) 1. [3pt] Let α 2 B= . 2 3+α For which values of α ∈ R is there a symmetric matrix A such that 4 7 AB + BA = ? 7 12 2. [3pt] Which of the following statements are true for any pair of matrices A, B, C ∈ Rn×n (n ≥ 1)? Either prove the statement or provide a counter example. (a) tr(AB 2 A) = tr(BA2 B). (b) tr(ABC) = tr(CBA). (c) tr(A2 ) = tr(A)2 − n det(A). Hint: Try diagonal matrices first. 3. [3pt] Let A, B ∈ Rn×n , and denote by B T the transpose of B. What can you say about A under each of the following conditions? Prove your answers. Hint: Choose simple matrices for B that satisfy the stated conditions. (a) tr(AB) = 0 for all B. (b) tr(AB) = 0 for all B such that B T = B. (c) tr(AB) = 0 for all B such that B T = −B. 4. [1+2pt] A matrix A ∈ Rn×n is called monotone, if for every u = (u1 , . . . , uN )T , Au ≥ 0 (i.e., all components of Au are non-negative) implies that u ≥ 0 (i.e., all components of u are non-negative). (a) Show that any monotone matrix A ∈ RN ×N is invertible. (b) Show that a matrix A is monotone if and only if the entries of A−1 are all non-negative. 5. [Extra credit, 3pt] Let P ∈ Rn×n be a matrix describing a projection, i.e., P 2 = P , and let the dimension of the image under P (i.e., the rank of P ) be k < n. (a) Let A = I − 2P . Calculate AP and A17 . (b) Express the determinant of A in terms of n and k. 6. [2+2+2pt] We have seen that the second derivative (and its negative) T = −d2 /(dx)2 is a linear operator as a mapping between spaces of (sufficiently smooth) functions, say T : H → L, where H, L ⊂ {u : [0, 1] → R is a function}. 1 Then, for given f ∈ L, we attempt to solve the linear problem T (u) = −u00 = f in (0, 1), and u(0) = 0, u(1) = 0 (1) for a function u. In one space dimension1 , this so-called boundary value problem can be solved analytically by integrating f twice. Unfortunately, in higher dimensions, the analogous problem often cannot be solved analytically and one must rely on numerical approximations for u. These approximations replace the infinite-dimensional2 problem (1) by a finite-dimensional problem, which allows to employ tools from (finite-dimensional) linear algebra. (a) Let us first restrict ourselves to the finite-dimensional polynomial spaces (n ≥ 1) ˆ := {p ∈ Pn+2 : p(0) = p(1) = 0} ⊂ H, H ˆ := Pn ⊂ L. L ˆ →L ˆ is an isomorphism, Show that with this choice of finite-dimensional spaces, T : H ˆ (1) has a unique solution uˆ ∈ H. and argue why this implies that for every f ∈ L, ˆ ˆ is an isomorphism is to study the Hint: One possibility to show that T : H → L null space NT , use the dimension formula for linear mappings and problem 6d from homework assignment #1. (b) The accuracy of polynomial approximations mainly depends on how well f in (1) can be approximated with a polynomial. The smoother the function f , the better it can be approximated with polynomials. To illustrate this, let us consider the (not so smooth) function ( 0 for x ∈ [0, 0.5], f (x) = (2) 1 for x ∈ (0.5, 1]. We want to find the polynomial p ∈ Pn that interpolates f at uniformly spaced points α1 , . . . , αn ∈ (0, 1), i.e., p(αi ) = f (αi ), for i = 1, . . . , n. Give expressions of p using the Lagrange basis for the points (α1 , . . . , αn ) and in the monomial basis. Hint: Use the Vandermonde matrix for the change into the monomial basis. Just give the expressions, no need to compute anything here. (c) Plot the polynomial approximation for f in MATLAB for different n. Discuss your observations. ˆ that solves (d) [Extra credit, 2pt] Use MATLAB to compute the polynomial u ∈ H T (u) = p, and visualize your result. 1 The generalization of (1) to two and three-dimensional domains Ω instead of the one-dimensional interval Ω = [0, 1] is the Laplace equation, −∆u = f on Ω, u = 0 on ∂Ω, which is one of the most important partial differential equations in mathematical physics. 2 Note that H and L are infinite-dimensional linear spaces. 2 7. [1+1+2+2+1+2+2pt] Continuation of previous problem: Alternatively to a polynomial approximation, (1) can be approximated using a finite number of grid points in [0, 1] and finite-difference approximations for the second derivative: We choose the uniformly spaced points {xi = ih : i = 0, 1, . . . , N, N + 1} ⊂ [0, 1], with h = 1/(N + 1), and approximate u(xi ) ≈ ui and f (xi ) ≈ fi , for i = 0, . . . , N + 1. (a) Using Taylor expansions of u(xi − h) and u(xi + h) (assume that u is smooth enough) about u(xi ) show that −u(xi − h) + 2u(xi ) − u(xi + h) + h.o.t., (3) h2 where h.o.t. stands for a remainder term that is of higher order in h, i.e., becomes small as h becomes small. (b) Motivated by (3) we approximate the second derivative at the point xi as follows3 : −ui−1 + 2ui − ui+1 . (4) − u00 (xi ) ≈ h2 Show that using (4) for each grid point xi and using the boundary conditions u0 = uN +1 = 0, one finds the following finite-dimensional approximation of (1): 2 −1 0 · · · 0 u f .. 1 1 −1 2 −1 . u2 f2 1 . . 0 ... ... ... 0 (5) .. = .. . 2 h . fN −1 .. −1 2 −1 uN −1 uN fN 0 · · · 0 −1 2 − u00 (xi ) = (c) (d) (e) (f) Next, we study properties of the matrix in (5), which we denote by K ∈ RN ×N 4 . Show that K is monotone (and thus invertible as shown above). Find the eigenvectors of K and compute the corresponding eigenvalues. Hint: Try vectors with components vi = sin(2kπxi ), with appropriate k. Hint: You will need a trigonometric identity for sums of the form sin(a + b) + sin(a − b). If you do not know that identity by heart, remind yourself on Wikipedia5 , for instance. Using the eigenvalues, give an expression for the determinant of K and argue (once again) that K is invertible. What happens to the determinant as N gets larger (i.e., the finite-dimensional approximation of (1) becomes more accurate)? Compute for an N ≥ 20 of your choice the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of K numerically6 . Plot some of these numerical eigenvectors7 and compare with the analytically computed eigenvectors. 3 This is known as finite difference approximation of the (negative) second derivative. Ideally, the discrete finite-dimensional approximation should have as many properties as possible with the infinite-dimensional operator in common to be a good approximation. The properties we show for K below are, appropriately adjusted, also properties of the infinite-dimensional operator T . 5 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_trigonometric_identities 6 MATLAB provides the functions eig, and a fast way to build the matrix K is to use the command spdiags. Use MATLAB’s help command to learn more about these functions. 7 Plot the eigenvectors as functions, i.e., plot for each grid point xi the corresponding component of the eigenvector—this should look like Fourier modes. 4 3 (g) Finally, for different N , compute and visualize the solution vectors u of (5) for the right hand side vector given by (f (x1 ), . . . , f (xN ))), where the function f (x) is defined in (2). 4
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