World Mission Sunday, organized by the Propagation of the Faith, is a day set aside for Catholics worldwide to recommit themselves to the Church's missionary activity through prayer and sacrifice. In 2014, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on October 19. Annually, World Mission Sunday is celebrated on the next-to-last Sunday in October. As described by Pope John Paul II, World Mission Sunday is "an important day in the life of the Church because it teaches how to give: as an offering made to God, in the Eucharistic celebration and for all the missions of the world" Your ongoing support of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith is vital to the missionaries serving in 1,150 dioceses throughout Asia, Africa, parts of Latin America and Europe, and on the Islands of the Pacific. Your generosity makes it possible for local priests, religious, and catechists to reach out to communities, families and children in desperate need, bringing the light of Christ to the darkest of circumstances. For this year’s World Mission Sunday celebration, we are focusing on the words from St. Matthew’s Gospel, “I Will Build My Church” (Matthew 16:18), highlighting the outreach of local churches through priests, religious and laity among the poor and marginalized half a world away. The specific example we have chosen is of Bishop Wenceslao (Wens) Padilla, the first Bishop of Mongolia, and his fellow missionary priests from the Congregation of the Immaculate Heart of Mary and their work among families and children in need, sharing God’s love and mercy, His hope and peace, while offering practical help – changing lives every day! Similar help is provided to mission churches in territories covering more than half the globe. Your prayers and generous support offered to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith on World Mission Sunday directly benefit the mission church – places like Mongolia where the young church is growing, filled with zeal for the faith, but lacking resources for its outreach to families and those in need. Such support is a concrete way to “build our Church” – to deepen your relationship with Jesus by helping Bishop Wens and so many other missionaries around the world. PASTORAL STAFF PASTOR: Rev. Augustine Uthuppu, MS DEACON: Deacon Thomas P. Contrades PARISH SECRETARY: Millie C. Curtis PARISH BOOKKEEPER: Marina Pascua PARISH ACCOUNTANT: Mercedes Casticimo PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Noli Melchor RESPECT LIFE COORDINATOR: Janis Benn FINANCE COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSON: Jerry Vigil DIRECTOR OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Allison Carveiro MUSIC DIRECTORS: Millie and Paul Curtis CELEBRATION OF THE EUCHARIST Weekday masses at the Old Historic Church. Monday - Friday: 7 AM Wednesday- Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help after the morning mass. Saturday: 5 PM Sunday Vigil Sunday: 7 AM (Old Historic Church) 930 AM (New Church) (Rosary is prayed 30 mins before every mass) RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Pre-School through Grade 8: Sunday, 8:30 - 9:20 AM Confirmation: 1st & 3rd Sundays, 10:45 AM -12:30 FOOD PANTRY: Tina Brun 742-6788 CHOIR PRACTICE: Wednesday, 6:30 PM ST. RAPHAEL CEMETERYOpen Sat & Sun 8AM- 6PM CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENTS BAPTISM - Submission of application form and required papers; baptism class: 2nd Tuesday of the month, 6 pm. Baptisms held the 3rd Sunday of the month, following the 9:30 am Mass. FIRST HOLY COMMUNION - a two year program of preparation. CONFIRMATION - a two year program of preparation. OF MARRIAGE - Contact the priest at least 6 months before wedding; Engaged Encounter required. RECONCILIATION - Confession on Saturdays, 4:15 -4:45, or call the office to schedule on a weekday. R.C.I.A. (RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS) - Process to initiate adults into our Catholic Christian Community and to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist. FUNERALS -Arrangements are first to be confirmed with the parish office to schedule date and priest. OCTOBER 12, 2014 Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Oldest Catholic Church on Kauai - 1841 3011 Hapa Road, Koloa, Hawaii 96756 ~ Phone: (808)742-1955 ~ Fax:(808)742-1845 ~ Rectory(808)742-1958 Email: [email protected] ~ ~ Web: Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8:30 am - 12:30 pm October 12, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 GOD REVEALED TO THE NATIONS What wonderful images we have today of the reign of God! Isaiah speaks to us of a great feast—a heavenly feast—a feast of abundance with rich foods and choice wines. It is the Lord’s own affair, Isaiah explains, when God will unite all nations, dry every tear, and destroy death forever. Then, too, will the entire earth rejoice in the Lord and bask in God’s saving grace. Jesus speaks of heaven in terms of a feast as well. Here, the kingdom of heaven is likened to a king’s wedding feast given for his son. This is a feast of abundance also, with the fattened cattle prepared just so. But many of the people invited don’t want to come, so the king invites anyone who would honor his son by their presence there. And Paul tells us that whether we live abundantly or in humble circumstances, we can do all things in the Lord who strengthens us. TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Rom 1:1-7; Lk 11:29-32 Tuesday: Rom 1:16-25; Lk 11:37-41 Wednesday: Rom 2:1-11; Lk 11:42-46 Thursday: Rom 3:21-30; Lk 11:47-54 Friday: Rom 4:1-8; Lk 12:1-7 Saturday: Rom 4:13, 16-18; Lk 12:8-12 Sunday: Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 . Living Stewardship Now VISITORS - ALOHA AND WELCOME Have you committed your abilities, your time, and your financial resources to your parish for God and the Church? Is your involvement a true reflection of your gratitude to God? Do you need to give more, or give differently? Please remember St. Raphael Church in your last will and testament. Mahalo We pray that you enjoy celebrating with us this weekend. Whether you are new to the community or have been living here, know that you are invited to join our parish family. If you are visiting for the weekend, we hope you enjoy your time with us and consider us your "home away from home! Copyright © 2010, World Library Publications. All rights reserved. . BIBLICAL DEVOTION Let sleep find you holding your Bible, and when your head nods let it be resting on a sacred page. —St. Jerome GOOD EXAMPLE A good example is the tallest kind of preaching. —Anonymous Jan Darrell Acob 14 Lolita Domingo 15 Nicole Marie Flores 11 Mary Kuzel 17 Stanley Sarmiento 14 Leirell Silva-Pai 16 Troy Williams 14 October Birthdays! Sheri Lyn Bacarro 12 Josephine Felipe 14 Chance Kuhlmann 17 Clayton Rendon 12 Lysaride Satiawa-Pariangarian 14 Leila Vasconcelles 11 October Anniversaries!! Payne Sybil Blackstad 11 Leonard & Faith Gadingan 17 Javier & Chanelle Rodriguez 16 May God continue to fill your life with love! © Copyright, J. S. Paluch Co. —African saying VOL 2 ISSUE 46 …what's happening in our parish… *Please visit the St Raphael Church website to learn about our Parish and for more information, at *We welcome sponsors for our bulletin production, please contact the parish office. *We are looking for more Parish Ministry volunteers. Please contact the office for more information. *October is also respect Life month… Respect life From womb to the Tomb..Every unborn child is a creation of God. Say no to Domestic Violence, child and elderly abuse. *October 24, Friday, is Volunteer Appreciation dinner. Please RSVP to the office , if you haven't already. PARISH SELF STUDY PROCESS; PARISHONERS OF ST.RAPHAEL, PLEASE HELP OUR PARISH LEADERS TO MAKE OUR PARISH PASTORAL PLANS FOR THE NEXT 3 YEARS . THIS SURVEY WILL HELP OUR PARISH LEADERS TO MAKE PLANS FOR OUR PARISH, TO WELCOME EVERYONE TO WORSHIP AND SERVE THE LORD. THE SURVEY HAVE TO BE RETURNED TO THE CHURCH BY NOV. 2 (SUNDAY). MAHALO.. St. Raphael Parish Directory 2014 Life Touch Company that does photography would like to help us to make a Parish Directory. In this parish Directory your Family Picture portrait will be included. It doesn’t cost the church or the Family anything. Each family that participates in this Parish Directory will receive a complimentary 8X10 photograph and directory. We need more than 50 Families to have more pages for the Church in the Directory. So Parishioners please sign up for this Parish directory by calling the Parish office or in the signup sheet at the Back of the Church. Life touch will be here in November to do the picture taking. 2014 Faith formation conference@ Immaculate conception school in Lihue. This is an important opportunity for us to learn more about our Faith. This year it will be In the footsteps of the saints. Everyone is encouraged to attend these classes. Registration deadline is Oct 12, 2014. Please bring your registration form to the office as soon as possible. WELCOME TO ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH COMMUNITY ! Thank you for celebrating with us. Please complete this form to register as a new parishioner or to update your information. You may drop it in the collection basket or at the church office. Thank you! Name__________________________________________ Mailing Address__________________________________ Email address____________________________________ Telephone number/s (with area code) Home_____________ Cell/Mobile______________ New Update Stewardship of Treasure October 05, 2014 Collection Gift Shop Votive Candles Mass Intentions Sound System Donation 2nd Collection Religious Education $3608.00 $165.00 $200.50 $65.00 $1100.00 $1054.00 $60.00 Total $6252.50 Thank you for your generous support!
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