St. Raphael - Holy Angels Parish Hamilton, nj ---------------------------Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration Chapel MASSES for the Week of October 12, 2014 Weekday Masses are in St. Raphael Church. Weekend Masses are in Holy Angels Church (HA) or St. Raphael Church (SR). Sat., Oct. 11. 4:00 pm (HA)-Nicola Iommelli, r/b Wife, Anna 5:00 pm (SR)-Gloria Lucidi, r/b Gregory Lucidi Sun., Oct. 12. TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 am (SR)-People of the Parish 8:30 am (HA-sign interpreted)-Mary Bieda, r/b Constantini Family 9:30 am (SR)-Rosary Altar Society 10:30 am (HA)-Edward J. Neumann, r/b Sister & Family 11:30 am (SR)-Cathedral & Trenton Catholic 55th Class Reunion, r/b Class of 5:00 pm (SR)-Betty Radice,r/b Achille & Chris Costantini & Family 1959 Mon., Oct. 13.Weekday. 7:30 am-Anthony Parrotta, r/b Wife & Children 7:00 pm-Charles E. Maahsen, Jr., r/b Wife, Joan Tues., Oct. 14. Weekday; Memorial of Saint Callistus I, pope, martyr 7:30 am-Fare-Farley-Marino Families, r/b Family 7:00 pm-Russell Vilardo, r/b Wife, Louise Wed., Oct. 15. Memorial of Saint Teresa of Jesus, virgin, doctor of the 7:30 am-Elaine Ailey, r/b Barbara Thompson Church 7:00 pm-Edward Kadelak, Sr., r/b Wife & Family Thurs., Oct. 16. Weekday; Memorial of Saint Hedwig, religious; Memorial of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque, virgin 7:30 am-Donald Silverson, r/b Wife & Family 7:00 pm-Gina Cullen, r/b Annie Ritz Fri., Oct. 17. Memorial of Saint Ignatius of Antioch, bishop, martyr 7:30 am-Mary Margicin, r/b Son, John 7:00 pm-Roger Evans, r/b Marie Evans Sat., Oct. 18. FEAST OF SAINT LUKE, EVANGELIST 8:00 am (SR)-Antonino Cannizzaro, r/b Angelo Family 4:00 pm (HA)-Reno Mattonelli, r/b Wife, Marie Mattonelli 5:00 pm (SR)-Dominic Cucinotta, r/b J. Kambis Sun., Oct. 19. TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 7:30 am (SR)-Michael Tempesta, r/b Mary DeBlasio 8:30 am (HA-sign interpreted)-People of the Parish 9:30 am (SR)-Sandra Costantini, r/b Family 10:30 am (HA)-Eva & Frank Schlunsky, r/b Family 11:30 am (SR)-Edward E. Neumann, r/b Daughter & Family 5:00 pm (SR)-James Beach, r/b Wife PRAY for those in MILITARY SERVICE Army Chief Warrant Officer Michael Polyak, Iraq; Petty Officer Ryan Bucchi, U.S.S. Carl Vinson; & Sgt. First Class Robert Smith, Army, Afghanistan; Father Patrick McPartland, USN (Chaplain Corps). PARISH OFFICE (rectory): 3500 S. Broad St., Hamilton, N.J. 08610; 609-5857049; fax: 609-585-5876; e-mail: [email protected]; (including link to current week’s bulletin). HOURS (Labor Day to July 4): Mon.– Thurs. 9am-8pm; Fri. 9am-7pm; Sat. & Sun. 9am-12 noon. PARISH CLERGY: Rev. John O. Chang (pastor), Rev. Gene P. Daguplo (parochial vicar), Deacon Robert Tharp, Deacon Sal Marcello, Deacon Thomas Lavelle, Deacon Richard Arcari, Deacon Bill Palmisano, Deacon David Colter, Deacon Gregory Costa. IN RESIDENCE: Rev. James F. McGoldrick, S.M. PASTORAL ASSOCIATE: Sr. Sandra Kulick, S.S.J. (609-270-0388). FAITH FORMATION (609-585-0542): Deacon Bill Palmisano, DRE; Midge Cassarini, Secretary. FOOD PANTRY: John Margicin (609-585-3848). MUSIC DIRECTOR: Lori Hoos (609-462- 2929). SCHOOL (609-585-7733; fax: 609-581-8436; (Mon.-Fri., 8am-3pm): Mrs. Ann M. Cwirko, Principal. YOUTH MINISTRY: Gez Ford (609-456-8857).BUSINESS MANAGER: Dennis Heffernan. CONFESSIONS: In St. Raphael Church: after daily 7:00 p.m. Mass (except 1st Wed., 3rd Fri., holy days of obligation, vigils of holy days, and other days as noted), and Sat. 3:45-4:40 p.m. In Holy Angels Church: after 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. WEDDING ARRANGEMENTS According to the Common Policy of the five Latin-rite (Roman Catholic) dioceses of New Jersey, there must be twelve months of marriage preparation for each couple who desires to be married in the Church. Please do not make any wedding arrangements (including reception hall) until you have met with the pastor, and he has approved the wedding date with you. Pray for the sick & homebound of our parish. Richard Adam—Kris Agron—Scott Allen—Arlene Amisson—Janet Auletta—Joseph Battiste—Larry and Rose Belviso—Christopher Bennett—Lena Bentz—Patricia Bessel—Michael Boehm—Janet Bonifazi—Carmela Bortz—Floria Brenna—Jill Brennan—Donna Bruce— Robert Candelori—Frank Caprario—Georgiana Castaldo—Carol Cerci— Alyssa Chaconis—Robert Cartlidge—Helen Ciali—Ralph Cicia—Patrick Cifelli—Lou Costa, Sr.—Rose Crucili—Robert Cunningham—Harry Day—Ralph DiDonato—Eileen DiLouie—Justine Doan—Louise Dolci— Bob Dunne—Jason and John Dzbenski—Patricia Eckstein—Anthony Fabrizio—Carolyn Faughnan—Loretta Ferri--Linda Fetterman—Marie Filidore—Bernadine Filippi—Timothy Flodmand—Francis Foley—Doreen Forberg—Peggy Ann Frisoli—Patricia and James Gardner—Mary Garrett—Lynn Goldenbaum—Helen Golinski—Joseph Gresko—Rita Henry—David Hibbs—Anita Hips—Lois Honigman—Bill Hutman—John Immordino—George and Joyce Janice—MaryAnn Kardos—Rev. Eugene Keenan—Barry Kelly—Patti Kelly—Cassidy Kmetz—Gary Klein—Carole Kossakowski—Mary Krecicki—Josie Laird—Helen Lamarca—Louie Lastrina—Deacon Tom Lavelle—Anthony Lecato—Trent Lins—Abby Lynch—Dorothy Maida—Julia Makrancy—John Margicin—Richard Martinez—Anna Maziarz—Douglas Middleton—Edward Milerick—Anna Modica—Chester Monti—Michael Norton—Jean Noto—Robert O’Boyle—Christine O’Connor—Patti O’Gorman—Lori Pae—Stefania Peluso—Bob Penardi—Sharon Pepe—Claire Perry—Nancy Pollack— Edward Quinn, III—Albert Rafalski—John Ratico—Percy Renou— Chet and Ling Rhodes—Gloria Ridolfi—Thomas Ruble—Karen Salva—Frank Salvatore—Scott J. Scaccetti—Debrah Scanlan—William & Theresa Scanlan—Josephine Scaringelli—Claire Schiabone—Jane Schultz— Pauline Sikorski—Thomas Slater—Mary Sly—Thomas Small—Gertrude and Glen Smith—Marilyn Snider—Linda Stopsky—Evelyn Suder—Mary Tomchik—MaryAnn Ubry—Julia Ulla—Erin Webster—Virginia Whitty— MaryJane Zimmer—Frank Zsenak—Virginia Zuno PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR DECEASED Edward V. Dombrowski, Margaret “Peg” Murphy, and Concentia “Rose” Recine ALTAR SERVER SCHEDULE Saturday, October 18: 4:00 pm-HA: B. O’Malley, C. O’Malley, S. O’Malley 5:00 pm-SR: J. Teague, K. Teague, N. Csillan Sunday, October 19: 7:30 am-SR: S. Vernon, T. Mizerski, S. Haas 8:30 am-HA: D. Yasick, M. Delpo, L. Kadelak 9:30 am-SR: C. Figueroa, A. Smith, B. Smith, M. Flowers 10:30am-HA: M. Vizzoni, S. Vizzoni, L. Persichilli 11:30am-SR: Terrel Tan, T. Tan, J.P. Colter, D. Colter 5:00 pm-SR: N. Obiukwu, J. Torres, A. Sargent, N. Sidone # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 2 Dear parishioners, On or about September 29, in the Rosary Walk Garden (behind the Spiritual Center), the water fountain was installed (in the cross-shaped portion of the garden, which represents the crucifix of the Rosary). On or about October 1, the first engraved pavers were installed. The fountain is shaped like a single-stem flower. At the top is an unopened bud; midway down is an open flower. At the bottom of the fountain are several single-stemmed flowers. The water in the fountain – upon reaching the bottom – recycles back up to the top. On or about Sunday, July 6, a Mass-goer fell after Mass, while nearing the bottom of the steps in front of St. Raphael Church. Fortunately, she was not hurt seriously. She declined the EMTs suggestion that she go to the hospital. Because of that fall, a suggestion was made to me that a strip of white paint or adhesive be added to the front edge of each step, to help people realize there are additional steps at the bottom of the stairs. Our facilities manager, Dan Compton, and I then looked into various ways of making the steps safer. On Tuesday, October 7, we stained every other step, so that the steps alternate between two colors. This should help people as they (we) walk down the steps. Any other suggestions for safety improvements on our parish’s two campuses are always welcome. As I stated in my September 14 message, one of my goals (since Fall 2012) has been to add a second restroom to the narthex of St. Raphael Church -- in what has been (since the 1985-86 church renovation) the “Sunday sacristy” (opposite the original restroom and located behind the wall that has the donation plaques for the church renovation) -- especially for the convenience of mourners at funeral Masses on school days. (During weekend Masses, worshippers are also able to use the men’s room and women’s room on the first floor of the school wing.) Before doing so, however, we needed to replace the sink and cabinets in the Sunday sacristy, which has been used by the hospitality committee as a storage area and staging area for hospitality in the narthex. (The room has been called the “Sunday sacristy” since it was built in 1986, because it was intended to be used by the priest-celebrant to vest before Sunday Mass and then walk through its other door into the side aisle of the nave and then to the rear aisle, for the entrance procession. I am told that during the past 28 years, only a couple priests used it for that purpose and that all the other priests continued to vest in the main sacristy [behind the choir area]. It thus became a storage area for vestments, card tables, easels, etc.) On Thursday, October 2, the water fountain in the St. Raphael Church narthex was removed. Later that day, upper and lower cabinets were installed in the same area (between the rest room and the Sunday sacristy). The countertop and sink were installed on Wednesday, Oct. 8. (The sink will have a purified-water dispenser.) A backsplash was also installed, using leftover tiles from the renovation of the narthex a few years ago (ca. 2010-11, around the time the tabernacle was moved to the sanctuary, from what is now the Ave Maria Chapel). After the plumbing is completed, we will begin dismantling the vestment case (6 feet wide and 7 feet high; containing chasubles, which the priest wears over the alb, and other vestments) in the Sunday sacristy and then reassemble it in the rear of the main reconciliation room (confessional) in the transept. (The vestment drawers [containing altar cloths and other items], countertop, and upper-wall cabinets were moved – on June 28, 2013 -- to the music room next to the All Purpose Room (APR) below the church.) After the sink is removed, a soundproof wall will be erected in the Sunday sacristy, to divide it into two rooms. The larger room will become a handicapped-accessible restroom that will meet the specifications of the federal Americans With Disabilities Act (ADA) Accessibility Guidelines (ADAAG) – including five feet between the toilet and the sink -- even though our parish is exempt (as a religious institution). The smaller room -containing the bell-tower control panel – will be for storage of card tables and easels. When this 2014 renovation is completed, St. Raphael Church will have two rest rooms (in addition to the men’s room and women’s room on the main floor of the school wing). The original restroom was built four years before the ADA was enacted (in 1990) -- during the 1985-86 renovation (which added the transept, narthex, sanctuary/altar platform, Sunday sacristy, two reconciliation rooms, and then-Blessed Sacrament Chapel) – and therefore there were no ADA guidelines. Yesterday, October 11, the universal Church celebrated the new optional Memorial of Saint John XXIII, who was canonized on April 27. Last Saturday, October 4, Sister (now Blessed) Miriam Teresa Demjanovic, S.C., was beatified in the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark, N.J. She is the fourth native-born American woman to be beatified and the first person whose beatification liturgy was conducted in the United States. She was a member of the Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, which were founded in 1859 and are based in the Convent Station area of Morris Township. Saint John XXIII and Blessed Miriam Teresa Demjanovic, pray for us. God bless you. Fr. Chang Fr. Chang # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 3 “OPEN GARDEN” for the ROSARY WALK GARDEN The St. Raphael-Holy Angels Filipino Community (SRHAFC) will host an “open garden” (open house) for the new Rosary Walk Garden (behind the St. John Paul II Spiritual Center) on Sunday, October 26, after the 7:30 am, 9:30 am, and 11:30 am Masses. Refreshments will be served in the narthex. SRHAFC members will be available to show the garden and answer questions. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP The next meeting will be Tuesday, November 4, 7:30-9:00 pm, in the Spiritual Center living room. Please use rear door to enter the Spiritual Center. NUPTIAL LITURGIES in September Congratulations to the following couple, who were married in our parish last month: Carmine J. Bitonti and Brittany L. Chell May God continue to bless each couple as they begin their married life together. BAPTISMS in September The following children were baptized in our parish last month: Angelina Sofia Celso Guiseppe Roberto Celso Luke Joseph DeCristofan Ava Lynn Ickles Catalina Hope Ochoa Wyatt Christopher Perdue Natalya Angelina Santana Brad Daniel Steever, Jr. Cameron Thomas Ware There will not be confessions on the following day(s) in OCTOBER 2014: x x Fri., Oct. 17 (healing Mass) Fri., Oct. 31 (vigil of the Solemnity of All Saints) Confessions: In general, confessions are usually heard after the 7:00 p.m. Mass, EXCEPT on: x x x x x x x x x x The first Wednesday (Liturgy Committee meeting) The third Friday (healing Mass) (Sept. - June) Holy days of obligation The vigil Mass for holy days of obligation Parish solemnities (May 8, Sept. 29, Oct. 2, Dec. 9) Ash Wednesday and the Triduum Sacrament of Confirmation (in the spring; May 19, 2015) Priests convocation Major civil holidays (e.g., Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, day after Thanksgiving) and as otherwise noted from time to time. DOMESTIC CHURCH MEDIA FUNDRAISER Domestic Church Media (WFJS radio) is a non-profit, Catholic lay apostolate, dedicated to using the means of social communication, especially radio, to share the Gospel message. On Wednesday, October 22, Texas Roadhouse Restaurant (located in Bensalem, Pa. and Hamilton), is teaming up to support Catholic Radio and to celebrate the feast day of St. John Paul II. Texas Roadhouse will donate 10% of each bill to support Domestic Church Media, when customers show the coupon that appears on its website. Please visit and click on the picture of St. John Paul II to access the coupon or contact Gabriella Furmato at 732-614-2147. (WFJS’s initials are in memory of the late Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen.) STELLA MARIS RETREAT CENTER 981 OCEAN AVE., LONG BRANCH, NJ 07740 THE SPIRIT OF BASEBALL: OUR SEARCH FOR HOME October 21 ~ $10.00 per person 6:00 pm Stadium-style supper 7:00 – 9:00 pm Presentation Presenter: Rev. Frank Berna (Registration is requested by October 15) Citizens of the United States play out some of their core national and religious beliefs in the game of baseball. As a nation of immigrants we enjoy the only sport where the athlete scores by “coming home.” Baseball says something about who we are and can help us understand some of the dynamics of our spiritual journey. What better way to get ready for the World Series than to take a look at this all-American pastime through the lens of faith? Join us for a Stadium-style supper at 6:00 pm and a presentation about the spirituality of baseball – an evening sure to deliver a home run! All sports enthusiasts are welcome along with coaches, players and those who just love the game! Visit for full program description and registration flyers. To register or for more information call 732-229-0602 or E-mail: [email protected] Evenings of Recollection for Married and Engaged Couples St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, Freehold, will be hosting three series of Evenings of Recollection for Married and Engaged Couples. The second session will be Wednesday, Oct. 29, on “Living out Your Baptism in Your Marriage”, and the final session will be Wednesday, Nov. 19, on “Praying the Eucharist as a Couple”. Each session will be followed by a short gathering with wine, cheese and desserts where couples can join in conversation and fellowship. If interested, please RSVP to [email protected]. # 572 10-12-2014 pub./ P.4 Is God Calling You? ALTAR SERVER MINISTRY Vocational discernment groups meet to assist young men who are The Altar Server Ministry is now recruiting new altar servers discerning the possibility that God may be calling them to a life of (3rd grade to 12th grade). For information, please contact priestly ministry. These groups are designed to explore a priestly voFr. Gene, in the parish office (rectory), at 609-585-7049. cation with other like-minded men through prayer and sharing voca- RETURN TO THE UPPER ROOM Healing Mass In St. Raphael Church Friday, October 17 ~ 7:00 pm Sponsored by Spirit and Truth (young-adult group) Healing Mass—third Friday of each month (Sept.-June) The next monthly casino trip to Atlantic City will be Mon., October 20, to the Taj Mahal. For reservations, please call Peggy or Ted Nierwinski at 558-2145. Elderberry Club Special Trip to Atlantic City Casino Mon., November 17, first stop to Renault Winery for lunch, then to Atlantic City Casino. Cost is $60.00 and bonus will be determined at a later date. Reservation and payment must be made by October 20. For more information contact Peggy or Ted Nierwinski at 558-2145. “ARRAY OF HOPE” Saturday, October 18, 7:00 pm, at Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville. Incarnation-St. James Parish presents “Array of Hope.” An evening of faith, hope and love. A musical multimedia experience. Performers include Sacred Road, Aaron Thompson, The Bosco Boys, and Mario Costabile. Admission: students $7, adults $10, and group rates are available. For more information, please call 609-8822860 or [email protected]. FUNDRAISING GIFT CARDS You can help our school Saint Raphael School’s Scrip fundraising gift card program offers a small percentage back to the school on cards purchased through the program. Cards may be purchased at the parish office during regular business hours (see page 2 of the bulletin). You can also log on to the Scrip website at for details, and to see all the available cards. If you have any questions, please call our Scrip coordinator, Carrie Rose, 267879-1690, or email Carrie at [email protected]. tion stories and experiences. The group meetings are not meant to convince anyone that the priesthood is their vocation. They are designed to assist you in discovering if the priesthood is your true vocation and build your relationship with Christ along the way. If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic man, between the ages of 18 and 40, and are asking yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest, you are cordially invited to attend this month’s discernment meeting on Sunday, October 26, from 4:00 to 6:00 pm, at St. Gregory the Great Parish, 4620 Nottingham Way, Hamilton. Join Rev. Michael McClane and Rev. Tom Vala, as they share their experiences of the priesthood, followed by prayer and concluding with a great meal and conversation. Please register with the Diocese of Trenton Vocation Office at [email protected] or by calling 609-406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as you discover and respond to His invitation! HOLY CROSS HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Holy Cross, in Delran, will be holding its Open House on Saturday, October 18, from 10:00 am until 1:00 pm. If you have any questions regarding the Open House, please contact Mr. Christian Cantwell, Director of Admissions, at [email protected]. NOTRE DAME HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Come to know Notre Dame High School, Lawrence Twp., at our annual Open House for prospective students and parents on Thursday, October 23, from 7:00-9:00 pm. To register online, go to For additional information, please call the Admissions Office at 609-882-7900, ext. 139/183. TRENTON CATHOLIC ACADEMY (TCA) HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Trenton Catholic Academy will be hosting an Open House on Thursday, October 16, from 6:00-8:00 pm, for its Upper School (9-12th grade). The school is located in Hamilton at 175 Leonard Avenue. The Upper School opens a newly renovated science lab this Fall, and incoming freshmen now receive laptops. For more information, contact Renee Rogers at 609-586-3705, x119 or visit VILLA VICTORIA ACADEMY HIGH SCHOOL OPEN HOUSE Villa Victoria will be holding its Open House on Sunday, October 19, from 2:00-4:00 pm. Founded in 1933, Villa Victoria is a private, Catholic, college preparatory academy for girls located on an historic campus in Ewing, NJ. Visit or call 609-882-1700, ext. 19, for more information and to register. Financial aid and scholarships are available for qualified students. # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 5 SOCIETY of SAINT VINCENT de PAUL In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” October is INFANT LOSS AWARENESS MONTH A Mass of Healing for infant and pregnancy loss will be cele- To give thanks for all that God has given to you, have you brated on Infant Loss Awareness Day on October 15, at 7:00 considered answering the call to help serve the poor by pm in St. Gregory the Great Church, Hamilton Square. This joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul? mass is for all those who have suffered the loss of an infant through miscarriage, stillbirth or regretted abortion, as well For more information about the Society of St. Vincent de as, those who journeyed with their infant through a fatal ill- Paul, and the programs that reach out to those in need, ness. If you or someone you know has suffered one of these please call the parish office (rectory) at 609-585-7049. circumstances, please join us as we gather to celebrate the lives of those taken from us too soon. All Elizabeth Ministries INTENTIONS of POPE FRANCIS for October and Parish bereavement teams are invited to attend. ReUniversal: That the Lord may grant peace to those parts of the freshments will follow in the gathering space immediately world most battered by war and violence. following the Mass. For more information, please call the parFor Evangelization: That the World Mission Day may rekindle ish office at 609-587-4877 or Doreen at 609-672-3799. in every believer zeal for carrying the Gospel into all the world. Good Counsel Homes BABY BOTTLE FUNDRAISER This weekend, October 11th and 12th, Good Counsel Homes will not only be sharing the story of Good Counsel at our parish, but is happy to tell you what your past support has enabled us to do! The Riverside home, open for three years now, has given birth to 40 babies!! You will be asked to take a baby bottle home with you, fill it with change, dollars, checks— whatever your means allow, and return it at one of the Masses the weekend of October 18th and 19th or October 25th and 26th. Returned baby bottles can be placed in ne of the bins in the Narthex of St. Raphael of Holy Angels Churches. Please continue to give the homeless, pregnant mothers of Good Counsel a safe and secure home. Thank you for your support and prayers for our mothers who have chosen to give their baby life. For more information, please contact JoAnn DiNoia at [email protected]. ROSARY FOR LIFE The monthly Rosary for Life will be prayed after the 11:30 am Mass in St. Raphael Church this Sunday, October 12— The second Sunday of the month. The month of October is Respect Life Month and our Parish’s Respect Life Committee invites you to join in praying for a greater respect and protection of all human life from conception to natural death. All are welcome.. NFP is … Natural Family Planning is information that allows couples to communicate and pray about how marital intimacy can help them grow in holiness and receptivity to God’s will. To learn how to access that information, Live the Love with Natural Family Planning, For more information, contact 856-753-1903 or [email protected]. Word of Life ~ October, 2014 “When God created each of us, He did so with precision and purpose, and He looks on each of us with love that cannot be outdone in intensity or tenderness.” — 2014 Respect Life Program flyer, USCCB Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities. Pregnancy Resources Birthright - Freehold Birthright - Toms River Birthright - Red Bank Birthright - Barnegat - 732-462-2888 - 732-349-0154 - 732-747-7600 - 609-660-0485 24/7 Toll Free Hotlines: National Life center Birthright NJ Safe Haven - 1-800-848-LOVE - 1-800-550-4900 - 1-877-839-2339 HELP AFTER AN ABORTION Rachel’s Vineyard-24 hour: 1-877-467-3463 or National Helpline for Abortion Recovery-24 hour: 1-866-482-LIFE (5433) - Diocese of Trenton Project Rachel—609-406-7435 Nat’l Office of Post Abortion Reconciliation/Healing: 800-5-WE CARE - Abortion Recovery InterNational: # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 6 "Saintly Stories" (The Good News from Saint Raphael School) 5th-Grade Science—Density of Matter Students in the 5th-grade class have spent the month of September studying matter—its structure, physical, and chemical properties. Here we see a demonstration of the students experimenting with different liquids in order to investigate density. As each layer of liquid is poured into the container, the students were able to observe which layers were “heavier” and which were “lighter.” Students extended the experiment by freezing the container with all liquids to observe whether or not state of matter affected density. At Saint Raphael School, science matters. Visit our website for additional photos — We invite all families who are considering having there children attend Saint Raphael School, to join us for our Open House on Thursday, October 16, 5:00-7:00 pm. For additional information please visit our website at or contact our school office at 609-585-7733 FAMILY ROSARY NIGHT The St. Raphael School PTA Spirituality Committee would like to invite you to join us for the Family Rosary. This will be an ongoing ministry that will meet on the first Friday of each month during the school year (except for the months of January and April), at 7:00 pm, in the All Purpose Room below the church. For more information, please contact Lina Hollendonner at 609 -499-0501 or email: [email protected]. 50/50 WINNERS (September 24, 2014) 1st Place 2nd Place 3rd Place D. Sharite V. Coniglio D.L. Klukososki #39869 #18066 #34147 COLLECTION for October 5, 2014 1st Collection: $17,241.00 Archangel Fund: $1,026.00 Pizza Tasting Showdown —Wed., Oct. 15 (Parish Center) The Holy Angels and Saint Raphael Alumni Association will host the first “Pizza Showdown” contest on Wednesday, October 15, 2014, 5:00 pm to 7:30 pm in the Parish Center. Top 10 reasons to buy a ticket to Pizzeria Showdown: 1. Taste pizza from local pizzerias 2. Use your poker chip we provide to vote for your favorite 3. Non-alcoholic drink with your ticket 4. Dessert included 5. Italian Music 6. The parish center will be decorated like an Italian bistro 7. Special table for Holy Angels and Saint Raphael Alumni 8. BYOB 9. Lots of fun! 10. Proceeds benefit the Alumni Association Student Awards given to Saint Raphael School students in June. Tickets are $10 per adult, $6 for children 6-11 years old and free for children 5 and under. Tickets can be purchased at the door on the day of the event or they can be reserved before the event. To purchase tickets please call 609-414-3571. # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 7 PRAYER for the III EXTRAORDINARY SYNOD OF BISHOPS ON THE FAMILY (October 5-19, 2014) OUR SHELVES ARE EMPTY Prayer of Pope Francis for the Synod on the Family Our food pantry has lost one of our dedicated volunteer workers and the driver of our van. Edward Dombrowski died on October 1st and was laid to eternal rest on October 4th. Prior to the purchase of our van in 2001, Ed used his van to pick up purchased and USDA and state food from Mercer Street Friends Food Bank. Please remember Edward and his family in your prayers. May God give eternal rest to his soul. We are in need of food to stock our shelves. Mercer Street Friends informed us that there will be no food pickup this week. Our dependence is completely on the donations given us by our parishioners and other outside individuals. Please don’t forget to bring at least one item of food when you come to Mass. Also, monetary donations are always welcomed. Thank you for your donations. God will indeed bless you. Please ~ No paper bags at this time. DON’T FORGET! Next “Reach Out Saturday” is October 11 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Parish Center DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS BEFORE THIS TIME We sincerely hope you will consider joining in one of our upcoming volunteer activities. NURSING HOME Tuesday, October 14. 6:15 - 8:00 pm. Our Shopping Bag Bingo party for residents of Hamilton Grove Healthcare will feature crazy Halloween hats and “spooky prizes” in addition to the usual quarters. Meet on the second floor of the main building, which is located on Hamilton Avenue, near the intersection of Klockner. TRENTON AREA SOUP KITCHEN Wednesday, October 29, 7:30 pm. Our parish is committed to help with serving the hot noon time meal whenever there is a fifth Wednesday in the month. Meet in the St. Raphael parking lot for carpooling to Trenton. ***** For more information about either activity, call Kathy Wooley at 585-4307. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in you we contemplate the splendor of true love, to you we turn to trust. Holy Family of Nazareth, grant that our families too may be places of communion and prayer, authentic schools of the Gospel and small domestic Churches. Holy Family of Nazareth, may families never again experience violence, rejection, and division: may all who have been hurt or scandalized find ready comfort and healing. Holy Family of Nazareth, may the approaching Synod of Bishops make us once more mindful of the sacredness and inviolability of the Family, and its beauty in God’s plan. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, graciously hear our prayer. MARIS STELLA RETREAT and CONFERENCE CENTER Harvey Cedars, N.J. Day of Reflection and Learning: “Gratitude: The Healing Art of Memoir-Writing” Saturday, November 22, 2014, 10:00 am - 3:30 pm We will explore the difference between memoir and autobiography, examine the work of fiction writers and learn from those who teach memoir through their writings. This program is limited to 15 participants. Limited overnight accommodations are available at an additional cost. Presenter: Dr. Pamela Poe Registration Due: November 5, 2014 ***** For more information, call Sr. Pat at 609-494-2917 or e-mail: [email protected] # 572 10-12-2014 pub./ P.8 YR 10,WK 7, 28th Sun in Ord. Time Leading Teens Closer To Christ! Sunday Best (Everyday) If we take this week’s reading as a reminder of how we prepare for Mass or how we respond to the weekly (or daily) invitation to the banquet, we might be encouraged to better prepare ourselves. When the King invites guests to the wedding feast, he expects a response in this week’s Gospel. Yet, not only did he not get the response he expected, For Fun and Fellowthe initial invitation results in disunity and violence. The Gospel reading ends with theship Join Life Teen se words, “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” We must realize that the Lord of Now. Life Nights on Hosts offers us a sumptuous banquet because He deems us to be worthy of such a feast. Sunday in the APR 6The readings this week implicitly declare that we are recognized by God as belonging 8pm (after mass) in the kingdom. However there are those that do not want to go, those that reject the J.F.F. on Thursday invitation and those that respond but show up in the wrong clothes and badly prepared. in the gym 5:307:15pm Our R.S.V.P. to this invitation is not in a written form, it is through a lived out display of love. The way we love, the way we talk, the way we act, even the way we dress is important. While the parable might suggest an emphasis on the clothes we wear, the We are now taking Lord also invites us to come as you are! He continually encourages each of us to act, APPLICATIONS for and even to dress, in a way that is fitting as sons and daughters of the King. He is also CORE asking us to walk humbly, to act justly and to live righteously. Our Sunday best is an MEMBER attitude of adoration, of confession, of thanksgiving and of supplication (A.C.T.S.). VOLUNTEERS. This is a good daily discipline to invoke as we attempt to respond to our invitation to Email for details. the kingdom of Heaven. In turn it will help transform our thoughts, our words and our deeds into a daily (Sunday) best and aid our efforts to love God and our neighbor more For LifeTeen & fully. This is our response to the Lord’s invitation, and this response will see us either Spirit & Truth make good on the invitation and enjoy the eternal banquet that has been prepared for us or relinquish such a feast and instead endure the hardships of “the darkness outside visit facebook@ where there will be wailing and grinding of teeth”. There is an old adage that states S.R.H.A.lifeteen “you can’t judge a book by its cover,” and yet the person on the inside dresses the peror by EMAIL CONTACT the son on the outside. Let us use these readings to better prepare for holy Mass, in the way Youth Minister at we pray prior to, during and after, the way we talk (or don't talk), the way we dress, the way we respond to the most important invitation of our lives. Let’s get dressed for [email protected] or spiritandtruthhamilheaven this coming Sunday (both on the inside and on the outside). [email protected] or by PHONE call GEZ on Every SECOND SUNDAY of the month, we come before the EUCHARISTIC LORD in PRAISE and WORSHIP—Join us 6:30pm - 8pm in ST. RAPHAEL CHURCH 609 456 8857 # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 9 EUCHARISTIC ADORATION SIGN-UP FORM To become an Adorer, please call John Margicin, in the Chapel Office (609-585-3848), or drop off the sign-up form at the Chapel. Name:_______________________ Telephone:__________________ E-Mail: ___________________________ I am available as a: _______weekly adorer _______substitute also _______substitute only _______Morning (6am-Noon) _______Afternoon (Noon to 6pm) _______Evening (6pm to midnight) _______Night (Midnight to 6am) Circle: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday ATTENTION: ALL ADORERS REFLECTION Adorers committed to one hour per week are needed: The following hours need immediate coverage: Dear Parishioners, Thank you very much for your prayers, spiritual bouquets, get well cards, and wishes. I had an appointment with my surgeon this past Monday and the healing is coming along. I will be immobilized for 2 more weeks before I can start physical therapy and get my arm in a sling. I am eagerly looking forward to returning to the ministry I love. Please continue to hold me in prayer for a complete and speedy recovery, and know that you are in my prayers. Rehearsal for Contemporary Ensemble and Adult Choir as usual. The children’s choir, Heaven’s Echo, rehearsed this past Monday with 38 children in attendance. Future rehearsals for children’s choir will be on October 20 and October 27. All choirs are being directed by Rob MacReynolds until my return. God bless you, Lori Hoos Music for Upcoming Liturgies Sun., October 19 (SR) 9:30 am Choir All other Masses (except LifeTeen) are Keyboard/Cantor. Mon., 10/13 Tues.,10/14 Wed., 10/15 Thu., 10/16 Fri., 10/17 Sat., 10/18 Sun. 10/19 MASS READINGS FOR THE WEEK Gal 4:22-24,26-27,31—5:1; PS 113:1b-5a, 6-7; Lk 11:29-32 Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119:41, 43-45,47-48; Lk 11:37-41 Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1:1-4,6; Lk 11:42-46 Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98:1-6: Lk 11:47-54 Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33:1-2,4-5,12-13; Lk 12:1-7 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145:10-13,17-18; Lk 10:1-9 Is 45:1,4-6; Ps 96:1,3-5,7-10; 1 Thes 1:1-5b; Mt 22:15-21 SUN. 12 am,2 am-3 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm; MON. 3 am, 10 am; TUES. 5 pm; FRI. 7 pm, 10 pm and SAT. 8 am, 10 am “The Eucharist is the point where God and the soul meet—God with all His graces, the soul with all its wants.” (Bishop, Fulton J. Sheen) Come meet your God in Eucharistic Adoration! SAINTS OF THE WEEK Wednesday, 10/15 – Saint Teresa of Jesus. “Prayer means being on term s of friendship with God, frequently conversing in secret with Him, who we know, loves us.” Thursday, 10/16 - Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque. “I need nothing but God, and to lose myself in the heart of Jesus.” Friday, 10/17 - Saint Ignatius of Antioch. “”Let it be done in the name of Jesus Christ! To suffer with Him I endure all things, if He, who became a perfect man, gives me the strength.” Saturday, 10/18 - Saint Luke. His is the only Gospel to relate the parables of the Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son; Saint John Paul II calls Luke the “Gospel of Mercy.” THIS WEEK IN ST. RAPHAEL - HOLY ANGELS PARISH (For LifeTeen events, see page 9.) Sun., 10/12: Mon., 10/13: Tues., 10/14: Tues., 10/14: Tues., 10/14: Wed., 10/15 Wed., 10/15: Thurs., 10/16: Thurs., 10/16: Fri., 10/17 Fri., 10/17: Rosary for Life (monthly ) St. Raphael Church 12:30 PM Miraculous Medal Novena (weekly) St. Raphael Church 6:40 PM Contemporary Ensemble St. Raphael Church 7:45-9:15 PM Bingo Parish Ctr. (doors open at 6PM) 8:00 PM Pray and Play Prayer Group (weekly)……………. Spiritual Center…………………………. 8:30-10:30 PM Respect Life meeting (monthly) Spiritual Ctr. 7:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet (weekly) St. Raphael Church 8:00 AM Jesus, Our Good Shepherd Prayer Group (weekly) - Fr. Emmons Conf. Room…………... 7:30 PM Adult Choir St. Raphael Church 7:45-9:00 PM Healing Mass St. Raphael Church 7:00 PM Bingo Parish Ctr. (doors open at 6PM) 8:00 PM # 572 10-12-2014/ pub./ P. 10 HOME HEALTH CARE “Pleasing the hard to please since 1984” Quality Home Care You Can Trust Affordability Trustworthy & Promotes Family Values 609-396-7100 850 Hamilton Ave., Trenton BOHDAN “BO” BOBJAK Buying & Selling Coins & Paper Money • Gold & Silver Bullion Tuesday-Friday 10am to 5pm • Saturday 10am-2pm • Sunday & Monday Appts. Only [email protected] • 4343 South Broad Street • Hamilton, NJ 08620 “A Tradition of Caring for 50 Years” A.J. PONE OPTICIANS Personalized Service / Quality Eyewear For The Entire Family 2303 Whitehorse-Mercervile Rd. 609-586-6633 Visit us at our website at Plumbing License #9813 Free Estimates SINCE 1977 609-695-8234 224 WOODLAND ST TRENTON NJ 08611 LIC# 13VH00282500 609-890-1220 JTM Over 20 Yrs. Exp. Lic & Ins. 609-587-1674 JAMES C. RICKETTI, D.P.M. Board Certified Foot Specialist • Surgeon & Sports Medicine Emergency Service Hamilton Twp., NJ 08610 Golden Crest Corp. 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