October 12, 2014

October 12, 2014
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30 am
Wednesday & Friday at 9:00 am
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am,
Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following
the 4:30 pm Mass
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm
Tuesday & Thursday at 9:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Twenty Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
Most of us are aware of the new
phenomenon called “social media” and
are beginning to become aware of the
mixed blessing that these forms of
communication have upon our
relationships. When it comes to our
Catholic faith life, we can use these technological venues
to learn more about and grow in our religion and
spirituality. Our parish has several webpages.
elcatholics.org is for our Permanent community and
stjohnmsu.org is for our student community. The parish
school website is StThomasAquinasParishSchool.org. On
our main site, elcatholics.org, you can click on “Media”
to find news, readings, links and more. In addition, our
weekly parish bulletin, Connections, usually is posted
online before you get a hard copy on the weekend.
Homilies from St. John also get podcasted. There is a
parish calendar of events and you can update or register
in the parish for the first time.
Here are Catholic Internet sites that I think are
valuable for growing in your faith:
Crux: Covering all things Catholic
Follow on Twitter @crux
Crux is a newly launched web-based news source that
carries national and international content about the
Catholic Church and Catholicism, from Pope Francis
to what it means to lead a Catholic life. They offer
everything from analysis of Vatican reforms to
coverage of Catholic college sports. It is an initiative
of the Boston Globe, created with the goal of putting
balanced analysis and “good news” about why
Catholicism matters into a media market that more
frequently offers criticism.
The Jesuit Post
Follow on Twitter @theJesuitPost
The Jesuit Post offers great articles and essays written
by young Jesuits-in-training. The authors are mostly
20-something Jesuits who have not yet made final
vows or been ordained, but are in various levels of
formation. These guys are young teachers, students
of philosophy and theology, or are assigned to various
types of social work. They offer everything from
“Advice for a New Teacher” to commentary on
current events in American politics to blogging about
October 12, 2014
men’s health in weightlifting. TJP reveals the young
adult perspective of a religious order that has been in
the spotlight since Pope Francis took office as the first
Jesuit pontiff.
Share these, as well as the other links we have on our
webpage with family and friends. There is a lot of
garbage on the internet, but there are also many sites
that are opportunities to learn and grow in the faith.
Happy Reading……
Have a blessed week!
Knights of Columbus
Pancake Breakfast Today!
Join us between 10:00am
and 1:00pm for Breakfast in
the STA school gym. The
Knights will be serving up a feast of scrambled eggs,
sausage, hash browns, regular and blueberry pancakes,
French toast, omelets made to order, juice and coffee.
There is something for everyone! Goodwill offerings
will be accepted.
Sunday, October 19
Baraga Room, STA
Now Showing:
All are welcome to join us for this dramatic movie.
GOD’S NOT DEAD weaves together multiple
stories of faith, doubt and disbelief. The film will
educate, entertain, and inspire moviegoers to explore
what they really believe about God, igniting important
conversations and life-changing decisions.
Prayers for the
Sick & Deceased
Please pray for all those who are ill,
especially Jack Bower, Marie Harvey,
and those listed in our Book of Prayer.
May the Lord who will one day destroy death bring
our faithful departed to the feast of Life. We remember
Joyce Celentino, Elena Ottens, Barbara Landis, and
2 Kathleen McElheron.
Actual Year to Date September 28
Budget Year To Date September 28
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014.
20% of the Actual offering comes from electronic giving
from Parishioner checking accounts and credit cards.
Christian Service - Matthew 25
Sept. 28: Community Partners International,
will receive $2,035.00 to provide support to the
hospitals in eastern Myanmar (Burma), to address
basic and critical emergency health needs to a region
with one of the highest rates of landmine injuries in
the world.
Oct. 12: Recipient Change - Iraqi Christians
Bishop Boyea has shared with the priests of the
Diocese just how dire the situation in Iraq is for
Christians. People are literally living in the streets
and their children are starving as they run from ISIS
murderers. On Sunday, October 12, the Matthew
25 collection will go to assist Christians in Iraq. The
funds will be split between two Michigan
organizations with ties to Iraq, the Adrian
Dominicans and St. Toma Syriac Catholic Church.
Oct. 19: Sisters of Holy Cross, in support of
Kyenbogo Holy Cross Health Centre in Kirinda,
Uganda. They provide outpatient, maternity, and
postnatal care. In addition, they provide outreach
services in adjacent villages, including immunizations
and AIDS counseling.
Thank you for your generosity!
Prayer Blankets available today
After all Masses!
Prayer blankets made by creative members
of our Altar Society and blessed, will be
available this weekend after all Masses. The blankets are
wonderful for anyone who has a loved one in need…
whether for a short or long term illness, in a nursing home,
undergoing chemo, or recuperating in any way. The
blankets are always available in both church offices.
Next weekend our parish will celebrate World
Mission Sunday. This year we are invited to reach out
and help build the Church in Mongolia, the world’s
youngest Catholic Church, as well as local churches
throughout the Missions, in the most remote areas
around the world. Through the work of these
churches, and their witness to Christ, the poor
receive practical help and experience God’s love and
mercy, His hope and peace. Please keep the Missions
in your daily prayers.
Please come prepared next weekend to give
generously in the collection for the Society for the
Propagation of the Faith. For more information,
please visit www.IAmAMissionary.org. Thank you!
SVdP Orientation at STA
Have you ever wondered how the St.
Vincent de Paul Society operates at
STA? Besides providing a ready-to-eat
Thanksgiving meal to our most needy
families and managing the Giving Tree (and the
distribution of those gifts) at Christmas time, we are
busy every week of the year providing assistance to all
those who call the church looking for help. That
activity is accomplished by visiting those families in
their home to determine how we can best provide
the charity which our parishioners so generously
The main objective of a Vincentian is to grow in
spirituality, and one of the primary precepts of the
Society is that “no act of charity is foreign to us”. We
are all growing older however, and several of our
male members have recently fallen ill and/or passed on
to their eternal rewards.
Therefore, we are especially looking for “a few good
men” to complement our current female membership,
although women are most welcome too. A formal no
-obligation orientation is scheduled for Saturday,
October 18. If you are interested, please call the
parish office (351-7215), and someone will contact
you with more information.
St. Vincent DePaul
In today’s Gospel we hear Jesus say: “Many are invited, but few are chosen.” To give thanks for all that God has given to
3 poor by joining the Society of St. Vincent de Paul?
you, have you considered answering the call to help serve the
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Sr. Dorothy - [email protected]
Director of Campus Ministry
Katie Diller - [email protected]
Director of Student Outreach
Catholic Spartans
Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment
Catholic Warriors: College Men's Group
Basic Training
Monday, October 13, 7:30-9:00pm
Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC
Guest Author: Jen Beckner
Junior, Neuroscience and Spanish
I used to think I could be Catholic all by
myself, that I didn’t need anyone else to help me. I
mean, I’ve gone to church my whole life, right? So I’m
fine. I taught catechism, I read the bible, I knew all the
facts: I’m loved, I’m forgiven, I should trust God and
His plan, and the list goes on. So why would I need
Christian friends?
Theotokos Catholic Women's Group
Personality Facials: Why We Wear Masks
Monday, October 13, 7:30-9:00pm
Women's Lounge, Rm 13 downstairs SJSC
Fall Retreat Reunion
Thursday, October 16, 7:00-9:00pm
McDevitt Hall, downstairs SJSC
Looking back at the “me” who said that a little over
two years ago, I’ve come to realize that there is a
clear difference between knowing something and
genuinely understanding it. While I could spend hours
listing facts on why it’s logical to trust God, that will
never bring me to true peace and trust in His plan.
And that’s where God uses community. He gives me
authentic examples of virtue in other women to look
up to and He uses their wisdom to teach me.
Red Cross Blood Drive
October 24, Noon - 5:00pm
McDevitt Hall, downstairs SJSC
Together, we can save a life.
Alternative Spring Break Fair
Thursday, October 16, 8:00pm
McDevitt Hall, downstairs SJSC
Theotokos, our undergrad women’s group, is the
Greek word for God-bearer. In Mary’s example of
grace, we strive to grow closer to Christ and bear
Him to the world as she did. We work together
under her love and guidance to grow into the women
that God created us to be—to be authentic, brave,
and humble; to know how to love, trust and
surrender; to live joyful lives radically on fire for Jesus.
Undergrads interested in participating in an
Alternative Spring Break trip are invited to join us
for information and initial signup on Thursday night.
This year's sites include:
We are college women struggling through many of the
same things on our journey to sainthood. We can’t do
this alone. We need each other.
All undergrad women are invited to join us every
other Monday night in the Women’s lounge in the
basement of SJSC. Take a leap of faith and come,
even if you’ve never been before. We’re an open,
loving community of Catholic college women that
welcomes you as you are; God has a way of working
in everyone’s heart in specific ways, no matter where
you’re at. Also, we have snacks :)
We can’t wait to get to know you!
Jonestown, MS (construction)
Kentucky (construction)
Camden, NJ: DeSales Works (social work)
Camden, NJ: Romero Center (social work)
Cincinnati, OH (social work)
Flint, MI (social work)
Huntsville, AL (Habitat for Humanity)
Philly Area (Habitat for Humanity)
Graduate Student and
Young Professional Group
Fellowship Night on Thursday, 10/16
Join us from 7:30pm-8:30pm in the Purple Room
at SJSC. Hope to see you there!
Extraordinary General Assembly
of the Synod of Bishops
While the Bishops are meeting in Rome
to treat the topic: “The Pastoral
Challenges of the Family”, Pope
Francis has asked for our prayers.
The suggested prayers include the Prayer to the Holy
Family for the Synod written by Pope Francis. The
recitation of the Holy Rosary is also recommended
for the duration of the Synod Assembly.
Prayer to the Holy Family for the Synod
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
in you we contemplate
the splendor of true love,
to you we turn with trust.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
grant that our families too
may be places of communion and prayer,
authentic school of the Gospel
and small domestic Churches.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may families never again
experience violence, rejection and
division; may all who have been hurt or
scandalized find ready comfort and healing.
Holy Family of Nazareth,
may the approaching Synod of Bishops
make us once more mindful
of the sacredness and inviolability of the
family, and its beauty in God’s plan.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph,
Graciously hear our prayer.
Liturgy of the Hours/Divine Office
Coming to You!
Volunteers will be coordinating Liturgy of the Hours/
Divine Office for Evening Prayer twice a week in the Cana
Chapel at St. Thomas Aquinas every Monday and
Wednesday at 6:00pm during fall. Come and pray alongside
others all around the world using the same prayers.
If you have a smart phone, ipad or computer you may
access free prayers at iBreviary: ibreviary.org/ or
Divine Office: divineoffice.org. When you arrive,
others in the group will help you with the prayer. If
you have questions, contact Ms. Amy Ann Moore, OP
[email protected].
Attention Families with
Special Needs Children
The Our Lady of Grace Special
Families Ministry would like to
invite you to our first Super Bowl Sunday! event of
the school year on Sunday, October 19. Families
with children who have special needs gather together
to have fun bowling and build friendships.
The cost is $2.50 per game and there is no charge for
shoes. Pizza and pop are provided courtesy of the
Knights of Columbus. Join us at City Limits, 2120 E.
Saginaw, East Lansing, from 12:30pm to 2:00pm.
We meet every other month. Future dates will be:
November 16, January 11, February 8, March 15, and
April 26.
Please contact Amy Schneider for more information at
651-9033 or [email protected].
Book Discussion Group
Our reading group will meet this
Thursday, October 16, 5:30-7:00pm
in Room 12 at St. John. For October, we
are reading The Secret Gospel of Ireland by
James and Leo Behan. We will conclude our
discussion of the book on October 16.
Catholic Update Series
begins this Sunday, October
12, 10:15-11:30am (during
religious education classes) in
the STA School Library.
We will be using the new
Symbolon DVD series as a resource. Our topic on
October 12 will be “The Journey of Faith: Trinity, Faith
and the God Who Is Love.” Join us for coffee, juice,
fellowship and formation. All are welcome!
Rosary Altar Society
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
St. Theresa Guild - Pot Luck Dinner
Join us on Thursday, October 16, at 6:00pm at the
home of Betty Merva, 1637 Roxburgh Ave., East
Lansing. We will be working on quilts for cancer
patients. Everyone is invited to attend!
Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults Update
This past Sunday the catechumens,
candidates, and their sponsors gathered
to consider the topic, "The Sacrament
of Holy Orders". Every sacrament is an outward
sign established by Christ to give us a share in the very
life of God. Water in Baptism is not only a sign of
new life; it actually gives us new life in Christ. Bread
and wine in the Eucharist are not only signs of food;
they become the very body and blood of Christ to
nourish our relationship with God.
Six part DVD Series by Fr. Robert Barron
The better we understand Jesus, the better we
understand ourselves. But who was Jesus, this
itinerant preacher, whom many called the Messiah?
Using biblical insights and engaging stories, Father
Barron affirms that we must see Jesus most clearly
through the lens of the Old Testament. Through this
presentation and discussion of Priest, Prophet, King,
you will better understand Jesus, become more
familiar with Scripture, and realize your own priestly,
prophetic and kingly mission.
Priesthood in the Catholic Church is not hereditary as
it was in the Old Testament. Rather, each man is
called by God to the office of bishop, priest, or
deacon. Each has a ministry of service to the entire
Church. All the baptized share in the priesthood of
Jesus. Each of us participates in Jesus' priestly role by
bringing the offering of our lives to the Sunday
Eucharist. Each of us participates in Christ's prophetic
role by how we live our lives and by standing for the
values we say we profess. Finally, each of us
participates in Christ's kingly role by working in the
world to remedy those institutions and conditions
which are unjust and detract from the dignity of
This 6-part DVD Series will take place on Mondays,
7:00-8:30 pm, October 27-December 1, in Fr. Mac
Hall. Questions? Like to register? Contact Al
Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or [email protected].
Alpha for Catholics
Coming to STA Church in January!
Alpha for Catholics is an introduction to the Christian
faith that gives guests a relaxed and low-key
opportunity to explore the meaning of life. Each of
the ten weekly sessions begins with a simple dinner,
followed by a short talk looking at a different aspect
of the Christian faith. After that, there is time for
discussion in a friendly small group.
Look to chapters 14 and 20 in The United States
Catholic Catechism for Adults for more information
about sacraments and Holy Orders.
This past Sunday the inquirers and their sponsors
learned what Catholics believe about the central place
Jesus Christ has among the beliefs of Catholics. Jesus
is truly God, the son of God, the second person of the
Trinity. Jesus is also truly man, like us in everything
except sin. Jesus has experienced life as we do. By
uniting divinity and humanity within himself, Jesus
brings God to us and he brings us to God. As Pope
Emeritus Benedict XVI observed on many occasions,
Jesus is the face of God for us. The inquirers also
discussed how Jesus' death on the cross and his
resurrection saved us from our sins and gave us a new
and everlasting life.
Alpha will be held on Monday evenings, beginning
January 12, in Fr. Mac Hall. For more information or
details, contact Al Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or
[email protected].
Thank You from Cristo Rey Community
“Thank you! Your recent generous donation of
supplies allows us to continue Cristo Rey Community
Center’s mission of serving our community and the
vulnerable populations within it. It is the vision of
CRCC to work together to break the cycle of poverty
we see in our community. Our programs . . . would not
be available without the giving spirit of those willing to
support our cause. . . .Thank you again!”
If you have any questions about the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults, or would like to discuss the
possibility of joining the next group of inquirers, call
Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at
[email protected].
Joseph Garcia, Executive Director
studies by economists have shown that child
sponsorship has a more positive outcome dollar for
dollar than just about any other form of charitable
assistance. This presentation is free.
Small Things
TEXTBOOKS - The textbooks
we use in the Religious Education
program are just one of the tools
we use....and not the most important one, by any
means. There are a few reasons for this. Firstly,
because we have just 75 minutes a week we want to
use that time as carefully as possible; usually that
means employing a wide variety of involving and
engaging activities. This may be one reason why "the
book" seems to appear as a component of the
suggested homework more than it is used in class.
Also, the Ignatius Press texts which we use are
written, not at the reading level of the children who
receive them, but at their comprehension level.
That's why we suggest, often, that parents read the
chapters, or portions of them to their children. It is
also important to us that children who may not feel
capable or confident academically, still have the
opportunity to be successful contributors in our
Some of our HS students will be
going to the Compassion Experience
presentation during "Hang Out" this
JAMBOREE is scheduled for Sunday,
November 2 at the Lansing Center,
The Diocesan website has registration forms that can
be printed out, if a student would like to attend and
didn't get a form. The forms give the schedule for the
day and many other details. Registration forms must
be given to Mrs. Kitching or Josh Hamilton by
October 19. Each parish will be sending in a group
registration. If finances are an issue, please don't
hesitate not to send your child for that reason. It
should be an uplifting and memorable day.
ONLINE AND HOMESTUDY - If you signed your
child up for online classes, or home study, you should
have been contacted this past week - if not, please let
us know! 351-5460 or [email protected].
Readings for the Week of October 12, 2014
SundayTwenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23; Phil 4:12-14, 19-20;
Mt 22:1-14 or 22:1-10
Monday Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31–5:1; Ps 113;
Lk 11:29-32
Tuesday Gal 5:1-6; Ps 119; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday Gal 5:18-25; Ps 1; Lk 11:42-46
Thursday Eph 1:1-10; Ps 98; Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14; Ps 33; Lk 12:1-7
Saturday 2 Tm 4:10-17b; Ps 145; Lk 10:1-9
SundayTwenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Is 45:1, 4-6; Ps 96; 1 Thes 1:1-5b;
Mt 22:15-21
ENROLLMENT - Children can join our classes any
time of the year, but of course it is great to get off to
a good start! Registrations are still being taken! You
can enroll on the parish website, or call our office.
HIGH SCHOOL - one session of our HS program is
being offered this year during the 10:15 a.m. session
on Sunday mornings. This is the identical program
that is the core of our Sunday evening youth group.
For those whose schedules do not allow them to
attend the evening session, or for those who
appreciate a much smaller and more intimate setting,
this is for you!
Faith Sharing Questions on the Gospel
We invite you to prepare for the liturgy next Sunday,
October 19 by reflecting on the Gospel, Matthew 22:15-21.
In an attempt to trap Jesus, the Pharisees inquire whether
devout Jews should pay the Roman census tax. Jesus
replies, “repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar…”
at Trinity Church in Lansing, there is an opportunity
to experience how children truly live in the poorest
parts of the world. Did you know that 600 million
children live on less than $1 a day? That 780 million
people have no access to clean water? In this
interactive immersion experience, the visitor can get
an idea of what that really means, so that by
understanding more, our compassion will increase.
The RE program hopes this year to involve our
students in sponsoring a child in poverty. Recent
Questions: “What belongs to the world and what belongs to
God? For whom or what have I been chosen? Consider
relationships, vocations, and careers in the light of stewardship.”
For further reflections on the Sunday readings,
see the link to “Bringing Home the Word” on the Adult Faith
Formation page of our parish website, www.elcatholics.org.
Please Help Stock
the Food Cupboard
The SJSC food cupboard, operated by
the SJSC St. Vincent de Paul Society, is
again serving fifty-five to sixty-five families each week
with the new academic year underway. We need your
help stocking our shelves! Items we need include cereal,
tuna fish, white rice, canned fruit, juice, plain pasta,
wheat pasta, pasta sauce, ramen noodles, canned
vegetables, crackers, snacks, and personal needs items
(soap, shampoo, deodorant, toothpaste, etc).
Attention Seniors
Monday, October 20, from 11:00am-Noon, the
Prime Time Senior Program will be hosting a public
forum to provide information and answers regarding
the redevelopment of the Park District Plan
(downtown - Valley Court area), which has a senior
living component included. Anyone interested in
learning more or being part of the discussion is
welcome to attend this meeting at the Hannah
Community Center.
St. John SVDP Welcome Meeting
Have you wondered what the St. Vincent De Paul Society
at St. John does? Would you like to be involved with the
food cupboard or Christmas baskets? Now is your
chance to learn more and make a difference. All are
invited to attend our next meeting on Tuesday,
October 14, at 7:00pm in Room 15/16 at SJSC.
Help Support Hannah’s House and have fun
when you attend the International Dessert
Night & Silent Auction. The event is being held,
Saturday, October 18, 6:30pm-8:30pm at St.
Michael Parish, 345 Edwards Street, Grand Ledge, MI
48837. For more information, check out
www.hannahshouselansing.org or email them at
[email protected].
Please join us in this important work serving the poor
Tickets are $15 per person or $105 for a table of 8 (in
in our community. If you are unable to attend the
advance or at the door). You can mail checks to:
meeting but want to get involved, please contact Sue
Hannah’s House, Inc., PO Box 14013, Lansing, MI 48901.
at 321-8374 or [email protected].
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, October 13, 2014
Compassionate Visitor Meeting (STA)
Religious Ed Classes (STA)
Centering/Contemplative Prayer (SJSC)
Evening Prayer (STA)
JustFaith Engaging Spirituality (SJSC)
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Group Spiritual Direction (STA)
Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
Living in Love Follow up (STA)
St. Vincent DePaul Meeting (SJSC)
K of C #7816 Meeting (STA)
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Bible Study (STA)
Rosary (STA)
3:15pm, 4:15pm
Cherub Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Evening Prayer (STA)
Quest Group (SJSC)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Light Weigh (STA)
St. Vincent DePaul Meeting (STA)
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Mom’s Group (SJSC)
Bible Study (SJSC)
3:15pm, 4:30pm
Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA)
5:30pm Faculty/Community Book Discussion (SJSC)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (SJSC)
Friday, October 17, 2014
Monday, October 13, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Christian Rouser req. by Carol Clack
12:15pm (St. John)
Int. of Nina Grigg req. by Rebecca Scovill
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Faye & Dick Devost req. by Joretta Beck
9:15pm (St. John)
Saturday, October 18, 2014
Food Cupboard Opens (SJSC)
Diocesan Youth Min. Training (SJSC)
Sunday, October 19, 2014
8:30am, 10:20am
Religious Ed Classes (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Coffee & Donuts (STA)
Boy Scout Troop #293 (STA)
Movies & Munchies (STA)
RCIA Inquiry (SJSC)
Collegiate Ensemble Rehearsal (SJSC)
Korean Community Mass (STA)
Spaghetti Supper (SJSC)
Youth Ministry (STA)
A Biblical Walk (STA)
JustFaith Meeting (STA)
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Margaret Borowiak req. by Kay & Ron Daubenmier
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Margaret Flaherty req. by the Murphy Family
12:15pm (St. John)
Ludovit Jancovich req. by Angelica Leitmannova Liu
Thursday, October 16, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Paul Borowiak req. by Kay & Ron Daubenmier
9:15pm (St. John)
Friday, October 17, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
George Merva req. by the Friday Breakfast Group
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Margaret Rubitschun req. by Mimsy Celio
12:15pm (St. John)
Conrad Henke req. by Helen Henke
Saturday, October 18, 2014
4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Louis & Monica Thelen req. by the Family
Sunday, October 19, 2014
8:00am (St. John)
People of the Parish
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Gavino Ralph Rangel req. by Carol Dionise
10:00am (St. John)
Paul Dionise req. by Frank & Elaine Knox
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Shaye Ramont req. by Lisa Ramont
12:00pm (St. John)
Christian Bechtel req. by Barb Manning
5:00pm (St. John)
Edward Jewell req. by Marcella Jones & the Hoyt Family
7:00pm (St. John)
Elizabeth Semesova req. by Angelica Leitmannova Liu
Lansing Catholic High School has a Part Time Food
Service position available. Hours are 2.5 per day on
open school days. Please call Lansing Catholic Food Service
at 267-2119 for more information.