November 16, 2014

November 16, 2014
St. Thomas Aquinas Parish & School
955 Alton Road
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.351.7215
School Phone: 517.332.0813
St. John Church & Student Center
327 MAC Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48823
Office Phone: 517.337.9778
Weekend Mass Times
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 4:30 pm
Sunday 9:00 am & 11:00 am
Weekday Mass Times
Monday – Friday 6:30 am
Wednesday & Friday at 9:00 am
Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am,
Noon, 5:00 pm & 7:00 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday 3:00-4:00 pm & following
the 4:30 pm Mass
Weekday Mass Times
Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 12:15 pm
Tuesday & Thursday at 9:15 pm
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Monday, Wednesday & Friday
11:00 am - Noon
Tuesday at 8:00 pm
Thirty Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
November 16, 2014
Fr. Mark’s Remarks
CNN’s “Life with Lisa Ling” will air
“Called to the Collar” on Sunday,
November 16, at 10:00pm. This
television documentary looks at the
vocations that have come from
Clinton County and features
interviews with Fathers Dennis Howard, Eric Weber,
Bill Ashbaugh, Jonathan Perotta, all three
Koenigsknechts and Bishop Boyea.
FEBRUARY 14, 2015
Valentines Day
Thank you to Dawn Bower who chaired the school
fundraiser, Faith & Fundamentals, and all those
dedicated volunteers who helped make this year’s
annual event the great evening that it was. We have a
lot of fun and it does so much to sustain and support
Catholic school education at STA.
Mark Your Calendar
for the Annual St. John Friend’s Dinner Dance
ALL ARE WELCOME! Bring your friends to
this family reunion. We have wonderful raffle prizes!
Great silent auction items too!
At the end of the month we celebrate Thanksgiving!
I hope that you will plan now to attend the interfaith
Thanksgiving Service on Monday, November 24, at
Holy Trinity Greek Orthodox Church at 7:00pm. We
will also have a Mass on Thursday, November 27, at
9:00am at St. Thomas Aquinas. Let us give thanks
where thanks are God.
Parent & Godparent
Baptism Seminar
Baptism is the premier sacrament
of the Church, giving all of us our
beginning in the life of Christ and
in the Church. Preparation is
important. Our next baptism
preparation session for parents
and/or godparents of infants or
young children to baptize will take place Thursday,
December 4, 7:00-9:00pm at St. Thomas Aquinas
Church in the Fireplace Room, in the old rectory.
Have a blessed week!
Join us for Coffee & Donuts
this Sunday morning, November 16
after the 9:00am & 11:00am Masses
in Fr. Mac Hall at St. Thomas Aquinas.
Please contact the Catholic Formation Office if you
plan to attend (351-5460 or [email protected]).
Baptism registration forms are available through the
parish offices at both sites and online at our parish
web site (
Advent Book Sale Coming!
Next Sunday after all the Masses
at both sites, we will have a variety
of resources available for the
season of Advent, as well as for
the upcoming new liturgical year.
We will have the popular Little Blue Advent books
from the Diocese of Saginaw, 2015 Missals,
At Home with the Word books, as well as a number of
spiritual reading books for sale, including Sr. Dorothy’s
newest book! In addition, there will also be free
Advent resources available.
St. Vincent DePaul
The good news of today’s Gospel is the extravagance
of what is being given us. All we need do is be faithful
in “small matters.” The cost of fidelity has no
comparison to the reward given.
When you give the furniture, household items and
clothing you no longer use to the Society of St.
Vincent de Paul, you are sharing God’s extravagant
Actual Year to Date November 2
Budget Year To Date November 2
Please Note: The fiscal year began 7/1/2014.
20% of the Actual offering comes from electronic giving
from Parishioner checking accounts and credit cards.
Christian Service - Matthew 25
Nov. 2: Rehabilitation Center in Ulaanbaata,
Mongolia, will receive $2,386. Mentally and
physically challenged children in Mongolia suffer
abuse, neglect, sexual exploitation and discrimination
in their homes and communities. There are currently
200 children benefiting from the physical and
occupational services offered.
Nov. 16: Doctors without Borders, to support
care centers in Liberia and Sierra Leone in the fight
against the Ebola virus. People continue to become ill
and are dying in their villages and communities. In
Sierra Leone highly infectious bodies are rotting in
the street.
Nov. 23: Casa Aurora, a ministry of the Dominican
Sisters of Peace in San Pedro Sula, Honduras,
supports impoverished families that include children
who are HIV positive or otherwise affected by HIV
and AIDS. The Casa provides food, medicine, and
compassionate support.
Thank you for your generosity!
Next week’s Collection for the Catholic Campaign
for Human Development (CCHD) needs your
help. CCHD was founded to end the cycle of poverty
in the United States by
funding organizations
that help people help
themselves. With the
tradition of improving
education, housing
situations, and
development, CCHD continues to make a positive
impact in communities nationwide. Your contribution
will defend human dignity and help those living on the
margins of our society.
Please Support the CCHD Collection.
Confirmation Preparation
for MSU Student & Adults
If you are out of high school, a
baptized Catholic and have celebrated
your First Communion, but have not
received the sacrament of Confirmation, and would
like to do so, this is for you! Preparation sessions for
Confirmation will take place on six Sunday afternoons,
3:00-4:30pm, beginning in late January, with the
celebration of the sacrament taking place sometime
after Easter. Confirmation registration forms and
more information are available by contacting Al
Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or [email protected].
Rosary Altar Society
For Women of All Ages
Who Wish to Serve the Church
The St. Theresa Guild would like your help on
Thursday. November 20, at 6:30pm in the STA
first floor Conference Room.
We will be making Christmas gifts for nursing home
and home bound people from our parish. We would
love to see your children come along and join us for
this service project. Thank you for your past help
with our projects!
Adoption Children’s Art Exhibit
November is National Adoption Month and once
again we have an opportunity for people to come
meet our young artists who are available for adoption.
They will share their story and debut their artwork to
the community. The event is Sunday, November
23 from 2:30 to 4:00pm at Hannah Community
3 Center in East Lansing. Please consider joining us!
St. John Student Center - Home of the
Catholic Spartans
Sr. Dorothy’s Spiritual Nourishment
Guest Author:
Kelsey Smith, Junior
A Leader in Theotokos
Priesthood Discernment Group
Monday, November 17, 7:30-9:00pm
Student Lounge, downstairs SJSC
Please email Fr. Dan Westermann
([email protected]) for more information, or
RSVP on Facebook. New men ages 18-28 are welcome.
Thankfulness; yes, it is that time of year again, when
we remember to be thankful. We are thankful for
our family and friends, our health, our successes, our
Ignatian Discernment of Spirits Series
Tuesday, November 18, 6:30-8:00pm
Fr. John Linden & Dawn Hausmann from the Diocesan
Vocations Team offering a series on Ignatian
Discernment of Spirits this Fall. Students are welcome
to join us at Emmaus House, the white house across
the street from St. John Student Center (320 M.A.C.
Ave). Email [email protected] for
more information.
But why is it that we only remember to be thankful
for these things in November, when it is close to
Thanksgiving? Sure, we give thanks to God before
we eat a meal, or after a great day, or we thank Him
when we felt His closeness, but what about all of the
other times? Isn’t our entire life one huge gift from
God? Our family and friends, our talents, our time;
all belongs to God.
I once heard a married couple speak at a retreat and
they taught us, “It’s not yours, so give it back”.
These wise words have stuck with me, because it is
so true that nothing in this life belongs to us; our
entire life is a gift from God. Thank Him for it
because God is so good! All the time! We can all
strive to be more thankful for everything God blesses
us with, and not only during November.
Least of My Brothers & Sisters
Just War Theory & Nonviolence
Wednesday, November 19
6:45pm Pizza
7:00pm Presentation
What is Just War Theory?
How does it differ from nonviolence?
When should a nation intervene in an
How do we respond to violence in our personal lives?
God delights in us when we are grateful towards
Him! If you are ready for an even greater challenge of
thanksgiving, give thanks to God for the crosses you
carry. Thank Him for the burdens you bear. It may
sound crazy, but even our struggles are gifts from
God. This can be as simple as thanking God for
beautiful snowy days, even though at first glance you
hate the snow! It can be as difficult as to thank God
for an extremely hard time in your life, because you
know that through it you drew closer to Him. “A
thankful mind-set does not entail a denial of reality with
its plethora of problems, but instead it rejoices in God, in
the midst of trials and tribulations” (Jesus Calling).
In addition to tackling some case studies in
nonviolence, Dan Faas from the Alliance for Catholic
Education will be presenting for a portion of the time
on post-grad volunteering opportunities at the
University of Notre Dame and beyond.
All undergrads & grads/young professionals welcome,
ages 18-25.
Thankfulness is not always easy; but it is a language of
love. “And whatever you do, in word or deed, do
everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to
God the Father through Him” (Colossians 3:17).
Sr. Dorothy - [email protected]
Director of Campus Ministry
Katie Diller - [email protected]
Director of Student Outreach
Graduate Student and
Young Professional Group
Meetings are on Thursdays at 7:00pm
For more specific information regarding events, email
[email protected] or call Ryan at 517-899-3298.
All profits from this sale will be used for
the Alternative Spring Break program.
Orders can be returned to either church office.
Campus Ministry Needs Your Help
Order Form
The Women's Retreat is January 16-18.
50 quart glass jars are needed - one for
each girl attending. If you have quart glass
jars laying around and don't need, would
you please bring them to Sr. Dorothy or
the main parish office. Thanks so much.
Phone Number:__________________________
I will pick up my order at:
St. Thomas Aquinas________ St. John _________
Personal Order:
6.5” Pot (5+ blooms) $14.50 each
Red_________ White ________Pink_________
Six part DVD Series by Fr. Robert Barron
This DVD series continues this Monday at 7:00pm
in Fr. Mac Hall. Through this presentation and
discussion of Priest, Prophet, King, you will better
understand Jesus, become more familiar with Scripture,
and realize your own priestly, prophetic and kingly
7.5” Pot (10+ blooms ) $22.50 each
Red_________ White _________ Pink________
8.5” Pot (14+blooms ) $28.50 each
Red_________ White__________ Pink________
If you missed the first two DVD’s on the “priestly”
role of Jesus, we will be repeating both of those this
Monday evening. Questions? Contact Al
Weilbaecher at 351-5460 or [email protected]
for Christmas Mass decorations:
Circle the site you are donating to.
7.5” Pot (STA) (SJSC) _________ at $22.50 each
(mid 30s & up)
8.5” Pot (STA) (SJSC) _________ at $28.50 each
Lansing Catholic Singles invite you to their upcoming
Dec. 6 – 7:00pm meet at Champions Sports Bar and
Grill in Holt for dinner and to watch the Big Ten
Championship Football Game.
Dec 13 – Christmas on the Farm at Miller’s Historic
Farm in Eaton Rapids. Meet at 5:00pm at the farm’s
ice cream parlor. Enjoy an evening of old fashioned
fun. Admission is FREE. For more information, phone
(517)321-7886 or email the group at [email protected].
New members always welcome!
Total Amount Due:_________________
Total Amount Paid:_________________
All orders are pre-pay only.
Make checks payable to SJSC.
All orders must be picked-up after
the Masses on December 6 and 7
MORNING - Mark your
calendars! On Monday, December 1, there will be
a special Advent Morning of make-and-take activities
geared toward making your family's Advent season
more meaningful. This will be a fun and casual
morning. We do need you to register, though, so we
can make sure to have enough materials! Contact
[email protected] or call 351-5460.
THANKSGIVING - NO CLASSES - There will be no
R.E. classes on November 30 and December 1.
CHILDCARE is offered during the 10am Mass at SJ
every Sunday morning! The nursery is located on the
lower level - come on down! There is no charge.
Bereavement Support Group
Tuesday or Wednesday!
Our Bereavement Support Group is now offering
TWO OPTIONS to meet every other week. We will
meet on Tuesday morning, November 18, at
10:00am, and Wednesday evening, November
19, at 6:00pm, in the dining room of the former
rectory at St. Thomas Aquinas Church.
Feel free to come to either session . . . or to both!
Questions? Call the parish office. All are welcome!
Seeking Volunteers
The Gift and Book Shop at St. Francis Retreat
Center in DeWitt is seeking volunteers to help in the
store. There are a variety of jobs and schedules to
choose from during store hours Mon.-Sat., 9:00am –
5:00pm. If you would like to help or want more
information, please call Deb deVries at 517-669-8321
ext. 14 for more details.
Prayers for the
Sick & Deceased
Please pray for all those who are ill,
especially Michael Weber, Denise
Anderson, Joe Durkin, Dorothy Dale,
Albert Rosario, and those listed in our Book of Prayer.
We remember our faithful departed, especially Mary Jane
Schumacher, and Marylyn Dobes. By his own resurrection
may Christ raise up the temples of their bodies.
Last year our Confirmation
program was inspired by Matthew
Kelly's "Four Signs of a Dynamic
Catholic"....happily, this year
Matthew Kelly developed a
Confirmation preparation program
"Decision Point". While we cannot
use this program in its entirety, we are taking
advantage of some of the inspiring DVDs and
challenging exercises to engage the students.
November's Confirmation sessions are being held
this week (Saturday, November 15 and Tuesday,
November 18).
AT WHAT COST? At Youth Group this past
week we talked about "Counting the Cost". Being
a Christian isn't always easy. We do have to give
up certain things; we have to be counter-cultural.
But, of course, what we get in return is so much
more valuable than what we lose. The challenge
for all of us (leaders and teens) this past week has
been to read one chapter of a Gospel each day.
Why don't you try it yourself?
to bring any loose pocket change to Youth Group
to donate for the sponsorship of "our boys"!
Worldwide, 600 million children live in poverty.
Sometimes we feel that there is no way we can
make a difference. But, we can make a difference
for these two!
RETREAT - Plans are beginning to be made for
our Epiphany Retreat. It will be held at the St.
Francis Retreat Center in Dewitt, beginning on
Friday evening, January 2, and concluding mid-day
Sunday, January 4. We are encouraging families to
look ahead and adjust holiday schedules so that
their teens will be able to attend. It will be a
powerful experience.
Book Discussion Group
Our reading group will meet this
Thursday, November 20. to
conclude its discussion of The Power
of Parable: How Fiction by Jesus Became
Fiction About Jesus by John Dominic Crossan We meet
from 5:30-7:00pm in Room #12 (Library) at
St. John. All are welcome to join us.
Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults Update
This past Sunday the catechumens,
candidates, and their sponsors gathered
to consider the topic, "The Trinity".
Although this belief that there are three Persons in
one God is difficult to comprehend, we do know a
number of things about the Trinity.
The Trinity is a community of Three Persons. Jesus is
referred to as the Son of God in the Gospels. Jesus
refers to God as his and our Father. Jesus promises
to send the Spirit to be present with us after his
resurrection and ascension.
Throughout scripture we see a God who wants to
have a relationship with us (Genesis 17: 1ff). We
learn that God is love (I John 4: 7-10). The Persons
of the Trinity are in an ongoing love relationship with
one another and with us.
Since we are created in the image and likeness of
God, it makes sense that none of us is complete in
himself or herself. Each of us has tremendous dignity
because of who we are, not because of what we do
or possess. We have a clear indication that we are to
love one another as God has loved us (I John 4: 11).
If you have any questions about the Rite of Christian
Initiation of Adults or would like to discuss the
possibility of joining the next group of inquirers, call
Pete Ries at 517-351-5460, ext. 1328 or e-mail him at
[email protected].
Upcoming Senior Events
Sunday, December 7, 1:30-3:30pm, STA
The team of Ploof and Waytes will present some
Advent reflections.
 Starts in January
 For 10 weeks, every exercise class will be 1/2 off
 Free - 10 wellness workshops
 3 1/2 hour sessions with a nutritional coach
Fit for Life applications are available in the office at
STA and SJSC. Deadline for the
application is December 12, 2014.
Sunday, January 18
1:30 - 3:00pm, STA
All are welcome to watch a movie and enjoy
munchies. Movie still to be determined - it will be a
good one!
Thanksgiving Dinner at St. Gerard
Thanksgiving Day Dinner is being
sponsored by St. Gerard Social
Ministry Commission for people
who will be alone on Thanksgiving Day. The dinner
is a sit down, family style dinner in a friendly
atmosphere, served on Thanksgiving Day, November
27, at 12:30pm in Fr. Weber Hall. The hall is located
behind the school at 4433 W. Willow Hwy.
Transportation will be provided if needed. For
further information or transportation, please call the
Parish Office at 323-2379.
Volunteers are needed to help with set up, cooking,
transportation, serving and clean up. The shifts are
9:30am—12:00 Noon, 12:00 Noon—3:00pm, or
9:30am—3:00pm. Please call Mike and Carolyn
Hudson, 321-4297 or email
“Alpha” Coming to STA on Mondays,
beginning January 12, in Fr. Mac Hall!
Alpha is a 10 week introduction to the Christian faith
that gives guests a relaxed and low-key opportunity to
explore the meaning of life. Each session begins with
a simple meal, followed by a short talk looking at a
different aspect of the Christian faith. For more
information or details, contact Al Weilbaecher at 3515460 or [email protected]
Cooking with Mena
Join us at Roma Bakery on Saturday, November 22,
from 2:00pm - 5:00pm to celebrate the publication of
“Cooking with Mena.”
“This book is my gift to everyone who has filled my life
with love and care—which are also the two essential
ingredients to Italian Cooking” Mena Castriciano
Mena will be signing books, and refreshments
will be available.
Readings for the Week of November 16, 2014
How Can YOU Help With the
Parish Music Ministry Trip and
Gala performances in Greece?
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31; Ps 128;
1 Thes 5:1-6; Mt 25:14-30 or
25:14-15, 19-21
Monday Rv 1:1-4; 2:1-5; Ps 1; Lk 18:35-43
Tuesday Rv 3:1-6, 14-22; Ps 15; Lk 19:1-10
Wednesday Rv 4:1-11; Ps 150; Lk 19:11-28
Thursday Rv 5:1-10; Ps 149; Lk 19:41-44
Rv 10:8-11; Ps 119; Lk 19:45-48
Saturday Rv 11:4-12; Ps 144; Lk 20:27-40
Sunday Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
Ez 34:11-12, 15-17; Ps 23;
1 Cor 15:20-26, 28; Mt 25:31-46
This experience is a significant financial undertaking
both for our ministry and for the students and
performers who are collaborating to make it possible.
We currently need support for the following:
Subsidizing tours for students in need
Subsidizing the travel fees for large instruments
Subsidizing tours for campus ministry directors or
Subsidizing travel for accompanists/organists
Purchasing additional sheet music for participants
Funding the cost of holding retreats to learn the
new repertoire
And so much more…..
Faith Sharing Questions For Next Sunday
We invite you to prepare for the liturgy next Sunday,
November 23, by reflecting on the Gospel, Matthew
25:31-46. The evangelist describes the final judgment as
a great assembly in which all people are divided between
those who humbly serve the needs of others and those
who don’t.
Every dollar that is donated reduces the cost of
participating for all!! Contact Music Director, Matt
Eldred at [email protected] or visit the office
at either of our parish locations to get more details or
make a donation.
Questions: “Do I humbly submit to authority and obey
those charged with caring for me? What prevents me
from seeing the face of God in others?
For further reflections on the Sunday readings,
see the link to “Bringing Home the Word” on the Adult Faith
Formation page of our parish website,
Adrian Dominicans Sisters Hosting
‘Come and See’
December 12-14
Living the Paschal Mystery
The Dominican Sisters of Adrian invite single Catholic
women to spend one weekend in Advent listening to
God’s voice to discern whether they have a call to
religious life as Dominican Sisters. The next Come
and See Weekend is set for December 12-14, at the
Motherhouse, 1257 E. Siena Heights Drive, Adrian,
The free event will give participants the opportunity
to speak to Adrian Dominican Sisters; to spend time
in prayer and meals with them; and to learn about
Dominican spirituality, ministries, and the discernment
God's Life within us has enormous potential. We are to
grow into the rich persons God intends us to be. Yet, in
our everyday living of the Gospel we can be fearful or lazy.
Real growth in our potential and the Life God has given us
comes in taking risks. We risk dying to self and increasing
our Life when we see someone we don't know who is
poor and in need (see first reading) and still reach out to him
or her (without judgment). We risk dying to self and
increasing our Life when we share our own "talents" by
volunteering for a liturgical ministry or for one of the
parish committees, even if we feel others may be more
For further information or to register, please contact
Sister Durstyne Farnan, OP, at
[email protected], or call 517-2663537. Registrations will also be taken online, http://
The shock of this gospel is the extravagance of what is
being given to us. All we need to do is be faithful in
"small matters." Then we, indeed, will "share [in our]
Master's joy." We will be judged at the end of time
not by quantity, but by how well we have used our
potential and increased the goodness and dignity, the
Life and love within us and within others. Living Liturgy 2014
Events In our Parish
Mass Intentions
Monday, November 17, 2014
Religious Ed Classes (STA)
Centering/Contemplative Prayer (SJSC)
Evening Prayer (STA)
7:00pm “Priest, Prophet, & King” DVD Series (STA)
Tuesday, November 18, 2014
Bereavement Support (STA)
Group Spiritual Direction (STA)
Chinese Prayer Group (SJSC)
FOCCUS Facilitator Training (SJSC)
3rd Order Dominican Meeting (STA)
Confirmation Retreat (STA)
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
Bible Study (STA)
Rosary (STA)
3:15pm, 4:15pm
Cherub Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Evening Prayer (STA)
Bereavement Support (STA)
Literacy Night (STA)
Quest Group (SJSC)
Korean Prayer Group (STA)
Light Weigh (STA)
St. Vincent dePaul Meeting (STA)
Thursday, November 20, 2014
Mom’s Group (SJSC)
Bible Study (SJSC)
3:15pm, 4:30pm
Seraph Choir Rehearsal (STA)
5:30pm Faculty/Community Book Discussion (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (SJSC)
PEC Meeting (STA)
Friday, November 21, 2014
Monday, November 17, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Linda Jackson req. by the Parish Family
12:15pm (St. John)
Int. of Tera Tubandt req. by Natalie Zoeller
Tuesday, November18, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Benjamin Howard Murray req. by Jeff & Diane Pillon
9:15pm (St. John)
Int. of Josh Ginepro’s Father req. by Campus Ministry
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Kathy Pawelec req. by Peg Bergmann
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
John & Marie Mercer req. by Fran & Mary Etta Mercer
12:15pm (St. John)
Gerard & Mildred Cottone req. by Rosanne Cottone
Thursday, November 20, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Cheryl Martyn req. by Cathy Kerwin
9:15pm (St. John)
Claire Vlasin req. by Ray Vlasin Family
Friday, November 21, 2014
6:30am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
George Merva req. by Friday Breakfast Group
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Grace Fauquher req. by Rick & Julie Bryce
12:15pm (St. John)
Elizabeth Semesova req. by Angelica Leitmannova Liu
Saturday, November 22, 2014
4:30pm (St. Thomas Aquinas)
All Souls
Sunday, November 23, 2014
8:00am (St. John)
Danny & Pat Litwhiler req. by Carol James
9:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Int. of Jack & Marie Bower req. by the Family
10:00am (St. John)
Paul Burns req. by Kierin Kerbawy
11:00am (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Rita Kintz req. by Deborah Sydlowski & Sally Cassady
12:00pm (St. John)
Joseph & Celia Kurta req. by Kathleen Kurta
5:00pm (St. John)
Special Intention req. by Ignacio
7:00pm (St. John)
People of the Parish
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Advent Book Sale after Mass (STA)
Sunday, November 23, 2014
After all Masses
Advent Book Sale (STA & SJSC)
8:30am, 10:20am
Religious Ed Classes (STA)
Choir Rehearsal (STA)
Boy Scout Troop #293 (STA)
Collegiate Ensemble Rehearsal (SJSC)
Korean Community Mass (STA)
Spaghetti Supper (SJSC)
Youth Ministry (STA)
A Biblical Walk (STA)
JustFaith Meeting (STA)
Blessed are you who fear the Lord
and walk in His ways.