THE LEOPARD’S TALE Oct 9, 2014 ! ! ! WEBSITE: WWW.AISLUSAKA.ORG* TEL: 0211 260509/10, 0211 260543, 0211 260621 From the Director - Tom Pado Upcoming Events! • Fri 10 Oct: Managebac Familiarization Session, 07:45 - 08:45, Sec IT Lab, Room M5" • Tuesday 14 Oct: Student Parent Teacher Conferences - All Day" [email protected] Campus Water and AISL’s New Year Resolution AISL has invested in water in a nine-‐step 3iltering / reverse osmosis system and is now in a position to provide a clean and safe alternative to borehole water. We are working with an organization called Pure Water Zambia to implement a system. More information about our partner and system can be found by clicking on the link below. ! ! • Wednesday 15 Oct: G4 & G5 Performing Arts Assembly, 07:45am" Water dispensers have been strategically placed around both campuses for students to re-‐3ill their water bottle. Please ensure that your child(ren) brings a re-‐usable water bottle to school. This is an important school supply as we strive to develop a more environmentally responsible community, equated to bringing a pen/pencil, or iPad in the case of Secondary, to school. • Wednesday 15 Oct: This year's first informational coffee morning "Digital Citizenship” at 7:30 am, Protea Conference Room" The implementation of this new system will put us in a position to curb our use of disposable plastic. Upon our return in January 2015, AISL will ban the selling of individual plastic bottles (water, juice, etc.). This environmentally friendly measure represents AISL’s New Years Resolution. Margot, our food service vendor, will not be selling plastic bottles containing water and juice. She will continue to sell beverages in paper cartons or in metal cans. • Friday 17 Oct: Last Day of School - October Break" • Monday 27 Oct: Welcome Back!! School Resumes Grade 6-8 Parents" The Million Word Reading Challenge will be rolling out this week during English classes. Students are challenged to read one million words by May 2015 (equivalent to 25 150 page novels. Reading logs will be generated via a Google Doc with activities to supplement the reading in the classroom. More info to follow… ! ! In addition, AISL parents now have an opportunity to purchase 3iltered water from the vending machine next to the Primary School Canteen. The cost is Kr10 per 20-‐liter bottle. To take advantage of this opportunity, AISL parents must do the following: 1. Purchase a “credit card” from Shantall at Reception. The card costs Kr200 and will provide 20 3ills. 2. Bring a clean empty 20 liter bottle(s) with cap(s). 3. Place the 20 litre bottle inside the vending machine (located next to the Primary Canteen). 4. Swipe the card across the sensor. 5. Push the oxidize button and the machine with sterilize your bottle. 6. Following the 10 second sterilization process, push the 20 liter button and your bottle will be 3illed. It will take about one minute to 3ill each bottle. ! Please note that you will have to provide a clean bottle, a bottle cap, transport, and the muscle to carry the bottle to and from your car to the vending machine. ! ! ! Speaking as a satis3ied customer, we have reduced our family’s monthly water bill by nearly half. 1 THE LEOPARD’S TALE From the PTA - Petra Naber Oct 9, 2014 [email protected] THANK YOU to everybody who contributed time, food or money towards the UN Day Food Fayre. It was a great success and we had a huge variety of food. " ! THANK YOU to Martina and her crew for setting up tables and tents and cleaning up afterwards" ! THANK YOU to the PE department for letting us convert the gym in a food storage and preparation " area." ! THANK YOU to our teachers who set up an awesome day of culture for our children. " ! And now TRUNK AND TREAT is just around the corner. It is happening on Halloween October 31! This is a very popular event in the AISL community and we need a lot of helping hands. Please contact us if you would be willing to help making this day as much fun as in the previous years." ! If you want to have a spot for your decorated spooky car, please send an email to [email protected]" ! PTA Informational Coffee morning on October 15, 2014 at 7:30 am in the Protea Tree Conference Room. We are talking about "Digital Citizenship" Please come along!" ! From the Primary Librarian - Terry Maguire [email protected] Check Out Our Regional Travel Display!! As many of you prepare for safari trips in the region over our upcoming October break, please stop by to see our regional travel display that will go up this Friday in the library. We have a terrific variety of field guides and travel books for a range of ages. Feel welcome to check out some magazines and other books for your road trips, too!" ! Bag of Books This Friday! For parents of children in ELC classes or Grade 1, please feel free to pick up a bag of books this Friday. Each bag has a selection of seven picture books- one for each day of the week- to share with your son or daughter. If you’d like everything checked out prior to your arrival, please email me ([email protected]) and I’ll have your bag ready. It only takes a moment to scan everything out to you if you’d rather simply show up. Remember that with a parent account you can check out an armload of books for yourself and your children. Please remember to bring the bags back by the following Thursday so we can refill them." ! What is Good Screen Time?! This is definitely a question worth considering, and one that many researchers have explored. A recent NPR (National Public Radio) show called All Things Considered ran a segment called Kids and Screen Time: Cutting Through the Static (Cory Turner, 30 September 2014). Among the valuable questions posed in the article were “is screen time coming at the expense of face to face time?” and “What unique value does the technology add [to any experience]?” To listen to this provocative piece (or to read the transcript), go to ! 2 ! THE LEOPARD’S TALE From the Primary Principal - Jeff Williams Oct 9, 2014 [email protected] ! ! REMINDERS:! • HATS! PLEASE REMEMBER THAT ALL PRIMARY SCHOOL STUDENTS MUST WEAR A HAT AT RECESSES, PE CLASSES, AND OUTDOOR CLASS ACTIVITIES. !! ! IMPORTANT DATES: OCTOBER ✦ 14 Oct - Student - Parent Conferences - ALL DAY" ✦ 15 Oct - GR4 Performing Art Assembly @07:45AM" ✦ 15 Oct - PALS @07:35AM" ✦ 17 Oct - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL OCTOBER BREAK!!" ✦ 27 Oct - WELCOME BACK!! School resumes." Parent-Teacher Conferences Are Next Week! ! Teachers will host conferences with all KG-G5 AISL Primary families throughout the day on Tuesday 14 October. There will be no student classes on 14 October to accommodate a long day of conference appointments. Have you scheduled your conference yet? If not, please email Leverne Hinze ([email protected]) or your child’s teacher right away!! ! Primary School Academic Reporting Update! In April, we formed a Primary School faculty work team to examine all the different ways that we report student progress. That work is ongoing and will continue throughout this academic year. Our goal is to look at conferences, written reports, and portfolios and develop recommendations for changes in the way we communicate student progress in the Primary School. We have already made a few recommendations to faculty, which have been approved and implemented for this academic year. In the latter part of this school year, we will create a complete recommendation for implementation in the 2015-2016 academic year." ! Conferences: We have recommended and implemented a Listening Conference in all KG-G5 classes this year. We would also like to begin transitioning toward more student involvement in all conferences next year. However, in this first traditional Parent-Teacher conference next week, student involvement will remain optional for teachers and parents. Please consult with your child’s teacher if you want your student to be a part of this conference. We will be analyzing the frequency and format of all conferences in the coming months, and will recommend further changes for 2015-2016. " Written Reports: We have implemented an interim, mid-semester report for this academic year. These two reports, without comments, will provide a snapshot of student performance at mid-semester. We will be examining the content of the existing interim and semester reports in the coming months, and will recommend further changes for 2015-2016. " We have also recommended and implemented a new academic grade scale for the Primary School. We will no longer use the old scale, (Extending, Proficient, Developing, Beginning), and have now adopted the seven point IB grading scale. We will continue to use the existing 4-point Effort and Participation scale for the time being, but students will begin to be assessed on the 7-point scale in the interim report you will see next week." Portfolios: We will be examining the frequency of distribution, the format, and the content of portfolios in the coming months, and will recommend changes for 2015-2016." ! 3 THE LEOPARD’S TALE ! Oct 9, 2014 From the Primary Principal Continued… New Primary School Academic Grade Scale! 7: The student consistently and independently demonstrates comprehensive understanding of the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year." 6: The student frequently and independently demonstrates proficiency in the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year." 5: The student demonstrates proficiency in the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year." 4: The student demonstrates basic understanding of the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year with some independence." 3: The student is beginning to demonstrate the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year with some independence. " 2: The student is beginning to demonstrate some understanding of the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year with additional support." 1: The student demonstrates minimal understanding of the knowledge, skills and concepts at this time of year with frequent additional support." NR: Not reported at this time of the academic year." ! Effort And Participation Scale! 4: Always" 3: Usually" 2: Sometimes" 1: Seldom" NR: Not reported at this time of the academic year." ! Grade 4-5 Performing Arts Assembly! Grade 4-5 students are hosting a Performing Arts Assembly on Wednesday 15 October at 7:45AM in the Performing Arts Center. Parents, please join us as your student performs for the first time this year! If you ever have questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to call or email me." " This week we will be looking at the Emerging Reader (ages 4-6) from the Bonnie Campbell Hill reading and writing continuum. Emerging readers are curious about print and see themselves as potential readers. They may pretend to read familiar poems and books and rely mainly on the illustrations to tell a story, but are beginning to focus on print. Children at this stage participate in reading familiar books and often memorize favorites. They begin to make connections between books read aloud and their own lives and experiences. They enjoy rhyming and playing with words. Emerging readers know most letter names and some letter sounds. They recognize some names, signs and familiar words. At this stage children are often highly motivated to learn to read and may move through this stage quickly. ! Parent Tips: *Write notes to your child using simple words and place them in his/her lunchbox, on the bed, on the mirror, be creative! Celebrate early memorization as reading, it is the first step! ! Suggested books for this stage: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See? By: Bill Martin; I Want A Pet By: Lauren Child; Things I Like By: Anthony Browne; Have You Seen My Duckling? By: Nancy Tafuri; I Like Books By: Anthony Browne; I Went Walking By: Sue Williams; Have You Seen My Cat? By: Eric Carle; Mary Wore Her Red Dress and Henry Wore His Green Sneakers By: Merle Peek By: Elaine McClure, Differentiated Literacy 4 THE LEOPARD’S TALE ! ! ! From the Secondary Principal - Russell Menard Oct 9, 2014 [email protected] Managebac Rollout Has Begun – Optional Information Session on October 10! Managebac is our new grading, reporting, and curriculum documentation program. It is used in IB schools around the world. Managebac has a few significant advantages over our previous program, Power School. The main advantage is that it was designed from the beginning to support IB (and only IB) programs and so its entire interface is IB-friendly. Another strength is ease of use. Managebac will provide you with a wealth of information about your son or daughter’s progress in an easy to use format. " ! We sent login instructions to parents on October 8. If you did not receive an email from [email protected] with the login information, please check your junk or spam folders. If there is nothing there, please contact Maché Adonis ([email protected]). It could be that we do not have an up-to-date email address for you on file." ! Although it is easy to use and the instructions should provide enough information to get you started, we are holding a second Managebac familiarization morning session for those who want a little extra help. This session will be held on Friday, October 10 from 07:45-08:45 in the secondary school computer lab, room M5. You will be able to use the school’s computers and laptops to login to Managebac and look around while some of our faculty are on hand to answer questions." ! Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on October 14! We will be holding Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on Tuesday, October 14 from 07:30 to 16:00. To the extent that it is possible, we ask that parents with surnames that begin with the letters A-M plan to attend from 7:30-12:00 and those with surnames that begin with N-Z plan to attend from 13:00-16:00. This helps to spread out the traffic a bit. " ! You will have a chance to have ten-minute conferences with each of your son or daughter’s teachers. The conferences are not scheduled and are held on a first-come, first-served basis. We highly recommend that you bring your child with you to the conferences so that they can participate in the conversation. " ! English, French, Spanish, and many of our Creative Arts teachers will be at tables in the lobby of the PAC. The rest of the teachers will be in the library. Chairs will be available for parents who are queuing for conferences. Coffee and tea will be available." ! The following part-time teachers will be present only during the morning session (0730-1200):" •" Darren Stewart (Middle School SEN)" •" Erin Grimshaw (High School SEN)" •" Chel Illingworth (Grade 9 and 10 Music)" If you are unable to meet them – or any other teacher – during the conference hours, you are always welcome to contact them directly to book an appointment on another day." ! ! I look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, October 14." United Nations/Zambia Day was a Great Success!! Many thanks to everyone whose hard work made our 2014 UN/Zambia Day a great success. Orchestrating the movement, education, and entertainment of nearly 600 children and 100 adults takes considerable planning. I am grateful for the faculty planning team that made this all possible. In the secondary school, that work was spearheaded by Shelley Milstein, Penny Keet, and Mikel Lataburu. Of course, planning lunch for this many is also a Herculean task! Many thanks to the PTA and all the supportive parents for contributing to the delightful and delicious International Food Fair. " !! ! 5 THE LEOPARD’S TALE !! !! ! Oct 9, 2014 From the Secondary Principal Continued… The morning flag parade on the field was beautiful as the light breeze ensured that all the flags were unfurled so that they could be properly admired. The parade was followed by a fun school-wide assembly in the PAC featuring the Zambian National Anthem, Happy Birthday to Zambia led by our ELC students, a performance of our new school song, a poem by our poet laureate, speeches by our Model United Nations team, and a performance by one of our high school rock bands. " ! The secondary students then participated in three sessions on various topics related to Zambia or current events. As part of these sessions, our music teacher, Ms. Chilton, taught the entire secondary school (yes, ALL students from grades 6-12) to sing the Zambian National Anthem in acapella three-part harmony. The final result was absolutely thrilling to hear." ! This fun day then ended with a truly impressive International Food Fair where students could select food items from around the globe. It was great fun to see all the treats laid out and being served by smiling parents in their national garb. What a great way to celebrate all the diversity in the world." ! Thanks again to the faculty planning committee, the PTA, the teachers who ran workshops, and all the parents who made this possible." " Media Center, - October 2014 The September issue of the International Scholastic Book Club (ISBC) is now available. Leaflets have been sent home with students. Please use the leaflet to browse the current offerings and/or find more items to order at the web site listed below: ! ! We are using the above website as our payment source which means that you will chose materials for your child online, pay via credit card and the materials will be delivered directly to the school. ! The book price includes shipping and a 2% fee for handling and clearance. When the books arrive they will be compiled for delivery to either your child or picked up in person from the library. ! You will need to order your books by Friday 17 October 2014. After that date, orders will be confirmed, and the books will be on their way. Delivery usually takes 10 business days to arrive. ! Every book you buy from ISBC helps fund much-needed materials our classrooms and libraries! ! If you have any questions, please contact Kelly Kraft [email protected] / Terry Maguire [email protected] or stop by the library. 6 ! THE LEOPARD’S TALE ! ! ! Advertisements Oct 9, 2014 [email protected] HOUSEKEEPER AVAILABLE Privilegde Chali has worked for expatriate families for a number of years and is now available to start work as a housekeeper. Please call her on 0979 169237 or 0965 169237." HOUSEKEEPER / NANNY AVAILABLE Maureen Mulenga has many years of experience as a housekeeper/nanny with expatriate families, and comes with good references. Please call her on 0976 747432." ITEMS FOR SALE Double door Samsung Fridge, K5500, Dining table-K2000, Four (4) plate gas stove with oven- K3900, Weight machine, K3000, Table tennis (Table), K2400, Metal Soccer Goal Post (no net), K900. Call 0978838026 if interested." EXPATRIATE LEFT - DRIVER / GARDENER / CLEANER AVAILABLE James Kaela was employed by a diplomat from the Royal Netherlands Embassy to drive children to and from school, doing the shopping, the gardening , and keeping the swimming pool sparkling bright. Please contact him on 0979 600144, or email: [email protected]" ! ! MARK THIS DATE !! ! SUNDAY 16 NOVEMBER ! 2014 ART AND ! ZAMBIAN SHOW ! DESIGN : LEOPARDS HILL ! Venue POLOCROSSE CLUB ! (Chifwema Road) ! Time : 9am -‐ 4pm ! Charges : K30 (children ! free) ! Lots of shopping, and food ! entertainment ! courts info: ! More zambianartanddesignsho ! ! Follow us on Facebook ! and Twi\er ! ! TH YOU CAN’T PUT A PRICE ON GOOD EDUCATION! Actually you can, and it is not cheap. As parents, one of the greatest gifts we can give our children is a good education. With a good education, our children have limitless potential. Educating your children will be perhaps the greatest financial commitment you will undertake in your lifetime. With the ever increasing cost of quality education, it is vital to ensure that you will have the resources available, whether that is 5, 10 or 15 years from now, to send your children to the very best schools, because they deserve nothing less. With over 25 years experience in offering holistic financial planning services on the African continent, The ProFin Group is uniquely placed to help our clients achieve their financial goals. Let us help you make the right choices to secure your children’s future. Our team of highly qualified financial consultants is eager and willing to give you objective and unbiased advice. 17 Matandani Close, Rhodespark, Lusaka, Zambia P.O. Box 31425 Tel: +260 (211) 257913, 254568 Website: 7 ! THE LEOPARD’S TALE ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Oct 9, 2014 Advertisements Continued… ! CAFETERIA PRE-ORDER OCTOBER 2014 MONDAY 13 TUESDAY 14 Spaghetti Bolonaise/ Nshima/Pizza/ Cupcakes Macaroni/Burgers/ Nshima/Muffins WED 15 Creamy Chicken & Rice/Nshima/Pizza/ Croissants THURSDAY 16 FRIDAY 17 Fish Fingers & Mash/ Wraps/Waffles Hot Dogs/Pizza/ Brownies PRICE LIST" Pizza Small / large K5/K10 Doritos K4 Magic Buns K10 Popcorn K2 Soup & Roll K10 Brownies K4 Wraps K15 Fruit K3 Hot Lunch: Small/Large K15/K20 Samosas K3 Pies K10 Spring Rolls K4 Hot Dogs K5 Half Moons K4 Rolls/Sandwiches K10 Munchos Nax K1 Special Salad K15 Crisps K4 Coffee/Tea/Milk K5 Burgers K12 Hot Chocolate K10 Apple/Grapetizers K8 Cappuccino K12 Swift Drinks K4 Yoghurt K6 Juice Boxes K6 Mini Pastries K5 Energade K8 Croissants K4 Iced Tea K8 ! 8 THE LEOPARD’S TALE Oct 9, 2014 October 9, 2014 COLLEGE NEWS CIS COLLEGE FAIR College Counselor Julie Ann Baldry [email protected] ! ! 9 THE LEOPARD’S TALE Oct 9, 2014 AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL 2014-15 ACADEMIC CALENDAR (APPROVED) S M T W T S Parent & Student Academic Calendar 1 2 August 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 4 5-8 8 11 September 12 15 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 S M T W T F S 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 October November 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 S 6 T 7 21 W T F 1 2 3 8 9 10 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 S M T 5 T 6 F 7 S 3 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 June July 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 M T W T F S 30 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 Thanks Giving Holiday Last Day of School Festive Break 1-9 12 Festive Break First Day of School Last Day of School International Women’s Day First Day of School Zambia Youth Day Last Day of School Good Friday Easter Sunday Easter Monday Easter Holidays First Day of School 6 8-9 10 12 2 3 5 6 7-10 13 1 25 12 6 7 Last Day for Students Heroes Day Unity Day 19 August 29, September 19, October 03, October 31, November 14, November 21, January 16, January 30, February 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 SEMESTER 1: AUGUST 11 - JANUARY 23 28 29 30 31 S 5 T 6 W 7 T F S 1 2 3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 15 SEMESTER 2: JANUARY 26 - JUNE 12 No School For Students First and Last Day of School Teacher Professional Development Days (No School for Students) T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 5 M 6 T 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 S M T W T F S 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 10 S JULY 2015 JANUARY 2015 4 M 10 W 26 27 28 29 30 16 *Friday Faculty Accreditation/PD Meetings: 13:15-15:15 10 11 12 13 T S No School - Labor Day No School - Africa Freedom Day 18 M 29 30 31 20 JUNE 2015 DECEMBER 2014 S 7 January March 4 11 18 April 25 18 S May 1 8 2 27-28 S 20 MAY 2015 NOVEMBER 2014 4 W Last Day of School Mid Semester Break Independence Day First Day of School APRIL 2015 OCTOBER 2014 5 M 17 20-24 24 27 December 12 15-31 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Last Day of School PD Day for Teachers First Day of School MARCH 2015 SEPTEMBER 2014 17 Farmers Day PD Days for Teachers Orientation - New Students First Day of School FEBRUARY 2015 AUGUST 2014 F 5 M 6 T 7 W T F S 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 10
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