2015-16 Bachelor of Design Programme (B.Des.) CANDIDATE ID TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE ONLY APPLICATION FORM NO : TEST CENTRE (Select only one) PLEASE USE BLACK BALL-POINT PEN ONLY. USE CAPITAL LETTERS ONLY. FILL IN ONE LETTER PER BOX LEAVING A BLANK BOX BETWEEN WORDS. PLEASE FILL THE AHMEDABAD HYDERABAD BALL-POINT PEN ONLY. DO NOT TICK OR OVERFILL THE OMR CIRCLES. BENGALURU KOLKATA DO NOT USE BLADE OR WHITENER TO HIDE MARKS ON OMR CIRCLES. BHOPAL LUCKNOW APPLICATION FORMS WHICH ARE INCORRECTLY OR INCOMPLETELY FILLED, OR FORMS SENT CHANDIGARH MUMBAI WITHOUT REQUIRED DOCUMENTS OR FORMS SENT WITH INSUFFICIENT FEES WILL LEAD TO CHENNAI NAGPUR OMR CIRCLES AS SHOWN HERE WITH BLACK Bachelor of Design Programme (B.Des.) DO NOT STAPLE DELHI DISQUALIFICATION. PLEASE READ THE BROCHURE CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING THE FORM. PLEASE PASTE YOUR SELF ATTESTED RECENT PASSPORT SIZE COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH . GUWAHATI ALLOTMENT of the discipline of choice at the end Eligibility criteria Higher Secondary (10+2) from State board / CBSE/ CISCE / IB or equivalent. of foundation year is NOT guaranteed. Discipline allotment takes place only at the end of the first year (Foundation Programme), based purely on student’s performance in theFoundation Programme and (Refer to website: admissions.nid.edu) the number of seats available in desired discipline. PERSONAL INFORMATION Gender First Name Female Transgender Middle Name Category (tick only one) Surname GENERAL Date of Birth Male D D M M Y Y Nationality RESERVED Place of Birth SC PH Postal Address (For Admissions related Communication) ST OBC (non creamy layer) Issued after 31st March, 2014. (in the given format only) Have you appeared for Admission Interview at NID earlier? No Yes Please mention the year VILLAGE/TOWN/CITY STATE PINCODE STD CODE - PHONE MOBILE EMAIL ID NAME GUARDIAN’S PROFESSION RELATIONSHIP WITH CANDIDATE GUARDIAN’S ANNUAL INCOME (IN ` ) Page 1 of 5 GUARDIAN’S INFORMATION EDUCATIONAL RECORD Start from Std. 10 Examination upto present) EXAM BOARD / DEGREE / DIPLOMA SUBJECTS YEAR OF PASSING OVERALL PERCENTAGE/ GRADE OBT. DURATION OF PROGRAMME SCHOOL / COLLEGE / UNIV . / INSTITUTION 10th : Please state your Qualifying Exam / Degree / Diploma and duration of programme attended / presently attending In case of discontinuity or break in academic record, mention reason and explain your activities during that period I certify that the information provided in this application form is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. I declare that I have read and understood the conditions of eligibility for the discipline/programme for which I seek admission. In the event of any information provided by me, found incorrect or misleading, my candidature shall be liable to cancellation by the institute at any time and I shall not be entitled to any refund of the fee paid by me to the institute. D NAME OF THE CANDIDATE SIGNATURE D M M Y Y DATE CHECKLIST FOR SUBMISSION OF APPLICATION FORM Hall Ticket (both copies - page nos 3 and 4) duly filled with photographs pasted. Self Attested copies of mark sheets of equivalent grades/ levels of SSC and HSC (those who are presently in HSC must submit bonafide certificate from the school/ college) Self Attested copy of relevant certificate indicating date of birth. Self Attested copy of relevant certificate issued by competent authority for SC/ ST/ PH/OBC (non creamy layer) candidates, wherever required. This certifciate should be on your name and not spouse’s/ parent’s name. OBC (Non-Creamy layer) certificate should be issued after 31st March, 2014. Demand Draft of `1500/- [for General & OBC (Non-Creamy layer) categories] and `750/[for SC/ ST/ PH catergories] drawn in favour of National Institute of Design, payable at Ahmedabad. Please fill the details on page 5. Please write your name & address at the back side of the demand draft. Address slips duly filled on page 5. IMPORTANT Incorrectly filled and incomplete application forms, and using a pencil or colours other than specified, to fill this form may lead to disqualification from the selection procedure The completed application form, with relevant documents should reach only the address mentioned below on or before November 21, 2014. Application forms received after the last date shall be summarily rejected. PLEASE SEND YOUR APPLICATION TO ‘NID Admissions 2015-16’ National Institute of Design Paldi, Ahmedabad 380 007, India. Tel: +91-79-2662 3462 Page 2 of 5 Please ensure that you have completely filled the application form in all respects and attached the following relevant documents with 5 no. of pages of this application form 2015-16 B.Des. HALL TICKET Please fill this Hall Ticket (both portions) in your own handwriting with adequate legibility. USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS AND A BLUE OR BLACK BALL POINT PEN. The completed hall ticket (both copies) should be sent with the application form so as to reach the Admissions Office, NID on or before November 21, 2014. One copy of this hall ticket will be sent back to you after successful validation. TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CANDIDATE NAME CANDIDATE ID TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE ONLY TEST CENTRE (Select only one) AHMEDABAD HYDERABAD BENGALURU KOLKATA BHOPAL LUCKNOW CHANDIGARH MUMBAI PLEASE PASTE YOUR RECENT PASSPORT SIZE COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH CHENNAI NAGPUR DO NOT STAPLE DELHI ADDRESS (FOR ADMISSION RELATED COMMUNICATION) PINCODE STATE COUNTRY SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE OFFICIAL SEAL COPY CITY 1 OF 2 GUWAHATI CALL LETTER FOR BACHELOR OF DESIGN PROGRAMME (B.Des.) 2015-16 Paldi, Ahmedabad 380 007, India. Email: [email protected] Tel: +91-79-2662 3462 Fax: +91-79-2662 1167 DESIGN APTITUDE TEST ON SUNDAY, 11 TH JANUARY 2015. TIME: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm Entry to the examination centre will be on verification of this hall ticket by the test centre incharge or a representative. Candidates are required to carry this hall ticket/ call letter with them for the Design Aptitude Test and should produce the hall ticket issued by the institute to the exam supervisor/ test centre incharge/ invigilator/ observer on demand. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS OF YOUR TEST CENTRE TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE The Candidate ID is to be used as a reference for all admission related matters/ queries. • • • • While coming for Design Aptitude Test, candidates are required to bring this hall ticket, blue or black ball point pen, lead pencils (of varying grades), 12 shade colour pencil set, eraser, sharpeners, pair of scissors, glue, scale/ ruler, water/ poster colours, brushes and bowls for water. No other material except those specified here will be allowed inside the examination hall. Design Aptitude Test will be conducted from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at all centres. Candidates should report to the test centre at least 25 minutes before the commencement of the test. The candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15 minutes of commencement of the test. Candidates are NOT allowed to leave the examination hall within the first one hour of the commencement of the test. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any electronic devices (mobile phones, palm-tops, calculators, i-pods, walkman, etc.) into the examination hall. THE INSTITUTE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCOMPLETE / INCORRECTLY FILLED HALL TICKETS SENT BY THE CANDIDATES Page 3 of 5 • 2015-16 B.Des. HALL TICKET Please fill this Hall Ticket (both portions) in your own handwriting with adequate legibility. USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS AND A BLUE OR BLACK BALL POINT PEN. The completed hall ticket (both copies) should be sent with the application form so as to reach the Admissions Office, NID on or before November 21, 2014. One copy of this hall ticket will be sent back to you after successful validation. TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CANDIDATE NAME CANDIDATE ID TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE ONLY TEST CENTRE (Select only one) AHMEDABAD HYDERABAD BENGALURU KOLKATA BHOPAL LUCKNOW CHANDIGARH MUMBAI PLEASE PASTE YOUR RECENT PASSPORT SIZE COLOUR PHOTOGRAPH CHENNAI NAGPUR DO NOT STAPLE DELHI ADDRESS (FOR ADMISSION RELATED COMMUNICATION) PINCODE STATE COUNTRY SIGNATURE OF THE CANDIDATE OFFICIAL SEAL COPY CITY 2 OF 2 GUWAHATI CALL LETTER FOR BACHELOR OF DESIGN PROGRAMME (B.Des.) 2015-16 Paldi, Ahmedabad 380 007, India. Email: [email protected] Tel: +91-79-2662 3462 Fax: +91-79-2662 1167 DESIGN APTITUDE TEST ON SUNDAY, 11 TH JANUARY 2015. TIME: 10:00 am to 01:00 pm Entry to the examination centre will be on verification of this hall ticket by the test centre incharge or a representative. Candidates are required to carry this hall ticket/ call letter with them for the Design Aptitude Test and should produce the hall ticket issued by the institute to the exam supervisor/ test centre incharge/ invigilator/ observer on demand. PLEASE NOTE THE ADDRESS OF YOUR TEST CENTRE TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE The Candidate ID is to be used as a reference for all admission related matters/ queries. • • • • While coming for Design Aptitude Test, candidates are required to bring this hall ticket, blue or black ball point pen, lead pencils (of varying grades), 12 shade colour pencil set, eraser, sharpeners, pair of scissors, glue, scale/ ruler, water/ poster colours, brushes and bowls for water. No other material except those specified here will be allowed inside the examination hall. Design Aptitude Test will be conducted from 10.00 am to 1.00 pm at all centres. Candidates should report to the test centre at least 25 minutes before the commencement of the test. The candidates will not be allowed to enter the examination hall after 15 minutes of commencement of the test. Candidates are NOT allowed to leave the examination hall within the first one hour of the commencement of the test. Candidates are NOT allowed to carry any electronic devices (mobile phones, palm-tops, calculators, i-pods, walkman, etc.) into the examination hall. THE INSTITUTE IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR INCOMPLETE / INCORRECTLY FILLED HALL TICKETS SENT BY THE CANDIDATES Page 4 of 5 • 2015-16 Bachelor of Design Programme (B.Des.) TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CANDIDATE PAYMENT DETAILS ` 1,500 Application forms have to be submitted along with a non refundable payment of ` 1,500/- [for General & OBC (NCL) Categories] and ` 750/- [for SC/ ST/ PH Categories] by a Demand Draft of any nationalised bank drawn in favour of the ‘National Institute of Design’ payable at Ahmedabad. Make sure you, have attached the relevent certificate for reserved category The application form, duly filled, with photographs and signatures, along with the relevant documents mentioned in the checklist (refer page 2) and Demand Draft should reach the Admissions Office, NID on or before November DD AMOUNT for general category/ OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) category ` 750 for SC/ST/PH category DD NUMBER DATE OF ISSUE NAME OF THE BANK 21, 2014 at the address mentioned below. Application forms received after the last date shall be summarily rejected. PLACE OF ISSUE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CANDIDATE TO BE FILLED IN BY THE CANDIDATE NAME NAME ADDRESS (FOR ADMISSION RELATED COMMUNICATION) ADDRESS (FOR ADMISSION RELATED COMMUNICATION) PINCODE CITY PINCODE STATE COUNTRY STATE COUNTRY Page 5 of 5 CITY PLEASE CUT ALONG THE DOTTED LINE , AND PASTE IT PROPERLY ON THE ENVELOPE , BEFORE SENDING BY SPEEDPOST / REGISTERED AD APPLICATION FORM FOR B.Des. From To, NAME NID Admissions 2015-16 ADDRESS NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF DESIGN Paldi, Ahmedabad 380 007, India. CITY PINCODE STATE COUNTRY Tel: +91-79-2662 3462
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