Photo submitted by Gary Dodson, NP 105 The The President’s Perspective Cherokee Chatter The CWC Board will hold its 4th and final for the year 2014, “Town Hall Meeting” with the shareholders on Monday October 13, 2014. The committee chairman from the CWC board will stay after the committee meetings held that day and will be available to answers questions from shareholders from 5:30-6:00PM. All shareholders are invited to attend. Published by the Cherokee Water Company NK 20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 Lake Cherokee’sfall cleanup will be October 23 through October 25. Shareholders may bring up to (2) pick up loads (approximately 6 yards) of non-hazardous waste to the container sites for free disposal. If a shareholder needs to bring more than 6 yards, please call Jerry Hays at the CWC office to make arrangements. All waste must originate from the CWC shareholders leased property. In this Issue . . . October 2014 Board Meeting Minutes Manager’s Report Shopper’s Corner KF&T Free Golf Preservation Club Cherokee Water Co. NK20 Lake Cherokee Longview, TX 75603 2 5 6 8 11 12 News From the 19th Hole LARC Ladies Bridge Flag Travels Fishing Club Bulletin Board Calendar 15 17 17 18 25 26 Lastly, for all candidates running for the 2014-2015 CWC Board of Directors, there will be a “Meet the Candidate” forum held at the CWC office on Sunday October 26, 2014 from 1:30-3:00. This will be a come and go opportunity for shareholders to personally visit with each candidate. The event will be designed for shareholders to visit individually with any or all the candidates. There will be no question and answer session presented to all the candidates like was done in the past. Rather, personal individual discussions among shareholders and candidates. The Fishing Club and the Preservation Club will be serving hot dogs and soft drinks. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Please plan on attending so that you may get to know the candidates before you cast your vote in November. Gary F. Mapes Cherokee Water Company Board President PRESORTED STANDARD U.S. POSTAGE PAID LONGVIEW, TX PERMIT NO. 390 2 Minutes of the Board of Directors Meeting pressed appreciation for the work from the County. of the Cherokee Water Company Draft for Approval September 18, 2014 The CWC Board Of Directors meets the 3rd Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. ALL SHAREHOLDERS ARE WELCOME. NEXT MEETING: October 16 A meeting of the Board of Directors for Cherokee Water Company was held at 6:00 pm on Thursday, September 18, 2014, at NK 20 Lake Cherokee, Longview Texas 75603 with the following Directors present: Gary Mapes, President Tommy Visage, Vice President Mike Lee, Treasurer Mike Pemberton, Secretary Dickens Wilkinson Sue Wilson Darrell Wolven Bill Adler Randall Latch George Strunk Lynda Whalen Also present were Ned Muse and Rick Faulkner. President Gary Mapes called the meeting to order. Secretary Mike nounced a quorum. Pemberton pro- A MOTION was made by Darrell Wolven and seconded by Dickens Wilkinson to approve the Minutes of the August 21, 2014 Board of Directors meeting. The motion passed unanimously. Mike Lee presented the Treasurer’s Report. The financial statements for the eleven months ending August 31, 2014, were reviewed in detail at the committee meeting on Monday, September 15, 2014. The Balance Sheet continues to remain in very good condition, with cash/ cash equivalents being 96% of current assets and 54% of total assets. Property and Equipment increased $16,000 due to capital purchases during the month. The liabilities represent normal operating expenses with no unusual items. The operating income is 101% of the budget for the first eleven months, approximately 10% over the projected amount. Oil & gas income is 14% over the budget, and only $3,244 less than last year at this time. The interest and dividends from investments are averaging 5% over budget. All of the expense categories are within budget or have been previously explained. The total expenses are 83% of the budget which is 9% under the budgeted amount. The net income from operations is remaining consistent at 16% of the operating revenue. The estimated Federal Income Tax was reviewed along with the tax adjustments that are will be made to reflect the difference in the accounting methods. A MOTION was made by Mike Lee and seconded by Dickens Wilkinson to approve the August 31, 2014, financial statements and certify the bills paid for the first eleven months ending August 31, 2014. The motion passed unanimously. Sue Wilson, Chair of the Long Range Planning Committee, presented that the Committee did not meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Darrell Wolven, Chair of the Property and Rules Committee, reported that the Committee did meet. They reviewed 6 variance requests that were approved to bring before the Board. A MOTION was made by Darrell Wolven and seconded by Mike Pemberton that the Board accept the recommendations of the committee to approve the following : 1)Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request for a variance from Katheryn Courville, NP-93, to demolish and replace a carport in the existing footprint that will be closer than the side lot line. 2)Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request for a variance from Eric Ruff, NP-102, to demolish a boathouse and replace with a new one in the existing footprint which will be further than 50’from the shoreline. Ned Muse presented the Manager’s Report 1. Work on the road repair and maintenance project continues, but at a pace slower than we had hoped for. The contractor had delays, now resolved, from equipment problems and is back on track. 3)Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request for a variance from Thomas White, NQ-26, to add a boat stall to an existing pier and add an extension to a slip in the existing boathouse that is further than 50’ from shoreline. 2. The Fall Cleanup will begin Thursday, October 23 through Saturday October 25. Rules and details will be the same as the spring cleanup. Shareholders can get the details from the Chatter, the CWC website and the Facebook page. 4)Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request for a variance from Howard Gibson, NQ-27, to remodel boathouse by removing the top deck, enlarge and renovate the existing one that is further than 50’ from shoreline and closer than 6’ from side setbacks. 3. A crew from Rusk County Precinct 2 Commissioner Mike Pepper, assisted by CWC employees, made drainage and siltation improvements along County Road 2164. This joint project utilized county crews and equipment. CWC also provided manpower and contributed to the purchase of materials for the project. Muse ex- 5)Consider the Committee recommendation regarding the request for a variance from Michael Sinclair, NS-36, to extend an existing boat slip to accommodate a barge. The structure extends further than 50’ from shoreline already and meets side line setbacks. 6)Consider the Committee recom- mendation regarding the request for a variance from Byron Swain, SG-49, to enclose an existing pool area that will be closer than 75’ from shoreline. This is a re submission with an addendum. The motion passed unanimously. Wolven also stated Committee has been working with the Construction Rules and Regulations over the past several months to more clearly define terminology. Their goal is to give more guidance and authority to staff for issuing boathouse and pier permits and adding steps to assure wastewater systems comply with TCEQ and CWC regulations when installed or repaired. The policy has been to have two readings in advance of a rule change. Copies of the proposed changes were available for those in attendance at the Board meeting. Also, the proposed changes will be posted on the CWC website and published in the Chatter for shareholder review. This constitutes the first reading of these revisions. Any comments can be made to the Lake Manager. The second reading and Motion for approval of the amendments will be during the October Board meeting. Dickens Wilkinson, Chair of the Natural Resource Committee, reported that the Committee did meet and had no action items to bring before the Board. Tommy Visage, Chair of the Building and Grounds Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Mike Pemberton, Chair of the Policy and Conduct Committee, reported that the Committee did meet this month and had no action items to bring before the Board. Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 6:10 pm. The Board then went in to Executive Session to discuss a legal issue. The Board entered Regular Session and President Mapes called the meeting to order. See Minutes page 3 Minutes continued from page 2 Upon returning to open session, a MOTION to authorize counsel to complete a settlement of pending litigation and prepare a boundary and a license agreements consistent with the terms and conditions advised by counsel and subject to final board approval was made by Lee and seconded by Strunk. Counsel will provide by e-mail all final documents to the Board for final review and approval. The motion passed unanimously. ATTEST: ____________________ Mike Pemberton, Secretary 3 Meet the Candidates Forum By the time you receive this issue of the Chatter, the September 30th deadline for filing for one of the four positions open this year will have passed, and the Special Election Commission will be meeting to certify the candidates. Don’t forget your opportunity to be introduced to and speak with the candidates at the CWC Candidates Forum from 1:30-3:00 on Sunday, October 26th, in the CWC Board Room. The candidates will be introducing themselves, discussing their views and will be available to answer questions. To help you make informed choices for representation on the Board of Directors, please attend the Meet the Candidates Forum! What is a proxy? Tommy Hooten NF 63 A proxy is a person that you authorize to vote for you in an election. In CWC elections, your proxy MUST be another shareholder or shareholder’s spouse. Frozen Spiderweb Winter 2013 Joey Garner SM 39 Happy Halloween Lease Renewals due October 1st The annual lease renewals are due October 1st and are considered delinquent on November 1st. Everyone should have received their renewal forms by now. If you have not, please contact the lake office immediately. The Statement of Annual Lease Fees is in the back of the renewal application, and includes due dates and the penalty schedule. The renewal must be signed by the Leaseholder just as it appears on the lease. You may mail or deliver the signed and completed application and lease payment. Your new privilege cards and decals will be mailed to you upon receipt of all required items. Remember that your renewal cannot be processed unless or until all fines have been satisfied. If you wish to take advantage of the split payment option, $475 must be paid by October 31st. The second payment of $475 will be due on April 1, 2015 and will be considered delinquent on May 1, 2015. If you do not have the split payment in by October 31st, you will be ineligible for the split payment option and you must pay the total annual lease in full. IV. HOUSES,MOBILEHOMES, PIERS,BOATHOUSES ANDOTHERBUILDINGS A. No more than one single-family dwelling shall be permitted on a CWC Lot without permission of the Board of 4 Directors.Permissionmaybegrantedtoutilizestructuresnotnormallydesignedforresidentialuse,suchasashop The Rules and Appeals Committee has been working with the Construction Rules and Regulations over the past several months to more clearly define some of or storage building, to be used as a temporary domicile while a primary residence is under construction, such the terminology; give more guidance and authority to staff for issuing boathouse and pier permits; adding steps to assure wastewater systems comply with TCEQ occupancynottoexceedtwelvemonths. B.Theleaseholdermustsecureapermitbeforeconstructinganystructure;makinganyrepairs,renovationsand/or and CWC regulations when installed or repaired; and some administrative ‘clean up’ such as moving items to more appropriate sections, etc. Any comments can improvementstoanyexistingstructure,otherthaninteriorremodeling;placinganystructureofanydescription;or be made to the Lake Manager. The second reading and Motion for approval of the amendments will be during the October Board meeting. makingsitemodifications,exceptforlandscapingandyardmaintenance,onanylotonCWCproperty. Toapplyforabuildingpermit,theapplicantmustprovidethefollowingwithapermitrequest: 1.Ascaledsiteplanshowingfootprintofstructurewithallmeasurementsincludingsetbacks; CONSTRUCTION RULES AND REGULATIONS 2.Ascaledfloorplanofstructurewithallmeasurements. 3.Ascaledelevationofstructurewithallmeasurements. TABLE OF CONTENTS C.Nopermitswillbeissuedonanysharelotthathasnotbeensurveyed.Forsurveyingprocedures,seeSectionB(4): SURVEYSANDESTABLISHMENTOFLOTLINES.Workmustbecommencedwithinninety(90)daysfrom thedateonwhichthepermitisissued.Foraresidentialstructure,allexteriorconstructionmustbecompleted I. DEFINITIONS........................................................................................................................ 14 withintwelve(12)monthsfromissuanceofthepermit.Uptosixty(60)daysmaybeaddedtocompensatefor II. ENFORCEMENTOFRULESANDREGULATIONS.......................................................... 145 verifiableraindaysduringthepermitperiod.Forallothernon-residentialstructures, allworkmustbecomplete III. NON-CONFORMINGSTRUCTURESANDUSES………………......................... 15 withinsix(6)monthsfromissuanceofthepermit.PermitextensionsmaybeissuedatthediscretionoftheLake IV. HOUSES,MOBILEHOMES,PIERS,BOATHOUSES Manager.Failuretocomplywiththeabovetimelinerequirementsmayresultinfinesofonethousanddollars ANDOTHERBUILDINGS ................................................................................................... 15 ($1,000.00)permonth.Anyworkwhichcommenceswithouttheissuanceofanappropriatepermitmaybe V. PIERS,BOATHOUSESANDOTHERSTRUCTURES immediatelystoppedbytheLakeManagerorhisdesignatedrepresentatives. OVRERTHEWATER……………………………………………… 17 D.Withtheexceptionofpiersandboathouses,nostructureshallbelocatednearerthanseventy-five(75)feettothe VI. REMOVINGTOPSOIL,ANDFILLDIRTAND nearestwateratspillwaylevelofLakeCherokee;alsostructuresshallbebuiltatleastsix(6)feetfromproperty RESPONSIBILITYFORDRAINAGE................................................................................... 178 lineofadjacentleaseholders.Unencloseddecks,porchesorpatiosareconsideredpartofthestructureforthesix(6) VII. EXCAVATINGBELOWSPILLWAYLEVEL ..................................................................... 178 footsidesetbackpurposes.Sidesetbackdistancesaremeasuredfromthesidelotlinetotheneareststructural VIII. CHANGINGNATURALDRAINAGE .................................................................................. 189 protrusion.Thisincludesroofeaves,airconditionerpads,carportroofsupports,orfoundationslabsandfootings. IX. REMOVINGTIMBERANDPULPWOOD........................................................................... 189 Nostructuralelementwillbeallowedtoprotrudeintooroverthesix(6)footsidesetbackzone.Exceptionsmaybe X. SEPTICTANKS,GREASETRAPSANDFIELDLINES, madebytheBoardofDirectorstoaccommodatesmalllots,oddlyshapedlotsorunusualtopography.Noconcrete SURFACEIRRIGATIONANDAEROBICSYSTEMS ........................................................ 1819 slaborpierandbeamconstructionshall bepoureduntilallsetbackrequirementshavebeenapprovedbya representativeofCWC.Surveyflagsshallbeplacedbysurveyororthepersonrequestingpermitinorderthatset The CWC hereby adopts the CWC CONSTRUCTION CODE MANUAL, as amended from time to time by the Board, and backrequirementscanbeverified.Nostructureshallbebuiltwhichexceedsfortyfeet(40’)inoverallheight, deems same to be part of the Rules and Regulations for Lake Cherokee. measuredfromtheprimaryfoundationfloorleveltothetallestpartofthestructure.Nostructuremaybelocated I.DEFINITIONS: within50feetofthelakeroadwithoutpermissionoftheBoardofDirectors. AsusedintheseRulesandRegulations,thefollowingwordsmeanandaredefinedasindicated: F.E. The leaseholder ofanylotaccessiblebywaterisrequiredtoaffixthelotnumbertotheboathouse,pier,signpost BoardofDirectors……….BoardofDirectorsofCherokeeWaterCompany. orothersuitablestructurewhichcanbeclearlyseenandreadfromawatercraft.Alllotnumbersshallbeatleast4” CWC……………..............TheCherokeeWaterCompany inheightandbeofacolortocontrastwiththebackgrounduponwhichtheyareposted.Failuretoconformtothis LakeCherokee……………anypropertyownedbyCherokeeWaterCompany. rulebytheleaseholderwillresultintheCWCplacingsuchasignuponthelotattheleaseholder’sexpense. G.Nopierandboathouseshallbeconstructedinsuchamannerastocompletelyencloseapartofthelakepreventing Leaseholder………………aA personwhoisholdingavalidleasefromCherokeeWaterCompanyononeormoreofthe accessbyboatfromtheopenlake. lots. H.Noboathouseshallbeconstructedhavingaheightinexcessofeighteenfeet(18’)measuredfromthespillwaywater Lot………………............. oOneofthelotsshownbymapsofCWCProperty.Exactdeterminationofthelocationoflot leveltothetopoftheboathouseroof,andnoboathouseshallbeconstructedwhichismorethanone(1)storyin linesandlotcornersandtheexactdistanceoflotlinesbetweenthecornerscannotbe height.Thismeansthataboathousemayhaveadeckontop,butthedeckmaynotbeenclosedandmaynothavea determinedbyreferencetothesemaps;therefore,thefinaldeterminationofthe roofoverit.Nobathroomfacilitiesmaybeconstructed,renovatedorincludedinaboathousewithoutexpress locationofeachlotistheauthorityoftheBoardofDirectors. Theword“sharelot”as permissionoftheBoardofDirectors. usedintheseRulesandRegulationsisanunimprovedlotonLakeCherokeewhichis I.Thisarticlepertainstotheinstallationofelectricalwiringandequipmentintheareascomprisingpiers,docksand heldforthepurposeofallowingleaseholdersaccesstoCWCfacilities. boathouses.Thesestandardsshallbeappliedfornewconstruction,andforthereconstructionorrewiringofsuch BoardofDirectors……….BoardofDirectorsofCherokeeWaterCompany. existingfacilities. LakeCherokee……………anypropertyownedbyCherokeeWaterCompany. 1.Thewiringmethodshallbeofatypeidentifiedandacceptedforuseinwetlocations.Allwiringbelowsevenfeet CWC……………..............TheCherokeeWaterCompany fromthefloorofthepier,dockorboathouseshallbecontainedinPVCorrigidconduit.Allwiringshallbe 15 Shareholder………………ApersonwhosenameappearsonatleastoneshareofstockoftheCherokeeWaterCompany. properlysizedtothebreakers. ApprovedNon-Conforming 2.AllwiringshallbeprotectedbyULapprovedGFIdevices.Theonlyexceptiontothisprovisioniscircuitsspecifically identifiedtoserveappliances. Structures.................. …….aA structurethatwasconformedunderpreviousRulesand 3.Theelectricalserviceforpiers,docksandboathousesmustbeseparatelygrounded,andmustincludegroundingfor RegulationsbutthatdoesnotmeetcurrentRulesand Regulations.Thisincludes boxes,cabinets,andallothermetalenclosures;metalframesofutilizationequipment;andgroundingterminalsof structuresthatwerebuiltunder previous RulesandRegulationsthatreceiveda groundingtypereceptacles. variance approvedbytheBoardofDirectors 4.Thecircuit(s)providingpowertopiers,docksandboathousesmusthavearemotedisconnectcapability,either UnapprovedNon-Conforming locatedinthemaindwellingstructurebreakerboxorinaseparatelockableboxnearthemaindwelling. Structures .......... ….......aA structurethatwascreatedinviolationofRulesandRegulations that were in JF. Nomobilehomeorpre-fabricatedhomemaybeplacedonanylotoranyCWCproperty.Atemporarymobile placeatthetimeitwasconstructedoroccurred.UnapprovedNon-Conforming homemaybeplacedonalotforamaximumof12monthsprovidedabuildingpermithasbeenissuedbyCWCfor StructuresareviolationsoftheRulesandRegulationsanddonothavethesame thebuildingofapermanent,complyingdwelling.Onlybuildingsconstructedonsitewillbepermitted. rightsasApprovedNon-ConformingStructures. KG. Notraveltrailers,recreationalvehicles,motorhomesorportablebuildingsmaybeusedforresidentialoccupancy whilelocateduponashareholder’slotunlessaconventionalhomeissituateduponthelotandisusedforthe shareholder’sprincipaldwelling.Further,thetraveltrailer,recreationalvehicle,motorhomeorportablebuilding maynotbeoccupiedformorethanfivedayswithinanysixty(60)dayperiodoftime;maynotbeconnectedtoany II.ENFORCEMENTOFRULESANDREGULATIONS permanentutilityorwastetreatmentfacility;andmusthaveadequateholdingcapacityforthestorageofsewage A.LakePatrolmen,underthedirectionoftheLakeManager,arechargedwiththedutyofenforcingtheseRulesand andgraywaterduringthetimethatitislocatedonthelot.Noblackwaterorgraywatermaybedisposedofonany Regulations.TheyareauthorizedtoissueaNoticeofViolationandtoconfiscatethePrivilegeCardfromany CWCproperty. personviolatingtheseRulesandRegulations. LH. CWCwillrequirestockholderstofurnishproofthatadequatesurfacearearemainstoaccommodatetheirsewer B.CWCreservestherightforitsemployees,representatives,oranyotherpersondulyauthorizedbyit,togouponany systemwhenmakinganadditiontotheirhouseorconstructinganewhouse.AcopyoftheCountypermitwillbe leasedlotforthepurposeofenforcingtheseRulesandRegulationsorstopandquestiontheoperatorofany vehicle required. orwatercraftonCherokeeLake. MI. UtilityLines:Allutilitylines,includingbutnotlimitedto:water,electric,gas,sewer,cableTVandtelephone,that areinstallednearorunderCWCroadsorditcheswillbeatadepthof36”,willbeencasedinasteelpipeunderthe III. NON-CONFORMINGUSESSTRUCTURES roadandextending3’oneithersideofaroadand/orditch.Alllinesaretobeboredundertheroadatthe36”depth, A. ApprovedNon-ConformingStructuresmaybemaintained,renovated,repairedorstructurallyaltered,butmaynot andwillbevisiblymarkedwithapermanentstakeonbothsidesofright-of-wayandatthefurthestsideof beexpandedorenlargedinanymannerwhichincreasesthe extentofnon-conformity,orcreates additional nondischargewithweatherprooftagsandletterswiththedateandlotnumbers.Adrawingshowingthelocationofthe conformity. linewillbefiledwiththeCWCOffice. B. AnApproved Non-ConformingStructurethatisdestroyedbyfire,flood,windstormorotheractofnature,orbythe NJ. Mailboxes:Mailboxesmustbe18”offoftheroadway. normaldeteriorationofstructuresconstructedoverwater,mayberebuilttothesameconfigurationexisting 14 OK. Driveways:Alldrivewayentrancesmustbeconstructedatthesameelevationastheexistingroadwayandshallbe immediatelypriortothetimethestructurewasdestroyedornoticeofstructuralnon-conformity wasgiventothe constructedwithapprovedunder-draintocarrytheflowofwaterindrainageditches.Nodrainageditchcanbe shareholderbytheLakeManagerorhisdesignee;providedthatapermitforthenecessaryrepairand/orreplacement blocked. beissuedbytheCWCandconstructioncommencedwithin six (6) monthsfrom thedateofdestructionornoticeof PL. Drainage:Beforeanyconstructioncancommenceonlandorlakewhichrequiresdigging,theshareholderis structural nonconformity. responsibletocall1-800=DIGTESSor1-800-344-8377or1-800-245-4545forthelocationofanyunderground C. AnUnapprovedNon-ConformingStructureisaviolationofLakeRulesandmustbe: utilities.Alsotheshareholderisresponsibleforcontactingthewaterutilitycompanysupplyingwatertothe 1. BroughtintocompliancewithallcurrentLakeRulesandRegulationswithinsix(6)monthsfromthedate locationandnaturalgascompany.Shareholdersarerequiredtofurnishtheconfirmationnumberfromtheentities ofnotificationby from the Lake Manager or his designee, contactedonthepermitapplicationform. 2. Be demolishedandremovedwithinthirty(30)daysfromthedateof notificationprovidedby from the Q.Theboundaryonany leased lot onlyextendstothewater’sedgeatspillwaylevel.However,usageofthelakebottom Lake Manager or his designee,or forconstructionofpiersandboathousesextendsnomorethanfifty(50)feetfromtheshoreunlessspecifically 3. Arequestforavariance mustbefiledwithinthirty(30)daysofthedateofnotificationby from the Lake acceptedbytheBoardofDirectors.Constructionofpiersandboathousesmustremainwithinthepropertylinesas Managerorhisdesignee. theyextendfifty(50)feetintotheLakeandmustnotintersectadjoiningpropertylinesunlesssuchintersectionis Ifarequestforavariance isdeniedbytheBoardofDirectorsortheCommittee, that denial isfinalandtheUnapproved specificallyapprovedbyadjacentleaseholdersortheBoardofDirectorsgrantsanexception.Adjacentleaseholders Non-ConformingStructuremustbedemolishedandremovedfromthelakewithinthirty(30)daysofthedatethe shallbenotifiedandgivenanopportunitytocommentpriortoanyexceptionbeinggivenorgranted.Ifan variance wasdenied. exceptionisgrantedbytheBoardofDirectors,itsdecisionshallbefinal. RM.Fencesmaybeconstructedalongtheboundarylinesseparatingleaseholders’lots.Fenceswillnotexceedfourfeet inheightatthewater’sedgeatspillwaylevel,andmustremainatfourfeettowardtheroadforatleast75’atwhich IV. HOUSES,MOBILEHOMES, PIERS,BOATHOUSES ANDOTHERBUILDINGS pointitmaybe6’inheightprovideditdoesnotimpedetheviewoftheLakebyadjacentleaseholders.Atthat point,thefenceheightmayberaised.Electricfencesareprohibited. A. No more than one single-family dwelling shall be permitted on a CWC Lot without permission of the Board of SN.Shareholdersarenotallowedtoconstructanynewpersonalboatramps.Existing Directors.Permissionmaybegrantedtoutilizestructuresnotnormallydesignedforresidentialuse,suchasashop privaterampsareclassifiedaspreviouslyapprovednon-conformingusesandare or storage building, to be used as a temporary domicile while a primary residence is under construction, such allowedtocontinueinexistenceandinuse. occupancynottoexceedtwelvemonths. TO. Allpermitsforaccessorybuildings(storagebuildings, shops,gazebos,standalone garages, B.Theleaseholdermustsecureapermitbeforeconstructinganystructure;makinganyrepairs,renovationsand/or carports,poolhousesandplayhouses)willbereviewedforapprovalbythe RulesandAppeals/PropertyCommittee. improvementstoanyexistingstructure,otherthaninteriorremodeling;placinganystructureofanydescription;or makingsitemodifications,exceptforlandscapingandyardmaintenance,onanylotonCWCproperty. IV. Piers,BoathousesandOtherStructuresBuiltOvertheWater: Toapplyforabuildingpermit,theapplicantmustprovidethefollowingwithapermitrequest: A.The boundaryonanyleasedlotonlyextendstothewater’sedgeatspillwaylevel.However,usageofthelakebottom 1.Ascaledsiteplanshowingfootprintofstructurewithallmeasurementsincludingsetbacks; forconstructionofpiersandboathousesextendsnomorethanfifty(50)feetfromtheshoreunlessspecifically 2.Ascaledfloorplanofstructurewithallmeasurements. acceptedbytheBoardofDirectors.Constructionofpiersandboathousesmustremainwithinthepropertylinesas 3.Ascaledelevationofstructurewithallmeasurements. theyextendfifty(50)feetintotheLakeandmustnotintersectadjoiningpropertylinesunlesssuchintersectionis C.Nopermitswillbeissuedonanysharelotthathasnotbeensurveyed.Forsurveyingprocedures,seeSectionB(4): specificallyapprovedbyadjacentleaseholdersortheBoardofDirectorsgrantsanexception.Adjacentleaseholders Proposed Construction Rule Change E.Disposalofhouseholdwastewaterontopofthegroundispermittedonlyifthesurfacewastewatersystemhasbeen installedinaccordancewiththepermittingprovisionoftheTCEQandamaintenanceagreementismaintainedwith anapprovedmaintenancecompanyforserviceandrepairstothesurfaceapplicationsystemifrequiredbythe permittingentity. F.Theabovewillalsoapplytoemittertypesystems. G.BySpecialPermitauthorizedbytheCWCBoardofDirectors,Shareholdersmayrequestunleased, availableland ownedbyCWCmay be usedfordisposalofwastewaterasreferredtoinEandFabove.Useofsuchlandwillbe onafirstcome-firstservedbasis.Notreesmayberemovedtoaccommodatethesystemandeffortsshouldbemade tomaintainanunusedappearance. 1. The CWC Board of Directors may set fees for use of CWC owned land used for wastewater disposal purposes. H.CWCrequiresleaseholderswhorequesttomakeanadditiontotheirhouse,orconstructanewhouse,furnishproof thatadequatesurfacearearemainstoaccommodate theirsewersystem,governedbyCWCRulesandRegulations. I.RequirementsforSurfaceIrrigationSystems– Anyleaseholderdesiringtoconstruct,operateand/ormaintainanOnSiteSewageFacilityutilizingsurfaceirrigationasadisposalmethodmustfirstfilewithCWC(a)acopyofthe PermitissuedbytheTexasCommissiononEnvironmentalQualityforsaidOn-SiteSewageFacility;(b)acopyof thecurrentsignedMaintenanceContractand(c)acertifiedcopyofanAffidavitdulyrecordedinthecountyclerk’s officeofthecountywherethepropertyonwhichtheSurfaceApplicationSystemistobeinstalledverifyingthat theleaseholder’sshareofstockinCWCandleaseagreementcoveringhisLakeCherokeeLotwillnotbe transferredtoanewownerwithoutfirstadvisingthenewownerthatthepropertycontainsaSurfaceApplication Systemforwastewaterdisposal;thattheleaseholderwilltransferthepermittooperatesuchSurfaceApplication Systemtothenewowner.Anysuchsurfaceirrigationsystemswillatalltimesbemaintainedandoperatedin accordancewiththerules,regulationsandrequirementsoftheCWC. privaterampsareclassifiedaspreviouslyapprovednon-conformingusesandare allowedtocontinueinexistenceandinuse. TO. Allpermitsforaccessorybuildings(storagebuildings, shops,gazebos,standalone garages, carports,poolhousesandplayhouses)willbereviewedforapprovalbythe RulesandAppeals/PropertyCommittee. IV. Piers,BoathousesandOtherStructuresBuiltOvertheWater: A.The boundaryonanyleasedlotonlyextendstothewater’sedgeatspillwaylevel.However,usageofthelakebottom forconstructionofpiersandboathousesextendsnomorethanfifty(50)feetfromtheshoreunlessspecifically acceptedbytheBoardofDirectors.Constructionofpiersandboathousesmustremainwithinthepropertylinesas theyextendfifty(50)feetintotheLakeandmustnotintersectadjoiningpropertylinesunlesssuchintersectionis specificallyapprovedbyadjacentleaseholdersortheBoardofDirectorsgrantsanexception.Adjacentleaseholders shallbenotifiedandgivenan opportunitytocommentpriortoanyexceptionbeinggivenorgranted.Ifan exceptionisgrantedbytheBoardofDirectors,itsdecisionshallbefinal. B. Nostructureshallbebuiltbeyondfifty(50)feetfromwater’sedgeatspillwaylevelofLakeCherokee or within or intoasix(6)footsetbackfromtheprojectionofthesidelotlinesintothelakeforareasonabledistance,without specificapprovaloftheBoardofDirectorsandafternoticetoadjacentleaseholders. Provided,however; 1. Ifdepth of waterofLakeCherokeeislessthanfive(5) feet at fifty(50)feet fromthe water’sedgeat mayapproveconstructionoftheproposedboathouseat spillwaylevel,theLakeManager,orhisdesignee 16 adistancefromtheshoreatspillwaylevelgreaterthanfifty(50)feet,butnogreaterthansixtyseven-five (7565)feettoapointwherethedepthofwateratthepointofthepurposedboathousenearesttotheshore isfive(5)feet. BC.. Nopierand/or boathouseshallbeconstructedinsuchamannerastocompletelyencloseapartofthelake preventingaccessbyboatfromtheopenlake. CD. Noboathouseshallbeconstructedhavingaheightinexcessofeighteenfeet(18’)measuredfromthespillway waterleveltothetopoftheboathouseroof,andnoboathouseshallbeconstructedwhichismorethanone(1)story inheight.Thismeansthataboathousemayhaveadeckontop,butthedeckmaynotbeenclosedandmaynothave aroofoverit.Nobathroom facilitiesmaybeconstructed,renovatedorincludedinaboathousewithoutexpress permissionoftheBoardofDirectors. E.Thisarticlepertainstotheinstallationofelectricalwiringandequipmentintheareascomprisingpiers,docksand boathouses.Thesestandardsshallbeappliedfornewconstruction,andforthereconstructionorrewiringofsuch existingfacilities. 1.Thewiringmethodshallbeofatypeidentifiedandacceptedforuseinwetlocations.Allwiringbelowseven feetfromthefloor ofthepier,dockorboathouseshallbecontainedinPVCorrigidconduit.Allwiringshallbe properlysizedtothebreakers. 2.AllwiringshallbeprotectedbyULapprovedGFIdevices.Theonlyexceptiontothisprovisioniscircuits specificallyidentifiedtoserveappliances. 3.Theelectricalserviceforpiers,docksandboathousesmustbeseparatelygrounded,andmustincludegrounding forboxes,cabinets,andallothermetalenclosures;metalframesofutilizationequipment;andgroundingterminals ofgroundingtypereceptacles. 4.Thecircuit(s)providingpowertopiers,docksandboathousesmusthavearemote disconnect capability,eitherlocatedinthemaindwellingstructurebreakerboxorina separatelockableboxnearthemaindwelling. VARIANCE REQUESTS ALL variance requests and applications for outbuildings MUST be turned in by 5:00pm the Monday before the Property Committee meets. (10 days before the Board meeting) October- October 6 November- November 10 December- December 8 IVI.REMOVINGTOPSOIL,ANDFILLDIRTANDRESPONSIBILITYFOR DRAINAGE: A.AleaseholdermustsecureapermitfromCWCbeforeaddingorremovinganygravel,topsoilorfilldirttoorfrom CWCproperty.Shareholder willberequiredtoinstallapprovederosionandsedimentcontrolmeasures. B.Aleaseholderwillbesolelyresponsibleforalldrainageproblemsonaleasedlotincludingthecostofengineering, designandnecessaryremediation,unlesssuchdrainageproblemhasbeencreatedsolelybyCWC. C.Aleaseholdermaynotexpandlotsurfaceareabyencroachingintothelakebytheuseofretainingwallsorother deviceswithouttheapprovaloftheBoardofDirectors. VIIIX.REMOVINGTIMBERANDPULPWOOD: A.Removalorcuttingoftreesshallbelimitedtotheextentnecessaryforclearingthefoundationsiteforconstructionor totheextentreasonablycalculatedtoimprovetheappearanceofthelot. B.AleaseholdermustsecureapermitfromCWCbeforecuttingtreesfromanyCWCproperty. 1.Alltreesthatarerequestedtoberemovedshallbeclearlymarkedwithabrightcoloredribbon.Accesstothe propertybyCWCpersonnelshallbeprovidedforinspectionofthetreesrequestedtoberemoved. 2.Treesrequestedtoberemovedbypermitfornewconstructionwillonlybeissuedinconjunctionwiththe obtainmentoftheconstructionpermit. 3.Treesthataredamagedordiseasedorthosethatcouldcausedamagetopropertyor thatcouldcauseinjuryto personsmayberemovedbyobtainingapermitfromtheCWC. 4.Treescannotberemovedfromapropertylineunlesstheyaresodescribedinarticle#3.Treesonpropertylines mayberemovedbymutualconsentofadjacentshareholdersandapprovedbyCWC. 5.NopermitshallbeissuedfortreeremovalpurposesifonehasbeengrantedforsaidLakeCherokeeLotwithinthe five(5)yearperiodimmediatelypriortothedateonwhichapplicationforapermitismade.Forlandscaping purposes,nomorethantwentypercent(20%)ofthosetreeshavingadiameterofteninches(10”)orgreater, thirtyinches(30”)fromthegroundshallberemovedfromanyLakeCherokeeLot.Treessmallerthanteninches 17 (10”)indiameter,thirtyinches(30”)fromtheground,mayberemovedwithoutrestriction.TheBoardof Directorsmayatitsdiscretion,forgoodcause,grantavariancefromtheserequirements. 6.AnytreeremovedfromCWCpropertywithoutsecuringapermitwillresultinafinebeingissued to the shareholderintheamountof$250.00pertree. VIIIX.SEPTICTANKS,GREASETRAPSANDFIELDLINES,SURFACEIRRIGATIONANDAEROBICSYSTEMS: A.DisposalofhouseholdwastewatermustcomplywiththeRulesandRegulationsofTCEQ(TexasCommission on EnvironmentalQuality)ordesignatedgovernmentalauthorityandtheCWC. B.ApermitisrequiredbyCWCbeforetheconstructionorrepairofanywastewaterdisposalsystem. 1. Followingcompletionofthesystem,butpriortothesystembeingcovered,theshareholdershallnotify CWC andrequestafinalinspection. 1.2. Upon notification, the CWC shall inspect the system and confirm that it complies with the design as approvedbytheCWCandhasbeeninstalledincompliancewithallrulesoftheCWC. C.Alotsurveyisrequiredbeforeanyworkcanbedoneorbeforeapermitwillbeissued.Tanks,lines,etc.willneedto bedrawnonthesurveyatthetimeofthepermit. D.Nodisposalofhouseholdwastewateronanylotthroughanysystemispermittednearerthan75’tothespillwaylevel ofLakeCherokee.Anexceptiontothisruleisprovidedforaerobicwastedisposalsystemsandfuturetechnologies, whichareallowedasdesignedandpermittedbyStatelawsandregulations. E.Disposalofhouseholdwastewaterontopofthegroundispermittedonlyifthesurfacewastewatersystemhasbeen installedinaccordancewiththepermittingprovisionoftheTCEQandamaintenanceagreementismaintainedwith anapprovedmaintenancecompanyforserviceandrepairstothesurfaceapplicationsystemifrequiredbythe permittingentity. F.Theabovewillalsoapplytoemittertypesystems. G.BySpecialPermitauthorizedbytheCWCBoardofDirectors,Shareholdersmayrequestunleased, availableland ownedbyCWCmay be usedfordisposalofwastewaterasreferredtoinEandFabove.Useofsuchlandwillbe onafirstcome-firstservedbasis.Notreesmayberemovedtoaccommodatethesystemandeffortsshouldbemade tomaintainanunusedappearance. 1. The CWC Board of Directors may set fees for use of CWC owned land used for wastewater disposal to work on the roads until the other planned maintenance is completed or Cherokee! Weather and the weather forces us to pull back until lake levels have really the days get warmer in the spring. 18 VII.EXCAVATINGBELOWSPILLWAYLEVEL: A.AleaseholdermustsecureapermitfromCWCbeforeexcavatingbelowspillwaylevelonlakelotsoranyother CWCproperty. VIIII.CHANGINGNATURALDRAINAGE: A. Noterrainshallbechangedonanylotthatwilldisturbthenaturaldrainagesoastoadverselyaffectadjoininglots orthepropertyofCWC,withoutsecuringapermitfromtheCWCoffice.Adrainageapplicationrequestisrequired beforeapermitisissued.ThedrainagerequestisavailableattheofficeandhastobecompletedbeforeaCWC permitis issued.BeforeapermitisissuedforthechangingofthenaturalterrainofanyCWClot,foranypurposes, theshareholdershallprovideadetaileddescriptionanddrawingfortheworktobeaccomplishedonaformtobe providedbyCWC.Thequantityoffillmaterialtobeaddedandtheelevationincreaseofthelotshallbeindicated ontheform.Anyincreaseinvolumeofrunoffwatercreatedduetothechangingofthenaturalterrainthatwould flowontoanotherlotshallbepreventedbytheinstallation ofappropriateretainingdevices.Theshareholderwhois changingthenaturalterrainofthelotshallprovidetheadjoiningshareholderswithacopyoftheproposedplanand shallobtaintheirsignatureofapprovalbeforethepermitisissued. What a great summer we have had on Lake been terrific. In addiManager’s Report with Ned Muse tion, we have seen some While it is covered in other sections important activities get of the Chatter, I want to remind everyone started on the Lake and at that the fall cleanup is scheduled from CWC. Thursday, October 23 through Saturday, October 25. The details are available in Probably the most noticeable activ- the Chatter and online, but are basically ity has been the road maintenance pro- the same as the spring clean up except gram. While things got off to a slower for the days. Please take advantage of than expected start, our contractor has this opportunity to cleanup around your really hit the ground running as of mid leased property. September. The large culvert replacement project on Beaver Run has made good progress and should be complete contains a draft of proposed revisions by the time you read this. In addition, to the Rules. These proposed changes Finally, this issue of the Chatter the contractor is in the process of putting are intended to clarify conforming and a slurry seal on the main lake road in the nonconforming uses, simplify the boat- SU Section. As soon as that is complete, house and pier permitting process for they will begin the slurry seal in the sec- shareholders by giving the staff a little tion of road off of 149 in the NH area. more flexibility where lots have less than 5 feet of water depth within 50 feet I know that some of you have been of the shore at spillway level and to pro- inconvenienced by these activities, but vide the CWC a little more control over there is really no way to maintain the new wastewater systems. Please take a roads without some inconvenience. few minutes and review these proposed When the sealing portion of the program changes and let me know if you have is complete, the contractor will continue any comments. 5 Chili Fest 6 Shoppers’ Corner Black Bear and Wolf Hunt in Alberta, Canada- May 2015. $2,000.00. Call Robert @ (903) 738-8014 WANT TO BUY: Bass buggy style pontoon or deck boat. With or without motor or trailer. (903) 643-3738 FOR SALE: Bowflex Motivator 2. Like new. Comes with floor mat and Bowflex trainer CD, product information CD and exercise guide. Call (903) 746-2780. $350.00 FOR SALE BY OWNER Totally updated and ready for you! 2/2 with 11.5x17.5 bonus w/ closet, 1789 sq ft, 2 car carport,20x30 shop w/ overhead door, 10x10 storage w/ air, screened patio, covered patio and deck, almost an acre lot, boathouse w lift, deep water great fishing. Sprinkler system $297,000 SH08 Contact Karla 903/738-5730 for appt November 8th 1:00pm to5:00pm Lakeside at NK20 Cherokee Water Co. Admission $5.00 includes chili tastings A portion of the proceeds will go toward 2015Fireworks There will be music so bring your chairs and blankets The members of the Preservation Club invite you to join us for a great Fall afternoon Soft Drinks & Water will be available If you think your chili is best on the lake then enter! For questions contact: Tommy Pelton 903-330-0340 Jane Wolven 903-643-8003 Preservation Club’s Family Fun Fest See more on page 12 Bill Robards SK 50C Mike McDonald SM 40 Bass Weight 6.5 lbs. 9-1-2014 Bo Besharse SD 14 Catfish 13.54 pounds. 9-14-2014 Boathouses, Retaining Walls, Decks, and Dredging Richard Cupps SD 17 Crappie 2.06 lbs. Crappie 1.50 pounds LAKE CHEROKEE SECURITY REPORT August 2014 Facility Check: 2,122 Extra Patrol Facility: 22 Extra Patrol Shareholder: 465 Welfare Check: 10 Open Door: 7 Suspicious Vehicle/Person: 12 Maintenance Needed: 8 Issue Permit: 35 Set Out/Pick up trap: 17 Remove animal from trap/lot: 11 Remove dead animal: 2 Impound domestic animal: 5 Clear roadway of trees/debris: 15 Disturbance: 0 Burglary/Theft: 3 Alarms: 17 Water Rescue/Drowning: 5 Vehicle/Boat accident: 2 Code Violations: 19 Assist Agency: 30 Be Scams y War of One of our shareholders recently contacted the CWC office and wanted to share an experience they had with who they believed was a group of scam artists. Hand drawn signs had gone up in several places around the area advertising cheap rates for steam cleaning. To make a long story short, the rate went up and of course they had to have cash and could not take a check. As soon as the home owner left, the scammers took the money and ran. Our area of the state is still plagued by what is commonly referred to as Gypsy scams. Inexpensive offers for paving, roofing, cleaning, painting, you name it. The scammers will show up driving what appear to be legitimate work trucks and may have a partial load of gravel or asphalt that they say is left over from a nearby job, they offer an excellent rate on a quote, mark it up a hundred fold when they give the person the bill, and leave a mess for the home owner to clean up. Often times the work is nothing more than a spray over of used motor oil and sand that washes off with the first rain. We should rely on qualified contractors and/or workmen for jobs we get done. Ask for references, check them out on the BBB web site, and know who you are dealing with. Door to door solicitation is not allowed on Lake Cherokee and if you encounter anyone doing so, please call Lake Patrol right away and report it. While there are still legitimate door to door sales taking place nowadays, the potential scams outweigh the genuine thing. The magazine sales are a prime example of a notorious rip off. These will generally be younger people who say they are selling magazines to get money to work through college or something similar. A van will have dropped them off in a specific area with a pick up time. When stopped by law enforcement officers, arrests are common for outstanding warrants as a lot of these individuals have extensive criminal histories. The Texas Attorney General’s Office has a lot of good information about this subject on their web site at https://www. scams.shtml Remember the old adage, “If it sounds too good to be true it probably is”. Martin A. Pessink Director of Operations 7 8 by Mec Lacewell If you missed the last KFT gathering, you missed a wonderful program by the speaker, Dr. James McCaffrey who entertained us with show and tell of the Civil War. He demonstrated the correct technique to load a rifle which was an improvement over the flint lock type. There were no dog tags at that time so the soldier was identified by having his name on paper pinned to the back of his uniform. Soldiers had a very hard existence—slept on open ground except in winter which afforded the luxury of a tent. The rations were meager—an actual piece of “hard tack” was passed around for all to see. It was so hard that it had to be softened by soaking it in their coffee. It sort of looked like a pop tart without the filling. Needless to say, most of the Southern soldiers endured great deprivation. Dr. McCaffrey was very entertaining and has recently retired but is continu- ing his research for many books that he is writing. The October KFT dinner will be hosted by Susan Deeds, Betty Heim, Marilyn Moulds, and Fredna Stuckey. They will be providing the main course and all attendees should bring a salad, or a vegetable or a dessert. The entertainment will be games of Bingo and winners will receive lottery tickets…now that sounds like fun to me. If you have been a regular, please invite someone new who would enjoy meeting the lake folks. The time to begin is 6:00 but come earlier to get the “best” table….sort of like church, isn’t it? So in closing, I remember a famous line from Clint Eastwood in “Dirty Harry”. “Well, do you feel lucky _ _ _ _?” So come try your luck and maybe go home a winner! Door prize winners: Delores Toon, Sharyn Rust, Peggy Kernohan, Bonnie Haynes and Sue Coleman. Dr. James McCaffrey, guest speaker Host/Hostesses with Dr. James McCaffrey are John T. and Wylene Smith, Allen and Karen Franklin, Pat and James Hewitt. 9 125 YEARS! Centre Presbyterian Church of Elderville was founded on November 17, 1889. This year we celebrate the 125th Anniversary of this wonderful church. Please join us on Sunday, November 16 at 11:00 a.m. for church and for a Celebration Luncheon to follow. We are on Hwy 322, just south of the airport. All present and past members, and all generations of relatives of those members are asked to come help us rejoice in our history as we dedicate ourselves to the future. For more information, please call 903-643-3168. EASON IRRIGATION B.K. (Kim) Eason Cory Eason 903-238-7926 Casey Eason 903-235-9072 Lic # 16660 Prev. #3181 903-431-3900 Specializing in pumps & sprinkler repairs, updates & installations LAWN MASTERS “You grow it, we’ll mow it!” New fences Repairs Leaf Cleaning Mowing Edging Trimming 903-235-2433 Free estimates on all fence and lawn work! NEED DIRT? CALL 903-576-0113 10 11 Free Golf In October The shareholders of the lots listed here are the winners of FREE GOLF at the Cherokee Country Golf Association Course during the month of October. Any member of the shareholder’s family should present the shareholder’s card for one FREE round of golf, including the use of a cart, during the month of October. ST-111 ST-16 CHATTER August 2014 Transfers- 6 Mary’sP lace Miss •• Weddings Reunions •• Parties Milestone Events 1997 FM 2011 Rd. Longview, TX 75603 NH-25 NG-36 The Cherokee Welcome to Lake Cherokee Sheldon Lattery Photography NE-13 903-918-6034 903-720-7347 All Shareholders are urged to contribute articles, event news, photos, inquiries and information of interest to residents of Lake Cherokee for publications in The Chatter. Advertising rates can be obtained by calling the Cherokee Water Company at 903-643-3933; fax 903-643-2717, or office e-mail at [email protected]. The Cherokee Chatter is published by the Cherokee Water Company and is printed by the printing division of the Longview News-Journal. The Chatter does not endorse or accept any liability for any advertisements contained within the publication. 12 The weather was fabulous for our fantastic Family Fun Fest. It was that goldilocks zone, not too hot, not too cold, just right! It was a great turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves the most! We wish to thank all of our incredible volunteers. We could not have done this without all the help and support of our lake community. ularly Lee Scott, Dave Clark, John T. Smith, and James Hewitt, who started the day cooking pancakes for the volunteers and then spent the rest of the day cooking hot dogs for the masses! Bo Besharseand Genia Holland, Bob Tippett, and Carol Kyle manned the snow cone machine and helped where needed. Our Chairman of the event, the clearly amazing Clayton Evans, managed to make it look easy bringing in a host of people to help make it a success. Over 400 hotdogs were consumed, 300 containers of ice cream, and we have no clue how many snow cones were served! A huge thank you to all of our volunteers, including Beth Irwin, Janie and Ken Pope, Judy Trickey, Steve and Linny Ramsey, Lorin Boyd, Bart Owens, Gretchen and Joe Rogers, Erika and Ryan Michlewicz, Debbie McDaniel, Mike Reader, and Jan Pelton. Thank you to our artists and face painters Jim Wilson and his granddaughter Alex, and Karen Nimmo who worked without stop all day, the Special appreciation to the Fishing Club and their volunteers. Partic- See Fun Fest page 13 13 Fun Fest cont’d from page 12 kids loved it! Thank you to Donna We had so much fun and received Reader, our lake photographer, for such a positive response that we plan tirelessly capturing the event. to do it again next year! Special thanks go out to Bill Smythe and Patrick Peerenboom from the Church at Lake Cherokee. The Kids Kount volunteers controlled the chaos around the slides and made the day special for all the kids. Could not have done this without them! Our next event is the Chili Fest on Saturday, November 8th by the lake at the CWC office. We will provide bowls, napkins, and spoons. Contestants provide the Chili, which can be prepared at home. We will be selling drinks and water. There will be a $5 entry fee. The requirement is a minimum of ten pounds. We had eight We were blessed with donations entrants last year, hope to have more from several generous benefactors. competition this year. The judging is Thank you to Carol Coolidge, Cher- stiff, so start perfecting your recipes! okee Shores, Dirk Lee, Bob Tippitt, and Blue Bell Creameries for donat- Happy boating to all, ing to the cause. Tommy Pelton, Secretary 14 15 Lake Cherokee Fall Cleanup Ned Muse, Lake Manager by Celia Taylor Ladies Travel Group finished up the season September 16th & 17th playing the 16th at Oak Forest and the 17th at Marshall. Results were: Second Flight – Third Gross – Marje Theiman and Third flight Second Gross – Sharyn Rust. The Ladies will be playing their Congratulations ladies! annul “Shirts & Skirts” Tournament November 1st at 9:00 am. The women in Gary Akins got a Hole in 1 on Sep- the club invite a gentleman to play. If tember 16th. Congratulations!!!! any of you gentlemen would like to play let the club know I am sure there are a We have 2 new members to our few women who need a partner. course – Alan Williams and Jarrod Kyle. Welcome to our course and we hope you We are always looking for new enjoy it as much as we do. members to join the golf course. There Cherokee Golf Course will be looking for a new grounds keeper if anyone is interested or knows someone please have them call Ricky West 903-6491518. The Championship tournament for the Club will be held October 4th at 9:00 am. There are three divisions: Seniors Division, Men’s Division, and Women’s Division. are a lot of Cherokee Lease holders who are not members. Come and check out the course – I bet you will like it. The results for the tournament coming up this weekend (September 20th) will be in the next issue. There is a group Scramble every Saturday morning that everyone is welcome. Come and join the fun, meet new people and have a blast. As always, I am looking for things to put in the Chatter – doesn’t have to be golf related – just email to me or call. [email protected] or 903-4526792. See you on the course! Hit them straight and long! The Cleanup will be conducted Thursday, October 23 through Saturday, October 25. During that period, both the North Side and South Side roll off container sites will be opened between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 7:00 pm. The sites will be manned by CWC employees. Residents may bring up to two (2) pickups full (approximately 6 yards) of non hazardous household waste to the container sites for free disposal. If you need more than six yards, please call Jerry Hays at the CWC office and make arrangements. All waste must originate from leased property at Lake Cherokee. Rather than list what we will be accepting, let me list what we will not be able to accept. We will NOT be accepting any of the following: Hazardous materials of any kind. Liquids of any kind. (Examples: paint, solvents, cooking oil, etc.) Tires of any kind or size. Items that contain PCB’s (i.e., transformers) Yard waste such as trees, limbs, grass clippings, etc. Shingles and roofing materials. Old style picture tube type TV’s unless you call the office in advance and make special arrangements as the recycler charges $15.00 for each tube type TV. Call early as the first twenty (20) sets recycled will be free! I know that many of you will wish that we could accept yard waste and tree limbs, etc., but regulations make it very difficult and expensive for us to take these items. We are working with officials at the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality to find a better solution for these wastes. In the meantime, individual shareholders may use their twice a year landfill vouchers to dispose of these items at the Pine Hill Landfill. Please call us for details of this program. Through special arrangements, we will be able to accept some items that are not allowed at the landfill. These include: -Used motor oil. -Appliances including those that contain Freon such as air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers, -Electronic equipment including used computers, flat screen TV’s, etc. -Basically anything with a cord such as vacuum cleaners, kitchen appliances, etc. In order to participate in the cleanup, you must bring the items for disposal and proof that you are a shareholder at Lake Cherokee to the disposal sites during the dates and times given above. Proof maybe in the form of Privilege Card showing you are a leaseholder or leaseholder’s spouse. In addition, a valid Driver’s License or other photo ID is required. If the leaseholder or spouse will not be present (i.e., you have arranged for someone else to transport your material for disposal), you will need to call the office and make arrangements. This cleanup is for household waste only from the shareholders’ Lake Cherokee lot. No commercial disposal will be allowed. Gary Akins NK 7 made Hole in One No 16 Lake Cherokee Sept 17. Mike Clark NJ section doing photo bomb. Submitted by Bob Tippet This is a great opportunity to improve our environment, improve the quality of life for all of us on the Lake and protect our community. 16 RECYCLING - 101 Over three years ago Cherokee Water Company began a single stream recycling program. It started with two green recycling containers being placed as a pilot program and lead into the permanent placement of the six recycling containers we now have. Single stream recycling refers to comingled recyclables collected in one container. So, if you have magazines, junk mail, newspapers, cardboard or any paper that will tear and is free of food and drink you can put it in the green recycle bin! You don’t have to remove paper clips, staples, and there is no presorting or washing required! Also recyclable are empty plastic containers, (#1 & #2), aluminum, tin and steel containers. Items that are NOT to be placed in the green containers are Styrofoam, food wrap, tissue products, bottles or items with drink or food waste. The green dumpsters are located on the north side in the NQ Section, NO Section and the NK Section (at the CWC Offices). On the south side they are located in the SL Section, SR Section, and the SU Section. The more waste that is diverted from the trash stream and put into the recycle stream will allow us to replace some of the regular dumpsters with these green ones, which are much less expensive. We save money and have a positive impact on the environment! 17 LARCS LadiesBridge by Bette Slade Every single month for many, many years, the LARCS have met as a bridge club. Our member, Frances Beavers, has been playing with us for most of those years and we truly should get some records together. We need to get the names of our chairman who have done so much in the way of planning, kitchen work, decorating, calling and keeping us in a social whirl. Debbie Hobson is currently in charge and we give accolades to her for her devotion to getting the job done. Keyrl Kalb is her co-hostess and was out of town today. Buddy & Selena Simmermann (SK 67), Gale & Carolyn Sessions (SH 3) and Rickey & Vicki Faulkner (SG 59) Cruised the Western Caribbean on Royal Caribbean’s The Navigator of the Seas. Ports included Roatan Honduras, Belize City Belize and Cozumel Mexico before returning to Galveston. Wanda Wallace, Mary Nowak, Linda Suter, Carol Ehl Joan Porter, Bette Slade, Peggy Kernohan and Donna Knox September 3rd was the date for our covered dish luncheon. Carol Ehl made enough meat balls and spaghetti that we could have had as many helpings as we dared. The fruit salads were refreshing and the other sides very tasty. Desserts are always a highlight and enjoyed off and on during the afternoon. And we DO play bridge! We had three tables wheeling and dealing. Mary Nowak won high, Bette Slade won Table High and Jeanne Collins came out “even” shall we say? The traveling deuce bounced around and finally landed in Debbie Hobson’s lucky chair. Those present were Peggy Kernohan, Carol Ross, Donna Knox, Joan Porter, Lynda Suter, Wanda Wallace and those previously mentioned. We regret that at the time of this writing, some of the pictures were not released from the camera. An idea has been presented that we hope will encourage some of you to come give us a try. We invite any shareholder that may have an interest in bridge to come sit on the sidelines and observe the games as they are played. The thought of having a teaching session has also been presented. If you have an interest in these thoughts, contact Carol Ehl at 903-649-0153. Just make a note that we meet in the recreation room at CWC at noon each Wednesday except for the luncheon meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at which time we gather at 11am. 18 Cherokee Fishing Club News By Bo Besharse Our “Cookie People” must have known we were going to have a large crowd at the September meeting, because nothing was left to snack on after the meeting. The Cookie People saving the night were Bob Tippit, Carol Staiti, Lou Caffey, Gloria Haughton, Bonnie Haynes, Brenda Wyche, George Steele, Alan Franklin, James Hewitt and Genia Holland. Their food was consumed by 57 members, and three guests. Our newest members were Casey Eason, Dee Hart and Tommy and Debra Visage. Our three guests were Randall and Jaye Latch. New Habitats Placed into Lake Cherokee Don Anderson advised the membership that a total of 32 brush piles were placed into 7 different brush habitats. Don provided the GPS locations to those that wanted the information. This may be a good time to discuss fishing on Lake Cherokee and the benefits of habitats.2014 has been the best overall fishing in over 30 years on Lake Cherokee. Crappie, Bass, Catfish and Bream have been caught in unheard of numbers and sizes. These habitats provide feeding grounds and safe havens for fish and forage fish. The fishing club will continue the placement of habitats on a regular and ongoing basis. The Fisheries Improvement Program has been very successful and shareholders are reaping the rewards. We have placed designated “fishing ar- Jim Tutt (l) and Marshall Houghton Raffle winners (l) Lee Scott, Steve Brown beside Beth Swindell, Bob Tippit, Wyley Thomas and Red Pruitt eas” for shareholders on Lake Cherokee and will look at providing additional locations for shareholders. The fishing club provides the funds for habitats from the membership fees paid by members and the membership fee is $20.00 per year. The benefits from the $20.00 membership fee for our club members are 11 meals and snacks at the monthly meetings, a Christmas Dinner, and GPS locations for over 130 habitat locations. We would love to have more members in our club and meetings are always family friendly. September Program Speaker was Jim Tutt Steve Brown introduced Jim Tutt as our speaker. Jim has been a professional fisherman for over 16 years and fishes in the FLW Pro series. Jim and his wife Margaret are shareholders and live fulltime on Lake Cherokee. You would think that fishing full time and on the road throughout the year you may, Jim would get a little tired of fishing and want a little relaxation. Not Jim, on almost any day and any time of the year, when he’s not on the tournament trail, you can run into Jim fishing right here on Lake Cherokee. Jim provided quite a bit of information and techniques for fishing here and he also discussed information about Fish Finders settings. Jim did an excellent Job and our members really enjoyed his presentation. Jim also brought his tournament boat for members to see how it is set up and the wrap on the boat. Kellogg’s is his sponsor and Jim’s boat is the color of the Rice Krispie’s and Jim is only one of four professionals that are sponsored by Kellogg’s Cereal. Steve will work on getting Jim back to speak in the near future. Upcoming Programs Our program for the October 13meeting will be “Super” George Steele. George will give tips on catfishing here on Cherokee. It will include trout-line fishing and hand fishing, baits for both styles, chum for catfish and importance of locations to catch the big catfish. George has been very successful in catfishing here and should provide some good pointers on how to fish for catfish. The speaker for the November 10 CFC meeting will be a young man that is a tournament fisherman and has been very successful in fishing tournament. His name is Rick Malloy and he has caught a large number of “Big” Bass. Monthly Raffle This raffle was almost as exciting as the raffle last month, when Steve provided the two “Little Cookie People” their prize for the chocolate chip cookies. We had three club members first visit to a meeting and Steve wanted to make sure that Beth Swindell could win a prize. Steve normally buys $20 to $40 in raffle tickets each month to give him a good chance to win a prize to be given to a youth or guest that attends a meeting. Each time he would draw a raffle ticket he would stand in front of Beth and call each number very slowly and ask her if she had the number. He would finish the number and someone else would have the winning number. Charley Haynes was holding Steve’s tickets to check Steve’s numbers. Steve walked over to Charley and said “give me some tickets” Charley handed Steve a ticket and Steve said “No Give me 5” and Charley did. Steve walked over to where Beth and her husband were seated and gave her the five tickets. A ticket was drawn and when the number was call out, we haven’t seen more excitement since Gwen Brock won a big flat screen T.V., a couple years ago. So, New Member Casey Eason Cookie People “ buffet our raffle winners this month were Beth Swindell, Rechargeable Spotlight; Wyley Thomas, insulated minnow bucket with aerator; Lee Scott, Tournament weigh bag and fire extinguisher; Red Pruitt, Dip net and 2 “Old Blue’s); Bob Tippit, Rod and reel combo. We sure do appreciate our new members, guest, and first time meeting members. We hope that all of you will make it a monthly habit of attending. The Preservation Club held their “First Annual Fun Fest” and several of our members volunteered to helpand It was a fun day and everyone enjoyed the day. The Preservation club is having a Chili Cookoff on November 8 and members are encouraged to enter. Last year, Pete and Carol Staiti came in 3rd place in the chili cookoff. Club members CFC Open Bass Tournament CFC Tournament Open BassEntry Tournament Form October 18, 2014 Tournament Entry Form 6:45October A.M. until 18,3:00 2014P.M. 6:45 A.M. until 3:00 P.M. THIS IS CATCH AND RELEASE TOURNAMENT THIS IS CATCH AND RELEASE TOURNAMENT Entry fee $50.00 Entry fee $50.00Total Amount Paid___________ Entry Fee ____________Donation to Hatchery_______________________ Entry Fee ____________Donation to Hatchery _______________________ Total Amount Paid___________ Name__________________________Lot #________Partner Name____________________________ Telephone________________ Name__________________________Lot #________Partner Name____________________________ E-mail__________________________________ Telephone________________ I am responsible for my partner and my actions during the tournament. I have read and fully understand the Rules of the CWC and E-mail__________________________________ the CFC Tournament Rules and Regulations and agree to abide by such rules and regulations. In the event of death, injury and/or damage, thepartner undersigned, doactions fully release and discharge the Cherokee Fishing Club, its Board andof Members, I property am responsible forI,my and my during theforever tournament. I have read and fully understand the Rules the CWCand and theCFC Cherokee Water Company its Directors, employees of theand CWC from any and all event claims,ofdemands, and/or causes the Tournament Rules andand Regulations and officers, agree to and abide by such rules regulations. In the death, injury and/or of action,damage, including court cost and attorney fees. property I, the undersigned, do fully release and forever discharge the Cherokee Fishing Club, its Board and Members, and the Cherokee Water Company and its Directors, officers, and employees of the CWC from any and all claims, demands, and/or causes Cardholder signature____________________________________Partners ofPrivilege action, including court cost and attorney fees. Signature________________________________________ Privilege Cardholder signature____________________________________Partners Signature________________________________________ Fish Limits -----5 Black Bass minimum length of fish is 14” (Spotted or Kentucky Bass may be weighed in but must be 14” or larger) Fish Limits -----5 Black Bass minimum length of fish is 14” (Spotted or Kentucky Bass may be weighed in but must be 14” or larger) All contestants must be in weigh-in line, with fish, at the sound indicating the tournament end. Fish must be in Fish Bag with sufficient water to keep fish alive. The CFC does not supply fish bags. All contestants must be in weigh-in line, with fish, at the sound indicating the tournament end. Fish must be in Fish Bag with sufficient Laketo Cherokee willCFC enforce thenot CWC Rules Regulations, T.P. &W Rules and regulations, and the Texas Water Safety water keep fishSecurity alive. The does supply fishand bags. Act. We have added some safety rules to the CFC Tournament Rules. One being, all fishermen must wear USCG PFD’s when the mainCherokee engine is Security running on boat.the This applies to and being idle or moving Any regulations, person or persons that are intoxicated or Lake willyour enforce CWC Rules Regulations, T.P.your &Wboat. Rules and and the Texas Water Safety operate a watercraft while under the influence of alcohol will be disqualified. Act. We have added some safety rules to the CFC Tournament Rules. One being, all fishermen must wear USCG PFD’s when the main engine is running on your boat. This applies to being idle or moving your boat. Any person or persons that are intoxicated or Late registration will be held at the Cherokee Water Company Office building between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. on the Friday operate a watercraft while under the influence of alcohol will be disqualified. before the Tournament. The Registration will end at 7:00 and no further entry forms will be accepted, including the day of the tournament. Please submit your entry forms as early as possible. Remember that the CFC Tournament will end at three o’clock p.m. Late registration will be held at the Cherokee Water Company Office building between the hours of 5:30 and 7:00 p.m. on the Friday and when the ending horn sounds, you must be in line, with the fish. Once the ending alarm has sounded, no other fishermen may get before the Tournament. The Registration will end at 7:00 and no further entry forms will be accepted, including the day of the into the weigh-in line. This rule is strictly enforced and no excuse will be sufficient. tournament. Please submit your entry forms as early as possible. Remember that the CFC Tournament will end at three o’clock p.m. and whenwith the ending horn or sounds, be in line, theoffish. Onceposition, the ending alarm sounded, no other fishermen may get Anyone a complaint issue, you thatmust may involve thewith status a paying must makehas verbal complaint to the Tournament into the weigh-in line. This rule is strictly enforced and no excuse will be sufficient. Director within fifteen minutes of the tournament ending. In the absence of the Tournament Director, any Club Officer may address the complaint and may utilize any other club officer in making any decision. Anyone with a complaint or issue, that may involve the status of a paying position, must make verbal complaint to the Tournament Director within fifteen tournament Weigh-in 1:00 p.m. to minutes 3:00 p.m.ofatthe CWC office. ending. In the absence of the Tournament Director, any Club Officer may address the complaint and may utilize any other club officer in making any decision. MAIL ENTRY TO; Weigh-in 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at CWC office. Vernon Brown Make checks payable to the Cherokee Fishing Club. Checks which are mailed, must be received NK 2 ENTRY Lake Cherokee no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Tournament. MAIL TO; Longview, Texas 75603 Vernon Brown Make checks payable to the Cherokee Fishing Club. Checks which are mailed, must be received NK 2 Lake Cherokee no later than 5:00 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the Tournament. For more Texas information Longview, 75603 contact Vernon Brown at 903 643-0808 or e-mail [email protected]. For more information contact Vernon Brown at 903 643-0808 or e-mail [email protected]. 19 20 CFC Annual Kids Catfish Tournament By Bo Besharse Every year on the day before the kid’s tournament, we have a set-up day. This year, Steve Brown provided help from his shop crew. I don’t know all of the groups last names but want to thank Daniel, Eddie, Cody, Mario, Victor, Jim and Cesar. These guys played a major part in tree trimming, helping put up tents, chairs and everything else. Our CFC Crew consisted of Charley Haynes, Regan and Brenda Wyche, Pete and Carol Staiti, Joe Travis, Bob Tippit, Steve Lobue, Don Anderson, and Genia and Bo. During nighttime hours prior to Tournament Day, a cold front came through East Texas and it was quite chilly and concern began to focus on how active the catfish would be for our young fishermen. From the onset it was obvious that the fish were affected from the cold front and fish numbers would not be good. We had 65 brave kids, plus parents, grandparents and representatives from ARC and a bunch of members take part in the Tournament. During the morning, only 224 fish were caught. That may sound like a lot of fish being caught but compared to the 2012 numbers; it was a bad day for the fishermen. Many of the kid’s, during the 2013 tournament were catching between 15 to 25 fish in each 30 minute flight. That equates to a total fish count of approximately 1,000 fish caught in 2012. However, the excitement and smiles were still on the faces of the youth. The largest stringers of fish caught during the day were by Kristopher Distefano, Ella Nolte, Stacy Hawthorne, Tyson Allen and Scarlet Sheehan and each of them received the large trophies for most fish caught. Our CFC club members helping take hooks off lines and assist the kids were Joe and Gretchen Rogers, Pete and Carol Staiti, David Perez, Lou Caffey, John T. Smith,James and Pat Hewitt, Allen Franklin. Brenda and Reagan Wyche, Marshall and Gloria Houghton, Gwen and Elton Brock, Josh Sutton, Bob Tippit, Bill and Mayre Drennan, Charley and Bonnie Haynes, Joe Travis, Steve Lobue, Richard Cupps, Jim Reynolds, Larry Lacewell, Vince Fowler, Patrolman Tommy Hooten, and Director of Operations from the CWC, Martin Pessink. Champion EMS provided first aid to a fisherman that was stuck by a catfish, Todd Long, Texas State Game Warden, came to visit and help and Todd also brought his wife and their two children to fish in the tournament. Although the weather was chilly, it did not curb the appetite of the kids and families. We provided 33 dozen donut holes (396) and 4 dozen donuts. We had a grand total of 3 donut holes left at the end of the tournament! I would like to give special thanks to the CWC Board of Directors, Lake Manager Ned Muse and the entire maintenance crew for providing fish, personnel and help in making this Kid’s Fishing Tournament possible. The CWC provided Lake Cherokee shirts to be used as prizes as long as the quantity lasted. With so many people involved in helping put on this event, I may have left someone out, but if I did, let me know. Many memories were made for the children and we hope the fun memories of Lake Cherokee will last a lifetime. 21 22 23 LOW COST PET VACCINATIONS Where: Elderville Volunteer Fire Department Station 1 8875 FM 2011 E. Longview, TX 75603 When: Saturday, October 25, 2014 9:00 am-4:00 pm VETERINARIAN ON PREMISES • ALL VACCINES AVAILABLE Heartworm Testing & Preventative, Activyl Flea & Tick Control, Microchipping 903-520-7894 L.K. Knowles, DVM Dreaming of a Lake Cherokee wedding? Contact Erin at (903) 643-3933 or [email protected] om CFC Annual Kids Catfish Tournament 24 IN CASE OF EMERGENCY CALL LAKE PATROL (903) 643-7321 Next Chatter Deadline Wednesday, October 15 Submit photos and articles of interest to [email protected] Fuel Center Hours Ethanol-Free October 1stApril 30th Tuesday 1:00-5:00 Saturday 1:00-5:00 Oil $3.25 Sea Foam $11.00 Credit Card ONLY Gift Certificates available at NK 20 GoZoe Wireless NOW provides the FASTEST speeds on the lake, true broadband, fixed Wireless internet service to nearly 100% of all Lake Cherokee areas with quicker response/unsurpassed service and SPEEDS significantly improved up to 20Mbps. Now, a backup system is in place. Equipment is vastly upgraded, “tripling system capacity” with exceptionally improved RELIABILITY. Extreme winds/lightning might sometimes pose challenges. 401 N. Martin • Kilgore • 984-2525 Toll Free 1-800-283-0332 Kilgore Family Owned & Operated Since 1938 For Area Obituary Notices: 25 PAINTING BY MIKE S&H CONTRACTORS Heating and Air Conditioning. Sales and Service. Call 903-643-9690. License #TACLA 021018C WATSON REFRIGERATION Air conditioning & Heating service. Call 903-758-9840 AFFORDABLE PLUMBING, HEATING & AIR Why waste your money! Senior discounts. All plumbing, heating & air repairs. (No job too small) Repipe, slab leak repair, new installations, drain & rooter service & electronic leak detection. Free estimates on plumbing & new installations. Call Michael Evans @ 903/643-9277 Lic. #M39951. MEDICARE SUPPLEMENT INSURANCE Good Rates, Major Companies-Blue Cross, Mutual of Omaha, Conseco, American Pioneer, Etc. Call Don Pinkerton 903-643-0354. Jose and Vicente Juarez Lawn and Tree Care Tree Cutting and Removal (903) 387-1988 (903) 917-7494 English LAWN MASTERS No place to haul your limbs, leaves, etc.? Call 903/235-2433 for monthly service. Reel Cleaning and Repair CHEROKEE BOAT MAINTENANCE Boat and watercraft maintenance and minor repairs. Oil changes, batteries and general up-keep. David Wilson NP35 903/235-6458 Joey Garner, SM 39. (318) 663-0101 NEED A HAND? I CAN HELP! with almost anything. House sitting, checking mail, Watering plants (inside and out), pet setting, pet walking, running errands for elderly or sick. Moving in? I can unpack for you. Moving Out? I can clean for you. Call Selena 903-263-1059 (19-year Lake Cherokee resident). Custom Painting, Carpentry, Pressure Washing, General Handyman. Over 25 years experience. Call Mike @ 903/987-0592. (7 year Lake Cherokee resident) AMERICAN MOBILE DETAILING Need your car, boat, RV etc. detailed? Call today for an appointment. We come to you. 903-235-3914 INSIGHT REMODELING Insight provides home owners with quality home remodeling services at affordable prices. We provide a full range of home improvement services. Utilizing a design/build approach helps your project run smoothly, and more efficiently. From design to completion, we can provide you with everything you need to make your home renovation dreams a reality. Call today for a FREE estimate. Dustin Sullivan- 903/790-2229. Senior and military discounts available. REMODELING: Kitchens, baths, room additions, gutter screens & cleaning, tree service. .Free estimates. Any home repair or improvement. Call Rick Warner @ 903/720-7540. OLGA AT YOUR SERVICE House cleaning, short or long term property management. Lake references available. 903-297-1766 home 903-746-5179 cell. BATES PAINTING Residential & Commercial 903/931-1283 Blakely Bates Owner/Operator 5410 Curtis Black Rd. Hallsville, TX 75650 Gonzalez Tree Service Insured & free estimates. Call 903/424-8680 or 903/ 424-8840. 26 Sunday October 2014 Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday 1 2 Friday 3 Saturday 4 Annual Lease Renewal Due Bridge Club Ladies Covered Dish Luncheon @ 11 am 5 6 7 8 Bridge Club @ Noon DEADLINE TO SUBMIT VARIANCES 9 10 11 17 18 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. FULL MOON 12 13 14 Bridge Club @ Noon Columbus Day Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. 19 20 15 KF&T Meeting 6 pm Chatter Ad Deadline Boss’s Day 16 First Friends @ Noon Fall Fishing Tournament CWC Board Mtg 6 p.m. Preservation Club Meeting 21 22 Bridge Club @ Noon 23 Lake Cherokee Fall Cleanup 10am-7pm 24 Lake Cherokee Fall Cleanup 10am-7pm Ballots mailed out NEW MOON 26 Meet the Candidates 1:30-3:00 27 28 29 Bridge Club @ Noon 30 31 Halloween Last day to pay Annual Lease Renewal 25 Lake Cherokee Fall Cleanup 10am-7pm 27 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday WednesdayThursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 Election Day Daylight Savings Time Ends 9 Ballots must be received or postmarked by 5:00pm 10 Fishing Club Meeting 7 p.m. Deadline to Submit Variances 16 4 17 11 Veterans Day KF&T 6pm 18 5 25 Preservation Club Chili Fest 12 Bridge Club @ Noon 13 Golf Course Board Meeting 6 p.m. 19 26 20 15 21 22 First Friends @ Noon Preservation Club Meeting 27 NEW MOON 28 Black Friday Thanksgiving Day CWC Office Closed NEW MOON 14 Annual Shareholders Meeting 7pm Bridge Club @ Noon 30 8 FULL MOON Chatter Ad Deadline 24 7 Bridge Club Luncheon 11 am Bridge Club @ Noon 23 6 CWC Office Closed 29 28 #1 Top Listing, Selling & Producing agency on Lake Cherokee (903) 643-2828 • Beautiful Lake Cherokee Alice Berryhill (903) 643-2833 Patty Clark (903) 643-2833 Kristina Coolidge (903) 720-3848 Frances Everett (903) 643-7527 Carolyn James (903) 643-1075 SHAREHOLDERS WANT TO KNOW... Carol Coolidge Real Estate Annual Fishing Contest Q: When a shareholder dies, what action is required of the surviving spouse or the estate regarding the transfer of stock? August winners Genia Holland SD 14 8.47 lb. catfish A: Every share and lease has to be in the name of a real, living individual. The CWC will work with the surviving spouse or the estate of the deceased, and we understand that sometimes, probating an estate is not a simple or quick thing to accomplish. The rules require that the share be transferred within one year and one day after the death of a shareholder. Bob Tippit SH 31 1.8 lb. crappie Jessica Pettit NE 46 1.8 lb. crappie Mike McDonald SM 40 6.64 lb. bass Carolyn Matter (903) 643-3969 Kyle McMurrey (903) 918-8064 Paul Oberthier (903) 746-3314 LATE FEES ASSESSED ON NOVEMBER 1ST If you have forgotten to renew your lease, remember that beginning November 1, a $100 late fee is assessed, which must be paid before your lease can be renewed. An additional $100 is added on the first day of each month thereafter. When the Board sends the overdue accounts to the attorney for collection, the delinquent accounts begin accruing legal fees as well as the late fees. ANNUAL SHAREHOLDERS MEETING IN NOVEMBER The 2014 Annual Shareholders Meeting will be conducted on Thursday, November 13th, at 7:00pm. The meeting will take place in the downstairs Civic Center of the CWC office building at NK-20. The four Board members who will serve terms from 2015 to 2017 will be elected and announced at the meeting. BOARD ELECTION BALLOTS AND PROXIES DUE NOW Ballots for the election of the Cherokee Water Company Board of Directors will be mailed out on October 23, 2014. This year, November 4th will be the deadline for mailing in your ballot or proxy for the purpose of voting for the candidates. The ballot or proxy must be postmarked by November 4th, or must be turned into the office by November 4th at 5:00 in order to be counted. Shareholders voting their own ballot may hand carry their ballot to the Annual Shareholders Meeting on November 13th.
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