Saint Francis of Assisi Parish 600 Hamilton Street, Norristown, PA 19401 SACRAMENTS AND DEVOTIONS Baptism: Usually the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 1:15 PM. Pre-Jordan class is the third Monday of odd - numbered months. Pre-Jordan must be attended by all parents expecting their first child. Please call the rectory to schedule your Pre-Jordan. Marriage: Initial arrangements must be made at least six months prior to your wedding date. Please call the rectory and set up an appointment with the pastor. Communion Calls: Holy Communion is brought by the deacon and Extraordinary Ministers on a monthly basis to elderly and ill parishioners who are unable to attend Mass. Please notify the Rectory to arrange a visit. MASS SCHEDULE Saturday Evening - 5:30 PM Sunday - 7:00 AM, 9:30 AM,12:00 and 5:30 PM Monday thru Saturday - 8:30 AM Eve of Holydays - 5:30 PM Holydays of Obligation –8:30 AM, 12:00 and 7:00 PM (except Christmas and Easter) CONFESSION SCHEDULE Saturday: After 8:30 AM Mass & 4:00 PM—5:00 PM (other times by appointment) RECTORY OFFICE HOURS Monday through Thursday 8:00 AM – 8:00 PM (closed between 12:00 and 1:00 PM) Friday hours until 4:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM Sunday 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM New Parishioners—Welcome to SFA! Please call the Rectory to arrange a time to register in our parish. Hospitals: Pastoral care for Catholic patients in area hospitals is shared by the local parishes. When you or a loved one is admitted please inform the hospital that you are a Catholic so that you will receive Holy Communion and the Sacrament of the Sick from the parish responsible for the hospital that day. Devotions: Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament—Mon 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The church is accessible by the handicap door after the 8:30 AM Mass until 4:00 PM (Sept.-May) Rosary – Monday thru Saturday at 8:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet—Tues after the 8:30 AM Mass. Infant of Prague Novena- Wed after the 8:30 AM Mass. Sacred Heart Devotions—Fri after the 8:30 AM Mass. Miraculous Medal Novena-Sat after the 8:30 AM Mass. Visits to the Blessed Sacrament—Tuesday through Saturday after the 8:30 AM Mass until 4 PM—Stop at the rectory for the keypad code. CLERGY AND STAFF Rev. James E. Goerner, M.Div., Pastor Deacon James Mahar, Permanent Deacon Rev. Augustine Esposito, OSA., Weekend Assistant Rev. Jack Mc Atee, OSA., Weekend Assistant Mr. Edward Scott, Business Manager Miss Nancy Sanchez, Coordinator of Religious Education Miss Bridget Tigue, School Principal Mrs. Erica Gonzalez, Director, Early Learning Center Mrs. Elizabeth Nacarelli, Parish Secretary Mrs. Dolores Landis, Office Manager BULLETIN DEADLINE – Monday 12 Noon CONTACT INFORMATION Rectory: Phone 610-272-0402, Fax 610-272-1794 Email: [email protected] Website: School: Phone 610-272-0501, Fax 610-272-8011 Email: [email protected] Website: Early Learning Center: Phone 610-757-1523, Fax 484-231-8646 Email: [email protected] Website Prayer Request Line: 610-757-4070 TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 Monday, October 13th Tuesday, October 14th Wednesday, October 15th Thursday, October 16th Friday, October 17th Saturday, October 18th Sunday, October 19th 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 8:30 5:30 7:00 9:30 12:00 5:30 James Dever—Wife, Theresa John Cicippio—Sister, Anna Pascale and Family Prayer Service Jack Hannan—Wife, Sis Howard and Lillian Berner—Children Maria Eustis—Husband, Nate Len Kelly—Kelly Family Peter Palma, Jr.—Family For the Parishioners John Collier—Nancy Collier and Family Leonard Jeffers—Wife, Regina ALTAR SERVERS—OCTOBER 18/19 5:30 PM Marie Montanez, Dominic Montanez 7:00 AM Abbey Martinez, Luis Martinez 9:30 AM Jeanne Salvo, Rachel Boulger 12:00 PM Anthony Lopez, Jorely Lopez 5:30 PM Nick Whitley, Olivia Whitley EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS—OCTOBER 18/19 5:30 PM Lee McNamara, Barbara Calhoun 7:00 AM Tony Barbato, B.J. Mumford 9:30 AM Ed Scott, Mary Maguire 12:00 PM Don Skaw, Kathleen McTamney 5:30 PM Lillian O’Donnell, Gene Alcendor LECTORS—OCTOBER 18/19 5:30 PM Florence Bruno 7:00 AM Charles Zurek 9:30 AM Margaret Caracappa 12:00 PM The Children 5:30 PM Lillian Gambone SUNDAY CONBTRIBUTIONS—OCTOBER 5, 2014 Sunday Collection ……………………………..….. $10,707 Sunday Collection One Year Ago……….………… $10,713 Change from Last Year………………………… - $ 6 Thank you very much for your contributions! Please remember to use your envelopes! Please consider remembering St. Francis of Assisi Parish in your will! FAMILY REGISTER We mourn those who have gone before us in death and commend them to the Lord and the communion of saints: Arenida Busciacco Angeline Picariello BAPTISM PREPARATION CLASS (PRE JORDAN) The next class in English will be held on Monday, November 17, 2014 at 7:00 PM. The next class in Spanish will be held on Monday, October 20, 2014 at 7:00 PM. Pre Jordan classes are held in the Parish Meeting House Room 1. Please contact the rectory to register. PARISH CALENDAR OF EVENTS ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT EVERY MONDAY BEGINNING SEPT. 8 FROM 9 AM TO 4 PM Monday 2:30 Cheerleading (G) 4:00 Teen PREP (R) 6:30 Cub Scout Committee (R) 7:00 Ladies Business Mtg. (MH1,K) Tuesday 4:00 RCIA Teens (R) 7:00 RCIA Adults (MH2) Thursday 6:00 Guitar Group Practice (C) 6:30 Ladies Craft (MHB) 6:30 Follow Christ (MH1,2,K) 6:30 Cub Scouts (S) 6:30 Home & School (PK Class) 7:00 Legion of Mary (R) Friday 7:30 Donuts with Dad (G) Wednesday 7:00 Choir (C) Sunday 10:30 PREP (S) PLEASE PRAY FOR OUR SICK The sick list will be updated monthly. We will be glad to keep the name of your loved one on the list for one month. If you want to extend a request for prayers beyond that time, please call the Rectory to let us know so we do not remove your loved one’s name from the list. Please remember only the names of the seriously ill should be placed on our sick Stephen Buckley Joe Byrnes Michael Cantello Jack Char Nicholas Ciccarella Brian DeCarlo Vincent DeCarlo Daniel Enz Fr. Dominick Finn S. Henry Frances SSJ Ed Howard Nancy Kazmierczak Joseph Marchese Rose Marinari Charlotte Mateja Bethann McElroy John Moore Edward O’Brien Harriet Paravati Blanche Petko David Ruser Kathleen Stephens Sissy Undercuffler John Welcer Charles Wood SACRAMENT OF THE ANOINTING OF THE SICK On Saturday, October 25th, the 8:30 am Mass will include the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick. Those whose health has been seriously impaired due to illness or age may receive the Sacrament. If you wish to receive the Anointing of the Sick on Saturday, October 25th at 8:30 am, please contact the rectory in advance. Page001-031 ROSARY FOR THE FAMILY October is the month dedicated to the rosary. As the Church prepares for the World Meeting of Families next September in Philadelphia we are all called to pray for our families and families all over the world. Following the traditional form of the Rosary, these special intentions can be added to the individual decades. The Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary are particularly fitting for these family centered intentions. The rosary… Prayed as a family Decade 1: For our marriage (Single parents: For my personal holiness) Decade 2: For our children Decade 3: For our extended family Decade 4: For those who have died in our family Decade 5: For our family to grow in our mission of love and for the grace to become fully alive as a family The rosary… Prayed by a single person Decade 1: For my parents Decade 2: For my brothers and sisters Decade 3: For my extended family Decade 4: For those who have died in my family Decade 5: For my own vocation to holiness The rosary… Prayed in the parish or prayer group setting Decade 1: For married couples Decade 2: For parents and grandparents Decade 3: For children Decade 4: For those who are not married Decade 5: That society would protect and foster family life and recognize the unique dignity of the family as the fundamental cell of human society MARK YOUR CALENDARS Upcoming Special Liturgies FAMILY MASS Oct 19th @ Noon MASS FOR RECENTLY DECEASED Nov 2nd @ Noon FORTY HOURS Nov 2, 3 & 4 @ 7:00 PM St. Francis of Assisi parishioners contributed $298 for ProLife roses on the weekend of October 4/5. Thank you for your generous support of Pro-Life! SAVE THE DATE Upcoming Events CHRISTMAS BAZAAR Nov 7th 6:00 – 9:00 PM Nov 8th 10:00 AM – 7:00 PM School Gym CANDLELIGHT ROSARY DEVOTION in honor of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima on Mon., Oct. 13 (the 97th anniversary of the final apparition at Fatima) at 7 pm at St. Paul Church, Johnson Highway & New Hope Street, East Norriton….candles & hankies for the “Fatima Farewell” provided….Benediction & veneration of the Pilgrim Virgin of Fatima statue & of the relics of Fatima….refreshments follow. Stay up to date with local Catholic news from Use your computer or smartphone to read about parish news, Archbishop Chaput’s column and other commentary, plus info on activities throughout the Archdiocese. Sign up for a free newsletter at newsletter . Page 2—031 Trunk or Treat The St. Francis of Assisi Home & School Association is sponsoring a “Trunk or Treat” event on Saturday, October 25th, 2014 from 2:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. in the Parking Lot. Rain Date is Sunday, October 26 th. Donations of wrapped candy can be dropped off at SFA School or Rectory by Friday, October 24 th. Thank you in advance for your generosity! Special Thanks To Our Pasta Dinner Crew Thank you to Anne Korkus for her famous recipe and her time in preparing for our Pasta Dinner and to the ladies who came out to help that day. Thank you to Tony Barbato, Joe DeGrazio, Jim Gallagher, Kenny Salvo and Tom Salvo for setting up and cleaning up; to our cooks in the kitchen; Jim Hunt and Scott Cannon; to Lisa Salvo; to Bridget Tigue and her two nieces Anna Gola and Grace Gola; to the students from SFA; Santino Carlamagno, Kelly Jaquez, Tyler Murray, Angelica Palmore, Maeve Riehman; from our REP; Natalie DeKok and Gabriella Hunt; to our newcomers, Tina Branca and Maureen Connell and to the Ladies of St. Francis who came out and supported this event. It was a success thanks to all of you!! God bless. The Saint Francis of Assisi School Canticle Where Service, Faith, & Academics Come Together WE VALUE . . . CATHOLIC EDUCATION Catholic Education I am pleased to announce the results of the Student Council Elections here at St. Francis of Assisi School for the 2014 – 2015 academic year. President Maria Montanez (8th Grade) Vice-President Angelica Palmore (8th Grade) Secretary Taylor Roberto (8th Grade) Treasurer Tyler Murray (8th Grade) Director of Activities Madelyn Skaw (8th Grade) Homeroom Representatives: 4th Grade Henry Hernandez & Nylah Smith th 5 Grade DJ Johnson & Olivia Whitley 6th Grade Andrea Lopez & Dominic Montanez 7th Grade Angela Barragan & Tamia Pat- terson The Ladies of St. Francis annual Christmas Bazaar is fast approaching. If anyone would like to donate liquor and/or wine for our liquor wheel, please drop it off at the rectory during business hours. If anyone would like to volunteer to help at the bazaar, Friday November 7th from 6 to 9 p.m. and/or Saturday November 8th from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m., please contact Linda Steppe at 610 -539-7917 to discuss. As always, thank you for your continued support in helping to make the bazaar a success for St. Francis. God bless! Attention Crocheters and Knitters: The Ladies of St. Francis are in need of knitted or crocheted scarves, mittens, sweaters, baby sweaters, booties and blankets for our Christmas Bazaar. Items can be dropped off at the rectory during normal business hours up until November 2nd. Thank you for your continued support of The Ladies of St. Francis. CYO CORNER The CYO basketball program is seeking coaches for the Boys JV and Varsity teams. Anyone interested in coaching those teams should contact Jim Riehman at 610-635-0899 or Vince Corropolese at 610-721--6763. Registration for boys and girls basketball teams are now being accepted through October 30. Registration forms can be obtained in the rectory or on the St Francis of Assisi school website. 8th Grade Samuel Anders & Maeve Riehman Our Student Council Officers were recognized at the end of the School Mass on Friday, October 3rd, 2014. Officers received their certificates and pins from Fr. Goerner. Congratulations to our Student Council Officers! Here’s a look at the week ahead: Monday, October 13th, 2014 – Columbus Day Band Lessons for 3rd – 8th Grades in the Gym Book Fair – Class Browsing Cheerleading Practice 2:30 – 4:30 P.M. in the Gym Tuesday, October 14th, 2014 “All for Books” Dress Down Day ($1.00 Donation) Book Fair – Class Browsing Wednesday, October 15th, 2014 Book Fair – Pre-K, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 6th Grade, & 7th Grade Facenda Whitaker Bowling Club 2:40 – 5:00 P.M. Girl Scout Meeting @ 6:30 P.M. in 2nd Grade classroom Thursday, October 16th, 2014 Book Fair – 2nd Grade, 3rd Grade, 4th Grade, 5th Grade, & 8th Grade Home & School Meeting @ 6:30 P.M. in the Technology Lab Scout Meeting beginning at 6:45 P.M. in the Library, 1st Grade, & 2nd Grade Friday, October 17th, 2014 Donuts with Dad 7:40 – 8:30 A.M. in the Gym Trunk or Treat RSVPs due Page 3—031 PARISH ACTIVITIES AND ORGANIZATIONS Aid For Friends Lynn Trombetta Altar Servers (Schedule) Lillian Aguilar Bereavement Committee Fr. James Goerner Cantors Michael Maresca Carnival Committee Tom O’Donnell Choir—Adult Michael Maresca Contemporary Music Group Anne Korkus Cub Scouts John Moore Deaf Apostolate Fr. Anthony Russo Eucharistic Adoration Group Liz Nacarelli Extraordinary Ministers Tony Barbato Evangelization Group Adel Herge Finance Council Fr. James Goerner Greeters John Bilella Ladies of St. Francis Linda Steppe Lectors Tony Barbato Legion of Mary Virginia Chernick Liturgy Committee Fr. James Goerner Men of St. Francis Charles Wood Musicians Michael Maresca Pastoral Council Fr. James Goerner Prayer Shawl Ministry Kay Boyce Pre-Jordan Nancy Sanchez Prayer Line Volunteers Nancy DeKok P.R.E.P. (C.C.D.) Nancy Sanchez Pro-Life Group Joseph Aquilani, Jr. RCIA Nancy Sanchez Senior Citizens Ann Filon St. Vincent dePaul Tony Antunes Ushers John Bilella 215-464-2224 717-514-7035 610-272-0402 610-539-7597 610-476-3050 610-539-7597 610-539-7854 610-272-3324 215-423-9547 610-272-0402 484-576-3161 610-547-5935 610-272-0402 610-279-1058 610-539-7917 484-576-3161 610-630-6950 610-272-0402 267-438-2572 610-539-7597 610-272-0402 610-539-1876 610-272-0402 610-277-1344 610-272-0402 610-539-0592 610-272-0402 610-539-5055 610-272-0402 610-279-1058 PASTORAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Millie Cooper, Nancy DeKok, Rev. James E. Goerner, Deacon Jim Mahar, Kay McDonald, Lillian O’Donnell, Patricia Perna, Nancy Sanchez, Linda Steppe, Bridget Tigue FINANCE COUNCIL MEMBERS Patricia Bader, Jim Busciacco, Rev. James E. Goerner, Patricia Perna, Felicia Riehman, Mary Anne Serosky, Edward Shaw, Edward Scott What’s happening at the National Shrine of St. Katharine Drexel: Saturday, November 1, 2014 ** 10 a.m.—4 p.m. Retreat given by Sr. Joanne Bauer, SBS. “How Blessed Are You!” Includes lunch and praise music by FACE- DOWN. $25 per person ~ RSVP by October 24. _________________________________________ October 12, 2014—Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time Reflection by Rev. Leonard N. Peterson “RSVP.” Four little letters found at the bottom of most invitations, capturing the ever polite words of the French “Repondez s’il vous plait”, or “Please reply”. Most of us are graciously inclined to do just that, aware as we are that our host needs our response to prepare properly for the event. Not to reply is more than a breach of etiquette. It is actually uncharitable toward the host, who thought enough of you to include you. Such courtesies like an invitation reply are fading from the scene. And if the behavior of at least some (underline “some”) among the younger generation is to be reckoned, we are becoming a rude people. Witness how a beachside music concert open to young people last August was ruined by youngsters overdosing on drugs and trashing the venue. This prompted the mayor of the town to declare afterward “Never again!” Happily I can contrast that scene with the opposite, as witness thousands of happy and polite Asian youth greeted our Holy Father at a Mass during his recent visit to South Korea. God has invited all of us to an indescribably wonderful banquet, which is one way Jesus used to describe heaven. I daresay His picture of heaven is far more exciting than that of the cartoonists who picture heaven as harp strumming on clouds! Our invitation arrives at Baptism. We are even given directions to the banquet hall through the Sacred Scriptures. We are asked to come dressed via sacramental grace. We are even reminded by the Host not to bring any gift for Him except our love. Have you sent back your reply card? It’s true that we all know people who think all of this as fantasy for the foolish. Just as the Lord described in the parable, they “ignore the invitation and walk away,” preferring their “farm or business.” There are more of such people today in our country and Europe. “Former Catholics” make up the second largest group according to pollsters. Wisely, we let the King decide what to do about their ignored invitations. Nor should we forget the stalwart Catholics in places like the Middle East, China and Africa who cling to their creed despite persecutions like those of ancient Roman days. What is paramount for us is to keep our banquet ticket secure and safe inside our hearts, making certain each day that we renew for God our positive “RSVP.” Saturday, November 8, 2014 ** 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. Craft Show *** Vendors needed. Call 215-244-9900 X380 or email [email protected] Marriage Preparation Day Saturday, October 18 at St. Philip Neri Church in Lafayette Hill, PA. For more information and to register, please contact the church office at 610-834-1975. Please pray for all couples participating and preparing for the sacrament of Marriage. Page 4-031
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