St. Michael the Archangel Church St. Michael’s Parish Family Served by: On the corner of Ridge Rd. and Page Ave. Rectory and Parish Office: 624 Page Ave, Lyndhurst, NJ 07071 Sunday Masses: Anticipated Saturday evening at 5:00 PM Sunday at 7:30 AM, 9:00 AM, 10:15 AM (in Polish), and 11:30 AM Weekday Masses: 7:00 AM, 8:00AM and Noon Holy Days: Please, see second page for schedule. Sacrament of Reconciliation - Confession: Saturday: 4:00 to 5:00 PM Weekdays: Before Mass Miraculous Medal Novena Mondays at 7:00 PM Sacrament of Baptism Call the rectory for scheduling and preparation. Sacrament of Matrimony Engaged couples should make arrangements at least one year prior to their wedding. Call the rectory to speak to one of the priests for scheduling and preparation. Sacrament of the Sick Urgent calls at any time. Holy Communion and visitation by arrangement. With Song St. Michael’s English Choir and St. Cecilia’s Polish Choir welcome new members. Please, call the rectory. Teaching the Good News Angel Academy: Offering Pre-K 3 & Pre-K 4 Program. CCD on Sunday Mornings: Religious education and Sacramental preparation for Public School Students in grades 1-8. Class begins with Mass at 9:00 AM in Church and ends in the classroom at 11:00 AM. Two years of preparation are required for the Sacraments of First Penance and First Holy Communion, and 8 years for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Rev. Stanley S. Kostrzomb, Pastor Rev. Ireneusz Pierzchala, Parochial Vicar Rev. John Quill, In Residence Rev. George Sharp, Assistant in Residence Gene DeHaven and Michelle Latko, Trustees Michael Mages Business Manager Mary Ann Lesny, Parish Secretary Genevieve Mazur, Director of Liturgical Music Nick Uliano, Co-ordinator of Ushers Roberta Pocius, Director of Angel Academy Gene DeHaven, Director of Religious Ed Telephone Numbers Parish Office: (201) 939-1161 Fax: (201) 939-7571 Angel Academy: (201) 939-0350 Parish Web Site: Parish e-mail: [email protected] Rosary Society (English): Meetings take place on the 2nd Monday of each month (except July and August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New members are welcomed. Holy Name Society: Meetings take place on the 2nd Thursday of each month (except July and August) in the Rectory Meeting Room. New members are welcomed. Śpowiedź: W dni powszednie: przed każdą Mszą Świętą W sobotę: 16tej do 17tej. Chrzty: W każdą niedzielę o 13tej godzinie. Prosimy o zgłoszenie się po informacje do któregoś z księży parafialnych. Sakrament Malżeństwa: Nalży zgłosić się do jednego z księży parafialnych minimum jeden rok przed planowanym terminem ślubu. Nauka Religii: Dla dzieci wszystkich klas szkół publicznych odbywają się w ciągu roku szkolnego w niedzielę od 9tej (Msza Świętą) do 11:15. Przed otrzymaniem Sakramentów: Pierwszej spowiedzi i Komunii Św. uczniowie powinni uczestniczć w dwuletnim programie przygotowawczym. Przygotowanie do Bierzmowania trwa 8 lat. Sakrament Chorych: W sprawie odwiedzin chorych w domu lub w szpitalu proszę dzwonić do Kancelarii Parafialnej. Kancelaria Parafialna Czynna: Od poniedziałku do piątku od 9tej do 19tej. W soboty od 9tej do 13tej. W niedziele Kancelaria nieczynna. Polska Szkoła: Nauka odbywa się w każdy piątek od godziny 17tej do 20tej. Towarzystwo Różańca: Polskie towarzystwo Różańca Świetego spotyka się w każdą ostatnią niedzielę po Mszy. Świętej 10:15. 28TH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OCTOBER 12, 2014 SATURDAY—OCTOBER 11—SOBOTA 5:00 † Deceased Members of the Hopkins Family— Theresa Sawicki SUNDAY– OCTOBER 12—NIEDZIELA 7:30 † Peter Polomski (Happy Birthday in Heaven) Wife 9:00 † Rev. Joseph Szklarski—Rose and Rich 10:15 † Stanislaw & Helena Konikowski—Sister-inlaw 11:30 † David D.J. Della Volpe—Mom and Dad and Grandma & Grandpa Kile THURSDAY—OCTOBER 16—CZWARTEK (Sts. Hedwig & Margaret Mary Alacoque) 7:00 † Vincent A.Urgola—Noreen Hartnett 8:00 † Vincent A. Urgola—Rosemary J. Lavagnino 12:00 † Joseph Wolczanski FRIDAY—OCTOBER 17—PIATEK (St. Ignatius) 7:00 † Margaret Lomio—Nick Spina 8:00 † Jeanne Aragona 12:00 † Helen O’Donnell—Davis Family MONDAY—OCTOBER 13—PONIEDZIALEK 7:00 † George H. Blauvelt Sr.—Irene Blauvelt & Family 8:00 † Vincent Urgola—Maria & John Horuzy 12:00 † Steven & Julia Orlikowski—Hank & Ann Kushwara and Bernie & Evelyn Vigna SATURDAY—OCTOBER 18—SOBOTA (St. Luke) 7:30 † Michael Slipec—Waleria Slipec TUESDAY– OCTOBER 14—WTOREK (St. Callistus I) 7:00 † Reilly & Connolly Families—Eleanor Connolly 8:00 † Jeanne Aragona 12:00 † Casimir Golembiewski—St. Michael’s Ushers NEXT SUNDAY—OCTOBER 19—NIEDZIELA 7:30 † Peter Polomski—Wife 9:00 † Dennis Karst—Matthews’ Family 10:15 † Rev. Joseph Szklarski—Kornak Family 11:30 † Salvatore Tita—Daughter, Eileen 5:00 † Dimitrios G. Tsarnas (Happy Name Day) Mother, Paula Tsarnas WEDNESDAY—OCTOBER 15—SRODA (St. Teresa of Jesus) 7:00 Donna Marie & Joseph Blauvelt—Irene & Beverly Blauvelt and Family 8:00 † Joanne Bielen (Happy Birthday) - Husband, Children and Grandchildren 12:00 † Howard Plewacki—Aunt Jean Wilczynski For the week of October 12th, the Altar Bread and Sacramental Wine used at the Altar was given in loving memory of Vincent Urgola from the Urgola Family. For the week of October 12th , the Altar Candles were given in loving memory of my Beloved Dad, John Marsh from Daughter, Louise Stack. . For the week of October 12th, the Pope John Paul II Votive will burn in loving memory of Joseph Wolczanski from Family. A Proper Confession... We reflected on the sacred seal of the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Penance) last week. The Church is so strict about the secrecy of required in this sacrament because of the critical importance of availing ourselves of God's mercy and having our sins absolved. There is no reason why we should stay away from Confession as long as we intend to make a valid confession. In the case of serious sins, a person needs to go to confession, otherwise these sins remain on his soul. In order for it to be Confession or Reconciliation, there are certain conditions. First, the penitent must actually confess his sins to a priest. It must be done with sorrow (contrition) which includes the purpose of amendment. This means one may not confess what he intends to do or say that he is sorry for what he did but is going to do it again. The penitent's intention is not to sin again. Even though he knows his weaknesses, he will do all in his power with God's help to avoid sin. Also, the person must make a complete confession, that is, confess all the sins he remembers since his last worthy confession. The Act of Contrition says it all. "O, my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee..." I am serious about my regret because I know that I have disobeyed God. "...I dread the loss of Heaven and the pains of hell, but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love." Fear of the loss of God is sufficient sorrow. It's called imperfect contrition. We, however, should strive for perfect contrition, that is, being truly sorry because we went against God. It comes from love of God. But, no one can be sure if he has perfect contrition. Nevertheless, we should want it. "I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to sin no more and to avoid the occasions of sin." Here's the amendment, meaning we will change our lives to avoid the sins we've just confessed. Finally: "Amen." We stake our claim on this. We are serious about this sorrow. Now all of this sounds like a tall order. But, we should not be afraid to make good confessions. God knows our weaknesses. He is most pleased with our efforts even if we fail. The point is that we love Him, we are sorry for each and every sin, we want Him to forgive us, we go to confession for absolution and we do our best to live better, to live in His grace. Fr. Stanley The Rectory office will be closed for regular business on Monday, October 13th for Columbus Day. It will reopen on Tuesday, October 14th at 9am. How You Can Help Us “Make Every Penny Count” The Community Alliance Program gives us the opportunity to earn money based on the number of supporters who bank with Boiling Springs. We receive quarterly donations based upon our supporters’ designated accounts or new loans at Boiling Springs. No monies are withdrawn from your accounts and all donation dollars come directly from Boiling Springs. Supporters can help us earn money by opening new accounts or loans or by having existing account at Boiling Springs and designating them as Community Alliance participants. Eligible Accounts are: CDs, IRAs, Checking Accounts, Savings Accounts, Money Market Accounts, and Premium Checking Accounts. Eligible Loans are: New Mortgage Loans, New Home Equity Loans, and New Home Equity Lines of Credit. Loan customers must affiliate with a CAP organization within 60 days of origination. For more information please call (201) 939-5550 or visit your nearest Boiling Springs Savings Bank Branch at 753 Ridge Road in Lyndhurst. The collections taken up on last weekend were: 1st Collection: $4,755.00 2nd Collection taken up totaled: $1,926.00 Please , pray for those who are sick, especially: Claire Jasinski Sakura Ibarrola Karen Kirschenman Sophie Wiercinski John Caracciola Karen Rubin Louis Bottone Sr. Richard Fontana Charles Fersch Bill McGill Valerie Pogoda Ed Pogoda Joan Morreale Edward J. Flanagan, Sr. Jasmine Dursun Pat Killeen Sharon Strickland Denise Ayers Carmine Morreale Lorraine Slaby Eleanor Hale Josephine Toczylowski Frank Ruff, Jr. Paul T. Komisar, Jr. Alma Compel Cynthia Hower Josephine Bednarz John Poturaj Josephine Yaniero Angelina Edelman Donna Zwolinski Victor Luiz Arena Jean Wilczynski Rosina Calamusa Joseph Reilly Vito Petrone Jenna Cruz Judy Gagel Dolores Komisar Joseph Pietrucha Barbara Mazzerell Robert Reilly Louis R. Caracciola Caridad Diaz Baby Ryan Joseph Lomuscio Ralph Rossano Anna K. John Deveney Stanley C. Dembowski Marie Thomas Lorraine Tartell Charine Sherry Please note that it is necessary to call the rectory every two weeks you want a name in the bulletin for Prayer for the Sick. We cannot accept requests that a name be on the list for more than two weekly bulletins at a time. If you want a name on this list, you must call the rectory or drop off a note with the name before the bulletin goes to print. Bulletin goes to print on Tuesdays. We pray for those who have died this past week, especially: Jennie Buraszeski We would like to dedicate this section of our bulletin for any immediate family members of parishioners who are currently active in the Military. If you would like a family member included on our “Service Prayer List”, please call the Rectory. SERVICE PRAYER LIST Franklin Chapman Laura and Brian Falk Christopher Ruff Anthony Avella David Pickard David Dillon Michael DiGesu Joseph Campolattaro Ryan Lee Thomas D. D’Alessio Robert Tagliabue Anthony Tagliabue Chad Brown Alexandra Karwoski The winners of our Annual 50/50 Drawing at our Picnic were: 1st Prize: Adrienne Caruso—$2,932.50 2nd Prize: Elzbieta Czarnecki—$1,466.25 3rd Prize: Marie Rokoszak—$488.75 We thank all our parishioners and friends who participated on this day either by donating their time or buying tickets and / or food. The Parish Family of Saint Anthony of Padua Church, 330 Sixth Street, Jersey City, NJ will celebrate its 130th Anniversary with a Mass of Thanksgiving on Sunday, October 26, 2014 at 11:00am. Immediately followed by a Celebration Dinner/Dance to be held at Casino in the Park, Jersey City, NJ. Contact the rectory at 201-653-0343 for information. TODAY’S READINGS Monday thru Saturday—6:30am—rosary is recited .Monday, October 13 Miraculous Medal Novena takes place every Monday evening at 7:00pm. Tuesday, October 14 Food Pantry volunteers meet at 6:30pm in the Rectory followed by a meeting at 7:00pm. Thursday, October 16 Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament takes place after the 7:00am Mass until 8:00pm. First Reading — On this mountain the LORD will make for all peoples a feast of rich food and choice wines (Isaiah 25:6-10a). Psalm — I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life (Psalm 23). Second Reading — God will supply whatever you need (Philippians 4:12-14, 19-20). Gospel — I have prepared my banquet, and everything is ready. Come to the feast! (Matthew 22:1-14 [1-10]). RCIA classes take place from 7-8pm in the convent. Friday, October 17 AA meeting at 7:30pm in the Lower Church Hall. Sunday, October 19 CCD Classes begin with the 9am Mass followed by class till 11am. Two Day Christmas Spectacular: On Saturday, November 1st and Sunday, November 2nd, St. Joseph Regional H.S., Montvale, NJ will be hosting its Christmas Craft Spectacular from 10am until 4pm, showcasing the talents of 120 crafts people and fine artists. The whole first floor will be used. Admission is $2.00. Children and senior citizens (65+) are free. NO STROLLERS PERMITTED. Bereavement Group Has the loss of a loved one left you depressed, fearful, anxious or lonely? Perhaps you can find help through sharing your feelings in the bereavement Support Group at the church of Saint Mary located at 91 Home Avenue in Rutherford, NJ. The first session will be held on Thursday, October 16th and continues on Thursday evenings through November 20th. Each session begins at 7:30pm and ends at 9:00pm in the Parish center located beneath the church. Reservations are required and can be made by contacting the parish office 201-4382200. deadline: October 13th. We look forward to meeting you. FOOD PANTRY…. We are in need of the following for our food pantry: Vegetables, Tuna and Beans Seton Hall Prep—New Jersey’s oldest catholic prep school—will be hosting its annual Open House for 7th and 8th grade boys and their families on Sunday, October 19 between 12 and 3pm. Visitors will tour the campus, learn about the application process, and have the opportunity to meet with teachers, coaches, parents, and current students. For more info, please contact Michael T. Zinsmeister, Director of Admission, at 973-3256632 or visit We thank our parishioners and friends for keeping our pantry stocked. Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October 12, 2014 I can do all things in him who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 COVER SHEET CHURCH NAME: St. Michael the Archangel BULLETIN NUMBER: 911048.a12 Date of Publication: October 12, 2014 Number of Pages Transmitted: Special Instructions Cover + 4 text pages + this page = 6
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