Torah r Resources & eLearning for the Torah Community אלף־בית Aleph-Bet Learning to Write the Aleph-Bet in Block & Cursive by Tim Hegg ©1999 All rights reserved The Aleph-Bet א- Aleph א- Aleph (cursive) Aleph has no sound of its own but originally was a glottal stop, like the beginning sound of “uh-huh”. אבא אדני אלהים ב- Bet ב- Bet (cursive) Bet has two different sounds, “B” if it has a dot (dagesh) in it [ ]ּבand “V” if it does not have dagesh []ב ּבַית ּבָרּו ְך ּבֵן ָאּבָא טֹוב “ = ּבb” “ = בv” בן אבא טוב ©1999 All rights reserved ָאּבָא ָאדֹנ ַי ֱאלֹהִים The Aleph-Bet ג- Gimmel =גG ג- Gimmel (cursive) Gammal in Hebrew means “camel”. Does the shape of the Gimmel remind you of a camel? Gimmel sounds like “G” as in “go” גן גואל הגדה גָמָל ג ָדֹול ג ִּבֹור Dalet makes the sound of “D” as in “dog” אדני הגדול הגדה דָן דֶ ֶר ְך =דD דֹודִי ©1999 All rights reserved ד- Dalet ד- Dalet (cursive) Horizontal stroke extends past the vertical leg of the letter The Aleph-Bet Vowel signs ()נקודות Vowel signs are written: Under the letter ָּב Beside the letter ֹּב Under & beside the letter ּבִי Two vowels which say “a” as in “father” ַּב ָּב qametz ָקמֵץ patach ָּפּתָח Two vowels which say “ee” as in “feet” ִּב chiriq qatan חִירִיק ָקטָן ּבִי chiriq gadol חִירִיק ג ָדֹול ֹּב cholam חֹולָם ּבֹו cholam vav חֹולָם ו ָו ©1999 All rights reserved Two vowels which say “o” as in “hole” The Aleph-Bet be sure there is a break here ה- Hey ה- Hey (cursive) Hey sounds like “H” as in “hat”, but at the end of a word it is silent. אברהם הגדה התורה ו- Vav ו- Vav (cursive) Vav sounds like the letter “V”, and sometimes a vav is used to indicate a vowel. be sure the top stroke does not go past the horizontal leg =וV אני ואדי מצוות וָעֶד ו ֵאלֹהֵי אֲבֹותֵינּו ©1999 All rights reserved הֹורָה הַר צּיֹון ִהנ ֵה =הH The Aleph-Bet ז- Zayin ז- Zayin (cursive) Zayin sounds like the “Z” in Zoo מזמור לדוד זקן ח- Chet ח- Chet (cursive) Chet sounds like the rough, German “ch” in “Ach!”. It sounds like an “h” with the throat closed. רֹאׁש חֹדֶׁש ַחלָה =זZ Note: no gap like the ה = חch Note: no “foot” like the ת יצחק משיח שמחה ©1999 All rights reserved זָהָב מְזּוז ָה ז ָ ֵקנ ִים the horizontal stroke goes beyond the verticle leg The Aleph-Bet More vowel signs ()נקודות Two vowels which say “oo” as in “food” ּבּו ֻּב Qibutz קִּבּוץ Shuruq ׁשּורּוק Vowel which says long “a” as in “fate” or short “e” as in “get” ֵּב צֵירֶהTzayreh Vowel which says short “e” as in “get” ֶּב Vowel which makes a quick short “e” sound, as in “petunia” or is silent ְּב ְׁשו ָהSheva ©1999 All rights reserved סֶּגֹולSeghol The Aleph-Bet ט- Tet ט- Tet (cursive) Tet sounds like the “t” in “toy” בטח טטפת חטא י- Yod י- Yod (cursive) Yod sounds like the letter “y” in “yes” and sometimes is used as a vowel letter. =יy פרי להדליק טלית ©1999 All rights reserved טֹוב ָטרֵף לָאַט י ִ ְׂש ָראֵל י ִ ְצחָק י ָד =טt The Aleph-Bet Kaf sounds like the חwhen it is written without dagesh, and like the letter “k” when written with dagesh. Final kaf has the same sounds as initial or medial kaf. ך/ כ- Kaf/Kaf soffit ך/ כ- Kaf (cursive) = כch = ּכk Note: base horizontal does not extend beyond the verticle ברוך מלך מלכותו ל- Lamed ל- Lamed (cursive) לְ ַהדְלִיק לּולָב לֹא =לL אלף מלך ישראל ©1999 All rights reserved ּכֹ ְרעִים ּכֵן ּכׁשֶר The Aleph-Bet ם/ מ- Mem/Mem soffit ם/ מ- Mem (cursive) ם המוציא שמע שלום ן/ נ- Nun/Nun soffit ן/ נ- Nun (cursive) נֹוּתֵן נ ֵר נָבִיא Note that the mem soffit has a flat baseline without the corners rounded. =נN Note that the nun soffit is longer than the vav ( ן, )וwhich is the only way it is distinguished בן ראש השנה אדני 10 ©1999 All rights reserved ֶמלֶ ְך ָמג ֵן דָו ִד מְזּוז ָה =מM The Aleph-Bet ס- Samech ס- Samech (cursive) ם mem soffit ס samech סיני סליחה בסדר Ayin is a SILENT LETTER, though in ancient times it may have had a deep, glottal stop, somewhat like the stopped throaty sound in “uh-huh”. In Arabic the the equivalent letter is a throaty “G” sound. ע-Ayin ע- Ayin (cursive) ִע ְברִית ֶערֶב ָעמִידָה Note that the samech has a rounded baseline or corners which are cut off, distinquishing it from the mem soffit שמע העולם ישוע 11 ©1999 All rights reserved סִּדּור ֻסּכָה ֶספֶר =סS The Aleph-Bet ף/ פ- Peh/Peh soffit ף/ פ- Peh (cursive) ְּפרִי ֶּפסָח ּפֵאֹות = פph = ּפp Note that the peh soffit cursive has the final tale curling downward and back toward the verticle stroke ף אלף הגפן יום כפור ץ/ צ- Tzadi/Tzadi soffit ץ/ צ- Tzadi (cursive) = צtz Note that the tzadi soffit cursive has the final tale curling upward ארץ המוציא מצה 12 ©1999 All rights reserved צִּיֹון ַצּדִיק ֶארֶץ ץ The Aleph-Bet ק- Kof =קK ק- Kof (cursive) קדוש קדיש קידשנו =רR ר- Resh ר- Resh (cursive) Note that the horizontal stroke of the resh does not cross the verticle stroke as is the case in the letter dalet ד dalet ַרּבִי רֹאׁש רּוח ַהּקֹדֶׁש ר resh ארץ תורה ישראל 13 ©1999 All rights reserved י ִ ְצחָק י ַ ֲעקֹב לְ ַהּדְלִיק The Aleph-Bet ׁש/ ׂש- Seen/Sheen = ׂשS, = ׁשSh ש- Seen/Sheen (cursive) Note: in cursive if no dot is written the letter is assumed to be a Sheen ְׁשמָע ִׂש ְמחָה ָׁש ַמי ִם ישראל שבועות שדי = תT ת- Tav ת- Tav (cursive) ת ח ה Note the similarities between no break no foot ְּת ִפלִין ּתֹורָה ּתֹודָה h e y c h e t t a v foot שבת תלמיד בית 14 ©1999 All rights reserved break The Aleph-Bet Complete Aleph/Bet ם/ך ל מ/א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ם/ך ל מ/א ב ג ד ה ו ז ח ט י כ ץ ק ר ׂש ׁש ת/ף צ/ן ס ע פ/נ ץ ק ר ׂש ׁש ת/ף צ/ן ס ע פ/נ Vowels = ְּב sheva very short “e” as in “petunia” ּבָי/“ = ּבַיai” as in “aisle” = ֲּב same as simple patach “a” = ֳּבsame as simple qametz “a” sometimes long “o” = ֱּבsame as simple seghol “e” 15 ©1999 All rights reserved ָּב/ַ = ּבpatach/qametz “a” as in “father” ּבִי/ִ = ּבchiriq qatan/chiriq gadol “ee” as in “feet” ּבֹו/ ֹ = ּבcholem/cholem vav long “o” as in “hole” ּבּו/ֻ = ּבqibbutz/shuruq “oo” as in “food” = ֵּבtzere “a” as in “fate” or “e” as in “get” = ֶּבseghol short “e” as in “get” The Aleph-Bet Additional Vowels “ = ּבֵיay” as in “say” ֲּב = ֲחטָף ַפתַחchataf patach same as simple patach ֳּב = ָקמֵץ חֲטּוףchametz chatuf sometimes long “o”, often same as simple chametz 16 ©1999 All rights reserved = ֱּבsame as simple seghol
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