Chapter 14a – Qal Perfect: Weak Verbsע/חI-Guttural, II-Guttural and III- Strong ע /חIII- קָטַל ק,טְלָה קָטַ.לְתָּ קָטַלְתְּ קָטַ.לְתִּי ק,טְלוּ ְקטַלְתֶּם ְקטַלְתֶּן קָטַ.לְנוּ בָּחַר שָׁמַע שׁ,מְעָה בּ<חֲָרה שָׁמַ.עְתָּ בָּחְַ.רתָּ שָׁמַ.עַתְּ בָּחְַרתְּ שָׁמַ.עְתִּי בָּחְַ.רתִּי שׁ,מְעוּ בּ<חֲרוּ שׁמַעְתֶּם בְּחְַרתֶּם ְ שׁמַעְתֶּן בְּחְַרתֶּן ְ שָׁמַ.עְנוּ בָּחְַ.רנוּ I-Guttural II-Guttural עָמַד ע<מְָדה עָמְַ.דתָּ עָמְַדתְּ עָמְַ.דתִּי ע<מְדוּ עֲמְַדתֶּם עֲמְַדתֶּן עָמְַ.דנוּ 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt א Chapter 14b – Qal Perfect: Weak Hateph Pathach in I-Guttural and II-Guttural Verbs In certain forms of the I-Guttural and II-Guttural paradigms, the Vocal Shewas have changed to the reduced a-type vowel (Hateph Pathach) due to the presence of the guttural consonant. Gutturals can’t take Vocal Shewa. I-Guttural 2mp 2fp א עֲמְַדתֶּם עֲמְַדתֶּן Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt II-Guttural 3fs 3cp בּ<חֲָרה בּ<חֲרוּ Chapter 14c – Qal Perfect: Weak III- אVerbs 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp א III-א Strong מָצָא צְאָה,מ ָאת.ָמָצ מָצָאת אתִי.ָמָצ צְאוּ,מ מְצָאתֶם מְצָאתֶן אנוּ.ָמָצ קָטַל טְלָה,ק ָלְתּ.ַקָט ְקָטַלְתּ לְתִּי.ַקָט טְלוּ,ק ְקטַלְתֶּם ְקטַלְתֶּן לְנוּ.ַקָט Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14d – Qal Perfect: Weak The Spelling of III- אVerbs With III- אverbs, the אis silent in every form. III- אand III- הweak verbs exhibit the following pattern in the 3ms (also the lexical form). Qal Perfect 3ms III-א/III-ה מָצָא/בָּנ ָה 1. The stem vowel has changed from Pathach to Qamets in all but two forms (3fs/3cp). 2. Because of the quiescent א, the expected Shewa under the third root consonant of many of the inflected forms is no longer necessary (as in ָאת.ָ)מָצ. 3. The Daghesh Lene, normally present in the initial consonant of the five sufformatives beginning with a ת, is absent. For example, the 1cs sufformative תִּיhas become תִי. This loss of the Daghesh Lene is occasioned by the quiescing of the אin pronunciation. When this happens, the תis preceded by a vowel sound and, therefore, loses the Daghesh Lene. א Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14e – Qal Perfect: Weak III- הVerbs 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp א Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt III-ה Strong בָּנ ָה בּ<נְתָה ָית.ִ בָּנ בָּנ ִית יתִי.ִ בָּנ בָּנוּ בְּנ ִיתֶם בְּנ ִיתֶן ינוּ.ִ בָּנ קָטַל טְלָה,ק ָלְתּ.ַקָט ְקָטַלְתּ לְתִּי.ַקָט טְלוּ,ק ְקטַלְתֶּם ְקטַלְתֶּן לְנוּ.ַקָט Chapter 14f – Qal Perfect: Weak The Spelling of III- הVerbs The vowel pattern learned for III- אweak verbs in the 3ms is the same for III- הverbs. The irregularities in the paradigm of this weak verb are occasioned by the loss of the final הin every form. Qal Perfect 3ms III-א/III-ה מָצָא/בָּנ ָה 1. The הin the 3ms form ( )בָּנָהis not the third root consonant but a vowel letter used for the final vowel of this form. 2. Note the תin the 3fs form (נְתָה, )בּ. This תwill distinguish the 3fs form from the 3ms form. 3. In all second and first person forms, both singular and plural, the stem vowel is Hireq Yod (for example, ָ)בָּנִ>ית. It is helpful to understand that III- הverbs were originally III- י and the stem vowel of a form like ָ בָּנִ>יתis reminiscent of the original consonant in third root position. In the Qal conjugation, therefore, the diagnostic Hireq Yod stem vowel will help you to identify the III- הclass of verbs. 4. Lastly, as in the III- אparadigm, the Daghesh Lene in the sufformatives beginning with תis absent. א Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14g – Qal Perfect: Weak Doubly Weak Verbs III-ה/ II-Gutt 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp א ָראָה ָראֲתָה ִָית.ָרא ָראִית ִיתִי.ָרא ָראוּ ְראִיתֶם ְראִיתֶן ִינוּ.ָרא Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt III-ה/ I-Gutt Strong Verb עָלָה קָטַל לְתָה,טְלָה ע,ק ָית.ִלְתָּ עָל.ַקָט קָטַלְתְּ עָלִית יתִי.ִלְתִּי עָל.ַקָט טְלוּ עָלוּ,ק ְקטַלְתֶּם עֲלִיתֶם ְקטַ ְלתֶּן עֲלִיתֶן ינוּ.ִטַלְנוּ עָל. ָק Chapter 14h – Qal Perfect: Weak Geminate Verbs Geminate Weak 1 Geminate Strong Strong Verb Geminate Weak 2 קָטַל ק,טְלָה קָטַ.לְתָּ קָטַלְתְּ קָטַ.לְתִּי ק,טְלוּ ְקטַלְתֶּם ְקטַלְתֶּן קָטַ.לְנוּ אַָרר סָבַב תַּם אְ,רָרה ס,בְבָה תּּ ַ.מָה תַּ ּמ.וֹתָ אָר.וֹתָ סַבּ.וֹתָ תַּמּוֹת אָרוֹת סַבּוֹת תַּ ּמ.וֹתִי אָר.וֹתִי סַבּ.וֹתִי אְ,ררוּ ס,בְבוּ תַּ.מּוּ תַּמּוֹתֶם אָרוֹתֶם סַבּוֹתֶם תַּמּוֹתֶן אָרוֹתֶן סַבּוֹתֶן תַּ ּמ.וֹנוּ אָר.וֹנוּ סַבּ.וֹנוּ 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt א Chapter 14i – Qal Perfect: Weak The Spelling of Geminate Verbs ָוֹת.ּסַב Loss of Daghesh Lene in Sufformative Holem Waw Connecting Vowel Assimilated Geminate Consonant 1. The verb אַָררdiffers from סָבַבin one way. In the second and first person forms, singular and plural, the Geminate consonant of אַָררrejects the Daghesh Forte and the Pathach under the אbecomes Qamets due to compensatory lengthening (ָוֹת.)אָר. 2. With תָּמַםthe Geminate consonant has assimilated in all forms and remains as a Daghesh Forte (except in the 3ms). א Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14j – Qal Perfect: Weak Biconsonantal Verbs Strong Verb קָטַל ק,טְלָה קָטַ.לְתָּ קָטַלְתְּ קָטַ.לְתִּי ק,טְלוּ ְקטַלְתֶּם ְקטַלְתֶּן קָטַ.לְנוּ Weak בּוֹא בָּא ָבּ.אָה בָּ.אתָ בָּאת בָּ.אתִי בָּ.אוּ בָּאתֶם בָּאתֶן בָּ.אנוּ Strong Strong שִׂים קוּם קָם שָׂם ָק.מָה שָׂ.מָה שַׂ.מְתָּ קַ.מְתָּ שַׂמְתְּ קַמְתְּ שׂ.מְתִּי ַק.מְתִּי ַ קָ.מוּ שָׂ.מוּ שַׂמְתֶּם קַמְתֶּם שַׂמְתֶּן קַמְתֶּן שׂמְנוּ קַ.מְנוּ ַ. 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt א Chapter 14k – Qal Perfect: Weak The Lexical Form of Biconsonantal Verbs Biconsonantal verbs are composed of two consonants. These verbs are also called “Hollow” or II- י/ וverbs. קָם שָׂם בָּא to rise to set, put to enter The lexical or dictionary form of a Biconsonantal verb is not the Qal Perfect 3ms form. These verbs are listed in the lexicon under their Infinitive Construct forms and, as such, appear with their vowel letters (either Shureq, Hireq Yod or Holem Waw). א Qal Perfect 3ms Lexical Form (Infinitive Construct) קָם שָׂם בָּא קוּם שִׂים בּוֹא Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14l – Qal Perfect: Weak Distinguishing Between III-ה, Geminate and Biconsonantal Verbs With III-ה, Geminate and Biconsonantal verbs, only two root consonants are present in most Qal Perfect forms. In order to correctly identify the weak verb class, you will need to recognize certain diagnostic indicators. Study the Qal Perfect 2ms forms of these three weak verb classes. III-ה Geminate Biconsonantal ָבָּנ >ִית ָוֹת.ּסַב ַָמְתּ.ק 1. III-( הoriginally III- )יverbs have a Hireq Yod stem vowel in most forms. 2. Geminate verbs have a Holem Waw connecting vowel and a Daghesh Forte in the geminate consonant. 3. Biconsonantal verbs have neither the Hireq Yod stem vowel of the III- הclass, nor the Holem Waw connecting vowel or the Daghesh Forte of the Geminate class. א Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt Chapter 14m – Qal Perfect: Weak הָיָה andנָתַן The Verbs Strong Verb הָיָה נָתַן to be to give הָיָה קָטַל ק,טְלָה ה<יְתָה קָטַ.לְתָּ הָי>ִיתָ קָטַלְתְּ הָי ִית קָטַ.לְתִּי הָי>ִיתִי ק,טְלוּ הָיוּ ְקטַלְתֶּם הֱי ִיתֶם ְקטַ ְלתֶּן הֱי ִיתֶן קָ .טַלְנוּ הָי>ִינוּ נָתַן נ<תְנָה נָתַָּ .ת נָתְַּ .ת נָתַּ .תִי נ<תְנוּ נְתַ ּתֶם נְתַ ּתֶן נָתַ.נ ּוּ 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt א Chapter 14n – Qal Perfect: Weak The Verbs יֵָראand מוּת יֵָרא to be afraid 3ms 3fs 2ms 2fs 1cs 3cp 2mp 2fp 1cp א יֵָרא י<ְראָה ָאת.יֵָר את.יֵָר אתִי.יֵָר י<ְראוּ יְֵראתֶם יְֵראתֶן אנוּ.יֵָר Basics of Biblical Hebrew © Gary D. Pratico and Miles V. Van Pelt מוּת to die Strong Verb מֵת קָטַל תָה.ֵטְלָה מ,ק תָּה.ַלְתָּ מ.ַקָט ְקָטַלְתְּ מַתּ תִּי.ַלְתִּי מ.ַקָט תוּ.ֵמ טְלוּ,ק ְקטַלְתֶּם מַתֶּם ְקטַ ְלתֶּן מַתֶּן תְנוּ.ַטַלְנוּ מ. ָק
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