The Technology of Light Quick Reference Meeting Guide AT A GLANCE WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY HSI 2014: Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications Media Centre / Downstairs from Foyer WEDNESDAY Photonics Tutorials: Latest photonics technology, techniques and instrumentation Technology Theatre 1 / Exhibition Hall WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY Nano & Bio Imaging - latest developments in biophotonics Space Applications: Strategy and Photonics technologies of the space industry Jaguar Lounge / Off Foyer Lounge One North / Up Escalator from Foyer WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Optical Engineering & Design Vision UK: Vision in Action Jaguar Lounge / Off Foyer WEDNESDAY Zemax User Group Meeting Jaguar Lounge / Off Foyer UKIVA Theatre 2 / Exhibition Hall THURSDAY Innovation Live! Technical presentations by new companies and innovators Technology Theatre 1 / Exhibition Hall WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY HSI 2014: Hyperspectral Imaging and Applications MEDIA CENTRE / DOWNSTAIRS FROM FOYER DAY 1 – WEDNESDAY GOLD SPONSORS 09.45 Registration and coffee 10.00 Introduction to Meeting SESSION 1 – FOOD 10.10 Comparison between near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging in predicting beef eating quality Tong Qiao, Hyperspectral Imaging Centre, University of Strathclyde. 10.40 KEYNOTE : The role of water in NIR hyperspectral imaging of biological materials Dr Aoife Gowen, School of Biosystems Engineering, University College Dublin, Ireland. 11.00 Quantification of Adulteration Levels in Minced Lamb Meat using NIR Hyperspectral Imaging Yuan-Yuan Pu, Food Refrigeration & Computerised Food Technology, University College Dublin, Ireland. 11.20 Multispectral imaging for detection of foreign food material in powder food Ana Herrero-Langreo, IRSTEA UMR ITAP (National Institute of Research in Science and Technology for Environment and Agriculture), France. SESSION 2 – SYSTEMS 11.40 Video-rate multispectral imaging: Application to microscopy and macroscopy Prof Andy Harvey, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow. 12.00 Pairing small UAVs with hyperspectral imaging Kevin Lynch, Headwall Photonics, USA. 12.20 LUNCH BREAK AND EXHIBITION 14.20 KEYNOTE : Before hyperspectral ruled the world Prof J Bruce Rafert, Provost Emeritus, North Dakota State University, USA. 15.00 Content based hyperspectral image retrieval: A systematic review Fatih Omruuzun, Middle East Technical University, Graduate School of Informatics, Turkey. 15.20 Hyperspectral to multispectral: Video rate spectral imaging applications Dr James Jafolla, President, Surface Optics Corporation, USA. 15.40 Identification of minerals using surface and space based reflectance spectroscopy, in parts of ore rich belt of south eastern Rajasthan, India Richa Sharma, IIRS (Indian Institute of Remote Sensing), India. 16.00 POSTER SESSION 1. New perspective of hyperspectral data: STORE simulation tool for future missions Dr Malvina Silvestri, National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Italy. 2. Linear variable filters for biomedical and hyperspectral imaging applications Oliver Pust, Delta Optical Filters, Denmark. 3. Core-less Edge Detection and Background reduction techniques for EELS spectrum Veerendra C Angdi, Advanced Electron Microscopy, University of Sheffield. 4. Detection of peanut traces in wheat flour through NIR hyperspectral imaging spectroscopy Puneet Mishra, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain. 5. Mid-infrared swept lasers for hyperspectral vibrational imaging Stephen Matcher, University of Sheffield. DAY 2 – THURSDAY 09.30 Registration and coffee 10.00 Introduction to Meeting SESSION 3 – REMOTE SENSING 10.30 Airborne thermal infrared hyperspectral imaging for mineral exploration Dr Marc-André Gagnon, Telops, Canada. 10.50 REFRESHMENT BREAK 11.30 Investigating the potential of hyperspectral imaging (HSI) for the quantitative estimation of lead contamination in soil (LCS) Salim Lamine, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania, Greece. 11.50 Outlier and target detection in aerial hyperspectral imagery Andrew Young, Hyperspectral Imaging Centre, University of Strathclyde. 12.10 Endmember subspace estimation algorithms applied to hyperspectral images of small scale hydrothermal alteration Jennifer Harris, Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck University of London. 12.30 LUNCH BREAK AND EXHIBITION SESSION 4 – MEDICAL AND MATERIALS 14.20 A novel 3D-hyperspectral imaging device for artwork inspection and deterioration estimation – the SYDDARTA project Dr Vassilis Papadakis, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft, Netherlands. 14.40 Hyperspectral analysis for extraction of chemical characteristics in dehydrated bones Carolina Blanch Perez Del Notario, IMEC (Interuniversity MicroElectronicsCenter), Belgium. 15.00 Laparoscopic intraoperative oxygenation mapping using multispectral imaging Dr Neil Clancy, Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London. 15.20 Real time Raman imaging to understand dissolution performance of amorphous solid dispersions Francesco Tres, Laboratory of Biophysics and Surface Analysis, University of Nottingham. 15.40 Closing remarks WEDNESDAY Nano & Bio Imaging - latest developments in biophotonics SILVER SPONSOR JAGUAR LOUNGE / OFF FOYER 10.00 Registration and Exhibition Opening. 10.30 Introduction and Welcome CO-SPONSOR SESSION 1 10.35 Imaging cells using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for biomedical insight Dr Sumeet Mahajan, Chemistry and Institute of Life Sciences, University of Southampton. 10.55 Dynamic multi-scale imaging: single-molecules to single-cells Dr Alan Lowe, Department of Biological Sciences, UCL. 11.15 KEYNOTE: STED images of neuronal synapses Prof Valentin Nagerl, Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience of the CNRS, University of Bordeaux, France. 11.45 Poster Session in the Exhibition Hall 1. Study of toxoplasmosis Using Raman Microspectroscopy Abida Naemat, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Nottingham. 2. Characterising collagen photo-degradation mechanism using multimodal optical imaging approach Arunthathi Manickavasagem, Biomaterial, Biomimetics & Biophotonics Research Group, King's College London, Dental Institute, London. 3. Fluorescence amplified detection of residual bacteria in the root canal space Dylan Herzog, Biomaterials, Biomimetics and Biophotonics Research Group, King's College London Dental Institute at Guy's Hospital, London. 4. Use of plasmonic and photonic structures to enhance optical trapping Mina Mossayebi, PhD Student, University of Nottingham, UK 12.15 Lunch and exhibition. SESSION 2 13.45 KEYNOTE: Accelerating Progress in Light Sheet Microscopy Prof Kishan Dholakia, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of St. Andrews. 14.05 Development of the zebrafish eye lens tracked using SPIM Dr Laura Young, Department of Physics, Centre for Advanced Engineering, University of Durham. 14.25 Imaging the mechanisms and functions of leukocytes Dr Leo Carlin, Faculty of Medicine, National Heart & Lung Institute, Imperial College London. 14.45 Adaptive optics correction for STORM microscopy Dr Dan Burke, Centre for Neural Circuits and Behaviour, University of Oxford. 15.05 BREAK SESSION 3 15.20 Imaging immune cell interactions at super resolution Dr Dylan Owen, Experimental Biophysics and Nanotechnology, Kings College London. 15.40 Optical nanoscopy of Herpes Simplex Virus -1 assembly: a study of the virus structure at the nanometre scale Dr Romain Laine, Laser Analytics Group, University of Cambridge. 16.00 Real time, label-free, characterisation of live cells using high resolution, multi-modal light microscopy Dr Melissa Mather, Institute for Biophysics, Imaging & Optical Science, Faculty of Engineering, University of Nottingham. 16.20 Micro-endoscopic imaging reveals insights into signal transduction inside living blood vessels Dr Chris Saunter, Department of Physics, Centre for Advanced Engineering, University of Durham. 16.40 Concluding comments With thanks to: GOLD SPONSORS OF OPTICAL ENGINEERING & DESIGN CO-ORGANISERS OF SPACE APPLICATIONS SILVER SPONSORS OF THE CONFERENCE CO-SPONSORS OF 3 MEETINGS GOLD SPONSORS HSI 2014 WEDNESDAY Optical Engineering & Design GOLD SPONSOR JAGUAR LOUNGE / OFF FOYER 10.15 Registration 10.30 Introduction and Welcome CO-SPONSOR SESSION 1: OPTICAL DESIGN 10.40 Freeform micro optics for high power laser beamshaping Dr Roy McBride, Power Photonics. 11.00 Stray light analysis of cellphone lens. Quentin Kuperman-Le Bihan, LightTec, France. 11.20 Raytracing laser systems, including effects such as beam truncation, speckle and turbulence. Tom Davies, Photon Engineering, USA. 11.40 Objective measurement of surface quality; MIL vs. ISO Ken Middleton, Lambda Photometrics. 12.00 INVITED KEYNOTE: European Space Agency to develop a new laser technology to put in space for atmospheric and earth monitoring Prof Mike Damzen, IC Photonics. 12.30 Conclusion and close of morning session 12.40 LUNCH AND EXHIBITION 13.45 Introduction to session SESSION 2: LATEST TECHNOLOGY 13.50 Thermal lensing modelling in COMSOL Multiphysics Dr Alon Grinenko, Applications Engineer, Comsol Ltd, Cambridge. 14.10 Optical Collectors and coatings for concentrating solar applications Dr Chris Sansom, Leader, Global CSP Laboratory, Cranfield University. 14.30 Optics for Fusion Prof. David Neely, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Harwell Oxford. WEDNESDAY Zemax User Group Meeting JAGUAR LOUNGE / OFF FOYER 15.30 15.40 16.40 16.50 17.05 Introduction and welcome Third UK meeting of the Zemax User Group Concluding comments end of meeting & networking There will be an exhibition drinks and networking opportunity in the exhibition hall WEDNESDAY Photonics Tutorials: Latest photonics technology, techniques and instrumentation SILVER SPONSOR TECHNOLOGY THEATRE 1 / EXHIBITION HALL 10.55 Introduction and Welcome 11.00 Multispectral Imaging to detect botrytis in plants, the process of implementation Joris van Nunen, PIXELTEQ, Netherlands. 11.20 The physics and applications of nanowire-grid inorganic polarisers Ben Parker, LOT-QuantumDesign. 11.40 Passive CEP stabilization of idler wave in ultrafast OPA (ORPHEUS/TOPAS) Martynas Barkauskas, Light Conversion, Lithuania. 12.00 Linear Variable Filters for Fluorescence and Hyperspectral Imaging Applications Oliver Pust, DELTA Optical Filters, Denmark. 12.20 Interferometry in Quality Control of Nanopositioners Dr Elisabeth Hoffman, attocube systems AG, Germany. 12.40 Volume Scattering Characterisation: Instruments and Methods Quentin Kuperman - Le Bihan, Light Tec, France. 13.00 Radiometry, Photometry and Colorimetry: Understanding the basics of light measurement Robert Yeo, Pro-Lite Technology. 13.30 Piezo positioning: Optimising performance Geraint Green, PI. 14.00 Ultra-low noise silicon photomultipliers - applications and recent advances Martin Sharratt, AP Technologies/SensL. 14.30 Optics for Ultrafast Applications -An Innovative Approach Helmut Kessler, Manx Precision Optics. 14.50 Extreme Miniaturisation in Spectroscopy Herve Boisson, Sales Engineer, Hamamatsu Photonics. 15.10 Patent pending for this game changing technology -a solid-state Fourier transform spectrometer. Dr Tim Stephens, Keit Ltd 15.30 Selecting optics for scientific, medical, life science and industrial applications Chris Bridle, IDEX Optics & Photonics WEDNESDAY Space Applications: Strategy and Photonics technologies of the space industry LOUNGE ONE NORTH / UP ESCALATOR FROM FOYER SILVER SPONSOR CO-SPONSOR 10.00 Registration and Coffee 10.10 Introduction and Welcome 10.20 Photonics for Space: Bright Future Bruno Leone, Optoelectronics Section, European Space Agency. 10.40 Development of UV spectrographic cameras for the World Space ObservatoryUltraviolet Richard Harriss, Systems Design Authority, E2V. 11.00 Technology trends and opportunities in Earth Observation Mick Johnson, CEOI-ST (Centre for EO Instrumentation). 11.20 Ultra-low-noise Imaging Technologies for Space Prof Stafford Withington, Department of Physics, University of Cambridge. 11.40 Optical fibre amplifiers for satellite communication Dr Efstratios Kehayas, Space Photonics, Gooch & Housego. 12.00 Multi-core dynamic imaging system Dr David Gibson, Faculty of Engineering, University of Bristol. 12.20 Enabling-facilities for new upstream technologies plus A new opportunity: Commercial nano-and microsatellite missions Dr Chris Brunskill, Upstream Technologies Lead, Satellite Applications Catapult. 12.40 NETWORKING AND LUNCH WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Vision UK: Vision in Action A MEETING FOR UKIVA THEATRE 2 / EXHIBITION HALL DAY 1 – WEDNESDAY ORGANISED BY 10.30 Machine Vision in mail sorting Kevin Druce, VPTS. 10.50 Cooled cameras for Scientific applications and astronomy Ian Alderton, Alrad Imaging 11.10 Customer applications for high resolution imaging Owen Sogeler, STEMMER IMAGING 11.30 Solving a real world application using DA 4.0 Nick Hall, Clearview Imaging 11.50 High Dynamic Range Imaging for Metal Welding Cornelius Sawatzky, Xiris Automation Inc. 14.00 Using filtering and IR for improved imaging Paul Wilson, Scorpion Vision 14.20 Advanced image processing software and hardware solutions Rob Webb, STEMMER IMAGING 14.40 Optics, recent changes with the new sensor sizes and telecentric lenses for measurement applications Raf Slotwinski, Alrad Imaging 15.00 Implications of USB3.0 Vision technology on machine vision Sean Wood, Clearview Imaging 15.20 Using 3D Kinect type cameras for robot guidance Paul Wilson, Scorpion Vision DAY 2 – THURSDAY 10.30 Machine Vision in mail sorting Kevin Druce, VPTS 10.50 Cooled cameras for Scientific applications and astronomy Ian Alderton, Alrad Imaging 11.10 Customer applications for high resolution imaging Owen Sogeler, STEMMER IMAGING 11.30 Solving a real world application using DA 4.0 Nick Hall, Clearview Imaging 11.50 High Dynamic Range Imaging for Metal Welding Cornelius Sawatzky, Xiris Automation Inc. 13.30 Using filtering and IR for improved imaging Paul Wilson, Scorpion Vision 13.50 Advanced image processing software and hardware solutions Rob Webb, STEMMER IMAGING 14.10 Optics, recent changes with the new sensor sizes and telecentric lenses for measurement applications Raf Slotwinski, Alrad Imaging 14.30 Implications of USB3.0 Vision technology on machine vision Sean Wood, Clearview Imaging 14.50 Using 3D Kinect type cameras for robot guidance Paul Wilson, Scorpion Vision THURSDAY Innovation Live! Technical presentations by new companies and innovators SILVER SPONSOR TECHNOLOGY THEATRE 1 / EXHIBITION HALL 10.55 Introduction and Welcome 11.00 Patent pending for this game changing technology a solid-state Fourier transform spectrometer. Dr Tim Stephens, Keit Ltd 11.20 Next generation optical fibre and photonics materials. Dr John Lincoln and Deepak Jain, EPSRC Centre for innovative manufacturing in photonics, University of Southampton. 11.40 What is Ultra-Precision? Martin O’Hara, National Strategy Manager, EPSRC Centre for Innovative Manufacturing in Ultra Precision, Cranfield University 12.00 Flexible photon counting, applications and examples Dr Richard Nock, Qumet Technologies, University of Bristol 12.20 KEYNOTE: Celebrating the International Year of Light in the UK Dr Beth Taylor, Chair UK National Committee for IYL 2015, Institute of Physics 12.40 Applied Photonics – Where are advances in photonics taking us? Dr Mark Goossens, Business Development Manager, Fraunhofer UK Research Ltd 13.00 Vantablack – What it is & what it isn’t Steve Northam, Business Development Director, Surrey Nanosystems To run your meetings alongside Photonex or Vacuum Expo next year, please speak to Brenda Hargreaves or contact her by email: [email protected]
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