How to View Scanned Documents Msight Imaging Reference Guide

How to View Scanned Documents
Msight Imaging
Table of Contents
Introduction to Msight Imaging...........................................................................................3
Accessing Msight Documents...............................................................................................7
Exporting Search Results to an Excel Report....................................................................14
How to View an Image.........................................................................................................16
Training Objectives
• The objective of this Reference Guide is to provide step by step instructions to assist
you in viewing scanned documents within Msight.
• Medsynergies, Inc. employees & Clinic Employees using Msight will need to
become familiar with the system.
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Introduction to Msight Imaging
Introduction to Msight Imaging
Clinics will only have access to view their own documents.
Msight Imaging provides users access to one location where they can view scanned documents.
Msight Imaging must be run through IE 8 or later. Older versions of the browsers are not yet
Benefits of Msight Imaging
• Saves time on researching a payment.
• View Patient Payments.
• View Explanation of Benefits (EOB).
• Quick response time.
• Filter results using up to 5 filters at a time.
• Export data into Excel spreadsheet.
• Users have the ability to reset their passwords.
When logging in to Msight for the first time, enter your User ID and Temporary Password.
Click Log On.
If you forget your password,
enter your User ID and click
Forgotten your Password?
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The Password Reset screen will now
Create and confirm your new password.
Click the Request Password Reset link
when done.
Passwords must meet the MSI minimum
password standard.
• 8 character (max of 20 characters)
• 1 upper case character
• 1 lower case character
• 1 number
• 1 special character (punctuation)
• Not repeated within the last year.
• Expires in 90 days.
The Provide Alternate Security Authentication screen will now display.
This will allow the user to reset their password if they forget it in the future.
Click each drop down box and select a security question for each.
Type the answers in the box provided on the right of each question.
The system will not allow you to enter the same answer more than once.
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Click the Set Alternate Questions button to save the security questions
and answers provided.
The MedSynergies, Inc. Proprietary & Confidentiality Statement will
now appear. This disclaimer will appear each time the user logs into
To continue, click on the By logging
on I accept this statement button.
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Accessing Msight Documents
Accessing Msight Documents
The Msight Home screen will
now display.
Click on the Msight Documents
link from the Imaging menu.
The Msight Documents screen will now display.
The Msight Documents tab will show as default.
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From the Find Where Field drop down menu, make the proper selection.
Users may filter their search using the following terms:
ACH/Check Number
Billing Group
Charge Identifier
Corporate Account Type
Date of Deposit
Date of Service
Image Type
Lockbox Number
Lockbox Manual Tracking Number
Patient Account Number
Patient Control Number
Patient DOB
Patient Date of Death
Patient First Name
Patient Last Name
Scan Date
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To view the Legacy documents, click on the Legacy Scanned Documents Tab.
Users may filter their search using the following terms:
ACH/Check Number
Batch Name
Billing Group
Charge Amount
Charge Number
Control Number
Corporate Account Type
Correspondence Type Code
Date of Deposit
Date of Service
First Name
Image Type
Last Name
Patient Account Number
Payment Amount
Payment Type
Posting Date
Scan Date
Tracking Number
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The next drop down menu will allow you to select one of the following options:
• contains
• equals
• does not equal
The options in this field may change dependent upon the selection made in prior field.
From The Value field, enter the details for which you would like to search into the text box.
Some search elements will display a drop down menu in the value field while others may require
free text. If searching by date, a calendar will appear enabling you to click on the date or enter the
date in free text.
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Once the search criteria has been entered/filtered, click the Find button to complete the process.
To add a filter click the ‘+’ button. A new filter line will now be added allowing you to add additional filter
criteria for your search.
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To remove a filter, click the ‘-’ button.
To clear all search criteria, click the Reset button.
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Exporting Search Results to an Excel Report
Exporting Search Results to an Excel Report
To export the data in the displayed grid to an Excel spreadsheet, click the Export button.
The File Download pop up window
will now display.
You will be asked ‘Do you want to
open or save this file?’
Click Open.
The grid results will now
open in a Microsoft Excel
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How to View an Image
How to View an Image
To view an image, click on one of the
following icons:
• ‘B’ for Batch - Allows user to view
the whole batch.
• ‘D’ for DocSet - Allows user to
view the whole EOB or Check.
• ‘S’ for Snippet - Allows user to
view the single image.
The image(s) will be displayed in a separate window.
From this window you
will be able to:
• Save the file to your
computer to view at
a later time.
• Go to the previous
or next page in the
• View thumbnails of
all pages.
• Increase or decrease
• Fit the image to the
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