Document 324730

Twenty Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Sunday, 12th October, 2014
We are a Catholic Community who profess, celebrate and witness that Jesus lives, and to whom the
Father sends His Spirit.
We express that belief by living out and spreading the message of the Gospel.
Parish Priest:
Fr Bill Gill
Pastoral Associate: Sr Lyn Eastmure
23 Leeds St, Doncaster East 3109
9842 1480 9842 5764
9842 0181
[email protected] (parish)
[email protected]
[email protected]
Weekend Masses:
School Principal:
Saturday Vigil 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am 11.00am and 6.00pm
Mrs Maria McIntyre
School Phone: 9842 2056
Saturdays 9.30am and 5.30pm
and any weekday after Mass
Baptisms & Weddings:
By appointment
9842 1125
[email protected]
EXPLORING THE WORD (Matthew 22: 1 - 10)
There are two parables in today’s Gospel. The first is about the invited guests who are too preoccupied
with their own business and affairs to come to the prepared feast. When we consider the length of time
that guests may be involved in celebration, especially one given by a wealthy King, this is more
understandable. The response of the invited guests, the chosen people, was to kill the messengers, an
echo of last week’s Gospel where the people of Israel rejected the prophets. The second parable, in the
longer version of the Gospel, is about the one who came but did not bother to change into his wedding
garments. In both, the reaction of the king seems somewhat extreme! But the parables make an
important point about the invitation being offered by God: those who do not bother to respond will lose
their invitation; those who accept but fail to change their way of life (their clothes) will also lose out. This
text warns that Christian life is a web made up to God’s gracious invitation and our free response.
From the PA’s Desk...
Our Prayers are asked for those who have died
In today's Gospel parable, "the invitation was to a wedding
feast - a party! The king was calling the people to share in his
joy. Joy is a distinctive feature of true faith. If we truly believe
that God is gracious and loving, rich in mercy and generosity,
then this faith gives us a buoyancy, in spite of the
circumstance we may be in. We believe that God is with us, at
work in our lives. This joy also makes us generous towards
other people.
Extract from Pray as you can.
Blessings, Sr Lyn
and for those whose anniversaries occur at this time: Antonio
Vincitorio, Lia Messina, Des Cameron, Natalie Marie
Chandler, Joe Lepre, Grazia & Antonello Carta, Betsy Lee
Wong, Konie Strong, Luigi Mariani, Antonio Rigoni, Enzo
Salvatore, Salvatore Lima, Peter Stocco and Cecile Kanno.
For those who are sick:- Peter Moroney, Tanya Dean,
Angela Federico, Nina Lynch, Beryl Humber and Gino Villani.
From the PP’s Desk...
Next weekend there will be visiting priests here at Ss Peter &
Paul’s. I shall be in Brisbane for a Wedding. The bridegroom,
9.00 am Service of the Word with Communion Sumil, and his bride, Ashleigh are to be married on Saturday,
18th October, in St Agatha’s Church, Clayfield, the bride’s
9.00 am Mass
home parish.
Wednesday 9.00 am Mass
St Teresa of Jesus
I shall be leaving on Friday, 17th October at midday and shall
Thursday 9.00 am Mass
9.00 am Mass
St Ignatius Of Antioch return on Wednesday, 22nd October in the afternoon. The
Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament until 12.00 noon extra few days from Sunday to Wednesday, I will spend with
friends in Currumbin.
9.00 am Mass
St Luke
Weekday Masses & Feast Days:
Baptisms We congratulate and welcome into our parish
family through the sacrament of baptism,
Florentina Maria Parente
daughter of Giuseppe and Nardia
little sister of Gabriele and Valentino
Yoga For Children will be held in the Parish Hall on
Fridays commencing 17th October from 4-5pm. There
will also be yoga classes for adults from 2-3pm. Please
contact Sunayana Saxena on 0478 541 761 or email:
[email protected] for more details.
Please welcome Fr Noel Kierce, Fr Kevin Mogg and Fr Kevin
Hennessy who will be our celebrants, and whom I thank for
Fr Bill
(Meditation on the name of Jesus with breathing exercises and
gentle postures)
1st Mondays of each month from 7.30-8.30pm.
Beginning from November 3, guided by Tom Thomas.
3rd Saturdays of each month from 3–4pm.
Beginning from October 18, guided by Ezekiel Apte.
Come and Experience Energizing, Recharging & Healing!
At: Janssen Spirituality Centre, 22 Woodvale Road,
Boronia, Victoria 3155. Tel: 03 9762 6625
Email: [email protected]
Support Group The Yarra Deanery would like to extend an
invitation to any widowed, separated or divorced parishioners
7.30pm Support Group.
to attend a support group that has been established to assist
Meeting of Musicians and
you with your grief journey and enable you to find a sense of
Singers in the Church to begin
support from others on a similar path. The group will meet in
preparations for Advent and
the Narthex of our Church at 7.30pm on Tuesday 14th
7.30pm Social Club in the Parish Hall
14th : 9.30am St Vincent De Paul Meeting
Friday 17th
Ss Peter & Paul’s Community invites you to join us at
Ss Peter & Paul’s 2014
“Sounds of Spring”
Benefit Concert
7.30pm Saturday 25th October in
the Church
The 17th Annual Concert is your opportunity to join with your
fellow Parishioners in the spirit of the season and enjoy the
evening’s entertainment by local and invited guest artists.
Yarra Theological Union (YTU), a Catholic College of
the University of Divinity is holding an OPEN DAY on Sunday
19th October 2014 from 2 – 5pm. Undergraduate and postgraduate courses are available. All welcome.
98 Albion Road, Box Hill
Ph: 9890 3771 or email: [email protected]
Volunteers Needed Please for assistance with running the
St Vincent De Paul Charity Shop in Mont Albert. No
experience necessary! Training and support provided on the
job. Please call Geraldine on 9898 0720 for more information.
Next week we shall be holding our annual
Suggested Donation: $15 (Concession $10)
Net Proceeds to the Notre Dame de Sion Education Fund
(Sisters of Our Lady of Sion Jerusalem)
Please bring a plate of light refreshments
Also Celebrating Fr Bill’s 75th Birthday
and the Visit by Sr Trudy Nabuurs nds
Congratulations and Happy Birthday to our
Parish Priest, Fr Bill Gill, who will be celebrating his
75th Birthday on Friday, 24th October.
A Parish Celebration will be held on Sunday, 26th October
beginning with Mass at 11.00am. Please BYO drinks and a
plate to share and keep the date free for this special event!
Instead of gifts, Fr Bill has suggested that you may consider
making a contribution to our “One in a Hundred Appeal” as the
proceeds will go to the Notre Dame de Sion Palestinian
Education Fund.
Ss Peter & Paul’s Social Club
will have its next gathering on
Friday evening, 17th October at 7.30pm in
our Parish Hall.
The Parish of Ss Peter & Paul’s warmly invites everyone to
join the Ss Peter & Paul’s Social Club. Meeting on the
3rd Friday of every month, it will be an opportunity for
everyone to gather together for a casual evening of fun,
laughter and catch-up with family, friends and neighbours.
BYO drinks and a plate of supper to share. Tea, coffee and
biscuits will be provided. No need to reply, just come along
and join in our gathering on Friday evening. ALSO OUR
Ss Peter & Paul’s Social Club
is organising a BYO Picnic for
Saturday, 8th November at 12.00pm
at Ruffey Lake Park in Doncaster.
Please come along and make some new friends and enjoy
each other's company. No need to RSVP, just come!
Also, for those interested, on Thursday 23rd October, there will
be a bus trip to Phillip Island National Vietnam Veterans’
Museum. $20 per person. This trip is being organised in
collaboration with St Philips Social Club. Bus leaves the
carpark at 9.30am and will be back at 4pm. Please call
Margaret Dodd on 9842 4167.
Whitefriars College will be holding their Annual Open Day
next Sunday, 19th October. Please refer to the flyers on the
noticeboard in the narthex for more details.
Time For A Smile: Who was the greatest financier in the
Bible? Noah. He was floating his stock while everyone else
was in liquidation.
Thursday 16 October, 7pm-9pm
St Gregory the Great Hall, 396 Manningham Rd, Doncaster
The Parish of St Gregory the Great will host a conversation
evening on the topic of Protecting Human Rights. The
presenter will be Fr Shay Cullen, a triple nominee for the
Nobel Peace Prize, who will speak of his work with PREDA
(People’s Recovery, Empowerment and Development
Assistance). The PREDA Foundation works to bring freedom
and new life to children who are in jails or on the streets in the
Philippines. It also assists in the fight against human
trafficking, the preservation of dignity for battered women and
indigenous people, protection of the environment and the
alleviation of poverty.
The evening will commence with a light pizza dinner and
drinks at 7pm. After the presentations there will be an
opportunity for questions and dialogue. We invite all parishes
in the Deanery to participate.
Contact: Doncaster Parish Office on 98482395 or
[email protected]
19th October, 2014
29th Sunday in Ordinary Time
45: 1, 4-6
Thessalonians 1: 1-5
22: 15-21
6pm R. Nina Tan
Michael Liddy
Harry Martin
11am Suzanne Marshall
Maria Ryan
Muriel O’Gorman
Diane Neubecker
Once we have been
captured by the beauty of
God’s promised reward,
Hannah we want to go out into our
Sleeth world and invite others into
the heavenly banquet.
Who will tell the Good
News? Now is a good time
to begin.
Money Counters: Group 7: Verna Carter, Joy Cormack, Tony Nigro
and Estelle Pratt