Den Danske Forening Heimdal June 2013 Det er sket igen! 1963: Dansevise – Grethe og Jørgen Ingmann 2000: Smuk som et stjerneskud – Olsen Brothers 2013: Only – Teardrops – Emmelie de Forest image by Emmelie won the Eurovision Song contest for Danmark Medlemsblad Newsletter for the Danish Association Heimdal – Established 1872 1 THE DANISH ASSOCIATION “HEIMDAL” INC 36 AUSTIN STREET NEWSTEAD QLD 4006 Contact details: 0437 612 913 Contributions We would love to share your news and stories. You are welcome to send emails and other material to the editor for publication. The closing date for the July issue is 20 June 2013. We reserve the right to edit or not publish your contribution. Any material published does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the Danish Club or the Editor. From the Editor Its been a year since I last did this job. as substitute for our highly talented editor Lone. You never quite know where to start, and in fact if it will end with an acceptable edition for you, our readers, you will notice that I cut it back to just 16 pages rather than the 20 pages of recent editions, after all I am not Lone and just could not fill the last pages. I did end up redoing the front page, as you can imagine, after only a few hours earlier at Heimdal discussing with Kim, how few chances the Danes would have against all the talent out there, however we totally underestimated the power of the drums, and so I am happy say Denmark won with a landslide as they say. AND THANK YOU for all contributions and please do support our advertisers. Peter W Hansen Editor: Lone Schmidt / Peter Hansen Phone: 0437 612 913 Email: [email protected] Webmaster: Peter Wagner Hansen Phone: 0423 756 394 Skype: Email: [email protected] George Brink or Brinch – old friends looking for you, where are you! George is believed to have arrived in Brisbane with a friend Per in 1986, both trade qualified bricklayers from Aarhus. He came from Djursland, but did his trade apprenticeship in Aarhus with Per and then they left for Australia. George left behind friends at the “Latiner Bodegaen” in Aahus, where Birger, Henrik, Niels, Torben used to meet with him and while having a drink settled the big issues of day or at least tried. Well now Birger who works in IT and Torben, who also is a bricklayer wants to catch-up, (did he not pay for the last round of beer?) They have looked for the Brink family locally and out at Djursland with no results. Birger, gætter George til nu at være omkring 50 år gammel, mens vennen Per kan være lidt ældre, hvis nogle kender George eller Per så kontakt venligst Peter i klubben så vi kan hjælpe vennerne i Aarhus. So if you know of George please make contact back to Peter at Heimdal. 2 What’s on at the Danish Club? Café Danmark 24 May 2013 from 6pm It’s time to ‘hygge’ and spend some time with new and old friends. There’s tasty ‘smørrebrød’: the menu varies from time to time, but you’ll usually find ‘rullepølse’ (spicy rolled pork), smoked salmon, roast beef, ‘leverpostej’, roast pork and ‘Esrom’ cheese on the menu. And hot dogs. The bar offers Tuborg and Carlsberg beer varieties imported from Denmark just for us as well as several Australian brews. If you like a glass of wine with your food, we have a good variety of whites, reds and sparkling on offer. And check out our tempting chocolates, licorice and other sweets fresh in from Denmark! It’s also an opportunity to buy delicious Danish pastries, rye bread and other specialty breads and organic biscuits direct from Britt’s Danish Delights. Tea offers smallgoods and quality meats from Flemming, the Danish butcher at Woolloongabba, as well as her own goodies including remoulade. Order in advance and pick up at the café. Legestue / Play Group Every Friday 9.30-11.30 Bamses fødselsdag Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party Saturday 8 9 June 2013 2 – 4 pm Check their Facebook page for events or ring Tea, Tina or Iben (see details inside the newsletter) The kids celebrate Teddy Bear’s birthday with their favorite teddy bears. This kids party is put on by the Play Group at Heimdal, please support them by signing op to participate. See the ad in this newsletter, then count all the kids in your house and get in contact with Iben. Cost: $5 (pay at door) RSVP: By Thursday 6 June 2014 to Iben Skt Hans Fest with Saga Vikings 22 June 2013 from 4 pm Yes this is the traditional Danish midsummer bonfire party, come bring your partner and kids. never mind it is going on vinter here. This really is a great event, keep in mind that it can be a bit chilly in the evening so have an extra sweater and blankets ready, as well as a light/hand torch (it gets dark!) Café Danmark 28 June 2013 from 6 pm Latiner Bodegaen, havde i halvfjerserne og ind i firserne en lille side rolle sammen med bogcaféen Regnbuen, Fronthuset i Mejlgade m fl. Da det var et af stederne, hvor de Danske Studenter Anarkister fra AUC og støtter af RAF i Tyskland, mødtes og planlagde kampen mod det kapitalistiske samfund, alt det var nok ved at være næsten glemt i 1986, men ”kom op” da jeg søgte online for noget om Bodegaen. Latiner Bodegaen er nu en Frisør Salon og jeg er ikke sikker på addressen, og Fronthuset blev til Restaurant Gyngen og lå i ejendommen Mejlgade 53. This is in reference to the story on George opposite, the picture shows a street in the neighbourhood, where the Pub/Bar [Latiner Bodegaen] was located, it was in the seventies/early eighties a meeting place for a group of students aligned with RAF in Germany. 1 Fronthuset, gul bygning til venstre som det ser ud idag. 3 Get all your Danish Baked Goodies from Britt’s Bakery at Café DANMARK 4th Friday of each month Authentic Danish Pastry & Organic Bread Products Kringler, Smørtærter, Kanelstænger, Birkes, Rundstykker, Fuldkornsrugbrød, Kransekagekonfekt, Småkager, Knækbrød og bagerens dårlige øje For information, order forms and delivery details, go to our website: Unit 5/10 Energy Crescent, Molendinar QLD 4214 Ph: 07 5571 6881 Fax: 07 5571 6947 Email: [email protected] HEINZ – BUTCHER SHOP Propritar: Flemming Jakobsen Continental Smallgoods & Quality Meats 611 Stanley Street, Wooloongabba, 4102 Ph: 07 3391 3530 (parking behind shops) Dansk udskæring på bestilling Lammekød Grisekød Oksekød Pålæg og røgvare blandt andet: Hamburgerryg Røgeflæsk Spegepølse Rulle pølse Medisterpølse Ost: Knækpølse Havarti Wienerpølse Esrom Leverpsteg HOURS: Tuesday - Friday 7am til 6pm, Saturday 6am til 1.30pm CLOSED: Sunday & Monday 4 SAGA VIKINGS GROUP INC. HEIMDAL HOLDER SKT HANS HOS SAGA VIKINGERNE LØRDAG DEN 22. JUNI 2013 - KL 16.00 “Black Forest” 110 (149) Byrnes Road North#, Joyner QLD 4501 Sidste år havde vi en herlig Skt Hans aften i vores landsby og vi gentager nu succeen med “Heimdal holder Skt Hans hos Saga Vikingerne” På programmet er Saga Vikingernes velkendte “Vikinge Landsby Living” med mange forskellige Vikinge displays og aktiviteter for børn og voksne. Dagen begynder med fremstilling af hekse. Alle, som er interesseret, kan deltage i denne aktivitet og har I noget gammelt tøj, som kan bruges til heksene, så tag det med på dagen. Bålet bliver tændt ca kl 18.00. Husk stole eller puder til at sidde omkring bålet. I løbet af eftermiddagen er der mulighed for at købe diverse dejlige ting, bl.a. Kaffe, te & kage Hotdogs & burgers Sodavand og andre drikkevarer RAGNAROK – ELLERS KENDT SOM DEN STORE OVERSVØMMELSE I BRISBANE 2011 RAMTE OGSÅ SAGA VIKINGS Som mange af jer husker havde vi en veletableret vikinglandsby, men alt blev skyllet bort i den store oversvømmelse i januar 2011. Siden da har vi haft travlt med genopbygningen af vores landsby, først kom toiletbygning, køkken og bar i 2011, i 2012 fulgte det flotte langhus med borde og bænke. Vikingerne er nu ved at lægge sidste hånd på smedjehuset og vi glæder os til at vise jer de nye bygninger. Tilmelding er ikke nødvendig, men modtages gerne af hensyn til mad og drikke til Carlo og Pia Blak 3818 0066 ([email protected]) eller Flemming Brinkmann 0407 064 825 # Head for the YMCA camp in Byrnes Road, drive to the end of the road and it’s on the right side 5 We can advise on freight Australia wide! - 0411 297 236 - [email protected] 6 By Jytte Kronborg Pedersen Much folkdancing has been happening on the floorboards at the Danish Club since February in this our 21st year. We still meet up very happily twice a month ready to learn new folkdances or giving learnt dances an enjoyable turn or a bit of polish. Thank goodness Lis does not give up on us all!! You would think perhaps, that we see enough of each other in the Group during practice night but no, that is not the case at all. Every year our committee put their heads together and much to our delight, conjure up a weekend away! Last year it was Hervey Bay which coincided with a festival where we performed. This year it was Caloundra, a lovely spot within easy reach for everyone. Our immediate thoughts were of course sea, sun and surf! Arriving at our allocated cabins (the committee did very well there too!) with most of them facing a very tranquil water, we set up home away from home. One patio of our cabins was bigger than the others and was immediately claimed by the whole group as a great meeting point for breakfasts, lunches and dinners. The local fish and chips shops did very well when we converged on them depleting their stock considerably and all was consumed at this large patio overlooking the water and at night a little singing and music could be heard from the said patio without disturbing the peace. Music was also heard during the day as we ‘claimed’ a small flat area near our cabins in the middle of the holiday park. Here we frolicked by setting up the music or Kupaleja picking up their instruments. In other words instead of dipping our toes in the waters of Caloundra, we admired it from a distance and swung our feet instead on this little patch of claimed bitumen. Warnings went out to the unsuspecting owners of caravans and cabins in our vicinity naturally. And lo and behold the holiday makers moved their chairs closer to this unscheduled ‘entertainment’, even people out for a quiet walk stopped and looked over the fences, nobody seemed to flee or pack up. On our last night we nearly had teary goodbyes from fellow campers as, with our parting the following day, there would be no more music and dancing. A very successful weekend away it was and who knows what the committee will come up with next year? Well, we never know, but once this hard working committee put their heads together and plot a course, we will be ready to go for another great weekend away. 7 8 Bamses fødselsdag - Saturday 8 June 2013 2 - 4pm Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party The kids celebrate Teddy Bear’s birthday with their favourite teddy bears. Bamse har fødselsdag, og det skal holdes i stor stil med hjemmebagte boller, kage og kaffe. Kom og vær med til en rigtig dansk børnefødselsdag. Tag din bedste bamse med og vær med i sjove lege. KUPALEJA spiller op til sang og dans. Tag vennerne med. Come and participate in a real Danish birthday party for children. It’s Teddy Bear’s Birthday Party so bring your favourite bear and try some homebaked birthday buns, cake and coffee. KUPALEJA will provide the musical entertainment. Bring all your friends. Saturday 8 June 2012 Time: 2 – 4 pm Cost: $5 (pay at door) RSVP: By Thursday 6 June 2014 to Iben Mail [email protected] Mobile 0434 933 953 ”Manlydragonboat club Brisbane” with Danish dynamite. Our local Danish girl Pia Lisbeth Mitchell went with her Dragon Boat team to Penrith, west of Sydney and took out the top place in the national competition. With 11 gold, 3 Silver and 2 Bronce medals it can’t get much better for the local club. The team will next go to Hungary as part of the 200+ group of paddlers, representing Australia there in late July this year. Pia was interviewed by Maria Thuesen Bleeg from SBS radio in Penrith, if you like go to the Danish pages of and find the recorded interview. Pia is keen to have more local Danes join the paddling from Wynnum Manly Yacht club, “it’s great fun and really good exercise for all ages, the competitions are grouped by age so you will have similar capabilities in your boat as well as the one you compete against”....she says. 2 - Image by You can find more information at the Manly club web-site here: or speak to Pia next you see her at the Danish Club. 9 Do you need Danish beer, snaps, herring or licorice? We can help you find it. Price list Beer Tuborg ‘Green’ 24x33cl (bottles) Tuborg Classic 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Gold 24x33cl (cans) Tuborg Julebryg ‘Christmas beer’ 24x33cl (cans) Carlsberg 24x33cl (bottles) Carlsberg Black Gold 24x33cl cans Snaps Jubilæum 100 cl Taffel (Rød Aalborg)100 cl Brøndum 100 cl* $ 55 $ 50 $ 60 Brøndum 70 cl Lysholm Linie Akvavit 100 cl O P Anderson Akvavit 100 cl Skåne Akvavit 100 cl $ 50 $ 75 $ 65 $ 60 $60 $ 55 $ 60 Bitters En Enkelt Bitter 100 cl Dr Nielsens Bitter 70 cl $ 65 $ 50 Other Blå Ga-Jol 100 cl Kirsberry 70 cl $ 55 $ 17 $ 70 $ 70 $ 65 How to order and pay: By email [email protected] By phone 0437 612 913 Payment by EFT to Heimdal’s account at Suncorp BSB 484-799 Account 02495 1468 ONLY AVAILABLE TO MEMBERS OF THE DANISH ASSOCIATION HEIMDAL INC Herring, fish balls, chocolate, licorice and other goodies – mainly from Denmark 100 g containers / $2.50: Toms Saltpastiller Toms Heksehyl Pingvin Poletter Haribo Super Piratos Haribo Domino Haribo Saltbomber Haribo Lakridsæg Carletti Saltlinser Carletti Strandgrus Carletti Lakridspinde Haribo Super Piratos 425 g Haribo Matador Mix 500 g Haribo Zulu 170 g Fazer Turkish Peber 150 g Fazer Skolekridt 140 g Bon-Bon Lossepladsen FC Nougattabletter 75 g FC Brystkarameller 75 g FC Kongen af Danmark Pingvin Poletter 160 g Pingvin Skilte Lakrids 75 g Ga-Jol Blå, rød, sort, gul 23 g Anthon Berg Marcipanbrød 40 g Marcipanbrød m/blød nougat 40 g Toms Guldbarre m/knas Toms Kæmpeskildpadde 28 g $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 4.00 $ 3.50 $ 4.00 $ 4.00 $ 2.50 $ 2.50 $ 2.50 $ 3.50 $ 2.50 $ 2.00 $ 2.00 $ 1.50 $ 1.50 VIKING herring (550 g jars) $ 8.00 Onion Herring, Matjes or Anchovy Spiced Lykkeberg Fiskeboller 400 g $ 4.00 ABBA fish balls (375 g tins) $ 5.00 Bouillon, lobster sauce or shrimp sauce AMANDA cod roe (200 g) $ 4.50 Dronning Makrel I tomat 125 g $2.50 $ 2.00 10 One-Day “Creative Salon” in the city WORKSHOP “Painting with Thread” The aim is to make sense of doing embroidery in 2013. Creative and free flowing embroidery where patterns do not have to be strictly followed, but where you follow your mood and your senses. Being mindful, taking time out to do handmade personal projects; embroidery is perfect for this and on the day we will be focusing on your creativity. A needle and thread, fabric and beads, we will be creating an illustration with embroidery. Just bring yourselves and your creativity. Each student will be provided with materials, including possible design templates to follow along with or use as an inspiration to expand from. All levels are welcome. You will be taking home your own project, a work folder with inspiration, instructions and templates, which enables you to continue at home. Skill level: No experience necessary Material List: It is optional for students to bring along to include in their work: favourite tread, fabric, ribbon, buttons, beads or other embellishments. Date: Sunday the 2nd June 2013 Cost: $75 Venue: At the Danish Club, 36 Austin St, Newstead QLD 4006 Contact: Sarah Andersen Time: 9am to 3 pm (Includes morning tea) m 0425 000 842 [email protected] Please contact me for more information or to secure you place for this fun day. 11 Solar Power As you can read about in this edition we have our system installed and connected, read the full article elsewhere for more details, and yes we will follow up with our results as we power along. Membership still stand at 215 members. Events Aprils Cafe Danmark was busy. We sold out of bread and almost all pastry went as well, the FolkRag event on May 18th had some very nice acts but we didn’t have a lot of visitors, so we had plenty of time to enjoy the entertainment. Sct Hans Keep an eye out for the advertisement here in the Newletter, we are once again invited to attend the bunfire and overnight camping if you so desire at SAGA Vikinks little village on Byrnes Rd in Joyner. Raffles: The fantastic effort by Andy continue to give good results, Thank you Andy! Money No formal update since our treasurer is on leave, but yes we have paid for the solar system since last update so we should expect a bit of a dive in our account balance. Committee members We are down a few due to resignations and really really would welcome some help on the committee as well as just for individual events/tasks. New Committee members The committee has been working all year on less than normal strength and now with Merete departing with husband Doug and their kids to a great opportunity with Maersk Oil and Gas – in Esbjerg! – we are another member short. So we need 2 or 3 people, who are willing to join the committee and be part of the team planning and executing the events we have at the club, and as we are growing in numbers, the need for extra muscle grows accordingly. We can also use the support from members able to participate on irregular basis. I have spoken with many members and all seem to have been on the committee at some stage and ‘done their duty’. Well, the age of the most mature member of the current volunteer team is 81, so evidently age is no barrier to participate and help in the kitchen, and if you are unable to commit to a committee position, what is stopping you from offering to help the committee at just 1 function per year? The whole basis for the pricing of our food and drink is based on volunteers supporting our functions, and I really believe that this also adds to the atmosphere in the club. We don’t hire people from the street to prepare our food and clean our plates – we do it ourselves as part of our community effort to keep Danish traditions and ‘hygge’ alive and well. So whether you can spare some time on a Friday or Saturday night to help or if you would like to join the committee and participate in what is actually very interesting work shaping the future of the club, please contact me. Soren 12 More news! Danish ecstasy in Malmø, Yes it has happened again, Danish Emmelie de Forest sang the winning melody accompanied by two young male drummers. With a combined 180 points from 17 countries plus another 91 from the rest left no doubt Emmelie had done it! Danish expats have received good news, the political right leaning party “Venstre” has now voiced its support for a change to Danish laws enabling Danes to acquire dual citizenship, staying Danish while also gaining a citizenship in the country where they live. “Venstre” is currently in the opposition side of the Danish “Folketing” and can not affect such change on its own, but the ruling coalition of the Social democrats, Radikale and SF have already, as part of their coalition statement, a stated aim to introduce such a change, making it quite possible that change will come sooner rather than later. Part of now a minority in the Danish political landscape, The “Conservative party” and the “Danish Peoples Party” are still against the proposed changes. According to Morten Bødskov minister for justice, a law change will be tabled in late 2013. There are however many details in this and if you want to stay updated, join one of the several online forums where this is being discussed. Read more on our web-site. And what a year in which to win, it is now 50 years since Grethe & Jørgen Ingmann won with the song “Dansevise”, the show back then took only 90 minutes, today it runs over 3 evenings. And then only 13 years ago in year 2000, Olsen Brothers again put Denmark into the winning position with the song "Fly on the Wings of Love”, our family toured Denmark that summer in a rented Volvo and constantly heard it played on the radio, or maybe it was our own CD, can’t remember any longer. Copenhagen and Denmark has been partying all weekend, including at “Tivoli gardens” it will be a rough start Monday morn for many. 48 Wind turbines off the coast near Malmø have been out of action since May 15th, it has been guessed a ship’s anchor has damaged a vital cable, but as it is, Sweden lost a good opportunity to show off a large working offshore wind farm during the big “Eurovision Song Contest”. Kastrup full body scanners installed by Danish “skat” as a trial they will use it to look for hidden drugs, on selected arriving and departing passengers in the Danish airport. The trial will go for 6 month initially and involve an only 10 sec scan of people suspected of smuggling, so not everyone will be required to use the machine. Danish medical practitioners are now next in line to have work conditions and contracts dictated by the government, this comes only shortly after the Danish public schools were in a “Lockout” all of April with students and their parents re-learning to stay in close contact outside weekends and regular holidays. This conflict ended when the government dictated settlement and a new set of conditions under which the teachers are managed and work. Doctors are now next in line as their negotiations has proved just as difficult. 13 Heimdal’s new photovoltaic solar system, installed Our rooftop solar system as can be seen in this picture has finally been installed and is working. The system is a 32 panel system. Each panel is a 190W Photovoltaic High Efficiency Module, with a Weight of 15kg, and 25 year power output warranty. The nominal 37.8 Volt from the panels is feed into an SMA 5000W Inverter, this in turn converts the low voltage into a 240V output, with a rated efficiency of 97.0%. Now only time will tell how much power output we actually will produce and feed back into the electricity grid, for now we are connected directly via the existing meter, a new special metering device will be installed by Origin/Energex as soon as they see fit. As is the case with most of the grid connected systems installed, power is only generated as long as the grid is working and providing a 240 Volt supply. Should for any reason Origin/Energex supply fall out, the rooftop system will stop generating power also, this means that we don’t have an independent supply and is still very much reliant on Origin/Energex for power. This is a safety feature and like I said the norm for grid connected systems, the alternative to this would require us to also have a set of batteries and some other system able to disconnect us from the grid in case of power outages, a much more complicated and expensive system for now. So until Origin/Energex installs the new meter the value of the each Kw is just the power price we would have been charged. The meter is just running in reverse with our power feed into the grid, however after installation of the new meter we will be paid 44 cent per Kilowatt and it gets much more interesting for us. A realistic number for how much power output to expect will depend on how much sun we get, the direction of the panels relative to where the sun is during the day, and off course the actual efficiency of the whole system. If we have 6 hours of good sunlight on a given day from the right direction, and set the efficiency at say 50% we can expect about 6 x 6Kw x .5 per day multiplied by the 44 cent/Kw and we have approximately $8.- a day. This is a conservative figure and we may actually do much better, but you will have to wait for our next report for an update on this, and the actual numbers. 14 Dansk Legegruppe Vores danske legegruppe mødes hver fredag i Heimdals lokaler fra 9.30 til kl 11.30. Aldersgruppen er fra 0 til 5 år, søskende til yngre børn er selvfølgelig velkommen i ferierne. Vi starter altid med formiddagskaffe og hjemmebagte boller, efterfølgende varierer aktiviteterne med fri leg, hoppeborg, tegning og sanglege mv. Vi skiftes til at medbringe boller og tilbehør. Vi betaler $2 hver gang per familie, medlemskab af Playgroup Queensland og den danske klub Heimdal er en betingelse. Nye medlemmer er meget velkomne til at komme og være med. For yderligere information kontakt: Iben [email protected] 0434 933 953 Tina [email protected] 0403 838 663 Tea [email protected] 3379 1667 / 0419 659 837 15 SBS SBS Radio Broadcast in Danish is available online as a stream Thursdays at 4pm or anytime as a download/podcast. Go to: for the most recent programs and updates. TV 1: Wednesday May 22nd, 2013 9:30 pm Borgen: Men Who Love Women - With the support of her Minister of Trade, Birgitte puts forth a proposal for gender quotas on Danish companies' boards of directors. The proposal meets resistance both in and out of government - and the country's most powerful businessman gives Birgitte an ultimatum that could have serious consequences. Meanwhile, Katrine turns down an offer of help to take better care of herself, and Kasper gets into a muddle with the ladies. Stars Sidse Babett Knudsen, Johan Philip Asbæk and Birgitte Hjort Sørensen. (From Denmark, in Danish) (Drama Series) M (S) 1:05 am Film: Accused - On the surface, Henrik and Nina Christofferson are a seemingly ordinary couple with a happy family life. But their 14-year-old daughter, Stine, has a habit of telling lies in class. When Stine accuses her father of sexual abuse, and is believed by seemingly eager social workers, their family is thrust into crisis. Nominated for the Golden Bear at Berlin in 2005. Directed by Jacob Thuesen and stars Troels Lyby, Sofie Grabol and Kirstine Rosenkrands Mikkelsen. (From Denmark, in Danish) (Drama) (2005) (Rpt) MA (A) Tuesday May 28th, 2013 1:10 am Anna Pihl - In her personal hunt for the men responsible for selling the pills that poisoned Tobias, Mikala gets further and further out of her depth. Meanwhile, Anna is in big trouble with her role as a 'snitch', and this has consequences for her friendship with Mikala. Stars Charlotte Munck, Iben Hjejle and Paw Henriksen. (From Denmark, in Danish) (Drama Series) (Rpt) M (D,L) Wednesday May 29th, 2013 9:30 pm Borgen: State Visit - Birgitte faces her first state visit, as the president of the former Soviet republic Turgistan comes to Denmark and announces his intention to invest one billion euros in Danish wind turbine technology. However, the simultaneous arrival of a renowned Turgistani poet and dissident, places Birgitte in the middle of a significant, escalating conflict. She also faces some conflict on the home front. Stars Sidse Babett Knudsen, Johan Philip Asbæk and Birgitte Hjort Sørensen. (From Denmark, in Danish and English) (Drama Series) M (A,S,L) CC For updated program listing go to our webpage and look at the rolling text to the right side of our front page, unfortunately we have not received the June program schedule yet. Nil on SBS2 16
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