Invitation to iPower Conference 18-19 November 2014 at DTU Risø Live Demonstrations & Presentations Control of individual consumption units and coordinated operation of distribution networks provision of services to the grid. At the demonstration the aggregator will control a chiller installed at Grundfos and a supermarket refrigeration unit installed at Danfoss. We are pleased to invite you to live demonstrations of key technologies developed in the iPower project. In iPower the complete chain of demand response is covered – from the user to impact on society. iPower has strong focus on taking the research results further towards the market. In the light of this, the conference pays particular attention to implementation of the technologies, and significant results will be presented through demonstrations. Insero Software has developed a similar aggregator of household consumption that is currently being demonstrated at their Live Lab at Stenderup. Here it aggregates heat pumps and electric vehicles, and the aggregator has been extended and enabled to integrate with the Flexibility Clearing House FLECH. FLECH is a software infrastructure that enables Distribution System Operators and aggregators to interact, so the potential flexibility controlled by the aggregators can be provided to the DSOs in a market-based way. At the event the live interaction between several aggregators and a DSO will be demonstrated. For setting the scene, we are very happy that Director of the Energy Agency, Morten Bæk will present the Danish perspective on smart grids, and David Hill of OpenEnergi will introduce the demand response market in the UK and give us insight into the way OpenEnergi operates in that market. Further Dr. Mathias Uslar, OFFIS will present the results of an extensive German study on future distribution networks and how smart grids can be used to reduce the future distribution network costs. Key iPower results will be demonstrated and presented at the conference. Residential test houses at Risø and Grundfos in Bjerringbro will be used for demonstrating how individual houses can be controlled. The demonstrations will show how flexibility can be used for controlling the power consumption of heating systems to follow external requirements, and it will be shown how the house can be integrated into a market. Industrial loads present a large potential for providing flexibility. An optimal aggregator developed by Aalborg University has been developed and will be demonstrated. The aggregator is able to aggregate different types of loads with different characteristics and make the flexibility available for We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference. Registration Please register at Registration is free, but please note that a fee of DKK 300 will be charged in case of no-show. Venue DTU Elektro CEE Frederiksborgvej 399, Building 319 4000 Roskilde Please report to the gate at arrival. Find information about how to get there at More information Please find more information at If you have any questions about the conference please contact: For practical information: Eva M. Nielsen, + 45 46 77 49 80, [email protected] For information about the professional programme: Platform Manager, Henrik W. Bindner, +45 46 77 50 50, [email protected] iPower Conference Live Demonstrations and Presentations Program Tuesday, 18 November 2014 Wednesday, 19 November 2014 09:30Registration 09:00 Intro day II By Henrik Bindner, Platform Manager, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 09:10 Results from German study on future distribution grids By Mathias Uslar, OFFIS, DE 09:55 Aggregation, DERs, DSOs By David Tackie, Dansk Energi 10:25 Introduction and presentation of FLECH By Lars Henrik Hansen, DONG Energy 12:00Lunch 10:55 Coffee break 13:00 Investigating domestic consumer behaviour in the smart grid By Morten Lunde, Technological Institute 11:15 Demo: Aggregation of industrial flexible consumption By Samira Rahnama, AAU & Torben Green, Danfoss & Casper Hillerup Lyhne, Grundfos 13:15 Using Insero’s Livelab to study user behavior and improve smart grid solutions By Munna Hoffmann-Jørgensen, Insero Business Services & Meiken Hansen, DTU MAN 12:30Lunch 13:55 Presentation of interfaces between aggregator and consumer By Jonas Brandt, Kamstrup 14:15 Coffee break 14:35 Introduction to SYSLAB By Oliver Gehrke, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 14:50 Demo: Direct power control of house space heating By Giuseppe Costanzo, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 15:50 Demo: Model Predictive Control of Heat Pumps - first year results By Jacopo Parvizi, DTU Compute 16:50 Discussion and summary of the day 10:00Welcome By Henrik Bindner, Platform Manager, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 10:10 Danish Perspective on Smart Grids By Morten Bæk, Energistyrelsen 10:55 Commercial Demand Response in the UK By David Hill, OpenEnergi, UK 11:40 Setting the stage/Intro to flexible demand Evening Dinner at own expence in Roskilde 13:30 Value of flexibility from supermarket refrigeration By Morten Stryg, Dansk Energi 14:00 Demo of Live Lab @ Stenderup By Thomas Busk Espersen, Insero Software 15:00 Coffee break 15:20 Demo: Interaction DSO-Aggregator via FLECH By Esteban M. Bondy & Anders Thavlov, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 16:20Summary By Henrik Bindner, Platform Manager, CEE, DTU Electrical Engineering 16:50 End of Event
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