How to get to DTU from the airport

How to get to DTU from the airport
Take any metro (all lines from the airport) or the train to Nørreport (1-2 stops after
Central station, direction Helsingør). Go out, search for bus stop 150S (it is at the
East end of Nørreport). Take bus 150S direction Kokkedal. Go out at stop
DTU/Rævehøjvej. Cross the highway (fortunately, there is a bridge) and go straight
ahead. The next building is 113, our institute. Map is below.
Stefan Trapp is in building 115, office 050, phone 4525 1622)
The total travel takes around 1 hour. I tested it to drive by car, but it is not
significantly faster.
How to get to Campus Village from the airport
Take any metro (all lines from the airport) or the train to Nørreport (1-2 stops after
Central station, direction Helsingør). Go out, take the S-train E direction Hillerød or B
direction Holte, get off at Lynbgy station.
Go out of the station and cross the street. Take bus 300S direction Nærum (one of
the bus stops to the left) or bus 353 direction Fredensborg Rådhus (one of the bus
stops to the right). Another possibility, but not on weekend, is bus 590E direction
Lyngby st (one of the bus stops to the right).
Get off at bus stop Elektrovej. From
there walk to campus village (200m),
see maps right and below.
Breakfast you can get in the canteen,
it’s on the way from Campus Village
to our institute (see map below).
How to get to DTU from Lyngby
Take bus 300S direction Nærum or bus 353 direction Fredensborg Rådhus and get
off at bus stop DTU/Rævehøjvej. Walk 100m from there to our institute, see map
What you can do in Lyngby:
At DTU is the kantine and the S-huset (student bar, beer garden), but not much
Near the station are nice lakes, called Lyngby lake, Bagsværd lake and (the most
beautiful lake of Denmark) Fure lake.
In Lyngby is a "Store Center" (a shopping mall) where you can be impressed about
prices in Denmark.
From university eastwards, there is a wonderful walk to the sea (2-3 km). Maybe we
do this together (not that you get lost in the forests).
Link to map of the university
Maps from (all Denmark)
Map of DTU and Lyngby
Map of DTU with some relevant locations.
S-Train and Metro map. The yellow signs indicate airport and Lyngby station.