$ . : , No. 702 1R Catholic newspaper theEJPDF diocese OFXTQBQFS EJPDFTF )FYIBN $BUIPMJD $ OFXTQB BQFS GPSforUIF FTF of PG Hexham ) & /FXDBTUMF Newcastle XDBTUUMF 2014 £1 October 2FWREHU S ¼ Diamond day for Sr Michael Episcopal Vicar appointed Surprise treat as evangelising Sister meets the Pope in her 60th jubilee year by Fr Michael Griffiths delegates. The conference was organised by the Pontifical Council for the promotion of the New Evangelisation. Bishop Seamus, Diocesan Chief Operating Officer Mrs Kathleen Smith, and five members of the Evangelisation Team joined the conference with over 50 delegates from England and Wales. The aim was to reflect upon the central themes of Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, the Joy of the Gospel and the pastoral renewal of the Church in the light of the teaching of the Pope. The 2,000 delegates were made up of bishops, heads of pastoral offices, priests, religious, deacons, laity, volunteers and pastoral workers, and it took place in the Paul VI Audience Hall, Vatican City. Speakers included Dr John Vainer, who talked about listening to the poor as well as presentations on pastoral ministry in the city family and popular piety. Dr Raphael C Monthienvichien chai spoke about the power of social media, making the point that more people in the world had access to a mobile phone than a flushing toilet. Fr Marko Rupnik SJ, who before ordination was an artist, spoke about the importance of art in conveying the gospel message and was enthusiastically received by delegates, who were obviously familiar with his work on city centre redundant churches. Dr Tracey Rowland gave an insight into the ‘Death of God’ philosophy that has dominated modern culture and that in a post 1968 culture the people of God were the crucial agents of evangelisation. The American Archbishop Joseph Di Noia OP reflected on Pope Francis’ thoughts on Homilies (EG 135-159) and we were left in no doubt that overly long theological lectures or moralistic rants were not a homily. The delegates gave loud enthusiastic applause p at the end of his presentation. The highlight of the conference was the visit of q Delighted to meet you, Your Holiness. Sr Michael is given a warm welcome to the Vatican by Pope Francis. Archbishop Rino Fisichella is in the background. l Sr Michael’s Diamond celebration - Page 2. Pope Francis on Friday afternoon. He encouraged the delegates in the centrality of the work of evangelisation and referred to the gospel of the landowner going out constantly to hire workers for his vineyard. Pointing to his watch he reminded us that we still had an hour left according to the gospel to go out to seek people to come into the vineyard of the Lord. Sr Michael and Kathryn Turner have already given an introduction to the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ in deaneries across the diocese and now the evangelisation team will be looking at how to take the work of evangelisation forward in the light of this conference and the Pope’s inspiring and challenging Apostolic Exhortation. Deputy steps up to head charity q Newly-appointed Chief Executive Officer of St Cuthberts Care Moira Ashman (left) and her deputy, Sheila Errington. THE Board of St Cuthberts Care have turned to the charity’s experienced acting chief to become Chief Executive Officer. Moira Ashman, former Deputy Chief Executive has been appointed with immediate effect to lead the charity that helps some of the most vulnerable members of society in Hexham & Newcastle Diocese. Moira worked for many years with former Chief Executive Austin Donohoe, who retired in April. She was Austin’s deputy for five years and has acted as Chief Executive on several occasions in the past. Sheila Errington, Director of Children’s Services, will assume the role of Deputy Chief Executive. Fr Michael Campion, Chairman of St Cuthberts Care, said: “Moira’s knowledge and experience of the charity are considerable. The Trustees and I have every confidence in her leadership and wish her well in her new appointment.” Moira, a Chartered Secretary who has over 25 years’ experience of the charity’s care, business and governance needs, said: “I feel privileged to lead this wonderful charity. It is one that I know so well and one that is so very dear to my heart. “We have the most amazing, compassionate people working tirelessly alongside our residents and clients, day in day out, and we are blessed with dedi- cated volunteers and a strong supporter base. “Austin Donohoe left us a precious legacy - a richly diverse, vibrant, flourishing and financially stable Catholic charity. It is now my remit to build on this.” St Cuthberts Care offers residential care for children and older people, provides short and long-term fostering and provides specialist care for people with profound disabilities. It runs the highly successful and award-winning Alan Shearer Centre in Newcastle and the Alan Shearer Foundation. Launched by the diocese in 1946 and still firmly rooted within the Catholic Church, the charity has grown to a £9.3m business. Society of the Sa cred Hea rt POPE Francis was given the warm wishes of the people of Hexham & Newcastle when he visited a conference in the Vatican, attended by a group from the diocese led by Bishop Seamus Cunningham. Bishop Seamus thanked the Holy Father on behalf of the diocese for his inspiration and encouragement when he was presented to him at the conference entitled ‘The Pastoral Project of Evangeli Gaudium’. But the biggest thrill of the day was reserved for Sister Mary Michael Lee, Evangelisation Co-ordinator of the diocese, who was a member of the H&N team at the conference. Unknown to Sr Michael, Bishop Seamus had arranged for her to meet the Pope personally in this, the 60th anniversary of her profession. Sr Michael was chosen to meet the Pope in acknowledgement of her contribution to the work of evangelisation both in the diocese and nationally and her presentation was a joyful and proud moment for all the English and Welsh BISHOP Seamus Cunningham has announced two new appointments to senior positions in the diocese. Fr Simon Lerche, currently parish priest at St Paul’s, Cramlington, and St Joseph’s, New Hartley, has been appointed to All Saint’s, Newcastle, residing at St Bede’s, Denton Burn He replaces Fr Jim O’Keefe, who has been appointed to lead the three-year strategic diocesan review. Fr Simon becomes Episcopal Vicar for Newcastle and North Tyneside and a Member of the Board of Directors in an appointment which took effect on October 1. He will continue as Diocesan Chancellor. Fr David Smith, parish priest at St John Vianney’s, West Denton, Newcastle, has been appointed Promoter of Vocations for the diocese. Bishop Seamus acknowledged the contributions of Fr Michael McCoy and Fr Marc Lyden-Smith as Promoter and Assistant Promoter of Vocations respectively. 14x2 “T he pierced Heart of Jesus opens our being to the depths of God and the anguish of human kind” Societry of the Sacred Heart For more meet us on www.societyofthesacredheartvocations.co.uk or contact: Sr Barbara on 0191 272 3000 Our next Vocation Discernment Weekend Wingrove Road Newcastle upon Tyne 17 - 19 October 2014 Friday 6.30pm - Sunday 1.30pm Suggested offerings of £25 per person More details on the website www.societyofthesacredheartvocations.co.uk email: [email protected]
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