Superintendent’s Report….. OCTOBER 2014

Superintendent’s Report…..
Cold Weather Is On Its Way
October is here and cold weather is on its way. Please make sure your
student is dressed appropriately for the cold weather. We still have
some coats to give away at the Board Office. If you have a child who
needs a coat, please contact me and we’ll see if we have a coat that will
South Brown County
Homecoming—October 10, 2014—Football
Homecoming for football at Horton High School is on Friday, October
10, 2014. At the end of school that day there will a big Homecoming
Parade put on by Horton High School. The parade starts at Horton Elementary School at 2:15 p.m. and proceeds past Horton High School and
stops at 2:50 p.m. at the four corners (downtown Horton). In the parade
are four floats created by the Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior and Senior
classes. There will be an exciting pep rally held at the four corners. The
cheerleaders will host this pep rally. Once the rally is over the students
will go back to HHS. That evening at Charger Field the Homecoming
King and Queen will be announced and crowned. Our Chargers will
play Maur Hill. This will be a good game and I feel our team will have a
wonderful victory. After the Homecoming game there will be a Homecoming dance at Horton High School.
Homecoming is a huge event for the Chargers. It is fun/exciting and
creates many fun memories for our students.
If you can attend any or all of the events related to our Charger Homecoming, please do so. Please come to the Homecoming football game
and cheer on our Charger football team.
Support Our Chargers
We have a wonderful group of students attending our schools in
Charger Country. They work hard on being successful in the areas of
academics and activities. Please show your support of our students by
attending our school functions. Your support is always appreciated!
Steven J. Davies, Ph.D.
Superintendent of Schools
Horton High School News
From the Desk of Mr. Dave Norman, HHS Principal…
The school year is in full swing with a quarter of the year finishing at the middle of this
month. Fall activities are half over and regular seasons will conclude at the end of the
As always, some things are moving in a positive direction and yet others….not so much.
The State continues to change testing information to comply with the Federal Waiver
mandates. This has caused some confusion and frustration as many of the teachers have
been working toward previously setting goals for mastery of the assessments in a different grade level. The high school staff are confident that, no matter what changes come
our way, our students will be ready to show competency of any measures the state will
need. The incoming freshmen are working on certain strategies to help them with the
transition to high school as well as improve their changes for continued success in the
coming years. I have heard good comments from teachers that most students are increasing their efforts in this area. There is still a general complaint from colleges and universities that the schools in general are sending students who are not ready to do college level
work. We, at Horton High School want to maintain and increase our post-secondary and
work readiness, starting with creation of an Individual Student Plan (ISP). The ISP will allow students to have a record of some college and career exploration as well as documentation of coursework taken/needed to be successful in a certain field. This 4-year
planning document should also help them keep on track with coursework needed to
make a smooth transition to the workplace or post-secondary education. More information on this process will be available in future newsletters. Please ask your student about
his/her ISP and what they have done with it as of this time. Horton High School always
strives to be a positive, contributing member of the community and surrounding area.
We should know our classification by the printing of this newsletter. We have the lowest enrollment that I have encountered in my 24 years at Horton High. We will either be a
small 3A or one of the larger 2A schools for the rest of the year. Either way, we will encounter stiff competition as we move into post-season play throughout the year. We at
Horton High School will continue to push for excellence and look forward to promotion
of school activities which make us all proud!
Horton High School’s
Hiawatha Halloween Queen Candidates
Kelly Lehew
Alysha Nigh
Good Luck!
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The Horton High Cheerleaders
Homecoming 2014
Friday, October 10, 2014
Horton High School
2014 Homecoming Candidates
Katie Campbell
Kyle Becker
Kelly Lehew
Spencer DeLos Santos
Mikayla Schmitt
Zach Earp
Monday, October 6th - “Earn Your Fair Lady Day”
(Girls & Guys Dress Up) (Guys treat the ladies with respect)
*JV Football at Horton vs. Pleasant Ridge-4:30pm
Tuesday, October 7th - “Under Armour Day”
(Wear athletic clothes)
*JV & V Volleyball at Horton vs. Jackson Hts. & Valley Falls-5:00pm
* Buff Puff after Volleyball Game in the High School Gym (Community Welcomed)
Wednesday, October 8th- “The Hunt Day”
(Wear Camo)
Thursday, October 9th - “Ride Your Charger to School Day”
(Purchase a Charger to take to school with you)
*Senior Breakfast at 7:00 am
*V Volleyball at Valley Falls-5:00pm / Cross Country at Sabetha-4:00pm
*Powder Puff at 9:00pm and Bonfire at 10:00pm (As soon as EMS Football is over)
Friday, October 10th - “Blue & White Day”
(Show school spirit and dress in Blue & White)
*Homecoming Parade at 2:15pm / Pep Rally at 2:50pm at 4-Corners
*Senior Tailgate at 5:00pm
*Crowning Ceremony at 6:15pm / Varsity Football vs. Maur Hill-7:00pm
*Homecoming Dance following game till Midnight ($3 single/$5 couple)
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Friday, October 10, 2014
Friday, October 24, 2014
Charger Football Field
Charger Football Field
Serving 5:00 pm-until Gone
Serving 5:30 pm-until Gone
Frito Pie, Cinnamon Rolls,
Chili, Dessert,
Bottled Water
Bottled Water
All money will go to the
All money will go to the
Senior Class to use for
Junior Class to use for
After Prom Activities.
Prom Activities.
Page 4
Everest Middle School News
From the Desk of Mrs. Jackie Wenger, EMS Principal…
Hello Students, Parents, Guardians, and Patrons!
September was a very active month. The students were doing MAP testing (Measures of
Academic Progress), getting to know new classmates, getting in the swing of homework,
and cheering on the EMS Charger volleyball and football teams. Falling into October is
more of the same. We still have football and volleyball and more school work. The work
will vary as we work to full implementation of the Kansas College and Career Ready Standards. Teachers are also studying to make sure that we are teaching what needs to be
taught and using those teaching strategies will make our students think and problem
solve as they learn.
Last month I began a series of comments concerning character traits that display “The
Cowboy Way” of doing things. The trait for October is self-reliance. Self-reliance grows
from making do with what you have, confidence in your ability to learn, willingness to put
in the time and effort required to master a skill, taking responsibility for your own wellbeing, and finding satisfaction in all of your accomplishments. Author, James P. Owen
compares it to living through a disaster and then waiting for someone else to show up and
help, or taking the initiative to get up, dust yourself off, and start doing for yourself. An
old cowboy use to say “If you’re lookin’ for a helpin’ hand, try the one on the end of your
own arm.” We could all begin with our own arm.
EMS is truly off to a good start. The students are doing such a great job. I encourage all
parents and guardians to com to parent-teacher conferences the 21st and 23rd of October. You may be surprised at what our students have already accomplished this year
through self-reliance.
Be Educated, Motivated, and Successful
Students at EMS are living healthier by
creating personal health goals in their
physical education classes. EMS students take part in a 10 week health program which
includes both a physical exercise goal as well as a
goal monitoring food intake each week. Students
begin the program by taking health surveys to help
them select meaningful goals to work towards each
semester. In order to help motivate students, Mr.
Hutfles, challenges each staff member and all parents to select their own personal health goals and
work with our students to help them achieve their
goals and stay healthy.
Everest Middle
School is collecting
Sunny D labels for the
Sunny D book spree.
Please save your
labels for this worthy
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By Cheryl McAfee, BSN/RN
Diabetes and Kids: More kids than ever will develop diabetes. Predictions from health experts are as follows:
1. By 2050 the number of kids with diabetes may triple for type 1( previously called juvenile diabetes or insulindependent diabetes, represents 5% to 10% of all diagnosed cases of diabetes. Children, teenagers, and young
adults are the people who are diagnosed with type 1 diabetes most often) and quadruple for type 2 (Previously
known as Adult onset diabetes, it is now prevalent among children and adolescence with the primary cause of the
onset obesity).
2. 1 in 5 children in the nation are obese.
3. Lack of exercises and poor nutrition likely play a role in both the obesity and type 2 diabetes epidemics.
Change your children’s fate by starting to encourage:
* More physical activity and less sitting inside watching TV or playing video games.
* Cutting back on soda, juice, sodium, processed foods and saturated fat.
* Watch for diabetes warning signs which include excessive thirst, blurred vision, fatigue, frequent urination.
* When grocery shopping at the store, stay at the outer edges of the store – near the produce, meat, dairy and
bakery and in the canned and frozen aisles. This will help to avoid the displays of unhealthy, expensive PROCESSED foods that carry a lot of the saturated fats, sodium and sugars. Buy fresh fruits and vegetables when in season or buy frozen fruits and vegetables instead of canned, which have been processed. Try to steam vegetables
instead of boiling them as boiling depletes their nutritional value.
Spicing Up your Life: A clove of garlic or a dash of turmeric brings flavor to your dinner table. But did you know
they also might have health benefits? Use these herbs and spices in your cooking. Your whole body---not just
your taste buds----could thank you.
 Cinnamon – May help lower blood sugar
 Garlic – May aid in cancer prevention
 Ginger – Soothes upset stomach and may treat arthritis and muscle pain
 Sage – May ease indigestion and improve mood and mental performance
 Turmeric – May have anti-inflammatory, cancer-fighting and antioxidant properties
If you would like more information about diabetes go to
5-2-1-0: A simple guideline for Kids:
5- Eat 5 or more fruits and veggies a day
2 – Unplug – View 2 hours or less of screen time a day
1 – Move – Move 1 or more hours in active play a day
0 – Zero – Drink 0 sugary drinks a day.
5 Steps to Healthier Family Meals:
After a long day at work, getting dinner on the table can be a challenge. You may look to fast food
or convenience foods—even though you’d rather serve more healthful foods that cost less. When it comes
to improving your family’s diet without overwhelming your own resources and schedule, a reasonable goal is
to slowly improve a “not so good” diet to a “not perfect but better” diet throughout the course of a month
or so. Here’s how:
1. Take small steps each week.
Week one: Add one extra serving of fruit each day. Top your child’s favorite cereal with sliced
strawberries or bananas
Week two: Add one extra vegetable serving each day. (Add a shredded carrot to tuna salad)
Week three: Add one healthy beverage each day. (Pack 1 percent low-fat milk instead of soda in
Week four: Include one healthy snack each day. (Offer a mid-morning snack of dried fruit and nuts).
Week five: Serve one extra high-fiber grain food each day (Use 100 percent whole wheat bread instead of white bread for sandwiches).
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From the Desk of Mrs. Judy Dickman, HES Principal…
Horton Elementary School News
Fall has arrived and the weather is beginning to cool off. Please remember that all students will be
going outside one to three times a day, depending on their grade level for recess. Please make sure your
child/children wear appropriate clothing and have jackets or coats for those cool days.
September really has flown by. The students have all adjusted well to their schedules and are doing a
great job! We want to thank our special visitor we had in September - Taylor Thomas, “Miss Indian
World” came by and presented a short program to our kindergarten through 4th graders about all her
experiences. She did a great job and we thank her for coming by to see us!
Miss Indian World with her sisters,
Aubrey and Angelina Thomas
Each class requested Miss Indian World take a picture with them.
Here she is with the 2nd grade class.
October is a busy month:
October 1st is picture day here at Horton Elementary. October 6th all cookie dough orders and
monies are to be turned in. Thank you in advance for participating with your child in this fundraiser. The
PTO provides many learning opportunities and supplies for our students here at Horton Elementary
with these funds. October 10th is Homecoming at HHS and the elementary students will be able to enjoy the parade as they go by the grade school that afternoon on their way to the 4 corners downtown.
October 14th we will be having Parent’s Night to inform our parents all about our new LEXIA Reading
Program along with some other events. Parent Teacher Conferences will be during the evenings of October 21st and 23rd. The cookie dough will arrive on October 29th for all parents to pick up after school
at the elementary. Last but not least, we will be having our Halloween Parties on Friday, October 31st,
at 2:15 p.m. If you signed up to help with the class parties the room mother for your child’s class will be
contacting you.
No School Days in October:
Friday, October 17th, the teachers will be attending an in-service and have a half day work day. No
school for the students.
Friday, October 24th, there will be no school.
Monday, October 27th, there will be an all day in-service for the teachers and no school for the students.
Cookie Dough Sales:
Cookie Dough Sales kicked off on September 25th. The cookie dough orders are to be turned back
into their teachers by October 6th. The cookie dough will be delivered to the Horton Elementary
School the afternoon of October 29th. Parents will need to come to the elementary school after school
on the 29th to pick up their cookie dough to deliver.
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Parent’s Night:
We will be having a Parent’s Night to introduce our new Reading Supplement Program, “LEXIA”, to all parents. This is a program that students will also be able to access at home. Parents will learn how they can help
their children on this program at home. We will also have other activities during the evening. More information
will be sent home with the students at a later date. I hope to see you all October 14th at 5:30 p.m. at the Horton
Elementary School.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
There will be conferences the evenings of October 21st and October 23rd. Mrs. Dishon will be sending letters
out to you with your scheduled day and times to meet with your child/children’s teachers. Once you receive your
schedule, if the time set will not work for you, please call Mrs. Dishon to reschedule a time for you to meet with
the teacher. This gives the parents and teachers an opportunity to discuss the child’s individual strengths - weaknesses and the best ways to help each child learn to their full potential.
Halloween Parties:
We will be having our in-school Halloween Parade and Parties on Friday, October 31st, at 2:15 p.m. Each
classroom has a room parent that has volunteered to organize and plan the class party with other parent volunteers from the class. Everyone is invited to come and watch the kids walk through the parade in their costumes.
Horton Elementary School Super Kid Drawing for the month of August was held August 29, 2014 Those students drawn
Kindergarten: Carson Lamme, Sierra Chancellor, Emaleigh Baker, Bobbi Becker, and Jalin Depray.
First Grade: Christian Allen, Ben Selland, Jag’r Blackfeather, Krystal Carter, and Kaden Peterson.
Second Grade: Tyler Willich, Kamryn Kahbeah, Finn Ashton-Bowers, Barrett Simon, Jameson Simon, and Justice Ferney.
Third Grade: Zach Boller, Desiree Madere, Jaleen Yarrow, Kaden Smith, and Emma Speer.
Fourth Grade: Aiden Taff, Ruth Johansen, Chase Moss, Garrett Morgan, and Mary Gage.
The Book Fair and Sir Readalot’s Castle will
arrive in town at the Horton Elementary School
soon! The Castle will start October 16 – 23
during school hours. The book fair will also be
open during parent teacher conferences from
4:00-8:00 p.m on October 21 and October 23.
We are going to talk about a lot of different things for the month of
October in guidance and classrooms. We would like you to talk to your
students about these topics at home.
October 6th-12th is Bullying Prevention Week
We will have an anti-bullying theme throughout the school and please
talk to your children at home about this issue and if you have any concerns please let us know because we can’t change something we don’t
know about.
October 27th-31st is Red Ribbon Week which will be a DRUG-FREE
This will be a week of activities to encourage students to say NO to
drugs. This is another topic that as parents you have a big influence and
now is the time to talk to them because this age group is still listening.
The character quality for the month of October is RESPONSIBLITY.
Responsibility is doing the right thing because it is the right thing to do.
Everyone needs to take responsibility for their actions and yes even elementary children need to realize that there is a consequence for their
This may mean your child is upset or unhappy but it is ok for them to be
unhappy if they have made a bad choice. That is healthy.
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JOM/Title VII October 2014 News
Viki Stone, Coordinator/Tutor
Congratulations to our new Indian Education Committee (IEC) members and officers as of September 24. They are Lester Randall, chairperson; Tiffany Buffalo, vice chairperson; Tisha Thomas, secretary; Marlena Wakolee, member; and Stephanie Green-Demby, member.
The next meeting of the JOM/Title VII Indian
Education Committee (IEC) will be at noon
Wednesday, October 8th. All eligible students, their parents/guardians are welcome
and encouraged to attend our monthly meetings. If you have concerns, questions, or ideas
regarding your student’s school experience,
please come to our meetings. There is always
a place for you on the agenda!
Dr. Joseph Brewer to Speak
at HHS/EMS Assembly
Plans are being made to bring in another outstanding speaker November 18 for a combined Horton High/Everest Middle School audience as we celebrate Native American Heritage Month.
Our speaker will be Dr. Joseph Brewer, assistant professor of environmental studies at the
University of Kansas. He most recently served
as an assistant professor and acting dean in
the School of Natural and Social Sciences at
Haskell Indian Nations University. The time
will be announced.
School Supplies Available
Please contact me if your JOM/Title VIIeligible student (K-12) needs school supplies
at any time during the school yeaer. Supplies
on hand will be given according to the official
school supply list and on a first-come, firstserve basis.
Native American Heritage Month in November is right
around the corner! For the past two years at Horton
Elementary, we have expanded our annual observance
to include more cultural activities for the students to
experience and, of course, we need your help!
We plan to have five 20-minute centers to which each
grade level will rotate. Ideas for centers so far include:
beading, a Kansas Historical Society traveling trunk,
story-telling, Native languages, art, food, the drum
and dance, and traditional games. If you or someone
you know would be willing to give time and expertise
as a presenter in one of these areas, please let me
know as soon as possible. We also need dancers of all
ages and a drum group! The date for our event will be
Friday, November 21 at 1:45p.m. at Horton Elementary.
Please return the information below to the school office by October 10 or give me a call at Horton Elementary at 784-486-2616 in the mornings or at Everest
Middle School in the afternoons at 785-548-7536. Viki
--------------------------------------_____ I am willing to participate as a presenter if
needed on the topic of________________________________.
Your Name____________________________________________
____ I suggest contacting_____________________________
On the topic of ________________________________________
Their Phone___________________________________________
Names of Dancers: ____________________________________
Thank You!
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Cinnamon Toast Crisps, Pears
Mini Waffles, Banana
Wednesday: Breakfast Pizza, Mandarin Oranges
Pancake Sausage Wrap, Peaches
Mini Pancakes, Pineapple Slices
Milk & Juice served with each breakfast.
Milk served with
each meal.
“USDA is an equal
opportunity provider
and employer.”
Teriyaki Chicken Dippers
Taco Burger/Bun
Chunky Salsa & Chips Lettuce Salad/Cheese
Baked Beans
Rosy Applesauce
Peach Halves
Teddy Grahams
(HS) Salad Crackers &
(HS) Baby Carrots &
Chucky Salsa & Chips
Rosy Applesauce
(HS) Corn & Juice
Grilled Chicken
Savory Rice
Baby Carrots/Green
Pineapple Rings
(HS) Pretzel Rod &
Taco Soup/Chips
Blushing Pears
(HS) Grammy Fish &
Goldfish Cracker
Pig in a Blanket
Sweet Potato Puffs
(HS) Salad Crackers
Taco Salad
Refried Beans
(HS) Grammy Fish &
Corn Dog
Lettuce Salad
Baby Carrots
Fresh Broccoli/Dip
Whole Orange
Grammy Fish
(HS) Juice
Cowboy Cavatini
Mixed Vegetables
Pretzel Rod
Mandarin Oranges
(HS) Peas & Juice
Sloppy Jo/Bun
Baby Carrots
Green Beans
Peach Halves
(HS) Salad Crackers &
Chicken Nuggets
Lettuce Salad
Whole Banana
Salad Crackers
(HS) Juice
Ham Wrap
Diced Carrots
Whole Banana
Grammy Fish
(HS) Juice
Meat Loaf
Chicken Patty/Bun
Chicken Wrap
Baked Beans/Peas
Baby Carrots
Peach Halves
Fresh Broccoli/Dip
Diced Tomatoes
(GS/MS) Teddy Grahams
Mandarin Oranges
Mixed Fruit w/Bananas
(HS) Pretzel Rod &
(HS) Goldfish Cracker & (HS) Diced Carrots &
Saltine Crackers
Goldfish Cracker
Menus are subject to
Chicken Nuggets
Lettuce Salad/Corn
Whole Banana
Salad Crackers
(HS) Juice
Baby Carrots
Fresh Broccoli/Dip
Whole Orange
Grammy Fish
(HS) Juice
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South Brown County
Unified School District #430
522 Central Ave.
Horton, Kansas 66439
Phone: 785-486-2611
Fax: 785-486-2496
Home of the Chargers!
The South Brown County school district exists to provide a safe, challenging environment to prepare all
students as independent, life-long learners and positive
productive citizens.
South Brown County Unified School District #430 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or
age in its programs and activities. The following person has been
designated to handle inquiries regarding the non-discrimination
notices: Superintendent of Schools, USD 430, 522 Central Ave., Horton, Kansas 66439 785-486-2611
October 21st 4-8pm
October 23rd 4-8pm