APRIL Superintendent’s Report… 2015 Spring is Welcome It looks like winter is close to being over and spring is working hard on chasing winter away. I hope all of you are enjoying the nice weather I also hope all of you have a fun day on April 1st. This is my favorite day of the year! So happy April Fool’s Day! Have a positive Easter break! South Brown County Unified School District #430 Education Funding in Kansas A lot changes in one year. At the present time Governor Sam Brownback and the Legislative Branch of Kansas Government are working on the $600,000,000 short fall our state is facing starting July 1, 2015. In last years April 2014 Superintendent’s Report I reported our Governor had prepared a statement with guiding principals on education funding which were as follows: The equity issue raised by the court should be completely addressed this year; Capital outlay authority should remain intact and be fully equalized; Local Option Budget authority should remain intact and be fully funded; Local school boards should be given the opportunity to send additional funding to the classroom to help their students succeed if we can give them the necessary authority to do so and maintain equity; The solution to the equity problem will require significant new funding; and The administration will work with legislative leadership to identify the necessary additional funding. He also supported full funding of LOB and Capital Outlay state aid. NOW - Kansas is going to block grants and not the standard way our state has funded education with a base aid per pupil. As it stands now we are going to have a reduction in this years budget of $44,251.00 in General Funds and $52,500.00 in Local Option Budget for a total of $96,751.00. This is a lot of money to lose in March. Once I know how all of this is going to work I’ll let you know through this report. Go Chargers!!! Steven J. Davies, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools Horton High School News From the Desk of Mr. Dave Norman, HHS Principal… Now that spring break is over and the temperatures are warming, the race is on to the end of the school year. April is jam-packed with activities and we are certainly hoping to be successful in the spring sports and fine arts activities. It will be a very short time to the end of the year and both staff and students will be concentrating on current and future school matters such as state assessments and preenrollment. We are in the middle of taking the new state assessment tests aligned to the new College and Career Readiness Standards. We are also working to revamp our accreditation and evaluation model for the school district that will need to be set in place after next year. The district has started working on these changes and I feel confident we will be able to accomplish all that is being asked by the State. As specific information is released, it will be passed on to all interested stakeholders in the district. The spring production, “Rex’s Exes” is scheduled for April 17th and 18th at 7:00 p.m. in the HHS auditorium. The play will showcase some very talented students at Horton High and I’m sure it will be another outstanding performance. Of course, golf and track meets will be plentiful during the month. We look forward to seeing our spring athletes as they compete in individual and team competitions. Please remind your student(s) that there are still 7 weeks of school left and that expectations for achievement are the same as when school started in the fall. Although it may be hard at times, students still need to concentrate on finishing homework. Remember, the focus is on finishing the school year strong! Horton High School Junior-Senior Prom April 11, 2015 The Horton High School Junior-Senior Prom is on Saturday, April 11, 2015. The juniors have been busy planning and preparing for the event and would like to invite parents and community friends to see how the high school gym will be transformed into a scene from the 1920’s. The prom theme for this year is “Party at Gatsby’s. The gym will be open to the public from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the afternoon for pictures and viewing. Pictures are encouraged at that time with the lights on so that decorations can be seen clearly in pictures. Prom Servers will also be practicing their dance at 4:30 in the afternoon so anyone wanting to see the dance and take pictures or videos may do so at that time. The juniors and seniors will be arriving for the prom starting at approximately 6:00 p.m. Prom attendees will enter the West Commons door and proceed to the gym. Parents and community members may view prom attendees or take pictures in the designated area outside of the Commons. If there is inclement weather an inside place will be designated and parents/community members will enter through the East doors. The dinner begins at 7:00 p.m. Junior Class Sponsors Page 2 Horton High School Presents………………… April 17 & 18, 2015 HHS Auditorium - 7:00pm REX’S s e x E The annual Employer Appreciation Luncheon is scheduled for April 16th at the Horton UMC Fellowship Hall from 11 a.m.1:00 p.m. Board Members and Administrators welcome. Please RSVP to Daniel Burns by April 11th via phone: (785-991-0142) or email [email protected]. Menu: Pulled Pork, Potato Salad, Baked Beans, Cookie, Tea/Water. Daniel Burns USD #430 Summer Drivers Education Driver’s Education applications for the 2015 summer drivers education program at USD #430 are currently available at the Horton High School office and from Rodney Clay, teacher at the Everest Middle School. Why take Driver’s Ed? Several reasons come to mind: Some insurance companies give discounts for students taking Driver’s Ed., it allows students that do not have access to farm permits to drive “solo” to school and work before they get a restricted permit, and the students gain knowledge about laws and driving skills that are not normally gained by just driving. Return the completed application and the $150.00 for any student that attends USD #430, or $200.00 for students that do not attend USD #430 course fee to the Horton High School office by Friday, April 17, 2015. The classroom portion of class will be June 8 to June 19 from 8:30-11:30 am. Students are required to attend a minimum of six driving times to complete the behind the wheel objectives. Students must be fourteen years of age on or before June 9, 2015 to enroll in the course. Again, applications for the 2015 Driver’s Education course are available at the Horton High School office or from Rodney Clay at the Everest Middle School. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Rodney Clay, Driver’s Education teacher either at the Everest Middle School 548-7536 or home at 486-2741. Page 3 From the Desk of Mrs. Jackie Wenger, EMS Principal… Everest Middle School News Hello Students, Parents, Guardians, and Patrons! April is here! That means that we are on the down hill slide of another school year. It seems like last week the students were running for volleyball and football. Now, they are running for track. Please, check the calendar for track meets. We have two meets at the Horton Track on April 7th and 28th. We would love to have a crowd to cheer on the kids. April is also the month when EMS students do the majority of the Kansas State Assessments. All students will be tests in English Language Arts and Math. Sixth and eighth grade students are tested in the area of Social Studies and seventh grade students are tested in the area of Science. All students will have sections of the assessments that will test their writing skills. These are new assessments this year and we are anxious to see what they will be like. We will be sharing results with parents, but that may not happen until in the fall. Through this year I have shared the character traits that James P. Owen put forth in this book, Cowboy Values. We have covered courage, optimism, self-reliance, authenticity, honor, duty, and heart. But, now what? I believe that we each have to ask ourselves what it means to be an American. Each person’s answer defines the person they are. Americans, over time, have been recognized as being generous, caring and ready to help those in need. If we believe that part of who we are is supporting the person or cause that needs us, we make a commitment to make the world a better place. One of my favorite quotes from the Cowboy Values is “Think of ‘giving back’ as the rent you pay for living on this planet. “ When students see that the adults in their lives are willing to continually give back, they begin to see, firsthand, the importance of being an American. During the month of April, encourage your student to do his/her best on the assessments. And, perhaps, I’ll see you at a track meet. 2015 Kansas National Geographic State Bee Nick Monser, son of Amanda Moss, an eighth grader at Everest Middle School, was notified by the National Geographic Society that he was one of the semifinalists eligible to compete in the 2015 Kansas National Geographic State Bee, sponsored by Google and Plum Creek. The contest was held at the Eisenhower Presidential Library in Abilene on Friday, March 27, 2015. This is the second level of the National Geographic Bee competition, which is now in its 27th year. School bees were held in schools with fourth-through eighth-grade students throughout the state to determine each school champion. School champions then took a qualifying test, which they submitted to the National Geographic Society. The National Geographic Society then invited up to 100 of the top-scoring students in each of the 50 states, District of Columbia, Department of Defense Dependents Schools and U.S territories to compete in the state Bees. Each state champion receives $100, the “National Geographic Atlas of the World, 10th Edition,” a medal, and a trip to Washington, D.C., to represent their state in the National Geographic Bee Championship to be held a National Geographic Society headquarters, May 11-13, 2015. The national champion will receive a $50,000 college scholarship and lifetime membership in the Society. The national champion will also travel (along with one parent or guardian), all expenses paid, to the Galapagos Islands, where he/she will experience geography firsthand through up-close encounters with the islands’ unique wildlife and landscapes. Travel for the trip is provided by Lindblad Expeditions and National Geographic. Visit www.nationalgeographic.com/geobee for more information on the National Geography Bee. National Geographic Channel and Nat Geo WILD will air the 2015 National Geographic Bee Championship final round, moderated by award-winning journalist Soledad O’Brien, on Friday, May 15, at 8 p.m.ET. The final round will be aired later on public television stations. Check local television listings for air date and time in your area. Page 4 By Cheryl McAfee, BSN/RN What has happened to our school year?? It is hard to believe it is almost over. I know you seem to see a lot of the same information in April and May news article, but the information that I share is very important for you to know regarding what we do to keep your children safe and healthy. We nurses are working on finishing some of our yearly duties including health screenings and special subject presentations. Health screenings at the high school have been completed for the Freshmen and Juniors. Christine Tharp, RN, elementary nurse is also working on completing yearly screenings on pre-school through 3rd grade students. If you receive a referral for hearing or vision for your student, please follow-up with that as soon as possible and return the evaluation from the specified specialist to the school so we are aware that your student was followed-up by that specialist and, if needed, had the problem corrected. Human Sexuality Presentation – is completed for the Freshmen – so now they know all the answers, well, maybe not ALL the answers, but they received a lot of information about their sexual health and healthy relationships that they didn’t know before. With the increase notoriety about Domestic Violence, and the different agencies that have been established to deal with this very real problem, I feel it is imperative that students understand the difference between Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships, along with consequences of being sexually active. Either this month or next, again will be the time, during Mr. Hypse’s reproduction section of his Science class, for the Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) and the introduction to Healthy Relationships presentation. This is a good time, with the information from the reproduction section, to inform the students about these very real diseases. The fifth grade will be having the Always Changing growth and development program presented by Mr. Hutfles and me sometime this month. This program will help the adolescents understand some of the physical and emotional changes they are currently or will be experiencing as they grow and mature. This program has been sponsored by Proctor & Gamble company for years and has a very easy to understand Power Point and video for the students. There is also a question & answer time for students to voice any concerns they may have regarding this subject. Students will bring home a complimentary package and/or booklet from the presentation. Please ask your children about these presentations and go over the handouts they bring home. This will allow them to feel more comfortable if you, their parent or guardian, show an interest in these very personal subjects. And it may also help open a door of conversation with your child that you, or they, may have wanted to initiate but just never knew how or when to bring it up. State Assessment Testing- Assessment testing has started for our students and will continue throughout the month of April as will the elementary and high school students. Of course proper nutrition and adequate sleep are always important for our students, but it is especially important during testing time. In order for all of our students to do their best during this very important testing it is important they receive adequate sleep,( recommended 8 to 10 hours nightly), and nutrition (recommended a nutritious breakfast of high protein). Your child will not do well on the testing if they are tired from lack of sleep or adequate nutrition to feed those very important brain cells they will be using during the testing process. Please make sure that your child receives the recommended sleep and nutrition during these tests. HAVE A BLESSED EASTER WITH YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS!!! Page 5 From the Desk of Mrs. Judy Dickman, HES Principal… Horton Elementary School News I hope everyone had a great spring break and enjoyed some relaxing time with your families. The weather cooperated for the most part to allow us all an opportunity to get out and enjoy the outdoors! Now that we are back to school we are going to be hitting the ground running. Our school weeks are packed full of special activities, State Assessments, end of the year testing, field trips, lunches with grandparents, track and field fun days, plus keeping the students on task and motivated to learn in the classrooms. We are up to the task and will meet each new day with determination to provide the best education for each and everyone of the students at Horton Elementary. Kindergarten Round-Up: It is already that time of year for any students anticipating attending kindergarten at Horton Elementary, the year of 2015-16, to attend kindergarten round-up. April 17th we will have three sessions scheduled and you will receive a letter from the school as to which session your child is to attend. If you are not for sure if we have the name of your child that will be enrolling in kindergarten next school year, please call the office 486-2616 to have your child’s name added to the list. Items you will want to make sure you bring with you on the 17th are: the child’s birth certificate, immunization records, and their social security card/number. If you have any questions please fell free to give us a call. State Assessments: The 3rd and 4th graders will be busy taking their State assessments beginning Tuesday, March 31st. 3rd graders will take the reading assessment March 31 - April 2nd. The 4th graders will be taking the reading assessment April 7 - April 10. Then we will be ready for math. The 3rd graders will take the math assessment April 14—April 16. The 4th graders will take the math assessment April 21— April 24. Please mark these days on your calendar and see that your child has a full night sleep and a healthy breakfast on their test days. This year’s test scores will be setting the baseline for the Kansas State New Accreditation, for all the schools across Kansas. The NED Show Assembly: The grade school students enjoyed The NED Show the afternoon of March 31st. This was an assembly of motivation for students to N-Never Give Up; E-Encourage Others; D-Do Your Best. The students participated in this high energized program to learn these concepts. After the assembly yo-yos are sale in the office for a week. Information was sent home about this sale. It is not anything anyone has to buy, but will be available to those who would like to purchase a yo-yo. Easter Break: There will be no school on Friday, April 3rd or Monday, April 6th. The students and staff will be off these days for Easter Break. Happy Easter! Site Council: We will have be having a Site Council Meeting at 5:30 PM on April 22nd in Mrs. Wikle’s Room at the elementary school. Thank you to all our site council members for your time and dedication! We do appreciate all of you! Thank you to: April Vanderweide, Pam Gaskell, Lucas Heinen, Colleen Stuart, Tricia Nioce, Steve Chartier, Gay Schumaker and Rhonda Wikle. MAP Testing: All students—grades kindergarten through 4th grade, will be taking the reading and math “measure of Academic Progress” (MAP) tests during the weeks of April 27—May 1 and May 4—May 8. Please visit with your child about the importance of these tests as it will show them the progress they have made during this school year. Results of these tests will be mailed home at the end of the year with your child’s report card. HES Music Program: Our 1st and 3rd grade students will be entertaining all with a music program on April 30th at the Horton High School Auditorium at 7:00 PM. I hope you can make it to enjoy their program. Mr. Treaster will be sending out more detailed information with the 1st and 3rd grade students in the near future. Page 6 2nd Graders Enjoying Their Root Beer Float Party!!! Box Top Labels: Thank you to everyone who helped our students collect box tops for our school. As of March 13, 2015 we have collected 7,166 box tops. THANK YOU! THANK YOU! The 2nd graders were the winners for collecting the most by bringing in 2,160. They all enjoyed a root beer float party on Friday, March 13th. The other grade levels brought in the following amounts: Kindergarten-1,098; 1st Grade-911; 3rd Grade-1,778; and 4th Grade-977. We will be collecting again next year so keep saving your box tops. Page 7 Dates to add to your calendars: Looking ahead towards the end of the school year, here are some dates you will want to make sure you have on your calendar… Field Trips: Kindergarten - May 7th 1st Grade - May 6th 2nd Grade - May 12th 3rd Grade - May 13th 4th Grade - May 14th Lunch with Grandparents: = Grandparents are invited to come eat lunch with their grandchildren according to the following schedule. Each adult meal is $3.40 and you will be able to pay at the office the day you come to visit. We will be sending a not home with the students for parents to send back to reserve a meal on a given day. More information on this will come out next month. Kindergarten - May 6th 1st Grade - May 7th 2nd Grade - May 11th 3rd Grade - May 12th 4th Grade - May 13th Award Assemblies: We will be presenting reading and attendance awards the last day of school for all students. Parents are invited to attend these assemblies. These will be scheduled for the last day of school. More information on specific times will be in the newsletter next month. Horton Elementary School Super Kid Drawing for the month of February was held February 25, 2015. Those students were drawn: Kindergarten: Aubrey Hoffman, Bobbi Becker, Haley Scott, Jonah Milton, Clayette Wakole and Aiden Jamvold. First Grade: Tyler Vanlaningham, Savannah Chancellor, Peyton Sharp, Austin Gaskell and Mason Carlson. Second Grade: Josiah Sanderson, Walker Vanderweide, Kaydein Statler, Jackson Moman, Rilee Brown, Jameson Simon and Noam Jessepe. Third Grade: Jaileen Yarrow, Jackson McKinney, Alec Whiteshield, Lani Small and Clarissa Jamvold. Fourth Grade: Carley Hammersmith, Arwen Rush, Caden Wilburn, Haley Mick and Trinity DuPuis. Congratulations to all of the students for all of the Super Kid certificates they earned. Page 8 GOOD FRIDAY FISH FRY What’s on the Menu???: Fried Fish; Coleslaw; Baked Beans; Baked Potato, Dinner Roll and Cake. Where: St. Leo’s Catholic Center When: Good Friday—-April 3, 2015 Time: 5:00-7:30 pm OR until the food runs out Cost: Free Will Donation Dinner sponsored by the Horton High Booster Club and the St. Leo’s/St. Mary’s NCYC youth group. Page 9 JOM/Title VII News April 2015 Viki Stone, Coordinator/Tutor Indian Education Committee members: Lester Randall, chairperson; Tiffany Buffalo, vice chairperson; Tisha Thomas, secretary; Marlene Wakolee, member; Stephanie Green-Demby, member. NEXT MEETING There is always a place on the agenda for parents of eligible students to voice a question, a concern or a great idea. The next meeting of the JOM/Title VII Indian Education meeting will be at noon Friday, April 10 at the USD 430 Board of Education Office, 522 Central in Horton. Join us! Keep Reading Till The End! The JOM/Title VII program recently donated books to the Horton Elementary School, Everest Middle School and Horton High School libraries. Horton Elementary second graders, Luke, Kamryn, Landon and Koki, display a few of the new books donated: Crossing the Starlight Bridge, Rabbit’s Wish for Snow, Eagle Song, Long Night Moon, Paddle-to-the-Sea, First Strawberries, A Boy Named Beckoning, and Buffalo Girl. Other titles include Fire Carrier, Jim Thorpe—An Athlete for the Ages, Who is Maria Tallchief?, and Chuck Norris. All books are on the Accelerated Reader list and available for all to enjoy. Check us out! “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” ― Dr. Seuss, I Can Read With My Eyes Shut! Just a reminder to all students participating in My Heritage Reading Circle at Horton Elementary that the last day for AR points is May 1st! Everest Middle School students participating in the Native American book program will need to turn in their library books by May 8. The Indian Tacos sale at the Feb. 27 basketball game was a big success! Thank you to everyone who stopped by our table! Proceeds from the sale amounted to more than $700 and will go to the Johnson O’Malley Scholarship Fund for eligible students at Horton High School. Thank you to parents, family and community members who supported this effort. Page 10 BREAKFAST MENUS: Monday: Tuesday: Wednesday: Thursday: Friday: Cinnamon Toast Crisps, Yogurt, Pears, Juice Mini Waffles, Banana, Juice Breakfast Pizza, Mandarin Oranges, Juice Pancake Sausage Wrap, Peaches, Juice Mini Pancakes, Pineapple, Juice Monday Tuesday “USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.” 6 13 NO SCHOOL Burrito Tortilla Chips/ Chunky Salsa Broccoli Rosy Applesauce HS Juice Wednesday 1 Thursday 2 Meatloaf Pig in a Blanket Mashed Potatoes/Gravy Sweet Potato Puffs Green Beans Corn Blushing Pears Apple Half Cinnamon Puff HS Apple Half, Crackers HS Baby Carrots & Juice Friday 3 NO SCHOOL 7 8 9 10 Chicken Patty/Bun Chicken Wrap Taco Salad Cheese Pizza Baby Carrots Lettuce Cheese/ Lettuce/Cheese/Chips Lettuce Salad Fresh Broccoli/Dip Diced Tomato Applesauce Corn Mandarin Oranges Mixed Fruit/Banana Refried Beans Blushing Pears HS Goldfish Grahams & HS Diced Carrots, Juice, HS Animal Crackers & HS Juice Juice Salad Crackers Juice 14 Sloppy Jo/Bun Baby Carrots Green Beans Peach Halves HS Salad Crackers & Juice 20 21 Grilled Teriyaki Chicken Chili Savory Rice Crackers Baby Carrots Celery Green Beans GS/MS Apple Half Pineapple Rings HS Whole Apple Cheez-Its HS Pretzel Rod & Juice 27 28 Teriyaki Chicken Dippers Taco Burger/Bun Tortilla Chips/ Lettuce Salad Chunky Salsa Baked Beans Broccoli Peach Halves Rosy Applesauce HS Salad Crackers & Elf Grahams Juice HS Baby Carrots & Juice 15 22 Corn Dog Lettuce Salad Peas GS/MS Apple Half HS Whole Apple 16 Taco Soup Tortilla Chips/Cheese Celery/Dip Blushing Peras HS Baby Carrots & Juice 23 Salisbury Steak Chicken Nuggets Peas Lettuce Salad Cauliflower/Dip Corn Mixed Fruit/Banana Whole Banana Dinner Roll Salad Crackers HS Salad Crackers & HS Juice Juice 29 30 Pig in a Blanket Cowboy Cavtina Sweet Potato Puffs Mixed Vegetables Corn Mandarin Oranges GS/MS Apple Half Pretzel Rod HS Whole Apple, Salad HS Peas & Juice Crackers 17 24 BBQ Rib/Bun Sweet Potato Puffs Baked Beans Mandarin Oranges HS Juice Hamburger/Bun Baby Carrots Fresh Broccoli/Dip Whole Orange HS Juice All meals are served with 1/2 pint of milk. Menus are subject to change. MEAL ACCOUNTS The 2014-2015 school year will be coming to a close soon, and that brings to mind our last day of school, and school meal/milk accounts. Our last day of classes will be May 15th. School will be in session all day with breakfast and lunch being served. Please calculate the amount due for breakfast and/or lunch for your children to finish out the school year. All delinquent meal balances must be brought current prior to the last day of school, as all records will be turned into the district office. Page 11 Page 13 South Brown County USD 430 522 Central Ave. Horton, Kansas 66439 Phone: 785-486-2611 Fax: 785-486-2496 Bulk Rate U.S. Postage PAID Horton, Kansas Permit No. 83 Home of the Chargers! Horton High School 785-486-2151 Everest Middle School 785-548-7536 Everest Middle School Horton Elementary School 785-486-2616 Bus Barn (Doug Schmitt) 785-486-2439 Unified School District #430 Mission Statement The South Brown County school district exists to provide a safe, challenging environment to prepare all students as independent, life-long learners and positive productive citizens. An Equal Employment/Education Opportunity Agency South Brown County Unified School District #430 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its programs and activities. The following person has been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination notices: Superintendent of Schools, USD #430, 522 Central Ave., Horton, Kansas 66439 785-486-2611 The Book Fair Under the Sea will be arriving at the Everest Middle School soon! You can explore the Ocean April 13-17.
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