Kimball’s Weekly News October 12, 2014 OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE WEEK SUNDAY-OCTOBER 12-EIGHTEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 am Contemporary Worship 9:45 am Sunday School for all 9:45 am Confirmation /HS-MS Sunday School -front Youth Room 11:00 am Traditional Worship 12:30 pm Church Council 4:00 pm HS/MS Laser Tag MONDAY-OCTOBER 13 7:00 pm Cottage Conversation 7:30 pm Property TUESDAY-OCTOBER 14 6:00 pm Girl Scouts-KAC 7:00 pm Contemporary Ensemble WEDNESDAY-OCTOBER 15 5:45 pm Handbells NO Kingdom Kids Faith Formation 6:00 pm Simple Supper 7:00 pm Study with Pastor Scott-CFC 7:00 pm Chancel Choir THURSDAY-OCTOBER 16 (Liz leaves for Detroit for ELCA Gathering Meeting through Oct. 19) NO Preschool Chapel-Sanctuary 6:00 pm Samaritan’s Table-Commons 6:00 pm Prayer Group 7:00 pm Study with Pastor Scott-CFC FRIDAY-OCTOBER 17 SATURDAY-OCTOBER 18 SUNDAY - OCTOBER 19-NINETEENTH SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 8:30 am Contemporary Worship NO Sunday School or Confirmation because of meeting 10:00 am Town Hall meeting to present & discuss 2015 budget 11:00 am Traditional Worship 1:00 pm Registration for Crop Walk 2:00 pm CROP Hunger Walk (1 & 3 mile walk) 4:00 pm Shepherd Ministry If you know of a member of the congregation who is sick, hospitalized or has special needs, contact the church office at 704-933-4101 or Rev. Scott Swix @ 616-826-3917 OTHER: Nancy Link (Carolina’s Institute of Rehabilitation-CMC-NE), Johnnie Richardson (Big Elm) CHRISTIAN SYMPATHY to the family of B.J. Dysart, upon his death on October 8, 2014 Wednesday Night Live for October 15 Simple Suppers are from 6:00-6:50 with late arrival & take out orders available. Please sign up by Monday morning prior to the Wednesday meal (and mark the late arrival or take out section, if applicable). Sign up sheets are outside the Youth Room and in the hallway outside the Narthex (by the Flower Chart) Cost of the meals are: $5.00 adult, $3.00 third grade & under, maximum $15 per family Menu: One pot spaghetti, salad, Italian bread, fruit salad , and brownies 7:00-8:00 Study Topic-Survey of World Religions with Pastor Scott in the Christian Fellowship ClassroomUnderstand the basics - what do they believe, how are they similar to and different from Christianity, and how can we understand them enough to talk to them intelligently? Monday, October 13 @ 7:00 pm 1974 Straton Ct. Kannapolis ** Monday, October 20 @ 7:00 pm 6211 Mountain Vine Ave. Kannapolis ** Thursday, Oct. 30 @ 7:00 pm 511 E. 23rd St. Kannapolis SIGN UP NOW IN THE CHURCH COMMONS On October 19th @ 10:00 am there will be a Town Hall meeting to present & discuss the 2015 budget. November 2nd @ 10:00 am will be a congregational meeting to nominate new council members for 20152016 & budget conversation. November 9th @ 10:00 am will be a congregational meeting to vote on the new budget and council members. Weekly Prayer Concerns New Notice: All names will remain on the prayer list for 2 weeks only unless resubmitted. Tammie Aldaner America R.V. Asbury Helen Baucom Mandi Beech & Family Gabe Butcher Glenda Christie Continued Military Joyce Dayvault Family of B.J. Dysart Bud & Marge Goblisch Bobby & Julie Hagy Louise Harkey Diane Honeycutt ISIS Conflict L.D. & Pat Jones Margie Kincaid Lynsey Martin Family of Elizabeth Massengale Danny McCombs Robin McGraw Mishelle Mullis & Family Leslie Pipen Ernie Price Johnnie Richardson Eva Rimer Ray Rivers Pastor Scott, all staff, members of Kimball Helen Sides Esther Sims Paul Smith Spencer Jim St. John Danny Styers Family Melanie Witenor Bud & Ruth Yates The treasurer was on vacation last week. Financials for 10/5/14 contribution will be posted at a later time. October 5 Attendance 8:30 am 76 11:00 am 71 MILITARY: Andy Ballard, Ben Ballard, Sean Parker, Robert Busteed, Jr. (Norfolk, VA), Tanner Triece (Georgia), Kemp Thompson (Virginia), Andrew Smith (Arizona), Chris Kirshner (Utah), Ben Kirshner (Arkansas/Afghanistan), Zachary Hill (California), Qudar Goldsmith (Georgia), Devon Scott (Washington), Vance Parker, Michael Patterson (Japan) Kimball Staff Reverend Scott Swix, Senior [email protected] Liz Fisher, Director of Faith [email protected] Gail Mosher, Office [email protected] Damien Evans, Director of Music, Worship, and the [email protected] Joel Everett, Organist & [email protected] Sarah Brick, Preschool [email protected] KMLC Youth and Family Ministry FALL FESTIVAL OCT 29th Its time again for our Fall Festival and Trunk or Treat and we need help. We are collecting Candy and are looking for TRUNKS! If you can help, please contact Liz or Debbie Troutman!! The BLUE BARRELL IS OUT FOR CANDY CROP WALK Sunday Oct 19th!! Kimball has been selected to host the CROP walk for Hunger this year by CCM. We are in need of about 5 Volunteers to help with that day and ALL are welcome to raise funds and walk. If you are interested in helping please see Doris Teumer or Liz! Kingdom Kids and 3-5 Alive Faith Formation Will NOT BE MEETING ON 10/15, join us on 10/22! NC SYNOD YOUTH QUAKE Saturday Oct 25th: Today is the last day to sign up for Youth Quake. If you have not talked to Liz, please let me know if you are coming. Cost is $10.00 Theology on Tap We are meeting at Brew on 10/26 at 6pm. So bring your conversation hats and come and talk about our new Sunday school class that will be continuing in the back youth room!! Food for Friends Pantry Please continue to bring food as there is a large need in our community! A Big Thank you from Michele Pitts and the AL Brown Food for Friends Pantry! J. O.Y. Group Thanks for everyone that came out to Michael’s for breakfast. We had 19 gathered. We will meet next month at the church on Nov. 12. Miss Liz will be out of the office Oct 16-19th in Detroit, MN working with the 2015 ELCA Community Life Gathering Team Kimball Youth and Family Ministry Groups Kingdom Kids (0-2nd Grade), 3-5 ALIVE (3-5th Grades), MS Youth (6-8th Grades), HS Youth (9-12 Grades), Youth Adult (College Age), J.O.Y Group (Just Older Youth) Þ October 12th 2015 ELCA GATHERING REGISTRATION INFO DUE!! 3-5 Alive Registration Sign Up for Youth Quake DUE 9:45 Sunday School for ALL 9:45am Confirmation/HS-MS Sunday School 4pm HS/MS Laser Tag Þ October 14th 6-8pm Girl Scouts in the KAC Þ October 15th ELCA GATHERING REGISTRATION DAY NO Kingdom Kids Faith Formation 6:00pm Wednesday Night Live Þ October 16th 9:45 am Preschool Chapel in Sanctuary Þ October 16th -19th LIZ AT ELCA GATHERING MEETING IN DETROIT Þ October 19th NO Sunday School 1pm Registration for the CROP Walk Begins 2pm CROP WALK for Hunger @ KMLC Þ October 20th 6:30pm Preschool Board Meeting Þ October 21st 10am YOUTH AND FAMILY MINISTRY MEETING @ NC Synod 6-8pm Girl Scouts in the KAC Þ October 22nd 5:45pm Kingdom Kids Faith Formation 6:00pm Wednesday Night Live HS/MS Youth If you did not get your youth calendar for the year, please see Liz. HS/MS Laser Tag TODAY @ 4pm We will meet at the church and head over for a game of Laser Tag, cost will be $10.00, friends are always welcomed! SAVE THE DATE Nov 23rd Church wide Thanksgiving Meal The Youth and Families of KMLC will be preparing a Thanksgiving Meal on Nov 23rd after the 11am service. This meal will be provided by the youth and family teams as a fundraiser for the ELCA youth Gathering Trip for Detroit in 2015. New homes for old trophies: Remember winning the church softball championship, and the big trophy? If you’d like a personal memory of a glorious sports season, contact the church office at 704-933-4101 and we will make arrangements to let you in the KAC to pick one up! We’re sending them home to the people that earned them. New Sunday School Class-New Sunday School class started last Sunday in the back youth room. This class is open to all and geared toward young adults and young parents, but ALL are welcome! (No class on Oct. 19 because of the Town Hall meeting) The Chamber Voices of The Southern Piedmont Singers will present a concert of choral chamber music on Sunday, October 26 at 5:30 pm, in the Kimball Sanctuary. In lieu of admission, please bring non-perishable food items to be donated to CCM. A love offering will be graciously accepted. The choir is directed by Damien Evans and accompanied by Joel Everett. Kimball Lutheran Church Child Development Center's September Wish List Latex-Free Gloves, Washable Paint (all colors), Large Paint Brushes, Construction Paper, Beans, Rice, and Pasta KIMBALL’S KITCHEN Are you missing some of your dishes? Over the last many months (years…) Kimball has had many functions that your dishes may have been needed. Please take inventory at your house or stop in the kitchen and see if any of the “extras” are yours. Thanks! 1st/3rd Thursday “Catch Up” Study Group – starting Oct 2nd, Pastor Scott will host a 7pm session on 1st & 3rd Thursdays that will cover the same content as the Wednesday Live group - but squeezed a bit to cover 2 weeks worth in each session. So, if you are in Choir or otherwise can’t come on Wednesdays, join us on Thursdays! Nominees for Church Council are being taken The council consists of the Pastor and twelve voting members of the congregation. If you are interested in running for a position on KMLC council, please let one of the council members know or submit your name in the office. Any voting member may be elected for a two year term. Please pick up your family's copy of the 100th Anniversary History Booklet in the old Fellowship Hall, near the stage. The booklets are in alphabetical order and your name is taped onto the back of them. The booklets will remain out until the end of October, so please pick up your family's booklet up by then. Cabarrus County CROP Hunger Walk We all care about hungry people, but what can one person do? You can join in the Cabarrus County CROP Hunger Walk to raise your voice against hunger and raise funds to help hungry people around the world and here in our own area (25% of what you raise stays right here in Cabarrus County)! Sunday, October 19th @ Kimball Registration: 1:00 pm, CROP Hunger Walk: 2:00 pm (1 and 3 mile walk around the NC Research Campus) We will also be collecting non-perishable food items at the Walk which will be donated to CCM. If you would like to create a personal fundraising page register at To get your congregation or group involved contact: Lorie Williams at 704-490-4245 or [email protected]
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