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Day2,Thursday,09October2014 Pre–CongressWorkshop,BaliNusaDuaConventionCenter(BNDCC) 08.00–08.30 Re–Registration BARIATRICWORKSHOP 08.30–16.00 WorkshopDirector:KazunoriKasama(Japan) :MuffazalLakdawala(India) 08.30–09.50 SESSION1 08.30–08.55 GlobalBurdens;ObesityandMetabolicDisorders–PradeepChowbey(India) 08.55–09.15 HistoryofBariatricSurgery;WhyThisProcedureCanSurviveandThatHasBeen Abandoned–RolfU.Hartung (UAE) 09.15–09.30 CostEffectivenessofBariatricSurgery–AsimShabbir(Singapore) 09.30–09.45 PreoperativeManagement–SuthepUdongsawaengsup(Thailand) 09.45–09.50 Q&A 09.50–11.35 SESSION2 09.50–10.10 Procedureschoice;WeightLossResultsafterBariaticsurgery–TBA 10.10–10.25 HowIdoitandResults:GastricBypass‐ShashankShah(India) 10.25–1040 HowIdoitandResultsGastricBanding–PaulO’Brien(Australia) 10.40–10.55 HowIdoitandResults;SleeveGastrectomy–MuffazalLakdawala(India) 10.55–11.10 HowIdoitandResultsofSleeveDJB–KazunoriKasama(Japan) 11.10–11.25 HowIdoitandResultsofBandedGastricPlacation–Chih‐KunHuang(Taiwan) 11.25–11.35 EndoluminalBariatricProcedures–SimonWong(HongKong) 11.35–11.45 Q&A 11.45–13.00 LUNCH 13.00–14.00 SESSION3 13.00–13.20 Complicationsafterbariatricsurgery–Chih‐KunHuang(Taiwan) 13.20–13.40 RevisionSurgery–MuffazalLakdawala(India) 13.40–13.55 ElementsofSuccessfulBariatricProgram‐PradeepChowbey(India) 13.55–14.00 Q&A 14.00–16.00 SESSION4 OverviewofPathophysiologyofType2DM;WhatSurgeonsShouldKnow– 14.00–14.20 SuthepUdongsawaengsup(Thailand) 14.20–14.35 WhySurgeryWorksforRemissionofDM? ‐ShashankShah(India) 14.35–14.55 MetabolicOutcomesafterEachProcedures–TBA 14.55–15.15 BeyondBMI,CurrentGuidelineforPatientSelectioninBariatricandMetabolicSurgery– MuffazalLakdawala(India) 15.15–15.25 Q&A 15.25–16.00 CLOSING Day 2, Thursday, 09 October 2014 Pre–Congress Workshop, Bali Nusa Dua Convention Center (BNDCC) 08.30 – 09.00 Re–Registration CHOLEDOCHOSCOPY WORKSHOP 09.00 –16.45 Laparoscopic Bile Duct Exploration Workshop Faculty : Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) : Barlian Sutedja (Indonesia) 09.00 – 09.15 Introduction to Instruments and Other Equipment. How to handle the choledochoscope. – Barlian Sutedja (Indonesia), Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) 09.15 – 09.30 Intra-operative Cholangiography; Methods, Interpretation and the Pros and Cons. - Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) 09.30 – 09.40 Transcystic Exploration; Indications, Methods, Pitfalls. – Barlian Sutedja (Indonesia) 09.40 – 10.30 Practical 1: Cholangiography; Cannulation, Catheters, Clamps vs Free Cannula. 10.30 – 10.45 COFFEE BREAK 10.45 – 12.00 Practical 2: Transcystic Exploration; Basket Trawling, ‘Image-guided’ Basket Exploration,Choledochoscopy, Transcystic Tube Drainage. 12.00 – 13.00 LUNCH 13.00 – 13.15 Choledochotomy Exploration; Decision Making and Techniques. - Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) 13.15 – 14.30 Practical 3: Choledochotomy Exploration; Site, Size, Optimal Use of Choledochoscope, Stone Extraction and Recovery. 14.30 – 14.50 Biliary Drainage; Methods, Techniques, Pros and Cons. – Barlian Sutedja (Indonesia) 14.50 – 15.00 Postoperative Management and Protocols. - Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) 15.00 – 15.15 COFFEE BREAK 15.15 – 16.30 Practical 4: Choledochotomy, Stone Removal Placement of Transcystic Tubes and Ttubes and Suturing Choledochotomy. 16.30 – 16.45 DISCUSSION Selected Videos; Difficult Explorations, Impacted Stones, Stents, Biliary Drainage. – Barlian Sutedja (Indonesia), Ahmad Nassar (United Kingdom) THE INTERACTIVE HANDS-ON WORKSHOP ON SAFE AND EFFECTIVE USE OF ADVANCED ENERGY DEVICES Time Agenda 9:00 Welcome & Executive overview 9:15 The Science of Tissue Management 10:00 Video Feedback Session I : D2 Lymphadenectomy dissection techniques for minimizing injuries to pancreas & duodenum 10:20 Video Feedback Session II : Safe and appropriate use of energy devices for mobilizing mesentery and short gastric vessels in bariatric surgery (for sleeve gastrectomy and bypass) 10:40 Break 10:50 Video Feedback Session III : Finding the right plane in dissection for total mesorectal excision for low rectal cancer Presenter : Participant #3 Commentator : Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi , Dr. Yoon Suk Lee 11:10 Video Feedback Session IV : Finding the right plane in dissection for complete mesocolic excision for right and left colectomy Presenter : Participant #4 Commentator : Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi , Dr. Yoon Suk Lee 11:30 Panel discussion on Troubleshooting for minimally invasive gastric / bariatric surgeries Dr. Naoki Hiki , Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup 12:00 Panel discussion on Troubleshooting for minimally invasive colorectal surgeries Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi , Dr. Yoon Suk Lee Special lecture : Pelvic Lateral Lymph Node Dissection Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi (Working lunch provided) Commentator : Dr. Shastri, Dr. Yoon Suk Lee Dr. Joseph Amaral, Dr. Shastri, Dr. Benjamin Hoehn / JnJ SoTM trainers Dr. Naoki Hiki , Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup, Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi , Dr. Yoon Suk Lee Dr. Shastri 12:30 13:15 Hands-On Dry Lab for Science of Tissue Management Faculty and Trainers 14:30 Wrap up & Adjourn Dr. Shastri Dr. Joseph (Joe) Amaral, USA Commentator : Dr. Shastri, Dr. Benjamin Hoehn, Dr. Naoki Hiki , Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup, Dr. Tsuyoshi Konishi , Dr. Yoon Suk Lee Presenter : Participant #1 Commentator : Dr. Naoki Hiki , Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup Presenter : Participant #2 Commentator : Dr. Naoki Hiki , Dr. Suthep Udomsawaengsup 3D Suturing, Digestive Anastomosis and Advanced Energy in MIS Hands-‐on Workshop and MasterClass October 9, 2014 ELSA Outreach Programme Course Director Bali Nusa Dua ConvenKon Centre (BNDCC) Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia Davide Lomanto Kazunori Kasama , Japan Allen A Buenafe’, Philippines Victor TW Lee, Singapore Faculty Anil Sharma, India Jaideep K Rao, Singapore M. Fuentes, Philippines This Course is endorsed by SAGES ELSA Supported by: Organized by: For registra+on, please contact the Secretariat at Tel: +65 6772 2897 Fax: +65 6774 6077 Email: [email protected] Website: www.misc-‐asia.com 3D Suturing, Digestive Anastomosis and Advanced Energy in MIS Hands-‐on Workshop and MasterClass October 9, 2014 ELSA Outreach Programme Bali Nusa Dua ConvenKon Centre (BNDCC) Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia PROGRAMME 08:30 – 09:00 Registra0on & Evalua0on test 09:00 – 10:00 Lectures ° Principles of 3D technology and ApplicaKon in MIS ° Principles of Suturing: Tips and tricks ° Principles of Electrosurgery and safe use of surgical energy ° Q & A 10:00 – 10:30 Tea Break 10:30 – 11:30 ° Advance Energy Source and Sealing ° Staplers in DigesKve surgery ° Why we need to master suturing ° Q & A 11:30 – 14:45 Hands-‐on Session on Wet Tissue using POP and 3D System All Faculty ° Extra and Intra-‐corporeal Kno]ng D. Lomanto JK Rao A.A. Buenafe Victor TW Lee Anil Sharma K Kasama ° Suturing (simple and Running) ° Gastric Bypass Anastomosis and Other DigesKve Anastomosis ° Stapling technique (from side-‐to-‐side to en-‐to end) ° Advanced Energy: (Kps and tricks) 13:00 – 13:30 Lunch will be served during hands-‐on Session (Changing Sta0ons) 14:45 Cer0fica0on This Course is endorsed by SAGES ELSA Supported by: Organized by: For registra+on, please contact the Secretariat at Tel: +65 6772 2897 Fax: +65 6774 6077 Email: [email protected] Website: www.misc-‐asia.com
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