PAIS Biennial Conference October 10, 2014 engage connect experience ...advancing the independent school community TIO IA N of IND g indepe ndent private school s since Welcome 1948 EP D EN A ASS OC Servin O LS s s PEN Y sed to ery plea v e r a e w nd staff, ectors a l Conference. iends, r ir F D r f is size a o e d D iennia Boar ing of th and r B e e S th I th f a A o g P 4 alf ver nia On beh you to the 201 e first-e nnsylva e AIS – th cators from Pe ne of several P r fo welcom y t to l edu e is o ric da n , me a n nferenc nt schoo an histo This is for independe ntly, today’s co nt strategic pla e le and sca . More importa in our most rec membership. the re d S a I e w A in P la tl tee and e f u D commit rts helped to tives, o ce the value o g ia it in n in n pla effo new ha n ts cally en rs of the our hos ork and membe whose hard w lly grateful to en their dramati e th k n nteers they op h to tha especia We wis er faithful volu ssible. We are hospitality as d o th p o in eir k rence many is confe my for th sts. aged make th iscopal Acade me 1,500 gue and eng rkshops y s u o p s b E u e to ic wo ep yo at Th ent campus re to ke all the dynam onnect with c u s ifi n is g a m m progra u take part in find time to c the exhibit ference o yo it The con ut the day. As pe you will als be sure to vis from the o o se through ntations, we h friends. Plea se of offerings . a w m se and pre s and make ne rience a showc today’s progra e g ue colleag re you will exp are sponsorin e o area wh al vendors wh ick n K im Sivr of Professional educatio ! e s ferenc lp to n e c o h e c P ir e a D Lind e Director ment Enjoy th n v Develop Executi eningse u r org B is .paispa. r Ch s www 19462 sident O AN I LV EN T S C H PAIS NS re Boa rd P 37 Eas t Germ antow n Pik 302 e s Suite s Plym outh M eeting, Pennsyl vania D ea r C olleagu e s, Welcom e to T h Associa e Episc o ti We are on of Indepe pal Academy ndent S thrilled for the ch around 2 the state to host this im ool (PAIS) B 014 Pennsylva ie your gr p nia o a nnial C r n ta d to nt eat wor k today have our cam gathering of e onference! We ar r p . d us s e r v u iv e as the cators from bold lea ed on this new platform dership c a m for pus six opportu and vis ye n seek to ity to provide ion from those ars ago as a re s c every d ar ry that sam our students w at Episcopal w ult of e a it and to fi y, and I am su standard of e h something ho saw an xc g r students nding ways to e you all share ellence into o reat. We ur class provide our com and fam ro the bes ilies. Today’s t possib mitment to gr oms c o o le n wth f p e rence p rogram opportu ro for our n work b ity to gather vides each of ein a u from on g done each s colleagues, to s with a wond er f u l and eve e anoth share s r er, as w Episcop e push y day in our sc ome of the fan al is pro our sch hope yo ud to p ools in hools, and to tastic u a le bold dir with yo have a wond rtner with PA ections arn er f u l d a ur colle IS in ho . y a s gues! ti connec T.J. Lo ting, sh ng today’s ev ck e aring, a T he Gr e nd lear nt. I e ning The Ep ville Haslam H iscopal Academ ead of School y 2 Front cover and graphic designs courtesy of Davis Phelps. Conference program design by Navitas Marketing. Schedule at a Glance PAIS engage connect experience ...advancing the independent school community Table of Contents s 7ELCOME s 3CHEDULEATA'LANCE s /PENING+EYNOTE #LOSING+EYNOTE s 3ESSIONS s 3ESSIONS s 3ESSIONS !FlNITY'ROUPS s 3ESSIONS 8:00 Registration and morning refreshments 7:45 to 8:45 am Welcome 9:00 8:45 to 9:00 am Session 1 Opening Keynote 10:00 Session 2 s 3PONSORS s %XHIBITORS 10:00 to 10:50 am PAIS playground open Session 3 10:00 am to 2:00 pm 11:00 11:00 to 11:50 am 12:00 Session 4 Box lunch pick-up 11:50 to 12:10 pm Affinity Group luncheons 12:10 to 12:50 pm 1:00 Session 5 1:00 to 1:50 pm 2:00 Session 6 Closing keynote 2:00 to 2:50 pm 3:00 Click here to learn about our presenters 3 7:45 am to 2:00 pm 9:00 to 9:50 am s 0!)30LAYGROUND #PAIS14 Exhibitor floor open Door prizes PAIS engage connect experience Keynote Speakers Keynote Speakers ...advancing the independent school community #PAIS14 4 “Where Will We Be in 2034?” John E. Chubb, President, National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) 4HELASTYEARSHAVENOTBEENTHEEASIESTFORINDEPENDENTSCHOOLS)NCREASING competition, shifting demographics, changing family values, escalating costs and tuitions, new technologies—these and other developments have CHALLENGED INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS LIKE NEVER BEFORE 4HE NEXT YEARS WILL NOTBEEASYBUTTHEYCANBEBETTERMUCHBETTERIFWERECOGNIZENOWTHE opportunities that our challenges present. John E. Chubb President National Association of Independent Schools !S PRESIDENT OF THE .ATIONAL !SSOCIATION OF )NDEPENDENT 3CHOOLS $R *OHN Chubb ensures that the association provides leadership and resources that HELP INDEPENDENT SCHOOLS THRIVE .!)3 PROVIDES SERVICES TO MORE THAN SCHOOLS AND ASSOCIATIONS OF SCHOOLSINTHE5NITED3TATESANDABROADINCLUDINGINDEPENDENTPRIVATE+SCHOOLSINTHE53 4HROUGHOUTHISCAREER*OHNHASADVOCATEDTIRELESSLYONBEHALFOFSTUDENTS(ETAUGHTANDMENTOREDSTUDENTS AT3TANFORD0RINCETONAND*OHNS(OPKINS&ORYEARSHEWORKEDINSCHOOLSPARTNERINGWITHTEACHERSAND PRINCIPALSTOIMPROVESTUDENTLEARNINGIN%DISON3CHOOLS(EHASSTUDIEDANDWORKEDINSCHOOLSSMALLAND LARGEININDEPENDENTTRADITIONALPUBLICANDCHARTERSCHOOLSINWELLFUNDEDANDPOORLYRESOURCEDSCHOOLSIN STRUGGLINGANDTHRIVINGSCHOOLS(EHASWORKEDWITHSEVERALPRESTIGIOUSTHINKTANKSINCLUDING4HE"ROOKINGS )NSTITUTIONTHE(OOVER)NSTITUTION3TANFORD5NIVERSITYAND%DUCATION3ECTORWHEREHESERVEDASINTERIM#%/ BEFOREJOINING.!)3 !PROLIlCWRITER*OHNSWORKHASBEENFEATUREDINTHE.EW9ORK4IMESTHE7ALL3TREET*OURNALANDMANYOTHER MEDIAOUTLETS(EHASWRITTENNUMEROUSBOOKSABOUTEDUCATION(ISMOSTRECENTBOOKIS4HE"EST4EACHERSIN THE7ORLD7HY7E$ONT(AVE4HEMAND(OW7E#OULD Crossroads 7ELIVEANDTEACHINAREMARKABLETIME"UTITISNOTWITHOUTPROBLEMS4HIS session looks back at the past, present, and future of education with a lens on technologies role on how we can help to bring education forward. Adam Bellow !DAM"ELLOWISONEOFTODAYSLEADINGSPEAKERSONEDUCATIONALTECHNOLOGY ANDINFUSINGTECHNOLOGYTOAIDSCHOOLREFORMATION(EISTHEFOUNDEROFBOTH EDU4ECHERANDEDU#LIPPER)NADDITIONTOTHESEFREERESOURCES!DAMLAUNCHED THEPOPULARCHARITY#HANGETHE7ORLDSTUDENTFOCUSEDCHARITYCAMPAIGNS "ELLOWWASHONOREDBY)34%INASANEMERGINGLEADERANDTHENAGAIN INWHENHEWASNAMED/UTSTANDING9OUNG%DUCATOROFTHEYEAR"ELLOW has been a sought after speaker in the education and educational technology circuit over the past few years BECAUSEOFHISPARTICULARHIGHSPEEDDELIVERYWHICHBLENDSHUMORANDRAPIDlREVISUALSINASTYLETHATREDElNES SLIDEAIDEDPRESENTATION(EHASGIVENMEMORABLETALKSATCONFERENCESSUCHAS)34%EDUAND4%$X.9%$ amongst others. "ELLOWISCURRENTLYSERVINGAS#%/OFEDU#LIPPERTHEEDTECHSTARTUPTHATHEFOUNDEDINEDU#LIPPERISA FREEWEBTOOLFOCUSEDONHELPINGSTUDENTSANDTEACHERSlNDSHAREANDBUILDVALIDLEARNINGEXPERIENCESINA +SAFEEDUCATIONALSOCIALPLATFORM Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 Sessions ...advancing the independent school community Room L126 EC Theme Based Social Studies in PreKindergarten Classroom Room S107 3OCIALSTUDIESATTHE!GNES)RWIN3CHOOLCONSISTSOF an integrated program which encourages four and five year old girls to make connections between literature, art, field trips, music, cooking, and play. Come learn about ways of creating connections among the curriculum. Participants will be invited to brainstorm and share ideas for planning social studies themes with young learners. Most school cafeterias have no set outcomes like IN ACADEMICS "EYOND 'REEN WILL DISCUSS THE KEY areas of building a sustainable foodservice and how Nardin Academy applied them to promote community, the environment, and healthy choices. 0ARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN WHERE TO GO NEXT WITH sustainable projects in their cafeterias and how TO ASSESS CURRENT OPERATIONS 7E WILL COVER WHAT SUSTAINABILITY MAY LOOK LIKE NOW AND HOW hDART THROWSv CAN BE TURNED INTO LONGTERM MEASURABLE STRATEGIES7EWILLDISCUSSHOWTOUNCOVERKITCHEN inefficiencies and eliminate wasted time and money on the way towards serving more scratch cooked meals with local, organic foods. Participants will HEAR AN ACCOUNT OF .ARDINS EXPERIENCE GETTING stakeholders on board and creating an additional revenue stream. EC LS MS US A More than Food: developing foodservice for environment and health Kathleen Seaton Agnes Irwin School Room M204 MS Microfinance, Macro-Learning: Integrating Service & Social Studies Through a unique, contemporary global issues CURRICULUM "ALDWIN MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS LEARN THE IMPORTANCE OF GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP AND ENGAGEMENT "Y INTEGRATING A SERVICE COMPONENT into the social studies classroom, they EXPERIENCE lRSTHAND THE PRACTICAL RESOLUTIONS TO SOME OF THE WORLDS GREATEST CHALLENGES "Y APPLYING THE SERVICELEARNING CYCLE IN A CLASSROOM setting, they are then equipped with a strategic FRAMEWORK FOR PROBLEMSOLVING 4HIS PRESENTATION will describe the implementation of this cycle to teach students about poverty, as well as the efficacy of microfinance as a resolution. Stephanie Wujcik Baldwin School Room U207 EC LS MS US A Change the World: Local and Global ThinkCare-Act Projects Click here to learn about our presenters #PAIS14 2 Learn how to incorporate civic and social action projects in the study of history, language arts, AND GENERAL SCHOOL CULTURE 7E WILL SHARE VIDEOS OF STUDENTS CONDUCTING HANDSON ACTION PROJECTS Participants will enact role plays and lessons on INTRODUCING STUDENTS TO LOCAL AND GLOBAL SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES AND EXEMPLARS HUMANRIGHTS problems and root causes, action planning, social ACTION PROJECTS AND PROJECT EVALUATION 7E WILL demonstrate talking about local and global problems WITH OUR STUDENTS IN PRAGMATIC AGEAPPROPRIATE ways that empower rather than overwhelm them. Greg Christian, Leslie Johnson Beyond Green Partners Room M105 US What’s The Word? This session will be a collaboration of ideas in math education in a round table discussion. The group will divide into three groups to discuss educational technology, assessment techniques and effective PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT %ACH DISCUSSION HAS AN assigned speaker to get started with some ideas and KEEPTHINGSMOVINGWITHQUESTIONS!FTERMINUTES PARTICIPANTSWILLSHIFTTOADIFFERENTTABLE+EYPOINTS and ideas will be documented, with anonymity, and shared with all participants for reflection later. Come LEARNFROMEACHOTHERSEXPERIENCES Grace Wingfield, Cheryl McLauchlan, Kelly Edwards Episcopal Academy Get featured on the PAIS website, send your independent school story to Elizabeth Blair, Administrative Assistant. [email protected] Susan Gelber Cannon Episcopal Academy 5 EC %ARLY#HILDHOOD LS ,OWER3CHOOL MS -IDDLE3CHOOL US 5PPER3CHOOL All rooms have A Administration limited capacities Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter John DiFlaminis John A. DeFlaminis ISTHE%XECUTIVE Director of the Penn Center for %DUCATIONAL ,EADERSHIP0#%, WHICHIS0ENNS outreach, technical assistance and training and development CENTERFORTHE5NIVERSITYOF0ENNSYLVANIAS 'RADUATE3CHOOLOF%DUCATION"EFORECOMING TO0ENNIN$R$E&LAMINISSERVEDASTHE 3UPERINTENDENTOFTHE2ADNOR4OWNSHIP3CHOOL $ISTRICTFORYEARS/VERTHELASTYEARS HEDEVELOPEDANDLEDAMILLION!NNENBERG GRANTANDAMILLIONCONTRACTFOR$ISTRIBUTED Leadership projects in Philadelphia. Room C221 EC LS MS US A Distributed Leadership: Building Leadership and Learning Capacity in Schools 4HE$ISTRIBUTED,EADERSHIP$,0ROJECTWAS ORIGINALLYFUNDEDBYAMILLIONGRANTFROMTHE Annenberg Foundation to the Penn Center for %DUCATIONAL,EADERSHIP0#%,INANDWAS one of the first efforts in the nation to design and implement distributed leadership. This session will help leaders to understand the critical elements of implementation and how they can build greater leadership capacity in their schools. This is accomplished through building leadership teams that are collaborative, strategic, and instructionally focused. Room M116 EC LS MS US A Seek Ignite Change a theme based approach to cultural competency Room M119 3EEK )GNITE #HANGE SERIES IS A NEW ANNUAL SERIES AT&RIENDS3ELECT3CHOOLWITHTHEGOALOFBRINGINGTO light people and events that have sparked change, inspiration, and continue to influence our community in positive ways. The yearly themed program allows all members of the community to join in DISCUSSION AND SELF EXPLORATION THROUGH LECTURES lLMS WORKSHOPS AND ART EXHIBITS ,EARN HOW TO start a program series that will aid in the cultural competency for your school community. 3EARCHING SKIMMING SCANNING EVALUATING ACTIVE READING SYNTHESIZING CITING WRITING EDITING SO MANY SKILLS TO LEARN SO LITTLE TIME !ND DONT 'OOGLE 7IKIPEDIA AND %ASYBIB MAKE MOST OF THIS PROCESS OBSOLETE ANYWAY 7HAT DOES THE CURRENT literature tell us about the state of “the research PAPERv (OW CAN DEDICATED TEACHERS PROCEED AND SUCCEED IN THIS CHANGING LEARNING ENVIRONMENT *OINUSASWESHAREEXPERIENCESANDSOLUTIONSFOR TACKLINGTHESECHALLENGESWITHINTHETHTHGRADE HISTORYFRAMEWORK0ERSONALEXPERIENCESSOLUTIONS ANDOPINIONSFROMALLDISCIPLINESWELCOME Marissa Colston Friends Select School Room S202 MS US Chuck It or Chunk It?: The 8th/9th Grade Research Paper Julie Kimmel, Jim Eichsteadt, Mary Fraser Germantown Academy MS 20-Time in Middle School- Lessons Learned 7HAT IS 4IME "ASED ON A FRAMEWORK USED AT INNOVATIVE EMPLOYERS LIKE 'OOGLE '% 3KYPE !PPLE ETC THE IDEA IS SIMPLE 3TUDENTS ARE GIVEN OF THEIR CLASSROOM TIME OR ONE DAY A WEEK to develop, research, design, test, and refine a PROJECT ON A TOPIC OF THEIR OWN CHOOSING 7HEN applied within the classroom, this idea is meant to increase student engagement, independence, AND RESPONSIBILITY WHILE ALLOWING EXPLICIT RESEARCH and design instruction, creating an environment of entrepreneurship, and providing feedback from authentic, real world audiences. This presentation will present our findings and reflection upon the development of this unit. David Baroody, Mary Fraser Germantown Academy Room M117 EC LS MS US A Place based education is a science curriculum that USESEXPERIENTIALLEARNINGACTIVITIESTOPROMOTETHE development of an enhanced understanding of the environment in which one lives, including theories and practices regarding the importance of its responsible stewardship. Jason McCauley, Staci Jasin Janus School Room M120 EC LS MS US A Demystifying Data -ILTON (ERSHEY 3CHOOL INITIATED A NEW APPROACH to using achievement and growth data to improve student learning. Focus was placed on ability to understand and communicate the data with confidence, resulting in teachers and administrators USING DATA TO MAKE INSTRUCTIONAL DECISIONS )N addition, the approach will facilitate the development of a robust program evaluation process. As the school CONTINUESTOENSUREPOSTSECONDARYSUCCESSFORITS students, communicating high quality, accessible INFORMATIONTOALLSTAKEHOLDERSOFTHEORGANIZATIONIS imperative, creating a common vision and language. Lisa Amspacher, Michael Benner Milton Hershey School Place Based Education 6 2 Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenters Earl Ball, Mike Johanek Earl Ball has been INVOLVEDWITH0!)3 SINCE(E served as the head OF7ILLIAM0ENN #HARTER3CHOOLFOR most of that time. %ARLISCURRENTLY director of the 3CHOOL,EADERSHIP Program at the 'RADUATE3CHOOLOF%DUCATIONOFTHE5NIVERSITY OF0ENNSYLVANIA)NTHATPROGRAMHEWORKSWITH independent school teachers and administrators who seek to develop their leadership roles. (EALSOCONSULTSNATIONALLYWITHSCHOOLSON leadership searches and board concerns for #ARNEY3ANDOE!SSOCIATES Mike Johanek is A3ENIOR&ELLOW ATTHE'RADUATE 3CHOOLOF%DUCATION '3%5NIVERSITYOF Pennsylvania, where he is the Director OFTHE-ID#AREER Doctoral Program IN%DUCATIONAL ,EADERSHIP)NHIS ROLEAS$IRECTOROFTHE-ID#AREER0ROGRAM Mike works to structure leadership development approaches for current students and continued development for alumni, many of whom occupy key positions in public schools and ASINDEPENDENTSCHOOLHEADS-IKESCURRENT research interests include civic education, the history of recent educational reforms, and educational leadership development. Gym EC LS MS US A Developing Leadership Personally and for Others The presenters will share ideas about developing LEADERSHIP BASED ON THEIR EXPERIENCES LEADING two different programs focused on educational LEADERSHIP AT THE 'RADUATE 3CHOOL OF %DUCATION University of Pennsylvania. The group will CONSIDER WAYS TO BUILD LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCES over a career, engage in a case study, and look at some recent research on leadership. The session is designed to be relevant to people at a variety of career stages. 7 Room M123 2 Room U113 US Developing a “Stream Team” in your School LS MS Exploring the Power of Story through Experiential Learning This presentation will show how traditional narrative study in the classroom can be enlivened, augmented, and improved by combining this traditional study WITHEXPERIENTIALACTIVITIESlELDWORKWITHOTHERSIN OUR COMMUNITY 4HROUGH THREE MAJOR EXAMPLES OF fieldwork tied to our narrative study (working with &IRST GRADER5PPER 3CHOOL STUDENT PAIRS LEARNING from storytellers, and connecting with senior CITIZENS ) WILL SHOW THAT EXPERIENTIAL ACTIVITIES outside of the classroom are crucial and necessary in understanding stories, their emotional power, and their ability to communicate ideas and relate EXPERIENCE This presentation will reflect on and provide INSIGHTINTODEVELOPINGASTATEOFTHEARTLIVEVIDEO STREAMINGPROGRAMINAPRIVATESCHOOL3ANFORDHAS recently created such a program as an offshoot of our larger multimedia journalism program, currently IN ITS SECOND YEAR 3UBJECTS WILL INCLUDE CHOOSING hardware, training students and faculty, and SCHEDULING EVENTS ! 3TREAM 4EAM PROGRAM WILL CROSSOVERINTOEVERYASPECTOFASCHOOLSCOMMUNITY from sports to performing arts to parent education. 7E WILL SHARE EXPERIENCES WARN OF DANGERS AND EXPLOREIDEASFORGROWTH John Fritz Sanford School Catherine Moore Moravian Academy Room L127 Room L125 LS Professor Lafferty:”Teach More Kids that Reading is Fun” EC LS Digital Portfolios for Lower School Children )NTHISPRESENTATION)WILLSHAREWITHOTHERTEACHERS HOW)TEACHMYlRSTGRADESTUDENTSHOWTOBLOG) will share the importance of digital portfolios and what teachers can do to create this for their class ANDSTUDENTS)WILLSHAREMYSTUDENTSBLOGSWHERE they share reading fluency podcasts, audio boos, writing samples, videos, poems, wordles, mad libs ANDMORE)TALLOWSTHECHILDRENTOSEETHEIRJOURNEY INlRSTGRADE7EALSOUSEOURCLASSBLOGTOCONNECT with other classes and to share what we are doing in the classroom with the world. EC LS MS US A Conversations and Ethical Decision-Making Lean into the discomfort and venture into the world of ethics. Applicable to faculty meetings and the classroom. Use ethical dilemmas as the starting point for discussion, relate your decision making to the values important to the individual and to the institution, and shape school policy. During the PROCESS YOU WILL EXPLORE MULTIPLE PERSPECTIVES AND grow as a learner. Deb Borden Rosemont School of the Holy Child Barbara Kanter Sanford School Room S103 EC LS MS US No Snoozing Classroom Alexis Morsell Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room U217 )N THE EARLY GRADES WE OFTEN TALK ABOUT STUDENTS reading in terms of phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, and comprehension. This presentation WILL EXPLORE WHAT WE AS TEACHERS DONT TALK MUCH ABOUTMOTIVATION0ARTICIPANTSAREINVITEDTOCOME prepared to share questions, ideas, and resources FOR TEACHING STUDENTS )N AN INCREASINGLY IMAGE DRIVEN CULTURE WRITTEN TEXTS REMAIN A SOURCE OF connection and joy found nowhere else. A )NVESTIGATEWAYSTOHAVESTUDENTSUSETHEIRBODIES to engage their brains and support their learning. 7E WILL CONSIDER RECENT RESEARCH ON BRAIN ACTIVITY classroom engagement and distractibility as well as the role of movement, both small and large, in enhancing student learning. This is an active workshop, which is divided into sections based on the type of movement. The participants will move ANDPARTICIPATEINEACHMOVEMENTPRESENTEDTAKING a short walk; timed movement into small groups; hand gestures; finger signals and others. Hadley Ferguson, Betty Ann Fish SCH Academy Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Room M121 Karen Blumberg Karen Blumberg is a Technology Coordinator at 4HE3CHOOLAT Columbia University working with faculty and students to integrate technology academically, respectfully, and RESPONSIBLY+AREN ORGANIZES4%$X.9%$4%$X9OUTH 4HE3CHOOL %DCAMP.9#%DCAMP-UMBAIANDTHE2OBO %XPO3HEISAFORMERPRESIDENTOFTHE.EW9ORK #ONSORTIUMOF)NDEPENDENT3CHOOL4ECHNOLOGISTS ANDWASRECOGNIZEDASA4EACHEROFTHE&UTUREBY THE.ATIONAL!SSOCIATIONOF)NDEPENDENT3CHOOLS +ARENSPEAKSPUBLICLYABOUTHERWORKUSING design thinking, reimagining professional DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPINGTECHNOLOGYENHANCED projects, and harnessing new media literacies. Room MSH EC LS MS US A DIY Learning and Professional Development Opportunities +AREN"LUMBERGWILLDISCUSSVARIOUSWAYSTO actively take control of your professional development. Active participation in Twitter chats, unconferences, webinars, Professional ,EARNING.ETWORKS'OOGLE(ANGOUTS%DCAMPS ANDOTHERSPACESBOTHPHYSICALANDVIRTUAL can lead to the ultimate goal of propelling and SUSTAININGYOURANDYOURFACULTYSPERSONAL growth and supporting a participatory culture of learners. EC LS MS US A Creating Cultures of Inclusion for Students and Families of Color Despite increased diversity in independent schools, many students and families of color still feel like outsiders. For most, the difference is due to SOME COMBINATION OF ETHNIC MINORITY STATUS AND OR lNANCIAL STATUS %CONOMIC DISPARITY AT PRIVATE SCHOOLSCANSIGNIlCANTLYIMPACTASTUDENTSSCHOOL EXPERIENCES AND OPPORTUNITIES 2EGARDLESS OF THE reason for feeling different, some question whether THEY WOULD DO IT ALL AGAIN DESPITE AN EXCELLENT education. This workshop addresses what schools can do to increase inclusion, drawing attention to the MICROEXCLUSIONARYACTIONSIMPACTINGPERCEPTIONSOF belonging. Pamela Brown SCH Academy US Your World: International Relations & Social Entrepreneurship This presentation focuses on a history course taught THROUGH3#(!CADEMYSENTREPRENEURSHIPPROGRAM 3TUDENTS lRST GAINED A FOUNDATION IN )NTERNATIONAL 2ELATIONS FOCUSED ON THE GROWING IMPORTANCE OF NONGOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS .'/S 3TUDENTS THENCREATEDTHEORETICAL.'/STHATOFFEREDSOLUTIONS to global issues that traditional political approaches have not yet solved. This presentation highlights the need for entrepreneurial projects in education AS WELL AS WAYS TO UPDATE CONTENT WITH STUDENT CENTEREDMETHODS3PECIALATTENTIONWILLBEGIVENTO PLANNINGANDASSESSINGLONGTERMSTUDENTPROJECTS Taraneh Naghizadeh-Kerley SCH Academy Room S203 EC LS MS US A Creative Problem Solving (OW DO YOU LOOK AT ANY GIVEN PROBLEM AS AN OPPORTUNITYCHALLENGE ,EVERAGE THE COLLECTIVE wisdom of the other attendees to create concrete SOLUTIONS FOR PROBLEMS YOU ARE EXPERIENCING AT school. Learn how editing gets in the way of truly INNOVATIVESOLUTIONSBUTHOWSITSNEEDEDTOANSWER THEWHENWHYHOWANDWHOQUESTIONS"RINGYOUR creative brain and come prepared to move. Jeffrey Mordan The Philadelphia School 8 Room M103 LS MS Teaching a Collaborative Unit, Our Experience Teachers know that space constraints, accessibility, scheduling and even individual personalities can make true collaboration difficult. To showcase the outcomes of collaborative approaches, we would LIKE TO SHARE OUR EXPERIENCE WITH OUR 7ORLDS &AIR AND %NVIRONMENTAL 3UMMIT UNIT COTAUGHT BY OUR TH GRADE %NGLISH (ISTORY AND 3CIENCE TEACHERS 7E ARE EXCITED BY HOW THIS UNIT ALIGNS WITH THE curricular goals of each specific class while enabling STUDENTSTOPRACTICEREALWORLDPROBLEMSOLVINGAND creative thinking, which occurs outside of narrowly defined subjects. Jonathan Riddle, Ms. Anna Brock, Christy Knable Sewickley Academy Room M216 Room M205 2 US The Cross-Time Interview: Using Media to Explore Literary Genre Presentation will show how students can use video TECHNOLOGYTOCREATESIMULATEDREALTIMEINTERVIEWS with authors they are reading in class. Attendees will learn about the research, composition, and outlining activities that prepare students for the interviews. 4HEY WILL ALSO RECEIVE STEPBYSTEP INSTRUCTIONS on creating the video and tips on how to make the COLLABORATIVE EFFORT A REWARDING EXPERIENCE THAT engages a variety of learning styles. Presentation will conclude with a screening of a completed video ANDAQUESTIONANDANSWERSESSION Lawrence Connolly Sewickley Academy Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenters Reshan Richards, Stephen J. Valentine Dr. Reshan Richards is the Director OF%DUCATIONAL Technology at -ONTCLAIR+IMBERLEY !CADEMYIN.* and the founder of Constructivist Toolkit, ,,#2ESHANISTHE CREATOROFTHE%XPLAIN%VERYTHINGAPPANDCOAUTHOR OF,EADING/NLINE,EADINGTHE,EARNING,EADING BY,EARNING!N!PPLE$ISTINGUISHED%DUCATORAND MEMBEROF-ENSA2ESHANHASAN%D$FROM Teachers College, Columbia University where he CURRENTLYCOTEACHESACOURSEON$ESIGN4HINKING AND%DUCATIONAL4ECHNOLOGY(EHASAN%D-FROM (ARVARD5NIVERSITYIN,EARNINGAND4EACHINGANDA "!FROM#OLUMBIA5NIVERSITYIN-USIC Room U105 EC LS MS US A Data Driven Curricular Review, not just a pat on the back. Room U204 2EGULAR REVIEW OF CURRICULUM IS VITAL TO SCHOOL SUCCESS7ESTTOWNHASAFOURYEARCYCLEOFCROSS divisional curricular review. The process includes gathering information from recent alums, current students, school testing, and data from school RECORDS 2EADINGS IN CURRENT TRENDS COMPARISONS WITH PROFESSIONAL ORGANIZATION STANDARDS AND REVIEWS BY OUTSIDE EXPERTS ALL INFORM DECISIONS about the directions our curriculum will take over the NEXTSEVERALYEARS!LLOFTHISISFRAMEDFROMWITHIN OUR SCHOOLS MISSION AND DESIGNED TO BUILD ON OUR educational strengths. 4HE FOCUS WILL BE ON THE USE OF DESIGNBASED learning and the engineering cycle for projects THATUTILIZE$PRINTING4OPICSTHATWILLBECOVERED INCLUDE OVERVIEW OF $ PRINTING CURRICULAR DESIGN and pedagogy, assessment, potential project ideas, TEACHER RESOURCES AND THE INmUENCE OF THE $)9 Maker Movement in science education. The goal of the presentation is that teachers leave with a BETTERUNDERSTANDINGOF$PRINTINGANDHOWITCOULD effectively be used in their curriculum. Room S102 EC LS MS US A Leading Online: Challenging and Changing Meeting Structures 7EVEALLATTENDEDMEETINGSTHATCOULDHAVEBEEN HANDLEDTHROUGHEMAIL!NDWEVEALLBEENPART of email chains that should have been handled FACETOFACE/URLEADERSSERVEUSBESTWHEN THEYTHINKABOUTOURTIMEANDOURTALENTSHOW to save the former and give us the opportunity TOSHARETHELATTER7HILENOTADVOCATINGFORTHE elimination of meetings, we push for greater mindfulness about their how, when, where, ANDWHY"LENDINGONLINEANDOFmINELEADERSHIP unlocks the potential in our schools. 9 MS US Design-Based Engineering Projects Utilizing 3D Printing Graig Marx Winchester Thurston School Margaret Haviland, John Baird Westtown School Room U112 Room U103 Stephen J. Valentine serves as Assistant (EADOF5PPER3CHOOL and Director of Academic Leadership at Montclair +IMBERLEY!CADEMY (EBLOGSATWWW refreshingwednesday. com and is the coordinating editor of the +LINGENSTEIN#ENTERS+LINGBRIEF(EISTHEAUTHOR OF%VERYTHINGBUT4EACHING#ORWINAND COAUTHOROF,EADING/NLINE,EADINGTHE,EARNING Leading by Learning (Constructivist Toolkit, (ISARTICLEh)NTHE-AELSTROMOF!MERICAN )NDEPENDENT%DUCATION!3CHOOL,EADERS'UIDE to Chaos, Change, Competing Agendas, and the $ILEMMASTHAT7ONT'O!WAYvWASTHECOVERSTORY FORTHE3PRINGISSUEOF)NDEPENDENT3CHOOL -AGAZINE 2 US The Capstone Experience 7ESTTOWN 3CHOOL WILL SHARE ITS OWN JOURNEY AS IT EXAMINES ITS CAPSTONE EXPERIENTIAL EXPERIENCE FOR STUDENTS THE 3ENIOR 0ROJECT /BJECTIVES LOGISTICS and outcomes will be discussed. All are welcome, including faculty at other schools with capstone EXPERIENCESFORSTUDENTS Celeste Payne, Steve Compton Westtown School Room M219 US 1564 to 21st Century: Voice, Research and the Shakespeare Paper 4HE 3HAKESPEARE RESEARCH PAPER IS A CAPSTONE TO BOTH THE %NGLISH AND 2ESEARCH #URRICULUM 7ESTTOWNS INFORMATION LITERACY CURRICULUM GIVES students the tools they need to research, evaluate, process and integrate information in order to develop ANDARGUEATHESIS4HROUGHTHE%NGLISHCURRICULUM students develop their own voices and independent RESPONSES TO LITERATURE 4HE 3HAKESPEARE PAPER INTEGRATES THESE SKILLS STUDENTS WRITE AN ORIGINAL THESISDRIVEN ESSAY WHICH INCORPORATES OPINIONS from the world of literary criticism while still focusing PRIMARILYONTHESTUDENTSVOICEANDOPINION Victoria Jones, Ellen Jensen Abbott, Spencer Gates, Betsy Swan Westtown School EC LS MS US A Fostering Executive Function Skills 7HATAREEXECUTIVEFUNCTIONSKILLS7HATROLEDOTHEY PLAYINASTUDENTSSUCCESS%XECUTIVEFUNCTIONHAS BECOME A hBUZZv PHRASE IN EDUCATION -ORE AND more students are being identified as needing these specific skills. For these students, success in school DEPENDSONDIRECTINSTRUCTINEXECUTIVEFUNCTIONSKILLS to create confident and independent learners aware of their strengths and needs. Participants will leave THISSESSIONWITHACLEARUNDERSTANDINGOFEXECUTIVE function skills, as well as practical strategies for indentification, assessment and intervention. Elizabeth Maglio, Jill Dougherty Kristin McMurrer, Brittany Tallman Woodlynde School Room L128 EC LS Differentiate! Reach &Teach all Children Using Literacy Games! )N THIS WORKSHOP TEACHERS WILL LEARN HOW TO ORGANIZE AND MANAGE LEARNING CENTERS TO SUPPORT DIFFERENTIATEDINSTRUCTIONINTHECLASSROOM3PECIlC IDEASWILLBEGIVENFORGAMEIDEASTHATCAN%!3),9 BE CREATED AND IMPLEMENTED 9OULL DISCOVER HOW games can be played by individuals, small groups, or by the whole class creating fun, engaging ways to strengthen skills or enrich learners. Update your center games and provide differentiated instruction FORALLOFYOURSTUDENTS Denise Carles, Patricia Kolarz Wyndcroft School Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Room U104 EC LS MS US Establishing a STEM program - One school’s journey A (AS RECENT NEWS PROMPTED YOU TO THINK ABOUT THE IMPORTANCE OF 34%- EDUCATION AND STARTING A PROGRAM AT YOUR SCHOOL #OME AND LEARN ABOUT ONE SCHOOLS EVOLUTION FROM A TRADITIONAL SCIENCE AND MATH CURRICULUM TO A HIGHLY INTEGRATED 34%- program that spans all grades and departments. 7YOMING 3EMINARY #OLLEGE 0REPARATORY 3CHOOL A toddler through postgraduate school in northeastern Pennsylvania, has implemented a three stage process TO ESTABLISH A 34%- PROGRAM THAT ENCOMPASSES community outreach, innovative curriculum design, ANDOUTSIDEOFTHEBOXPROGRAMMING Room S106 EC LS MS US A Understanding Precursors to Violence in Independent Schools A panel discussion that begins with an historic overview of school violence and its common triggers. 7EWILLEXPLOREINMOREDETAILTHEFACILITATIVEEFFECTS OFMENTALHEALTHISSUESSOCIALMEDIAHARASSMENT bullying, crowd behavior, and impaired systemic communication within the school. The workshop will culminate with recommendations and guidelines to reduce the likelihood of violence within schools. Joseph Shanahan, Dr. Nicole Chaikin, Dr. Paul Anderson, Episcopal Academy Rachel Bartron Wyoming Seminary Room S206 Room S207 LS MS US A Using News-O-Matic in the ELA Classroom to Engage Students, Differentiate Instruction, and Assess Literacy Progress 4EACHINGWITHI0ADSOR!NDROIDDEVICES,EARNHOW 0RESS+IDS .EWS/-ATIC DAILY NEWSPAPER APP for kids, facilitates the integration of current events INTO + TEACHING TO CAPTURE STUDENT ENGAGEMENT ANDLITERACYPROGRESSATALLLEVELSFROM3PECIAL%DTO %,,TO'ENERAL%DAND'4.EWS/-ATICASSISTS educators in increasing the content area reading of students while meeting the challenges of the #OMMON #ORE 3TATE 3TANDARDS 0ARTICIPANTS WILL EXPLORE HOW INFORMATIONAL TEXTS CAN ENGAGE students in meaningful and spontaneous learning, as well as increase their competencies in reading, writing, inquiry, media literacy, collaboration, and DISCUSSION 9OUR STUDENTS WILL INCREASE THEIR WORLD knowledge, better understand themselves and others, and become habitual readers of the news. "9/$ IS ENCOURAGED TO MAKE THIS A HANDSON session. Lillian Holtzclaw Stern News-O-Matic LS Integrating STEM Activities into Your Elementary Classroom Room M201 MS More than a Single Story $IVERSITY OF HERITAGE RELIGION SOCIOECONOMICS AND ABILITY /UR WORK WITH THIS MOTLEY GROUP OF TH GRADERS TAUGHT US HOW PARTICULAR STRATEGIES can infuse a growth mindset, build a meaningful sense of belonging for students, and stretch them academically in rich and meaningful ways. Come hear our story and take home your own bag of tools that might transform your classroom from a “single story” to one in which the flavors of each individual make the coming together all the better. Noelle Kellich The Philadelphia School Room C214 A Mandatory reporting: Understanding a school’s responsibilities for reporting suspected child abuse (physical and/or sexual) – with a focus on of children by a staff member This presentation will provide a brief overview of THE BENElTS OF INTEGRATING 34%- TOPICS IN EARLY elementary classrooms and will then transition to a demonstration of different tools and resources TEACHERS CAN USE TO INTEGRATE 34%- ACTIVITIES 4OPICS MIGHT INCLUDE COMPUTER PROGRAMMING THE design process and engineering activities, circuits, AND $)9ORG 4HE PRESENTATION WILL END WITH A discussion asking teachers to consider how they might use these tools in their classrooms to meet LEARNING GOALS AND ENHANCE THEIR EXISTING SCIENCE technology, and math teaching. The program will review the mandatory reporting REQUIREMENTS CHANGES TO THE LAW IN A POST 3ANDUSKY WORLD THE %DUCATOR -ISCONDUCT !CT and steps a school should take after discovery of suspected abuse. Maggie Powers Episcopal Academy Room M118 Room L130 LS Digital Storyboarding Digital storyboarding is a wonderful tool that sparks creativity and brings ideas and concepts to LIFE7EWILLEXPLORESEVERALSTORYBOARDINGWEBSITES and apps that assist students and teachers in DEVELOPING ORGANIZING AND COMMUNICATING VISUALLY enriching lessons, concepts, and creative and EXPOSITORYWRITING3TUDENTEXAMPLESANDIDEASFOR classroom applications will be provided. Catherine Stuart, Helen Gambescia Rosemont School of the Holy Child 10 2 Pat Hennessy, Conrad O’Brien PC EC LS MS US A Online Marketing Discussion 3OCIAL MEDIA SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION MOBILE marketing, and paid ad placement are increasing in value for recruiting, retention, and engagement. "UT THE ONLINE MARKETING LANDSCAPE IS CHANGING frequently and can be difficult to keep up with. Come prepared with your online marketing questions and MAKESUREYOUREKEEPINGUPWITHTRENDSANDFULLY UTILIZINGTHETOOLSTHATAREAVAILABLE Kevin Homer Navitas Marketing Session PAIS engage connect experience 10:00 - 10:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenters Room C201 Moderator: Dr. Aggie Malter, Director of Accreditation, Pennsylvania Association of Independent Schools (PAIS) Panel: Jeanne Marie Blair, Director of Lower School, Rosemont School of the Holy Child Dr. Jonathan Cassie, Head of Senior School, The Sewickley Academy Terry Kessel, Assistant Head of School for Professional Development and Director of Middle School, Friends Select School Michael Letts, Upper School Form Dean, The Episcopal Academy Dr. Aggie Malter is the Director of Accreditation for 0!)3ANDSERVESON the Commission for Accreditation. Heads of School only Increasing the ROE (Return on Engagement) in the Digital World %NSURESOLIDRETURNSONTHEWAYSYOUCOMMUNICATE WITH CONSTITUENTS %XPLORE WEB STRATEGIES LIKE RESPONSIVE DESIGN MOBILE APPS ($ VIDEO EXPERIENCESDATAINTEGRATIONWITH,EGACY3YSTEMS LIKE 2AISERS %DGE AND PRIVATE SOCIAL NETWORKING Learn how you can reap the rewards of the latest trends in technology for the best digital engagement. Robert DiMartino *EANNE-ARIE"LAIR$R*ONATHAN#ASSIE 4ERRY+ESSEL-ICHAEL,ETTS Room C101 EC LS MS US A What’s in it for me? How the PAIS Accreditation process can be the secret to your success! Are you looking for ways to enhance your INDEPENDENTSCHOOLCAREER$OYOUWANT TOEXPANDYOURPROFESSIONALNETWORK(AVE YOUEVERWONDEREDWHATSGOINGONINOTHER 0!)3SCHOOLS/URPANELISTSWILLSHAREHOW THE0!)3!CCREDITATIONPROCESSHASCHANGED their professional lives and opened doors to new opportunities. Learn why it is important TOPARTICIPATEINTHESELFSTUDYPROCESSATYOUR school as well how to join a Visiting Committee ATOTHER0!)3SCHOOLS0UTTHE7))&-PRINCIPLETO WORKFORYOU 11 Have an idea for a professional development event; contact Kim Sivick, [email protected] 2 Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Sessions Room M217 MS US The Inquiry Based Classroom 7ITH THE DEVICE PROGRAM THE SCHOOL JUST IMPLEMENTED ) HAVE BEEN ABLE TO PUT STUDENTS IN CHARGE OF THEIR OWN LEARNING 7ORLD (ISTORY ) IS A skills over content history course that promotes student driven learning. Come discuss the benefits OFINQUIRYACTIVELEARNINGUTILIZINGTECHNOLOGYTOOLS )F YOU WALKED INTO MY CLASSROOM YOU WOULD NOT see me standing in front of the room, a PowerPoint behind me, disseminating information to a room full of quiet students. The desks are not in rows; the students are not furiously trying to write down EVERYTHING THAT IS SAID )NSTEAD YOU WOULD SEE MY students talking, sometimes laughing, and working WITHEACHOTHERONLINEANDINBOOKS9OUWOULDSEE me circulating the room, talking to individuals or groups. The only thing on the board would be the instructions. This is what inquiry learning looks LIKE )TS ENGAGING DIFFERENT A LITTLE SCARY AND FUN but allows for differentiated instruction and student DRIVENLEARNING 7EWILLHIGHLIGHTTHEUNIQUE-IDDLE3CHOOL%LECTIVE 0ROGRAM AT THE %PISCOPAL !CADEMY AND DISCUSS the offerings, opportunities, benefits, and rationale behind the program. This presentation will promote designated, scheduled time during the day and SHOWCASE THE EXPERIENCES AND CONNECTIONS MADE between students and teachers. Classes like *UGGLING 6IDEO 0RODUCTION 2OBOTICS #HESS AND "IRDWATCHING HELP TO PROVIDE A VAST EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING EXPERIENCE &ROM 0ROPOSAL TO )MPLEMENTATION TO #OMPENSATION THIS PRESENTATION allows educators to see a different perspective to scheduled class time. Linda Lew, Chip Hollinger, Alan Duprez, Matt Newcomb Episcopal Academy A From View Book to Integrated Branding: One School’s Story EC LS MS US A All Things Google !PRESENTATIONONTHEUSEOF'OOGLE!PPSFOR%DUCATION for all facets of school life from administration to PARENT TO STUDENT ! VARIETY OF TOOLS INCLUDING 'OOGLE %ARTH#ALENDAR$OCS&ORMSAND0RESENTATIONWILLBE showcased. The presentation will focus on practical APPLICATIONWITHTANGIBLEEXAMPLES Melissa Carroll Buckingham Friends School Room S202 Room M204 MS Designing a Diverse Non-Graded Middle School Elective Program Room S103 Jennifer Cutler Baldwin School Room S107 3 )N&RIENDS3ELECT3CHOOLEMBARKEDONAWELL WORNANDTIMEHONOREDMARKETINGPATHTODEVELOP ANEWVIEWBOOK%IGHTEENMONTHSLATERTHESCHOOL had rolled out a completely new branding campaign that is breaking school records for inquiries, visits and applications, boosting enrollment and improving RETENTIONWITH NARY A VIEW BOOK IN SIGHT ,EARN HOWWEDIDITANDHOWYOUCANDOITTOO4HE&33 &!3#).!4)/. CAMPAIGN RECENTLY WON THE #!3%$ISTRICT))'OLD!WARDFOR)NTEGRATED"RANDING Marketing Colleen Puckett, Sarah Schmidt, Tina Dougherty Friends Select School MS US From Abacus to Apps Click here to learn about our presenters #PAIS14 )N THIS SESSION PARTICIPANTS WILL HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE -ATHEMATICS !PPS FOR MULTIPLE DEVICES INCLUDING LAPTOPS 3PECIlC !PPS TO BE EXPLORED INCLUDE $ESMOS AND 7OLFRAM!LPHA 0ARTICIPANTS WILL WORK THROUGH A DEMONSTRATION LESSON RECEIVE READY TOUSE ACTIVITY HANDOUTS AND HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO EXPLORE !PPS OF THEIR CHOICE 4HERE WILL BE I0ADS available, but participants are encouraged to bring their OWNDEVICEIFPOSSIBLE"OTH$ESMOSAND7OLFRAM!LPHA can be accessed as web sites and the Desmos App is free to download. Check the PAIS website for more exciting professional development opportunities! Adam Lavallee, CJ Yespelkis Episcopal Academy 12 EC %ARLY#HILDHOOD LS ,OWER3CHOOL MS -IDDLE3CHOOL US 5PPER3CHOOL All rooms have A Administration limited capacities Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Room M119 Francis Yasharian Francis Yasharian has served as a teacher and principal for YEARS)N 7ASHINGTON$#HE created a bilingual family literacy program, founded THE%3,PROGRAM of a charter school, and led significant school improvement efforts ASAPRINCIPAL,ATERAS(EADOF,OWER3CHOOL AT3PRINGSIDE#HESTNUT(ILL!CADEMYHEWORKED with senior leadership to champion an innovative MISSIONANDCURRICULUM9ASHARIANISCURRENTLY PURSUINGA$OCTOROF%DUCATION,EADERSHIPDEGREE AT(ARVARD5NIVERSITY4HISPASTSUMMERHEWAS AWARDEDA'OOGLE0OLICY&ELLOWSHIP Room C101 EC LS MS US A MS US Integrating International Studies AND Students Room M120 'LOBAL STUDIES IS NO LONGER JUST ABOUT GOING out into the world, but also about bringing that WORLD INTO YOUR SCHOOLS 3O HOW DO YOU INCREASE your population of international students while MAINTAININGFOCUSONTHEMISSIONOFYOURSCHOOL)N this session you will learn about the essential steps TOCREATEAPREKTOPROGRAMWHATQUESTIONSTO ask before, as well as what to consider once the STUDENTSARRIVE7EWILLCOVERSTUDENTSUPPORTAND accommodation, curriculum development, student housing, college counseling, and the great benefit an international population brings to a school. &RIENDS3ELECTISAPREKTOSCHOOLTHATHASHAD an intentional international studies program for OVERYEARS#URRENTLYAPPROXIMATELYOFTHE STUDENT BODY PREK TO IS INTERNATIONAL REPRESENTINGCOUNTRIES 7EWILLSHAREOURJOURNEYAT-ILTON(ERSHEY3CHOOL to develop independent, strategic learners ready to meet the literacy demands of college and career. This interactive presentation and discussion will EXPLORETHEFOUNDATIONALPIECESNECESSARYTOADOPT THE #OMMON #ORE ,ITERACY 3TANDARDS EMPHASES ONCLOSEATTENTIVEREADINGTEXTUALPROBLEMSOLVING and writing, to provide meaningful professional development and to embed reading and writing STRATEGIES IN INSTRUCTIONAL PRACTICES 7E WILL SHARE resources and tools to integrate literacy in Language !RTS 3OCIAL 3TUDIES 3CIENCE AND THE #AREER Technical Areas. A Freda Martine, Ms. Jennifer Nowotnik, Ms. Tanya Barton Milton Hershey School Room S102 Room M105 US Narrative, Empathy, Truth: The New Community Project 3TORIESDOMORETHANSTIMULATEANDENTERTAINTHEY provide the framework for how we understand our selves and the spaces we inhabit. This has especially been true as our students have formally and informally constructed their narratives all ACROSSTHEINTERNET(OWCANWEGETSTUDENTSTOUSE these varied narratives to investigate what it *truly* MEANS TO BE HUMAN (OW CAN WE THEN USE THESE DISCOVERIESTOEMPOWERSTUDENTSTOREEVALUATEAND REIMAGINETHEIRSCHOOLSANDTHEIRCOMMUNITIES4HE .EW #OMMUNITY 0ROJECT AT 'ERMANTOWN !CADEMY attempts to answer these questions. NewCom is A PROJECTBASED TEAMTAUGHT COURSE THAT EMPLOYS the concepts of design thinking (empathic problem SOLVINGANDTHEDISCIPLINESOF(ISTORY%NGLISHAND !RTSTOEXPLORECHALLENGESRELATEDTOCOMMUNITYIN 0HILADELPHIA AND THE SURROUNDING SUBURBS 7ITH A more focused study on the architecture of human interactions, students brainstorm, prototype, and PRESENT SOLUTIONS TO CITY PROBLEMS 7ITH NARRATIVES at the center of these solutions, we hope to build “new communities” through conversations and collaborations. Chidi Asoluka Germantown Academy 13 EC LS MS US Developing a Shared Vision of Literacy-across-the-curriculum Jesse Dougherty, Terry Kessel Friends Select School Creating a Culture of Learning (OWDOYOUCREATEACULTUREOFLEARNINGAMONG ALLTHEADULTSINYOURSCHOOL7HATWOULDTHAT LOOKLIKE)NTHISINTERACTIVESESSIONWEDISCUSS the importance of motivating, sharing, and celebrating adult learning in schools. Together WEWILLEXPLORETHEMESOFADULTDEVELOPMENTAND will learn practical techniques and tools to make adult learning a regular part of what we do in schools. 3 EC LS MS US A Explain Everything: Screencasting and Formative Assessment 3CREENCASTING THE PROCESS OF CAPTURING COMPUTER screen output with audio narration, has become an increasingly popular approach since the as the technology to create screencasts has become more ACCESSIBLE 7HAT HAPPENS WHEN STUDENTS NOT JUST teachers, are engaged in the process of creating MULTIMEDIAREPRESENTATIONSOFTHEIRUNDERSTANDING 4HISSESSIONSHARESCONTEXTUALlNDINGSFROMRECENTLY completed research on iPads, screen casting, and FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT AND ALSO EXPLORES CREATIVE WAYSTOUSE%XPLAIN%VERYTHINGFORI0ADINAVARIETY OFCLASSROOMSETTINGSANDDISCIPLINES7HETHERTHIS is your first time hearing about screen casting or you AREANEXPERIENCED%XPLAIN%VERYTHINGORANYOTHER SCREENCASTINGTOOLFORTHATMATTERUSERTHISSESSION is designed to make you think, create, and share. Reshan Richards Montclair Kimberley Academy Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Pat Hennessy Patricia A. Hennessy is a Partner at Conrad /"RIEN0#AND #O#HAIROFTHE lRMS%DUCATION ,AW'ROUPWHERE she serves private schools, institutions of higher education, charter schools and TRADITIONALPUBLICSCHOOLS3HECURRENTLYSERVES ONTHE0!)3"OARDOF$IRECTORSANDHASPRESENTED other programs for independent schools. Room C214 EC LS MS US A Mandatory reporting for school personnel, including faculty, in a post-Sandusky world. %FFECTIVE&EBRUARYSIGNIlCANTCHANGES TOTHE%DUCATOR$ISCIPLINE!CTANDTHE#HILD 0ROTECTIVE3ERVICES,AWBECAMEEFFECTIVE and include enhanced mandatory reporting requirements. This program will outline school personnel responsibilities for reporting suspected abuse of children including institutional abuse. Room L130 LS Service Learning for the Elementary Curriculum Room C221 "RING SERVICE LEARNING INTO YOUR CLASSROOM INSTRUCTION %XPLORE WAYS TO BRING MEANINGFUL community service into your classrooms, while EMPHASIZINGCRITICALTHINKINGANDPROVIDINGPERSONAL REmECTION 3PECIlC SUBJECT AREAS WILL BE COVERED 3O WHETHER YOU TEACH 2EADING OR 3CIENCE 3OCIAL 3TUDIES OR -USIC DISCOVER CREATIVE IDEAS TO incorporate into your curriculum. Time will be given to add to a list of ideas and suggestions presented. /URWEBSITESERVESTWOMAINPURPOSESMARKETING TOPROSPECTIVEFAMILIESANDSTUDENTSUPPORT)NTHIS presentation we will compare the two sides of our website and share specifics of how we work with each component. Lynn Gosnell Rosemont School of the Holy Child A Two Sides of the Same Coin: The “Public” and “Private” Website /N THE MARKETING hPUBLICv SIDE OF OUR WEBSITE WE UTILIZE VARIOUS TOOLS AND STRATEGIES TO INCREASE THE TOP OF OUR ADMISSIONS FUNNEL /N THE 3TUDENT 3UPPORT hPRIVATEv SIDE IT IS OUR GOAL TO communicate accurately and timely with families and facilitate learning. Kristen Brooks, Robin Beaver Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room L125 EC LS Teaching every student: Differentiating in the classroom )N THIS WORKSHOP WE WILL DISCUSS THE VARIETY OF student learning styles and ways that we, as teachers, can accommodate their individual needs to make learning meaningful and worthwhile. "Y INCORPORATING DIFFERENT TOOLS TECHNOLOGY AND teaching strategies, teachers can make sure that each student is learning the skills that are being introduced to them. Christy Thom son, Rosemary Keinath Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room L126 Room M201 MS Project-Based Immersion into Culture, Music, and Religion Middle school students discover connections and DEVELOP GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE THROUGH A PROJECT based interdisciplinary unit involving social studies, LITERATURE RELIGION AND MUSIC 3TUDENTS LEARN about eastern cultures and traditions in social studies, musical heritage and the importance of communication through music, and various WORLD RELIGIONS THEIR BELIEFS HOW THEY RELATE to Christianity, and how these religions foster peace and compassion. At every step, students are directly involved through individual research, group collaboration, and public speaking through presentation. Greg Soltis, Emily Ballentine Erb Rosemont School of the Holy Child 14 EC Global Learning in Early Childhood 4HIS PRESENTATION WILL PROVIDE %ARLY #HILD educators with ways to approach global learning IN %ARLY #HILDHOOD 7E WILL PROVIDE CONCRETE EXAMPLES OF PROGRAMS AND WAYS TO ACCOMPLISH THISGOAL7EWILLFOCUSONSKYPPINGANDEPALS Rita Smith, Patty Kane Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room U113 Join the Independent school Twitter chat #ISedchat every Thursday at 9pm Eastern Time. 3 US Breaking It Down: An Alternative to Chapter Tests !RE YOUR STUDENTS STRUGGLING WITH CHAPTER TESTS )S THERE A DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THEIR WRITTEN AND ORAL PROlCIENCY #ONSIDER AN ALTERNATIVE THAT involves replacing tests with shorter and more frequent assessments that target and evaluate specific language skills, allowing students to easily identify individual strengths and weaknesses. (EAR EXAMPLES OF CHANGES MADE IN RESPONSE TO student feedback and learn about the outcomes of these adjustments. These techniques are used in a 3PANISH CLASS BUT ARE APPLICABLE TO ANY SPOKEN language course. Elizabeth Capone Sanford School Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenters Hadley Ferguson, Kristen Swanson Hadley Ferguson is a middle school teacher at 3PRINGSIDE#HESTNUT (ILL!CADEMY3CHOOL in Philadelphia and COAUTHORWITH +RISTEN3WANSONOF 5NLEASHING3TUDENT 3UPERPOWERS3HE WASNAMEDAh4EACHEROFTHE&UTUREvBY.!)3 3HEISAMEMBEROFTHE,IBRARYOF#ONGRESS 4EACHINGWITH0RIMARY3OURCES-ENTOR!DVISORY GROUP3HEISALSOAFOUNDINGBOARDMEMBEROF THEEDCAMP&OUNDATION3HEREGULARLYPRESENTSAT national conferences. Kristen Swanson %D$ISASENIOR research leader for "RIGHT"YTESAND COAUTHORWITH (ADLEY&ERGUSONOF 5NLEASHING3TUDENT 3UPERPOWERS 3HEISANADJUNCT professor in the $E3ALES5NIVERSITYINSTRUCTIONALTECHNOLOGY-ED program and a founding board member of the EDCAMPFOUNDATION3HEISA'OOGLE#ERTIlED 4EACHER4WITTER4EACHERAND%DUBLOG!WARD Nominee who regularly shares her ideas at national conferences and in academic journals. Gym EC LS MS US A Students with Superpowers! 4HATISTHEGOAL,EARNTOUSEEACHPOWER yourself and discover how to pass them onto your STUDENTS%XPLORERWHATSUPERPOWERSSTUDENTS NEEDTOSUCCEEDINTHEDIGITALAGE7ONDERING #ONNECTING#URATING$IGITAL)NKINGBLOGGING TWEETING'AMINGAND$ESIGNING Room M205 US The Apocalypse: A Unique History & English Course Room M221 US Literature in the Global Classroom 5SING ZOMBIES TO TEACH SOCIAL COMMENTARY Playing Pandemic to understand the spread of INFECTIOUS DISEASES IN HISTORY 4HE !POCALYPSE /UR &ASCINATION 7ITH THE %ND IS 3#( !CADEMYS most popular course. The course uses a central theme that resonates with millennial students as a MEANSOFMAKINGACORECONTENTCOURSEANEXCITING ENGAGING AND FUN EXPERIENCE WHILE UPHOLDING important curricular objectives. This presentation WILLHIGHLIGHTTHECHALLENGESOFCREATINGCROSSLISTED high school courses while finding a balance between student engagement and educational objectives. Taraneh Naghizadeh-Kerley SCH Academy LS Flexible Grouping for Mathematics US &LEXIBLEGROUPINGINMATHALLOWSUSTOBETTERTEACH students, based on their ability in a particular math topic. Pretesting before each unit gives us valuable information regarding student strengths, WEAKNESSESANDBACKGROUNDKNOWLEDGE7ETHEN divide the students into groups based on these criteria, where they will learn the math topic at hand. After the unit assessment, the cycle begins AGAIN 3TUDENTS lND THEMSELVES WITH VARIOUS students and teachers throughout the year and this system helps to assuage parents and students concerned with the traditional ‘low, medium, AND HIGH GROUPINGS !DDITIONALLY WE ACCUMULATE EXCELLENT DATA WHICH IS USED TO CONSTRUCT MATH GROUPINGSFOR-IDDLE3CHOOL At Crefeld, students earn diplomas through 'RADUATION BY %XHIBITION 4HIS PROCESS REQUIRES students to demonstrate mastery in fifteen EXHIBITIONS 7HILE WORKING ON THE EXHIBITIONS STUDENTS UTILIZE ESSENTIAL SKILLS INCLUDING LOGICAL REASONING EXPOSITORY WRITING ANALYTICAL READING RESEARCH SELFREmECTION ENGAGED CITIZENSHIP AND EXECUTIVEFUNCTIONING4HESESKILLSPREPARESTUDENTS for college. Christopher Carney, Christina Pales, Mark Hansen Sewickley Academy s5NDERSTANDING HOW PROGRESSIVE EDUCATION strengthens the program. Room M121 EC LS MS US A 4HIS PRESENTATION WILL EXPLORE THE USE OF asynchronous learning to allow learning access TO STUDENTS IN AN ALWAYS BUSY SCHOOL YEAR 7E will discuss the many benefits to student learning and use of class time this method of teaching and learning has. Mary Donovan Sewickley Academy 15 Michael-Ann Cerniglia Sewickley Academy Graduation by Exhibition: Rethinking College Prep The 24-Hour Classroom: Utilizing Web Technology "OOK3IGNINGBY!UTHORS +RISTEN3WANSONAND (ADLEY&ERGUSONINTHE %XHIBITOR(ALLFROM TO0- This presentation will share resources and strategies for incorporating literature into social STUDIES CLASSROOMS 3PECIlCALLY ) WILL SHARE WAYS IN WHICH LITERATURE REPLACED TEXTBOOKS ACROSS MY human geography and global curricula. Through global literature, students have the opportunity to become better and more avid readers as they learn how to read about other cultures and histories more adeptly. Also, by introducing them to the world through the voices of others, we also develop empathy and action based on real world events they read about. Room S203 Room L127 3 )NTHISSESSIONPARTICIPANTSWILLBEACTIVELY ENGAGEDIN s,EARNINGABOUTEACHEXHIBITION s6IEWINGTHERUBRICSANDDESCRIPTIONGUIDEFOREACH EXHIBITION s)DENTIFYING THE CHALLENGES AND REWARDS OF THE program. George Zeleznik, Ann Croxson, Laura Craig The Crefeld School Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Hans Mundahl Hans Mundahl has been an educator SINCEWHEN he first stepped into the classroom as a Fulbright EXCHANGETEACHER INTHEFORMER%AST 'ERMANY3INCE THENHESBEENAN /UTWARD"OUND instructor, a teacher, administrator and ran the EXPERIENTIALLEARNINGPROGRAMAT.EW(AMPTON 3CHOOLFORALMOSTTENYEARS4ODAY(ANSFOCUSES ONVALUESDRIVENTECHNOLOGYINTEGRATIONAND I0ADINITIATIVES2ECENTLYHEHADTHECHANCETO HELP.EW(AMPTON3CHOOLBECOMEAN!PPLE $ISTINGUISHED3CHOOLANDHASCOAUTHORED SEVERALI"OOKS Room MSH EC LS MS US A Fire Your Students - A New Take on Technology Integration 4HOMAS&RIEDMANWROTETHATWEDONTNEED more education, we need more of the right education including problem solving skills, ENTREPRENEURSHIPANDCREATIVITY"UTHOWDO WETEACHTHESENEWSKILLSINTHECONTEXTOFA TRADITIONALCLASSROOM#OMBININGELEMENTS FROMEXPERIENTIALLEARNINGSTARTUPCULTUREAND THEPHILOSOPHYOF!DAM3AVAGEOF-YTH"USTERS FAME(ANS-UNDAHLENCOURAGESYOUTO@lREYOUR STUDENTSANDTOHIRETHEMBACKASEMPLOYEESIN the startup that is your classroom. Room S206 EC LS MS US A The Art of Tinkering: The Intersection of Art, Science & Tech Room U204 /NTHEIROWNSCIENCEARTANDTECHNOLOGYALLMAKE FOR INTERESTING FUN AND REWARDING EXPLORATIONS )NTERMINGLED AS 34%!- AND COUPLED WITH $ESIGN Thinking methodology, tinkering builds creative confidence. Creative confidence is achieved through MAKER EMPOWERMENT A HEIGHTENED SENSITIVITY TO the made dimension of objects, ideas, and systems, along with a nudge toward tinkering with them and ANINCREASEDCAPACITYTODOSO,EARNHOW4HE%LLIS 3CHOOL INCORPORATES 4INKERS AND -AKER %DUCATION THROUGH ITS )NNOVATION 3TATIONS #O,ABORATORY AND into the curricular program. An introduction to the Flipped classroom model. ) WILL PRESENT HOW ) HAVE USED 6OICETHREAD 4- TO DESIGN AND IMPLEMENT WHAT ) CALL A MODIlED mIPPED CLASSROOM FOR TEACHING TH GRADE MATH 4EACHERS WILL GET TO TRYOUT THE 6OICETHREAD program as a student and as an instructor, SEE EXAMPLES OF EXISTING LESSONS WITH STUDENT participation, and hear student testimonials. 3ESSIONWILLINCLUDETIMEFOROPEN1! MS US Flipping-Out: Teaching Math with Voicethread (TM) Caronne Taylor Bloom United Friends School Lisa Palmieri The Ellis School Room M216 Room M118 EC LS MS US A Designing Creative & Enriching Auxiliary Programming 7HAT ARE THE lVE SIMPLE STEPS SCHOOLS CAN TAKE TO MAKE THEIR AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMMING MORE CREATIVE ENRICHING AND PROlTABLE 4HIS WORKSHOP will outline the five steps, which include creating engaging curriculum, establishing a gainful clubs program, communicating with all constituents, assembling an effective staff, and ensuring accessibility for all students. These steps were IDENTIlED FOLLOWING A YEARLONG STUDY OF AFTER SCHOOLPROGRAMSATOVERINDEPENDENTSCHOOLS WHICH IS SUMMARIZED IN THE ARTICLE h4IME 7ELL 3PENT $ESIGNING $YNAMIC AND 0ROlTABLE !FTER 3CHOOL 0ROGRAMMINGv )NDEPENDENT 3CHOOL -AGAZINE&ALL Room U103 EC LS MS US #HEMISTRY EXPERIMENTS ILLUSTRATING METAPHORS IN NOVELS %XPLORING THE NATURE OF LANGUAGE THROUGH DANCE -ODELS OF DYSTOPIAN SOCIETIES FROM THE NATURAL WORLD 4HESE ARE PROJECTS )VE RECEIVED IN MY %NGLISH CLASS THANKS TO $ANIEL 0INKS $2)6% 0INK EXPLAINS THAT WE ARE MOST MOTIVATED WHEN WE HAVE AUTONOMY MASTERY AND PURPOSE ) HAVE ADAPTED 0INKS IDEAS TO GIVE MY %NGLISH STUDENTS autonomy over Task, Team, Technique, and Time as they create projects which demonstrate mastery of course material while allowing room for multiple intelligences and personal meaning. Ellen Abbott Westtown School EC LS MS Think You Know BrainPOP? A Journeys, Pathways, and Opportunities .EWTOINDEPENDENTSCHOOLS6ETERANOFINDEPENDENT SCHOOLS!NADMINISTRATORININDEPENDENTSCHOOLS *OINUSFORACONVERSATIONABOUTTHEOPPORTUNITIES challenges, and career paths of faculty of color in independent schools. Celeste Payne,Tracy Motley, Monica Ruiz-Melendez Westtown School MS US DRIVE, the FedEx Project and Autonomy in the English Classroom Room S207 Betsy Neiva, Diane Pepe The Philadelphia School 16 3 Perfect for new and veteran users alike, this INTERACTIVEWORKSHOPCOVERSALLTHINGS"RAIN0/0'ET AlRSTHANDLOOKATTHEWAYSOURANIMATEDMOVIES QUIZZES AND GAMES ENGAGE STUDENTS AND BOLSTER ACHIEVEMENT $ELVE INTO h-Y "RAIN0/0v A NEW suite of features that lets you keep track of learning; DESIGN YOUR OWN "RAIN0/0STYLE ASSESSMENTS incorporate games into instruction and assessment; and encourage creativity with our concept mapping TOOL-EMBERSOFTHE"RAIN0/0%DUCATORSTEAMGET YOUUPANDRUNNINGWITHALLTHISANDMORE BrainPOP Educators Team with Andrew Gardner, Director of BrainPOP Educators Session PAIS engage connect experience 11:00 - 11:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Room M117 Marti Weston Marti Weston is an academic technology specialist at 'EORGETOWN$AY 3CHOOL3CHOOL!N EXCITINGPARTOFHER job is developing resources that help teachers and parents understand MOREABOUTTHEST#ENTURYDIGITALLIVESTHAT children take for granted. Marti blogs for teachers ANDPARENTSAT-EDIA4ECH0ARENTINGANDFOR'$3 PARENTSAT$ISCOVER9OUR#HILDS$IGITAL7ORLD AhCLASSONABLOGv3HEWASAFOUNDEROFTHE INDEPENDENTSCHOOL%DUCATORS,IST)3%$,NOW MORETHANYEARSOLDANDSTILLGOINGSTRONG Room S106 EC LS MS US A Parents Are 21st Learners Too? The secure world that we want to create for children at school and at home is now PERMANENTLYJUXTAPOSEDWITHTHEDIGITALWORLD a place where kids grow, learn, play, work, and collaborate, and where our timeless and cherished values are not taken that seriously. (OWCANTEACHERSANDPARENTSGUIDEANDMODEL appropriate behavior in a constantly changing world where children continuously discover ANDEXPLORENEWWAYSOFINTERACTINGGATHERING information, and communicating, and where we ADULTSOFTENSTRUGGLETOKEEPUP EC LS MS US Online Education in the Independent School Space A )NDEPENDENT3CHOOLSHAVETRADITIONALLYBEENSLOWER to adopt or consider the idea of online education. The +ISKI3CHOOLHASBEENINVOLVEDWITHONLINEEDUCATION SINCE)NTHISPRESENTATIONWEWILLDISCUSSTHE MANYASPECTSOFONLINELEARNINGTHAT+ISKIHASBEEN involved with. This will include what online platforms the school has used, what courses we have offered, and the multiple delivery mechanisms that we have USEDANDSTILLUSETODAY+ISKIHASEXPERIENCEWITH synchronous and asynchronous instruction along with blended learning. Marcus Muster Kiski School Room M116 EC LS MS US A Developing Confident Student Leaders in a Montessori Classroom The Montessori classroom environment develops confident student leaders by giving students hFREEDOM WITH RESPONSIBILITYv 3TUDENTS GAIN independence as they choose areas of interest to study and gain a deeper understanding of abstract CONCEPTS THROUGH HANDSON LEARNING 4HE RESULT is confident leaders, who are not afraid to be creative, think critically, collaborate with their fellow CLASSMATES AND MAKE GOOD DECISIONS ALL ST CENTURYLEARNINGSKILLS %DUCATORSWILLBRINGIDEASBACKTOTHEIRCLASSROOMS and schools to help better develop their own confident student leaders. William Nord Gladwyne Montessori Room M123 LS MS Introducing First Lego League to Your School: A Primer As first year participants in the global First Lego ,EAGUE &,, PROGRAM WE PLAN TO SHARE THE successes and struggles we overcame bringing THIS MULTIFACETED PROGRAM TO OUR MIDDLE SCHOOL &,, IS BASED ON THE PRINCIPLES OF 34%- AND IS PRESENTED THROUGH INNOVATIVE PROJECTS AND EXCITING ROBOTICSCOMPETITIONS3TUDENTPARTICIPANTSPRACTICE cooperation, team building and the important core VALUESOF&,,7EWILLPROVIDEINFORMATIONREGARDING bringing this program to your school. Room C230 LS MS US Unleashing Creative Thinkers )N THIS INTERACTIVE SESSION WE WILL EXPLORE meaningful learning connections you can implement ACROSS MULTIPLE CURRICULAR AREAS 7ITH A FOCUS ON interdisciplinary lessons and activities, participants WILL EXPLORE TEACHING STRATEGIES TO EMPLOY CRITICAL THINKING AND CREATIVE PROBLEMSOLVING APPROACHES SPECIlCALLY THROUGH THE !RTS AND 3CIENCES Presenters will share lesson ideas and participants will “take away” a web resource including activities SHARED (ELP YOUR STUDENTS EXPRESS THEMSELVES THROUGHTHE!RTSAND3CIENCES Yoon Soo Lim The Hill School 17 Heads of School only Board not Bored ,EARN HOW 4HE (ILL 3CHOOL COMPLETELY OVERHAULED its board meetings to leverage the talent in the ROOMADVANCETHESCHOOLSMISSIONESTABLISHTRUE camaraderie, and create a culture of generative governance while at the same time allowing trustees TO EXPERIENCE ST CENTURY TEACHING AND LEARNING lRSTHAND9OUCANDOITTOO Zachary Lehman , Jonathan E. Martin JoAnne Daniels, Danielle Mackavage Moravian Academy Room C201 Room U111 3 Room M103 US A Tablets: Not Just a Consumption Device 4HIS SESSION WILL EXPLORE THE MYTHOLOGY OF TABLETS BEING A CONSUMPTIONONLY DEVICE 7E WILL LOOK AT how this conception arrived, and why it may no LONGER BE TRUE 7E WILL EXAMINE THE EDUCATIONAL research surrounding the use of tablets, and look at the advantages that they offer to students. #URRENTLYINOURSECONDYEAROFAIMPLEMENTATION USING I0ADS WE WILL SHARE SOME EXAMPLES OF OUR STUDENTSWORKPRODUCEDONTABLETS Kyle Jones The Hill School Heads of School only Distributed Leadership: Growing Leaders and Capacity in Independent Schools This advanced session for school heads will FOCUSONYEARSOFSUCCESSFULIMPLEMENTATIONOF distributed leadership in public, private, and !RCHDIOCESE SCHOOLS )T WILL TARGET PROGRAM implementation and lessons learned and beliefs confirmed in this leadership development work. Critical questions, issues, and problems will be targeted to help leaders to design their own programs to build leadership and learning capacity in their schools. John A. DeFlaminis Session PAIS engage connect experience 12:10 - 12:50 ...advancing the independent school community 4 Affinity Groups 2014 PAIS Biennial Conference Affinity Group Meetings #PAIS14 18 4HE FOURTH SESSION OF THE 0!)3 "IENNIAL #ONFERENCE IS DESIGNATED FOR !FlNITY 'ROUPS TO meet and share ideas. A designated facilitator will moderate each session. !T THE CONCLUSION OF 3ESSION !- EACH CONFERENCE PARTICIPANT WILL PICKUP A BOXED LUNCH ONE LUNCH FOR EACH REGISTERED PARTICIPANT AND join the affinity group of their choice. During the MINUTESESSION0-AFlNITYGROUP PARTICIPANTSCANNETWORKANDEXCHANGEIDEASWHILE having lunch with other professionals from the 0ENNSYLVANIA$ELAWARE INDEPENDENT SCHOOL community. Advance registration for an affinity group discussion IS NOT REQUIRED 3OME PARTICIPANTS MAY CHOOSE TO use this time to meet with vendors and check out THEEXHIBITSINTHEMAKERPLAYGROUND!TTENDANCEAT AN AFlNITY GROUP OR VISITING THE EXHIBIT HALL ANDOR MAKERPLAYGROUNDISANEXPECTEDCOMPONENTOFTHE SIXHOURSOFPROFESSIONALACTIVITYFORTHEDAYSHOULD you be using this event for professional hour credit THROUGHTHE0!$EPTOF%DUCATION Room - - - - - - - - - - - 5 - 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 , , , , , , , 3 , , 3 3 3 - - - - - 3 3 3 - 3 - - - Affinity Group 4ECHNOLOGYINFRASTRUCTURE %DUCATIONAL4ECHNOLOGY ,IBRARY-EDIA3PECIALIST !DVANCEMENT -ARKETINGCOMMUNICATIONS %NROLLMENTMANAGEMENT $IVERSITY $EPARTMENTCHAIRS ,3!DMINISTRATORS -3!DMINISTRATORS 53!DMINISTRATORS 0RESCHOOL$IRECTORS "USINESS-ANAGERS ,EARNING3PECIALISTS 3UMMER0ROGRAMS 'UIDANCECOUNSELORS !FTERSCHOOLPROGRAMS #OLLEGECOUNSELORS !THLETICS 0%(EALTHWELLNESS 3ERVICELEARNING %# 0+ + ,33CIENCE ,3!RT ,3-USIC -3-ATH -33CIENCE -3%NGLISHLANGUAGEARTS -3&OREIGNLANGUAGE -33OCIALSTUDIES -3#LASSICS -3!RT -3-USIC 53-ATH 533CIENCE 53%NGLISHLANGUAGEARTS 53&OREIGNLANGUAGE 533OCIALSTUDIES 53#LASSICS 53!RT 53-USIC Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Sessions Room S202 Room S207 LS MS Teacher as Tech Coach: Supporting Technology Innovation MS US Top Ten Smart Notebook Tips to Start Today 0ROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN TECHNOLOGY AT !)3 IS LED BY PEER FACULTY MEMBERS USING THE )34% 0EER Coaching model. The coach collaborates with a classroom teacher to plan a project, working together to select the best tools and estimating the right amount of classroom time. The coach may come to the class to offer tech support. This FORM OF JOBEMBEDDED LEARNING SUPPORT HELPS THE teacher ease into a sense of mastery with the new technology, and to move at a comfortable pace with her own learning. Julie Diana, David Marshall Agnes Irwin School EC LS MS US A Stronger, Braver, Smarter, Mindful This session addresses the performing arts as a tool for enhancing curriculum across disciplines and units, offering practical strategies, activities, and pro tips for incorporating Drama, performance, and DESIGNINTOYOURCLASSROOM7HETHERYOUREALREADY familiar with some of these techniques, or just the thought of it gives you stage fright, come share, REmECTCOLLABORATEANDCONNECTWITHANEXPERIENCED MULTIUNITTHEATREDEPARTMENT Kelly Leight-Bertucci, Cristy Chory, Dan Clay, Gina Tomkowich, Cara Lavallee Episcopal Academy Room M216 #PAIS14 19 Grace Wingfield Episcopal Academy EC LS PK Astronauts in Training: An Experiential Exploration!! 9OUNG#HILDREN%XPLORINGTO,EARNx h4ELLMEx)FORGET 3HOWMEx)REMEMBER )NVOLVEMEx)UNDERSTANDv The Prekindergarten children immerse themselves in the solar system and space unit of study to DEVELOP PATHWAYS OF LEARNING TO INTEGRATE 0% !RT 3CIENCE ,ANGUAGE !RTS -ATH AND BEYOND 4HEIR TOOLBOX IS lLLED FOR MAXIMUM 3OLAR 3YSTEM learning. Nancy Reinhard, Colleen Gallagher Bernabei, Maggie Dunn, Joyce Gavin, Claudia Parra Episcopal Academy MS US Economics Applications in the Math Classroom Click here to learn about our presenters 4HISSESSIONWILLREVIEWATOPTEN3MART.OTEBOOK Tip List and apply them to actual lesson development TO START USING 3MART .OTEBOOK TODAY 7E WILL LOOK AT ARRANGEMENT AND ORGANIZATION FOR IMPACT screenshots to save time, saving options and other TOOLS #OME LEARN HOW 3MART .OTEBOOK CAN HELP YOU ORGANIZE LESSONS AND INCREASE EFlCIENCY AND INTEREST"EGINNERSTOTHOSEUSING3MART.OTEBOOK TODAYAREWELCOME7EWILLSTARTWITHSOMEBASICS ANDKEEPONGOING%ACHPARTICIPANTWILLLEAVEWITHA 3MART.OTEBOOKLESSON Room L127 Room S107 5 4HIS SESSION EXPLORES READYTOUSE CLASSROOM activities that integrate authentic economic applications into mathematics courses for grades 0ARTICIPANTS WILL TAKE PART IN HANDSON activities that develop understanding of economic concepts such as diminishing returns, supply and DEMAND PROlT MAXIMIZATION COMPOUND INTEREST and marginal revenue and profit. The activities can be manipulated to be used for a variation of age groups. Adam Laval lee Episcopal Academy Room C214 A How Data Can Inform Your Giving Program 7AYSTOUSEDATACOLLECTEDINALUMNIDEVELOPMENT DATABASES TO BOLSTER SUPPORT ANNUAL GIVING AS WELLASMININGPROSPECTSFORMAJORGIFTS%XAMPLES OF HOW TO SELECT MARKERS TO ANALYZE GIVING TRENDS project or “target” giving levels, and identify new major gift prospects. Samantha Bloom Episcopal Academy Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter John Baker John Baker serves ASTHE3AFETYAND 3ECURITY-ANAGER for Lancaster ,EBANON)5 and as a Police Detective for THE)50OLICE $EPARTMENT*OHN HASNEARLY years of law ENFORCEMENTANDSECURITYEXPERIENCEANDTRAVELED nationally providing security consulting prior to COMINGTOTHE)5*OHNBELIEVESINlNDING practical, affordable and proportionate safety and security solutions for schools and brings a REFRESHINGSTYLETOTHEOFTENOVERWHELMINGTOPIC OFSCHOOLSAFETYANDSECURITY*OHNISABOARD #ERTIlED0ROTECTION0ROFESSIONAL#00 Room C101 EC LS MS US A Responding to Violent Intruders Considering the fact that you have a higher probability of being struck by lightning than being shot in school why are we spending SOMANYRESOURCESPREPARINGFORTHENEXT #OLUMBINE)NCONTRASTATSOMEPOINTJUSTABOUT everybody will come into contact with a violent person. The skills shared in this session are a LIFESKILLTHATWILLHELPWHEREVERYOUARE9OUWILL leave this session empowered and informed to better help your family and your school. Room S203 MS US A Social Norms: Reducing Risk, Sharing Healthy Realities Room M219 Although many students do not use alcohol or other drugs, students form attitudes about substance use BASEDONNORMSTHEYPERCEIVE7HENTHEYDOTHIS they naturally overestimate – and start to emulate – THERISKIESTBEHAVIORSPRACTICEDBYPEERS(OWEVER when students know their peers are making healthy DECISIONSTHEYAREMORELIKELYTOFOLLOWSUIT)NTHIS session, FCD will guide attendees through the social norms approach to prevention and offer simple strategies to prevent student substance abuse. )N 3EPTEMBER OF THE 'ERMANTOWN !CADEMY 5PPER 3CHOOL IMPLEMENTED A (OUSE 3YSTEM TO make administration more efficient and to provide students with a smaller “home” for their high SCHOOL EXPERIENCE $AVE 3AMSON AND $AVE -ARTIN WILLDISCUSSWHY'!MADETHECHANGEHOWITWAS implemented, how it is working, and what they think the future holds. MS US The Germantown Academy House System: Past, Present & Future David Samson, Dave Martin Germantown Academy Maurice Soulis FCD Educational Services Room S103 Room S106 EC LS MS US A Using Author Visits and Interviews to Inspire Young Writers Are you looking for ways to engage students in PASSIONATE DISCUSSIONS ABOUT BOOKS AND WRITING Find out how you can create a community of thoughtful, enthusiastic readers and writers by offering opportunities for students to interact with PUBLISHEDAUTHORS7ELLEXPLOREAVARIETYOFOPTIONS FORAVARIETYOFBUDGETSINCLUDINGINPERSONVISITS 3KYPE VISITS AND ONLINE INTERVIEWS AND WELL discuss the benefits and challenges of each possibility. A Keeping a Loyal Constituency Engaged – Connecting Parents of Alum 3CHOOL PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN THE LIVES OF FAMILIES /FTEN AFTER THE JOY AND EXCITEMENT OF GRADUATION subsides, parents are left feeling a significant gap in their lives, and the school loses loyal constituents who have contributed their time, care, and finances. /URCHALLENGEISTOKEEPPARENTSOFALUMNIENGAGED in the life of the school for the mutual benefit of their CHILDRENOUR ALUMNI THE SCHOOL AND THE PARENTS themselves. This session will share successful strategies and generate discussion. Heather Durkin Germantown Academy Laurie Morrison, Maureen Haurin Friends Select School Room M116 Room M204 MS Medieval Memes: Storytelling and Digital Writing -EMESMERGEARECOGNIZABLEPICTUREANDWORDSTO CONVEY NEW MEANING 4HIS PRESENTATION EXAMINES an integrated middle school lesson that remakes a medieval illumination using the meme format, EXPLORING HISTORICAL CONTENT THE INTERPLAY OF TEXT AND SUBTEXT INTERNET SAFETY AND THE IMPACT OF AN authentic audience on student storytelling. David Baroody Germantown Academy 20 5 EC LS MS US A How Difficulties with Executive Function affect Learning ! STUDENTS EXECUTIVE FUNCTION ABILITIES HAVE A direct impact on their ability to complete work in a timely and consistent manner. This presentation WILLEXPLORETHEIMPACT!$($ANDEXECUTIVEFUNCTION disorders have on student performance particularly ASITRELATESTOTHEIRANXIETYANDMOTIVATION Jay Keener, Jonathan Back Janus School Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Michael Gagné Michael Gagné’s vocation centers on educating for peace and justice CONNECTING across difference and between pedagogies and social movement PRACTICES7ITH a background in POPULAREDUCATIONANDGRASSROOTSMOBILIZATION -ICHAELISTHE&OUNDING$IRECTOROF%NVISION 0EACE-USEUMCOFOUNDEROFTHE%ARTH1UAKER Action Team, and a frequent presenter in a wide range of schools. Michael lives at Pendle (ILLWHEREHETEACHESTHECOURSEh#ALLEDTO !CTION%XPLORING.ONVIOLENT3OCIAL#HANGEv (EISAGRADUATEOFTHE'REEN#ORPSSCHOOLFOR environmental leadership. Gym EC LS MS US A Education as the Practice of Freedom 4EACHINGFOR3OCIAL#HANGEIN4IMESOF3OCIAL #RISIS3HOULDWEEDUCATEYOUTHDIFFERENTLYINA TIMEOFSOCIOECONOMICANDECOLOGICALCRISIS TIMESDEMANDINGINNOVATIVEOREVENDISRUPTIVE SOLUTIONSTOSYSTEMICCHALLENGES7HATCANWE learn from relevant breakthrough moments in HISTORYFROMCOMMUNITIESANDTHEIRSCHOOLS THATSTUDIEDANDACTEDTOTRANSFORMEXISTING INJUSTICES)NTHISSESSIONWELLACTIVELYEXPLORE PASTANDPRESENTEXAMPLESANDPOSSIBLE RESPONSESTOTHESEQUESTIONSPERHAPS uncovering transformational truths as we go. Room M117 EC LS MS US A Integrated STEM: Building on a Buzzword )N RESPONSE TO THE NATIONAL CONVERSATION ON 34%- EDUCATION-ILTON(ERSHEY3CHOOLSOUGHTTOCREATE AROBUSTANDCOHERENTMODELFORINTEGRATED34%- /URSTRATEGYWASTODEVELOPSTUDENTSKNOWLEDGEIN INDIVIDUALDISCIPLINESANDMAKEEXPLICITCONNECTIONS while avoiding the creation of a series of discrete “bell and whistle” activities. This session will describe our approach to strategic planning that first focused on the development of disciplinary knowledge and technology literacy before leveraging THESESTRENGTHSINTHE34%-PLANNINGPROCESS Michael Benner, Lisa Amspacher Milton Hershey School Room U207 US US Teaching Bioethics to Science and Religion Students 3CIENCEANDRELIGIONTEACHERSAREOFTENCONFRONTED with questions from their students about bioethical issues. Many teachers have concerns about time constraints or the controversial nature of the topics, but the study of bioethics can encourage important critical thinking and problem solving skills. Finding the appropriate case studies for the grade level, type of science classroom, specific needs of the students and the sensibilities of administration and parents is important, and there are many resources available to teachers interested in this approach. Room L130 Technology affords new ways to teach and learn. “Flipping” your classroom can be easier than you think and twitter chats can become your new Personal Learning Network. Practical ideas and tips BASEDONCLASSROOMEXPERIENCESWILLBESHAREDTHAT will allow you to incorporate flipping and tweeting INTOYOURINDIVIDUALIZEDTECHNOLOGYTOOLBOX S. Leigh Nataro Moravian Academy EC LS MS US Room U217 Terry Maksymowych Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Flipping and Tweeting Room M120 5 A Maintaining an Atmosphere of Love and Understanding 4HE -ISSION 3TATEMENT OF -ORAVIAN !CADEMY proclaims in the first sentence that students best learn in an atmosphere of love and understanding. To insure that the school is continually focused on this GOALASTANDINGSCHOOLWIDETASKFORCEEXISTSAIDED by the services of an outside psychologist. Divisional goals are established; progress is assessed through FACULTY STUDENT AND PARENT SURVEYS 3TAFF FROM Moravian Academy will review the establishment ANDIMPLEMENTATIONOFTHISPROGRAM7EHOPEFORA SHARINGOFLIKEEXPERIENCESATOTHERSCHOOLS Robert Bovee, Dr. Michelle Schmidt Moravian Academy LS Bridges & Other Structures: An Engineering/ Physical Science Unit !PPROPRIATE FOR RD THROUGH TH GRADE THIS UNIT introduces students to tension and compression FORCESANDTHEENGINEERINGDESIGNPROCESS3TUDENTS EXPLORECONSTRUCT MANY STRUCTURES INCLUDING PAPER towers, beam bridges, suspension bridges and truss BRIDGES FROM INEXPENSIVE MATERIALS 4O EVALUATE their success, they cost out their materials and test THE LOAD CAPACITY OF THEIR STRUCTURES .ONSCIENCE TEACHERSCANDOTHISTOO Diane Cooney Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room L125 EC LS Bringing Children’s Literature to Life in the Music Room )N THIS HANDSON WORKSHOP FOR -USIC %DUCATORS PARTICIPANTS WILL BRING VARIOUS CHILDRENS BOOKS to life, using instruments, singing, improvisation, MOVEMENT AND BODY PERCUSSION )NCORPORATING CHILDRENS LITERATURE INTO THE 0RE+TH 'RADE MUSIC CLASSROOM CAN BE AN EXCELLENT WAY TO DO CROSS CURRICULARACTIVITIESWITHTHE,ANGUAGE!RTS3OCIAL 3TUDIES 3PANISH !RT AND EVEN -ATH CLASSROOMS Participants will take away ideas from the presenter ANDCREATEANORCHESTRATIONINGROUPSFORACHILDRENS book during the workshop. Erin Toscani Rosemont School of the Holy Child 21 Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Featured Presenter Room L128 EC LS Buddies, Bubbles and Breaking Boundaries Jonathan E. Martin Jonathan E. Martin was an independent school (EADFORlFTEEN years in California AND!RIZONAANDIS now a consultant ANDWRITERONST century learning ANDASSESSMENT(E ISTHECOAUTHOROF THERECENTLYPUBLISHED)MPLEMENTATION4OOLKITFOR THE/%#$4ESTFOR3CHOOLSBASEDON0)3!ANDIS CONSULTANTTOTHE33!44HINK4ANKONTHE&UTURE OF!SSESSMENT(EHASPRESENTEDATMORETHAN INDEPENDENTSCHOOLCONFERENCESANDSCHOOLS in the past four years. Room MSH EC LS MS US A How Deep Is Your Learning? 4HE.ATIONAL2ESEARCH#OUNCILTHE(EWLETT &OUNDATIONANDTHE/%#$AREALLCALLINGFOR deeper learning, and schools are responding, using new and emerging forms of assessment to evaluate and inform their efforts to strengthen ANDhDEEPENvSTUDENTLEARNING)NTHISSESSION WEWILLEXAMINETHEEMERGINGMODELOFhDEEPER learning,” new tools for assessing it, and best PRACTICEFORSCHOOLLEADERSINTHEUSEOFTHESE assessments. Come and learn how to dramatically change THE OPENING DAYS OF SCHOOL 'ETTING TO KNOW YOUR STUDENTSTALENTSANDGIFTSDURINGTHElRSTFEWDAYS together can help lead to powerful collaboration ANDENHANCECREATIVITY(EARABOUTENGAGINGIDEAS SUCH AS GLOBALIZATION AND 3KYPING FOR BUILDING connections between students and teachers which WILLENRICHTHESTCENTURYCLASSROOM #OME AND HEAR HOW 2OSEMONT 3CHOOL OF THE (OLY Child has embraced these ideas to enhance their opening days of school. Jeanne Marie Blair, Judy Cassidy Rosemont School of the Holy Child Room M123 We must be MAD! The Redesign of a middle school technology program Technology had become thoroughly integrated THROUGHOUTOUR-IDDLE3CHOOLCURRICULUM/URONE TOONE PROGRAM WAS lRMLY IN PLACE 7HERE WOULD WE GO NEXT $URING THE SUMMER OF AFTER A YEARLONG STUDY OF POTENTIAL IDEAS AND WITH INPUT from students, faculty and administration our Middle 3CHOOL COMPUTER LAB AND TECHNOLOGY CURRICULUM underwent a total transformation. Come learn about OUR-!$-EDIA!RTSAND$ESIGN,ABANDTHECOOL THINGS OUR STUDENTS ARE DOING THERE SUCH AS $ printing, electronics, programming, game design, multimedia production and more. Room L126 EC First Steps to using the Project Approach in Preschool Classrooms The Project Approach in preschool classrooms encourages creativity and critical thinking skills IN LEARNING )T IS DESIGNED AROUND THE STUDENTS individual interests and allows for different developmental levels to participate equally within THECONTEXTOFTHESAMELESSON4HISWORKSHOPWILL introduce the basic elements of a project based LEARNINGENVIRONMENT)TCANINCORPORATESUCHTHINGS as art, music, group interaction, problem solving, fine and gross motor skills, while at the same time teach the concept of the lesson. Wendy Needham, Joanne McGee Rosemont School of the Holy Child 22 US Creating Engaging Activities by Adjusting the Curriculum Looking for activities that inspire critical and CREATIVE THINKING "UILDING ON THE 5NIVERSITY OF $ELAWARES 0ROBLEM"ASED ,EARNING 0", MODEL a classroom teacher and a librarian share how to ADJUST THE CURRICULUM THROUGH A 0", APPROACH collaboration, and will share how to provide appropriate resources to engage students in LEARNING7EWILLDISCUSSASAMPLELESSONANDHOW the library adapted and adjusted in order to support STUDENTRESEARCHWITHDIGITALRESOURCES)NADDITION PARTICIPANTS WILL BE GIVEN RESOURCES TO lND 0", lessons on the web. Staci Krape, Sandy Sutty Sanford School LS MS Robin Beaver, Joe Savitsky Rosemont School of the Holy Child Join a PAIS accreditation visiting committee; contact Aggie Malter, [email protected] Room M119 5 Room M205 US Documenting the World in the English Classroom 4HISPRESENTATIONEXPLORESTHECONNECTIONSBETWEEN NONlCTIONWRITINGDOCUMENTARYlLMMAKINGSOCIAL justice, and ethical paradigms in an effort to help students consider how perspective shapes our EXPERIENCEOFSTORIESANDOURNOTIONSOFWHATISTRUE Ann Russell Sewickley Academy Room M201 MS Student-Led Conferences to Address Study Skills, Growth Mindsets 4HISSESSIONDISCUSSESSTUDENTLEDCONFERENCESAND portfolios that focus student and parent attention on HARDTOMEASURE LEARNING OBJECTIVES LIKE EFFECTIVE study strategies, growth mindsets, and intrinsic MOTIVATIONS7EWILLSHARETHELESSONSLEARNEDFROM seven years of refining a program that now includes written student reflections, specific advisor roles, and portfolios for mindsets and study habits. This SESSIONWILLTOUCHONOTHERSCHOOLCHANGETHEMES updating the advisor role, educating parents, TEACHING SELFREmECTION TO MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS ST#ENTURY PORTFOLIOS AND BALANCING GRADES AND LIFELONGLEARNING Jeff Zemsky, Evan Kurtz, Cheryl Ann Lassen, Jon Riddle Sewickley Academy Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Room M103 US STEPS to WORLD LANGUAGES ACQUISITION 3TANDARDS4EACHING %XCELLENCE 0ROlCIENCY IS THE FORMULATOENSURE7,!CQUISITIONWITHINOURSCHOOLS A review of the literature in FL teaching and learning suggests that all students can be successful LEARNERS 4HROUGH TEACHING EXCELLENCE AND GUIDED by FL standards students will develop proficiency VIA COMMUNICATIVE COMPETENCIES 7, ACQUISITION supports the framework for communicative modes which provide the link between language and culture. Candida Antonelli St. Joe’s University Room C221 A Are You Prepared For a Crisis? )FTHEREWASAlREATYOURSCHOOLOVERTHISCOMING WEEKEND WOULD YOU BE PREPARED "RINGING lRST HAND KNOWLEDGE FROM OUR EXPERIENCE AFTER A lRE destroyed a portion of our school in the summer OF WE WILL DISCUSS INSURANCE FACILITIES recovery and the process we went through to return even better than before the fire. Learn from our mistakes, our process and help your school to be prepared in the event of a crisis. Matthew Evans, Shawn Kelly, Debbie Fluehr, St. Peter’s School Room M102 EC LS MS STEAMing Information & Technology Literacy: Hidden Object Games Teachers will use their imagination and ingenuity TO DESIGN AND CREATE VISUAL PUZZLES 7E WILL USE a variety of materials including; pattern blocks, CARDBOARD MAGAZINE PICTURES AND A LIGHT TABLE with overhead math manipulatives. Participants in this workshop will collaborate to solve challenge PROBLEMS/NCEOURSTAGEISSETWEWILLPHOTOGRAPH OUR WORK !FTER THAT ) WILL GUIDE TEACHERS THROUGH THE NEXT STEPS OF CREATING THEIR YOUR OWN CLASS HIDDEN OBJECT GAME USING 6OICETHREAD 4- AN online social media program for creating interactive presentations. Caronne Taylor Bloom United Friends School 23 5 Room S206 MS US Creating An Environment for Active Learning in STEM Courses EC LS MS US A Embarking on the Adventure of a Lifetime with Cross-Cultural Solutions Active learning helps students, particularly girls, to VISUALIZE HYPOTHESIZE AND IMPROVE THEIR INTUITION about conceptual models of scientific phenomena INALLAREASOFSCIENCEENGINEERING&URTHERMORE active learning deploys a collaborative environment UTILIZINGHANDSONEXPERIMENTSONLINEASSIGNMENTS and educational technologies to engage students in constructing their own knowledge, rather than simply observing lectures. Learn how 4HE%LLIS3CHOOLHAShmIPPEDCLASSvUSINGAVARIETY OF TOOLS INCLUDING -ICROSOFT /NE .OTE AND 'OOGLE 'LASS AS WELL AS A REMODELED CLASSROOM SPACE )N the Active Classroom, students are encouraged to engage in solving problems; share ideas, give feedback, and teach each other. Teachers guide THE CLASS AS FACILITATORS AND CREATE PERSONALIZED LEARNINGEXPERIENCESUSINGLEARNINGANALYTICS *OIN US TO LEARN HOW INTERNATIONAL VOLUNTEERISM will help you and your students connect with and LEARN FROM LOCAL PEOPLE IN GLOBAL COMMUNITIES A chance to work together to effect real, sustainable CHANGE7ITHANEXPERTINTHElELDOFINTERNATIONAL volunteerism, you will have an opportunity to discuss how volunteering internationally can combine MEANINGFUL VOLUNTEER WORK AND EYEOPENING cultural activities with rich learning and networking EXPERIENCESTOHELPYOUANDYOURSTUDENTSEVOLVE Lisa Pamieri The Ellis School Room M118 A From Hiring Toward Mastery: A Comprehensive Induction Process /VER THE PAST FEW YEARS 7ESTTOWN 3CHOOL HAS developed a comprehensive induction program FOR ALL NEW TEACHERS 3PANNING FOUR YEARS THE program features a combination of peer support, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT EVALUATION AND ADMINISTRATIVE OVERSIGHT AND FEEDBACK %ACH YEAR of the program has its own set of goals for new teachers. The overall program works to quickly IDENTIFYTEACHERSWHODONTFULlLLEXPECTATIONSAND to support and invest in those with the potential to BECOME MASTER TEACHERS 4HIS PROGRAMS SERVES 7ESTTOWNSSTRATEGICIMPERATIVES Margaret Haviland,Whitney Suttell, Shelagh Wilson, Westtown School Room S102 Eric Jurovitsky Cross-Cultural Solutions Room M221 US How and why to Deal with the Most Challenging Kids in the School #HALLENGINGSTUDENTSCANEXHAUSTFACULTYMEMBERS ADD THEIR PARENTS IN TO THE MIX AND IT CAN BECOME even more overwhelming. This is where the real rewards of working with these kids can be reaped. (EARMOREABOUTSOMEOFTHEMOSTDIFlCULThTYPICAL personalities” and what those students need from educators and advisors in order to thrive...and why ITISWORTHITTOGIVETHEMEXACTLYWHATTHEYNEED Linda McGuire Westtown School Room U103 EC LS MS US Revolutionizing Faculty Professional Development A Learn why one school came to believe that traditional teacher evaluation systems do not MOTIVATEIMPROVEMENT&OLLOWTHISSCHOOLSJOURNEY from a traditional evaluation process to a formative DEVELOPMENT PROCESS (EAR FROM ADMINISTRATORS and faculty members about how this system was implemented and how they are tracking improved PEDAGOGICALPRACTICEINTHIS0+SCHOOL Amanda Greenwald Winchester Thurston School Session PAIS engage connect experience 1:00 - 1:50 ...advancing the independent school community Room U112 US College Guidance: Working with International Consultants Room U115 The session is a roundtable of the challenges of working in the college process with an international student whose family has hired a consultant. Using case studies, specifically what has and has not worked in counseling these students with consultants from their home countries, the goal of the discussion is to find successful ways to help the student manage the stress caused by the pressure of conflicting counsel and to help the counselor partner with the consultant to identify appropriate colleges and manage the process. Attendees will learn the principles of game design and game theory and how these principles inform gamified instruction. At the end of the session, attendees will see how some straightforward game mechanics can be used to transform a unit of study. Jane Slaff, Elizabeth DePhillips, Anne Lew Wyoming Seminary Room C201 Heads of School only How to Write a Technology Strategic Plan Technology is changing the way teachers teach, and STUDENTSLEARN9ETTHEFUNDAMENTALLOOKANDFEELOF education has changed little in the last twenty years even as other industries have been transformed. (OWDOINDEPENDENTSCHOOLSBALANCESTAYINGTRUETO our mission and values, while also staying relevant IN A CHANGING LANDSCAPE /NCE AN INSTITUTION HAS developed a technology strategy, what are the best PRACTICESFORMOVINGADIVERSEFACULTYFORWARD4HIS session will offer participants a roadmap for writing a technology strategic plan. Hans Mundahl Room C230 Heads of School only A Conversation for Heads 4 * ,OCKE AND %ARL "ALL WILL LEAD A DISCUSSION intended for heads of school to share current CONCERNS AND IDEAS 7HILE THE TOPICS WILL BE OPEN and will come from the group, the moderators believe there will be some consideration of key leadership challenges including identifying and developing outstanding teachers and administrators, the challenges of financial sustainability, and the challenges and satisfaction of leading a school. Earl Ball, T.J. Locke 24 MS US Why You Should Gamify Your Classroom... and How Jonathan Cassie Sewickley Academy Room U214 LS MS US A From Roots to the Essay: Power Up Your Writing Program with Performance Tasks and online tools Focused on essential traits seen in outstanding writing, new approaches to writing assessment are finally here to support your instruction. Learn ABOUTTEXTBASEDPROMPTSFORASSESSMENTORONLINE PRACTICE REQUIRING STUDENTS TO ANALYZE RELATED passages and write. Designed to mirror effective CLASSROOM PRACTICES COMPLEX PERFORMANCE TASKS make assessment engaging and challenging. 3UPPORTING THIS TEACHERS CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF online tools that build academic vocabulary, or that provide immediate scoring across all genres using content based tasks, goal setting and targeted online tutorials in key skills. Pamela Appleton ERB 5 MAKER PLAYGROUND 10:00 am to 2:00 pm in Field House This hands-on, interactive space is for educators to explore maker tools and talk to educators who are currently integrating maker education into their classrooms. Playground Leaders Laura Blankenship #HAIR#OMPUTER3CIENCE 4HE"ALDWIN3CHOOL Richard M. Castorani Director of Technology !)-!CADEMY Rob Ervin $IRECTOROF2OBOTICSAND%NGINEERING !)-!CADEMY Lisa Palmieri $IRECTOROF4ECHNOLOGY)NNOVATION AND(EADOF#OMPUTER3CIENCE 4HE%LLIS3CHOOL Maggie Powers Technology Coordinator, 0RE+THROUGHNDGRADE 4HE%PISCOPAL!CADEMY James Martin 0HYSICSAND%NGINEERING 3PRINGSIDE#HESTNUT(ILL!CADEMY 25 PAIS engage connect experience ...advancing the independent school community 26 Conference Sponsors PAIS engage connect experience ...advancing the independent school community 27 Conference Exhibitors PAIS engage connect experience Conference Exhibitors ...advancing the independent school community Book Signing – In Exhibitor Hall 12:00 – 2:00 Unleashing Student Superpowers Practical Teaching Strategies for 21st Century Students Kristen Swanson, Hadley Ferguson Turn students into learning superheroes! Like we see in the movies, no two superheroes learn to use their powers INTHEEXACTSAME WAY%ACHOFYOUR students has superpowers hidden inside, and you hold the keys to unlock THEM7ITHTHIS CUTTINGEDGEHANDBOOKYOULL turn your classroom into a place where students DONTJUSTRECEIVEANEDUCATIONTHEYUSETHEIR powers to create it. Practical Teaching S trategies for 21st Centu ry +2)34%.37!. 3/.s(!$, %9&%2'53 S t u den t s /. $ISCOVERSPECIlCREADYTOUSEINSTRUCTIONAL JOURNEYSDESIGNEDTOFOSTERANINQUIRYBASED STUDENTDRIVENLEARNINGENVIRONMENT%ACH RESEARCHBASEDJOURNEY Door Prize Sponsors s3UPPORTSONEOFTHESIXSTUDENTSUPERPOWERS 7ONDERING#URATING$ESIGNING$IGITAL)NKING 'AMINGAND#ONNECTING s%NCOURAGESSTUDENTSTOTHINKDEEPLYAS REQUIREDBYTHE##33AND.'33 s)NCLUDESSTEPBYSTEPLESSONFRAMEWORKS aligned with the Common Core, that fit into your regular day Tear through the obstacles of achievement and SHOWYOURSTUDENTSTHATANYTHINGISPOSSIBLE 28
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