October 2014 East Budleigh with Bicton Parish News

East Budleigh with Bicton
Parish News
Members of the East Budleigh with Bicton WI
enjoying fish and chips on Budleigh Salterton sea front
Photo by Joyce Knive
October 2014
[email protected]
Available online at www.raleighmissioncommunity.org.uk
- click on All Saints East Budleigh then Parish News.
October View from the Vicarage
‘Mindfulness’ has been in the news recently as a concept that can help people
with depression and mental health issues, and is ‘an awareness of your present
experience with acceptance and trust’. It is a prac ce long associated with
Buddhism, but is also a Chris an concept, Ma hew 6 has much to say on the
subject – including verse 34 ‘So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow
will bring worries of its own.’
If we live in our pasts, we can become vic ms of what has befallen us over the
years, we can spend hours pouring over and regre ng our own shortcomings,
and indeed the shortcomings of others.
If we spend our lives worrying about tomorrow, fre ng about everything from
pension plans, to next year’s holiday, to what will happen when we get older,
or sicker, we can miss the beauty and opportuni es of today. As I write these
words on a beau ful autumn day in this season of ‘mists and mellow
frui ulness’ it is so good just to pause and be, and enjoy the beauty of today.
Mindfulness helps us to open our eyes to the beauty that is around us, to spot
new opportuni es for friendship and fellowship, to see new opportuni es to
serve God and our neighbour. It helps us to focus on acceptance of who we
are, and where we are and to be content with that, rather than always seeking
new pastures.
I do commend a book by Simon Parke ‘One minute mindfulness’, which is
exactly what its tle implies, a number of short passages for us to read in a
minute and to reflect on all day.
As we prac ce mindfulness, it can help us to a ain peace, by helping us to
quieten our souls and make that space which allows God to come in. It can
help us to become once more ‘fully alive’ As Irenaeus, one of the great
Chris an teachers said, ‘The glory of God is a human being fully alive.’
Every blessing - Anne
The Village Ac vi es Group -
Our next coffee morning is on Tuesday 7th October from 10am un l 12 noon.
Come and have a good old chat with your friends, perhaps try your luck with our
quiz, maybe buy a book from the bookstall or try to win a prize on the draw.
We are always glad to see new faces so do not be shy just come and make
friends. Thanks to you all for carrying on with the September coffee
morning as we were both in hospital and thanks to all the helpers.
Yours Molly and David
Our harvest service with
Drakes School takes place on
Sunday 5th October in the church
At this service there will be an opportunity to donate gi s of food or toiletries to
The Exmouth Community Larder. The larder is operated by volunteers from local
churches to give food supplies to people they recognise as being in emergency need
according to advice from referring agencies. www.exmouthlarder.co.uk
They would be very grateful to receive any items from the list below:
Beans / spaghetti
Soup - tin or packet
Tinned tomatoes
Tinned potatoes
Dried potato (Smash)
Tinned vegetables
Tinned fish
Tinned meat / pies
Tinned Fruit
Tinned custard
Rice pudding
Biscuits & crackers
Pasta / rice
Tea bags
Fruit squash
Long life milk
Pasta sauce
Curry sauce
Treats / choc bars
Toilet Rolls
Tooth brushes
Shower gel / deodorant
Washing Powder
We will be decora ng the Church for Harvest on Friday 3rd October from 9.30am.
Any contribu ons of fruit, flowers or vegetables would be appreciated.
If anyone would like to come and meet the flower ladies and perhaps help to
decorate the Church we would love to see you.
Church Register August 23rd - wedding of Craig David Sutton and Hayley Jane Strawbridge
September 6th - wedding of Thomas Paul Murdoch and Kerri Louise Attwood
September 7th - baptism of Lydia Rose Heal.
Don’t forget: we will be welcoming our new ‘Church, Schools and Families
co-ordinator, James McAdam to the RMC during a bring-and-share lunch in the
Peter Hall on Sunday 12th October from 12 noon. Do please come along if you can.
Could you be a churchwarden?
The Friday Running Group -
We s ll have a churchwarden vacancy
at All Saints which we are keen to fill.
organises informal runs, suitable for
runners living in the Sid Valley and
O er Valley areas. If you would like
more details log onto:
Anne Charlton can give you further
details of the role and is contactable
on 01395 444276.
We had to make a late change of venue for our Annual
Barbeque at the end of August. We relocated to the Church
Hall and everyone who a ended clearly enjoyed the array of
delicious salads and desserts and of course the barbequed
burgers and sausages so expertly cooked for us. The consensus
view was that the Church hall is probably a be er venue
offering both ‘plein air’ and interior accommoda on.
We also held two events during September which we hope you were able to a end
and enjoy - a coffee morning, and Mike Palmer’s talk about his work and
experience in the Antarc c.
The Commi ee have no further fund-raising events planned for 2014. We were
considering a Wine Tas ng for late Nov/early Dec, but we have decided to
postpone this un l next year.
However, we are beginning to look ahead to 2015 when we will endeavour to
organise further events to con nue our fund-raising ac vi es and to bring local
people together. If you have any sugges ons for good speakers who can talk on
subjects of interest to the local community, musicians/singers who would appeal to
a broad audience, or a social ac vity that would provide an opportunity to get
parishioners together, please send me some details at [email protected]
and I will discuss these with the Commi ee. David Buss - Chair FoASEB
East Budleigh Church Bells -
At the me of wri ng this - a coach load of people are on their way to the bell
foundry in Loughborough to see the cas ng of the three bells for All Saints. I am
very disappointed that I could not be with them as I have just come out of hospital.
Firstly I would like to THANK EVERYONE who has made a dona on to our appeal
which we have almost reached, a wonderful achievement in only 10 months when
we thought it would take about 4 to 5 years to raise the amount. Although we
have almost met our target, the bell account will s ll be open and any further
money received will be kept for the future genera ons so they have something to
fall back on.
The programme I have been given by the bell
founders is that the head stocks are being made in
the foundry and then possibly at the end of
September or beginning of October they will come
down to start pain ng the frame, then in November
take out the bells and replace with the new ones.
If anyone between the age of 17 and 65 would like
to help with the work please contact me and I will
Our new bells being cast at the
explain details. Yours - David Pra
foundry on 10 September
Li le O ers Pre-School -
“The love of the children shines through”
What a fabulous summer! But it is lovely to get back into the
rou ne and to welcome all our new li le o ers and some of
the more experienced children back this term! We have had a wonderful me
se ling in and enjoying the sunshine outside.
This month we will be having a pink extravaganza to raise money for breast cancer.
And we will all be having a spooky me to celebrate Halloween with lots of dressing
up and face paint.
As always Li le O ers works hard to help children to develop the skills they need,
and to help a smooth transi on to school, but always having a fabulous playful
If you have a toddler and think you have missed the start of term, don't worry we
s ll have availability for a lot of our sessions if you would like to give it a try.
Children over 3 years receive up to 15 hours free sessions. We are also considering
extending our provision to include two year olds and would like to gauge the local
interest. If you would like to learn more about the possibility of your two or three
year olds a ending pre-school we would love to hear from you, feel free to give us
a call on 01395 445825 or pop in and speak to us. If you have younger children
please come along to our parent toddler session on Thursdays from 1pm.
East Budleigh in Bloom
WANTED - New commi ee members before the AGM on Wednesday 8th October
7.30pm at the Village Hall. The AGM will be followed by a presenta on by Dr Sam
Bridgewater from Clinton Devon Estates on the cultural and ecological history of
Woodbury Common.
East Budleigh in Bloom needs you. Please call 445686 for more details.
L .A . Burnum
Square Circle
It is me to get your needles out and join
us for another session of kni ng in the
Church Hall. We meet on Wednesday
a ernoons at 2.30pm star ng on 15th
I look forward to seeing you all then and
catching up on your holiday news over a
cup of tea.
Any newcomers to the village
are welcome to join us.
Janet Love 443141
Ye ngton Whist Drive
Our next whist drive will be held on
Monday 13th October at 7.30pm in
Ye ngton Village Hall.
Admission £1.00
All welcome
The produc on of the East Budleigh
Parish News is made possible because
of the support of our adver sers.
Please support them and tell them you
saw their advert here!
David Mansell
Domestic Electrician
Interior and exterior alterations.
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“The love of the children shines through”
Little Otters Pre-School is nestled in the heart
of East Budleigh, in the Village Hall. We
provide a wonderful environment for young
children to learn and develop through play.
Our priority is to provide high quality care and
support, and we are proud to maintain a high
staff to child ratio.
We operate on a daily basis during term time:
• AM Session: Mon to Fri 9.15 – 11.45am
• PM Session: Mon, Wed & Fri 12.45 – 3.15pm
• Lunch Club: Mon. to Fri. 11.45am – 12.45pm
Our Toddler Group meets on Thursday from
1pm – 3pm in term time. Families and carers
with babies, toddlers or pre-school-aged
children are welcome.
For more information or to arrange a visit,
please visit our website
www.littleotterspreschool.co.uk or call
01395 445825 (term time only).
We are a registered charity.
Senior Ci zens Lunch
The next Lunch is on Thursday 30th October at the usual me of 12.00 for 12.30
in the Village Hall.
If you live in the village and have never been before may I encourage you to
give it a try? You get a home cooked meal amongst friends old and new.
If you are a regular, or you haven't been for some me
please do join us again and perhaps bring along a
neighbour who maybe lives alone. Transport can be
Please add your name to the list which goes up nearer
the me in the Informa on Point or ring me on 446781.
Many thanks, Jane
East Budleigh with Bicton relief in aid charity
The Trustees of this charity will meet on Thursday 9th October 2014. They would
be glad to know of any person or persons in need, hardship or distress for which
there is no State relief.
If you are in trouble or know of anyone needing help please contact our Vicar –
Anne Charlton 444276 or write to her giving appropriate details and the request
will be put before the Trustees. All informa on is treated confiden ally.
Regular worship cuts crime - Going to church or another place of worship on a
regular basis seems to prevent people from behaving dishonestly or commi ng crimes.
Recent research at Manchester University has noted that there is a clear rela onship
between regular a endance at a place of worship and a lower likelihood of commi ng
Peace and Choir It's me to let your inner voice out!!!
If you love singing and feel that you could
contribute your talent and me to be one of the
pillars of a local choir in East Budleigh, please
come to meet us - every Wednesday
from 7:30pm in Salem Chapel school room.
All voices welcome!!!
For more details
contact Jola on
or email
[email protected]
Monday 20th October – 10.00am WALK
Start at East Budleigh Car Park (SY 066
849) 8½ miles. Walk via Clamour
Saturday 4 October – 10.00am WALK Bridge, coastal path to Ladram Bay,
Start at East Budleigh Car Park (SY 066 High Peak (great climb, great views!),
Bar’s Lane, Anchoring Hill, O erton, Old
849) 4 miles. Very interes ng village
Bicton Church, East Budleigh. Please
walk, including a visit to the historic
bring a picnic! Walk Leader:
parish church of All Saints’, East
Budleigh. Stan will share his vast local Chris Buckland, 01395 444 471
knowledge of the people and places of Saturday 25th October – 10.00am
bygone East Budleigh.
Guided WALK
Op onal lunch at the Sir Walter
Start at White Bridge (SY 076 830) 2½
Raleigh. Walk Leader: Stan Herbert
miles, 2 hours. A leisurely walk along
01395 445 113
the River O er watching and iden fying
O er Valley Associa on –
October diary
the arriving winter birds with Doug
Cullen, Voluntary Warden of the
Pebblebed Heath Conserva on Trust.
Please bring binoculars if you have
them. Walk Leader: Doug Cullen, 01395
567 574
Tuesday 7th October– 7.30pm TALK
‘The Home Front in Devon during
1914’, East Budleigh Village Hall.
From August 1914 to December 1914,
Devon’s popula on witnessed the
transforma on from peace me to
war me. The residents of Devon were
encouraged to par cipate with the war
effort which ranged from recruitment
efforts to war chari es. This lecture
explores how Devonians responded to
the circumstances of war me on the
Home Front in 1914. Speaker: Richard
Ba en– Exeter University
Saturday 11th October –
10.00am WALK
Start at the White Bridge (SY 075 830) 5
miles. Coastal path to Crab Ledge,
inland to Colliver Cross, then via
Clamour Bridge to finish along river
path back to the White Bridge.
Maybe muddy in places and windy on
the coast path.
Walk Leader: John Jones 01395 443 651
Wednesday 29th October – 10.00am
Start at Colaton Raleigh Church (SY 082
872) 7 miles. Passaford Lane (steep uphill!), Mu ers Moor, coastal path,
green lanes, River O er, Colaton
Raleigh Church. “A wonderful walk,
well worth the effort!” Walk Leader:
Brian Turnbull 01395 567 339
OVA walks are normally open to all,
members and non-members,
and are free.
Some events have to be pre-booked
and are usually for
OVA members only.
For more informa on contact
Chris ne Hadley 01395 443607
SDM Plumbing &
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Contact Steven Medlock BEng(Hons)
07779 020426 / 01395 268958
East Budleigh Chess Club
We are very pleased to announce that Grandmaster (GM) Keith
Arkell, Senior Champion of Europe and ECF player of the year has
agreed to give a Simultaneous Exhibi on against a combined East
Budleigh Team. This will take place in early summer. More details
will follow later in the season.
A successful rapid play tournament was held at the 1st mee ng of the club's second
season. Because of the fast me rate many exci ng and interes ng chess games
were played. County player Meyrick Shaw on a visit from the Exmouth Club came
first with 6 points followed by Tom Miner with 4 points. This was the surprise result
of the night as Tom has only been playing for six months. A team has been entered
in the Championship Division of the Exeter & District Chess League and also in the
Rapid Play League.
We welcome anyone with an interest in chess of whatever ability. There will be
an opportunity for stronger players to play in a team but this need not deter you if
you would rather play on a less compe ve basis. The club meets on the second
Thursday of every month with league matches played on other nights.
The next mee ng is Thursday 9th October, 7 pm, All Saints Church Hall.
Brian Gosling, [email protected] 01395-442060
(Smile lines) Don’t men on it
What are you doing Sir Walter?
As part of his talk at a banquet, the minister
told some jokes and a few funny stories.
Since he planned to use the same anecdotes
at a mee ng the next day, he asked reporters
covering the event not to include them in
their ar cles.
Reading the paper the following morning, he
no ced that one well-meaning cub reporter
had ended his story on the banquet with the
observa on "The minister told a number of
stories that cannot be published."
The Sunday School teacher was describing
how when Lot's wife looked back at Sodom,
she turned into a pillar of salt. Young James
nodded with understanding. "My mummy
looked back once while she was driving," he
announced, "and she turned into a telephone
Village pictures
The day the Tour of Britain came to East Budleigh pictures by Peter Bowler and Angie Canning
11th September 2014
Drakes School Christmas Craft Fair
will be held on
Saturday 22nd November
at the
Public Hall in Budleigh Salterton,
We will be selling local crafts, some of which include paintings,
cakes, sweet Christmas Trees, photographs, toys and pottery
We will also be selling refreshments
Entrance is 50p
Local Policing - The next ‘Have Your Say’ session at East
Budleigh Village Hall Informa on Point will take place on
Tuesday 7th October at 6pm.
Alterna vely, if you cannot make this session please contact:
[email protected]
or PCSO Chantalle Major on
[email protected]
or via the Police non urgent telephone number 101.
The next
Working Party
will take place
on Friday 10th
October at
Stuart 443141
Salem Chapel - dates for your diary at 7.30pm. It will be £5 per team of 4
people. The Rolle are offering a buffet
for £10 per team, to include sausage
Todd Gray who will be speaking on an
rolls, mini pas es, sandwiches and chips
illustrated History of Devon Gardens, he
- a bargain! We are hoping to raise
will be with us on Saturday 4th October,
funds to enable us to host Budleigh's
star ng at 7pm. The price of the ckets
Got Talent Two! at next year's Gala
is £6.00 to include a glass of wine or a
Week. There will be prizes and a
so drink. There will be a raffle too.
raffle. Come along and have some fun,
* We will also be holding an animals and and get the chance to see people you
don't normally get the chance to see.
pets service on Sunday 5th October at
Please call Kim on 446836.
4pm. This is to say thanks for our
animals and pets. Pets are welcome,
* We are also holding a Christmas Cra
but if you don't have any, or you prefer Fair for 3 days from Friday 7th to Sunday
not to bring yours, you are s ll very
9th November. We will be open from
welcome to come along.
2 - 5 pm daily. We s ll have a few tables
available. There is no charge per table,
* We are holding a quiz evening at The all we ask is 10% of anything you sell.
Rolle Arms, on Monday 17th November There will be teas and coffee available.
* We have the very popular author - Mr
East Budleigh with Bicton WI
'To sail no more' was the tle of the September talk, given by Ron Howell, or
maybe could have been 'The downfall of the Lord Nelson.'
Briefly Ron spoke of the South West Mari me Archaeology Group, volunteer divers
who for the past 39 years have been exploring and mapping the south coast in and
around Salcombe. He gave a resume of his previous, fascina ng talk describing
the many artefacts discovered also the number of bricks they found leading to the
wreck of the Lord Nelson.
The Lord Nelson, originally a fishing vessel, was built in Rye in 1868 and became
part of the Ramsgate fishing fleet. Ron described the various owners and crews
and how it was eventually bought by the Trout Brothers of Topsham, becoming a
coastal workhorse, transpor ng coal, cement, mber, sand, clay and
bricks. Armed with two bricks, Ron and a colleague visited Topsham, much to the
amusement of passers-by, to look at buildings to discover whether the bricks
matched with the ones found off Salcombe. They did, however, meet with
rela ons of the Trout family who had just completed a family history. The Lord
Nelson sank on 25th April, 1911 when carrying a cargo of bricks from Exeter
des ned for Kingsbridge. The bricks being hot started burning the boat and in
despera on the crew commenced throwing them over side, to no avail. The two
crew then rowed in a boat for the shore. Ron carried on sharing the history of the
Trout family with us.
He finished his talk by saying all artefacts found whilst diving go to the Bri sh
Museum. They receive no payment although the Museum has sold ar cles for
thousands of pounds! It just shows how dedicated Ron and his team are.
Dorothy Redshaw thanked Ron for his excellent talk.
The Fish & Chip evening was a way of keeping in touch with members during
August - photos were on show.
A second class on quilt making has been arranged and a cheese making class at
Quicke Cheesemakers was discussed.
The Autumn Council Mee ng at Barnstaple was amongst details of events to sign
up for.
The October Mee ng on 14th - Talk 'RHS Gardens at Wisley & Rosemore' Speaker David Baldock. Visitors welcome.
Heather Williams
East Budleigh with Bicton Parish Council
The next mee ng of the East Budleigh Parish
Council will be on Tuesday 28th October in the
Village Hall at 7.30pm. 7pm to view plans.
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RSPB Aylesbeare Common Reserve
September 2014 report
It’s been a busy summer of events here at
Aylesbeare Common. Following on from the
success of ‘The Big Wild Sleep Out’ we
hosted the RSPB South West Site Managers
mee ng which saw work con nuing on the
Iron-aged roundhouse and a very soggy
Bioblitz of the reserve iden fying as many
species of insects, flora and fauna as
One of our most enthusias c par cipants of
‘The Big Wild Sleep Out’ loved the building
experience so much he kindly came and
worked on the roundhouse for a week in
August. The main structure is now complete
and is awai ng reed for thatching from
RSPB’s Ham Wall reserve in Somerset once
they have carried out their annual reed cut
in winter. The walls will be daubed in a
tradi onal method using a mixture of clay,
straw and dung so if you fancy ge ng your
hands dirty and helping us then we are
holding two daubing days on Oct 26th and
Nov 23rd. If you are interested in joining us
for this free event please call our Exeter
Office on 01392 432691 for more
informa on and to book your place.
response to local concerns over the use of
solely barbed wire in its construc on. We
have taken these concerns on board and it
was decided to change to a plain wire with
just a single strand of barbed on top. It has
been a summer long project which is now
complete and we appreciate your pa ence
with the work. The Dartmoor ponies and
Galloway ca le have been oblivious to the
changes and con nue to enjoy their free
ranging, a li le too much as they are o en
tricky to find! Otherwise work on the reserve
has been the usual pulling of ragwort and
control of birch saplings and bracken. This
work is essen al in maintaining the
dominance of heather and gorse providing
ideal condi ons for those insects and birds
that specialise on our heathland habitat.
One of these specialists, the iconic Dar ord
warbler, did par cularly well this year having
analysed our breeding bird surveys with an
increase in territories up from 8 in 2013 to
11 this year. This con nues their recovery
from the harsh winter of 2010 which saw
them down to just 3 pairs on the reserve.
Unfortunately nightjar territories are down
to 21 from 27 last year, however this figure
is s ll within our target. The adult nightjars
will have migrated back to Africa in August
The 20th annual Heath Week at the end of
with the juveniles wai ng un l September or
July started with a fun open day in the
even into October before they make this
sunshine at Woodbury Castle. The event was incredible journey for the first me.
a collabora on between East Devon’s
Numbers of the rare and protected Southern
chari es, organisa ons and land owners and damselfly were significantly down on last
offered visitors nature themed ac vi es such
year (peak count of 15 down from 57 in
as tractor rides across the heathland, wildlife 2013). However numbers in all other local
rambles, storytelling, willow weaving,
popula ons are also low, so seen in this light
construc ng bird boxes and a charcoal
Aylesbeare’s numbers are actually fairly
making demonstra on. Aylesbeare Common
good. Bu erflies fared much be er however
hosted pond dipping and guided walks
throughout the week, finishing with a ‘Dawn with both the pearl-bordered fri llary and
small pearl-bordered fri llary making a
ll Dusk’ day on the reserve. Those who
made the effort to get up early for the dawn return to the reserve a er a 4 year and 12
year break respec vely. The silver-studded
chorus walk were rewarded with views of
were found on a new loca on within
Dar ord warblers, stonechats, adders, grass
the reserve that has been managed
snakes and slow worms followed by an
specifically for
al fresco bbq breakfast.
Reserve work this summer has focussed on
amendments to the stock fencing around the by scraping
reserve. You may have no ced the changes off the top
to the new fence line, this has been in
Children's Page
Friends of All
Saints 200 Club
Winners of the
August draw were:
All Saints Pastoral Care
If you are housebound and would
like a visit and a chat, or advice
on how to access help, or Home
Communion, please call us:
Angela Marshall
442893 or
Hanneke Coates
East Budleigh
Church Hall
The Church Hall is
available to hire for
func ons and ac vi es.
Please contact the
booking secretary
Richard Slade
01395 443609
November edi on
of the Parish News
Items for the
November edi on of
the magazine by
Friday 17th October
please, via email to
[email protected]
or in the church office
by Friday 17th at
12 noon please.
1st Claire Pearce
2nd Mrs G Duke
3rd Mrs B Rainford
If you would like to
join the 200 Club for
the rest of 2014,
please send your
name, address and
telephone number
together with a
cheque for £3.00 (£1
per month to the end
of 2014)
made payable to
‘All Saints East
Budleigh PCC’
co/ Jenny Hill,
The Old Vicarage,
Vicarage Road,
East Budleigh,
Devon, EX9 7EF.
Alterna vely you can
pick up an
applica on form at
East Budleigh
Who’s who in East Budleigh and Bicton
Community Priest, Raleigh Mission Community The Rev’d Anne Charlton 444276 (Monday day off)
eacharlton@b nternet.com
Assistant Curate - Annita Denny 512735
Churchwarden Marilyn Hobbs 488739 [email protected]
Deputy Churchwardens Mrs J Daniels
Mr M Seward
Mr C Buckland-Wright 446781
Raleigh Mission Community Administrator Fran Mills - 443397 [email protected]
The office at St Peters church is open from;
1-3pm every Monday and 10am-2pm each Friday.
Parochial Church Council Secretary - Mrs J Buckland-Wright 446781
[email protected]
Treasurer Bellringers Captain
Mrs J Hill
Mr D W Pra
Dr G Aplin
The Recreation Field
Vicarage Road, East Budleigh
An all weather court in a delightful
setting is available to members of the
club for an annual fee of
£18 adults
£9 juniors
£45 Family
or to visitors for £2 person per hour
New Members and Visitors Welcome
For membership forms, rules and court
bookings go to
EBTC Booking desk at
Battlesdon, Vicarage Road
Tel: 01395 443607 for further details
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East Budleigh village diary - ‘What’s on’ in October
Loca on
Friday 26th
Arc c to Antarc c talk
Church Hall
Thursday 2nd
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
Decora ng the church for Harvest Church
Friday 3rd
Saturday 4th 4 mile walk around the village
Eyes down Eyes down
9.30am see page 4
Car park
see page 12
Saturday 4
Sunday 5th
Talk by Dr Todd Gray
Pets and Animals service
Salem Chapel
see page 21
see page 21
Tuesday 7th
Free coffee morning
Church Hall
see page 3
Community Police session
Village Hall
see page 21
Talk on the home front in Devon Village Hall
see page 12
Tuesday 7
Tuesday 7
East Budleigh in Bloom AGM
Village Hall
see page 8
East Budleigh Chess Club
Church Hall
see page 15
Football Club – Cash Bingo
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
Churchyard Working Party
see page 12
see page 8
Village Hall
see page 22
Church Hall
see page 8
Weds. 8
Thursday 9
Thursday 9
Friday 10
Saturday 11 5 mile coastal walk
Monday 13th Whist Drive
WI - 'RHS Gardens at Wisley &
Tuesday 14th Rosemore'
Weds. 15th Square Circle recommences
Thursday 16 Football Club – Cash Bingo
Saturday 18th East Budleigh Res. v Langson Res.
Monday 20th 8½ mile walk
Thursday 23rd Football Club – Cash Bingo
Saturday 25th 2½ mile walk
Saturday 25th East Budleigh v Wellington
Tuesday 28th Parish Council Mee ng
Weds. 29th 7 mile walk
Thursday 30th Senior Ci zens Lunch
Thursday 30th Football Club – Cash Bingo
White Bridge
Ye ngton Hall
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
Football ground
Car Park
see page 12
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
White Bridge
10am see page 12
Football ground
Village Hall
7.30pm see page 22
Colaton Raleigh
see page 12
Village Hall
12 noon see page 11
Village Hall
Eyes down 7.30pm
If you are organising a charity or community based event
please send details and a contact phone number to [email protected]
We will endeavour to add it to the diary.
Raleigh Mission Community Services - October
Weds. 1st
Thursday 2nd
Friday 3rd
Sunday 5
Tuesday 7
Weds. 8th
Thursday 9th
Friday 10th
All Saints
East Budleigh
St Michael's
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Harvest Festival
with Drakes School
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion by
Holy Communion
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Sunday 12th
Holy Communion
Tuesday 14th
Morning Prayer
Weds. 15
Thursday 16th
Friday 17
Holy Communion
for healing
Holy Communion
Harvest Festival
Family Service
Parish Eucharist
Weds. 22nd
Thursday 23
Friday 24th
Holy Communion
Taizé at the Methodist Church Budleigh Salterton
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion at
the Vicarage
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Sunday 26th
Tuesday 28th
Weds. 29
Holy Communion
Morning Prayer
Thursday 30
Holy Communion MU
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Choral Evensong
Morning Prayer
Holy Communion
Sunday 2nd
Holy Communion by
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
Friday 31
Morning Prayer
Tuesday 21st
Holy Communion
Sunday 19th
Parish Eucharist
Holy Communion
BCP by extension
St Peters
Budleigh Salterton
Morning Prayer
No service
All Age Service
Holy Communion
Holy Communion by
Holy Communion
Parish Eucharist
All Souls Service