INDIAN GOUNCIL OF MEDICAT RESEARCH, NEW DETHI ID. NATIONAL SEMINAR ON *ANTIRETROVIRAL DRUG DELIVERY FOR THE MANAGEMENT OF HIV INFECTION USING NANOTECHNOLOGY" 18th ocToBER2014 REGISTRATION FORM Aff ix phobo (Photocopies can be used) Om Sakthi .- .,!r,l SPONSORED on B*$tr,.r %F J. INDIAN COUNCIL OF MEDICAL RESTARCH, NEW DELHI. SPONSORED NATIONAL SEMINAR ON .}II\TIRETROVIRAL DRUG DELIVEKY FOK TTIE MANAGEMENT OF TIIV INFECTION USING NANOTECIINOI,OGY" Name (in block letters) on 18th October 2014 Qualification Institute/College Convener Prof. Dr. T. VETRICHELVAN, M. Pharm., Ph.D" Address for communication Organizing Secretaries Prof. Dr. S. SHANMUGAM, M. Pharm., Ph.D. Prof. T. AYYAPPAN, M. Pharm., (Ph.D.) Pin Code Organized By Landline No.(Office) F,-sg* Mobile No. E-mail Registration details : D.D. No. : Rs. W ADHI PARASAKTHI COLLEGE OF PHARMACY (Accredited by "NAAC" with CGPA o12.74 on a four point scale at "B" Grade) Date: Signature of the Participant MELMARUVATHUR _ 603 319, TAMIL NADU. Bank: Signature of Head of Institute with Seal Tel: 044-27 529093 Fax:044-275291 96 E-mail: [email protected] Mobile: 9003542444 Website: http://apcp. in ABOUT THE INSTITUTION ln the current scenario, antiretroviraltherapy a large number of changes is being Adhiparasakthi College of Pharmacy is founded by His Holiness Arulthiru "AMMA" in October 1993, affiliated to TheTamilnadu Dr" M.G.R Medical University, Chennai, approved byAll lndia Council forTechnical Education, New Delhi, recognized by Pharmacy Councilof lndia, New Delhiand accredited by NationalAssessmentand 2.74 on a four point scale at "B" Grade" The M.Pharmacy (PharmaceuticalAnalysis) Course was started in the academic year 2003-2004, and approved byAlCTE, New Delhi. The aim of the trust is to enrieh the Accreditation Councilwith CGPA o'f Pharmacy/Medicinal Knowledge annng the rural youth and make them for better health and employnent. The lnstiMbn isfully recruited witt qualified and experienced facufties/Professons fiom dtfferent universitbs. The l-aboratodes are nell equip@ witr sophlsticated viz. FTI R, H instunnnb PLC, UV-Visible Spectrophotometer, BrooKield Viscometer, Rotary Tablet Punching Machine, Stability chamber, Rotary vacuum evaporator, Six stage Dissolution testappanafusetc. The lnstitutealsohas a Computerlaboratorywih lease linehroadband intemetfmility, anexcellent libnarywih latestedition books, eJoumals and a HerbalGarden wfth around 200 Medicinal Plants. Also theAnimal House in the College is approved by CPCSEA, NewDelhi. skills required for a Pharmacist to keep pace with the expectations of the Pharmaceutical industry. Therefore, there is a need for lmprovement of Pharmaceutical education to shape Pharmaceutical Scientists / Pharmacists with the latest knowledge and skills to face challenges of the future. Efforts are being made to provide the seminar to the teachers, students and research Scholar of Pharmacy Colleges with the recent advances in various research field of H lV infection using nanotechnology. PARTICIPANTS The Seminar is designed forundergaduate and postgaduate students; Research Scholans, Scientisb and othens who interested ,This seminarwill help to enrich the knowledge for carrying out the research in various fields and various aspects of Nanotechnology. This Seminarwill be very much usefulforthe Scientistfrom difierent disciplines. COURSE CONTENT lnnovativeApproach on Antiretroviral Drug Therapy Nanoparticulate Drug Delivery System for HIV - Challenging approaches + Pharmacokinetics and Phannacodynamic studies of Nano Products for HIV lnfection M.Pharm, (Pharmaceutical Analysis, Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Chemist$ & .1. Green Synthesis To mould youth to combat changing challenges and to serve global community, wth professional competence and spiritual commitments to excellence. Advance learning and knowledge by teaching, research and by extension progftuTrrrps so as enable a student to obtain advantages of Pharmacy education. To provide the right kind of leadership in all ambles of life. of Nano Particles REGISTRATION Registration is limited to 60 participants only. Completelyfilled application along with a Demand Draft of Rs.200/- in favour of "The Principal, Adhiparasakthi College of Pharmacy" payable at Melmaruvathur(CentralBank of lndia orState Bankof lndia) should reach on or before 106 October 2014. All the participants will be provided with Morning coffeeffea, Lunch and Evening Tea. ORGANIZING COMMITTEE MEMBERS: 1. Dr. (Mrs.). D,Nagavalli, M.Pharm., Ph.D. 2. Prof. K.Sundaramoorthy, M.Pharm.,(Ph.D.) MrssroN * science and technology. There is a wide gap between theoretical knowledge and practical * VISION * academicians of lndia haveto become multi-faceted to keep pacewith thefastdeveloping B.Pharm. Ph.D. * of Pharmacy. Forfacing these challenges, Pharmaceuticalscientists, technologists and .:. COURSESOFFERED * witnessed in lndian Pharmaceuticalindustry PharmaceuticalEducation and in the practice 3. Dr. K. Anandakumar, M.Pharm., Ph.D To provide quality, value-based and career-oriented education to students, 4. Mrs. S.Shoba, M,Pharm.,(Ph.D.) especially rural young men and women, who will be the agents of social 5. Mrs. S.Sathya, M.Pharm.,(Ph,D.) fansformation and global developnnnt through their selfless and spiritual service. SEND YOUR REGISTRATION FORM WITH D.D. TO Prof. Dr. T.VETRICHELVAN, M.Pharm., Ph.D., ABOUTTHE PROGRAMME Principal, The lndian Councilof Medical Research (ICMR), New Delhi, the apex body in lndia forfpformulation, coordination and promotion of biomedicalresearch, oldest medical research bodies in the world. is one of the Adhiparasakthi College of Pharmacy, Melmaruvathur- 603 319, Kanchipuram (Dist.), Tamilnadu.
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