2014 Annual School Nurse Conference October 9-10, 2014 Sheraton Hotel • 1800 50th St. West Des Moines, Iowa Preconference Workshop: Building Core School Nurse Competency: IHPS, Section 504 and Special Education Wednesday evening, October 8, 2014 2014 Annual School Nurse Conference October 9-10, 2014 Sheraton Hotel 1800 50th St. West Des Moines, Iowa Statement of Purpose The Annual School Nurse Conference maintains its tradition of providing a variety of timely topics for contemporary school nursing practice. As the health and wellness of school-aged children becomes more and more complicated and challenging, this conference responds with relevant topics on timely concerns. This year’s conference is no exception. Dr. Resmiye Oral, MD, will keynote the first day by sharing results of an important study linking childhood trauma to long-term health and social consequences. Related topics include a program of psychological first aid for trauma exposed children and content on managing bullying. The second day’s keynote will highlight strategies for providing health services to children from low income families. Clinical topics include current practice guidelines for diabetes management, food allergies, and HPV vaccinations. Be sure to note the preconference workshop on IHPs, Section 504 and Special Education Wednesday evening. Get your questions and concerns answered from expert MaryAnn Strawhacker, RN, MPH in this interactive session. Objectives Upon completion of this offering participants should be able to: 1. Discuss the school nurse’s role in identifying adverse childhood experiences in order to prevent long term sequelae. 2. Describe a program designed to provide psychological first aid to trauma-exposed children. 3. Identify current trends in the prevention of bullying. 4. Discuss the importance of HPV immunization in the prevention of cancer. 5. Describe HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) programs as an opportunity to promote health occupations careers. 6. Discuss ADA Clinical Practice Recommendation revisions for 2014 and general guidelines for care of the child with diabetes in school and day care settings. 7. Describe growing patterns of poverty among children in Iowa and the implications of poverty on their health status. 8. Identify strategies for providing health services more effectively for low-income children in Iowa. 9. Describe a national school nursing data collection project that will advocate for student resources and school nurse’s role support in this effort. 10. Explain the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and ways school nurses can use its data in meaningful ways. 11. Identify common pitfalls to avoid in Medicaid billing. 12. Discuss the prevalence of food allergies in the school-aged child and appropriate anaphylaxis intervention. Schedule Thursday, October 9, 2014 8:00Registration 8:30 Opening of Conference 8:40 Adverse Childhood Experiences and Iowa - Resmiye Oral, MD 9:45 Break with exhibits and displays 10:15 Listen Protect Connect: A Program of Psychological First Aid for Children – Marizen Ramirez, PhD 11:15 Bullying: Trends in Prevention Efforts – Marizen Ramirez, PhD 12:15Lunch 1:15 You are the Key to HPV Cancer Prevention – Nathan Boonstra, MD 2:15 HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) Program – The Ultimate Leadership Experience – Pat Thieben, moderator, with Jackie Crowley, BSN, MA and Kris Naeve, RN, BSN, MA 3:15Break 3:30 Carb Counting and Diabetes Practice Recommendations – Jeanne Sheetz, BSN, RN, CDE and Emily Mashack, RD 4:30Recess Friday, October 10, 2014 8:00 Opening Announcements 8:10 Working Effectively with Children from Low Income Families: An Introduction for School Health Nurses – Michele Devlin, DrPH, and Mark Grey, PhD 9:15 Step Up and Be Counted: Data Drives Decisions – Melissa Walker, RN 10:15Break 10:45 “And the Survey Says….” What is the YRBS? What Do We Do with the Data? - Angela Mitchell, RN, BA 11:45Lunch 12:45 Avoiding Pitfalls of Medicaid Billing – Lynn Boes, JD 2:15Break 2:30 Food Allergies: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt Someone – Tara Federly, MD 3:30 Summary, evaluation and CEU Recording 3:35Adjourn Faculty Lyn Boes, JD, Attorney, Davis Brown Law Firm, Des Moines, Iowa Nathan Boonstra, MD, FAAP, Blank Children’s Pediatrics, UnityPoint Health, Des Moines, Iowa Jacqueline Crowley, BSN, MA, School Nurse, Maquoketa Community School District, Maquoketa, Iowa Michele Devlin, DrPH, EMR, SARTECHII, Professor of Health Promotion and Director, Iowa Center on Health Disparities, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa Tara Federly, MD, Pediatric and Adult Allergy, UnityPoint Health, Des Moines, Iowa Mark Grey, PhD, Professor of Anthropology and Director, Iowa Center for Immigrant Leadership and Integration, University of Northern Iowa, Cedar Falls, Iowa Emily Mashack, MPH, RDN, LD, Clinical Dietitian – Pediatric Diabetes, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa Angela Mitchell, RN, BA, Education Consultant, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, Iowa Department of Education, Des Moines, Iowa Kris Naeve, BA, BSN, MA, School Nurse, Xavier High School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa Resmiye Oral, MD, Clinical Professor of Pediatrics, Division of General Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Director, Child Protection Program, Stead Family Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Marizen Ramirez, PhD, Assistant Professor, Occupational and Environmental Health, College of Public Health, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa Jeanne Sheetz, BSN, RN, CDE, Pediatric Diabetes Nurse Clinician, Pediatric Endocrinology, The University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics, Iowa City, Iowa Pat Thieben, Health Science Consultant, Bureau of Career and Technical Education, Iowa Department of Education, Des Moines, Iowa Melissa Walker, RN, School Nurse Consultant, Bureau of Nutrition and Health Services, Iowa Department of Education, Des Moines, Iowa Preconference Workshop: Building Core School Nurse Competency: IHPS, Section 504 and Special Education Wednesday evening, October 8, 2014 Statement of Purpose The purpose of this workshop is to provide the school nurse with an overview of key requirements related to IHPs, Section 504 and Special Education. Participants may select one, two or all three sessions according to their learning needs. Objectives Upon completion of this offering the school nurse will be able to: 1. Write a basic individual health plan that meets education requirements and requirements set by the Iowa Board of Nursing. 2. Participate as a member of the Section 504 team to determine student eligibility. 3. Assist the team to design accommodations for students with physical or mental impairments. 4. Conduct a health evaluation to determine special education eligibility. 5. Write special health services into an IEP that will support Medicaid billing. 6. Differentiate between the eligibility criteria for Special Education and Section 504 and the services available through each. Schedule 6:00Registration 6:15 Individualized Health Plans (IHPs) 7:15Break 7:25 Section 504 Plans 8:25Break 8:35 Special Education Health 9:30 Summary, Evaluation and CEU Recording Faculty MaryAnn Strawhacker, MPH, RN, Special Education Nurse Consultant, Heartland Area Education Agency 11, Johnston, Iowa UNIVERSITY OF IOWA RN – BSN PROGRAM Are you an associate degree or diploma-prepared RN who is ready to expand your nursing skills and professional potential by earning the BSN? Cheri Doggett, RN – BSN Program Coordinator for the University of Iowa College of Nursing, will be available at the School Nurse conference on October 9 to evaluate your transcript(s) and provide you with an individualized plan of study for the University of Iowa BSN program. Please bring a copy of your transcript(s) to the conference and Cheri will provide feedback while you attend. Unofficial copies are fine. The College of Nursing RN – BSN program is online with one practicum/clinical course (community and public health) that has face-to-face component but at a site close to your residing address. For more information about the RN-BSN program, go to www.nursing.uiowa.edu/academic-programs/rn-bsn Program Information Registration The registration fee for this two day conference is $199 by September 25, 2014. If received after September 25, 2014 the registration fee is $210. One day only registration is $105. The preconference workshop is $45.00 or $15.00 for each selected session(s). The registration fee for the two day conference includes program, materials, luncheons and refreshments, and CEU recording. The registration fee for the preconference workshop includes the program, a flash drive loaded with workshop materials, refreshments and CEU recording. Purchase orders are acceptable. Please note the number on the registration form and use the electronic (email) confirmation to present as an invoice to your school district. FOUR WAYS TO REGISTER: Mail: The University of Iowa Center for Conferences 250 Continuing Education Facility Iowa City, IA 52242-0907 Fax:319-335-4039 Phone:800-551-9029 or 319-335-4141 Web: www.centerforconferences.com If it is the first time you have registered online with the Center for Conferences you will not have a log-in or password until you create your account. Click on the line “create an account” and proceed. If you have questions regarding this process, please contact UICC at the numbers listed above. Conference Location And Accommodations The conference will be held at the Sheraton West Des Moines, 1800 50th Street in West Des Moines, Iowa. The Sheraton is conveniently located just off University Avenue Exit 124, Interstate 80/35. A block of rooms has been reserved for conference participants at the rate of $109 plus tax for two double beds or one king. Cut-off date for the conference rate is September 17. Please contact the hotel directly for reservations: 515-2231800. Ask for the University of Iowa School Nurse Conference block of rooms. University of Iowa School Nurse Conference block of rooms. Continuing Education Unit Award The University of Iowa College of Nursing is an Iowa Board of Nursing Approved Provider, Number 1. This is a 14contact hour program. Attendance October 9 only will award 7.3 contact hours; October 10 only will award 6.7 contact hours. Full time attendance at the preconference workshop will award 3.5 contact hours. Refunds And Cancellations If an applicant withdraws registration prior to opening of the conference, the registration fee, less a $25.00 handling charge, will be refunded. NO REFUNDS WILL BE MADE AFTER THE CONFERENCE HAS CONVENED. We reserve the right to cancel the program due to lack of sufficient enrollment. Notification of cancellation will be made one week prior to the program in which case the entire registration fee will be refunded. Please call 319-335-4141 regarding any refunds or cancellations. Further Information For further program information contact Nancy Lathrop, Office of Teaching Services, The University of Iowa College of Nursing, Iowa City, IA 52242, Phone: 319-335-7075. Email address: nancy-lathrop@ uiowa.edu. The conference brochure is also available on the College of Nursing website: www.nursing.uiowa.edu. Click on Nursing Excellence/ Continuing Education. Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to attend all University of Iowa-sponsored events. If you are a person with a disability who requires an accommodation in order to participate in this program, please contact Nancy Lathrop in advance at 319-335-7075. & REGISTRATION FORM 2014 ANNUAL SCHOOL NURSE CONFERENCE Thursday and Friday, October 9-10, 2014 BUILDING CORE SCHOOL NURSE COMPETENCY: IHPS, SECTION 504 AND SPECIAL EDUCATION Preconference Workshop: Wednesday evening, October 8, 2014 Account Number 5-42504 Register online at www.centerforconferences.com Name______________________________________________________ Home Address_______________________________________________ & City_____________________________State_______Zip_____________ School District ______________________________________________ School District Address________________________________________ City_____________________________State_______Zip_____________ Home Phone Number_________________________________________ Work Phone Number_________________________________________ Email address_______________________________________________ Nursing License Number______________________________________ ___ Please do not place my name/address on conference participant list. & Dietary Restrictions__________________________________________ *Registration Fees on back* Make check payable to UI Center for Conferences. Register online at www.centerforconferences.com OR Send this form and fee to: UI Center for Conferences 250 Continuing Education Facility (CEF) The University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 52242 Phone 319-335-4141 or 800-551-9029 FAX 319-335-4039 & _____ I will be paying by credit card: Card #_________________________________ Exp. ____ Date ___________________________________________ 3 digit security code on back of card __________________ Name on Card ___________________________________ Billing Address of Cardholder ________________________ ________________________ _____ I will be paying by check. & $199 early Annual School Nurse conference registration (on or before 9/25/14) $210 regular conference registration (after 9/25/14) $105 one-day conference registration ____ Thursday, 10/9 only; ____ Friday, 10/10 only (please check which day you plan to attend) $45 Preconference workshop – entire session or $15 for Individual preconference sessions (check those you plan to attend) _____ IHPs _____ Section 504 plan _____ Special Education Health _____ I will be paying with a Purchase Order: Number: ___________ Please forward a copy of your confirmation letter as an invoice to your school for payment. & REGISTRATION FEES:
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