Profa Sonia Silva UNIT 01 Estratégia de leitura - Scanning (Leitura seletiva) 01) Leia os títulos de cada parte da tese de mestrado a seguir e responda: Quians são os tópicos de uma tese de mestrado? The Master’s Thesis What follows is offered as a guide. With the approval of International Education Programs office, you should each feel free to make adjustments in this format, as the nature and needs of your study dictate. Prior to actually conducting your study (i.e., administering tests, sending questionnaires, conducting interviews, or collecting data), please send to International Education Programs office a proposal that briefly addresses each of ASTERISKED (*) components below. Title Page Abstract Acknowledgements Table of Contents I. Introduction a. Problem Statement * b. Formulation of Hypotheses * c. Statement of Purpose / Significance * d. Assumptions e. Limitations f. Definition of Terms g. Literature Review II Methodology a. Subjects * b. Survey Instrument(s) * c. Research Design * III. Results IV Discussion a. Conclusions b. Recommendations c. Recommendations for Further Study Appendix Bibliography Each component listed on this page will be discussed in some detail by what follows. ABSTRACT In 200 words or less, tell your potential audience enough about your thesis for them to want to know more. State your problem. Describe your sample and your survey instrument. Briefly detail your research design. Summarize your most exciting result/s and conclusion/s. Highlight one or two recommendations. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS “No man... (or woman)... is an island.” This is your chance to recognize the people who helped you accomplish the impossible. TABLE OF CONTENTS Draw your reader a map of your thesis. This table should include the four major sections and first level subsections of your thesis. It will resemble the outline on the proceeding page. Page numbers for each heading appear in a column at the right margin. STATEMENT OF PROBLEM Your problem statement is the most important element of your thesis. It sets the stage for every thing that follows. Your problem should relate to a topic that you know a little about, and care a lot about. This statement or question should be accompanied by an explanation of your study’s SIGNIFICANCE and of your PURPOSE as the study’s author. Explain why this problem is worth the time it took you to research, and the time it will take others to read about. FORMULATION OF HYPOTHESES Each hypothesis should represent a reasonable solution to your problem or answer to your question. Your hypothesis should be stated before you collect your facts and should not be changed once your data collection begins. Remember, it is not your job to prove that your hypothesis is true. You are to collect objective data. That will either support or refute your hypothesis. Once you have collected that data, you are to present it and interpret it. If your data does not support your hypothesis, you have not failed. ASSUMPTIONS, LIMITATIONS, DEFINITIONS OF TERMS Identify those conditions that you had to take for granted in order for your study to make sense (assumptions). List any conditions beyond your control that made your study less than perfect and might effect the application of your study’s results (limitations). Finally, clarify any term, expression, or abbreviation that might be unfamiliar to even a small portion of your readers. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This section will give your study roots. It will give it history. It will place your study within the context of other work that has been done on your topic. Identify, locate, and consult as many relevant sources as you can in preparing this review. When you review the work of other researchers, look for facts first. Quote, summarize, or paraphrase the most relevant of those facts. If you include the opinions or conclusions of other researchers in your literature review, do so sparingly. Every citation in your literature review should relate to, develop, and / or support, your hypothesis. SUBJECTS In describing your subjects, clearly define your population; that is, the larger group from which your sample was selected. Indicate the size and major characteristics of that population. Define your sample in detail. Describe the technique you used to select your sample. INSTRUMENTS Provide a rationale for the instrument you chose to collect your data. Describe that instrument. Give background information which speaks to your instrument’s validity, reliability, and history. If you developed your own instrument, describe how the instrument was developed, what it measured, and how its validity and reliability were evaluated. If more than one instrument was used, each should be described separately. RESEARCH DESIGN Tell a story of how you studied your subjects. Be as detailed as you can. The key to writing the Methodology section of your thesis is replicability. It should be precise enough to allow someone else to read your thesis and execute your study exactly as you did. If you used an experimental design, what did your control and experimental groups look like? What treatment did you apply to the experimental groups? When did you apply that treatment? If the design involves a pretest, when was it given? To whom? How? RESULTS Present the facts about your findings. If you gave your subjects a test, this section is where the scores go. If your subjects were given a questionnaire, this is where the responses go. This is the section of your thesis for your statistics. If you have a lot of data to report, you might want to summarize it using graphs and charts. If your data is complex or cumbersome, you might choose to summarize it here and present the details in your Appendix. DISCUSSION This is where you will interpret your results, and draw conclusions based on those results. Did your facts support a certain hypothesis, or not? You will say that here. This is where you will tell the world what you discovered. Once you have made your discovery, you will make recommendations based on it. Those also go in this section. This section is fun. It makes your thesis yours. APPENDIX This section is optional. It can be useful if you have detailed information, extensive data, or complicated formulas to share. Remember, your readers owe you nothing. You want to keep them moving through your thesis as smoothly as possible, or they might put it down and never return. Your Appendix is a good place for valuable but complicated information that, if placed in the text of your thesis, might be a roadblock to your reader’s progress. BIBLIOGRAPHY References are presented in alphabetical order at the end of your thesis. Only sources actually cited in the text of your thesis should appear in your Bibliography. Follow the guidelines established by the American Psychological Association to develop the format of the section. Word Bank A abstract = resumo acknowledgements = agradecimentos appendix = anexo appendiz = anexos assumption = suposição C cumbersome = extenso I i.e = that is to say (id est - latim) = isto é L literature review = revisão da literatura P problem statement = apresentação do problema R rationale = análise racional research design = desenho de pesquisa S sparingly = com moderação statement of purpose/significance = justificativa subject = objeto de pesquisa survey instrument = instrumento de pesquisa T table of contents = índice title page = folha de rosto Imperative Sentences Imperative sentences can be used to give directions: Turn right. / Turn left. Imperative sentences can be used to give orders: Come here. / Be on time. / Stop./ Don’t stop. Imperative sentences can be used to make polite requests when the word please is added: Please shut the door. / Shut the door, please. Imperative sentences can be used to give instructions on how to use a machine or cooking instructions: Turn on the computer. / Bake the cake for 30 minutes. 01)Translate the following sentences. 01. Be quiet. 02. Be still. 03. Stand up. 04. Turn left. 05. Open the window. 06. Talk to me. 07. Go. 08. Sit down. 09. Leave me alone. 10. Be punctual. 11. Wait for me. _________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 02)Translate the following sentences. 01. Don’t turn right. 02. Don’t make dinner. 03. Don’t call me. 04. Don’t say anything. 05. Don’t come here. 06. Don’t complain. 07. Don’t cry. 08. Don’t worry. 09. Don’t bother me. 10. Don’t go. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ UNIT 02 TELEVISION AND ATENTTION PROBLEMS A new study suggests that very young children who watch a lot of television may have attention 1. problems later in school. Children with attention problems cannot sit still or control their 2. actions. They talk too much, lose things, forget easily and are not able to finish tasks. People with attention problems may suffer a condition known as 3. Attention Deficit Disorder, or A.D.D. Experts say the cause of A.D.D involves chemicals in the brain. Teachers say many children in the United States are showing signs of the disorder. Some education researchers have been saying for years that watching television at a very young age could change the normal development of the brain. For example, they say that children who watch a lot of television are not able to sit and read for an extended period of time. The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to 4. attention problems by the age of seven. It involved more than one-thousand-three-hundred children. There were two groups of children, ages one and three. Researchers at Children’s Hospital and Regional Medical Center in Seattle, Washington reported the results in the publication Pediatrics. They asked the parents how often the children watched television. The parents also described their children’s actions at the age of seven using a method that can tell if someone suffers attention deficit disorders. The children who watched a lot of television at an early age were most likely to have attention 5. problems. Every hour of watching television increased the chances of having attention problems by about ten per cent. For example, children who watched three hours a day were thirty percent more likely to have attention problems than those who watched no television. The researchers say that all the children with attention problems might not have A.D.D. But they 6. still could face major learning problems in school. The findings support advice by a group of children’s doctors that children under the age of two should not watch television. One of the researchers said there are other reasons why children should not watch television. 7. Earlier studies have linked it with children becoming too fat and too aggressive. Other experts say the new study is important, but more work needs to be done to confirm the findings and better explain the cause and effect. Source: Voanews ( by Nancy Steinbach WORD BANK A A.D.D (Attention Deficit Disorder) = T.D.A. (Transtorno de Deficiência de Atenção) able = capaz advice = conselho age = idade B brain = cérebro D development = desenvolvimento E early age = tenra idade expert = especilalista F fat = gordo finding = descoberta K known as = conhecido como L learning = aprendizagem likely = provável linked to = ligado a O often = frequentemente S still = quieto support = apoiar W watch = assistir 01) Answer C for correct and I for incorrect according to the text. (Responda C para correto e I para incorreto de acordo com o texto.) 01. ____ A new study suggests that very young children who play lots of video games might have attention problems in school. 02. ____ Children with attention problems talk a lot. 03. ____ Teachers say many children are showing signs of the disorder all over the world. 04. ____ Some researchers in the field of education have been saying for years that watching television at a very young age could change the way the brain develops. 05. ____ Children who watch lots of television are not able to sit and read for a long time. 06. ____ The new study tested the idea that television watching by very young children is linked to attention problems by the age of three. 07. ____ The study involved 1300 children. 08. ____ There were in the study two groups of children, from ages one to three. 09. ____ The researchers asked the parents how often the children did homework in front of the TV. 10. ____ The parents also described their seven-year- old children’s actions using a method that can tell if somebody suffers attention deficit disorders. 11. ____ The children who watched a lot of television when they were at an early age tended to have attention problems. 12. ____ The research findings support advice by a group of pediatrics that children under the age of one should not watch television. 13. ____ Earlier studies have linked children’s television watching to children becoming too fat and too aggressive. 14. ____ In paragraph 1, a lot of can be substituted by lots of. 15. ____In paragraph 2, the word still pode ser traduzida por quietas. 16. ____ In paragraph 2, the word they refers to problems. 17. ____ In paragraph 3, the word children is the plural of child. 18. ____ In paragraph 6, the word face can be translated by enfrentar. 19. ____ In paragraph 7, earlier studies can be translated to estudos recentes. 20. ____ In paragraph 7, the word done is the past tense of do. 02) Find in the text the plural of... (Encontre no texto o plural de ...) 01. child 03. researcher __________________ __________________ 02. thing 04. study ____ PLURAL OF NOUNS (plural de substantivos) SINGULAR book = livro girl = menina cigarette = cigarro PLURAL books girls cigarettes Aos substantivos que terminam em ch, sh, ss, o, x e z acrescenta-se es na terceira pessoa do singular. beach = praia watch = relógio brush = escova kiss = beijo fox = raposa topaz = topázio beaches watches brushes kisses foxes topazes negro = negro hero = herói negroes heroes potato = batata potatoes Exceções piano = piano pianos photo = foto photos kilo = quilo kilos radio = radio radios cuckoo = cuco cuckoos bamboo = bamboo bamboos Monarch = monarca stomach = estômago Monarchs Stomachs Obs. o ch tem som de k ox = boi Oxen Nouns ending in y boy = menino toy = brinquedo play = peça teatral boys toys plays baby = bebê fly = mosca story = estória babies flies stories PLURAIS IRREGULARES SINGULAR man = homem woman = mulher foot = pé tooth = dente PLURAL men women feet teeth goose = ganso mouse = camundongo louse = piolho child = criança geese mice lice children OS PLURAIS DOS SUBSTANTIVOS TERMINADOS EM -F, -FF e – EF SINGULAR belief = crença cliff = penhasco chief = chefe handkerchief = lenço roof = telhado gulf = golfo calf = bezerro elf = duende half = metade leaf = folha life knife = faca loaf = bisnaga de pão self = ego sheaf = feixe PLURAL beliefs cliffs chiefs handkerchiefs roofs gulfs calves elves halves leaves lives knives loaves selves sheaves OS PLURAIS DOS SUBSTANTIVOS TERMINADOS EM -F, -FF e – EF SINGULAR PLURAL shelf = prateleira thief = ladrão wife = esposa wolf = lobo shelves thieves wives wolves scarf = cachecol dwarf = anão hoof = casco wharf = cais staff = pessoas que trabalham juntas scarfs / scarves dwarfs / dwarves hoofs / hooves wharfs / wharves staffs / staves PLURAL DOS SUBSTANTIVOS COMPOSTOS SINGULAR PLURAL armchair = poltrona bookcase = prateleira housewife = dona de casa boyfriend = namorado armchairs bookcases housewives boyfriends horseman = cavaleiro Horsemen sister-in-law = cunhada father-in-law = sogro son-in-law = genro sisters-in-law fathers-in-law sons-in-law handful = punhado cupful = uma xícara cheia spoonful = colherada handfuls cupfuls spoonfuls court-martial = corte marcial court-martials LATIM SINGULAR axis = eixo bacillus = bacilo medium = meio bacterium = bactéria erratum = errata datum = dado, informação campus = terreno de uma universidade PLURAL axés bacilli media bacteria errata data campi GREGO SINGULAR basis = base crisis = crise thesis = tese phenomenon = fenômeno oasis = oasis PLURAL bases crises theses phenomena oases SUBSTANTIVOS ESTRAGEIROS QUE TÊM DOIS PLURAIS SINGULAR formula = fórmula fungus = fungo aquarium = aquário curriculum = currículo memorandum = memorando terminus = término PLURAL formulae / formulas fungi / funguses aquaria / aquariums curricula / curriculums memoranda / memorandums termini / terminuses OUTROS PLURAIS SINGULAR sheep = carneiro deer = veado PLURAL sheep deer trout = truta fish = peixe trout fish / fishes PALAVRAS USADOS NO PLURAL briefs = cuecas clothes = roupas panties = calcinhas pyjamas / pajamas = pijamas shorts = calção trousers / pants = calças credentials = credenciais oats = aveia riches = riqueza surroundings = redondezas glasses / spectacles = óculos pliers = alicate scissors = tesoura measles = sarampo mumps = caxumba physics = física person = pessoa people / persons = povo / pessoas peoples = povos PALAVRAS USADOS NO SINGULAR coffee = café gallows = forca Information = informação knowledge = conhecimento mathematics = matemática milk = leite money = dinheiro news = notícia phonetics = fonética furniture = movies tea = chá water = água weather = clima evidence = evidencia(s) OBSERVAÇÃO: Por questões de ênfase, pode-se usar alguns substantivos incontáveis com forma plural: The snows of the Antarctic. (As neves da Antártica.) The waters of the Mississippi. (As águas do Mississippi.) The sands of the desert. (As areias do deserto.) 03) Write the plural of the following nouns: (Escreva o plural dos seguintes substantivos.) 01. stomach 02. sister-in-law 03. piano 04. person 05. family 06. erratum 07. beach 08. knife ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ ______________________ 04) Rewrite these sentences in the plural. (Reescreva estas frases no plural.) 01. There is a thief in the city. ______________________________________________________________________ 02. The baby broke its tooth. ______________________________________________________________________ 03. The datum about this phenomenon was correct. ______________________________________________________________________ 04. The soldier shot the enemy. ______________________________________________________________________ 05. The wife cut the loaf of bread with a knife. ______________________________________________________________________ 06. What’s your criterium for the analysis of the datum about the crisis? ______________________________________________________________________ 07. He has a calf, an ox, a goose and a sheep on his farm. ______________________________________________________________________ 05) Translate these sentences. (Traduza estas frases.) 01. The news is good. _________________________________________ 02. The bacteria are harmful. ________________________________________ 03. I would like a piece of information. __________________________________ 04. The phenomena have been studied. ___________________________________ 05. How many people are there in the room? ____________________________
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