The Messenger OCTOBER 2014 101 Randolph Street, Thomasville, NC 27360 Finch Preaching Mission October 26 – 28 This year’s exciting and enthusiastic guest speaker is Bishop Peter Storey from Cape Town, South Africa. Among his many accomplishments during his 40 year ministry, he has worked against apartheid and all its aspects, preached in inner city churches in Africa and around the world, championed peace initiatives in Africa and then taught at Duke University for seven years after he retired. He is the author of several books and founded a monthly Methodist newspaper for which he served as editor for eight years. We look forward to hearing what God has to say to us through him, so make the commitment to attend and bring a friend. We will provide a nursery for each service as well as special singing before each evening service. The love offering each night will be given to CCM to help feed our local citizens experiencing hardships. Sunday, October 12 4:00 PM FPM Roundtable 5:00 PM Prayer Vigil Sunday, October 26: 10:00 AM R. L. Pope Sunday School Class (all invited) “A Church the World Might Take Seriously” 11:00 AM Worship Service “Getting Our Gospel Together Again” 6:45 PM Hymn-sing 7:00 PM Service “The Cry for Compassion” Monday, October 27: 6:45 PM Hymn-sing 7:00 PM Service “Why Love Is Never Enough” Tuesday, October 28: 6:45 PM Hymn-sing 7:00 PM Service “Walking Humbly With God” POSTMASTER SEND CHANGES OF ADDRESS TO: MEMORIAL UMC P.O. BOX 428, THOMASVILLE, NC 27361-0428 The Messenger USPS338580 is Published Monthly by Memorial UMC 101 Randolph Street, Thomasville, NC Periodicals Postage paid at Thomasville, NC SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 2014 8:00AM-2:00PM JARRETT HALL Gifts for ALL occasions! Mark your calendar and invite your friends! HANDBAGS! Please remember the Altar and Arts committee is collecting handbags for our November sale. Please leave them in the back hall in the designated tub. And don’t forget to come shopping November 1st. We appreciate your support! JEWELRY SALE United Methodist Women will have their annual jewelry sale as part of Gifts Galore on Saturday, November 1. We are grateful for all donations of jewelry: costume, vintage or broken gold. We are also collecting accessory items. Proceeds from the sale support our mission projects. CHURCH FINANCES In order to keep everyone up to date on our church finances, here are the year to date expenses and income: Total expenses for the period ended August 31, 2014 $566,324.20 Total income for the period ended August 31, 2014 $491,484.67 Net deficit for the period ended August 31, 2014 ($74, 428.64) Copies of the 2014 Budget are available upon request. Contact either Jerry Smith or Peggy May. Have you considered making your weekly or monthly contribution to the church online through your bank? Memorials and Honorariums In Memory of Dr. Carson C. Cox by: Celia Meekins, Milton & Theresa Humphreys, Martha & Steve Yokeley, Lummie Jo Huneycutt In Memory of Velma Edwards by: Milton & Theresa Humphreys COME HELP…….. DOWNLOAD PUMPKINS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11, 2014 STARTING AT 1:30PM CCM FOOD FOR THE MONTH: Grits/Oatmeal FELLOWSHIP PARTNERS Remember these folks in your prayers, send them a card, or plan a visit! Blanche Jones Arbor Ridge At Kernersville Room 131 Kernersville, NC 27284 Elaine Branson Pine Ridge Rehab & Health Care Center 706 Pineywood Road Room 117 Thomasville, NC 27360 Isabel Flatau Pine Ridge Rehab & Health Care Center 706 Pineywood Road Room 307 Thomasville, NC 27360 UNITED METHODIST WOMEN CIRCLE MEETINGS Monday, October 20 – 10:00am – Morning Circle, Scout Room Hostess: Mary Lou Woods 6:00pm – Evening Circle Hostess: Sandy McGhee Study: “Take This Bread” by Sara Miles Leader: Tracy Brinkley CHILDREN’S SABBATH On Sunday, October 12th, at the Awaken Service and the 11:00 Worship Service, our Church will celebrate the annual multi-faith National Observance of the Children’s Sabbath. This time of worship brings awareness to the needs of children in our church and community. The Children’s Sabbath challenges us to become engaged in the spiritual enrichment and development of their lives. We are fortunate to have our own Reverend Lynda Hepler as our preacher for this occasion. Reverend Hepler is our Minister of Children and Families. She was ordained a Deacon at Annual Conference in June. The children, members of the youth circle, Toggles, and members of United Methodist Women will assist in leading us in worship. Priscilla Oldaker will be directing the Children’s Choir. Following the 11:00 worship service, the United Methodist Women will serve lunch in the CEC. Contributions for lunch will benefit Angel Tree requests and the Children’s Christmas party sponsored by our youth. Everyone is invited and no reservations are needed. CHURCH PICNIC SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 3 PM until the food runs out (probably around 7 PM)!!! At Sonny Koontz’s Farm! WHAT TO BRING: a dessert to share, a lawn chair, a friend Everything else will be provided! Burgers and hotdogs, hayrides, football, soccer, games, crafts, GIANT inflatable slide, bounce house (for the kids), and special music around the campfire! Don’t miss it! Directions to the Koontz Farm (from Memorial UMC): Take a LEFT (headed south) onto Randolph Street (Hwy 109) Go .7 miles take a RIGHT (at the stoplight) onto West Holly Hill Road Go .8 miles take a LEFT (at the 1 stoplight) onto Fisher Ferry Street Go 1.7 miles take a RIGHT (at the 1 stop sign) onto East Holly Grove Road Go 3.9 miles take a LEFT onto Embler Road Go .6 miles take a LEFT into a gravel driveway and park in the field immediately to the LEFT. (follow the signs) st st Add Jesus Into Your Routines When busy schedules resume, Jesus is often left out of the mix. Even if we attend church more regularly in fall and our children move up a grade level in Sunday school, faith formation frequently takes a back seat during the action-packed weekdays. A few simple ideas for keeping Jesus at the forefront can pay big “faith dividends” for your children and your entire family. Give these tips a try this fall—and use them to spark ideas of your own: Feed your family spiritually. When you set the breakfast table the night before school, include kidfriendly devotional materials. Children who like to read or look at pictures while eating can do so—or can be read to briefly. Make use of travel time. On the way to school, take turns saying a prayer for the day ahead. On the way home, use the time to share highlights of the day and any “God sightings” family members had. Schedule a regular faith booster. Incorporate a midweek faith activity into your family schedule. Many churches offer midweek programs for families. Other clubs may be available in your neighborhood. If you’re time-strapped, simply set aside time one day per week to talk about faith-related issues and to pray together. Explore children’s strengths, talents, and gifts. A new school year offers a variety of excellent opportunities for kids to try new things. Different sports and activities let children discover what they enjoy and how God made them. Point out what developing talents and traits you observe in your kids. Encourage them to glorify God in everything they do (see Colossians 3:17). Expand your family’s faith outreach. Use new routines to help build children’s faith-sharing skills. With older kids, role-play how to talk about Jesus with their friends. Encourage your kids to invite A Look at this Month their friends to church and Sunday school. Welcome new friends into your home. Show them Every week: Christian hospitality and love. Move on up! As children move up to new Sunday school classes this fall, help their faith blossom with individual challenges. For example, older kids can spend 10 minutes a day reading through a particular book of the Bible. Younger children can learn about a simple Scripture passage each week. Keep talking—to each other and to God. Real, deep conversations can suffer when families get busy. Carve out time to reconnect, whether it’s at the end of each day or at the beginning of each weekend. Share your joys and struggles, and take time to pray for one another. Also, make prayer a regular part of mealtime and bedtime routines. This reminds children that God is an always present, un-changing help every day and in all situations. Sunday School: 10-10:45 Godly Play Nursery Care Sunday Mornings 8:30am-12noon Wednesday Nights 6-9pm Children’s Church: Sunday’s at both 8:50 and 11am services. Wednesday Night ARTS ALIVE 6-7:30pm GLOW Kids: Sun. Oct. 12th 3:30pm Mission Possible Kids: Oct. 19th 5 - 7pm AWOL-Oct. 26th 5 - 6:30* *time change due to Finch Preaching Mission MONDAY TUESDAY 10:00 Sunday School R.L. Pope: Dr. Peter Storey 11:00 Worship Service FPM Luncheon 5-6:00 AWOL 5-7:00 Youth 6:45 Hymn Sing 7:00 FPM Service begins 26 FPM 8:50 AWAKEN 10:00 Sunday School R.L. Pope: Priscilla Oldaker 11:00 Worship Service ??? Mission Possible Kids 5-7:00 Youth 19 8:50 AWAKEN 10:00 Sunday School R. L. Pope: Allen Brown 11:00 Worship Service 12:00 Luncheon 5-7:00 Youth 4:00 Round table with Ben 5-7:00 FPM Prayer Vigil 12 Children’s Sabeth Boy Scouts 8:50 AWAKEN 10:00 Sunday School R.L. Pope: Jim McGhee 5-7:00 Youth 6:45 Hymn Sing 7:00 FPM Service begins 5-6 pm Daisy Troop 6:15 Praise Team Boy Scouts 27 FPM 10:00 UMW Circle meeting Boy Scouts 6:15 Praise Team 20 5-6 pm Daisy Troop Boy Scouts 6:15 Praise Team 6:30 Nomination Com. meeting 13 6:15 Praise Team 6 5 6:45 Hymn Sing 7:00 FPM Service begins 5:45 Yoga 28 FPM 5:45 Yoga 6:30 Finance meeting 21 5:45 Yoga 6:30 Stewardship Com. meeting 14 5:45 Yoga 7 October Ushers: Tony Downs, Cran Plyler, John Collett III, Stan Styers, Mitch Rabon, Dan Cain SUNDAY 5:30 Fellowship Meal 6:00 Kidz Club 6:00 HS. & MS. Small Group 6:15 Handbell Rehearsal 6:15 Program 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 29 5:30 Fellowship Meal 6:00 Kidz Club 6:00 HS. & MS. Small Group 6:15 Bible Study-last class 6:15 Handbell Rehearsal 6:15 Program 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 22 5:30 Fellowship Meal 6:00 Kidz Club 6:00 HS. & MS. Small Group 6:15 Bible Study 6:15 Handbell Rehearsal 6:15 Program 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 15 5:30 Fellowship Meal 6:00 Kidz Club 6:00 HS. & MS. Small Group 6:15 Bible Study 6:15 Handbell Rehearsal 6:15 Program 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 8 5:30 Fellowship Meal 6:00 Kidz Club 6:00 HS. & MS. Small Group 6:15 Handbell Rehearsal 6:15 Program 7:15 Choir Rehearsal 1 WEDNESDAY 10:30 Chicks with Sticks 30 9:15 Bible Study-last class 10:30 Chicks with Sticks 23 9:15 Bible Study 10:30 Chicks with Sticks Blood Drive-CEC 7:00 Girl Scouts 16 9:15 Bible Study 10:30 Chicks with Sticks 9 7:00 Girl Scouts 9:15 Bible Study 10:30 Chicks with Sticks 2 THURSDAY OCTOBER 2014 31 24 17 10 3 FRIDAY 25 5-8:00 Holy-ween-Pace Park 18 PUMPKIN DOWNLOAD 11 4 SATURDAY MUMYouth NEWS SUNDAY NIGHT SCHEDULE….. YOGA Tuesday evenings 5:45 PM YOUTH ROOMS (CEC 2nd floor) Contact: Brenda Lyons: 476-1117 WEDNESDAY EVENING PROGRAMS October 1: Children’s Program October 8:TBA October 15:TBA October 22:TBA October 29:TBA The price for an adult meal is now $7.00. The price of a kid’s meal will be $4.00 and the maximum for a family is now $15.00. Remember reservations are due to the office by noon on Monday. Greeters October 5: Lynn Poole, Bettie Bryant, Pam Plyler, Bick Craig, Larry Murdock October 12: Carey Eanes, Jo Jones, Melanie Kuppel, James Carmichael October 19: Sandra Lackey, Beverly Myers, Sandra Wade, Prentice Weldon, Eric Kuppel October 26: Jane Leonard, Norman Crews, Joe Stone, Cindy Martin, Nancy Jones ALL NEW! Memorial has a YouTube Channel: search for: “mumctville” and be sure to subscribe! We will put up new videos and begin to put up some of our old videos as well. ALSO, we hope to begin to LIVE STREAM the early service, Sundays at 8:50 AM! LIKE US: “Memorial UMC”, “Memorial Youth”, “Memorial Children” and “Finch Preaching Mission” all have FACEBOOK fan pages! OCTOBER 5 5 - 7 PM Building People UP! (not tearing them down) OCTOBER 12 5 – 7 PM GET TO KNOW ME Night! OCTOBER 19 5 – 7 PM Survivor Night OCTOBER 25 5 – 7 PM Game Night! CHRYSALIS Girl’s Weekend: November 8 - 10 Boy’s Weekend: January 2 - 4 This is a great weekend for growing closer to God. Ask Rodney or Jeff Harrison for more information! COLLEGE STUDENT INFO! We need current addresses for our college and graduate students. If you have a loved one in school please contact the church office (336) 472-7718 with updated mailing addresses! THANK YOU! FOLLOW US: mumctville, memorialyouth, & finchpreaching. If you have a smartphone with a bar code scanner app, use this QR code to access.
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