TABLE 20.1 Slave Exports from Africa, 1500-1900 (in !:housands) Red Sea Trans-Sahara East Africa and Indian Ocean Trans·Atlanric So~rc(: 1500 1600 (%) 1600-1700 (%) 1700-1800 (%) 1800tl900 (%) 2 00 (17 ) 550 (47 ) 100 (9) 200 (7) 700 (24 ) 100 (4 ) 200 (3) 700 (9) 400 (5) 4g0 (8) I 12QO (22 ) 442 (8 ) 1050 (6) 3150 (19 ) 1042 (6) 325 (28 ) 1868 (65 ) 6133(83 ) 3330 (61) 11 ,656 (69 ) 16,898 Totol Adopted (rom POll! Lovejoy, Tmnsformatiun.i in Slavtry: A H i"o;-y ofSlavay i" Africa (1983) . V. STATISTICAL EXERCISES A. Table 2Q.1: Slave Exports from Africa, 1500 - 1900 (Page ) 1. What different slave trades existed? (Think geographic .By about the origins of slaves and their destinations) 2. Which region exported the largest number of slaves? 3. When were the most slaves exported? 4. Between 1800 - 1900, why would the number ofslaves,crossing the Atlantic decline? ) B. Table 20.2: Destinations ofAfrican Slaves (Page 1. What regions received the most slaves? The least? 2. Why would the Caribbean and Brazil need such large nl.Jmbers? 3. In British North America, what colonies would have rec;eived slaves? 4 . Today, where would African influences and cultures be the greatest? Why? TABLE 20.2 Destinations of African Slaves in the Atlantic Slave Trade Thousonds British Norrh America Spanish America British Caribbean French Caribbean Dutch Caribbean Danish Caribbean Brazil Old World 523 1687 2443 1655 500 50 4190 297 11,345 Percentage 5 15 21 15 4 0.4 37 2 .6 So>tru: James R.1W!c y, Thc Transatla",ic Slave Trade (1981), 428 .
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