Issue Number 50 October/November/ December 2014 Mended Hearts, Inc. Greater Rochester Chapter 50 “Heartbeat of Rochester” Rochester Meetings Monday, October 20, 2014, 7:15 PM G. Ronald Beck, RN, NP, will speak to us about “The 2014 Evidence-based Guideline for the Management of High Blood Pressure in Adults.” Mr. Beck received his BS & MS in Nursing from the University of Rochester. He is a NYS licensed Adult Nurse Practitioner and is a cardiology adult nurse practitioner at the UofR Medicine Cardiology Practice at Clinton Crossings Clinic. The meeting will be held at the Jewish Community Ctr., Senior Adult Lounge, 1200 Edgewood Av, Rochester, NY. Tuesday, November 18, 2014, 7:15 PM (PLEASE NOTE CHANGE IN DAY) Robert H. Israel, MD, will speak to us about “Sleep Disorders and the Heart” Dr. Israel received his MD from SUNY, Downstate Medical Center and his medical residency & pulmonary fellowship at NY City Medical College. He is medical director of the Unity Sleep Disorders Center. The meeting will be held at the Jewish Community Ctr., Senior Adult Lounge, 1200 Edgewood Av, Rochester, NY. Holiday Party — Monday, December, 15, 2014, 6:15 PM Radisson Rochester Airport Hotel at RIT, 175 Jefferson Rd, Rochester, NY Cash Bar, 5:30 PM; Dinner Served, 6:15 PM Please see Page 4 for more information. Inside this issue: Hospital Visiting & Mendiversaries 2 Vice President’s Corner 3 Holiday Party & Help Wanted Mended Little Hearts, MedlinePlus & Flu Shots 4 5 In Memoriam: Sherman J. Soles & MVP Healthcare Expo 6 Membership Application & Sponsors 7 Canandaigua Meetings Thursday, October 9, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM Bryan Henry, MD will speak to us about “Shared Decision Making: Predicting Risk and Empowering Patients to Guide Their Own Treatment.” Dr. Henry is currently Medical Director of Cardiology and Cardiac Rehab at FF Thompson Hospital. He obtained his medical degree and completed his medical residency and Cardiology Fellowship at URMC. The meeting will be held in the RG&E Family Room, in the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, Thompson Health, 350 Parrish St, Canandaigua, NY. Thursday, November 13, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM Panel discussion with Cardiac Rehab Participants, “Successfully Coping with Heart Disease,” led by Jim Fralick, Facilitator, Canandaigua Mended Hearts. In addition, we will hold a Hall of Honor Inductees celebration. The meeting will be held in the RG&E Family Room, in the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, Thompson Health, 350 Parrish St, Canandaigua, NY. Thursday, December 11, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM Darcy Prunoske, RD, will speak to us about “Survival Nutrition Tips During the Holiday Season.” She earned her BS in Dietetics at Mansfield University. She completed her dietetic internship at Iowa State University and is a licensed, registered dietician. Ms. Prunoske works as a clinical dietitian at The F.F. Thompson Hospital in Canandaigua, NY. The meeting will be held in the RG&E Family Room, in the M.M. Ewing Continuing Care Center, Thompson Health, 350 Parrish St, Canandaigua, NY. “Heartbeat of Rochester” Page 2 Hospital Visiting The number of patients that we visited at Rochester General and Strong Memorial for the first six months of this year is exactly the same as for the first six months of last year. So, we’re holding our own; but if we had a few more visitors, we’d surely be able to visit with more heart patients at the two hospitals. Hopefully, we’ll be able to hold a new accreditation class soon. The Peer to Peer study that our visitors participated in ended in June; and Mended Hearts National said that we will have the final results from that study in late Fall. I’d like to thank all of our hospital visitors for the time that they’ve taken this summer to help us maintain our hospital visiting program. Many HEARTFELT thanks to Gene Binder, Bob Brown, Sharon Feldman, John Fisk, Bob Flaherty, Mike Gallagher, Rollie Heimberger, and Bob Hess. Anyone reading this who would like more information about our hospital visiting program, please call me at (585) 442-7211, or send me an email at [email protected]. Respectfully, Harvey Steron, Chapter #50 Visiting Chairman Heartbeat of Rochester The “HEARTBEAT of ROCHESTER" is the quarterly periodical of Mended Hearts of Greater Rochester NY, Chapter 50. Mended Hearts, Inc. is a nonprofit service organization dedicated to alleviating the stress and trauma associated with heart disease and surgery. This periodical is issued free of charge to heart patients and to members of Chapter 50. Written permission to reprint with credit any portion of this newsletter may be requested from the editor. Mendiversaries NOVEMBER OCTOBER DECEMBER Robert Brown Richard Buxton Harry Flanders John Allhusen Richard Galvin John Campana Joan Fleming Edward Baron, Sr. Dwight Rasbeck Suzanne McNamara Ginny Colbert Paul Milhausen Milton Braverman Dominic Rotolo Suzanne Taney James J. Nelson James Fralick If you do not want your name to appear in this column please contact Sharon at (585) 544-1565. Congratulations Chapter 50 Cards Well deserved!!! This is a great opportunity for you to acknowledge important events, to especially recognize family and friends or to honor those who have passed away, and at the same time help our Chapter 50. A Mended Hearts card with an appropriate message, indicating you have made a contribution to our chapter for a special reason, can be sent. Please call Cheri Steron at (585) 442-7211. There is a $10.00 minimum contribution. New Member Help Your Chapter Save Time and Money We are pleased to announce that Harvey Steron, Mended Hearts—Chapter 50 Visiting Chairman, was chosen by The Friends of Strong as the Volunteer Supervisor of the Year. Mended Hearts—Chapter 50 would like to welcome our newest member. We are happy to have you in our chapter. Melinna Alleyne, DPharm Thank you for your support! The list of members who are saving our chapter money and volunteer time, by getting their newsletter by e-mail, is rapidly growing. If you have already done this, your chapter thanks you. If you haven't yet, please join our member “Newsletter-by-E-mail” list, by writing to Gene Binder at [email protected]. You will get your newsletter a lot sooner and you can always print any page you want to keep. Issue Number 50 Vice President’s Corner Hi Everyone, Mended Hearts Rochester is in its 48th year of giving support to people with heart disease and their families, by visiting those recovering from heart surgeries at Strong Memorial an d R o ch es t er G e n e r al Hospitals and through its informative monthly meetings. For the past seven years, Sharon Feldman has been the president of this chapter. During this time, in addition to the duties of the presidency, Sharon and her husband Larry have, on their own, done almost everything necessary to keep the chapter going. These duties have included ob t a in in g s p e ak e r s f or meetings, providing refreshments for meetings, p u b lis h in g the ch a p t er newsletter, obtaining staff for health fairs, sending recorded telephone messages reminding members of meetings, and many other duties. Not that they haven't been without any help. Harvey Steron has been running an excellent heart patient visiting program for more years than I know; and, if anything, has acquired more duties, since no one has been willing to accept the assignment of running the visiting program at Strong Memorial Hospital, as Cliff and Hazel Squire did until their demise. Barney Quinlan has done a great job handling the chapter's money by introducing technological p r oced u r es to in cr eas e efficiency. Bruce Newton has been writing board meeting minutes. Marlene Adams has been initializing a pleasant experience for members and guests attending meetings Page 3 with her warm personal greetings, as they enter. Mary Allhusen has done a great job providing interesting speakers and topics for the very successful Canandaigua satellite. So now, Sharon and Larry have decided to leave the Rochester area, to be closer to their family. Therefore, the leadership of the chapter, for now, has been passed on to me. It is only fair that, the chapter leaders, and all members of the chapter know that I could not possibly, singlehandedly, do everything the Feldman’s have been doing. This was brought to the attention of chapter leaders at a recent meeting. The overwhelming response was typical of the devotion these people have always shown to this chapter, and will enable us to continue providing education, support and encouragement to each other, and all area heart patients. I would like to share with you, who will be taking over these all important assignments. Marlene will be chairman of the program committee, designed to obtain quality speakers for our meetings. Bruce and I will serve as committee members and Harvey will assist, when able. If you would like to help on this committee, all that is required, would be that, for one month of the year, you book a speaker, find out what audio-visuals he needs (PowerPoint projector, etc.), and notify the JCC so that it will be set up in our meeting room. The more members who serve on this committee, the less each one will have to do. Marlene will schedule occasional committee meetings, at her home, when necessary. If you would like to help, please contact her at [email protected] or (585) 244-2030. Those who attend our membership meetings will continue to be educated about heart related conditions. Try to come and show your appreciation to the speaker. Georgia Binder will take on the job of providing coffee, apples and other refreshments for our meetings. On occasion, we may even be treated to one of her homemade creations. The apples are provided free from Lori's Natural Foods, where many heart healthy items can be purchased. When you're there, it wouldn't hurt to express your gratitude for their generosity. If you feel creative, and would like to share one of your creations at a meeting, feel free to bring it. It's traditional, for our chapter, to get together in December to celebrate the holiday season. Harvey has booked a date at the Radisson Rochester Airport Hotel at RIT, where we had a very enjoyable experience last year. (More information can be found on Page 4.) You can reserve your spot by sending your check to Barney Quinlan, our treasurer. We participate in several health fairs, where we increase awareness of our organization. We usually do this in conjunction with the American Heart Association. If you would like to staff our table for a couple of hours, please contact me (see below) or let me know at one of the meetings. (Continued on next page.) “Heartbeat of Rochester” (Continued from previous page.) Larry Feldman has done such a great job on our newsletter, it was judged to be the best quarterly newsletter in the Northeast Region. Now, someone else needs to take that over. Marlene, Harvey and Bruce all came up with some great ideas in searching for a successor and will make concerted efforts in trying to get one. If you would like to try it and would like some information, contact Larry at [email protected] or (585) 544-1565. But first and foremost, our chapter needs a president. Sharon or I have filled this office for the past 11 years and now, someone new needs to take over. No experience is necessary. Any member of the chapter can do it. All that's needed is a desire to take over the leadership of the chapter. I will do the best I can to guide us through th is transition period, until the new leadership takes over next June. After that, I will no longer take a position on the executive board. If you would like to contact me about this matter, or any concern you have about your chapter, it's a long drive to my home in Wayland, but feel free to write to me any time at [email protected] or call me at 585-728-5166; or better yet, come to the meetings and talk to me. I look forward to seeing you there. Don't ask what your chapter can do for you. Ask what you can do for your chapter. Sincerely, Gene Binder, Vice President, Mended Hearts, Chapter 50 Page 4 Help Wanted: Newsletter Editor Our chapter urgently needs someone to volunteer to take over as chapter newsletter editor. The ideal candidate would have Microsoft Word and Publisher experience; but strong Microsoft Word skills would be OK. The chapter can provide software, but not a computer. We publish four times a year; and our members and the heart patients we visit benefit immensely from our newsletter. I do not intend to continue as chapter newsletter editor beyond December, 2014. Please call me at (585) 5441565, as soon as possible, to d is cu s s t h is im p or t an t opportunity. Thank you. Get Well Wishes to Ron Wheat Verna & Phil Mendola and Bob Flaherty A Mended Heart’s Prayer We ask for your blessings, Lord: We ask for strength that we may pass it on to others We ask for faith that we may give hope to others We ask for health that we may encourage others We ask for wisdom that we may use all your gifts well. Herbert G. Maedl Holiday Party — Monday, December, 15, 2014, 6:15 PM Time: Cash Bar, 5:30 PM; Dinner Served, 6:15 PM Place: Radisson Rochester Airport Hotel at RIT, 175 Jefferson Rd, Rochester, NY Dinner Cost: $23 for members; $25 for nonmembers Entrees: Stuffed Chicken, Haddock French, or Pasta Primavera Entrees include soup or salad; vegetable; coffee or tea; and cake for dessert. For reservations: Please contact Barney Quinlan at (585) 671-0481 and send your check, made payable to Mended Hearts, Inc., Chapter 50, 491 Granger Circle, Webster, NY 14580, by Friday, December 5th. Hope to see you all there! Issue Number 50 Page 5 Mended Little Hearts of Greater Rochester Mended Little Hearts of Greater Rochester is a nonprofit educational, tax-exempt organization that provides hope, caring and support to families who have children with Congenital Heart Defects (CHD) and heart disease. We are a partner with The Children’s Heart Center at the University of Rochester Medical Center (URMC). Membership is free and open not only to parents and caregivers of these special children, but also to heart defect survivors, extended family members, healthcare partners, neighbors, friends and anyone else interested in furthering the outreach and support network of MLH. The core goals are to connect families in crisis with others who have survived the shock of learning a child has a heart defect or heart disease, navigate the maze of medical decisions and procedures, and map out a plan for the future. Our care bag items are nearly depleted. We provided more than 250 care bags to families at Golisano Children’s Hospital throughout the year. Our families come from all over upstate NY for cardiac care and we want them all to have some comforts when they are here. We are looking to hold several care bag item drives around our region to fill the care bags with necessities such as toiletries, snacks, magazines, flip flops, etc. If you are interested in holding a drive in your office, school, or neighborhood, please contact us. We can provide you with the letters and information. How You Can Reach Us Visit our website: Email us: [email protected] Call us: (585) 398-7112 Who should get vaccinated this season? little mended hearts Everyone six months of age and older should get a flu vaccine every season. Vaccination to prevent influenza is particularly important for people who are at high risk of serious complications from influenza. “Heartbeat of Rochester” Page 6 In Memoriam: Sherman J. Soles Phelps — Sherman J. Soles, age 77, died on Monday (June 16, 2014) at the Fairway Oaks Nursing Home in Tampa, FL. Mr. Soles was born on March 1, 1937, in Geneva, NY, the son of the late Alfred and Hazel Gittens Soles. He was a Journeyman Electrician, retiring from IBEW #840 in Geneva after 36 years of service. Mr. Soles enjoyed attending car shows and cruise nights with his son Tim and grandson Tyler. He found great pride in showing his restored ‘56 Chevy Pickup and ‘56 Pontiac Chieftain. Mr. Soles was an avid walker and could be seen walking the block in the Lester Rd area. He is survived by his sons, Timothy (Jennifer) Soles of Middlesex, Daniel (Annette) Soles of Geneva; grandsons, Tyler, Carson, Joshua and A.J.; brother Donald (Judy) Soles of FL; special Friend Jean Weinel of FL; niece Donna Soles and nephew John Soles. It is requested that memorial donations be made to Mended Hearts Rochester. Memorial Donations In Memory of Sherman J. Soles Larry & Sharon Feldman IBEW Local 840, Geneva, NY Issue Number 50 Page 7 The Mended Hearts, Inc. / Greater Rochester, NY Chapter 50 Founded 1951 * Incorporated 1955 MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Mr./Mrs./Ms./Dr. __________________________________________________________________ Date ___ / ___ /___ Address ______________________________________________Phone ___________________ Birthday ___ / ___ / ___ City _______________________________________________________ State ______________ Zip ________________ Name of Spouse ________________________________________ E-mail ____________________________________ Type of Procedure __________________________________________________________________________________ Date of Procedure ___ / ___ / ___ Hospital _________________________ Surgeon ____________________________ Membership Type (circle one) Membership Dues Individual $25 (National $20 + Chapter $5) Family $37 (National $30 + Chapter $7) National Life (Individual) $195 (National $150 + Chapter $45) National Life (Family) $270 (National $210 + Chapter $60) Please mail this application and your check made out to Mended Hearts, Inc., Chapter 50, to: Barney Quinlan, Treasurer 491 Granger Circle Webster, NY 14580 You must be a member of the National Organization to be a Chapter Member I/We (spouses are always welcome) would like to be part of Mended Hearts effort as checked off below: Hospitality Newsletter Program WHO WE ARE... Visiting Communications/Publicity Membership Historian Sunshine SPECIAL THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS! Mended Hearts, a national nonprofit Mended Hearts Rochester would like to express its organization, has been offering the sincere thanks to the “Sands-Constellation Heart gift of hope to heart disease patients, Institute”—a part of Rochester General Hospital—for its their families and caregivers for more generous, ongoing assistance in printing our than 60 years. Total membership is newsletter. over 20,000. Mended The support and confidence The support of Hearts Mended Hearts began in 1951 when for Mended Hearts Rochester Chapter 50 Cinchlink Dr. Dwight Harken, Chief of Cardio- shown by the Rochester wishes to Internet thoracic Surgery at Brigham Hospital Cardiopulmonary Group, P.C., thank Lori’s Marketing for Natural in Boston, saw a need for a support is gratefully acknowledged our website is Foods for and appreciated. group to help his patients after they supplying gratefully had undergone heart surgery. The the organic acknowledged apples we Greater Rochester Chapter 50 was We appreciate the generous serve at our www.cinchlink support from our Anonymous established in 1966. monthly Mended Hearts brings together patients, spouses, family, and medical professionals to form a network of caring individuals. Donors. Thank you! meetings. .com/ Thank you to NY State Assemblyman Joseph Morelle. Your support is greatly appreciated and will help us educate the public about living with heart disease. The Mended Hearts, Inc. Chapter 50 of Greater Rochester NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Editor 100 Worthing Ter E. Rochester, NY 14445 ROCHESTER, NY PERMIT NO. 519 “It's Great to be Alive — and to Help Others” Current Resident or Mended Hearts Chapter 50 Board of Directors and Coordinators Vice President Gene Binder 728-5166 Treasurer Barney Quinlan 671-0481 Recording Secretary Bruce Newton 571-4825 Publicity & Programs Jackie Joyal 662-5826 Corresponding Secretary Cheri Steron 442-7211 Interim Newsletter Editor Larry Feldman 544-1565 Membership Chairwoman Marlene Adams 244-2030 Visiting Chairman Harvey Steron 442-7211 Canandaigua Coordinators Mary Allhusen & Jim Fralick 396-6253 Mended Little Hearts Coordinator Jennifer Kowal 398-7112 Medical Advisor J. Chad Teeters, MD NE Regional Director Margaret Elbert Chapter 50 Voice Mail 234-1538
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