Trinity Tidings October 2014 Trinity Lutheran Church,

Trinity Tidings
Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Sill St, La Crosse, Wisconsin
Soli Deo Gloria!
Inside this issue:
‘To him be the glory forever! Amen.’ - Romans 11:36 NRSV
Hello October! It’s that time of year again when we celebrate
Service Groups
great traditions like Oktoberfest, getting all dressed up in our
German finery, eating and drinking, celebrating life in grand style.
Erik Feig
La Crosse has a way of celebrating Oktoberfest that very few can
Lead Pastor
rival. The celebration began last week and continues throughout Worship
the month. What a fun time!
In the church, we’re also celebrating. Although many of us participate in Oktoberfest,
this is the month we, as Lutherans, celebrate The Reformation. We call to mind that
on October 31, 1517 that rascal monk Martin Luther posted 95 Thesis, items for
public discussion, on the church door (bulletin board) in Wittenberg, Germany. His
goal was to reform the church, not create a new one, and believed that discussion
needed to happen so the church remained viable in a changing culture. What
resulted was a new way of being church, grounded in scripture, grounded in faith
alone and grace alone, all for the Glory of God. Lutherans have taken that
reformation spirit to heart and are continually looking at the ways we do church so
that the Gospel of Jesus can be proclaimed to the world. Luther wasn’t afraid of
change – in fact, he not only embraced it, he called for his followers to adopt an
attitude of challenge and change so that the Church didn’t stagnate and fall into the
sin of tradition. Christ has made us free, free to live and love, free to proclaim the
good news! The Good News of Jesus never changes. It’s central to our faith, life and
proclamation. How we do that has wonderful freedom – that’s the key! Luther
translated the Bible from Latin to German so that the culture around him could hear
the Good News of Jesus. We’re doing the same when we, the church in the 21 st
century, look at the culture around us and work to find a language that communicates
today. We’re not afraid of changing our ways or doing things differently than in years
past because we’re about the business of proclaiming the Gospel. We’re Lutherans,
and the Reformation spirit lives on! That’s something to celebrate!
Children, Student &
Family Ministries 5
Council Members
Congregation Notes 8
So this October, take a good look at the world around you. Celebrate Oktoberfest,
and take a step out of your comfort zone to embrace the Reformation spirit once
again. It’s all to the Glory of God – Soli Deo Gloria!
In Christ,
Pastor Erik
Service Groups
Northside Kids’ Clothes Closet
The Northside Kids’ Closet’s mission is to provide seasonal clothing and
footwear, free of charge, to children in need. Its primary focus is boys and girls in
grades k-5, but it does have some infant and toddler items available. The closet is
funded by the generosity of the Trinity Lutheran Church family and people in the
community as well as grants from the Franke Foundation and partnerships with
Shopko North, The Good Steward Retail Store, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church-West
Salem, English Lutheran Church of La Crosse and other congregations in the La Crosse
The closet is open every Monday from 4:00 to 7:00 from mid-August through
mid-June. Families are welcomed and served by volunteers who help individuals as
needed. We ask that children are present to try on new items such as shoes and coats
so that we are sure of a good fit.
The Kids’ Clothes Closet is always in need of new or gently used clothing that
is clean and in good repair. Donations may be dropped off at the blue bin outside the
closet doors at any time. New underwear and socks are greatly appreciated.
Monetary donations are
also accepted and are
typically used to address
needs for specific sizes/
types of clothing that are in
high demand.
The Northside
Closet extends heartfelt
thanks for the support it
has received from its
congregation and
community in serving its
neighborhood and
surrounding community.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's
varied grace:" 1 Peter 4:10
Monday’s Meals
As you may have heard, Trinity is hosting the Monday’s
Meal every Monday from 5-6 PM.. While it is very gracious of
Trinity to allow the use of our building , something I noticed is
that no one was really talking or interacting with our guests. I'm
sure none of us would ever dream of ignoring a guest in our
own homes. I don't think anyone is doing this intentionally. It is just very busy. The
people preparing and serving the meal are doing just that. But without interaction
and conversation it can easily become just another program to "serve the poor" I
would like to change that, and hope some of you are willing to join me. Wouldn't it be
great if we could form a sort of "greeting team" to welcome and mingle with our
guests. Nothing else would be expected.
Just get to know our neighbors and start to form some relationships. I know
there are a lot of you out there who like to talk, and even though I don't, I am willing
to, as well. If you are willing please call me at 386-5699...Mark Mitchell
Service Groups, cont.
Trunk or Treat
Another great opportunity to be the church and meet out neighbors!
The Logan-Northside Neighborhood Association in cooperation with a couple of
churches on the north side will be holding a “Trunk or Treat” event for the kids
in our neighborhood from 4-7pm on Halloween. People are asked to decorate
the trunk of their car or vehicle and hand out candy in a safe environment for
the kids. The Nazarene Church is allowing use of their lot and we will block off a
portion of the street as well. Warm cider, coffee, and chocolate will also be
served. If you are interested in participating please email
[email protected]. The Kids’ Clothes Closet is participating in this
event and would love to have your help, even if it is just to donate some treats.
If interested, please call
Bill Schilla at 608-780-8443 or
Mark Mitchell at 608-386-5699.
Love Your Neighbor Jar? What’s
that? A unique giving basket
provided at each weekend
worship service with money
gathered going to different
ministries outside of the church
each month!
Love Your Neighbor Jar for October is for ELCA Schools of the Middle East.
Pam Ball
Worship & Music
Committee Chair
[email protected]
We are excited to have the opportunity of three worship experiences each
week at Trinity. On Saturday evenings the service is a lectionary based, blended
service of traditional and contemporary portions. The 8:30 service is a traditional
service following the lectionary series. At 10:30, the worship experience is based on
life themes with Biblical support. We certainly have various opportunities to worship
our Lord!
These various services also offer many avenues for involvement from our members!
The following are areas in each of these services that we could use your assistance:
 If you would like to set up or clean up after communion please call Pam Ball (7837789). I would be happy to let you know how to do that—it’s not hard!
 If you go to 5:30 service please call Darlene Eggum (781-1144) and let her know
you are available to help set up and clean up Communion.
 If you would like to read scripture for the 8:30 service, please call Pat Post (7812197).
 Every 8:30 service is need of an Assisting Minister that would serve as a
Cantor. Please let Jan Thaldorf (788-0871) know if this is something you could
 Trinity worshipers have always loved their music, do you play an instrument or
sing? This is a wonderful way to add to our worship services. Call Laurie Noelke
Our Worship and Music committee has already begun thinking about Christmas and
our Worship experiences. Exciting times! Peace in Christ. Pam Ball
What is Stewardship, Anyway?
Since this is a message from the Stewardship team, let’s begin with a few definitions:
Steward=manage or look after (another's property)
Pari & Kathy Sexauer
[email protected]
Stewardship=the conducting, supervising, or managing of something; especially the
careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care
So what are we the stewards of? The Church? The building? The Church members?
The ELCA? Or are we stewards of something bigger? Could it be The Earth?
I believe it’s even more important than that. We are stewards of the Kingdom of God.
We are taking care of the kingdom until the king returns. Now we could all get into a
discussion of the Parable of the Talents (see Matthew 25:14-30), but I’m going to take
this in a different direction. The mission that Our Lord gave to us before he ascended
to Heaven is known as the Great Commission, which Matthew records like this:
Matthew 28:16-20.
“16 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told
them to go. 17 When they saw him, they worshiped him; but some doubted. 18 Then
Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to
me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey
everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of
the age.”
OK. So in order to be good stewards of the kingdom we are charged to make new
disciples. What is a disciple then? Disciple= a follower or student of a teacher, leader,
or philosopher. So we are to make more students, more followers? YES. Well how
does that sound like stewardship?
Maybe you thought stewardship was all about giving money to the church. Giving to
the church is one way of being a steward, because that money helps to fund the
church’s mission. But it’s not the only way. Our mission is full of opportunities to help
make more followers, to show people why we do what we do, why we are keeping the
kingdom ready for the king to return.
The newsletter is full of opportunities for all of us to share our faith with others, inside
and outside these walls. Please join us in being stewards of the kingdom.
Vicky Helfrich
[email protected]
Thank you to Marilyn & Don Bott and Jean Smith for volunteering every Monday to
count the money from the services for the prior week. You all do a wonderful job of
working together and I appreciate the time you take out of your schedules to serve the
Vicky Helfrich
Children, Student & Family
Laura Cunliffe
Youth Committee Chair
[email protected]
JOLT Youth Group
Did you know Trinity Lutheran has a middle and high school youth group? The youth
call it JOLT, and decided it was an acronym for Jesus Only Lived Twice. All youth
grades 6-12 are welcome to join us Sunday nights from 6-8pm (unless otherwise indicated below). Watch for dates and weekly themes in the bulletin each week.
10/5 – Movie & Pizza
10/12 – CROP Walk at 1pm – Meet at 12:15 at church (no evening JOLT)
10/19 – Corn Maze – Meet at 4pm at church; will return around 8pm
10/26 – Group choice
CROP Hunger Walk
Several of the middle and high school youth will be participating in the CROP Hunger
Walk this year. The walk in La Crosse is on 10/12/2014. CROP Hunger Walks are
community-wide events sponsored by Church World Service and raise funds to end
hunger at home and around the world. Watch for Trinity participants to be in the
narthex after services the first 2 weekends in October collecting pledges for this
walk. Please contact Laura Cunliffe at 784-9134 with any questions.
A new Community Food Shelf is coming to Trinity!
Trinity Lutheran is the new home of ‘From the Heart’ community food shelf, formerly
operating at St. Luke’s Methodist Church. Currently the food shelf is open one
Saturday a month, but the needs of the community are growing, so as we move
forward we are considering being open more. What a great way to be the church and
do the things that Jesus does! The stage area of our fellowship
hall has been de-cluttered and made ready to receive all the
necessary items for the food shelf to operate, and that provides
an opportunity for you! We have approximately 20 wood with
green fabric chairs that have been collecting dust for years on
the stage and now need a new home. If you’d like a chair, or a
dozen chairs, stop by the office and give a donation (which will
go to the general fund) and take them home with you. Any
chairs left after Oct 18th will be donated to charity. God has
called us to care for our neighbor, and we’re making room for
that to happen. Welcome, “From the Heart” food shelf!
etc., cont.
Northside Annual Fall Family Social
The Lower Northside and Logan-Northside Neighborhood Associations will be
hosting the Annual Fall Family Social on October 25 at the Black River Beach
Community Center from 3-6pm. All are welcome. There will be treats and
games for the kids as well as the adults. What a great way to get to know
people outside of church. Please consider coming out to join us.
The Men's Bible Study meets the 1st and 3rd Friday
mornings of each month at 6:30 a.m. Join us for
great discussion and drinkable coffee! We invite all
men, of any age, who are courageous enough to get
up and going by 6:30. We hope to see you soon! Bill
Schilla (608 780-8443)
Special Event & Event Speaker
Who: Pastor John Sippola
What: Speaker on veteran support
When: October 8, 6:30-8:00
Where: Trinity Lutheran Church
On Wednesday, October 8 from 6:30 - 8 pm Pr. John Sippola will present
an event on veteran support at Trinity Lutheran entitled "And Grace will Lead
me Home". John is lead author of Welcome Them Home – Help Them Heal,
winner of the 2010 Benjamin Franklin Award for best book in the religion
category. The book, which has sold over 18,000 copies, equips clergy, parish
nurses and congregants to give holistic congregational support to veterans and
others who struggle with PTSD, moral injury, depression, substance abuse,
anxiety and traumatic brain injury. John is a highly sought after speaker and
workshop leader. Among other things he was keynote Speaker and Presenter at
SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association) in Tulsa, OK
2011; trainer for four years at the annual National Episcopal Health Ministries
Conference (2011 – 2014), keynote Speaker and Consultant for Church of the
Resurrection an 18,000 member Methodist Church in Leawood, KS, speaker at
ELCA and WELCA events, has led over 50 workshops and trained over 500
pastors and parish nurses. He is currently leading a collaborative Pilot Project
(ELCA, ecumenical partners, Veterans Administration) in Northeastern
Minnesota to facilitate long-term congregational support of veterans entitled
Make the Healing Connection. The Project's goal is to make and sustain healing
connections with 1,000 veterans in Northeastern Minnesota by 2016. Join us for
a very informative evening with Pr. John Sippola. This event is open to the
John Sippola (M.Div.) served as chaplain in the Minnesota Army National
Guard (LTC, ret.). He is a graduate of the Command and General Staff College.
As a Board Certified Chaplain in the Association of Professional Chaplains (APC)
John was Director of Pastoral Care at Miller Dwan Medical Center and served as
a clinical chaplain in mental health and substance abuse treatment. He has
worked extensively with soldiers, veterans and their families in many capacities
and settings over his 40 years of ministry.
etc., cont.
Many thanks to everyone who has turned in slippers, hats, scarves, and mittens for
New Horizons and the Warming Center. So far, you have made:
20 pairs of children’s mittens
1 child’s hat
5 combination child size hat and scarf sets
15 adults size mittens
15 adult scarves
3 combination adult headband and scarf sets
25 pairs of adult and children’s slippers
5 baptism shawls
There is still some yarn available on the table in the narthex which may be used to help
out these centers. Completed projects may be placed in the tote in the narthex or
turned in at the church office. The weather is turning colder and there is a great need
for warm slippers, mittens, and hats.
With warm thanks, Prayer Shawl Committee and Social Committee
Sugar Creek Bible Camp
Sugar Creek Bible Camp has many retreats and opportunities available, such as
Women’s Retreat, Crafter’s Retreat, Smoky Mountain Bus Tour, and Yesterday’s
Youth. For more info -,
email: [email protected], 608-734-3113
Office Hours
Monday—Thursday 8:30-4:30
Council Members not shown
elsewhere in the Newsletter
Trinity Lutheran Church
1010 Sill Street
La Crosse, WI 54603
[email protected]
Pastor Erik:
[email protected]
David Saiz
Kim Mitchell
Mark Heinz
Bonnie Jeranek
Congregational Life
Laurie Noelke:
[email protected]
Dale Eppler
Laurie Noelke
Parish Ed Director
Meme Mihalovic
Doug Johnson
Notes from our congregation
Sue Weidemann
Vice President
To the Trinity Congregation….What a great blessing we have been given in
Pastor Erik! We are so blessed to have called someone who sees our vision for
the future. He has energy, strong faith in us, a vision to keep Trinity alive,
brings a wonderful message to us each week, believes in our country, has
strong family values and he still “dates” his wife. How often do we see all of
that in one person? It is always hard to accept change but we have an
opportunity here at Trinity to bring new life to our congregation, our
neighborhood and our families. I hope you will join me and take a
challenge. Please take a moment and write three positive things about our
pastor, our church, our music or those in our Trinity family and send them to
Laurie at the church office so our fellow Trinity members don’t forget how
great we are and how lucky we are to have leadership that wants us to create
a stronger future for this church. We are too quick to cast doubt when we
should be putting our faith first. Faith that we as a congregation have made a
great choice and we can’t wait to see where it takes us. There will be bumps
along this road but it will not be the first time we have had them. Sometimes
it means slow down, sometimes it means speed up. Our leadership listens to
you and has and will make adjustments. But be patient, as you grew up or
learned a new job, not everything turned out as planned or worked as good as
it did on paper. We all know the definition of insanity…keep doing the same
thing and expecting different results. I admire a man that can talk to all levels
of people and hear their message and respond accordingly. I respect a man
who dates his wife and I am pretty sure every woman I know wants their
husband to “date” them the rest of their lives. Remember… We are never too
old to learn, never to old to ask and never to old to date our spouse! Thanks
Pastor Erik for showing us compassion, love and something new.
Sue Weidemann
I love that I have been able to be part of the early faith journeys of so many of
Trinity’s children. I so appreciate the families letting me be a part of their
child’s/children’s lives. The relationships with these families is very dear to me
and I truly enjoy watching the kids grow and seeing them reach many
milestones through the years.
Karla Korish
Parish Education
Karla Korish
October 2014
Office Closed
C: Communion
6:30am Men’s Bible
6:45 Confirmation
7:00 Sr. Choir
8:30 Worship (C)
10:30 Worship (C)
8:30 Worship
10:30 Worship
5:30 Worship (C)
9am TOPS
4-7 Clothes Closet
5-6 Monday’s Meals
7 Boy Scouts
7 Women’s Bible
Columbus Day
9am TOPS
Office Closed
1:30 Staff Mtg
6:00 Properties mtg
6:45 Confirmation
7:00 Sr. Choir
1:30 Staff Mtg
4-7 Clothes Closet
5-6 Monday’s Meals
7 Boy Scouts
6:45 Confirmation
7:00 Sr. Choir
5:30 Worship &
Music mtg
8:30 Worship
10:30 Worship
4-7 Clothes Closet
5-6 Monday’s Meals
7 Boy Scouts
7 Women’s Bible
12pm Newsletter
Office Closed
6:30am Men’s Bible
5:30 Worship (C)
1:30 Prayer Shawl
Office Closed
1:30 Staff Mtg
3:00 Neighborhood
Assn Fall Social
5:15 Finance
6:00 Council
6:45 Confirmation
7:00 Sr. Choir
9am TOPS
4-7 Clothes Closet
5-6 Monday’s Meals
7 Boy Scouts
5:30 Worship
9am TOPS
8:30 Worship (C)
10:30 Worship (C)
2:00 Coady/
Nickelatti wedding
Office Closed
(C) - Communion
1:30 Staff Mtg
6:00pm Neighborhood Assoc. Mtg
5:30 Worship
6:45 Confirmation
7:00 Sr. Choir
CCC - Children’s Clothes Closet
Trinity Tidings is a monthly newsletter of Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Sill Street, La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603. Visitors are
welcome to worship with us each Saturday at 5:30 p.m. and Sunday mornings at 8:30 & 10:30. Communion is on the first and third
weekends of the month at each worship service. Erik Feig, Lead Pastor. The church office telephone number is (608) 782-6200.
1010 Sill Street
La Crosse, Wisconsin 54603
Saturday: 5:30pm
Sunday: 8:30 & 10:30am
Radio Service Broadcast at 8:30am Sundays on