SAINT MARY, MOTHER OF GOD ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 22 Bartlett Street, Sylva, NC 28779 (828) 586-9496 Rev. J. A. Voitus, Pastor; [email protected]; office hours: Monday-Wednesday 10am-2pm Twenty-Eighth Sunday of the Year – October 12, 2014 THIS WEEK we will have weekday Mass Monday through Saturday. The Catholic Daughters of the Americas will offer a Spaghetti Supper and Silent Auction at St Mary’s Catholic Church this Friday, October 17, 2014 from 5-7pm. Adults: $8.00 Children 6-10 $5.00 For about the next 5 - 6 weeks, the Knights of Columbus will be collecting for the NC WOUNDED WARRIOR FUND. This fund pays to send soldiers from NC, who are wounded and overseas in hospitals, home for Christmas to be with their families. If a soldier is unable to travel, we pay to fly the family to be with the soldier. The Knights will be distributing collection cups after Mass for you to take home and fill with your loose change during the week. When it is full, bring it back and we'll empty it for you. If you choose not to take a cup home, we certainly welcome one-time donations. Any questions, call Don Pierce, 788-0357. An adult education workshop will be offered at St. John's in Waynesville tomorrow, Monday, Oct. 13, from 6:00 until approximately 8:00pm. The presentation is entitled, "The Role of Music in the Liturgy," and is intended not only for parish music directors and choir members (though it should of course be of great interest to them), but for anyone who wishes to learn more about the way music plays a role in our liturgical worship and helps to create an atmosphere of prayer. We will discuss what the Church tells us about music during the Mass as well as point to helpful liturgical resources. 1 FAITH FORMATION Saint Mary Total Youth Ministry (SMTYM) will meet this afternoon between 5pm and 7pm in the Fellowship Hall. Coming up soon is our annual Fall Festival - November 2nd from 3:00-6:00 p.m. We'll have a chili cook-off, hot dog dinner, games for the kids, cake walk, and Trunk or Treat. If you would like to donate candy, prizes, chips, drinks, or include your car in the Trunk or Treat, please contact Celeste Franzen at 226-1512 or Joannie Newsome at [email protected]. PRO-LIFE “The credibility of a healthcare system is not measured solely by efficiency, but above all by the attention and love given to the person, whose life is always sacred and inviolable. — Pope Francis, “Address of Holy Father Francis to Participants in the Meeting Organized by the International Federation of Catholic Medical Associations,” September 20, 2013 . PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR PRAYERS: Catherine Sauer, mother of Michelle Moorman, who suffered a stroke last weekend, and Justin Basenese, Jacki Bautista, Regina Bryson, Della Sue Bryson, Will Crain, Kit Gilliam, Monica Glover, Rosemary Hudson, Georgia Newsom, William Newsom, Jr., William Newsom, Sr., Cathleen Pilch, Zig Pilch, Flo Piotrowski, Jay Thorne, Joshua Turner, Bonnie Welch, and Mel and Virginia Wittekind; Those in Nursing Homes and the Homebound: Rosemary Bauer, Katherine Baumann, Phyllis Brogan, Theresa Campbell, Joan Doolan, George Feick, Cecilia Gomez, TJ Martin, Diane Muelick, and Lorraine Sclafani; Family and Friends called to active duty: Courtney Ortengren. Friends in Religious Life: Sr. Catherine, OCD and those men discerning their call to the priesthood, the religious life or to the permanent diaconate; and the intentions for all of the prayers written in the parish book. 2 9:00 am 11:00 am SCHEDULES FOR NEXT WEEK Reader Tom Hart EMHCs Chuck and Sheila Coller Ushers Mike Ensley, Allen Thurston Altar Servers Luke Sipler, Matthew Toedt Reader Kathy Starr EMHCs Rita Goffinet, Marion Macy Ushers Linwood Newsome, Robin Starrs *** Altar Servers Beau Franzen, Josiah Newsome CHURCH EVENT SCHEDULE – October 12, 2014 *** USHERS: Please count number of attendees for each Sunday of October. ALL THOSE WHO SERVE: Please pick up your new schedules in the Fellowship Hall. Your copy has your name highlighted. Mass Readings SUNDAY TWENTY-EIGHTH SUNDAY OF THE YEAR Common Isaiah 25:6-10a; Philippians 4:12-14,19-20; Matthew 22:1-14 Monday Galatians 4:22-24,2627,31-5:1; Luke 11:29-32 Martyr Tuesday Galatians 5:1-6; St. Callistus I Luke 11:37-41 Virgin Wednesday Galatians 5:18-25; Doctor ST. TERESA OF JESUS Luke 11:42-46 Virgin Thursday Ephesians 1:1-10; St. Margaret Mary Luke 11:47-54 Martyr Friday Ephesians 1:11-14; ST. IGNATIUS of Luke 12:1-7 ANTIOCH Apostle Saturday 2 Timothy 4:10-17b; ST. LUKE (Feast) Luke 10:1-9 SUNDAY Isaiah 45:1,4-6; TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b; OF THE YEAR Matthew 22:15-21 3 9:00 am 11:00 am 12:30 pm 5:00 pm Monday 9:00 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:30 am 9:45 am 9:00 am Tuesday Wednesday LITURGICAL AID Proper (Cycle A-2) Sunday Psalms Sun IV Mon IV Tue IV Thursday Friday Wed IV Thu IV Saturday Fri IV SUN I Sun I Sunday 9:30 am 5:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:30 pm 9:00 am 9:30 am 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 9:00 am 9:30 am 5:00 pm 6:00 pm 9:00 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 6:00 pm 8:00 pm 9:00 am 11:00 am 4:00 pm SUNDAY MASS: Pro Populo SUNDAY MASS: Catherine Hartley+ Blessing of Animals in the parking lot SMTYM Meeting in the Fellowship Hall (No SUNDAY MASS at WCU due to Spring Break) WEEKDAY MASS: Kit Gilliam Morning Prayer Hispanic Choir Practice in the Church WEEKDAY MASS: Judith White+ Morning Prayer Choir Practice for the 11am Mass WEEKDAY MASS: John and Marilyn Knaff (Anniversary) Morning Prayer Faith Formation Classes (K-9) until 6:45 pm Hispanic Readers’ Practice in the Church Hispanic Familias Pastoral in the Conference Center WEEKDAY MASS: Forrest Murphy Morning Prayer Hispanic Choir Practice in the Church RCIA Class Meeting in the Conference Center WEEKDAY MASS: Judith White+ Adoration and Benediction until 10:30 am Spaghetti Dinner hosted by the Catholic Daughters Familias Meeting in the Conference Center WEEKDAY MASS: Pastor’s Intention Morning Prayer Lay Carmelite Community Meeting in the Conf. Ctr. Confessions MISA EN ESPANOL: Pro Populo SUNDAY MASS: Bill Watson+ SUNDAY MASS: Dolores Namotka+ SUNDAY MASS at WCU Student Center Offertory for last weekend: $ 2,382.50; Children’s Collection: $ .00 4
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