Document 329211

Sunday 19th October 2014
Count – October – Roland’s Team
November – Hugh James Team
Sound System - Richard Gray
Power Point – Andrew Wilson
Webcast – Laptop – Andrew Wilson
Camera – Matthew Booth
Crèche – Tracey Montgomery & Marie Hall
Children’s Church – there will be no Children’s Church, all children
are welcome to stay in Church and join us for the Enrolment Service.
to First Ballymena
Sunday 12th October
We welcome you to our Harvest services today particularly those who
are visiting with us. Thanks are due to everyone who helped by
contributing gifts or by helping decorate the building.
You all did a great job and we thank you very much.
Morning Service – 11.30am – Mr D McMillan
Manse Open Day – Saturday 25th October.
Youth Leaders/Parents: PCI Training event entitled: Understanding Facebook,
Twitter and other Social Media. Dates - OC Randalstown 21st October 7.30 p.m.
1st Ballymoney 15th November 8 p.m. If you wish to attend either contact the host
Congregation or Amanda at the Taking Care Office, PCI Tel: 028 9041 7290.
All Youth leaders – If you have not already undertaken Foundation Training the
next event will be held on 27th Oct in Trinity Presbyterian, Ballymoney 7.30pm.
Remember to sign in on the evening.
The Congregation is asked to wait behind after the service this morning for a few
brief moments as we complete the election process of the New Elders.
Pre-service Prayer Time in the Tower Room. It is very encouraging to see so
many people moved to come to pray for our Church. This is a most important
time for God’s Church when his people are found together praying. If you can’t
be there for 5.45pm please feel free to join us whenever you can. The meeting
finishes at 6.15pm.
Evening Service – 6.30pm - Harvest Thanksgiving Service. Rev W Sinclair
Shoe Box Appeal. Once again a team from our church is supporting Operation
Oasis – tonight after the evening service.
Christmas Child in demonstrating God’s love in a tangible way to needy children.
We would be delighted if members of the congregation could support us. We need
gift filled shoe boxes or individual items which we can use to fill the boxes. The
date to bring your boxes or items to Church is Sunday 26th October. The Shoe
Boxes this year will be going to Kosovo. Leaflets are available in the vestibules.
Each Congregation that makes up the PRCI is required to provide the money to
support the United Appeal which in turn supports the mission work of the
Church both here and overseas. Earlier this year the Kirk Session produced a
very good Youth and Children’s Ministry strategy. They were able to tap into
the expertise and experience of Graeme Thompson and Ruth Bromley
both very experienced people. It is money given to the United Appeal that
funds their roles in Assembly Buildings. It is one of countless Ministries being
conducted by our Church and it is totally dependent on Congregations
supporting it through United Appeal. If you can help, any gift you can give will
be greatly appreciated on this our United Appeal Sunday.
Orders are now being placed for yearly bible reading notes Fresh from the Word
2015. Anyone wishing to order or re-order please sign the sheets in the vestibules.
Daily Bread bible notes will be ordered as usual. If anyone wants to change their
order please contact Kay Lorimer on 028 29571577 or put a note on the sheets.
First Coffee - Mondays from 10am.
The Luncheon Club will resume at 1pm this Thursday, 16th October. We look
The Events Team are reminded of their meeting on Monday 13th October at
7pm in the Church Hall.
forward to welcoming all our regulars and also extend an invitation to any others
in the sixty plus age group. We can assure you that you will enjoy a good meal
and good company. The cost of the meal this year will be £4.
The Bowling Club - Mondays at 7.30pm. New members will be very welcome.
There will be a meeting of the Manse Sub Committee on Thursday 16th October
at 7pm sharp at the Manse.
‘On the Move Club’ - Mondays at 7.30pm. A warm welcome is extended to all
ladies and their friends.
Coaching4Christ Mondays in the Church Hall. P6 & 7 from 6pm to 7.15pm
Choir Practice – Thursday at 7.30pm in the Choir Room.
Badminton - Thursdays at 7.30pm.
and Under 13’s from 7.30 – 9pm.
Session Executive meets on Thursday 16th October at 7.30pm.
Men’s 5-a-side football - Mondays at 9pm in Ballymena North.
Four talks on Mental Health Issues from both a psychiatric and spiritual
perspective will be given by Dr Stephen Critchlow in Montgomerys Restaurant
starting on Thursday 16 October from 7.30 – 9.30pm. They are open to all and
free of charge. More details can be found on the fliers in the vestibules.
Small Group - Monday 13th September at 8pm. Venue is John McQuitty’s
house at 9 Kildowney Road. New members will be very welcome.
Tots First - Tuesdays from 10.00 - 11.30am.
Girls’ Brigade - Tuesdays. Explorers meets at 6.15 - 7.30pm, and the Company
Section meets at 7.30-9pm.
Tuesday 14th October – PW meet at 8pm in the Minor Hall. Rebecca Smyth will
be telling us about her trip to Burmah during last winter and the team from
Coaching4Christ who were in Mantova in August/September will be reporting
back on their experiences. All ladies very welcome.
Wednesday 15th October - Midweek Fellowship at 8pm. Rev George Preston
Boys’ Brigade - Fridays
Anchor Boys – 4 to 8 years, Junior Section – 8 to 11 years – both from 6.45 to
8pm, Company Section 11 to 18 years from 8 – 10pm. All boys very welcome.
713 Club - Saturdays, 6:45 – 8:15pm. All those aged 7 – 13 are very welcome.
Serving as Senders – Saturday 18th October 9.30 – 4pm. Belfast Bible College.
Many Churches support missionaries but do not always know how to do it in the
best way. Serving as Senders helps to make missionary care understandable and
accessible to local congregations.
Sunday School and Bible Class - Sundays at 10am.
continues to teach us from 1 John. All welcome.
Services on Sunday 19th October 2014
Youth and Childrens Ministry Training Event – Ballyclare Presbyterian Church
on Wednesday 15th October at 7.30pm. The event is free and you can simply turn
up on the evening. Further details of the seminars can be found at
Morning – 11.30am – GB & BB Enrolment
Evening – 6.30pm – Mr D McMillan
The Moderator’s Appeal for Sudan has now closed and the amount contributed
was £1881.00. Thank you for your support.