In God ..... living, loving, learning together
Term 4 Week 7
20 November 2014
God, our Father, help us to put aside
those things that hinder us from receiving Christ with joy.
21 Cricket Skills - Years 4, 5 & 6
P&F “Movies Under the Stars”
25 K, Years 1 & 2 Parish Mass 12.30pm
27 2015 Captains’ speeches
28 Cricket Skills - Years 4, 5 & 6
National Athletics Carnival - Tasmania
2 Graduation Mass 6.30pm
5 Cricket Skills - Years 4, 5 & 6
9 Farewell Assembly for Peter, Di & Therese 1.30pm
11 Presentation Night 7pm
12 Year 4 excursion to Blue Mountains
Reports sent home
MOVIE NIGHT is tomorrow night. Come to see the movie,
have tea and bring your rug/bean bag/chair and watch the stars as
well. The gates will open at 6.30pm and the movie starts at
STAFFING 2015 - It is with pleasure I announce the appointment of Mrs Nadine Richards and Mr Matthew Gibson to permanent teaching positions at Assumption. Also Mrs Barrett, Mrs
Cusick and Mrs Colquhoun are part time teachers for the 2015
school year.
CAPTAINS’ SPEECHES will be held next week in the School
Hall. There are 14 girls and 15 boys willing to have a go which
is fantastic. Girls’ speeches commence at 10am and boys at
11.30am. All parents, grandparents and friends are most welcome to be part of the audience.
SCHOOL REPORTS - staff are beginning to put their class
reports together. Kindergarten to Year 6 reports will go home on
12 December.
YEAR 6 STUDENT COUNCIL is considering end-of-year
gifts to the school. They have already purchased a beautiful
bench for the nurses outside Year 6 rooms. I will keep you informed of their other gifts to the school.
YEAR 6 GRADUATION MASS will take place on 2 December at 6.30pm. Our final Assembly for 2014 will be held on 15
December at 2.30pm.
Peter Nugent Principal
School Captains and Mr Nugent
at the 125th anniversary of the
Bathurst Vincentians last week.
Congratulations to these students on receiving
the Playfair Award in October:
Kinder ~ Emma Thompson
Year 1 ~ Annabelle Smith
Year 2 ~ Annalise Long
Year 3 ~ Blake Powyer
Year 4 ~ Thomas Richardson
Year 5 ~ Olivia Bagot-Hayes
Year 6 ~ Joshua Medbury
Congratulations to Student of the
Week winners in Week 7:
Samuel Patterson 1C and
Jacinta Windsor 6P
Congratulations to Best Worker winners in Week 7:
Connor Lane 1C and Antony Ajji 6P
A: 192 Mitre Street Bathurst NSW 2795 P: 02 6331 3444 F: 02 6331 8056 E: [email protected] W:
Sunday, 23 Nov 2014: Our Lord
Jesus Christ, King of the Universe Year A
Matthew 25:31-46
A reading from the holy Gospel
according to Matthew
He will take his seat on his throne of glory, and he will separate men one from another.
Jesus said to his disciples: ‘When the Son of Man comes in
his glory, escorted by all the angels, then he will take his seat
on his throne of glory. All the nations will be assembled before him and he will separate men one from another as the
shepherd separates sheep from goats. He will place the sheep
on his right hand and the goats on his left. Then the King
will say to those on his right hand, “Come, you whom my
Father has blessed, take for your heritage the kingdom prepared for you since the foundation of the world. For I was
hungry and you gave me food; I was thirsty and you gave me
drink; I was a stranger and you made me welcome; naked
and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, in prison and
you came to see me.” Then the virtuous will say to him in
reply, “Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you; or
thirsty and give you drink? When did we see you a stranger
and make you welcome; naked and clothe you; sick or in
prison and go to see you?” And the King will answer, “I tell
you solemnly, in so far as you did this to one of the least of
these brothers of mine, you did it to me.” Next he will say to
those on his left hand, “Go away from me, with your curse
upon you, to the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his
angels. For I was hungry and you never gave me food; I was
thirsty and you never gave me anything to drink; I was a
stranger and you never made me welcome, naked and you
never clothed me, sick and in prison and you never visited
me.” Then it will be their turn to ask, “Lord, when did we
see you hungry or thirsty, a stranger or naked, sick or in prison, and did not come to your help?” Then he will answer, “I
tell you solemnly, in so far as you neglected to do this to one
of the least of these, you neglected to do it to me.” And they
will go away to eternal punishment, and the virtuous to eternal life.’
Reflection: This feast is so important. On the last day of the
Church’s year we are challenged by Christ our King to give
our true allegiance to what really matters. Not ambition,
greed, status and power, but the quiet revolutionary work of
making the world a more just and peaceful place for everyone to live.
To the degree that we do this we are co-heirs to the Kingdom
Jesus lived, died and was raised for, and we are witnesses to
the real meaning of Christ’s reign in our lives.
Graduation Mass
On Tuesday evening, 2nd December, we will farewell Year
6 students at their Graduation
Mass. It will be celebrated by
Father Joshy with us at
6.30pm. I pray you will be safe
and happy as you continue on
your life journey into secondary education.
Therese Hooper REC
Congratulations to all children who attended the Summer Sports
Trials in Dubbo on Tuesday. All competed in the spirit of their
sport and tried their best. Many children made it through to the
possibles and probables.
However a special mention goes out to the following students
who were successful in making it into the Bathurst Diocesan
Team: Ruby Gangemi – Basketball, Thomas Lynch - Cricket
Amy Kreuzberger – Cricket
These three students will be heading to Lismore in February to
compete in the Polding competition.
Well done to all students who attended on the day. Your talents
are to be commended.
Melanie Kelley Year 5
National Young Leaders Day
Grip Leadership Day
This is a reminder for those students in Year 4 and 5 who wish to
attend the Leadership Days next year. The nomination form for
both these days went home in October. If you and/or your child
wish to attend, permission notes and money must be returned
by Monday 1st December.
Karen Smith Assistant Principal (Acting)
MacKillop College Scholarships 2016
MacKillop College is again offering two scholarships to allow Catholic
girls to continue their education in a Catholic Secondary School in
2016. These scholarships will cover the cost of tuition only for a
student in Year 7 and a student in Year 11. The ACER scholarship
examinations which will be held on Saturday 28 February 2015
will be used to decide the scholarship winners. The cost of this examination is $120. If you would like your daughter to sit for this
scholarship examination, please complete a registration form online
by 9 February 2015. ACER have a link on the MacKillop College
website No late registrations are permitted.
Mrs Maureen Moore College Principal
If you are unable to attend please notify Beth: 04 2732 5949
Tue 25 Nov
Kayleen Stephen
Wed 26 Nov
Thu 27 Nov
Fri 28 Nov
Jenny Edwards
Anna Roberts
Janette Collins
Rachel Goddard