e t a r b e CeSt.l Paul’s ! 128 years of service 133 Church St. P.O. Box 177 Bowmansville, Pa. 17507 717-445-6256 www.stpaulsuccchurch.org Sunday Worship 10:00 am Volume 10, Number 10 October 2014 Moving Forward What’s Inside? New Holland Farm Show & Parade Garden Spot Village Fall Festival World Communion Sunday NIN Offering Harvest Home Celebration Upcoming Mission Dinner Sign Up for your AMT Tickets Next Sandwich Sale Join the Scouting Program What an exciting time….As everyone is aware we are beginning a new ministry with Pastor Bob Peiffer, his family, and Zion's Reformed UCC on November 1st. Imagine the possibilities, the potential for reaching out to old members, inspiring existing ones, and extending a welcoming hand to our friends and neighbors in our communities. We would like to encourage everyone to be supportive as we try new things, tweak some olds ones, and experience new challenges together. One of the first changes we will be making is to our Sunday school and worship times. Beginning November 2nd our Sunday school will begin at 9:30 am and our worship time will begin at 10:30 am. This will allow Pastor Bob the time needed to provide both of our congregations with a morning worship service. We would also like to open up our activities to include each others congregations throughout the year. Zion is planning a trip to Cherry Crest Farm on Saturday, October 18th and we are all invited. They are meeting there at 6:30 pm to participate in the flashlight maze, a campfire, and wagon ride. Ticket prices are $12.00 and includes all the above. Here at St. Paul’s, we are in the planning stages of our annual Corn Pie Supper to be held on Saturday, November 1st. Meals are $9.00, children 6 to12 are $5.00 and pies only sell for $6.00 each. We hope to encourage everyone to reciprocate each others activities, have some fun and enjoy the fellowship. Lets challenge one another to get involved, participate and become excited as we move forward with our new ministry together! Mission Statement We, the congregation of St. Paul’s United Church of Christ, who have accepted the gift of love and salvation through Jesus Christ, strive to take this message into the world through our prayers, words and deeds. We invite all people to accept these gifts with us. 1 New Holland Farm Show, Parade & Food Drive 18th Annual Fall Festival & Country Auction This years New Holland Farm Show will begin on October 1st and continue through Saturday October 4th. Various food vendors, games and rides will be available throughout the week. The parade will be held on Wednesday, October 1st beginning at 7:00 pm. Garden Spot Retirement Village will be hosting their 18th annual fall festival and auction on Saturday, October 11th from 7:00 am until 3:00 pm. The day will be filled with BBQ chicken on the grill, delicious apple dumplings, craft tables, a flea market and plenty of children’s activities. A silent auction and live auction will be held where attendees can bid on terrific items. Each year this event is held to raise money for the Benevolent Fund to assist the residents who because of circumstances beyond their control have exhausted their financial resources. Special events like the Fall Festival and gifts from individuals, businesses, and organizations help raise money for this fund. The youth from the New Holland Evangelical United Methodist Church will be collecting items for the New Holland Food Bank during the Farm Show Parade. Many in our community benefit from the food bank so your help for this ministry is greatly appreciated! Please bring donations to the parade on Wednesday and look for them marching with the red wheelbarrows to collect the items. The residents of Garden Spot Village would like to thank everyone for their generous support and all those who attend the Fall Festival. A detailed scheduled of the festival events along with directions can be found on the Garden Spot Retirement Village web site at gardenspotvillage.org Non-perishable food items needed are listed below. -canned fruit/vegetables -peanut butter/jelly -soup -cereal -pasta/sauce -boxed potatoes -canned meat -crackers -personal care items Thank you for supporting the community. 2 Harvest Home: On Sunday October 12th we will be celebrating “Harvest Home” during worship. We are asking everyone to donate a food item to add to our display. Canned goods, boxed items and even perishable foods can be donated. You can drop off your donations anytime before Sunday October 12th and place them on the cart outside the church office. All the items will be delivered to Bethany Children’s Home after worship that day. Thank you for supporting this fall celebration during harvest time and sharing with those in need. Looking Ahead October 5 October 12 October 21 World Communion Sunday NIN Offering Harvest Home Celebration Mission Dinner November 1 Corn Pie Supper November 2 All Saints Sunday November 16 Congregational Meeting & Meal Hanging of the Greens November 23 Thanksgiving Sunday AMT Xmas Show November 27 Thanksgiving Day November 30 First Sunday of Advent Mission Dinner: Our next mission dinner is October 21st at First Reformed Church in Lancaster. We are looking for people who would like to go along in and help serve the meal. If you are interested please sign up on the sheet located on the bulletin board. We meet at the church by 4:00 pm to carpool. If you have any questions please see Kieran Connelly or Jeff Sprecher. Consistory Updates Pastoral Update: We will continue to have supply pastors fill in for us through the month of October. The schedule is as follows: October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Jack Esbenshade David Carnish to be scheduled to be scheduled AMT Ticket Reminder: Anyone interest in going to the American Music Theatre on November 23rd to see this years Christmas Show needs to sign up on the sheet located on the bulletin board. If you have any questions please see Donna Ozga. Payment for your tickets are due by October 26th and can be given to Dee Sprecher. Communion: Our next communion will be held on October 5th during World Communion Sunday. We hope everyone can attend to share in this special meal together. NIN Offering: We are participating in the UCC special collection for “Neighbors in Need” on Sunday, October 5th during worship. This annual UCC offering helps to support ministries of justice and compassion throughout the United States. Watch for special offering envelopes to be placed in your mailboxes and the pews. 3 The next consistory meeting is scheduled for Tuesday October 7 at 7:00 PM. Remember our Shut-Ins Prayer Concerns: We will be updating our prayer list monthly by starting a new list at the beginning of every month. Please continue to review the list and if there are any updates during the month please see Dee Sprecher. We also have a basket located in the parlor room for you to place any requests. You can find prayer request cards next to it and also in the pews upstairs for your convenience. Please remember those members and friends in nursing homes and retirement villages in your prayers: Ephrata Manor 99 Bethany Road, Ephrata, Pa. 17522-9525 Kathryn Freeman As you continue your own prayers and concerns outside of the sanctuary this week, please remember the concerns we have raised as a community. Retirement Villages in Garden Spot Village 433 South Kinzer Ave, New Holland, Pa. 17557 Jim & Anna Ruth Waddell and Lois Kirkpatrick Our current list of prayer concerns for September: Bertha, Bill & Trudy, Butch, Deb, Edith, Hillard Family, Jackie, Kate, Linda & Max, Laura, Margaret, Naomi's Family, Newcomer Family, Renee, Sally, Aunt Susie and the Witmyer Family. Lets keep all the people who suffer from a variety of mental health issues, the first responders and families who lost loved ones on 9/11, and the state troopers in northeast Pa. in our prayers. Lets also continue to pray for peace in the middle east and around the world. Pastoral Visits or Emergencies Suggested Prayer…”Most gracious and loving God, we lift up our list of prayer concerns this day and every day that all who are listed might know and feel your presence with them in their time of need. God, continue in your support for all of our friends and family listed and those who are forever in our hearts so that they might feel you with them each day, Amen.” As a reminder, during this time of transition, if anyone is in need of any pastoral assistance you may contact the church office at 445-6256 or one of the following current elders; Donna Ozga, Steve Renninger or Lynda Cooper. ————————————————————— Church office hours are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday 8:00 am until 1:00 pm. 4 What’s a Christian to do with Hear all the latest... Halloween? These days, children associate Halloween with trick-or-treating and candy. But centuries ago, Christians named the night before “All Hallows’ Eve” & All Hallows’ Day (All Saints’ Day). As the faithful prepared to remember people who were entrusted to resurrection life, they adopted various traditions to poke fun at death. Sunday School Classes have begun. The adult class is continuing their study of The Parables in the old testament. Anyone interested is welcome to attend. Classes during October begin at 9:00 am in the fellowship hall. Around the world, Christians observe Halloween differently: In Poland, kids pray aloud while walking through forests to comfort souls of the dead. In Spain, tolling church bells remind people to remember the saints. In Finland, so many people light candles in cemeteries that the observance is called “seas of light.” Although some Christians steer clear of Halloween, others use it as an evangelism opportunity and provide entertainment alternatives such as harvest parties. We also have classes available for children of all ages. They meet upstairs in the Sunday school rooms beginning at 9:00 am. Starting November 2nd the class times for both the adults and children will change to 9:30 am to accommodate the time change for worship. If anyone has any questions about the classes or start times please see Nancy Connelly. No matter your views, you can remind children that though it’s fun to pretend, we can always be ourselves with God. Whatever our features and flaws, we need not and cannot hide from God behind masks. God made us in his holy image and loves us as his holy — hallowed! — children. Our next meeting will be held October 1st at 7:00PM. 5 Birthdays Sandwich Sale: The Women’s Guild will be having there next sandwich sale on October 25th. They are selling Italian, Ham & Turkey subs for $4.00 each. If you would like to order a sandwich please see Alta, Donna or Dee before October 21st. Thank you for supporting the Women’s Guild. October 1 2 4 8 9 10 12 14 21 27 31 ____________________________________________________________ Food Bank Kathleen Sweigart Wyatt Kring Steve Renninger Kieran Connelly Porky Sprecher Mary Renninger Carol Shupp Sara Renninger Laura Brackbill Christopher Sprecher Corinne Weinhold Deb Shelly Danny Yost Happy Birthday! The following is a list of the current foods that are needed: October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 jelly pancake mix crackers noodles Anniversaries Randy & Terri Kring - 39 years on October 4 November 2 cereal Brian & Gretchen Martin - 27 yrs on October 17 Donations can be placed in the shopping cart by the side door entrance. Thank you Robert & Bev Jones - 41 yrs on October 31 Happy Anniversary! 6 Scouting News Meetings: New Holland Parade: The Scouts will be entering a float in the New Holland Parade this year on October 1st. If you happen to make it to the parade look for our Scouts and cheer them on. Bears will meet on October 2nd and 8th at St. Paul’s beginning at 7:00 pm. Webelos will meet on October 6th and 13th at St. Paul’s beginning at 7:00 pm. The next Cub Committee Meeting will be held Monday, October 13th, at St. Paul’s beginning at 7:00 PM. Camp-O-Rama Weekend Troop 121 will be hosting a fun filled family camp sleepover for FREE at Pack 34 Cubmaster Schnader’s farm on Friday, October 17th to Saturday, October 18th. The next Pack Meeting will be held Tuesday, October 21st at St. Paul’s beginning at 7:00 PM. This months theme is “Responsibility”. Bible Quiz There will be a campfire program on Friday and plenty of different stations on Saturday showcasing scouting skills. If interested in attending please contact Matt Schnader at the number listed below. What modern expression comes from the practice, described in Leviticus, of a priest confessing Israel’s sins over the head of an animal and sending it (and the sins with it) into the desert? Interested in joining the Scouting Program contact: A. hogwash B. from the horse’s mouth C. monkey business D. scapegoat Alta Hoshour 717-445-6069 Committee Chairperson or 717-484-1072 [email protected] 7 Answer: D (See Leviticus 16:10, 21) Matt Schnader Cubmaster Monthly Volunteers October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Sonya Yost ** Cheryl Borja Sara Renninger Mary Renninger October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Larry Shupp Donna Ozga Kieran Connelly Deb Shelly November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Dee Sprecher Sonya Yost Cheryl Borja Sara Renninger Mary Renninger ** November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Lynda Cooper Carol Shupp Bill Sellers Larry Shupp Donna Ozga ** Indicates communion October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Ron Frederick Pete Martin Dick Sweigart Bill Sprecher October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Gretchen Martin Nancy Connelly Naomi Martin Dee Sprecher November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Chris Storms Donna Ozga Naomi Martin Dee Sprecher Nancy Connelly November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Sara Renninger Gretchen Martin Nancy Connelly Naomi Martin Dee Sprecher 8 Offering Ushers Treasurer’s Report The monthly report for August 2014: October 5 Charlie Storms Chris Storms Larry Shupp Carol Shupp October 12 Cheryl Borja Sara Renninger Pearl Renninger Grace Sprecher October 19 Bill Sprecher Jeff Renninger Steve Enck Judy Enck October 26 Ron Frederick Chuck Eckenroth Pete Martin Naomi Martin Checking Account Beginning Balance $64,064.23 + Receipts - Disbursements - Transfers 9,585.68 11,465.11 0 Ending Balance $62,184.80 A copy of this information can also be found at the mailboxes in the slot marked financial reports. If you are unable to usher on your Sunday please find a replacement. If you have any questions regarding the schedule please see any one of the Deacons. The following individuals are responsible for counting the offering after worship; October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 Charlie Storms & Nancy Connelly Lauri Sellers & Chuck Eckenroth Steve Renninger & Lynda Cooper Brian Martin & Ron Frederick Alternate Donna Ozga If you would like to volunteer please see Dee Sprecher or stop by the church office. 9 Flower and Bulletin Sponsor Sheet Sponsors October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 open open open open November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 Brian & Gretchen Martin open open Chuck Eckenroth open The new flower and bulletin charts for 2014 are posted. If you would like to sponsor a week please sign your name on the chart for any Sunday you wish. Please fill out the appropriate form and see that Dee gets your dedication information at least one week prior to it going in the bulletin. The cost for the flowers is $30.00. We will place silk flowers in the sanctuary and place your dedication information in the bulletin. If you wish to purchase real flowers you may still do so on your own. The cost of the bulletins is $10.00 each week. Payments can be given to Dee Sprecher. Thank you in advance for your support. St Paul’s UCC Celebrate A publication of St. Paul’s UCC 133 Church St., P.O. Box 177 Bowmansville, Pa. 17507 Phone & Fax 717-445-6256 [email protected] www.stpaulsuccchurch.org October 5 October 12 October 19 October 26 open open open open Editor: Deidre Sprecher [email protected] November 2 November 9 November 16 November 23 November 30 open open open open open St Paul’s UCC Celebrate is published monthly to keep members and friends informed of programs of the church and to report news about the community and its people. Deadline for article submissions: The third Sunday of each month. 10 Children’s Challenge... 11 St. Paul’s UCC 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 Christian Ed 7:00 New Holland Parade 2 Bears 7:00 3 4 5 Sunday School Coffee Klatch Worship/ Communion NIN Offering 6 Boy Scouts 7:00 Webelos 7:00 7 Consistory 7:00 8 Card Club 6:00 Bears 7:00 9 10 11 Garden Spot Village Fall Festival 12 Sunday School Coffee Klatch Worship/Harvest Home Display 13 Columbus Day Boy Scouts 7:00 Cub Committee Meeting 7:00 Webelos 7:00 14 15 16 17 18 Cherry Crest Adventure with Zion 6:30 19 20 Boy Scouts 7:00 Sunday School Coffee Klatch Worship Newsletter Deadline 21 Mission Dinner Sand Orders Due Cub Pack Meeting 7:00 22 Card Club 6:00 Troop Committee Meeting 7:00 23 24 25 Sub Sale 26 Sunday School Coffee Klatch Worship 28 29 Fill Food Bank Orders 30 31 Fill Food Bank Orders Reformation Day 27 Boy Scouts 7:00 Fill Food Bank Orders 12
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