Document 329439

Pray for Ray as he speaks at Synod
tonight and give thanks for the
opportunity for St HIlda's to become
a full parish again.
The Box’s ask for prayer for the
Slovenia-wide Bible Marathon Oct
12-19. A roster of people will read
the Bible aloud, for a week, in and
out of church, to encourage Bible
reading amongst church-goers and
Pray for Scripture teachers now that
school is back in operation, that God
may use their efforts to draw people
to Jesus.
Can we
in any of the following ways?
find out more about Jesus
doing ‘Christianity explained’
having a pastoral visit
making St Hilda’s my church
youth and children’s ministries
joining a bible study group
developing my ministry
Special comments, requests,
prayer needs or thanksgiving;
Pray that in the busyness of life
Robyn will be faithful in personal
Bible reading and prayer
Tonight the church hosts a 'Vertical
film festival' as part of our Arts
program. Pray that it may build
bridges with the community.
Tim McIver is commissioned today
as the new minister for Blackheath
Anglican church. Please pray for him
and the congregations involved that
God may work through their efforts
to his glory.
October 12, 2014
You are
welcome at
St Hilda’s today.
Please feel free to fill in the
comments slip attached to this
bulletin, tear it off and place it in
the offering bag or the church
mail box at the church front
door. We’d love to hear prayer
points, news, or if you are new
we’d love to get in touch and
get to know you better.
Church Info:
Ray Robinson 4782 1608
Assocate Minister:
Mike Wells 0415 159 865
Family Worker:
Robyn Glindemann
Please send my prayer needs to
the prayer chain.
0438 401 088
Our Link Missionaries
Date ______________ 8am 10am 5.30pm
Kingsley & Veronica Box
[email protected]
Leon & Lee Hribar:
[email protected]
Kelvin & Roslyn Nicolle:
Andrew & Sarah Lubbock:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Peter & Joy Palmer: [email protected]
Shine & Jessica Thomas: [email protected]
Parish Assistant:
Michelle Seers 0421 313 898
Email: [email protected]
Home Groups:
Vince Williamson 0408 289 784
Parish Secretary:
Gordon Albert 4757 4847
It was years ago when the Bosnian crisis was at its
height that Australia took a number of refugees from
the conflict. Anglicare drove a group of them out to
its factory to provide them with more than the clothes
they stood up in, which is all they’d brought from
Europe. One lady tentatively took a silk camisole
from a table piled high with clothes that had been
donated. The Anglicare worker encouraged her to
take a couple more. The woman burst into tears.
It turns out she had never owned, in her words, ‘such
a beautiful garment’ in all her life, and to be
encouraged to take two more was beyond her. It
warmed my heart when I heard the story, and what a
gift to be part of blessing someone who’d come from
such trauma.
Whatever the circumstances of those who seek
asylum or refuge in Australia you can be sure they
are less well off than we are. And while we can’t
solve all the world’s problems the question our nation
faces at the moment is: Can we do more than we’re
continued inside back cover....
Home Groups
9.30-10.30am Home open for prayer.
2 Warialda St. 4782 1279
7.30 pm Katoomba. Heather Mitchell.
10.30 am Katoomba. Kristen Burke,
6.00 pm Leura, Sue Stones
7.30 pm W. Falls. Richard Smith
7.30 pm Katoomba. David Pettett
Wed: 10.30am Katoomba. Anne Robinson
7.30 pm Katoomba. Trevor Rath
9.30am the church. Myra Russell
7.00 pm Katoomba. Vince Williamson
10.00am men@shop
Join us at Bing’s BAMBOO BOX
Finance Matters
Weekly Offertory Budget: $3144
Offertory (October 5) $ 3414
Missionary Giving (October 5) $ 95
Building fund donations for August $720
Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts
Account Name:
St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba
BSB Number: 704-998
Account Number: 100 009 830
Reference: offertory
Bank Name: Glebe Income Accounts
Account Name:
St Hildas Anglican Church Katoomba
BSB Number: 704-998
Account Number: 100 009 967
Reference: DONATION
from the cover....
Today after the 10am service we have a time
set aside to talk about possible responses,
suggestions, ideas to address the needs of
those who come to us seeking help.
Whatever political persuasion you might be,
as Christians we have a God given mandate
to care for the poor, the marginalised and the
needy. How we best do that is of course up for
discussion, but it’s a discussion we should
have. As salt and light in a world full of
secular agendas we have the privilege and
responsibility of representing Jesus, and
being faithful to his call to care for the stranger
and alien amongst us. (Mt 25’31ff)
Whatever differing perspectives we might
share, we ought not to remain silent to
injustice we see around us. Please pray that
God may guide us and enable us to make a
contribution to this issue that honours him and
shows care and love for those much less well
off than we are.
Ray Robinson
Sunday Services Oct 12
8 am: Holy communion
10am: Holy communion
Bible Readings:
Isaiah 66:18-24
Mark 9:30-50
5.30pm: Evening service
Sunday Services Oct 19
8 am: Holy communion
10am: Morning Service
Bible Readings:
Colossians 1
2 Corinthians 8:1-15
5.30pm: Evening service
Prayer is
available for you:
If you'd like someone to pray with you
after the service today....
The latest sermon and weekly bulletin
are also available on our website
along with lots of information about
our church and its ministries.
Bible verse of the Month:
Mike Wells can be contacted on 0415 159 865 or email at [email protected]
Hebrews 3:13 ”encourage one another daily.”
Prayer Breakfast
Join us for Dessert and Coffee
to hear Dr Wendy LeMarquand
speaking about her work amongst Ethiopian
and Sudanese refugees
Don't miss this great opportunity to hear of the
Lord's grace at work in the lives of these people!
WHEN: 7:30PM Wednesday 22 October
WHERE: Holy Trinity Wentworth Falls
CONTACT: Mary Clark 4757 2138 or Lyn Maidment 4759
Anglican Aid's Inaugural
‘Festival of Just Ideas’
Another speaker will be Dr. Peter Jensen,
also Bishop Alexis Bilindabagabo.
Dr Wendy Marquand - see above notice.
Saturday 25th October 2014
9:30am to 4:00pm at Barney’s Broadway
Registration $30 / Concession $20
Register online at:
Poppy's Baptism
Dear St Hilda's Family,
Thank you so much for the way that you have welcomed our little Poppy into this community.
We are so grateful for all of your prayers for us, and for all of the support and encouragement
that we have received from you during Emma's pregnancy, around and after Poppy's birth,
around the time of her surgery, and as she has grown into the beautiful little person she is
Poppy will turn one at the end of October so we plan to have her baptised at the 10am
service on Sunday 26th October. We would love you all to be there with us to celebrate God's
promises to us. Afterwards, we would love you all to join us in the hall for a light birthday lunch
and celebration of our precious Poppy. If anyone would like to contribute a plate of
sandwiches or biscuits or cakes or similar, we would be very grateful!
Men's Breakfast at Holy Trinity Church Wentworth Falls
October 25th 7.30 am - Cost $5
Speaker is Alasdair Webster OAM
Sign up by October 22nd, leaflets at the back of the Church,
or call Doug Morris on 0403 215 514
On 19th October we will be starting a new sermon series on 2 Corinthians 8-13.
Bible study booklets are available at the back of the church for private or group study.
Please take one and put a donation in the offertory to cover printing costs.
National Prayer Breakfast Canberra.
Louise Marcus has invited us to send a representative or two to the
National Prayer Breakfast in Canberra Monday 27th October.
There is also the opportunity to attend a welcome service the Sunday evening before.
If anyone is interested in going please speak to Ray for more information.
Cost is $120 per person.
Opportunities for Open Church
Things have been a bit quieter for Open Church over winter, but as the weather warms up
I am sure our visitors will soon be dropping in again.
There are a few gaps in the Open Church Roster, and it would be great to see the doors
open a little more often. You could choose to do it alone, be there with someone else or,
take turns with someone if once a week is too often.
There are many comments of appreciation that the building is open, and many good conversations take place. If you would like to join this team, please leave your name at the
Welcome Desk in the foyer.
Refugee Action
Here at St Hilda's there are a number of people concerned about the way our government is
treating asylum seekers. We want to meet and see if there is any action we might be able to
take. If you are interested in learning more about the plight of asylum seekers in this
country, or the process by which they arrive, you would be very welcome.
We would especially love to see you if you are interested in taking some action as advocates
for those seeking asylum, or as a support to those already trying to settle into the
Please stay behind after church on Sunday 12th October for a chance to talk. Bring your
lunch with you or plan to grab something quickly after the service. If you have any questions,
please chat to Emma Argall or Ruth Kazadi.
Vertical Film Festival
Missionary news
FRIDAY 17 OCTOBER, 2014, 9pm
The screenings for this, the first edition of the Festival, will take place in
the wonderfully tall surroundings of St.Hilda's Church, Katoomba on
Friday evening, 17 October 2014 as an umbrella event of the Australian
Climbing Festival (17-19 October) which draws adventurers from around
the world to the Blue Mountains.
Festival times, prizes, judges and other details will be confirmed during August and this
page and our Facebook page will be updated.
For this first year, entrance to the screenings will be free.
Each year the Bible Society in Slovenia runs a Bible Marathon. They organise a relay team
of people to read the Bible non-stop for one week, mostly in churches but also sometimes
in public places. Our church has been involved in the Bible marathon for a number of years
now, seeing it as an opportunity to encourage people to read God’s life-changing Word and
to speak the gospel to church-going people who don’t yet know God through his word. The
Bible marathon will be running from 12th October to 19th October.
Thank God for the opportunity to work with the Bible society to promote the reading of
God’s Word.
Pray that people involved in the Bible marathon will be encouraged to read the Bible regularly for themselves.
Pray that God will provide opportunities for Christians to speak with their family and friends
about God’s Word as they participate in the Bible marathon.
KINGSLEY & VERONICA BOX with Zac, Sam, Tim & Sophie
I am thankful for...
The taxes I pay because it means that I am employed.
The clothes that fit a little too snug because it means I have enough to eat.
My shadow who watches me work because it means I am out in the sunshine.
A lawn that has to be mowed, windows that have to be washed, and gutters that
need fixing, because it means I have a home.
The spot I find at the far end of the parking lot because it means I am capable of
All the complaining I hear about our government because it means we have
freedom of speech.
The lady beind me in church who sings off key because it means that I can hear.
The huge piles of laundry and ironing because it means my loved ones are nearby.
The alarm that goes off in the early morning hours because it means that I am
Disaster Recovery
New Volunteer Training
When: Saturday, 1st November 2014, 9.30-3.30pm
Where: St Matthew’s Anglican Church 1 Moses St
Food: Morning tea and lunch provided
Cost: Free!
Questions? Interested?
Contact us: [email protected] Phone: 9895 8042
to all aspiring and accomplished musos and singers of all ages and stages,
come and jam after church
...Next Sunday 19 October 12-1.30, and again on Sunday 23 November.
We will just have fun and maybe experiment with new and old songs.
For info see Lyn, Doug, Kathy.