
Welcome to our services today, especially if you are a visitor to St Hilda’s.
Please join us for refreshments after the 10 am service.
26 October 2014
Theme: ―Why We Fell in Love with Jesus and Why He Loved the Poor‖
Readings: Deuteronomy 34:1-12
1Thessalonians 2: 1-8 & Matthew 22:34-46
God of the new and the old,
we praise you for Peter and Paul for the
Church their leadership has established,
and for all we have received from them;
grant that we like them, may recognise
our moment when it comes and choose
you. Amen
Today at St Hilda’s —Stu Corlett,
(Carrie’s Dad) and Carrie will be talking
about Why we fell in love with Jesus
and why he loves the poor at our 10am
service. Please welcome Stu Corlett in his
first public talk back in New Zealand to
raise funds for his work with refugee
families from Burma living in Thailand.
Light Party –
Friday 31 October from 6.30-8pm @ the
Presbyterian church— join in the
alternative to halloween! Come dressed as
Angels, Superheroes or Saints. Years 1-8.
Gold coin entry p/child. Parents welcome!
Address:88 The Parade Island Bay
Next Messy Space Sunday Nov 9th, 46pm, St Hilda’s. Invite someone (young or
old or in-between) from your street.
St Hilda’s Playgroup Start Up
The St. Hilda’s Playgroup had its second
day last Tuesday with a good crowd of
around 10 kids, plus their carers, which is
great for its second day. The team –
Catherine F , Catriona K. and Andrew,
and Diana G - were on hand to facilitate.
Everyone had a good time. Pray for them
as they get into the term, and that the word
around Island Bay and beyond.
Time Out Pray Day
Thanks to all who came and participated
and those who took time to pray at home.
Thanks to Christine Cuthbert for her
thoughtful presentation to encourage us.
Shared Lunch and Parish Forum Sunday
30 November
The Vestry leadership team is looking to get
feedback from as many parishioners as
possible on the new ministry structure which
we have had for the past eight months. This
will be an opportunity to invite comments and
receive constructive input as we look to the
Weekly Prayer
God of all nations, we pray for the peoples of
our planet. Give your Spirit of discernment
to leaders and decision makers. Help them
to know the right time to hand over their
authority to those who are ready
and prepared, who can be trusted with
power, courageous with justice.
Lift our eyes to see the beauty of your
The Studmans update
Dear God, help us to live what it means to
The Studmans are back – but not for long!
love you, and demonstrate what it means to
Welcome back to Cliff and Irene Studman
love others. Guide us, in the example of St
who have been in Tanzania and the UK for
Paul’s mission, to teach with gentleness, to
the past five months. They are awaiting air
reach out with tenderness,
tickets to head back sometime in the next
to persevere, to give of ourselves. Show us
two – three weeks for the first term at St
ways to make our church a place of
John’s Uni. Dodoma, Tanzania, before
belonging, of warm welcome, a place of
coming back to NZ for Dec./Jan.
........................................................................ genuine, caring, common unity.
Lift our eyes to see the beauty in humanity
God is for us – New Wine Festival Jan
15th – 19th Kapiti College, Raumati Beach.
Lift our hearts to worship you. Amen
For the last few years a group from St
Hilda’s has camped and /or shared meals
together at what has been a faith building
event for all ages. This summer the site is
Kapiti College [no longer at El Rancho] and
we will be completely under canvas. This is
an opportunity to be together as a parish in a
camping style setting and enjoy one
another’s company as well as dig down [or
up!] into God. Although it is under canvas
some may wish to stay in batches or motels
nearby or borrow a tent. It would be great if
as many as possible could get together up
there this summer and receive
encouragement in faith.
We are looking for ways to keep the cost of
the camp down - especially for people who
would find it difficult to pay the full camp fee.
If you are in this category and would still like
to go or If you would be happy to sponsor
others to the camp, please contact Rory
St. Hilda’s Anglican contact details:
Office hours : Diana Fri: 9am-12pm . Ph: 3838547
To find out more take a New Wine brochure [email protected]
from the back of the church or go online to:
Wardens Bishop: Michael Hartfield,
Wardens People: Donna Muir .
Priest In charge: Rory Pilbrow 0272618999 Catherine
Froud Children and Families Minister 0212067566