St Wilfrid’s Catholic Church Burgess Hill with St George’s Retreat - Ditchling Common and St Anne’s Convent - Mill Road Parish Priest: Father Rick McGrath The Priest’s House Station Road Burgess Hill RH15 9EN Tel: 01444 232358 email: [email protected] Website: Parish Office open: 9am to 3pm Tuesday, Thursday and Friday Sunday 12 October 2014 - St Wilfrid’s Feast Day Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year A St Wilfrid’s Musicfest St Wilfrid’s Musicfest is THIS SUNDAY 12th - the Feast of St Wilfrid we are having a musical treat in the afternoon. Our musicians and others from surrounding churches will be sharing some of their more interesting ‘praise and worship’ items, from 2pm. You are all invited; come and sing; play if you can! There will be tea at 5pm and a concluding evening service using some of the music at 6pm. Prayer to St Wilfrid Heavenly Father, You gave us St. Wilfrid to be our patron, may he inspire in us a new faithfulness in witnessing to your son, Jesus Christ. We place our trust in you and may the prayers of St. Wilfrid come to our assistance. We praise you Lord, for the graces we receive from your hands. We pray for our parish and our schools, especially for our primary school which is under the patronage of St. Wilfrid. We pray that we may never neglect those who need our help and prayers. We pray for our families and friends and all whom we know. Give comfort and healing to all who are sick. Give peace to the dying and eternal rest to the dead. Amen. Lamb of God (to be sung at the 9.30am Mass) O let the Son of God enfold you, with his Spirit and his love, Let him fill your heart and satisfy your soul. O let him have the things that hold you and his Spirit like a dove, will descend upon your life and make you whole. Refrain: Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. (repeat) O come and sing this song with gladness as your hearts are filled with joy; lift your hands in sweet surrender to his name. O give him all your tears and sadness, give him all your years of pain, and you’ll enter into life in Jesus’ name. Refrain: Jesus, O Jesus, come and fill your lambs. (repeat) Family Welcome Mass at St Paul's Catholic College The governors of St Paul's Catholic College invite all students and their families to celebrate the start of the school year at Mass at the college on Sunday 19 October at 2pm. Stay afterwards to visit with friends, meet our new lay chaplain Dominic Dring and enjoy some tea and cake. Please RSVP to [email protected] or call 873898. the office 01444 Baptism This weekend we welcome into the family of God Sofia Louise Jemima Siddall We offer her and her family our prayers and congratulations. Talk at Worth Abbey On Monday 20 October at 7.30pm. A talk by Charles Wookey on the role of the Bishops and the Dioceses within the Catholic Church. Charles is Assistant General Secretary of the Catholic Bishops' Conference of England and Wales. The role of the bishops in the Church has been a controversial area for some time, are they leaders and teachers on the model of the Apostles or administrators carrying out orders from the Vatican? All welcome. St Paul’s Pilgrims St Paul’s Pilgrims from Haywards Heath invite you to join them on their next walk on Saturday 25 October. Meet at Worth Abbey for 9am Mass (or outside the Abbey at 9.30) followed by a 2 hour walk to the Anglo-Saxon Church of St Nicholas in Worth and back. Easy walk and two lovely churches. Further information from Tony on 07931 792947. Prayers for the sick Please remember in your prayers those from our community who are unable to join us: Bridget Barr, Rona Blackwood, John Brett, Bobbie Brodie, Christopher Browne, Carol Budgen, Margaret Close, Walter Deadman, Bridget Elwood, Graham Forster, Carmel Holmes, Elmira Irasga, Lubasi Malumo, Kathleen and John McKendry, John Mooney, Val Murray, Marek, Val Parris, Eveline Schjerve, Mary Stapleton and Brenda Walsh. Please inform the office of any changes so that the Prayer List is kept up to date. CAFOD Thank you all for so generously supporting the CAFOD Harvest Fast Day which raised a magnificent £1427.56 (includes £766.82 Gift Aided). Your compassion and solidarity will help ensure more people are able to eat healthy nutritious food today and grow their own food to support themselves tomorrow. In the Cycle of Prayer We are asked to pray for the following intentions: Prisoners and their families The Cycle Prayer is from 14 September to the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ the King on 23 November. World Mission Sunday Next Sunday 19 October is World Mission Sunday, there will be a special collection with all donations given going in their entirety to the aid of mission parishes overseas. Mass Intentions & Service Times - beginning Saturday 11 October Sat 11 5.00 pm 6.00 pm Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary time St Anne’s Private Intention St Wilfrid’s June Baker RIP Sun 12 9.30 am 11.00 am 4.00 pm Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary time St Wilfrid’s People of the parish St George’s Well-being of John Kelly St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Mon 13 9.15 am 10.00 am 4.00 pm 7.00 pm Weekday St Wilfrid’s St George’s St George’s St Anne’s Tues 14 9.15 am 11.30 am 7.00 pm Weekday St Wilfrid’s Intentions of Sr Martha & Sr Felicity St Anne’s Private Intention St Anne’s Rosary Wed 15 Mem: St Teresa of Jesus Virgin & Doctor of the Church 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Holy Souls 10.00 am St George’s Deceased Benefactors Thur 16 9.15 am Weekday St Wilfrid’s Holy Souls especially deceased members of FOSS 10.00 am St George’s Paul Heston RIP 7.00 pm St Anne’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Fri 17 Mem: St Ignatius of Antioch, Bishop and Martyr 9.15 am St Wilfrid’s Special Intention 10.00 am St George’s Intentions of Sister Mary Luke Feast Day 3.00 pm St Anne’s Holy Hour with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Sat 18 5.00 pm 6.00 pm Veronica Freer-Ash Christine Cox Children’s Liturgy 12 Oct Bernadette Heppell, Claire Fussell, Clare Hole, Jenny Sumner Solemnity: St Philip Howard Martyr, Co-principal Patron of the Diocese 9.30 am St Wilfrid’s Batty Lynch RIP 11.00 am St George’s Intentions of Sister Mary Vincent 4.00 pm St George’s Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament This Sunday Eucharistic Prayer 3 Confessions Saturday 11.30 am -12.00 noon October - Diary Dates Fri 17 Oct Co-workers of Mother Teresa 2pm Priests House Sat 18 Oct First Communion Children’s Session 9.30am Parish Centre Wed 22 Oct Vintage Club 2pm Parish Centre St Wilfrid’s Parish Centre is available for hire. Please contact the Manager on 01444 242296. Church cleaning 13 Oct Ministries at St Wilfrid's 11/12 October Pat Parrette Our Schools St Paul’s Catholic College Jane Murray Way 01444 873898 St Wilfrid’s Primary School School Close 01444 235254 St Wilfrid’s Nursery Unit Parish Centre 01444 871107 Solemnity: St Philip Howard Martyr, Co-principal Patron of the Diocese St Anne’s Private Intention St Wilfrid’s People of the Parish Sun 19 Flowers 11 Oct Chris Tandy RIP & the family Intentions of Sister Mary Thomas Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Prayer Group Sat 6.00 pm Sunday 9.30 am Readers Delana Ramage Patrick Maher Estelle Carpenter Alec Fulton Ministers Philip L’Estrange Andy Razzell Denise Adamson, Rosemary Fulton, Julia Murray-Logue, Brian Proctor, Shona Tweddle Welcomers Pat Tucknott Alec and Rosemary Fulton Tom Boyle St Wilfrid’s Parish is part of the Diocese of Arundel & Brighton Diocesan Trust registered charity no.252878
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